nuEViTit'C PERSONAL ktWWM Kadi.- a Sta-iner, ehatca itfgia. s i Goal. talte1 U araade aa nil i K .lint ee. - MONDAY. JUL- ift, !(" 25 American Girl Tan Shoes JllMt the t'.iii- lot the MMttlMi Ita,l1.-v A Chii-kcn. Dixtl'l. Frail jars, A J Best $2.0 1 - In the Market Cali aiul CM ttMM. CLEAVER BROS. The Boot arid Srtoa Man. r. Main Sire!. l'.ndl''"ti. .(ret'on IDAHO DELEGATES PASS THROUGH. Republican and Domoeratic En Rout to Pocatello and Bone. I' l.-nates ir uii nn'tli-rn i passed tlirnuilli IVnilli'l'iii Sunday aeaatag route tu I'ncntello ami Boise. They were l'tli ilennKtrath ami latajjlltCail in polltlCC, Md nr.- t., atti'inl tli" i-uiveiitiotia tu Is- In-Ill a: I'.,. Hello unil Hois.- tin- creek. N Ulli tTii Malm i- ' lias- a i-letliura ( itie tliin week, with state CODTCntfoac n( the ihi nil, rcaabllcaae. popo lists and silver reprhltene all it Mm sunn turn . At I'oi.-aleiln th tkfM allied parties art- to ui-i ' "ii tin- 1Mb, ami Cl BoIm tlif republicans. It in stated that Kx (ioveruor Mrl'onnell U tu DC laa re paUtan MOtinev lor ...iitff -. anil tin Knvernnreliip art- -till m doubt. At I'neatello. the titrf t will hi over Um Steuneiioery and aatlHleanenaarj aaaatJag anil it i- liMy PI In- a M on !. In tin- delea-ati. ii- nani. through Pendleton were: Keptlhlican. C. A. lors.-niai i;-ure M. Kest-r, in-... W. H.-tilier. Krl Manning. Major i. A. ll.iiiuiik'. C. T. Stranaliat. I . H. West. ' . N. rttacey, (.'. W. I'lianiborlain. (' A. ll.i.tiii.-. War.! I. . tarn - . -rr i. . !!. K Harnett. U. f. .inlerui. I'et.-r Mai tin. -J. I. ('ox. I. N. Smith. Thotupcna, I'. I1 Haaaraaak, Jaha N. Kint. W. A WhiH-i.T anil W. 0. l-'ors.-in. u. . Thr denmreats eent t.. I'ocatell.i (ruin Shi IVrcv eonntv: lieurye Rfb, Pi M. Ihivis, i. II. Storer. I:, f. Metric, K K. Steeii, B. i.. M. Karlainl ami T. I. Hart. n. Malm i-oiuitv wa- represented A . . I'arker. W. V tmim. J. J. 1'iiix . J. T. Milhr ami L. Yinevard. s. r. Hundcy. Will MiHHjrovi', an AtluMia merchant. I w" '" ,,m" "n """av- i. ii i . 1 1 .1 in . . - . . . . it . I II 11 II I It' I 1 1 I . H'llllW ! Trv onr M-ha ami .lava ,,)fl.,, , visit... in W,,t.m on Snm.av. " Whll. ft. ...... HIM ttraaa Tilhinl has r.-tiirn.-.l MMkM, .immthinK "ice. at 8. D.M1 M AMMI'I Mom. hatunlay am lor an cxt.-mM "' nUbt Inh Hth E- n.alley. a ilriiWi-t ..I Milton, maht Jtilj. mm. ,.,:-, was at Um Hotol PMHttotoa M Snmlay. Um--na hoi t. in' iiiit-i at U. 3lartin s. "r ! They Hr.. very hamly. Fre.1,- an At .,. ... -.m- .In.tii. i.t DtMtt!, N-ile.1 ham. -JJ- " Hras? si4rt,ss ttps IMenty of tin.- hams nu-avenMte. at Ktln'1 Jutinann left on M.n.lay HawUqr WilCOX CO. f,,r I'.irtlan.l. She will visit ther.' for MaOill'l Baiaar patterns lor sale at MTM wtlH ti,.. Wess.,1 IV-nartnien- S-. .re. j,in M , ilMlr ,,M,rteil atur- When vmi want cream or ice cream. (j,lv f,,r s(mnaiie. In n-it lier sister who t.-h-i itMNM DaMoa, Hlack. ri si'l in ll "'' The eolebntod rca.-.k llmir r.s i'iv-1 jM faaMM :, (h.,.,, j, k with I'-'i. at R. Matin's. neurali:'". rer..erl snltlcienth Bawl Wilcox are the Imv (or )H, ;lt tm st..n' attain. Mexomoiia coffev. It is all riifht. Gwm Hartmiin. jr.. t'liarli". Ilanh Ki-iiiNrn.-. ili t-rri.