D MONDAY, JULY 80, WOO. !S65 American Qirl Tan Shoes .luBt the thing for .he nwuneli. v4T 9 Best I9.H0 Shoe in trie Murkel. Call ami MM MtMli CLEAVER BROS. The Boot and Shoo Man. 80'i Hale str.ct, Peadleton, Oregon BRHVITIES. a z, liner, i lllltt. luiiiv I'liwrn r. I law l-v I'ritli appli'M. at llnwlt-v ,i bunlly iiuickt-'ri'l Itonl in town ami toiiuttiH at l..r nale at tli Hale at Imv IJa.ll.-v I'kiali creanu-rv Wil.-ox. .lu-t in Wllooa If v.ni want nin K'i lO Martin'. I lever"' lilen.l roff.-i llawley iV Wileox. Sweet corn, i-ahliatf . Martin'. Awrocl Man cay i nine Pratt. MeCall IJ.uaar pattern- fur tin- Wenxel IVpiirtnu-nt Ston--Kliln C. Wu.hI ami Mertlie Wad vein veil a uiiirrniji- liivnne. When y.m want creain or ie- rreain telephone Dnttoo, Black, MS, Yon eiin alwavH jf.-t the ni. e-l veg.-ta lilea in the Market at K. Martin 'k All kiniln of fruits an. I freuli l)errie niceit in the market at ii.lt. IVnnitt' Melon", eanteloi'H, Ilarth-tt poar ami lreetoii.- Kclien. llawley , Wil cox. Iinriny the Hah- at tin- Wen.-.-l Me iiartiiieiit Sture" all iroiaU will he -ull at coat. If von want pur.- home ren.lenil hir.l with in i a.liilleratiun to Schwan ami (ireiilieli. Wanted to rent, furnish. -.1 i lor l.-w inonthn or Ioiikit. .1. M. II.. i-un Kant Oreemlao. Henry (h.- Konrth, the lurm-Ht Key Went ciuar in town, fur It) iviita, at I'm t r cigar Ht-.re Yon can gut nianv kimkIs for little money at the WenHel lrpiirluii-iit Store" 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 tr their Hale. Pineapple anil Htrawherry iee cream Hoila, claret phoiphate, cin-a-kola ami llazelw.Hxl ice cream at Ward'. One Minute t'niixli cure in the only harmleHH n-me.lv that iirmlmvH inline diate ri-aulte. Try it. Tallmun & Co., l.-a.linh' druggieta. nail paper, paint-, u'l.i . pirtiin- ii in I .in. - - material at t'lia oiera Inula.- I, luck, Court out campini: v Martin Iiiih let lied an. I frumiiiK Sliarp'p, ai MM If yon an- gulag will want luin-li uoihI ii nice line of all kin. I putt - I meal Milton Kajh- Henry Kruiier ex- to Baiah Utreahina bli wheat to lay. Tim yield has been alnit :i(i lm-1.. per acre. a laarlag mill i to be balll on the Tonchet river, at Uivcrxidc, near Walla WallM, with a capacity of Hmoiity live harrels a day. IhiWitt'a l.itth- Karly RiaMN are fainoiiH little pills lor liver ami I hum- I trouble. Never (trip.-. Tallin in .V Co , lead r. iinnitH. HievcloH can be puri'liaaud at the f reerent AflMMf in tin- Kast UragOBUM IniihliiiK on in-tallineiit", payment f I, or more, u week. No inleresl. Mrs. Dr. Krank inserts artili.-ial human eyes without pain. They re semhle the natural eye, ami move eaally in the orbit. Hotel Pcll'lleton, Itoolll 4. G, K. Deinutt in makiuK a aia-i-iiilty of fancy xr.s'eries. His line of staple ur.K-eries are of the leading hramls. Vour onlers left with him gal prompt delivery . Kee.1 Muur.