LVEVEHIHGEtMTMM T - rfT V DAILY EVENING EDITION rut Vr.iir "Ail " In The I n-i Oregonlan VOL- IS PENDLETON, UMATILLA OOUKTT, OBBON, Wednesday, JULY is. 1900. NO. 8849 Tempting Prices m .',... i'..ior Tabh htm"' M" ... ,,.,.mI - .1 P III.-" - 'Ol, -t' . I - Toilet rape, 0 Poll lli'Hl. "' !,.,, Wagons, Fl ' MOT SB1 ' fan. and M 19 Mid 1 .45, UENKRAL NEWS. Our Annual Summer Sale OF CHOICEST SUMMER WASH FABRICS AMERICAN LOSSES AT BATfLB OF TIEN TSIN per Begins tliin week. AUml tw.. IhsaM la vards i will I.- mill at prion tluu should mum ( lieaulifnl retuotioti ' material Lfjatk Picks, -v- fjaKMai ' uy LmI IVnctto, 8c. ,1 Rook-, ''"in eleewhere. bMHThmk I'aper, I (jnr of ll.iiuliri. a-- L, ,.,: Heart (um. M. Vinin Gum, Se. W ' , .l la. 11. canine. " o",,r- 'm r" i, , irnbrew, Bom rati an Us PS.' I2--Twelve and a half cents a ard--i21 Nothing Like So Large as They Were Reported to Be In the Earlier Accounts of the Fighting. CAPTAIN LISCUM WAS THE ONLY OFFICER KILLED Knulardinr, very stylish, sold ut OlUpM Nome rite, lmn.l-u.nii' pattern. MM hi IMmitle Sntm Rave, Is-autiful effect, mid Novelty Oxfords, fdMJ material , nM at. Cable Clinic, exquisite cloth, nM at Potted Swi Carcenct, lovely patterns, Orgamli Sph-ndide, sheer falirir, oi at fatal ha s.iir. alngnnl .ii'ir, nM at .1 at n cent n eti I aii to m sold at 36 cents I Now I At Once. '.'.i cent u j ii .c a Yard. II oenta J Frederick Nolf Matyi the Cheapest. An.l manv otMf lined of clean, fresh, new wash i.iois of various klnda sad all very desirable, real value anil ui to is noti At One Price oc a ard. ALEXANDER & HEXTER. At a metal eloetton In Hwi t l.ko City Momlav fJO,000 in bondi won voted (or thi purpose ol Improving ban waterworks of tlio city. Mondav night the presence of 14, (HX) rimiii" in Madiaon Siiiare ttanlen, York. T. rrv Mottnvern of Urook- 1 vn .lefeat.if I-rank Krne of Buffalo, tlie ehampton lifhtwaightjoi UM worM, in HnTM ronniN The Popi i aiil to have remarked bm lie na the Italian troop dapartlna for the far eaat. that thi wa the llr-l ar ainea the Omaaaaa hi which ail IMtlOM hail aaian IB make war for Ohflatlaa aaMa Qoloaal John Hamilton, D. . A.. mImJ lm .1 1 tm ll.k.,LUii uiim appointed to Weal Point from Indiana There iS Still SOIM ClOSI fOF HopflS RKardinK thf FOWlMfS WIlO Af6 in 1S47. When the war mn oui am wancantain in the Thinl 1'nite.l Stuten Artillery. sixtv thiilainl men for the iiiarch j to Mlln, ami 'Jtt.lllHI men to keen the line of C'linninnicat ion open, and, if DMWnrf, to ilefeml the liam-n of opera tion ai riaii Tain ami TaJra, in the eti of the nnnbar ol ttoona that will ba raqalred for tba Chlnaoo nnnaign, in London Monday abonl .m.ikh) i - I pie partn ipahil in the World a I'hrin- tian Bndoavof eonvanilon on the Alat aindrla Palaoa tronnda. Moatlnp inn held limultaneooaty In tba theater, concert hall and large MIMMM The iitaaiati Inoladad Rav. t'. M. Iholdon, of Topeka. Kan., and Kev. GaoTfl 0. ! l.orimer, of Bout on. In Pekin LI Hung Chang Has Started for tin Liilnese Capital, the Chinese Are Invading Ku ia. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Boston Store THIRD WEEK OF THE Big MidSummer Clearance Sale This wet k we're giving a littlt- extra attention to ODDS AND and REMNANTS. Wt'n doing exactly wliat ire -aid m would ing goods cheaper than anyone Uc Some special drives laid out every morning. ENDS Sell- Miiaad Bnda ol CbQdiw'i Hone V "Jdaii.l Ki. I- nf Ladle' Belt, worth IIV to iV IV Oddi ami Endi of t'oraet and Corm-t Wuiata, urtii tor t" L H( Turkiuli Tow ;-, worth li'SiC TV' Udiw' IVr.'.ilt- Wrapper, worth up to 12 He Silkatiue.. .irth Jlvr 7c Curtain KuttluiK. worth 12c V Ftnoy Towalt, rth Hi and .'ate 83c Ladle' BwnnMW Veata two for It ' h-i an. s I. i,i- ,.f Ladie' Veata at half price. "H- an : I i. I- ..f Ludie' Kancv Hoe at half price. Uiiaa' ( ' rati Baita, worth Il'.wi IL.-ai Li'lii-' r-.i-v uiti. worth H.-'ai It.49 Uln- ! .... -!it. w.-rtli afi.rai 4 l' CruL. Dark and hique Skirt greatly reduceil. Keninantr. Waah Uuud at one-half to one-quarter reituiur pricea. Oddl and Bndl in Children SIhm-, worth l Ladin' Tan i'xf,,nl, worth U.M. now Ladiaa' Kid Blaok .-Ik-, w,.rth l .vi, now Man'i Bboaa, worth f 1.75. now- Men - Mew, worth IJ.-i, now 50 ('.inplete line ,.f Harveat Mipplle at low price (juilt-, Itlanket-, Shirt, tilove. Sox. hoe, Jillii-r, overall, Suapetider. Straw Half, Helm.!-. Men Summer Underwear at chwinu out price. Men' rnderhirt, w..rth .Vc Men' l::l.l.."l -l.irf and Prawer-. worth 40c A lot Men -traw Hat. cli.fin out at ah Hat, eloaJngat a-v. Aganta for the ualawntod sweet OrrnOo. aOvav all and Clothintf, and Ilun-on tilovea. 10c .Vie 5te -c Me UK- Do your shopping early in the day--lt pays. Pendleton's Big Store. The Italic ha trent!theiie.l it high Bchool course, ao four year will ! re piired to complete it. The total amount of unpaid warrant ,,f lt.ikcr county i f 1 40, :t-i7 .17. on which there i accrued interest of t'i, (11,80? Mr-. Marv Anna Fry. mother of lianiel J. Fry the S.ilem dnitfjii!. died at her home ill Salem Monday of pan iyi agad 81 jnan. Mr. F.liahetli ('. Tolnian, wife of (o iieral .1. t'. Tolman, and a pioneer oi is:.:', diad at her bona in Ah- laud. Mini, lav. after a hort illne, a ned 71 year. F.iriv Monday notning the poatoflioi at Wallnla naa brokan into ami robbad of ahoiit I '..") in cah. A tore in the ame room wa alo relieved of everal pound- of tobacco, and other articles nan aln taken. Adjutant Alward, of the Salvation A rail at Spokane, ha arranged to mi all tin- old nOOdon akntaalkl to he torn up thi year, and expert- Ibon to no a hum way toward (few id Ing the poor of the city with wo.l in-xt winter. Jim- Bartoni, a wealthy heepmaii of Watt fall, Mai hen county, wa- ai-i- lelitallv killed Mon. lav afterOOOO, while ta. kiiik' huv at hi ranch. HO wa struck hv a derrick fork, one protiu of which pierced In neck. He dleil in a few hour. Iadore OarO, a pronlMMl merchant of Oakland. 'r.. die I kuddenlf at St. Vmeent' boopilal, Portland. Monday evening a-d lilty vear. 1'wo hour baton hi death he wa broogbl to Portland to nndorgn an opontlon for traogulatad hernia. A p-heepln rder wa found dead, w ith hi shepherd don keeping a wati-h over the t I v , on uroaohorn noon tain a fen i'uy ano. The name of the man eollld 11. t hi- learned. lie had la-ell dead ix or eiifht dav. and the hialy j wa decolnied. The iirt danaga suit againti I ha Ta coma Ballarajr a Motor