-i. cherries ami Will BtafVta htrc nonet.. I!in- all kiml- of fresh fruits. White llous-. - nilm springs, lor a week's outin. Muslin nn.lerwear (Juantity ami i',,rail knhler. of the OoMm Hule styles a orprise. Wessel lMartnient ; ,u. has none to Hot laike. Dalon Htore. county, to remain lor a few ilay-. .lust MTHnd I BOO lot ol Swilt's KUie Folsnm ami Miss Kittle hams ami ' hreuklust haenn. White Puncan have returned Imiii a vMl Hnn. with Mr. and Mrs. .Ial- Hwiuler, mi DMaotl roartrad jraotorday a hip- the Oolawrio river. ment of eiwterii hauis ami tWaOB) HN 0 Allen writes from l'ortlaiiil t. dock. Ml familv. saviiik- that lie will MM If v.m want pun- bOBM remlere-l lanl j through tlie surtfical operations succe- with in. odaltofation fa t.. lohaan rully, aad ntan to Pnontoa wall ami Oiaallob. Want.-.l- wouiun to do housework Um Moorhomi' visiteil Hood RljOf small faunllV. Must !. .hI eok. mi Mimlay. ami se -ureii some valual.le Imitilre at this Oatal. picture ol old Indian pelica ami ImilU- , , ...... ...... ..,. t. I nii-s the '.ihimliia from that i peaches, i-ars. apph-. Root lieer in I h'" ' . Man U-v A Wilcox. Mi.- M-i.i-i Nye ami Blanche Shults , .r". -- la. - emhri.i.lerie.. hosinrv returne.l Saturjlaj olfbl km,. fJ Mmirv tie Fourth, the lani.-at M- .v.- h.l p;M,;:stfcea"Isor7" rVnraToa store. niornnitt II. nuest of Hr. I'iu.-apple ami strawberry ico ere.,,.. ,m. . Tvanm f-. the i.ila. clar-t ph . ami ,a.( itarv exditlon Matelwood .-e .ream at Ward . Mff w Q( -f (of If you are itoina mem in you 111 , ,,,., .r,Uv, t-in summoneil to want luin-h. k. Martin b a line U.I1(I Mr. , ,,..4V'. father. bo met .x-k ol all kiuds of 9nm ami ajlte.j nrloai MoMoat teveral eeks aau. Tii"' went on the night Wall paw. patnu, tfiaM. pwun y w w . ir.niuim. "0 lirw-i r ....... ... ...... , ., . .'.imllH! II,.'.'. Willi ill 111111111". I lUi W'S fall. Mark si klofotd and Rnwat Vsaril left Satunlay nillht f-r l.vhmai S,rins. in a w.iunii Inaileii with eiinip ninipaiie. Thev intern! to remain tit the sprunfi ilurinu the summer. MM have a (lem-ral u'"sl tune. V I' Bnruess arriveil home itnr day from a visit In BridfBMft, Colin., aad other naatern cltlat. tin waa in New York (or OM d iv. the heat Bolnf InMffarabM, and aioaiog him lo ent short his Slav in that city. At a li m ie rat ii re of onlv umiiii i iletttVCI Kuhreliheit the Wi ather was unlH aral le, mill he went i l-ewliele to es,'U- the ilis.onifort. Mr. RafgOM MMM in Reran too, Pa., mi his aaj to ti"' aaot, looking over the industries of that H -clity. W. T. Townseinl. I. ida TttWaond, Minnie Townseml. Kred Towmwnd, Capilata Tow ii'i'inl and la-nun- Town seit l. nf Vlnaannaa, Indiana, arrived here Saturday nitfht. and went north Ronday, an roan to new boawt in Waahingloa. tmwj are m tin- ana) ol honii-seekers who" ore Coining wet from the middle aad to find new lnea ii.i mi the I'acili. MNMt. fbo were .in "is at the St. ficotga hotel while in I'eiidletoii. Will-am Irak, r ha- return. -I Ironi Nnrlli Yakima, abaft bf attended h' MM, Hoi ert Krakcr. w ho died tie" Friday. He had boon llcfc for - -. weeks, and .lied from quick rxMMni Hon, having aoavaatod ata entarrh which dcralonad Into lbs mora nous ailment and caused death. The funeral was held at the Christian tbtmh at North Yakiaii on lalurdaj afterniKin. Robart Frak.