DAILY EVENING EDITION . it k .in ... -I ; ( .if 1 . Tut V"r "Ail." in The I ttitOrejronfan urnl hv It . . ern . TheKaotOrciJotilaii PENDLETON, PMATILLA COUNTY, OttBeON, SATURDAY, JULY 28. 1900. no. ;8rH m Slate Pencils, . 1 Uwl PenolU, w. UENERAL NEWS. frederick Nolf jggayi the Cheapest. rV nc of Whlpa at whole- Prices on All Our Summer Lines liTtM ..,. rare importunity I I i i Ms I I 111 I I III 111. Summer Need. pai,ii I mi I .7" I 1 i ..i.. Br I,, i.'i, flini'-. I Bmhon I iirnlture. ..... ir;. I ,nD mid 13.88 Mte I B8r to l.4ri 91.88 r, Uluiiiil Bioyole in tin' , .Jin Home worth and fisj. Xrr a cNiniilcti' MIM of Fancy It. 11. ,'l.i.i,, I .liiuuiiiirii Weekly Kmiuer Agent Have Been Reduced Again. We are "Stun- Cleaning" with I VBIIgeauue for the recep tion of our fall ii of .hi- whirl, will begin to arrive bow August int. Her., in Bve 1 1 net which will leamr, the mm heal in nearly nail and laaa than hall their real value i Ladies' Shirt Waists... (iiHul clmofimg "till here nt prices tlmt please nil who them. Lawns, Dimities and all Thin Goods . Take another drop In prion thle week; all oar 80c and SBc grades go dow n to I lie. Crash Skirts... One-third goes off the priea this week. Crash Suits... ror men pool ami poroBBj 88.80 a suit. Summer Underwear... Many choice 1 1 net lor men ami women, reduced (q BJe and BA ALEXANDER HEXTER. The Boston Store NO LET UP TO THE Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. It's the siniplt' fact that we aif giving you bigger and better value for yur money, that alwayi brings the people back. ' re the buniett people in town todaj and all Injcaune You gel more for a dollar here than you can elsewhere. Read a few of our prices. There are others. n yanl-Wliit. India l.iucn, worth Sc a varil . 2 V) Turkish Towels, worth Iftkje. for WiBMen Percale ami Lawn), worth i ami:; i All our liae ol Led lee1 Sunnoer Neckwear at hall' uri.v laJea1 Covert Outing suits, worth tt.BO . . Vlliltc llllfk mill Pin II. Klrirta nt I ill I . rices hik Oall and CoTarl Suitings, worth Mb San Huniietx. worth Xtc CMMren'. Peraeole, worth :tv to '' UuW Beumer Veata, . . 2 for "' 1 n- I'iiiiiiv, lUguiidv . wiw. at, timghains, ete., ut less than half what rilll'll L.IM I.. I...- MmIUhIIh LuriM an. I Clial lie's e uiaghama, worth LfUc ILadler Bolt, worth BBc to . lor Jit Kid Oloven at 2'ic and "lie a Sc "V ii," I..') . LOc Ita in, 5c la Ac Iftc pair Lad lee' shoe, worth 18.80, for Ladiaa1 Tan or Itlark Oxfords, worth for Men's Shoe-, worth 11.80. now Men's SIiin's, worth '.', for CLOTHINO OEI'AKl MENT. 18 Men's Petunia Ooata, worth (tori 85o to 81, for ih Hoys' Peraala Ooata, worth from BOe to 78c, for 24 Men's and Hoys' CraHl, Suits at half price. iii Hoy Percale Suits age :i to 8 . worth ".v, for 0 ocii Men's i. .ill Shirts to clow out ut half anoa. 4 do.en Men's Helmets to clow at BJe, worth gBe, .'Hie, Bao, 7"c. Fine line Siioinier Neckwear, worth 7", . t.. close at Kvery SuinniHr suit of Men's and Hoys' Clothing ut 20 er cent discount. I (HI B0c $1.00 olc aoe tOc -,o, Call and get a bargain. Come with the crowd to Pendleton's Big Store. he Best Ever Browed. PILSNER BEER. Jr from iili,.r..,i ........ i.... c"'-.. i. in-, inn cun uriiiK eeui ,,i i ..... i .i... I .ii ii.ii ii. i. u,c " k 1 uiiei . nuit . u mmmm I'll C. V. HtAU flaeVOW, inslow & Head for Infants and Children. Tin- Kind You BJgaya) Alwuys BoOgdU Ii" lnu- HM Mljriui tur iiI'CIium. H. rWtflher, and ho brcn nmU- und. r hia 1181 ITT WUnartalWI lr mm Allow no une to dct.ive von In thin. Count.rtelU, luilUttloue and JiiHt-as-Booil" aro but Kxn. i U... nt, and oudaiiKer tlio health of CUlldreu-lixperieucc against Kxperiiueut. