(lAILY EVENING EDM SUN --a, ah nmm The Beel Oregonlnn will il" It for ...you... nil Your "Ail." tn The UavtOrexonlan Ktnl harts it ...tHen... 13. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, ORKtfON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1900. NO. 384:1 tffd Mem on Hammocks A Little Money To clore out balance on hand. ..,i Hammock! ' IflHIain mucks J0 Hemmocki "' JO Hmmo8lti e.w Bicycles. "IVllHill" H dm postal" liii warranted run year, l.iidics 123.8ft. 000 warm ban Tha linn tiny a lot. of ol com fnrt IhnOP lavs If voti Inn stationery and Noilons. jtailrnl" ni BjnHDBMt'1 tannine, nh I'enolla, Panboldafi, ato. -tunplc lino nf School . at reduced prion. burrow ol red no- Imih passed over over nur Bald nf mot. 8hfl)Bd MM in many rie part nients mill an uii- r do II tod crop of Imr- gains nil lint weather good in the rcmilt. V IHlt IIH llllll SCC w hut OH arc doing in price making. i-.l oft any Craah Skirt. i -a off any Straw Hat. Ladies' Shirt Waists I of I the nrlce. art- ncre in galon-and any tort yon until Rilii ............. lm) ,,,.,. .,Ml,. mi in. nr. i nn. i nawaii t i hm hi linn- friini regular prist's. Lawns and Dimities Arr III r fur iiiillnir ni'Ht n( th .In I 1" limit. Hen's Crash Suits 11 off the price. oiliest, ilrc-nul hnl Arc tin I'tili teal Pan crash sun- iimt iron i $2.50 Ladies' Tailor-made Suits ''11111 iniiny tin' .tnrv. 1-3 off the price. inn. t nn" are Ihi fivi wordi thnt n il $0 oo dirllfi, .-. nn. I ::..m iilt. Frederick Nolf ALEXANDER & HEXTER. The Boston Store SECOND WEEK OF THE Big: MidSummer Clearance Sale We guarantee our prices to be lower than anyone. Sti-iii. wide Pc roe lee LoirM CoraaU, worth Inn o l . n ladies I n.! Illuck Cotton Hose LltJai St r Vtnta Ladlrs' ami Children's Pereaola Sun Boom t, were Ho laWM OjaJ ( 'nullics Dres (iinghums, wnrth Pic Loiioi Corerl SuitM, were tL'.ftO .. Quail Skirt. , trimmeri tic In 18.00 25c 6c two fur Ho Prlcea cut In two. 19c 8c 6c i. mi (iolf ami divert Su i t iujjti, worth Utk- Mr laiec Curtains He pair Silkul inch. . 7c varri curiam Rattling Ciirtnin Net Be, 7c Itleacliiri Muslin MkSU oilrluth Siul Thread (M-dO Pluck ami White) Roller Toweling Kill li loved Ladiao Pelts, wortli He sad Me tk yurd 10c yard Is yard van! ftc yard ,He ..IB Ladies' Neckwear--anything in stock, at less than cost. Remnants of Wash Goods at half price. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED IN PRICE. Pendleton's Big Store Pilsner Beer The Butt! Rftajf in "en iWttan Ask for it, V u will likoj it. Pilsner Beer never causes I'eaduclie nor Oizincsb Scbultz Brewing Co. Opposite 0. R. Houod House. h. I V V. X. V , V V . V v for Infants and Children. Tho Kind You HaWOJ Alvoiya BflOogwl !", uoruw the aig-tuv ture of Clin. H. Iloataher, unit lii ""- '"' r imtmhiiiI WlMirvlalou for ov. r .to year. Allow uo uue to deceive you in this. QlMtlllMH, liuitutioua uud. Juat-wa-Kmid" ure but Km i im. nl, uutt aaMHojjaf the lieultu of C'ulldreu-lixoerieuce ujuiuHt Kiperiiueut. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C u- VQULOW, C. C. HEAP. Winslow k Head In Use For Over 30 Years. GKNKRAL NKWS. PLOT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT M'KINLEY IlKlH'i- It. rati (iom ri'itui'- -3 off the price. proper thlngi tewoai r..r doom, (or niaal nri' aeOI ii nn laOBOOJ Bllil M Discovered One. O H ANNA SAYS THERE IS NO TRUTH IN IT o Cb&irmiD Odel, o( the Republican Sltte Com mlltee, Says a Gigantic Crime Has Bern Made of a Trifling Mailer. Loadoo laaaeian am a on led aoal a Khnrt Kohl Hiipplv. The Kink familv of nine people riiol (foal entinu tnailntix'ili'. near Little -it Theodore feoevalt will bo notirlod ol Hew YOfl Rtf SDtptrS Pretend to Haft Iiih n.iniinatioii fur vice president mi the Uth nf .Inly. Mure than li0 children hac riie.1 in Brooklyn and Naa rV city in the laM few day from the OXOOOOlVO heat. ReWI IniK bean received of the death ol rirnt Llentonanl Horooo Woboter, ol the Portyoeoond volunteer infantry, in the PhllipplneO. lie was related 00 oa-Pootmaolar-i leueral Blaoolli linn. John Li PattBlaajton, oafOTof nor of laknta territory . odltot of the Alahama llnnic. at Armistnn. Ala., and fnr many yearn a proniincnt rcpuh lican. i" dead, lie was 75 years old. A statement prepared by the adju tant