eonpany, urow- iliK out of 'tin- recent str-et railway aeeidenl in which 4ii panona were nlid nj Henry iianl, d Mondaj Mr. Oaal ask death "f hi lii year-olil The hoy hud pint gTadO Steilaciaiiu aclns l, and Wahini:toii, .lillv IK. The warde- pnrtnanl bnllotinad an official report of the results of the but lie at Tien T-in, as follows: "Thi1 caiialtie I anong Dnltod States troop in the at tack on Tian Tain Jnlf b, were, kiilad, Colonel Liaonni and IT enlisted men Wounded. Captain Novo, not serious; Major Began, serious, hut not dangarona) Daiitaln fcoknllnr. nrl : mis and dangerous; Lieutenant Law i ton, not serious; Lieutenant l ong, slight and 7J enlisted men. Mlsaing, two enlisted men." The following dispatch was reeeiM-d at tbl navy department today I Che Fih. The latest reports do not indi cate that the army office ra. Major I , Captain Hrewstcr, Lieutenant Naylor, Hannond and Waldron are wonndedi Captain Charles 0, Long, of the marine curp. is among the wounded, alo Second Lieutenant F. K. I OOg, of the army. The list of casiialite to Dnltod States troop, from Tien fain tin nioriilng, reducing their number among tl Ulcer of the Ninth iiifantrv. afford great comfort to the war depart meul oAciala. tiona were dally bonbnrden I'h- am munition wa- running ihort, i lunger of a ma-acre was imminent. The meanngof savs thi- Innign minis ters conaldered it was Imponibla to prm-nre proviion after July I." Can He. .in Mlmlonarlai. New York, July IS. The Imard of managers of the MlnioMtry Society of the M. K, church, at a meeting to lav panad n revolution giving full anthoritv to the eiTelarv wilh the China oiniuittce. to recall all the mi- lonarln of tin- aoctety now in Ohlna if It inOOld at any time deem it win to do . The resolution authorlaea the expeiniiture oi any sum lieeeaaary to tfeet that pnrpoe. Will. INSPKir At.l. VKNSKl.N. THa NATIONAL LRA0UB. ATtar a Sainton or Savaral nn Ad lotirnt With Little Aanompllahad. St. Panli .lulv 18. The National League of Kepuhlican Cluhs nOMMg its session tistav. Ht. bWil was ae lei ted for the next convention. The reanlutlani adopted aongrntn'a tiona the people of the t'nitisj tain Upon the prosperous condition of the out ire country, dei larea anew its al legiance to the prlnclpln of tin- nn I lean parly, radoran the platform adopted at Philadelphia and ipprom the action ol r NcHiiniey, rha conxention adjonrued sine die. THK IIKMIHHATH OF I0AMO. Tha Famoiii 1 ontait at ahoshon ( ounty Oaninnm Thair rima. POMtollo, Idaho, July II, The deln- H-ratic convention not Hill morning and adjourned to I to p. in., to await the rejMirt of the credentials commit tee. Later, the eoinm itlee suhinitted two ri'sirts on the Bhoobona county contest, each signed b) HI nii'iiil't". I lie debata then started mi the famous eon tool The populists and silver republicans lid nothing this morning. IHK PH0.IHIT IS APPROVKD. Jaltv M Month ut CelaaMa Rlvar Will Ra Rapairad Vary Shortly. Portland, July is The project of dipt Lnngfatt) United Itatoa engi- i rs, for the repair ol the jetty at too month of the Columbia for wbleh the recent eongreM made an appropriation nl I'J.'ai.uiM, ha- bean approved by the ehlal of engineers and I lie secretary o( war Work will be OOnUMMaad "Imrtly. IT itraet lor getting the llghtabip Columbia No. M and delivering bar at Ihe buoy depot at Tongue Point, ha b awarded to tha Wolfl A llckar Imu work for 1 Pilsner Beer l lie liot Keerin Pea Ic ton Ask tor it. Vou will IUm it. Pilsner Beer Never causes Headache nor llijtiaess Scholtz Brewing Co. Opposite 0 R. 4. 