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the signature oi sears uw oiguawuic In Use For Over 30 Years. Illllr.irimv i Di.Milon, xl lv. iiif -ivia duu IH IIUL IUI IJCt Jobbing . Specialty. 'nn to Order. Coiumwood Ht., hitwian Alt and Wohh. Cad,eln Uki;ih Stage Line c,a,v, Prop.,. Lllp-J. U4y . 11... fj . k To buy your BT VIC8 ami KANGES win pg you can buy Uie beet ami oheapeet, batidei eight dif ferent line t aelfi-t from. The plaoe t buj is at JOE BASLER'S. for ""22? 'Kiioitble frolgUt jid pee- -THE EAST 0RE60NIAN. a millionaire . Mont . , died Joaeph, Mo., home to To on a Hurl inn- Charles II Hoyt, the idaywrinht and theatrical manager, has Ix-en adjndKed insane at Hartford, Ootm., and taken to a retreat there. His condition is critical. K. ti. Trout, said to In took man of Dear Lodge from heart disease at St. while en route from liis eka. He taken ill ton train. An order for llH.tXIO ggRBOBta to b made up at once was NWifM at the United states n oartenuaater dapot at .lefferson ville, lnd. The (jarnieiits w ill he sent bjf fast Ifelghl to Seattle and thence to the Orient. Under an assumed name, his past prominence forgotten, and poverty stricken. Mortimer l. Shaw, who con ducted the telegraphers' strike in I8U, pa teed away la K, Loviaog .inly is, without his identity being known. I lor.ncio 1,. liaxiola, a Mexican hny. Hi years old, has Imcii arrestnl at l.os Amides, mi a cliarfcre of rohliiiiK the Kogaloa poatofflce ol JoOtM in cash. The monay wai stolen ,n the alghf of March 21 . (laiiola has cotifessisl his gallt. In introducing the Indian hiidyet in the llOOaa ol OOttmOM the secretary ot state for India. LjOfd tlaoge llaniilton, coiiimeiided the patience, resignation, coitrtesv and ahtention from crime with which the 88,000.000 people in he stricken area have laead famine. The latest reports from India were BBjrthlng hut satisfactory. At Oroqaieta, In the Philippines, two loldieTI entered a native store for the purpose of 1,11 V 111(1 IihmI, While there one of them was killed hy a 1k,o and his head severed from his l,,sy. Tne other escaped and nave the alarm. A c pany of the Kourt ith Infan- trv, itaUoaed at CaBUyun, repuinsl to Oraqnlata and killed S natives, :w of than bx'inu in a single hotiee. TRAGEDY IN NEW ORLEANS The Negro Charles Kills Nine Persons Before He Is Killed. DESPERATE BUTTLE IN THE STREET. House He Took R-fuHe in Hid to Be Rumrd Before He Could Be Oferpowered and Killed Br the OftVers PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. t, I, Brooke, died al woodvilla, ire goa, ,,i, the 88th I net, uuii 81 years, lie came to Oregon in 1880, Betting in Marion c,,unt . The foundation of the new Catholic church in Iturii", hus been completed, and the stone work on the body of the building is under way. BaV. W H. Winans K Bared a frac ture of his collar hone hy hcing thrown tr .ii, his tMggy by his runawa; horses at Salem Thlirsilay. Three or four hundred I'imu Indians long the Gila river above Han t'arh.s, Arizona, have left the reservation 0W Ulg to the failure of water. Kloranoa Odall Boott, w ife of L. II. Scott, of Tygh valley, Wasco county, died in I Sainurutm hospital in porUand Wedneaday, agad M years. Attorney .1. II. Moray, lute of The DalleBi now ol Wci-er Idaho, is ill of diuhetes, uml not eXUeeted to live, lie was the Ins i. n BOOll lor altoruey- gaoaral of tireyun in isis. Loaif NawaaM and J. Wiley, who