- wit- arreste I I . r. - ;-.itur-laj on orders from the sheriff of Union county It is not known lien- for what lie is wanted. He was taken to l'nion on Suudav's train. Sarah A. Thompson, executrix of the will of the late lames :, Thompson has MMNI discharged from further responsihilitv, having made tiniil ac- counting to Judge Hertmen. Dennta Brown ami Pete Mill- were up before Recorder Beam this fore noon, tin- tlrst being drone ami Bght- t , ., tin- hitter for being drunk. Tliivy were lined fi" ami 6 reeaeotltely, StevpiiHon, Wash., is going to have ixmneetlon with the ontalde world by a tttlepboue line that will cross the river just below the falls. The contract ban eeen lei for tin Retraction of the line. la. omu engineer are at work on Thirteenth and Del. in streets, near tin fatal curve where the rtrect-car acci dent occurred on the Fourth of July, to see if a safer approach can Hot be made t.. the bridge, Thousands ol the very Is'Hl tenti m. minis of most prominent people of California, Oregon, and the eastern states, are open lor iBSpOCtiOU bv all who may hon'or Mrs. Dr. Krank with a call. Hotel I'l-ndleton, RoOOl 4. A. M. Dorothy lias been appointed as eXefntQr of the will of the late William W. Mitchell, without bond", as provided for in the will. He died on l ii'. Ii'., and left property valued at 19000, The In-irs an- Martha Wal lace. David Mitchell, of I'asiona Calif.: Oenrirc Mitchell, of LoetllM Mrs. Hansen, of Kansas. l ire at Adams Monday, nays ,tl Weston Deader, destroyed 7o or HO acn of itandlna train hi-humim; to wil ham Hol.lmnii. Sn.irk- from the Killc of the moruiliK iiassentfer ignited the wheat, ami an entire Held was burned before a check could be nut t the Haines. Wi'Mim Deader: Milton Is ablet boast of (be first automobile broiiy-l to I'matiHa county. It is even ahead of Pendleton and walla Walla in tb reepect, The nMCblne wai received few days two bv J. I.. Khun, Miltmi hardware merchant, and is now the hdniiration of the coiintryaide. iam Dm- supplies fhe motive power. ton have lived in Pendleton for (lu pus! four yean and hav.- mart) Irlendi! hare who regfel their departure. Mrs. Patton has been Vllltlng in the Valley ami will shortly join her husband at their n.-w bOWIO, Mis Bleanor MoorhotiM, oi Walla Walla. Who ha" been a nm'st in I'en- dleton of her oouilnt. MIbcm Oeleetlne and Augnita Moorhuee, went to Wecton Saturday. Mrs. George w. Proobetol and her daughter! ac Dompanled by Miss Moorhoon left Sunday for Saline's camp on Baokel mountain to remain a week. Mis. Mnorhoiise will return to Pendle ton and w ill uu tn McaCham with a party ol Pendleton people, Lee Moorhooee visitinl The Dalles. Cascade Loekl and Multnomah Kails on Sunday, roMrnlinj this manilag with a bit of tine pictures. He was the KUest during the dav at the camp of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wilson, of the Dalles, who are campiiiK nt Oaacade Locks, and was giren an excursion to Multnomah Kails on which a number of tin- cuniiierH went. He smiaks en- thnaiaatieaily ol the attract! renew ol (be cninpinx shi(s at Cascade bocks, where at almost sea level the tempera-tun- was low tbrouirbont the entire dav. KOEPPEN'S MODERN PHARMACY Everything that ll hftpt In a first MM) up tn rfafp drug itore, 115 Court St. SPECIAL Get Your Cum... ii Read Kvery I )ay i rouse Season Ipeli- mty "f shell' at II. J. Stilliuan's Oeract Weeb mm Main H Quick Cab Service qcod Urcrr ihk--Rlgi for Teal Iprtafi at n rime Keaaonabli i!iit,v French Restaurant. TBI I'l.ACK TO KAT. W here you cmi W leeMtblaa 0000. 