-r h1 vear-, si-c mmilli- ol H!e. ami wa- we. kimwu here. limner lieeves. tOTMCfl Pendleton rsiy. came up fmni ah-m thi- IBOrB" in. baring baw In camp at OiM lieer He heloims t,, I'nmpany A. of the First BajMfatO r.atta'iimi ol the OrajOR State i mini . Mr. Root M (fad noted this sprimi frmn the Baker 'it Hitfh school! ana i noo cMplojnid m booakcopof in the Oltitene' Bank ol Baker t : i t y . lie will rlelt here tore few d4.vs before retorning home. The Ulnpler t'avairy h.ii.i in w i- al- jCamp "teer, WW iin-n in all l,i iiv iner- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL If tquwms MIIN VtOUrH. ORKflON. lerm or'n September I, ttiiiloots "i the Keimal ekeej ?? ' tii. -ii. lYiilReatr liadlaii affeaaied ly .ill lirrtil r-silllv s-rurr iroed s. Ulnn . ft inini It ?' tr. ire i..i,,i. ami li niaaal nonne. n , !. ir iii Manoal PMIaing. rratatag t. aarunrai , e.-lillll,. fllll lllill01ll'lll--'llS. r i i innifi.i. ... A. is.. Pnaideat, .ii I- lk lllt . SPECIAI ..French Restaurant.. To He Rend hCvery I n MB rrom Pendr.ion "'r, ; ' ; Pail Mall N.i . fill . m. Re, i :! m. Si,kn,. Oyer. Nn : : a. m Halt Uk. y. wurih. in,,.,,. s ' h. si ' UllKII.. ,l "-"' mV K.' r"' Sill, 4 i 1 I . -'-- A Oomp-cto ii k :: i i" i -abet yu aa t laaMaiteg onoB, Kli-.trt.'si aupplle.. We I si, t boaM Mirius rk .tiarsnlivil. let. Electric Supply Hons3 Oat LaPoataiMi Prop I tor Ra ol Court Mpmi To Close ( ut.. I'ondlctim I mbrclla Works $4 Rltyetoi at $.ij. $jo is cydca at Ml 1 H. .1 Stillm.m's i an Week H'i Mm CM iinti-r. . ... . l:. Mirtn(. r.'iue.l ami re . wiiik m- . J. NleVtOp & Son. Props. Na.lina, wegee Hack for the Springs Farmers Custom Mill tu it on kl ELVIS K.t Proprifhir Depot Stallc i re.l Weltcrt. Proprietor. Oapoaif. lie banelea oaf. rtaoteaakanged (or wheat. Kleilr. Mil. Pel I. I'uiipi-il rati, etc., Fa.l Mall. T:i"a. at. 10 HI p. m. Walla Wall. - I MiiniiH,",!,..' U,. i lili-a,. an. I Ka.rTr.'l"' ureal r, - fortlaml ,n, sn rraui'ln-u - . in Sitlia. at. K "nn. luy aaitinla) 10 a. in. 0pe:?"si!"'"'iD. . . .... , -mana. PnrSaii PranolK wry B, ,u,, Columbia RiV(r Stenmori. To Aitorii ,,, WtT 'smiling,. 'i L , i Manna Hall) i aft a, m. Snake Hlv.r. Rlri lie Lf. . MI.M.1 iMlh 1... ,, .". :- : --"'.i"i.n ur . .. ...... ..iiihi.v. ml . , .. . - Kur lull lufnrmaiiim Mil , II ii-'ti-ra I, "fRUirtT ! ""Ottr I . p. r aawta. Acmt. tS- ,Jm Bingham DOCTOR BLAKESLEE sPrin9s Pgiangoafli i iiat.o in Meiidict 'ti. A Night or Terror. ' Awful anxiety wax e'elt for the wldov n( the hrave iiem-ral lltirnham of 1 ...... .Me., when the .. suid ihe iiiuld not live till morning." w rites Aire. s. II Lincoln, win, alteliil e.1 h-r that learfol niiiht. All tin ui;ht he mils; " .Ii-- Ironi pneumonia, bat sin t'Hileil d,r lr. Kinit'- N- DioaMOfJTi nayiuii it had more than mice her lifr. ami hal cured her Of MCaaptlae. Alter thr.-.