an ntined in the county jail ut As toria to await the action oi the gHUtd lory, uncle an unsiiccesstill attempt to break out on Thvraday. Mrs. Klials'tl, Marion I lenny , died ut her home al Ashland, Thursday, agad 51 years She leaves a hllshaud and throe eoiiB Frederick A., William K., ami Walter all living in Ashland. W. L. Metculf, treusurer of the t'ily of Bkagway, oomulttad suicide hy shooting himself in the I, end on July 10, I he chum' or the deed is not known. Metculf was veers old, a na tive ol the state ..I tTaablagtoa, ami nnraarried jBOOfa M. UarrlaOD died at Whitsoli, near I oresl UrOVO, July 'Jl, after short lllneee, of Htomaoh Iraabla. Da eaaaed a .sou ol Kev. Bj, M. Oaf. rlaOB, an old pioneer, and u brother of W. .1. tiurrison, both deceased, uud wus uiod ',7 year. lie whs postmaster at Whitson. At North YitkiniH several transient al sheep have o, . lirred in the past lew days, ut sHtisfactory flgarea. i'uu lioodtna sold 8800 lambs ut 2.'il each and numerous bucks al f2' each. The demand for sheep is graatar than for inuny months. At llarriabnrg. Liaa county, u little Ifirl, atiid 4 years, loclictt by name, I .... k a revolver Iron, the mailt U- piece, uud, while playing with it, it was dleciiarged, the ball entering her iloaa ach ami coming out near the spine. Her funeral was held Wednesday. The Paper of the Peopl. Kverybudy Knatf. It. Tbe L.rgo.l Clroulalluii. Mail AaverlUllig MeaUiu. Women Think About This In addrmmmlng Mrm Plnkhum you arm oom munioatlng with A Woman A woman whose mxpo rlonoo In treating female Ilia la greater than that of any living person, male or female. She has fifty thousand suoh testimonial letters as we are monstantly pub lishing showing thatLydla . Plnkham'm Vegetable Compound la daily re lieving hundreda of auf ferlng women. Every woman knew a some woman Mrs. Pink ham ham restored to health. Mrs. Plnkham makes no statements she cannot prove. Her ad v lorn la wwwmm Med Cx, Lbb. Ue. ('.KNKRKI. DRWKT'S OFFRR. He Would Surrender If HI. Men Were Allowed to Return to their Home.. London, July 88.- a dlepatuh from I Gape Town say: Oanaral Ohrlatlan IS'Wet offered to surrender on condition that hil followers be paTttittea to re turn to their homes unmolested Lord wobarta rafaaad anything exoepl an an- eondll ional surrender. r. Dawat, the brother ol Ohrlatlan, surrendered at Kroonstad veter,hiv gaaapal Wood Return.. New York. July 88, ( ieneral Leon ard Wood, the military governor of Cuba, left for Havana tolav after a Vlell of several weeks to (be I lilted Stat, v LI HUNG CHANG SAYS SO o Reports From Pekln Assert That the Ministers Are Safe. CHINKSK SUPPLY LKC.ATIONS RATIONS A Russian Bank, r IbNBjN k ro nt Prkln .md IVrlires the UlnlthTs, Their Fimlllet and Seriiint.s Wire Murdered. New Orleans, July JH. Last niuht passtsl with very little disorder. The pronipt action of the mayor la dis tributing tojaada of ararad men thronnh out the citv and the tact that the ne gro, Chanae. who oaaaad all tin trouble is dead, seems to have had a I effect ill djOletlng the populace. , The negroes apparently are ghld that I uharlaa is deed, today they appeansi In larger nnmban than tor several deya. Thousands of ihen, lelt the city. The Kinine or Ckarlaa. Alter a desperate battle lasting sev eral hours, in which he succeeded in killing Pol (Ol Sergeant U. I'orleoits, Andy vanRnbraa. Eaapat ol the nollaa pill, and Allnsl K. Ilbsunllelil, a young hov, ami fatally wounding Cor poral Jolin A. I.allv, John llanville, .. ,: i-' II t.