1. Kouod House for Infants and Ch Idren. itoriA la H luiriiilena Mlbstltute tor ator Oil, 1 r.-- It i-ures urr... ..u " r.nlaU a the mii i cures v"" . ' v:. ....... .1 1.... -The Motlier'a I- rieuu. ii.. 'I'roillib-.s ki.iiium-Ii and 11 I-, Tin- Cliildri u a luiiitcu I killed, wu lieilai in, IVsJII for the M, Harry, uted II 1 1 tin I j h;i'! nananni , m:wm-s r mm. m The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ol In Use For Over 30 Karl's Clover Root Tea Jtamutinrn th Cjgnjlrxlm( purify lUt BI'Mid ,M'trai l-fel.,CW-r skin. Curs on ntiiiattnt ji'ligea.tiiin( aiuj all KruaUutta ut ii bkUa. All iT r-.i'.U I.ta ill..- Ktive Tunk-. Hold .u n'i i 4i mua !- ttli drutfgrUU ut - ., fw. aiadj ffil.UO. S. C. WELLS a CO . L'HOY, N Y Oil PROMlCTOII JTuraal .t I - A ' o hruafinin. Years. c WlNaU. IIEAll Head Winslow aft; (tractors and Builders Kitchen Furniture Dirt Cheap Jubbiog Specialty. Taoka to Ortfer. on (' ''toiiwuod 8t.( and Webb. between Alta f,'V I'LKTON, OkEGON. Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line tutun Carer v. Prog'e. mSmTll ",!1-1' nana gag at 7 o'clock Kiev" :;L'U '"r Hint tock, Nya. awAri Al0,ul I Klah UioC3acooin i; .t-aaouaul rriKtit and pea J9 oft. ,. rutvua Uo-" druf in gjgvitr tj PSavki room f"- "y winter tock I oar my larjjeline of Cook- i- BtOVai and Su-.-l Bangei at jiivutly reducnl prices for the u-M gizty day. JOE BASLER, Agent for North German Lloyd Steamship Co. Buy your ticket to the Paria Exposition over thia line. THE EAST OREGONIAN. Tba rapar of iba raepla Kvarybody Bead It. Tba Laraeal Clraulatlou Btl aararutlug Uaaium. 1 K t - aaaaBBBBBBaBBi It k,-. r tYBfyoooy &ay TLa LMifl atoiikrfiil Uir- voyatil lliatl t'Vi i UiUld I 111 Am you in iruuWt; oi any fl Jav rythiiiir tfuinn wroaT Are you t'juiati ii tinu liie una you lov Arw uu about to iuke gu JUVrat.dtltlT 11 ao, tall kvul a a Misa Vanit na The TurkUh Clairvoyant Htll . VI N III. IK K. m vwvvwvvi 2 Still Soma Room ror Hop. Washington. July g, The buoyant and hopeful feeling a to the Chinese ituatiOO was trenglheiied today hv an additional lontirmalurv dieputoh from Oonml Fowler, ut One Poo, touobing the aafety of the legal iotiers, at Pekin, on July I, it i- nndantooo that Pow I ler's information came frniii the -nine fountain head us did Minister Wu's, namely the famous Yuan Shih Kai, I ti e military governor of Shantung I province. There ia disposition to at tach mon cradenoa to the dlapnlobn than ITOU Id Is- ai rded to those of I Chinese officials. This coiifldence is baaad on the pnannntlon that in- has no inducement to falsih the fai l. Tha Chinese Army. SI . 