- small ,. ..... .... ...pi easily all night, ami H- fartber u-e innipletelv curetl lior." This marvel. .ii" ni-dicihe i. uarantevil lo curt- all Tiiroal Cht ami l.unv iliseaavi". Only .Vh- ami l.00, Trial boltlt-a live at lallman .v. driiu More. A Queitionable goaMtl . If we analyie the htihtinii qaolilioi if the Briton ami the Boot are timl that the Briton i- always read ti. rush iis,n death, while the !) r a- relivt loadl avo:ds riakinil his life gMN than the gpMIOIfl tOOtioo leave t iv. -a- the l.mi.lon Mail Shal f . then, say that valor is ace. 'in uliiied In the unm-ci--ar .l.uiihter ul tlniM- win. ( . laeea it? It h i- I 'tei -vetiieil -,. itrant this, admit that many an Kiiulishman MO ring under tin- .una. , of the s.'idt wnui.l have "lived to tight another Ifaur" had lie heen less hrave. what is tiiere left to gay (or valor pntv, unreasoning. doebing valor? Look at Your lae. Ami ms- if it ie reflecting health or ili-eas.- Karl 'a ('lover K.sit Tea baontUoi MM face ami comiih-xioii, and RMaioa per reel health All ilruggiat. M i-eni and So i-ntr Mune r.-fiiiidul i.i i I. New Lines Just Received.... Kodaks and Kodak Supplies A Compltftfl Assurtuietit ol Siatuucrv. All the I Sheet MuHic. This l.atcs' Papers and Pe- rtuuicalh. Tallman b Co. Leading Druggists Comer Main aud Alta Streets Subscribers to Magazines IP VOI W.l.S crtta fi,r ua, uea.aiairB 111 Hiataa ur Kuru by uualal UuU MUil u ihv tL aua the u.t urive jt tbc i uav. i... .i. L..II, Ui lb lll'l MtUUIr all (l.M uf 111. toalU ll will m,k you II you ar- a .ubat-nui in r.iulllliLg yi Uclu.l tmr ,-ut Irwui iu.- iMlblUhar.' brlca AUUrM.bArl OHKUtiNIAN PUU.CO . l-u.l, loa. Oraou Sharp'a, ora house bbs-k, v OHM atreet A ladv' i haiiil,-- OblOMbiO, )m4M new. a ? Wbooi. for f.SS at UM 0f00 cent agency in the Kt Oregonlan building. J:n IJin lte ('.nigh .-nr.. i the otil harmlejf reui.-dv that nr.siuies imnie I. ate re-ullr Try it Tallman A Co.. leading lriiggiu. t'Kiah creamery butter at Perry Ii r - meat market on Court itreet. It i" guaranteed. Your money hack if you don't like it. DaWltta JJttle Karly Kiser- are (MOaa little plH( l.jy liver ami Isiwel Ingbfoo. Never grip. Tallman . . l-adiiik- druggist-. Bi-s.les rat, lairchased a: Ho- OeaaooM Avoacy iu ilu- JCast Ofogoaion baiidiag on laoaallMoaM. paraioal fi, or more, a mts-k. No interest baail sehniitt, a Tscoma lad. wa iriiwimi in an abaadoaad poll, out in .in addition lo tin- town, the night ( the I'Mh. The bOf'l (ather had three times entered tin- well, and busvi-slies bad raaeorcd tin- plaaao. The Pemllctmi -avu.g- Bank huihl iug was landed Sunday by tin- bursting ol I water pipe ami several olihes were given a thorough drenching, paper- and lixture- U-ing (naked and d imaged considerably. A ladies' ; ur- . . ..ntaining I'Si in gold, was loat tin- alterii.on netw.en the Pemllelon Saving- Bank building and tin- People'. Warehouse. Kim h-r will please leave it at this otfice, or at either Tin- paogto'l War.-holiae or Alexander , llexi.-r's More. At lat Qraada on laada a voung man (ell ffOM a Mad 01 hay winch ,i.i. .ii. ir i RNHlaia, He (ell on to a pltahfocfc which drogaod Irum Mm h ad the handlie hi- I'.-l'- , and lafliCtiag a wound whicl. will probably result in hi- death. ! . -. wi,. ar.