East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 17, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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... v .i- .'f Print'" I
I'nf Vniir "Atl." In
The l:Ant Oregon Ian
mill hftvt II
will l" M "
NO. :84H
TemptinR Prices
.....il.- ?mu. ''
Em ' ,,"x'
ESS lkuK Cw,tOT Th1''"' Me-
EsmdChsIn, vvurrante.1 ft Ml 1
" 4,. Me, 11.11 ! '
BTmII WW fPer Bc-
mf wi ii '" "
- r.. .m. .)!' .
m.u l'.'ii Us, :!
o,k, Ill HI CISCWIlcre.
.. Tillr I'.ll'T, I''.
(ioodo anl .!-. '' '"
l ll.i inn "PBS.
Our Annual Summer Sale
Begin IhM wwk. About two thotiaand varda
will la- milil at prices tluit should cause
( beautiful
a -en-at ion '
I2j-Twelve and a half cent a yard--1 2.'
" . 11 . . - 1 : it in
p,..4;i, i ' : '
. -,-vh. -. k grade, Ilk
W. . ... 1. .... l
Irnimrew . uw i ir-
PMlMdlM, very stylish, sold at Li i cents
t'ri'linn Noiivc ntc, hltdsoie pBtMriat, cold at ID cents
DtMites 1st In Kiiyc, beautiful effects, nM at M osati
Nnvcity Oxfords, Bm Malarial, sold at. n Dmti
Cable Cords, exquisite cloth. nM at M cents
Potted Swiss Oareenet, lovely pa items, sold at oeeU
Orjjaadl sphmiiiie. si r fabric, told at 10 matt
Fond Ds s,,j,-, elegant acahjnsi toll
j All to bs Sold
At Once.
( Mm
j il ea ard.
frederick Nolf
Always the Cheapest.
Ami many ot her line
very Qesi rattle, real value and np to
of clean, fresh. MM
var i-m- kiu,. ami all
18 rent
At One Price
oc a aril.
The Boston Store
Big MidSummer Clearance Sale
We guarantee our prices to he lower than anyone.
h.n. vide l'.r.alea Be
IMwOonats, Worth from ll.lkl to L'.0( alio
Uliri- Kat Mack Cotton H-we ."(
lata ftaatater Vasts MwlorlM
Ltdlrs' and ChllJrent Marnsols Prices cut In twu.
Sflti Bnim, t-. were Ittc 19c
Ueni ami Otwlltw Ik-
MM Btagfaaiut, wortli 2v la
Uliw ( 'v,t' -uitf. were 2.ft0 1.5V
Ml Skirt-, trimmed :
iol( uml OoTaft Suitiiiifi', worth 2lk- lOr
l-urc Curtailih .... Xic pair
Curtain Huttl iitar ,
Curtain Net 5c
Itleuchi"! Mtiliii
8helf Oilcloth
IfjOOl Ikread (1MB Hlack ami White;
Roller Toweling
K id ilovef
Ijulien HcltH, worth .T.c- and .U'
Tc yard
. 2c
Ladies' Neck wear--an thing in stock, at less than cost.
Remnants of Wash Goods at half price.
Pendleton's Big Store.
HuM lUcrin
c It,
I. -ii
WW9t eaiMMJ Headache
nor OtnlMMi
kUIti Brewing Co.
asite 0. R.
Round House.
a. H.
for Infants and Children.
S2Sr wii L...ti.ii.ir sr.n.s. n i-i.mt. u
'""' ","T.."". n.,r other NiiKottc
"eiinei "I""'"'. ..ui.. -
It lextrH onus aim im.i
Oiurrlm u uml VVina "; "
una Clirefl i.;oiiMini.
ItoMI'lx, IfUIIIK UeHllUJ Him iiau iu.
1 '..Ii.!, . .1 11- .'IOIIHT .........
, lllll.llll--
It mi
llllf Trouble
Si. mo. o Ii uml
Tbe Cbllureu'
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"Ruiirs the Sitruuture ol
C. C. MtAli
iJCarti lilt Olguaia". v.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Head
John Nclnon of Chicnuo won the i
days "OoMm Wlied" Baditfll rare at
Cam bridge, Maci., making Wl mile
mid 7!Ht yarli.
