TUESDAY, .1 PL M, '" BRKVITIKS. PgOPLg WHO ARK HKHK FOR A DAY. S American Girl Tan Shoes JmI Um Hlln tor th, mountain. lUwIey Wil l '"1 Hest 13.10 Shtc In the Market. C'ull ami Hi' tlii'in. CLEAVER BROS. vanity at the v. . : will ! I'air Him-1 vii.i tauitle tin- III. ii' 8u' The Boot and Shoe Man. Main Ktr"!, Pendleton, OltfB) UNSOLD RESERVATION LANDS. If la Be DI.DOied ot In Larue Traeti Luiil' Ofltce Recommendation oo. Tin- eoniinissiom.r of the pfl'Ti laml oMire lias ileiiileil that the tinaohl iiincl" of thf t'nuitilln i eMrvatton ilo not ronie urnler thu provisions of tin' "fret- homes" hill, s the conditions wine:, prevail n'linr.iint' tin- l.u.'l that reservation are ffi'iiliar, ami urn not thi' winie a- in tin' i'Hi' of other innervation- wlm-li are afi.ei.-.l hv thi bill. Tlir lnn.1- ot the I'inatilla res.-rva-tion were ..flere I tor sal. l" tin' high est bi.Mer at not let" than tin- ii praised value, ami lor not less than $i. .'" wr mm, andar any aircum ntunoe. Tin- total number of aerei in the reservation i- LMtSH, tin- total number of acres told n- H.gOg, and the untold hunls amounted to tO.OW urren. Tin1 Moodj bill BfOfldM thai tin- hunls of tin- ( in.it 1 1 hi reservation not iMlWMrl within the bOMdaftM of tin- laaai lalhwi. and not allotted or ia iiiired for allotment to tin- Indian-, ami which i-oiihl not or sold at pithlie rule for their appraised value iball be Willi at private Mle by tin- local land iirti-iT". inn- 'rui hi-iiik' allowed purchase ! l BMW than 0M HOtioa I ll aatlai bared lam1-, a- rei Beaded, ami not to exceed nne-ipturter "eetion of timbi-r landa, Tin- bill dee not ajaoire reeidence a a iualitliiilion mi tin- part ol 111. pun liam A Washington correNin...it says: Tin- laml office, upon inspection, fouml that eertain of the unsold laml- hIiow improvement, ami fntiiniisai r Her- maun, in view of that fart, r-e. m iwadad that the bill in- aweaded -. -i- to provide that in such intance the purchaser should also miv the up praiaed value of the improvement- M mm landa ai he miuht parabaaa; that is, tin- MlM at the tin ( purchase. it in estimated that about one-half o' the unsold laml- an- untlmbered, ami on aosoanl of their (baraetar, .ir. available onlv for "lie -i.-irrax inn. The-i' laml- arr sitteted along the I. thill of tin- Bias Mountain-, and are largeh riM'kv, ami market altti aanjroM and bill-, ami are of BO agricultural vain- ehaiesei in viae "f th1' iae teal tin nt- landa aaM aot "i.i '"r aek ol bidder, an. I none (define, their useful- i ar gMalag oalj It nee donated an inuiiiu to diepoM ol them in whole tion lota, trie-l- that won Id If of wnM prui'tieai seine in abeepmen. The Itaaarad laml.