- interested in the Bel .'Rin i. are industry should read the ad vertisement uf Marimi Sipiare Bab-i.i'--. Balwu, Oiagoa, which apar in tins MtH-r. Vmi can write fur what vmi want ami the manager says "it n in. trouble I.i an.wer nm -tnins." All cituen- of the Third Fire !i--trict, comprising all that part of the City north of the river, are asllbd In at i n : a lueetiiig tom.-rr- w Tuexiav Oraaiaai at the iue hnu-e at eight rt'eleOB, wh.-n a liremen - i ninpani will he lorn,, i ; ll is iuiortant that th.-n- l- a g. -sl attendance. A gentleman recentU curesl uf dvs-s-psi.i gave tie lull., win. apiirnpriate rendering uf Burn-' famous blessing . "S.inie have meat and can not eat. ami Mime have none that want it; l ot wi have meat ami we can eat. Kodol I'yspepsia Cure U- thank... Thi- preparation will digest what you, eat. It instantly lalieves and radi-j mI ly cam ladiaeotioa ami all atom-. nab diooedaca, nlltaai a c., aadl ing druggists A team of fmir liunes haule.1 Iu I'.-n-diOCOn ladaf One buudred sacks of wneal from alarm near PoadlctOO. The hwd wa- ab.nn seven tons in aeigbt, making aU,ut .item siumU, or a tun ami three-. uarter, for each bur-.'. Other teamster would better load a little heavier, i( tliey expect to eipial this record. The name of the rCaOCtar hauling this big load was nut oblalaedi but a reliable cltiaco coaatod the racbC, and swe-ars that On- aMtO ment is currert. A (iood Thing. Oai great-grand mothers' garret CoatalaOO the same herln- of all heal ing found in Karl's Clover Ibsit Tea. They nave mil auceetors stri-ngth. kept tin Mood pure, and will di. the aame lor you if you any au. Price -J.i et.. ami So CM. Tallman A Cu , leading driiggista. ( nine ami lack at the bicycle at the Creacent Agency u, the Kaat - regno ian building Bicvclea (ur a email am,, out dowu and the balaiice in uiuii( pay-ment-, m interest. l.-b-piimu mesaage telling nf the ill I BOM of Mrs. Wait portunalely. her i lii..-s. in..- in H proved ll,e aerioiis. 0. A, I M Oiaar. of weatoa. emi William M.-Bride. of Athena, b ill uagt'tl In (he drug hiisiueia. w-iti- at the lintel Pumflelon Saturday evening having come down to lurcha; goode lor their alorea. iliac CcleCtC lloorhouse, accnmpanleil In her COBClB. Mis- Kh-anor Monr- Imuas-, went this morning to visit for a week at the home of Mr. and Mr Jade Switiler, on the Columbia river opposite I mat 1 1 1st Mr-. 1. T. i-iai " an. I I V. Isaacs, ol the John Pay country, were here Saturday oecaiBa, mi their way In Walia Wall. i to attend the funeral of tin- late H. T. iaaaea, wlm dlao in Portland at the Imp-rial hotel. )l" Jennie iyke-.oi Miltmi. a-sisi ant Niiuiater and aim employed by poclinaatw Vlleps m bta at Mil ton. wa- in Pendlctm, saliir-lav even ing having conn- here ! select g.s (or the (lock uarried by Mr. Wilcox. Mdrod Warile has gaga in The lalles from win-re he was ii, gn by inrnt to Poctlaad. and ihoaoa i A- loria, In atlend lln- lied Mull 'a meet ing Rm RltlMf h ave, tonight to join Mr Wartle at Tie lialles, and pr..c i in Astoria with l,im. He alu n-pre. -.lit. Poadleton Bed Men at tin- As tuna meeting. Harry Mmre. Qae Thirham. Lester Wantm Kirst-cla-s blaChCMtth, none but a tirst. class wurliiiian need apply. W. 1!. SAYKK. Adam-, ore. Waar a Yellow Vail. Having worn into folll for oar COM 1 boan (Mjndar I pioxtonc and green rain tor onr ejei in t. i. and rd v.