Kx-Minicter Ponhy ban rneiv.xl
detinite tiewn of the MMMI o( hi son,
Charlw Dwiby, Jr., MM family from
Tien Tin to Slmnliai, China.
The rcnt.il!- ollire in-ue.1 its lirsl hnl
letin on Saturday, (fivitic the m. illa
tion of the Piitrict of t'olunilun Ml
178,718. The increane ImN the laM
ci'imnn ii. BO.fB per cent.
The WOB exiHTtn variously eliinate
the wheat crop of the I'nitiil States
for 1IHMI at from 472.000.lHiO to 510,166,
000 baahelt, and the oon crop at from
t,US,080,OM to 8,M0,77O,000 MMMNi,
The accidental ilipcharp of a Win
ohaatet rille in the baitdl Ol a 10-year-old
DOJf at Victoria. B, t'-. reanlted in
the death ol the boj ' father. K. Mc
t'lnre and Inn U-ye'ar-old ainter. The
boj is crazed with grief.
The North Gerinafl Uod Steamship
conpan estimate their loMM at the
recent aocll tire in New Vnrk at f!'.
000,000 84,000,000 f..r property dot
troyed and 58,000,000 for pMMlOMlta
dependents of the vict iinn.
While MMKitM a powerful MlaaOOM
on the roof ol an optieal factory la I
Booh eater. N. N., party of tc lent lata
dlecoverea thtel at wcrk otat two
miles away, ami inlormed the pOlMt
and had him placeil under arrest.
Plana are nmlcr consideration by the
secretary .! war which contemplate
keeping! military force of -10,000 sol
diers in the Philippine for some time
liar the withdrawal of the volunteer
troopa thai will have to he moetefod
out ol the service bv the first of July,
101 .
The tire iii Proaoott, ArtjoM, which j
Itarted Saturday nlghl and humad nn
til Siimbiv niorninir, canaed a property
lose of fiiooo.oou. Only a few liiialneeal
boMM are left, Tlie tire started from
a camlle selling tire to a loose plc'e of
paper ..n the wall of a room over a hot-
tliiiL' w..rk.
lackson comity 'a debt ia lat,18.i1.
The net indehtiilness of the city of
Astoria is above 1180,000.
Suhacriptiona to Roeeban'l
fair and am..iiiit to t-l'ii'.
a.hliti"ual pr.unisea.
Mrs. Cvrnia Tayne Curl, wife of
W. E. Curl died at her In. me in Al-
bany, aged 77 yeere, sin- came t.. or
Ki n in 1 H7.
Kev. Mr. tiivler and l'.l-year-ohl son
are reported to have been drowned Oa
Point Octiance. The minister was the
pastor ol the Kirat Methodist Church,
..I Tacoina.
K. A. West, formerly of Uolae,
Idaho, committed suicide at Seattle
Saturday. Ill health was the cause,
lie was'a memlier of the Klks IimIijc at
Captain M A. Ilealey. f 'he I nited
Stutes cutter M OttlloUell, haa been
adiodged laaane ! P rl Funnaaad,
Waall., and will be sent to the govern
Eaaal asylum at Wa-hint(tili.
K. Mi Stratford, Ol Itoai'liiirrf, haa
smc lad Captain Mather- as special
uncut nl the genera! land nllice for
the southern hull "I this state, Cunt.ii i
Malln rs being trausf. rrid to New Mex
ico. Slute Senator Itrowiiell tells the
votera of Clackamas county that be
will trv to have the legislature ulmlish
the oHlce .,f n.ad ineater, and cut salary
ol . unity judge ir 100 tO 880 DM
oath i
Mrs. Itose l.stelle Cr. ightoll Itliahe,
wile of Captain ( lyde Uaal.e, of I'ort
land, dnd ul the boOM Ol her mother,
Mrs Mary .1 I r. ighlon , in Sab-in af
ter an illi.es. ol thr.e nionth-, the di
rect Cllllse III lli-UIII Ol lllg Ull lew ess oil
the brain.