- being nor rateable, where reeoejajeadad to i- rohl in h mailer trart, an it va- th. iubt in thin way to aMaie BMf r-.nl pur- ehaaeM The Moaay bill, ahiee iaanatlj niuiilar to a bill pMdlng in tin- eenate diaera by BeaaMr Mmm hi In the eoaunlMae, awaitint tin eat ton ! laa Baeratary tin- interior, li i- m naaMfl that tin- Merottry will pMhe un early laaoMBMadMlon next winter, in hope of aaonrlag the liaimae of the bill. Badnv BalnMt, ahotM nuarH. If you want tfoixl juiry rBMOM M to Martin's. Dklah eraanwry butter, iiawley ft Wile, ix. .Iul in: Crab applen. at llawley ft Wili-ox 0e. f, BnM eeoking appiei in the market at U. Martin'. DaMH1 blenil roffee, ggM ill town. Haw la wih'ox. lireen -trin beans anil fresh riie tomatoe t R. Martin'. MeOall llaiaar patterns for nab' at the Wessel iK'partnient Stores R, Martin will have in stork, in a low ilays, a nire lot of ettrrentn. WbM vim want rreain or in- rream, teirfil i- DattOH, lllark. 'AWi. Mis- S.iphia liillam dMllBB gJaM in n private family to .1" housework. Ml kinds of fruits ami fresh berries, InloeM in thettwrfcel at Q.R. DeMott'a, i Mel one, eantelope, Bart let! .:ir- and Ireeetoa paaanMB MS. Puritan, S.-ribm-r am , i.,r Ammai arr I."' MM , Kroat, Dariaa tin- sale at tb partmeut Stun- all )Ti,isls .i' ro-l llammnrks. n-liinir BBOkll 1....1 noil isii-on It v naiu-r al l-'ronl . If you want pure home remlertsl lard with im adulteration to lehwanj and Broalleh. You can )fet many ..sls tor ! little ney al the Wessel llepurtment St, .re- iliirliiii their sale. Hean th, Poarth, the larxest Rey West e'i)far in town, for It) cent, at I'atton'- ritiar sturc. I'ineaptile ami -trawberry ire rrraui s,.ila. claret phosphate, eiji-a-lcola ami I Haaelaraod Iae ereani at Ward's. Wall paper, paint-. ilas. pirtur. franlngt and artit's BMuarial at Cba. Sharp's, opera bouse Uoak, Own Utrix't I A ladv's rhuinless Coluuibia, v a new, a k7' Wheel, for MB at tlir I'r.-s- li-ent agency ir the Kut flronian balMaig. l-,,r fen I Kive-rooni limise mi Alia treat, OomplMi aM of b (iirnltiire f..r sale. Apply t liasler. line UlnOte Ooagb cure i- Iae only hartnles- reineilv that tinsiuce imnie diet NMlta, Try it. Tallman .V OB., leading draggbWa. I'kiah rreanierv butter at Terry lloiiser's al market on Court street. It i- itaranl I. Ymtr money bark it you (Ma 'I lik.' it. li.-Witt's Little Karly Risers are (am .ii- little pi'l- f"r liver ami bowel tronMee. Never jripr. Tallinan c'.... leading draggiaai Bieyelet can v intrcliased at the ( re-ri-llt Atf.'Ui'V ill tin' Ka-t treoliian building on inatallmente, payment 1, or more, a iv,'k. No intetvtt. l.,,t At Mm merry-u'l'-riiund, a -eiitleman's cold watch. A siiiiahle rrw.iril will ! Mid lor it- return t" tin- otiii ivir at Domestic Lanndry, (i. R. I 'rim.lt I- niakiiik' a sperialti oi faucv (tris-eries. His line ol staph groceries are of the leadiiii: brands. Voar order left with hlao gal prompt delivery. RagalM mail stajje for Teal sprim." iMVe Momlav.-. Wnlnesilay- ami I ri-,l.iv- I reitflit ami passmitfrr- carried. Ltar order et Tallman v Oo'i or ti- Whit- Hone Groeery, John Ward. Sk..ot" tirices on all our summer cihmIs and they are "aaaoling" goleker than ever und. r th" pOWWfOl N-rai irreatlv reduced prices. Alexander .V ilex tar, The (I. R. V N Oo. is baVlU the old arsMhouae jnt matli frntn the fr.-nthi depot repaired, tin- Western WarehonM Connany rwaaieMn having leiisni it lor the handling oi w.miI ami wheal. li. Iloppi-r, "f Yoakum precinct. qMliOed today a- r,,ad supervisor, and t .,.k "lit the -Uppli. s lor the coil'lm I of tin- office, Mr. Il.ipper ami John 1'"- IM received tie vole- lor the posi- tton, Mr. lazier not cering tu liav i !. . mm ami giving BWOJf I Mr. Hopper. Had he Bot itoaa s.,. Iae icKul manner of daolding th.