1'i ler-liiirg, July In. A dispatih from Che Poo says: Prinon Tuaii has molMilizisI l.'ai,ini0 men, dividisl into different corps. Too no-then corps has la-en ordered to exs-l foreigners from Amur. The I'ekiu army la di vided into four corps. Chinese Invasion of Siberia. Loudon, July IH. If the news of the Chinese invasion of Sits-ria prows true, it will hnneMely aonpl laato the situation from an international nolnt of view. Such uu attack, if made, con stitutes in itself a declarat ton of war. A sepurule attaek by the Chinese on Uussia means the giving to Runla of ailditiniiul excuse lor an isolutisl des- . -1 t mi Pakln ami uu additional iTaiio in mart greater InJtoonna than othn siwi-ra when the day of settlement ur rlvn. An extreme uneasiness has s en created III the chancel lor n h thi lutet development. The Chinese Pleil. The Chinese Heel is i nie ent rat ing ill the China sea and boatiliitn ure ex- , i. d A disputed from Sunk in annouiicee that PritlOa Tuaii has ordered a great military movement, owing to the up- amine ol the .l.lli.lln m- In I hlnu. I'lie situation is uturmiiig. Sixtein foreigners huve arrived al Nankin from Ning Ho, where the house of for- eignen have been burned and tin- mi lonarlea horribly maltraatadi Too Good To Ue Trne. Washington, July IH. The slate de- partmenl ha renal ved a dlepatcfa from I'm. -nl (Jenenl Powler, at Clue l is., vihg that Governor Mian lung wired that a courier hit Pekin Julv II, and the legations were i-till holding mil UeKinley's Poller. Washington, July g, 'Having de- elded that the lituntion don not var rant the calling ol an extra session of congress, and having agreed upon the Dumber ol tnsips and marine whieh will be eant to nintotn tha jatarna tional troops in China, the istsitiou of the admlntatntioa is aaaarined as one of waiting. Itolwbie news of (In- Iriii- situution in Pnkln is nspantad non. Until it urrives nothing will lai dnnja but to imoIhiI le and push forward Ihe tnsips and Inariln - sell i led to louse up our quota of the Hll.isjl soldiers, which eon -auders at Taku dci idisl ure neces sary to hold Twn Tsui and insure the aucceaa of the forward movamant on Pakln. Close lo Hussian Territory. Washington, Julv IH. -The United States minister, Allen, ut Seoul, tele graphs that the lioiers and Chinese are in force within a few miles of the Corcan frontier. Cabled for Warships. i'miaiil liuneral liisalnow, at Hhang- hai hu cuhbsl for warships, lie added that hia auggeatiuu was merely precau tionary. LI Huoi Chang Goes to Pebln. Li Hung Chang, disregarding all at tompta of Kuropuans and On i nan to persuade him to remain, left ('antoii this illuming for I'ekiu. The rebellion it is reporteil has taken hold of Southern (Tuna T To re are now ,UUU Japanese troops in China. Letter From Pekin. Washington , July 18. The Japeouae legatiuli here has received the lollow- Those (ioinn prom Prlsro lo Nnine and gawall Will bo Ksaiiilned. Sun Francisco, July IS. Collector Jackaon of this port was notlnod by CKiarantlne Offloer Kinyoon that hen -after all veaaeli from Honolulu ami Alarka would baaobjact to iunrantlna Inapecllon, Alakau venola will Is- Ill-Id lip heOaUn ol the prevalence of a mild form of smallpox at Cape Nome ami Hawaiian nanolaon account of tba plague. Mill. IN Will. AT I" I P. I UN In IIOI UN ANll II It I I INII a Pierce The Hours Make an Attack ami Usui.