77 J Oeit.ru iiimo..Am.rlr,r,i!f l BjraM Rrr.m, (lus l.al'ontnlnc, Proprietor. uv nrno tar, ers. we nr., -imi,., n,..w"li ,.,.... " 0 ' i iixj i . . . . -Krii'Hi.. ' ILl. 1 ri.Am Villi BCCV M tin aiiii "" rar llCIS WUMUm irilll Iwan.iic.i,-,,,, ka, . v i vat in I ii i l.I i .. . " " rr'iiiark.L.. .. ..... . ia rtnuhtr.tl I-., ..,,'' """""a.aV KI.VIN t'HXb l'roprlftnr. i)cpot Stable. I'liimi lly. l-Milmrr.-l-ii.lii. n.iiir Mbaaae4 na Wfceat, Hour. Bill K.-e.t. tSaeeead kco.i, iwyn in aaaa. oi lis kin-. nruii.. a-1 Parktr Carroll. II. T. I'arkei and Mis- Leslie farm united in num. i.- Miinlav alter lii'. at the home of Mr. am .1. II. Carroll, parents of tb , in Kast Pendleton. Tin n was pertormcd bv Key. W. K i tin- Church of tin- 1 eerc noon, Mrs. bride moor PeielM deemer, Moxleo's Traaly With China. Hie piveriimeiit olli.'ial .tailv iricun at City of Mexico, the Diario, pill lisbed the text of the new treaty I'oiniiR'rce, friendship and navigation l-'tween Mexico ami ( lnmi. Ih tr.-atv -lipulates (hat citi.eus of boll oountrioo aball be I fee to go to each country and reside with complete pri tcclion. The diplomatic representatives an- to be appointed, ami also consular agloerc, Import and export abarga rectiiroi alh to be no hiirher than in case ut tlic most lavorisi nation. PK0PLE WHO ARK If E It K0R A DAY Khea, II. o Itartholomew am in-iu'i-r, lleppuer husincHHiitcn I I, A W. I 're al (lie lioi.-i r,. m iii -I-iii t.siav on their way home from ChiciiL'o. Mr Khea took a trainloa.l ol -beep to sell in the Chicago market which be .lis pos.-.l ol to o.hhi ailvautaite. Ill tlu-r two aci'uinpanieil mm. .Mr. lilica said he u,,(e, a markisl uuprovemeut in the sh.-ep market, the nreogthetl illii iMlillvt ill the form of i't cenl- a head advaaee. "I am oi the opinion," said he, "(hat the advance i- in-riua iieut, and will lc followed bv further advances, allhouxh 1 would not al ti-iiiiil to Nay just how mi-' hinder heep will tfo. New Lines Just Received.... Kodaks and Kodak Supplies t Complete Assortment of Stationery. All the I.Htest Sheet Music. The I .itc Papers and Pe riodicals. Tallman b Co. Leading Druggists Coruer Main and Alta Streets. Subscribers to Magazines Partonal Mention. Mrs. Otto Uoetb'her i- a guest at In. .-. i in .SpriuK- hotel. Waller 11. Drown, of Walla Wall a guest at. the Hotel IVndleoii. V . 1'. Klixbv ba- relnrned I ruin a brief oiitinu at lliiiKham rpriuxa. Mrs. .1 oil ii Swit.ler has been lien iroui witl.-r s laland, vibKiiii.' Mrs . w. Nye. Charles llt-rkelev ami .1. It. Ilixun r.-tiiriicd this morning from an - utio it lliuishain Sprinils. Miltui Kaule: Mihh Kvu WimhI of Weitoii, was visiting at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Cbast.iin Saturdiv. Mrs. James and daughter, Mi- Bee ie JameCi have come from Athena to reside In-realti-r in I eiiilleton. Mr. and Mrs. f-. . Clopton reiurncd thil rtliag from llinghain Springs, where thev have been since Kridav net, Miss l.iiln Simpson ha- gone to (iar- licbl. Wash., (.. reiiuiiu with friends. Sin- will attend sch -ol there Heat win ter . Kll Havel, of Bebo, is a visitor in I'endlelon (.slay, lie reKjrU that .-n-n one is very busy in his section of (be country. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Miller and nun, of Athena, passed through I'endletoii today on lb. i way to llnlaway and i. loo.,., springs to remain a month II. C. (iueriiHuy, Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Ilailcy, Mr. and Mrs ,1. I Itobinsou, I' red V . J.anipkin and others from Pendleton, punt Sunday at llinghain CASTORtA aar. t)is slKtintutc of CllAS. TI. Fl.RTCn Jn iisr lot moo- (ban thirty years, and Tit Ji'ih.I JOV4 Alwayi JliufU. Come ami look at the bicycle at the Oreecenl Agency in the Kast Oregon ian building. IIIi'VcIhh for a aniall amount down and the lialanre in montl.ly pay ments, no internal. IS IT RIUIIT For Pa lent an hdllor to RccontmaU Medlelnaa? (f'riim rt,. Ivan Vsll.- Ni'wa, Hr.-var.l, N. ('.). It may be a aOOCtlon whether the editor of a newspaper ha- the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary mediolnee which Seed the mnrket, yet a- a preventative of suffer ing we feel it a tltltv to any a good word for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedy. We have known and nsisl this medicine in our fainily for twenty vears and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of thil remedy would save hours of suffering w hile a physician is awaited. We do not iieiieve in ile pandlng Implicitly on any medicine for a cure, hut we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's diarrhoea Itemed)' were kept mi baud ami ad ministered at Hie inception of iui attack much suffering might Ih- avoid ed and in nianv caaes the pres. n i a phyeii-ian would not be required Al least tin- ba- been our exiMTIellce luring the pint twenty vears. l-'or sale b) rallinan a Co., druggists We have clipped from the Lii Oramb the following otirnal : "Als.ut three months ago the San 'raueiaoo Kxantiuer oootalned the newi f a damaged vessel in the barlsir con taining cite.- and si p dip. I he two arti.-li-s.il cumiiu-rce were found float ing in the hold, and the merchants to whom thOT w.-r.- consigned refused to accept them, not only hci-aiine they were water soaked, but because the IDOOp dip bad not bad a salutary effect Uhiii the coffee. One of our home mer- hants at that time predicted that Kastcrn Oregon would soon Is- overrun with cheap coffee. There is now in this section a man who offers to sell fur eight cents a grade of coffee which u r merchant-' cannot buy wholesale .r twelve. There may In some con- llectli'll Istweell the two incidents." "Nuff sed." OWL TEA HOUSE. or Cruising U-Ut r Urn- o( Mlai IIIMlkct It. 'ii C GOTZMN & m "Dandy Line" IK VOI WAN t TO IUI aeribe lor m-i.- i-u- or ucWKuaours in iLu riilte.l HiaivH ur km. ie. reuill, by ijuntal uuit-, rheck or ii i u tin- Km oaaoo Ni (be act ,. .i ,,-i,. , I'm- ol in. but-lltalluii you dvklre. a n, I uu wilt you aiei aaauulu all rlak ul lie ft Will I.1U von - mil rl.k II von aru a . . i,-, i . i .. , lo tUc oaauuNi.s. b, ri-uniiiua vou -.mj, umiio w?u h'i i-vui irout in,- l.ubii.uia- pooc Auuivai, avAni imwiun iak run. i;u. tiMI, Untewu. iiavr 11 kvut lo yot in. n btriUK lu.t fn lie- uiallh i ...tk i Co.llc Spring-. Charles Marsh, i.eorg.- Hurtman, jr., Will Mturgie, Claud Knglc, and Wili Havia ruturuisl riunday evening from Lehman Spring-, where they bad a pleasant time. Kugene Uoardi Joe Klein is m the city todav calling on bis many old time friends. Jih- is located at I'l-ndle-ton and prospering, we are glad to any. lie hiivs tin- cr.u.