The Chineae population of I'ortluml
,-xcee.ls :aKai uml there ure parfaapt
7000 in t . .tut. nt OraaOB, yet no re
ports of threats of violence against
them have been openlv made on ac
count of th - out rug. -s in China and
there sh'.IlM Jiot lie BIIV.
Or. K. S. PortlOW, ugeil 75 years,
.1 i.ul hi I'ruirie Citv. Ahoin ::"i vear,
uifo he III iV.d to the West Ulld
in Umatilla Clt
a long tin e
bear ooantt
But the Allied Forces Hive Taken (be
Walht City of Tien Tsin.
Bryan Is Questioned Regarding How It
Will Be Cast.
rait Daad In a Htraav. a Victim of 88
raaalva Sinoklna.
Sbelbwille. Ili.l.. .till v 17 I'xces-
lee cigarette aiuoking ia given a. the
direct cauao ol the uatimel) death ol
Monro Pefty. h 1 4- ear old Niv. win
dropped dead on the street here
o Young I'erry was walking along one ol q
the principal thoroiigfareH of the city
with a i.M.k ot inten' agony on hi
.. Q collliteiuince. toppled to the sidewalk I a
corpse 1 lie young Doy was an . , -sive
cinarette smoker and the doctors
assign lhi aa the cause of his death.
They say the poiajon Ojiieatl hil heart to
become weak.
American Lossfs it Battle of Tim Tsin
ported to be IIS; Total Losms if
Powtrt Reported it 800.
Allindinrt Is Fair and (iomnor Roosetell,
Undldtle (or Vire President , Is
on Citiibltion.
i e-
st reel
w ith solue
Contractors and Builders Kitchen Furniture Dirt Cheap
Jobbing a Specially.
nka tu
aa on i ,,.),
nwowl 8t.,
and Wuhb.
betweou Alia
Peflu!eton Ukiah Stafe Line
ton Carin
S1 foaqiat
rv ilav t 7 .,'..1..4
v I . .. m . . . . . . .
Aiba ..... rtJrjr
uiHi.i a;coai
m,bl" ''' bt nd paa
TUIaian X Co.'i lruf
Iii order to make room for my tall and
winter Btoek I otht my Lirgoliiio ol Cook
ing Btovei and Btwl Range, at gmMy
reduced jirices tot the nxt hixty days.
Agent for North German Lloyd Steamship Co.
Buy vour ticket to the Paria Expoaition ovr thia line.
In. uled
, here he resided for
and Iron tbetiea la Mai-lb-
altera afdi kiovad In
Uuk.-r coiliilv, aiel Hon I" 1 uiiyoii
CltV. Where he pr o I let d li o',1 three
y.urs. Sime the lir.- ol I HOM he has
bean loualad at i'ruirie City.
ills of
Tho dorunqomontn at
the tomato organism that
breed mil klndm of trouble
end which ordinary prmo
tloo does not cure, ere the
very things that give way
promptly to Lydla t . Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound Uterine and ovarian
troubles, kidney troubled,
uloeratlonm, tumors, un
usual discharges, back"
aches and painful periods
theme are the Ills that
hang on and wreck health
and happlnesm and dim-position.
mton, .lulv I, . I lie Putlv Mail
the Associated l'ress a dispatch
Hianghai, saving- The allied
troops resunie.1 the attack iihui the
t'hineae walled citv of Tien Tain .Inly
It, and tUOOeedea In reaching the
walls uml capturing all the forts. The
t h inese were completely routed and
the allies took noaaaaalon of the native
city ami its defenses. The total losses
of the allies on Thursday, I'ridav ami
Patardaj were a boat 100 kllleil and
aoandiMt. The casualties were great
est among the ROMlMM and Japanese
The Btnatlnni, assisted by small
parties ..I Qarataaa aod Preoeh, oap
lured eight guns. The body of Ameri
can, Brltlah, JapaneM and Austrian
tr.Hips attacked the west arsenal, which
the t'liineae bad re-oi-rupied, Winn
the arsenal had been evacuated b the
Chinese, the Americans, Krench ami
Japanese and Britiah advanced towards
the native city and joined the other
attacking forces. Tba Japanese infan
try and mounted battcrv advanced to
the walls supported by the Americans
ami trench. I'espite the valiant at
tacks, the allies WOTV only able to hold
position! outside of the walls prepara
tory to the renewal ol the assault tbe
next morning. The ciisuulitea were
XOSod ingjly hemy, especially to the
Allien an, V rem h and Japanese.