-.. I . cx-1 oi iceuuio rraiiK n r.vaii' rnu .1 . S. I.e, ler, one of the leading confec tioners of the city, and more or less seriotli'lv wounding several other icr- soiip. tbe negr.' ,lesn-railo, Koiierl Charles, who killed Captain I lav and Patrolman I .ami. ami woumleil i Ulicer Mora, was snhikcd out of his hiding place in the heart of the residence sec tion of the city yesterday afternoon and was literally shot to pieces. Tremendous excitement reign, si in New Orleans as the battle went on be tween the no liaa and cili.ens and the negro w ith his Winchester. Alter the tragedy was ,,v,r and Charles was dragged from the mud ami slush in which he had fallen, with the mob howling for the burning of his body, statements were made that the man killed was not real I v I he desperado who killed hay and l.amb. but papers found on his pafBOII and the fact that he fought so aoaaiaaal . seen, to leave little doaM that he was the man. Story ot the Shooting. Sergeant I'orleous, one ol the best known ollicers on the force, uud Cor poral I.allv, who has a record for bruv cry, were inform, si during the day hy ii negro tliut Churl, " was iii hiding in a house in Clio, near Suratogu street. The others mm atoned a nnmbet ol pa trolmen b their assistance ami went to the house. The negro ml,, rn, ant a. c..,,,- panted the oflMoee, Thev entered a side .,11. v leading to the house and were served like I lav uud Lamb. The negro was hidden Isdiind ii screen atel Isgaii u furious ami ac curate tire I.allv fell with a bullet in the abdomen. I'orteoiis was shot through the head uml dropped dead across the h'"l v of I.allv. The other lliccrs uml negr,, t,sl Iron, the scone. The ri'port ol Charles' Winchester uml the lact that two nllieers lay Ide, (ding in the yard raised tremendous excite ment Hurry calls were sent to the mayor, chief ,,t police uml CI. W,s, in c'.inmaml of the Menial police, and armed hosts wore rushed to the scene. In a little while there was an im mense crowd, l ather I itggcruld of St. John's church was siiuiliioiusl toad minister extreme unction to the pallet ollicers, who were dying in the alley. The priest was aiiuoiiiliiig the Isslv of I'orteous, with Alfred Moojaiara, a young boy standing by his side, when (buries again appeansi al I lie window. The lad saw him and Is-gged the des pcrudo not to sl,,s,t him. The negro, however, lired his Winchester again am I BloointtebL fel I dead 1 he priest, unhurt, lelt Wit- scene a Iter pi uck i I y performing the last ollices for the dead others Time alter lime Charles came to the window mid as men en tered II, e alley, he blazed away ut them. In this manner Confectioner Lecler, who was one of the Ipaolal po lice eoaadi aaPol I reman Bvaaa( John littiihull and tieorge Lyons wore wounded. The Until. With the Nero. The extra slice la gan to lire at the negro uml he returned their tire. Andy VaaKuraa, kaaaw ol tha uolioe juil, got a bullet in 'in- body ami leii dead. J list altera ard H. H. Lull, agist 8t was hit ami mortally wound,-.! Ultimately it wus daeldad to burn the building ill which lie was en trenched. Charles was -...u .looked out. and as he ran into the yard wus riddhsl with ballata. Alter it wus certain thai he was deal the mob dragged the Issly into the street. There the sjliee and mob emptied their revolvers into the corc while the hoi, ol one ol the moid. l. .1 men item pad his face la-yond recogni tion. With great didiciiity the police look the Issly to the morgue, the crowd doll, ul, dll,g it Is, hlirillsl in the public Mpuare. we.t