- lie w aid ban I n l" "draw straws,'' ami tb M Winning would .Ik- mad Mpervtow. I-:. WimsIv, proprietor of a creamery at Ukiab," While here today, stated that he was sure the people of the Cm, ,1- villi. o would desire to be rep resented in the Pendleton Street Knir and Harvest Carnival in September. Mr. Woaddy ha- pledged hImMll to k- ranirr some' kind of an exhibit for bis rreanierv. He has ostabl isbed a line business, and will no doubt have a dieplay that w ill idd to the attractive ness of the fair. "I Udieve such affairs are benegeta! t" the whole ooantry," said Mr. gTooddv, "and 1 shall be lad to lontrlbute to its MO cess in anv BMUUMf in which I am able. Umatilla county need- to show I,, the world what she Ins in tne lorin at prod Bet of farm, orchard. I BOM ami factory, and OnnrM prairi.- i- willing to place her prodeet along idc of those ... ,,tlir bnftion of thi- county. We think i have Hie Harden spot of I the ooantry there, ami will make an effort to prOVe It to the people w ho come here during the street Fair ami llarvi-t t arm val. two Dm we re, tlir,',- -isler-. Portland, ami . at Cove, with iilsehohl . Joseph "People on McKay rreek are through haying ami heading ami are now homing to the mountain lor Iae cool shade of the pines during the Mated spell' We bare doac no threeh Im; out otirwnv, but look for twenty to lhM htuhals to the acre when we have UirCBrM IngMni ben the day wheat. san I I av, Jim- t. .Trail-, of Cable made such a Hue sale of fresh from the ranife here '.over-, state,! today that this season 111 steer- at creek, who beei eattle to Seattle . ha- told the pri mentioned in the Bast Oregon tan, i-p- a head, and will hrintt in more (at -leer- to turn over to the buyer- He ha- first-class eattle, ami ha- line fangs w ith tin Is-sl of urns- to feed the cat tle. The nrice paid. Its apiece hitfh enough to make the catth nees prulltabto. ti i at -1 Paraonal Mtnllan. John Qelse, of Adams, is in town b duv. J. 1.. Roe, ,.f 1-reewater. is registered at the Qolden Rule hotel. Mr-. K. M. Mitchell, of W.-ton. is a irue-t ai tin- Hotel rendletmi. Mr-. Harry Blttoo ami s of Reno, are "'"'s's at the GollWa Rule hotel. Miss Kataortaa Paraowa, who was a Sliest of Mr-. 0. R. Redfleld at Hepp iter, ri'titrm d home Motiilny evcnini:. I.ee Raker and family leave in the moraiag tor Hot iike, Datoa aaaato, wbafe tney expert to raaMin for the BOfflittg month. Mr-. J. Bums ami son arrivr.l Mon- day avaaing from Wallowa oouBty, win r.- thm were toiling. They joined Mr. llurii- here, and proceeded to Portland today. Mr. ami Mr-. .1 N. Teal, ..: Port land, are SUsatS at the Imperial Hotel ii New York Olty. They have re turned from a t.air of the Ruropean continent, where they have traveled for several months. Kit 1 '. Wilson, the comedian, came n, ir,.iii Athena on M lay. He en- gand with the "Saplio" company. while here, and will join tl .tnpany here next week during tin- ellitaKemeut at the Kraier (tp.'ra house. Mi e- Fanchmi Rorie ami UiVelle UoorhoUM will U'i to tl e hot f Mr-. Davenport, near Bingham Barings. where thev Wl be Ulle-ts torg--.