- an- imiii.-nse in Umatilla, Milton Raglel Mra. Henry Nagel of Idaho Kalis, Idaho, departed Wed nesday for her home, after a fuw weeks' visit in Milton. Mrs. Nagel will atop in 1'cndlclon a few days to visit here aiaU-r, Mrs. C. W. Oliver. lien K. Havis ruluruud on Sun. In from linker county, and will again make his home in rtndltlofl He has doiii- the aHBt-HHUieiit on ilia mining chum- near gumuter for ItNjo, and will not go ba.-k to ii,. ,i, until fall or win ter. John H. Kiencli, ol llulter Creek, has MeoitfOd word that the family of Ilia Bon who was killed a few days ago bv (ailing in a mine at liuaalaiid, would not come here to live, but will arrive here tomorrow to viait for a lime. They expect to make their homo in KoBslauit as heretofore. Mrs. Mary A. Murphy ami her daughter, Mra. Harr Pholpc, left Sat urday evening for Kairbaveu, on I'uget Sound, where they will remain for three or four weeka. Mra. 1'helpa bas been quite ill with typhoid level for the past month, and the trip is taken in the bono that ahe will be benefited by the Beu breeze.-. They will go by ateauu-r from Cortland to Seattle. William PettOn will b-ave this even ing lor Marablielil, Cooa county, where be will make in. houiu and engage in cmlneac. having purebaaed a harbor simp thorn. Mr. and Mm. I'al- I'Urir rt-piiuiioii, vaiatili.btsl by Heeltcal It-uls vtm-ret.-r worn, i-oo ,-- uh iii it uo.iuou I. Warrant Every Pair. it your luailer not curry tliein lit ntut k, tfo VVUfl'f Ih-'V k' tilt III. YatJ Mill Ih Hfll riMlat't (ur tbi troublt1 I Ml l-.V IK U AltltAMKI) l C. G0TZIAN & CO., 'i mi. i i i mere, 5T. PAUL, MINN. W. H. Jones, . . . Healer In Agricultural Implements, Barb Wire. i 'ottoiiwyoiMi ejeeet, rear of Kraaer'i Op era Home. Pendleton Savings Bank I Mil. AN I 'M- It A til' H I, I MM. tAflTAI. T .U, UU.. I'ruuvaelnu l.eueral liaukliiK HiuIum-. inioruki all, mod on uiu dpoits i- . . i . ii. . ii , . i i.e. i aold on all priori al potatle. sjHrolal aUeiillnu .i,.-o to -mi, ,. W. I KliKNIHIl, 1'rM.ldam J N.TfcAl., Vlo-Preldut. T.J. taOKItlH. I'asUlvi A' 1. 1. THli NEWS! Take the But Oraonian. Daily gj.oo a year by mail. Weekly i ju, mad Scmi- " Veakly ga.oo a year gaoipl (y fre NORTHERN PACIFIC ItUNS Pullman Blcepiog Cars. Blaoant DinlUR pan, Tourlat Slefjim", Cars isi. PAUL MINNKAPOLIH IU I I TII PARtK) UHANU KORKH 1 iOROHKSTON IWINNBPKH I IIF.LKNA and buttb. hrough tickkt8 to OIIICAHO WAHHIN'UTON I'lni.AHKi.i'iiiA M-'AV YORK HI I.STON all DOinU Bad and South. Througl) tl.'kel. tn Jamn mi l riiinn. via Tacoiiin ana S.iriiii'rn r.u uii aieeauble 00 and Am.-1 -lean Hilt-. TIMK SCIIKUULK. ITeJa leerei feedteeee eallr .-.-ii loeaeji at i, -1 i ni. Kor uirtlii-r Intnrtuatloti, tlni" car-l, lieiiw, and 1 1. k - call on oi v. rite w . Adanaa, rendla ton. Oregee, or a. i. i iiaki.idn. Third nu. I Muni-. ii i- . PofUaad. or-. Take the... W ashingtoi. & Columbia River Railway IPendleton Academy oprattf Academic Care ol f.-.r yean prapanltory Ui the heai aiiindurd nollegea ate I or ereet, univalent to tho beat baalnec liege. .. which preparee (or County Kxaniinatlooi ami for siaik Butlneu wn Teacher-' Cnurm I ,1 III ill! 1 A. cr.-lit.