Ihlnaia Naar Shanghai
London, July 17. This morning's
news of the success of the allied forces
at Tien Tain, though that MOMM was
dearly Isnight. appears to clear the air
somewhat. I Ins victory , it is liooeii,
will elulhle tlie allies to resume their
prepare tloOJ for an advance movement
eepeelall as i.,, it is oaWlally an-
DOOnctxl that the Japanese forcea of
88,000 will In. diaumbarked by ,lul in.
According to a Shanghai dlipatcn to
day, u hundred thousand of Chinese
troopa, armed with Mauser rilles and
i (an artillery, are aBOSMPsd at
three Polatt, within 411 miles ol
Shanghai, ready to heseige the town in
the event of an attack by the hum
paaM upon the W.ssl Sung i n
Brlllah Lagallon Standlna.
Ixindon, July 17. William I'rit, hard
Morgan, a memher of parliament, re
ceiveil a cablegram containing the pos
itive assurance, from a aotirue upon
which he relies, that the Itritlsh lega
tion, at I'ckin was atumling on July 8.
Kdlcl Agalnal Foralgnara.
New Turk, .Inly 17. A dispatch to
the lb-raid from shunghui, MM! An
Impartial ad lot, dutisi July 8, ha, i
received hv the l. erovs and IfoVlTllors.
ordering tnOHl to In-giu war against all
foreigners without delay.
LI Huna Lhang Kalit.
New York, July 17. A dispatch tii
the Journal ami Advertiser from lm-
dOBi aaya: lu the lobhy of the teniae
of colnllions iunt night It wus dechircl
the Itritlsh government had ieMed or-der-
for the aeiure of l.i llnng 1'hang.
it is resolved to hold I i Hung Chang
as u sh-i iea ol h.wtuge. It uppeurs thai
Sir ll.-nry lilake, the governor of Hong
Kong, has ohlaiued proof that the old
viceroy, in spite of bla professi .ua of
friendship for foreigners, ia in thor
ough sympathy and league with I'rince
aaMfMM Luia Larga.
Washington, July 17. Admiral
Kernel cuhh-.l tin- navy department
tliut the city and the (oris nl Tien lain
ure in the hands of the allies. Ilia list
of killed and wounded was still not
complete The dispatch aays : "dice
I .... Today I hope to get the wounded
from TieO IV in. either in the hospitals
at Taku or aboard Ihn Solace. I'oiu-
muniootion is vert uneertaia. Ihe
totui killed ami aooBdad s reported at
J76. I'he Kuaiuna uml Jupunese lost
heavily. Our totul h.aa reported is
L'I'i; uhoul 40 were murines, but the
uulnlu r la ludleviil to Is- ex.iggeralisl . "
Ouud Naw., It irua.
Washington, Jul) 17. Tho Chinese
minister here has received a dispatch,
uuthent muted by nheng, tin- Imperial
laapeotor ul tefegrapba. ut Shanghai,
and by two viceroys, dec luring that the
loreigueri ai Hafcia were sal.- July 8.
Thia date is two duva after the re
ported BMiaMM "I loreigntira.
LI aaaa a Vlcaroy.
Washington, July 17. The aecrntary
of slate has received a disputi h fiOM
( ooenl McWade, at Cuntoii, informing
him that l.i Hung t'hung had sailed
t.siay (or Hong Kong l.i received an
edict last night uppolutlin him the
i igjgfoy of Chi Li.
Nlatlun Uaairoyae.
Coiauu begun, July 17. The Jtunish
iniaalou station at rung Kwaug Tung
haa beoa deatroyisl The inissionuriea
Waablngtoa, July 17. A dispatch
from Allen, the American imuiaUir at
Coreu, aaya the lioxem have d. lroyel
the t atholic imaalon, n.r.-e Inllea Irom
I In- I kwaaa Irouudary.