-r.l lr-. Hone (iis-s on .M Bingham spriniis. Week lieXl I mdav FlINRRAI. OF MRS. SI HOW. Victim ot Black Smallpc at La Oi-ando Who was Sick Only Thrse Days. The lai 0 rands Chronicle mentions the funeral of Mrs. K. I'. !ch.m " thai ritv. who died Snn.lav ol virub-nt Bntollwn, having I " sick only since last Wednaeday ; "Alive aim well, with never a pre monition, until a few day- since Mrs. RchoW was as full of life and sun shine as ever, the center ot m happy home, surrounded by loving friend-; but the Angel of Heath srM hovering near and the divine summons came. After three .lavs of Intense suffering In spite of all that im diral aid OOUld 00. the soul departed ffotn its tenement ol clay, ami this morning all that was mortal w.i- laid to MBt, quietly With out the funeral proceeeion, on accounl of the dreaded nature of the disease. "Tin- iln'casctl leave- a hushand, two ,-hil,lreii. i.areiil-. Mi. ami Mf. .i.- pi Ohinnutt, of Cove, end Rrnesl and Julius .n d Mr-. George Tahler, ol M 1 sses (illie ami Bertha tie ir parent-. tAUAS VALLEY NKWS. The Hoi Wather Inluros Sprlnir Oral til ,The Saw Mill Llos roc nepairi. Alba. r., July B. The then i. eter ha- leglBtsred legrees ii. the shade (or tin- lust thr lays. Spring grain in tin- valley i nr ami nun i- badly needed. Ir. Turlev weiit to a si i . amp In the mountains ami brought back John , Rllli who i- mtv ill with pneumonia. The saw mill hare has shut down for one week to make necessary repair-. Dick liiK-alls will hersefter -aw the lumbar by contract. Th.- mill i no anj will pay per thousand (eel for haul-, lag lumU'r from the mill to PeM I -ton. . Mrs. John Bisher. managet ol tie h... Creamery, gave an i irenni party yeeterday. Among tie.-, pees ni were: 'Mrs, Tiiomps Mrs. li. K. I stm-ker. Mrs. I'. Brown, Mi- Ma Stix-ker ami Mis- Belle Wall. i. e. 0, R. Hoomt aad Joehoa Clark ami their families left this im.rnin,' lor llidawav Springs for an "iltlttg. I"rank' Brown is building a bam, 4.74 f.et. in which lie will toed and shelter hi- cow- next (sinter, Beei cattle here are in tim li- timi. The demand . outinue- ! cx. e.d tiie siipplv. Henrv Maesle, who ha- been work lag in the mill here, wili return l" lii rancli in a few days. Harvest bands are scarce in tin- valley and stages tor them are from 1.M to L' a day. BNOWFLAKE, TWO FAMILIES BEKEAVED. Child ot Jack Baker's at Lavmo Found Doad in Bad. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, at CuyUS station, awoke this BMTnlng to Bnd that their little boy, (ourteen months old. was dMd. It '""I been ill lot a w.-ek. Mr. BaketStormerlt eras In tin employ of w. v, Baastord .v 0 paay, and Is bow with tin' carpentet crew of Balfour, Guthrie d Company. oooBtraotlna a wheat erarshones al Cavu-e station. The funeral w ill I., held here iii Peadlaton tomorrow Irom the home .if Mr. and Mr-. John Wat son. An infant girt, terelv days "id. child of Mr. and Mr. I. 11. sherry, living near the Umatilla Indian BgaM "ii tin- reservation, died Mon day n'itfllt. The funeral IMS held this aftorn at tow o'oloek. The child had been sick for four days. prazer s Opera House Itnnlol f:. McCoy presents a Thundering Aucceg The Roy Crawford Stock Co. oni WBBK .. com neNCiivi Monday, July 30 Pricoa. 