-ii bv the state Boanl of Bducatlon and gradual the aUM baai- for Slate Diplomai -i any eel I in the -late. talned. Blocntlon offered. Kor catalogue ami Information auareee BKV. P. I.. KOBBR 1 1 x auee LLITIinrn . I U K till Bl U I IINNN , I a. '.".." Imillure. l (-! "'"'Ii IH!,,. cat ,,! anrrM.n.i fann "" t" ' nmn iai 4 1 grlrii 1 1 nrn " l""' VI " T. let Ullft . m aiejU, -tort Naf rl.. THE FAMILY FEATllRFQ., Mt raalil.iiia. I1.,,. . III. .I-I L1. and Vonna- VMha1 I-a , "a 7rr--r. nun n tih ..-t aia iii.i i oi in... i .. it 'i - nr.- adm itted on All grade main M. Cb,, Principal, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL A UK QDeflia 0 Hrnrrp r.. 1 , w. , , .v,,UUg Q MM pi -,r . .." l"r" "'"'Irtlon, M ,ll- AHUIIII AN Alllllee. . . .. . 1 "Hi. H Oye'pprrila nf 1'ronra-, a,iV.il.h",k worm, a i.iildu lo .Mink, , ,, '?" 1 1'rlcea won, aaimttfcj MON MOUTH, OKHMON. rail l. rat eeeae leeteBtacf H, Th. atudeate of the Norctal leaeo re r revered miiiki- tin- Mate i . it i ii. -at.' leteteoletely on (M0 netiee. iiraditatei ratdllr leeeN roodjeeetttoee, ggaeeie ol rear from $131 to t siruuK Aendeiiile and l'roi",linal ttniiraoe, n,. -1 mi Deeartateai in aaaaal Tmlalag. eeil aqelpped rail clef BeearimaM Kor .'.ilalouil" 1. lull l 11. 1. Ireea FREE p, u v. Utl'HKLL. N. lei I'ri-ld.'iil, ..I Km. ulty. 1500 Bucks for Sale U III . Kan- Joe, Omaha, and ,gi aaa City, St. All Points Las. and Sou'h ttev ni''' lull liiu ul 'oiled DeUtino Marinos, matured and oarefully s men should see tlltiltl Cnrti oid and pin , on tn. Bound, Arrivm Moii.lny.. Wcttn-idy ami Kn.iay-ai tii.Via iu. Teeedare. Taundaya aa 1 a.nir ia). at .J:.V, a. in. 1 ;- dally ,-xri'pl Hii'l.nv mi -,:ii . 111. Kor 111lor111.1t11.11 i.-aardiiie reuw and accom uio(alloui, call on .11' addfl If W. ADAMS, AKOIU, l'i'udt,-iiiu, oreaoii. U. B. OALDiatlBAO, 1. C A , Wallu Walla, Waali. LdDttS Sale il Rambouilletfl and They an- large, well ii ried imckH. Sheep nt- making rontraetH, CoMveyanei furnished tree to Inipeol this him.! ol' tlmroiigliltruda, Address CMAS. CUNNINGHAM, Pendle oil Pllol Rock, Or YEAR BOOK AND HH It tn a trmwnrynf Hifti,tlr..r.j,.. I-..,,, er (I - .1 , .. '. 'lllhfc man Work on BeenrBubJeol w' " culturi, Industry. lommaroa "iitSff ift I-ilur-aMoi- Ifclii-iMii niwl c.nu.. .'. ai Almanac of t'alandam, th VialuJ. een.icji. mu. ions i,.r - .,-liH,,i. , . ' . " fl vjnUUi i. f ' 1 1 liV .. niill'i.lll.' riTln. will I.. .-miiTim L.,..kTT.' ili.--.soii' Till-: III: I MM o 1.1. ...... ! Murniot(i r.ulnllliu. I Ikaaaaai m uur isrcviAL inter. Weokly East OreHonian,$l,50) A ..f 111 a . . . I iipunui) .innn Kiiitnin tub i on i ... umiis" tiuuti I U Ul J . n A, l,vv f II Year hook and Almanac, .60 ) Our Price for All, $1.85. AeaBBgh EAST OKI 'IONIAN PUB. CO I'endleton, Ortjoi. 0.RM " V Gnp it&Sl&& '; mW - ,,UO UAKVLAll. I'top. 0 o o Lots 5. ii, l Oaiud 11 In Block 81 Re serve Addition to Pen dleton, opposite Wash ington & Columbia River Railroad depot, will be sold ai reasonable prices from Elegantly Furnished. Steam Heated Hurupein Plan. Bleeth ami a-hall from lep t. .imple idem 1 in connection . Kin. Ill IvHli SXk. 75c, I.M i.-'i- uu Tlmo Schedule aim RM From Pandloton. nai gael Man. Halt Leke, Deafer, ron rvt x.c Nu. I Worth. Oeiehe, Kan- No. I UU)C aa- cm. i Louli. Nu. '.' t'hl.