Tha blluailona Brighlenf.
Washington, July 17. The whole
( hio. re situation ia materially bright
, aed thia morning ii,on receipt ol Ad
miral Keiney'a report of the capture ol
Tien Tain hv the alliea. I'he hoatile
forcj-s hus heeii driven out of the abet
ter of the city to an oM)ii plum and the
allied force haa bc.cn ouudrunh I in
.i ,i
A rnltv Tu I Arrlclr
ImIm t
Walla Walla,
ham Duckworth
' 'mangle, ' ' a in
ami ironing
Walla steam
la Ur.. Duckworth:
Jal c Mr-. WH.
while operating the
bine Used lor dr nig
luraoaM In the Walli
an nilrv , e-tcr I iv after
noon, had the misfortune to m-ert the
lingers of her right hand between the
red hot rollers. I'he hand was fright
fully . rushed an. I hnriied and it is
(cared imputation Inuv become neeea
aary. According to the assessment roll re
centlv abmitted byOltf Assessor Wal
ter I.. Oadraan, there is in the city of
Walla Walla real property to the
amount ol I,M4,867. Thia, probably.
not being over rill per cent ol the actual
value, the estimated valuation of the
entire city, including hiiihling improvement-,
ami personal property)
would he 19,788,714,
Two Niileidai.
Hllltboro, Oregon, Julv
bisiy of s. H. Humphreys,
ncnt real estate broker here
this morning hanging Irom a
17. -The
a promt-
was found
tree 1 1
Is supposed that husiness troul.les
caused him to commit su'cide.
Kariningtou, Wash . -lulv 17. 1)1 rich
Piper, a well known roung man here,
OOmmittisI suicide In.' mglil by sh. sit
ing hlmastl. He suffered Iron n-
sumption and w as despondent .
Wheat Ylald lut Down.
TaW WHS. July 17. "Reports irom the
eastern portions of the state Indicate
that the wheat crop will not he as
heavy as was espeutod. The eMlmate
of the total yield tor the state of
Washington is now cut down to twenty
live mi I Ion bushel s .
Tha Whaal Marketa.
San I'rancisco, July 17. - Cash wheat,
tl.U'i per cental.
Chicago, July 17. Seplemher wheat,
77 84 cents pw bashed
Raportad hy I. L. Ray a Co., Chloago
Board of Trada and Naw York block
Kaehanga Brokari.
Julv 17. The grain marketa opened
a trifle better this morning, wheat al
77Si uml com at 41 '4 These were top
prices and under tree Helling by out
aide parties there was a decline to 7'.
September wheat, ami :w 84 for corn.
There waa a sharp rally Irom thia
p, lot Wheat closing 77'4 10 77 M.
and com MM to IHI fi-H.
StiH'ka all higher. Money, li per
cent .
Close yesterday, 77 1 x to 77t4.
1 ipeu t. day, 77'g.
Kange t... lav, 7U to 77'.
Oh se today, 77'4 to 77 J-H.
a a
Wuahlngton Nawa tiayn Uapartuiaiil Haa
Hraparad Plana and Spaeirh alioiii.
IProM Washington comes the news
that "The Indian bttrsaU haa pre pu led
plans ami apecilica. mua for a new
Is.ardlllg lohool to la' erected on the
rioalilla reservation n. Oregon The
OhOOl has btMM designed with 11 vow
to amMing the presenl dsmsads, ami
anv dsmsndl that MWI grow in the
next III or l'i years II is the lllteli
lion ol the depurtluent to make this ,1
Ural class hoarding SsbfHil, which,
while not u- lurge as many othsrs.
will bs Dumplsts in every detail ami
thoroughly modem In sqeipmsnt.