oaarakML London, July 'JH. lutdy Kaudoipb Churchill was murr'isl tslay to lieu tenuiit lioorge Oorawallia West, at si. I'. ml'- church, at Knighls Bridge Strainer on the Rock. Seattle. July 88. A sis'cial to tin Times from I'.ast-t'lallam. Wa-I, . uv The stea ucr Kslelht Iron, San I ran Cisco (or Seattle, went iimii the rock last night in a dense log. She will probably Moat at the next high tide,! miles a heavy swell s,. Fu Route to l hlna. New Y,,rk, July '.'s. General Jamaal II Wilson, Paoaaily governor of Ma-j tunas ami auta tiara provinces. Culm, arrived today He will pro- cood to San Franeleeo to embark for China. Naihbona Under Arrant. Iluvuna, July Z. Ksti-s (j. Ualh Is. ne, recently director generul ol the s,slul servico ill Cuba, was arrested todav on four churgei,. Bath bo lie war held in bonds of JB,00U, The Wheat aarkeli. Chicago, July 2. W-'pteiiiber 7''-4 cents isi-r bushel . wheut, -ejMii Krunciaco, July 2X. i .okv .. r , eotal, -Cash wheut, (HIIAOU MAHKKT. Reported by I. L. aay a Co., Chicago Hoard of Trade and New York Slock Kxchange Broken. July 2H.- The wheat market was dull bsluy with scarcely anything doing. Liverpol cluatsl b 1 1-H being 1-M , ro.1 .i f.i ... ta , u but there was only a light demand and lb,- market declined to the clone, 7.V-4. Stocks steady. Money ! per cent. Close yesterday, 7tl Opaa today, 70 to .' Kaugu Unlay, b'-4 to n i-e. Clone. Uxlay, 7tj. Hotindarv Line Located. The International turrayori have i,-t-ated the iioiimlary line batwaan Alaska and Northwest t'anada, with the terms ol the iiumIiis vivemli. The con, l. let loll of the work , edes to the Brltiahj the northern half of the Amer ican l'orcupine mining . 1 1 -t r u t . This dislricl has been I, .Tel. dor considered American soil. RELIUIOUS INTKLLHiKNCK. Mcsrham Rlbla School Open Next Tiie.-d.-v to Continue Until Augu.t 6. till Tuesday next. Julv ill. the Sum mer Bible S. I I al Nleacham, will begin. It is the intention to continue the sessions until August 8, which will be Sunday, u week iron, tomorrow. Prominent workers ami Biatakara will In' present, ami study ami recreation lire to he combined in attractive man lier in the prOgnUB. It is under the aoploee ,. the Kaetern Oregon Praabj lerv . President K. L. I orhes, of the Pendleton Acudemy, uud I'rof. Illeak nev, of the saiue in si Hut I..,,, are prom inent in the management. it la bopad that many win attend, and camp on the grounds for the whole time ol the sessions. Kvervone know the plaaaaal character of Nlcl. lulio a u place lor mi outing, far up in the lllue mountains, where air is pure ami the temperature is i I. Kev. W. S. Holt, D. I.. W H. stone, eeeratary of the V. at. C. A., both of Portland ; Kev . 0. II. ft, Hell, ol linker City. Ilev Mr. Van N'uys, ,.( l a ( Iran. le, Kev. H. C. I houipson, of Uatoa. ami others are dn the list . speakers ulld leaehers. Annoiiiiraiiieiit. tor Sunday. Ohoroh of the Kedeemer DIvltM Barvlaa will be held tomorrow at hours as billows: Celebration ol the lb.lv Communion praaadad by sermon at ii a. in. Bvening prayer and sermon at H p. m, The Kev. Mr Warren will as sist, preaching in the evening. SAI'IIO WAS FINELY PRESENTED. Regarding Crawtord Company, Which o i i Holiday Nlaht al Frater'a. The lloise lluilv Slalesiiian suvs: " The preaentat mi, ol Sapho' lust night was a revelation and a surprise, i.i vo w of the (act that tie company presenting it is what is known as a 'popular price' organ I .ut ion, and come to us without I, hire of born, or glare ol hill-hoard.'