- Hesults. Lou. Ion, Julv ih. The following dla I mtch wa reooived thi morning from ,ord Huberts "Yesterday tl m-iiiy made an attach on the left of licucral I'ole-Carew ' position and along our left Hank mnawlad by Oanenl Mutton. T he ousts Won gallantly de fended. The enemy force nfrered severely. They had II killed, lillv ITOU tided and (MM taken prisoners. Tba llritish casualties were nVOfl killed, inelnding two Canadian lieu tenants, Borden ami Huh, ami thirty wouudeii and '.'i mining.' Synod of Lutherans. Tacohia, Wash , Julv g, The I 'a aide dlatrlct tynod, ol tba Norwegian Lotberlan Oburcb, began it laealoa here this mornlngi The delegates pnaanl an from Daliforniai Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Minnesota, Iowa and the fur eusl. Smallpox at Dawson. Vancouver, B. c , July is. The itaamor Clutch arrived here ludoy from Skagway. bringing SO0,OO0 in gold dual, baann a large amount of drafts A doxeii rases of slmlll mx have broken mil at llawsoli. The Wheat Haraels. Chicago, July IH. Septcmls-r wheat. If, i ent per boabeli Sun Francisco, i Mi par oental, July IH. -Cash wheat, CHICAUO UAHKKT. Heporied by I. L. Ray fc Co., Chicago Board of Trade and New York Slook Kxohanae Brokers. July IH Stronger foreign markets ngva He- grain markets a lino Opening tbl morning, wheal si lling up to 71 7 -H a IH I OOTB 4U . tree llqUldatlUO iii com startod prion on tba down grade and the cloae was ut the low fsilnt, ill l-H I,, 7ll'4 for wheat and MhJ to M VH fur corn. Htocka ure all stead Money I1! pni i ant Close yesterday, IV t to 77 T-H. open lodav, i?'. Kange Uatry, I-h to 77 7-h. Close tialay, 7 l-H to 7h e CHAMCKU LARCKNY Br BAILKK. Weston Man Waves Kxaiiiliiatlou and Will Appear Before Ihe Llrcull Court. J. w. Disaooi of Wesioii, this morn ing wuived aaa ml nation in the naltoa court of I. s. Wissl, of Weston, and was held to appear baton Iba i Inolt Court at the coming term, lie was re- leaaed noon iiia own na ognliaw r Iiixkoii was chargei I with larceny by bailee, Iba claim is-mg thai In- sold goials he hud Isillglll under a coluli- lional sale, whereby title aum plate does not pan until the eondltUina ol the 1 1 aoa.ii l loll hate fllllilled Diatrtot Altoriiey T. 0, llaih-y ami A. I. Slillinali were al the alutioii ready to go to Weston, when word came thai llixson hud walvtsl. Mr. Hallei was to have prosecuted, und Mr. Hlill o, ii, I I - . - I I tin- i Use Many Hundreds of Acre Destroyed the Walla Walla Country. Walla Walla. July IS. Bvarj day brlnga some new report ol grnla that has Bean lent by tire In the Be Id a tba bank a nil of some farmer gone -ailing toward the sky. Standing as it don in Ihe scorching sun the tlcud-riu crop bacauaa as dry as tinder ami but the lllgbteal spark is nqnlnd to start a lire against which the hand of man can have no power. Yet Ihe harvest cannot be hurried lorward I MM Ihosi crews thai are BOW at work are running short and farmers daily -iek vainly lor laborer ihiii Ihe strecta. Monde) saw ihe conaumption by tire of over HIS) aires of wheat III the Spring Valley lectpon, Ian than half of whicn wan iiiaiired. Ill one Held John Stru t tier lost '.'