Tlu-re will in- other Improvemmils
around the school ami reservation, hut
as yet the 1, lun- lor the eiitir
proviuneiii pave m.i heen DOMplatad
I'ho water uml aewerase vystew is to
ha repaired in plu.cn uml repla
new in others, and will li
very heel con-In ion
"The school 1 ires ted will he a
1.. h.ry (runic structure, designed
apesisify lor the Umatilla raatwa
lion, uiel Intended to meet the ipeclas
demands ol lbs Indian mbool in that
-i I lie- latest ideas alth regard
t., bsallblul anil well lighted ichooli
have bsea incorporuted, uml every
ellort has been Hipended to secure a
building which will bs h.-von-l crili
siSM. It ia hopi'-l that hi. I may la
PUbmilted at un early day which a ill
come within the allowance (or tbe
school huih ling, and that the work
may be IttlsllStl to curly completion.
'I he building, wh.n loinpleli'd, will lie
00 fe. t hiug uud ia hi t deep, and will
bs nearly 80 lest high."
Lincoln, Neb , Julv I." William . I.
Bryan was asked today i( the ami nn
perlallsU vote would hi Mtloast)
alt. , led hy the uiiuoiim eni. nl that
some opponents ol Imperialism would
oppose him on account of the sliver
.)auk in the platform, Bryan replied
in part: "Several gold standard. ip-
ponanta ol Imperisllsnt have already
announced their InteMlton to support
the democratic in k 1. The democratic
platform declsres the qoestloa ol im
perialism tin- paramoanl lama i( any
opponent ol imperialism refuses to
support lbs democratic ticket bsCUOM
of the silver plank it must he hccuiisi
bo prefers a gold standard empire to a
bimetal I lo republic. ' '
Tha Raiiuhllcan l.eagiia.
si Paul Minn., Inly I." I'he Na-
liou il l.eacu" ul Kepoblican slabs was
called to order hv Col lien. Stone
the president, here this morning- tin
the roll cull of stated aboUt hull of the
number responded, tetlng Mayor
On-gg made a short address of wel
come. Alter speeches hv I ioverilor
Buusevell and Henatot Nelson, I'resi-
denl Stone dellverisl Ilia address. The
league then adjourned until tomorrow.
Praildant In Waihlngton.
Wa-hingtou, Julv i7. President
MoKlnley arrived in Washington to
day from his li.ime it OantOO, Ohio.
Throa Lonvantloni at Pocatallo.
Poeatello, Idaho, July 17. The dein
OCratlS state Oon VSntlOa un-t here thia
aftamoon. K. I. Parky, of Bllmors
county, was elected t-'iuporarv chair
until . rim siiver rspttbDsan coaven
lion ellei led leuiporiiry organ i at ion
hv the selection of J, J, Itellliett, of
blah inly, Its chairman Tin- populist-
elected A. I'. M.Kllllev, of Mm
hone count v , teiuMirary chairman.
Don i irrigate.
Owing to water Is-ing out ol livers'
mill race from w hich purl of Hie City's
SUpply Is pumped Ull. I the llecearilty of
keeping the reservoir lull as protection
iiguiuat lire, no water can he usi-d (or
irrigation. This order is Imperative,
must bo Obeyed 1 until water is 111 race
gain, J, I BROWN, Water Supt
Bla 1 rowd at Taal.
A large crowd ia now camped at I'eul
Springs, some for pleasure ulld aolue
(or their health No bMtor place can
be found for 11 taw weeks outing, ua
there is s Homing, dancing, llahing
and hunting. I'he springs an- under
g I uianageineiil ami cverv thing ia
gOnS that will make
campers. Kirkuiau's
furuiahing tin- aittsis Id
it pleasant
orchestra is
th.- dnnesrsi
of same
I our huuehea 1
reward will hi
f haling wire.