. The acting al times ap proached greatness, such wus its dramatic force and genius Miss Darllna'a aamvta were those ,,i uu urtisi, gad aalta nom parable to Uwaa of larger naine in the drainatie world. It was a perfect conception of the dllli aalt roleof 'Sapho' uud a relioed deline ation of a character implying every at tribute ,.f human nature, from the most deli, all' touches of the pathetic to the moat terrible outbursts ,,f end ish passion. Mr l,ell,n wel I shared the honors ,,f the evening with Misa Hurling, lb, two commanding eloaa at l,o tlon ai unllugging ,,,ter.l throughout the throe hours ol the play." A Sueeenful Play. The lute Hill Nye once aaid "Mi, j..y voiirself while you live, for vou will Is u loBg lime wad. " the Koy Craw ford Hlisk coiupuuy will presenl u repftolre of plays during tlieir slay here f.,r one week, c. .mil, el, i n, g Mon day, that will eclipse all of Hill Kyi ' previous laughing ellorts. The I I.i, Ihut will Is' presented Monday night, "A true Kentilckiun. " is a storv of the sou'h, u trull, I, , I history of love uud romance, one that has called forth more g.sl Inmesl uppluiiae than any play of the kind ever written. Monday will he ladies' free night, one lady and gentleman or two ludiea ad mitted on one paid ill cut ticket. Seuls now on sale. Political Sneaking Brokan Up. Kx-Cniigrcssmaii himpson was boot, si by a crowd ol bisslluios while ulleuipt ing b. deliver a isdilicul .Mi, c I ..rl laott, Kansas A crowd of gQO roughs went to the ineetiiig to create a disturbance A big negro, iuuiN'd on the plulforio, and when the ex , on gressinaii atteinplisl lo push him oft the negro fought and they went to the OOP, Others of the mob rushed In and Mr. Simpson, was in danger of NMgb treatment until Mayor Good lander and a crowd ol business men ts,k u I. .mil und beat oft the roughs. HeVeral l the latlei were arrested, bill the mob later overpowered the police and roleused the prisoners Mr. Simp son's speech we not Hniahod. le your oyeaight failing you, my friend',' I ', il bother you to reud hy urtiliciul light'.' Ihi you ever havu pain in or about the eye.'.' Ho your eye lids sometimes get llitlainod'' Is there anything whaU-ver the matter with your eyes or do vou imagine there is? Don't (ail to call on tliti celehratil ludv eye luaoiaiial at the Hotel Paa dloton, and have your eyes Htlisl with a nair of lenses that will rest ami preserve your eyeaighl, rendering fre ipjent changes of spwtacles Ultneoea aary. The jssjr treale,! Iriai. Tbe LIU of Wounded win, have lawn heulod by Haulier Salve is very large. It heals all wounds or sores aud leaves no euar. Koupja u' Pharmacy. New ',.rk, July 88.- The Tribune mibliebaa the follow ing dlepatoh from I.i Httng Chang, .Intel Shanghai. July 27 : "Fakln raportl the ministers alive and their saletv assured. The all led forces entrance to IVkiu la iinneces. sarv. " I'his dispatch was in answer to a message sent three days ago to the vicerov , asking (or a tnleincnl as to the safeiv ol the foreigners in Pekili. Chlne.e Stick to Story. Washington, Julv '.'s I'he se, retarv of stale receivisl the following dis patch from Consul l ow ler. at Che FoO, dated the 88th laal i "Hy the re.piest of the allied ad miral". I wired the governor Mppoaad to he governor ol Shan lung their wish to get news from the inini.tcrs themselves I'he governor now re pl ies " 'Have rooalved today an edict from Iba emperor saving the ministers were well. Chinese are sending provisions to the legations. Am cull, lent the ministers are mil of distress and