25. 35 and 50 Conta. I', o.tiu mi All 5cenlc Playa. nj 0Bl aatbailBWI VerslM ol lwls Morrlmn'. Iimr, SflPHO. FflUST ,-IVK U Iggg H I HIKNDH. mmiaMa. .'amillj. tlrcnlng Monday Night with a True Story rf the South f TRUE KENTUKIfN. njau '." i fsltiase IPAY i mil'' PKEM NIUltT t:NKRY To He lCN'Hl Every SPECIAI Qet Your Gun... ..French Restaurant.. 0.R.&H inse Heason inenr Plenty ol s-hells Aug. ai Tlfg I'l.Ai K H KAT. i mi tf.'l -ntil.-IIOlIK II. j. Sttllman'g OomsrWi i.i. un. i gslnWs. (Ins l.al ont.-tlnc. Praprtotor. Quick Cab Service. ... Farmers Custom Mill i Utsry nix- 'hI S,rhiK- ni Anj ,-,l-oli,il,l,- lllll'- I red M slters, Proprietor. Time U.VIN ' Proi i Depot Stable. npettr. in barrsH aay. HeareasBsaiea M ahsai. Klinir. Mil: K.-.-.I. l'lni"l Ke nil hrtnU. hIhiivi DOCTOR BLAKESLEE I'ermanenttv Located In Pendleton. CHRONIC and NERVOUS DISEASES A Si I )ISI-ASi:S I'CCUt-IAR TO VOMi: A SI't-CIALT Tin- i line. Kl.iiu-v i ter ui,,k-'- n -i 'I ii.- .1... 1. 1 U'MIlt III t.ir ii- iiiu-i Rgggaggcn liUll't- in CHRONIC PtBKAMI iw "" VZ&VlSSl ?"3 mo., ov.iM-i.-i : snnus,' ii . Iii.t, II, 'tin nun 111-,,,. , ,,.-,-. . r-r nii.i sale Dteeasss, . .I eiiMat Hi.- ass al IM Mils, i,., ., irMtin rtiiisir i uiinr m aeea ii- itrea sua repiimtim, (ill physician on the noMt. :n- HKHK , U Metea .. '. . " H I" Klerl.U or tin- I'lilltpplne Time Schedule I ,. hih Pporn Pendleton, j ,"" I .l Mnll. Slt Ink.'. Iii nver Kurt k.., u No. ., Wnrlh, ii,,t,., K, i m m. Hv. si lZ ,51 No. I l lili'HK" illl.l Kkii, V,. EV f,:H. ni. llr.'Kiin sh.irt l.ii,t.. n-'t u Mokaas WhMi, Wall, Basawi u flyr. MlMMsaoHi si Kffi BjM s 111111111,.' MUwh,,?,"' v"?' 7:4Ae. III. IiIi-rk.i nil,! Kn.l vl. ,, 6taM Nor rn Cast Bait, MHtanda4Ra ruin 7 h. iii. Fran, Im ,, ,' ItfUl : " List:.- oi S m Ocean Steamihlpi . From Portland, f KnrHaii Kraii. in,, Kvery live ilayi. s in a m. ' Columbia River Ml Kx Hiin.lay Slnnniers. KalilolH) In A.mrla an l W.y ' to a.m. J Landtnc.. LvBlBBtla Snake River. uin'ei "H , , bally a m. Illpana t I.t'ivntoo. vit.a COfNSUITATlOIN rnt-c a (rieadls ekai u: eesi sea aallilM, and n rHtC. eaa cut rou he will Ull jroe so aad gi vs Mixed train leave. IVn.H. tiin lr Wtlu,n, dally uxeepi Sinidai. at;, i, y , iMmSm at J :.' m. For (nil ttidirinali.ni . all or writ, to ' II IH IILBI ST. Ilciieral l'a..tnfff r Affrat. I'nrtl.ii,l, Unrco. K. V. WaHii.ky, Akciu. Iviidlnon. Office oor. Main and Water Streets, opp. Hotel Pendleton Bingham UnPendleton Academy Springs 0PPBRI rs preparatory t tin- MB laandard lees A.sdc ni . .ir.e ol (i ir y i east or tMBi , liu'io Ceare equivalent totbebeal baainear eolleges, , T. i ", i urse, which prep ire- (or Oounty RnatinattoM and for ST.VTK DIPLOMAS. r. i;t i ' !, -tat.