punl lor return
to 'I'av lor's hardware -tore
Beecham's Pills
....... ninsr ssaa am W 4 aU8P
tlUfti SH3H til AUAOHC
BaTafJ If t nillaff M I W ut i
Mi'MiiK h mud dlMonii ml i WI r. sj
IV wiaUttit'l ttU.al 1 drag i4.ii. 4
.1 b-
111 th
Dk Miiloli.s J
iouii iiiiu n
rjj vrii.iiiiirtiiri a
ThU in tsfyiuHl tiursitltn the
MfJOft UUMa)ful I 'ugfli MsmI)
t ill rv. r k ii van In aciiic; a
(1 w QiMjtag n .11. dly turw Ih
arorkt t-iari .i i -uvU, ( roup
Hint Hfl ii liltlsj, Willi 11 WuU
Mrrfftll KM - 'li lliat nil uf
I 'MaUlliiilo.il If wil '..nit mi'
at II I in t ur til at m y uf initio i it,
hlin 1 1 a hi .1 tlisatvtwlt Usui
be-t il Mt.nl mi at hf iietlMlltar. st
. thli Jl tin ..llit I Illtitlu Ju)
.at It taHl1 If - l IlltVW m
CttUftn. Ml) iiiii iy aU ytita
r M. In I'llllWtl Sttslltl
fl. !! . - Mini l UU, Mh.1
III KhgUltU U -I aVi .... 1
5Clt PROIfltlOR5
aavwa-a. rnurntiiunu ti
S.C.Wells & Coti
11 inn N.V.
MB. BADtikBO '8 VlKW.
LydU E. Pmkhain VcgttabU Cumpound
1 ha Paper of iba Paoplu
KvaryOody Baadi It.
tba L.rgaav Ulroulailuu
Baal Advarualug eadluiu
wonderful record
ot absolute our em of those
troubles a constant
series of suooesmmm for
thirty years. Thousands
of women vouch for this.
Their letters constantly
Talk. About tha Crepa aud
Umatilla Will lio Bapublloan.
W. II. Hadgc ro manager Ol IAS Wal
ler's louring mills ol I'eudletoii,
Stopped ill the city Monday, aaya the
Walla Walla Union, being en route to
summit station, near I'ilie.
Mr. Ila-lgero said I'matilla coiinlv
never li.nl such Hue iropi heloro nor
wus the grain an excellent. Lurge
quantities have already been hauled Ul
rendleton and more ia eoBStantly ar
riving. Wheat ia averaging alaiut 4h
huahels to the acre uud the farmer, arc
correapoudingly haiiiiy.
'The ptditfia) laid ia QUiM yol," In'
aaid, "Out 1 guess it will warm up
shortly. It ia the generul Impreaaioii
that (Jiiiatillu county will go repuiiii
van. "
clli. leocy hy the placing uf the I hineae
in thia position, it ia not doubted
that a forward movement on I'ekiu
will begin ua bikiii aa the cavalry con
tingent arrives from Japan, which
ahould he within the next day or twu.
The Chineae minister bcllovoa thia
blow haa dune much to cruah the re
bellion, lie already tuika of pMM
Indlaoa Offara Treopt.
Indianajsjlia, I ml., July 17. tiov.
Mount today telegraphed Preaideut
MoKiole) ooeriug The services ol thrai
.....ir..u.,u ii... 1, ,11. , 1, of In
diana for the protection 0f Aiuoricuui, cute the whoela ol thu wagon
in oniua.
Victim, ot Parry Aaaldaui.
O.tl, Buute sad son Walter, of La
1. ..... ih., iiuiiich of the two who
I . a I O.hiri hv illlnnilllf
on nuiioay mm j . -
from u wugon near I'erry, Mua Kale
Wright and another aun of Mr. BUOte,
Kinfl, going over un eiiiiiankment 111
the vehicle, and receiving injuries
which may reault in their death, The
team bscsed over the embankment
us Mr. Kuntu waa attemntliig to extri-
lroiu tin
tfui lliloli l .1 lirilatallgjl.
, 1 I hi- most vttiinh'if til ' l'i , 1
j I .m.niiI (h.il v 1 rUiN Im ,
I I ft ihi in ti.oihhi 1 -ii) I 1
I I kill. I'
I rlhilia,i;oiiisi wrUaU , '
, 1 tri ' pf"44 'i fruiu t 1
, ' tills .iM niv; j '
1 Am y ull ftbuui y wtki " ,
Jilt- -I SIS' ol , '
II ao, t ull IjVllJ KM , '
iii Yamena
The I urkialt Clairvoyant
P8M 81411 I I