-ii- Ui-au'e Iber cave us i GHRONIG and NERVOUS DISEASES AND UlSEASLS PHCCLIAK TO IVOMBN A bl'liCIALTN. s-u; Hi .,1 iiyl-nta . -ieiiaach. Llv.r, I nnwi ami Heart an. I tram . ,l. cminSh' HHK.sKs l. Kpil-.'pay (rltu ra-. u- us- ol the knile. . t . ,- i. wiaii 1" given lum a n-pulatinn KKKKIiKMi:." Iilan-I- Paliv it K Kl oolur. mid rurnle veils becana well, no one ever kit-- why, exL-ept thai Pgric ordained them and black . i. black ia alwa.n ... i lid mi CONSfi l.TATl ON dear, ano ahlte Veils I p ause the you evary car. hsk summery ami bring the opegtiota uiuch practice, we arc now advised t..j Offloo oor. Main and rcientilie reason ll MMIM that the Csiliuiu ty)' )f lit- sin. RRBBOl pass through yellow, a. pbotograpbcN have long known. The RCtinlc ray ia the balelul canau ol freckles and maborn . urgal, wear a yelloa veil and pfoaOCTC your 'km laoan peegle, an l am id Flornlanr in. I'hlllpplne FR EE.- i-liat will coat tee imiiiing. ami II tan ur. yoi; u u; toll you aim give Water Streets, opp. Hotel Pendleton M m .. a, WHRa R alLa owr. L i' "-au. 111 . 1 1 oag .u l l.,ori AMERICAN PLAN. $3.(K) per Da and Ipards. Piuest Hotel in the P4.iflc Nortbweat KOEPPENS MODERN PHARMACY lef 'JF'V tMt n htft n rtx (1411.. ip-tc Wt Jrd( Hcr. 115 Court St. Owl Soap s-b-cTi' w 1 -' ' THK PORTLAND I ' IH T LAND, OHECON. POSSIBLY Special Kate tu batttern Uregun pe ipl . lor tuurlst- and commetcial travelers visitins or, Hand HeaUquarterr M C. n I KS Manager. Paojt. tim. a J Baa Mh upcrb Service Cuntains So kosin. You Need It is Merely LIFE a Question of INSURANCE 1. 2. Owl Tea House. -Daily Fast Trains i-uneEat- 2 Ciasuline vianui and Chimneys. New Goods. II Man 11111 ..'iuu tram i-.t;. tit SPECIALTIES And Cheaper Than Ever.. Portieres, Cutpelr., I.aee Curtains Wall Paper. OUR Faat Tlnaa. Through Sarvleo. Pull man Place SiBnpnro Pullmar, Tourist Siuupurs Pullman Dluurb. Library (Lafai Car and Fran Re clining Chair Cars. 1. Bl-.l HI MiHIS Pk'ICl WABI I hOW SOVH flONKV. tub MCUcWn Back or thi: policy. Mutual Investment Policy .LIFt jv tMx m MBNTl -or- The Pacific Mutual Llle Inaurancc Company o( California Provides for I nails. Iluiithm. W. daaelni Mush- in w.i, .ir. li. strs. I run,. , i, r, ll.ii..' mi... (run, t: .... v TuliI, Uoaril I an I . p. aaw aenia ami :.i . ,i lrJf-..7.0J.:,,p,r 'tat.t K. ur.inii rat ... .... , ... For Inlnrniatl.iii agtieai Manager Bingham Sprn MQg oKKOOS. NORTHERN PAGIFII Kl NS Pullmun Sleeping Cars LkKant Dining Cur., Tourist Sleep: ng Can To ST l'Al'i j i n m i 1 1 'l I.ITH FAM0 . : 'tvi, i", ,r I'KiKiK-ThN .VINNKI'K I HKl.KN.. a-ki .Bl'TTE. IHROUGB TICKEIB cnncAoo WA-IMN-.loN PHILADELPHIA NK.W VuKK lt( IST S ami all Miintas Last and ssitt Tliruuab tlekal. In 1sm.ii aa4 t'laa i ' . mis an. . ... . ami Amariian liu- rinr. s.iitiitLi. I rani ..'.. . NaaJei at Mi p. m Kur (urilivr uiluriu. anil tickets, aall OC u tails first: tun. Ort-aun. ur Thiol a a a.ib r : i'H 1K1T"X nil Murnwu lu.. MM Take the. II.. in ul tim.' K.u... i it, . at l Kiil'TE Tlckn U- an:ur..l (rum Mini lo Omaha ChlCM u! New Vurk H-..0.1. ah Cull Valuer,, Paid-up Iccuraaoi Annua AMlllfmi. Kx-r.,.i,,Qg salt bUa r.'