- Board of RuumUm and graduates are admlttou an th,- une basin I ir Bi tte Diplomat .i auy seipsii in the state, ah gradM bmIb 1 tallied BloMtion ofl trad, Por Mtalogue and latonnatlon add rues R V, p. I.. PORBKH, M. Vh.. Prinelpal. HE THOUGHT IT WAS HOT. Carl Stewart was "Jobbsd" by III. En plover, with Doetorsd Thermomeler. Carl Bteaart, abo works in tba pao. tograph galtory al Carl Wheeler, waal plying his nsual roMtioas yaatoraay, when Mi. Wh-eier wonttorad baa aarm i' srai ..nt of d.airs To .. er taln, lie placed the therm.. meter in the sun on the lidewalk, ami the men ury MO Ui until it reentered l-' lletfrees above sero. WbMtor then ptaeed the ussraton)-1 Mai a bars ii naMlly bang, aad re mark., I to M. aarl that he baltorad ii : nt -.. warm ba'd melt prettv , I. Steuari Hi nt ai once to lu,,k ut the meter awl, M-cine it st.asl ut 12o. ami- . ttoill said he felt faint un.l aouM j bare to gult work, It was Hiuiply si hot in. man OOUld en. lure it. It is Boa a silhject ilui which Slew art i- rather seaeltivo. mm Uo. to Dental tolltiie. Harry A. lloiyun. alio for several fMfa haa Jmvii baagagaaiaa lot the o. K. A N. in Pendleton, has recovered parttolly from the eflaeta of u cur- hlllli'le, which kept him eonlined to the Uii for nve w, k- With Ura. Morgan, he will go to Iba DMUtttaiBS to recuper ate, and then on the tirst o! septeinher .Mr. aad Mm. M rgan win laa re for Pbltodalpbto, where Mr. Maggan will take a BMras in dentistry in a dental college ol th. city. The law hoi, I- hoth maker and circu lator of a counterfeit equally guilty. Th.- dealer wh, ealls you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitvt Witufa iMMl Salve riaks your life to make a little forger profit. You can not trust him. lleWitt's is the only jiennine ami original Witch llael r-alve, a well known cur.- lor pile- ami all skin diseases. See that your dealer give mm DaWitt's lalre. Tallman v Co., leading .Iruggiala. New Lines Just Received... Kodaks and Kodak Supplies (..Miiplcu Assortment Stutiouery. ol All the Latest Sheet Music. The Latest Papers and Pe riodicals. Tallman b Co. Leading Druggists Corner Mulu ami Aha Streets. WHULKSOME PLAYS. A Wtok't aiuiageniont al Kra.er i Oporu Houie. I in- stag.- i- pnrbup as great a ",w,-i I . good as any of the arts ; it ptUSMBI tin- iuiportanl les-ons of life ami Imnie to you plainly and forelbly, and also portrays the BWUattSW of life ami keep.- our ideas young and bright. There i no doilht that the preilollil- . a .,', ,,i th.- stage laaaaasss is for wbai i- w holesome and go.Jl : and then- is BO doubt that the great MBS of the people prefer what is wholesome ami good. The peforinance of the Uoy Drawtotd Maat aaaigaajf " will m s.en ut the opera house (or one week oommaaoiag Monday, is ull that is bright, good and pure, without profan itv ,r tin- ucciistouusl roughness that is usually wtrodaead In the muoerti Irani... It is a pertormauce that you could take your mother mater or. chil dren to sec with the greatest safety The cast ha- MM BSearM at large sal an, -, the plavs on large royalties, ami thaj will be ptaaaanad at popular prfoas ami will l" given with the alll. elegant settings; the Stage will he draped with lbs an magnlneeol trup- plUgS -I" I' '" never before been SUM t ihaa -mall prices. Tile prices