.'ill acre and liunnl Mc Ooahum. a neighboring farmer, lost '.Mil, Willis lugalls .'ii and llorai-e Mnrphj 10. David Oh aln had about Lit acre burned. The lire was alerted Ir a traction engine passing BlOOg the Valley lirim- mad. The Haines ranged northward in spite of BVerj oflurl made to chock them and literally luirmsl until there was noth ing Innammabla In their path. rnrtbar loaan by In ol 1,11 to standing grain ow I by Hongnta Col . MUO to a Mrs. Ldwanls, and lino to Billy Baker are reported to have i-- 1 iirred within the past la hours. John Albeit is aln mentioned among the losers ffom this Cllllae Several Hres ol lesser importuni'o have also Ih-cii reported, considerable lamage having been sunl to be done on the liewai plan- ml, of the i lly. Shingle Mill Burned. Toledo, Ore , Julv IH (In I n. lav morning the ,'te mill of 0. it ai- tree, on hrifl creek, was goatooyod Pf lire. I he loss ia aMUl 16000, Kndeavors Klect Otneers. lailnlon, Julv h Kev. I ram is K. ( lark und John Willis lluer were tialay ia alntod reepeetlvelj worM'i presi dent ami sec re tart ol the Yonag Bam ph-'a HOC let y ( Christian Fudeavor. Kiss Was ratal. "F.lci t!i ity la a tunny forn-." said the obsi-rvanl motormuu to his 1 o'ldui tor us he I .mi rded hia cur. "Last night m arly all the current was sud denly cut off from Ihe wirea 'n the baril, and after a minute came on again. Komi a lor like that of an overcisiked dlliher llllr.l I lie a.wer bouevi on ion ta., ubitibena were found alowly roaatiiig lo liaulh on the main wire. For hour the feath ered 1 ,.1 1 r I ad meted la sad ly on separ ate wirea The llilllllle ihallt lilii-r reached a- pun to give a guod-algbt kisa lo hia diar Hiddv. on an appuaite win-. .1 ileadl) 1 urn nl was Ion id IbroUgh their bod lea, and hence Ihe udor oi roaating eh lean ' - ksuia Clt) Journal. The law holds laith maker and eireu lator of a eounterleil ngnnllf amity. The dealer who -.11- v. .11 u dangerous Douoterlell ol DaWitt'a Wltah llasel HaltM risks your lite lo make a mil" larger prolll You can imt trust lulu. Ih VS ill's la the only genuine and original Witch Hael salve, a well known cum lor piles ami all skin diseases. See that vour dealer gives you lioWiii'a Hnlvo, TallaaM v Co., leading druggists. e e Hersea for bale. I will atdl ul auction or private aula null .-Saturday, July 'Jlst, at one o'clock p. 111., at City Livery stable, some gisal work horses. J. M BKNTLBY. ing dispatch from the minister cigu attairs al lokio in of for- 1 Huron Niahis. thu Japanese min ister at I', km, in a knttcr, daltsl June mi 1 ... Sl-H 1Vi Julv I'- . u , luuinni , oou - - -, VvVVrVvW 1 brought by a luoaaunger, aaya thu letfa- M THI: HABHiS' FRIEND.' roLtrsr m HONIT' roanc dfdLjjivg MMDS roixuco ( HH Alu m MR t atittftai of 4 I en tury Folgyi 1 loagy aud Tar lias been curing babioa of cruup and wlio(iuiie; i ouijh III that time it hu Mved thousaiids of little jivgl and every year it goes on Mvinj iiiuK'. Phyaklgil who h.ivi tMttd it know Foley'a I onay a"'l Tar is the beat med ii n for little folks and much Niiicrior to the old time in 11 1 into "1 .1111 11 mn ia iii ix Hires, so often prescribed by doctors, and which .ire so oftgg ineffective. It's aatiraly free from opiates aud it's unconditionally guaranteed. Little (oiks like Tl. BANNER SALVE la the gteataat healer kuowu. full SALS UV bUII'I'l. I'HAUU ACT, l-BMtl.Kl-o.s . OUKOON.