.t ia na anil U-.'i, f. r. i lly an-l h us UVgMLAKI UK .-ar i.-rt... .. tlir ur i il LOTRKUF Usnvral Aut li Tluni kl , It ib ibbued bololy by THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Life only C .miiany or.ani.r.l umler the Mrmir -nt auur ii.i. ..,hiih r-ii. u.' bilit V.-irl lliii..u(l I nenatccaaallllr. lcuu4laM Injr aunt, t lianee uf tir-iiefii iary. Healtiurters lur U'iiite. Standard and Uldiedt;e laarlllg Machine.-, JESSE FAILING Main St., near Bridge OregonShortLineRailroad FRANK insurance Company, Inaufaacc Laws uf Qa iinrnla atuakaoidaw ui Dliactwa, Since organl.athin in g6g. . Hald Polkvholilcra over '"'sSOO.OOO OO McCANDLESS lillensburi;, ,h Ceneral Agt-n Tim law lioida both maker anil rircu lator of a eoaatarfcil vsiuallv eniltT. The dealer wiio null won a ilanxemus iuiliileri-u ot m-vtiita nitcn iiaiei ' galea risks roar lilu U make a little larger prulit. You .u hot trust la int. i"Witt - la tlie onlv K'-oiuiu' ami ti.'hi.i Witi'li lla.-l Salve, a well known con- for oil.-s and all akin ll........ ...... tl.,1 L'ultr .I...1.T l.ll'.s roC DoWitt a naive, ial Iman A I u. , leading druggiata. Wanlau. Two lirat'C-laaa -aroenters I., ui. buildiun. at thi Alba Sawmill Good Lumber Koth Rough and Dressed. Ordan Pnmpily Filled. J. L. Bisher & Co., ALBA. OKtiUON. THK I.IKKi i Kilt Kk TO Montana, I'tah, Colonulo and all Eastern Points (ilvaa choice ol lau Uvuritr rouiaa. via Hit I'.NION fAI'IKll last Mali Liu r tt,e hlO nggngiccai ifnn No Change of Cars uu in,- I'urtlanil i.'tutaa,, apmal, "ib Uu-tt in ,uc ,.... Ko,tilpeil With blegant SUnilard Slecpera Fine New Ordinary Tcuriat Sleep.!.. Superb Library -Bullet Care Splendid Uiner.-, meals a la carte I re Kecllnlng Chair tars Comfortable Coaches and smokers bntire Train Completely Veatlbuled Jones' Chain Drive Mowers (For lurlla.r laluruatiou au Aaut o k n. Co., ftadlaten, or siiiHi i., F i .vnsi.K E. L B4IM WAGONS. COLUMBUS IK;(;ies. K A CINE HACKs Full line of Rirdwoodi, BfUiDg.Uik and all kintbd Maohiae Extrw Bok agent for the imiiUMiwjMMmi OLUMBU THKKSHKk. V Pftil .s AHE HKiHT. SMITH Cor. K. NAOKL, Trav Has. Al. I4S Thlre St. a . t. COM AM, 'K'll'l AgvUl Portland, Oragon. A LL THK NEWS! Taka the Latt r4 Oracoman. Daily (yog a year by 4 nail. Weakly, aad Uam -'Veakly aa oo a year. BamipUopy da Babbitt Metal Court and Ihompaaa ktreets. LARGE OR SMALL Washington & Columbia River Railway For Cliirago, aas City, ii... i m I. sin I BMi , ' , I... i imahi ti All Points East and Portland and poUU on the Suund. Artiva. Mou.lay. at V V U:.6a. tu Tue..i Mi a m lieuart- .laily tt, i -laytag i ni,r.Jariai- dai t'" Kur iiilurmati.iii ' -' r,w uiuuatiun., -all uii ur "" '"Tpjjjn , ippaa H H i Ai. l.l I I" '' Walia V. . . , Mats. The Pendleton Foundry AdjoinihK Pcodle-os M-'1" JUIKtiOO Alia and Court St"u' ,1,...- at I .' .1 i III' liaaBBBa. aaaei All iiuti,'.-. Work euaraul . n....-.i rn maker .-ui..'-' . hc. Iiua'i11' For Sale by the ta,t OrcEo. W. H. Jones, Agricultural Implements. Barb Wire. , rear ol fa' UHI.hiW.h.1 street, rea' rTrtl IIU is,Ui. UIU fur 'fn Newspapers at THK KAMI OKkU 4 lou. Oroauu