liuve bean reduced for this engagement only to 'J.Y HA ami Atl cents. A lady and gentleman, or two ladies will Ix- ad- milled free it accompanied with one paiil .Ml cent rceurve.1 seat ticket, on the opening night. Some of tin- piay praaaatod .luring tile Week Will Im' "Saplio", "l allst", "Mue O'TMnaaaaa" and aabafa. Organising Dlitnel Companiei. t hief II. .1 Stillman, of the I'eudle tou tire departinent , has BM gMM district coiuiiany to organie to BOM' Dfote the lull auoi of the llepartloellt nadar tin- laanaatoattoa plan. Thia is in the lifth district, and the chid will soon move lor the formation of a com pany there. In the third district, a company is now forflacd, ami ready to liandle all nr.-.- in thai part of the city acre the river in North l'euillcton. Tho new COM pail V in thus olticered : II. A. Faxon, president ; Herkelny llailev, sec salary; E.J, Murpby, bbmmmii n -Y Hugue, Hrst BBafotoal tore man i Rlvin Craig, BSaond asaistant foreman. Them are fifteen mamban, The boas mbm i- located at the c rner ol JaMaM -I n et ami Perkins avenue William 1'iul and daughter, M , Beulail Dial, of Spokane, ure viaiting in Pendleton, Mia ihui unug a guest of h.-r aunt, Mra. Ingle. Mr. Dfol inlouds to go from here to Cortland, lie ia now eonduetor on a in-at North ern train out Iruui m "K .m, We have clipped the following from the g tiriiude Journal : "Aboal three montlia ago the San I rancisc. Kxaiuiuer contained the news ol a tlaiuageu reeei in tne nariair con taining eoaee and sheep dip. Tin- two articles of commerce were found float ing in tin- hold, anil the merchant.- to whom thev were conaigmil relu-. ii accept them, not only hUBBUM they wen w ater soaked, but heeaus. I in- s, p llp oa.l not nan a sanitary cocci uhiii the eoflae, Uae ol our nows r- .ham- ill that time Utadlafod that Kiiatern Oregon would soon ! overrun with cheap coffee. There is now in thi- -eetion a man who offers to aell for eight cents a grade of coffee which " , . . i ' our niercliant- canuoi ou i'.,u.- for twelve. There may lie somecoli n. it ion betwaeu the two incidents." "Nuff sed." OWL TEA HOUSE. Health and Disease ai IlluitrsUd in the Scalp. Pt3- I thowi a Mttlor, of healthy hair minilid. t iv 2 ihowi the dcadlv licit ol the bANDRL'Fr (iEKMb Ih.t are dcttroyinei the heir root. bcitroy the uum you remove the effect. No Uindruff, no ratlin Hair, no tUidncis, 11 you kill the germ with NtWBRO S HERPICIDE. Per Sale by all bru$$lU. Price I.OO. --gggkgggWA Belgian Hares. ALL LEADING STK I NS. Hrtiotltiitt Settle, to aliip im-iiiudlalcly. Writ, troitlih for w hat you w anl . -I ,. .ii-. to .111-11. ihl the re I .pie it, N.. Mv illflMiMl. llutitliiK. llthliu, w ihimitiK. iB.lhioi n! dmielBf , Milan- ti Wnlu w ulu otn mt orrtaMtm. TmlBM nurB m rail. Iloii'l rnton ii"'. T in-r k up. Tubtv tMHinl f. Hint U pf week M'al .' tt'iit" rtml ' - nt- rtiiil tuontrr. 