re nuoeta you l owler tl transmit this preliminary annotineemenl In the a, I mirals. Signed , " i il ' A N ,i ,,.v ernor . " Secrelarv II, iv also received a cable gram Iron, Consul McWade. at Can ton, slating that Viceroy 1'ak assures him that the ministers were all alive and well 041 Julv '.'4. Troop, to Sail fur China. San I run en-,'.., Julv '.'s. I'he trans port Hum, i.k will sail Bnnday morn ing lor Nagasaki wfth lour batteries of the third artillery ami A00 marines ami ikm recruits, I'he insipe are dag. I laad for serv ice in t 'hlna. Story ol a Hua.lan Hanker. London, July 88, I'he Dally Mail's shanghai rorraepondanl telagraphe Unit the Buaalan hanker, who lelt P. 'kin Julv 7 and arrived al Hhanghal July 88. -av s that when he h it Pekili all the legations hud been .lest roved and all the foreigners murdered. The ministers, seeing death was inevitable, shot their lam IT lee, sir Bobari Han, the banker adds, colon, HI,, I suicide. All the foreigners had dheggl cur, d ami he collhl Hot SUV posit ivelVlf thev had been murdered ,,r not, as he was too frightened to laaulra, i'he Mail a tor leeponuVinl continues InvueliaB lions prove this inforinalion is relia ble. I'he banker in OUoatioa bus gone to Ting I',,. His friends will not dis close ins name, tearing to do so would cause bun to lose bis head. Aa.iiranoa. That Mlni.lar. Are Alive. Washington, July '-'a Coming from three separate direction.-, the assur ance that the foreign ministers at I'ekin were alive and well on Julv L'-i, had a tei laa) to dissipate the ssi mist ic vi, which the stale depart llient ha been taking for the lust h w lavs, a- to the situation in Pekili. I'll,' (NTs i -If ll c with which the stories of the eefety ol the ministers are cir culntod uiiilou'.ted I v is slinking the baliel "I tho.e w ho berelfore have I II IB llkAed that all the ministers In 1'ekiu were .h ad Today'l assurances come Iron, l owler, the American con sul ui Che to... McWade, tha t mar lean consul at Oantoo, and Irom the Chi nese in in ister here. BlBBteaartei w., n,.,d oc.i. New York, July .'a. Messages were received today hy boll, the Presby terian Hoard ot poreigii M iaeloae aad the Amen, an llihle SiN'iet) lorrola, re live of lb, fUJMNi that the mlssioiiaries at Pan ling In had been massacred Tha Sti-lka Conlliiuet. fst. Louis, July 2N. rive cars ol the runsit coinpuuv were damaged laal night hy dynamite plaaad on the Ira, ka ai dlftJetaal paiaai la this city. No Isaly wen injured so lar as learned. i rcpient burgiarlea ara oeaurvlae m -.k.,ne Tl lliccrs are unable U, run down Ihe law breakers. .1 (.111,1 lllltlltlOI.il, ,,,1.111,., I, .11, ,11, ,11. Cure Constipation Mill SickHoadacho l.iuiilii than anything elae. 10 Mgtl und 888)81 Druggists. iiMiMWiMimiMiMmmiiimiiiMMmuMMMiHmi' Dr. Shilohs Couuh and BkiKiliiiikfiikik r() ii.fiiiiiriiri i Cure This i . . - i. ! nuaHttiuu the nioet kiKci'miiul i i'umIi UcnJI criua twr fttitown it et-ionc; lew ! . ii, . .ii y cuiw the) Wo rat taaee vt I mah, t'luup ami Mi. iii i. itir., while) ne eon dviful eiucfra III tll itntf of ('iHiauiiiiJiinii la without i-ii -atJIvi in l Ac hiatoi y tf unUiciue. hiii. c lie iii -t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y It tut beau 4M on tf uurante. a if ' Which lli flher rn' !" Ha- can at Mint. If vou have) a fail Cough we earneatty nek yuu toti . it- in rmiri Muiia auu i atimtla laV . UK. ami $1 U0. and gggri ill r.iiai"" ' a. nw, auu Ml CaT SOLE PROPRIETORS S.C.Wells a Co. W' II KOY M V TORONTO, CAN. fee eeU by Tallwaa AOe., Dtuaua