-aKo and Kan, rla So. 1 .' : lo . m. Orvxoii Hhori Lie. Iu:j a. HiHikalni Wall.. Walla, Hpokaur. Spolm Klyur. MIiiii.-hhiIi i Caul, rinr Nn.il Utile tb, M.lwaukN.No.i i . n in Chloeco an. l gaet va i.m llrvat Northvrn. K.i-i Mall. I'orllan.l and Man rut Mat mii. ni. rranclteo. . a lu:f. p. m. I m,a Igtg in Ooaan Stoaniihipi e aai a- i .... Portland. KiirHan Kraiu-larii- Kvery tin- dajri. ima. in. Columbia River :ta Ki eauilajf stoiimur. kisuwi ielurae) Ho Aitona tad Way i In a. in. l..i .. iiinc UataarlC Sneke River, Ujeja) e W in. i(i.aim i.. UtrWea. i-e Mined (mill k.av.-- I'. i-1 1 .-t..i lor 'alUa dallj eaeeat laadar, et5me,.eaiem al I :ai i. in. hor lull lalMWCllOB ll Ct WtHHt .- II IICKLJIfH. lo-ll.-ral I'aMrnirr AH hirllaBd, iiitr f, r. waaai.ev, aceet, t bmm THE PACIFIC to 4 I . I 1j each. The lots are ex cellently located and are only five blocks from Main street. Apply to JffidksQi East Oregonian Building. The Leading General Farm Paper the Northwest. HOMESTEAD Bingham Springs of ; Mgeeam i-,-iiiii.-ii.ii HiKh Class illuslraled Tarm Journal Published Week y at Salem, 0regon-Try It. BO VEAR8' EXPERIENCE ,1MTlle ,Ho"KSU'1(1 !f Lw"ut' Pae Paper, fom columns to the a"3-1 i'njn 1'iivc ij pi ycdr, in uilvauce. Its uu' ii 1 la 1 a. . . m I " ' "u" innn itidiciv took lust Dlaoa nl lirm I ...:ll : .... ,. . .. r1" .... ,,.,,ti -,. .in , Wiu ui.u.iiuiii n I RAOF MARKS DC81GNS COPVRIGHTb AC Anrnnttafliidlnei i akeirh aiid datNcrlnhon nmv quk'kly twi-urtatu our mniima fre w In t t.t-i n iiiviiitiii la probably HtitlHttU' t otniuunioa thiiiaaliiiily t'oiiU.luiilia!. lUitdtxMja on PaMoti ateiit frtj Ul.lejat hmiilv fur i.wurttiai pttluitta. I'alviita tkeii tlirouetii Mann A i icWg Bji'iiu' llnlUt. wit tnul char tld, 111 I lit' Scientific American. A hanilaomeljr illuslraled woekly. Laravat dr- oetlaiiuii ol tuiy olantlflc lounmi 'iVi uia U ywtr: ft.ur nioatlu $1. 8uld by all iiwsdgtlra lite:",!) paKe. loation was l until' I'OIO- Til - I ln-.i.,ut,..i I 1,,.. ll .P - "MiawHHg mna paper oi me tir-.t-class. and ukwb, wuy aeaa your annt-y But- Way not li in tag Northwest i Itr.n newspaper ol general circnlalion to tue inleres s ol this se'.tion Ihe price ol th.- Vnuv JvAsr Okk Ionian is .50 a vear We will Mod our piper lud ,!,, H mmimA 011e year fo( $0Q JSi HAST ORIvGONIrVN PUB. CO., Peudletou Oregon. ot wide circu- intiiitain liere and devoted Rahhitt Motal mi m smals uuuuiii muiui. n on 1 in' iLhitm. .ivlniiiiluf, uibiM .1.01. uu. Mo. n- 1,1 Welle v oiwrai e. oi-- ii- Ira. Tralm-l inira.-ai .-all. ll. 11 I raloa from ; o.-r a-k ui. ThIiI- board t-. ami fi kt ak. u...., iiiiiiine eeaia r ceei tor uiak I ,. r.l... o. hi. Mil HOllll. I'l' ' .1. 1 I.O. Km information a. I. Ire.. Manacror Rintrhani Sni'illfSi iiiuhuvi aaretemceem 1 - ftMOaf, OemMOaC SEALS! Notary and Corporation $;i.50 to $ft Delivered Orilernf ue anil aave nion-iird.-ra l,.r Hubbcr MP alao eolicltotl. The Pendleton Foundry AiijoiiiiiiK geadmVw am" J u in. tint Alta and Court Street'- OUANTITIFS "' Sal" l,Y '"t Jrca,iBlao Put,. Co Sim, doai n" r:r,rlif,' At an b-,,.,1 of 1'ii.itlliL' '. . .1 OjOtlce, Work jtiiiininiiv uJiey urn maker empy ''! ' hare. j or your work, bcW The WHITE HOUSE QR0CERV Stuplc a.ul I'll ue (irocct ic.s, l,uis and Beirieh All th- 1 fA 1 OM BROS., Proprietors. Main Pendietofl, Or-