4 iiiniilliK i -iil" ht Wfi-k (or wk tslulk Hrt'i tril rrtii'i in I'tinllit Kxeuratiiii rntf- tnm nU xiluttiii tbo 1 .v N OO, For liidirniMtloh hI1i - Manager Bingham Springs, OIBBQB, ORggOB NORTHERN PACIFIC UVNS PttllOlaUl Slccpum (-ir, Bltftgiinl Dininf 1 iBM Toiirisi Sleeping Qui STATE N0R1AL SCHOOL mon Mourn, 0RB0ON, I .ill term ,,s-n. K.'iI.'iiiIht Is. Ihe ii U'iil-,n on- NnniiHl s.',,,,l nr,- ,r,-,iirt.l i" lake lie-1 Us , run. hi- laiOsdnU. I) ull a rail iiailen, ora'lual... r,..ll - ',-un' no si immHIoW gipSBSS "i i',ir fr.n.i IIJ" l. li e. Btseai aMdaaUs aM Pselsssiaaal OaarsM Na -i lal DeMrtassaf in M i teal rmlalagi Weii ggalgged tiataiaj ihji irisssat. For . iui.ikh" eoataielB nui anaaua eataal ."I'lo - I' U i A M I'UKLL, I'i lanl, ... W, A, WANH.Hw ol Ka ully. To -I I'AUl MISNKAPOUil I I'l'I.CTII l A.RQ0 '..llANll K0KK jt'lltiiiKSTON 'ATNNBPBti ( III.I.KNA awl BUTTB. KOEPPENS MODERN PHARMACY EwnrttfM thtiktt iMtfii istn up to date duL' Itorf, 115 Court St. i HKOUGH TICKET! TO CHICAGO WAH1IINUTON PHILADKl.I'lMA NEW VORK IKiSTUN mill ull ixiinth rats! ami f"1 i,.r.,i. ,,. -too. l Jmu.ii i.l , t'm "' laciuua unit Norlliurn l'a ii" u.l Auierlcau hue. T1UE SCHbUUU. I I ralu leavm I'eu.llfl.in dally 1500 Bucks for i .. Bull, in I ..r fiirthtir Inl.iruialhin I aad Ueaets, sail ea or will.- w UNI. llri.aon, or A . I ' Third un.l M.irri-.i' , ( rd, a' HUM r?" nuil.Tiis . I ollUttl.1 Jd,e Mm Fai ami We nnnVAii . BSPVII I g VU i j Know I I "ion '.,i. Mtve yoiinwll I C c I trouble, tnisforluue and I $ I ! heartaches by oonaalisag I c j Miss Yamena j j ', The Turkish Clairvoyant t , DgaBA i N HUMB. I rrVaVVVVVNBVVW The Pendleton Foundry Adjolaaag Psadlaiao aiaahine Shop Junction Alta anil Court Streets. All kinds of BUBting duUS on slmrt notiiH-. Work iiuaranle. .1 t.i..-ti i.at- eru tuakor ituiiloyei. Don') Mind aw ay or your work, bjtVB ft dona here. TO Pl"l I NIiKIt lAR pel, un thvlve., Mall., ur lor urapuiUK ,,!,.'... Old IiuH.psucr- ui larife i. in i.' of one Bundled uai-h al ft-nl.- n bun. lit, at TIIK H.KUl OKKl.UNlAN DKKll t, I'eiulle- lon. Ilrftf.in They are (aUrblooded RamboalilaHi l..ll...l I i..l..:.. . t mi i i ..in -ii I'l-uinic .Mdl llltlh. I tv at'i' IBPM, maturtM and farol'ullv MjaWttd Inu-kB. Shuup IUAQ ibottld MM tin-in baton making THI! tlggpta Couvejranot (urnishad free to Intpetl tliiK band of thorougbbradi, Addraii CHAS. CUNNINGHAM, Old Newspapers Pctullcton , Ore. Pilot Ruck. Ore BABBITT METAL RAILWAY; EAST via SOUTH. 7.uu g, i a.an a. ni. (7.ia. ui. ii.;-. p. in. Depot MUi ma IStraHi- OverUml bu.ir.' W1'1'1 mm, lesseura. au laud, tlat'ialu. ul" den, ui Krawi-e. lave, Uw Auxrlrt, the Baal. UoaWmrii 'JS' Wuislburii M"V" ' Ansel, wivrri..... w it,..Ai,-vll ,-. i. trun'aud Miuin:l'''u Corvallls fattous" l,les-l.de, ittJSP JuaiS Ually. IDally exxvl TIOKBTS iZlf?. ""' 2UU" Vuutllle, ouu h. aeoured at tin. Kuat (itW- oln om... hi ia.,,. p.muilT TUKIUIIll' k,-i,.ii, ticket, "i lauiouUi aud Han Kiauci ass ami n sis-.m.. "' u., ..,,.1 ilcltels I.- r trw Also jauaji, i..""- pluas ami Australia a' ll Klrkland, Tlckel Aeul r.trtland. Ir I'""-,,-I Net "f.1, i.,-'"ju.a!S in. is"S-, vm tiUU" - w mini SK"- The WHITE HOUSE GR0CERV Staple ami I uncy Gvaaai its, 1 ruits ami Hen lag Braada al Ouuued (;u,kIs. frmth cuetaiiks" TATOM BROS., Proprietors. All I lie Popular ii.iii i aud Eiuu. i a him ff i f Main Street, Pendleton, "