general shows that the total ttreaftfa ol the (Tatted States army in the Philippines. June :k. last, was i:t.4'.':t ofHoorO and men. Of that iinni her :il L'I are regulars ami 31, 9U roloateotOi The inventnrv nf the personal estate nf the late t. arret A. Ilnhnrt was tiled with the supreme court at Patersmi, N. .1. It shows the latO vice presi dent's wealth at lt,M9,441, Mr. Ho barl held boadl in 2i corporations, and ttook in over 1(H. Ocorgc A. Morse, an aged and help less patient in the asylum for the in- saneat San .lose. I'al., was placed in a hath tnh hy an attendant who turned nil the hoi water and left to get a tOWOl. Me lofgOl to return and Morse was scalded to death. Ir. Henry D CogOWOll died in Sau : rraiu isco. laod HH fooro. He was the toandet ol the Polytoohalc oollego of that city which hear, his name, hut will Im- rcuiciiihcrcd i hielly hy the I drinking (ounlaiiis which he presented I to the many cities t l.r uji. .t the l Be was a native of Virginia. He re fuses, nf poano, to make any state ment reaaralna the crime he i eheraad with, pfaferrfaa to await the employ ment of OOtttaOol to take charge of i case. lie will ts' in Portland thlo otoalna, ami will be iaaatcofatad la the ooaat) jail tn await trial. Warren is charged with killing Kirk while MO ship was lying in the Imrlsir there watfan was one of the sailors on the ship ntarenen B. Vement, ol which Kirk was the tlrst ollicer. DotOCtlve Da stated that the weather ill the south now is exlreinelv hot, ami that travel is unpleasant (or that POaeon. Hut. said he, it is not more unpleasant than the dust on the western plains, which junt now is something awful. Passengers look like they had taken a ride mi a country road w here the dust is ten inches deep. HAVE NO HOPE IN LONDON cantor KM that a Men Inlej York, as in oaaoa World PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Ivlw. T. Powell, formerly of Knlcm. died ami was buried at Spokane a few days ago, aged 'Xi years. Truman l.vinan, aged !KI, died at his parent" home, near llaytoti, Wash., from an operation for appendicitis. J, Iturke fell down an elevator shaft, of Oofbott's new building in Portland, a distant f live "tone- and still lives. The lirst car of PHMi wheat arrived at Portland Sunday morning, the Sth Inot.) from Whitman comity. Kastern Washington. breaking all existing records for early receipts. Joseph Worth, who hat been an in mate of the county hospital lj Ports land for JO years, died there Thursday at the ripe old age of 101 years. He was an American by birth. While riding a' horse at Salciu. Sam H. Stott, color argi'ii.1 nf the cav il Ire troop at H ' opt r was thrown ami his log dido.-aled al the ankle. The horse was trightciied In a street car. Tin- state convention of ph 'tog PapborOi called to meet in Portland Tip s. lay to perfect a state orguuiat mu, hie been postponed, and the gathering will not take place until October If.'i, Kil and 27. Krederick I'lumback, of Perrydule, Marion county, died Sunday at a Salem hospital, aged li'.1 years, of can cer. He lop TOO ii" relatives in Oregon, lie was possessed of considerable prop erty. John QlOOOOi and K. S. Ilurnes, two insane patient", who OaOBpeo from the Salem laoano laet week have been re- oeptard at Venooovar, Washington, ami taken back. One of the men bad secured einplo) luelit w ith a telephone cmnpaiiy . Tuesday night as the llortbbOBBjd train was paooing through Kiparia, Arthur Hunn ettaatptad to board a car and wits run over. His right leg was badly crushed hi low the knee uud he was otherwise injured. y ' tht hatii'U thoroughly, ihi tvi iriur, id HOf lattlter uf t rtOUM H"Af, tin- uiuett clfuf'.ivtj akin irif xigT u,t tut rll n uri-at ki.' I vt. cii-ut f'-r loti-t , l-.' li m ikI h'.iM'h, Iry, miuiut frwly with ' Tl rttA Oiiiitiit iit, llu grtHl nktn t urn and Mirft of ftinlli ni. .i . ni ifitvtilurlMpf Blgoftft. Wvt totjm luttdto It b iTi rnrtiiiitf lalum ttinl Hintul iW't-r tH , tllU uue ntjht trtatuunt in wotiUaJlTUl. Id tin ughuut the od). l'"TTia U awftt' Ori r , li V W M III" UMUUI M llll-UI, u&a. factors ami Builders Kitchen furniture Dirt Cheap Jobbing a Specialty. Tanka to Order. '"'I"J" OrMtOaaaoJ St., between Alta and Wuhb. ygNDLEfOlf, OKKUON. pendleton Ukiah Stage Line Mt"tonftCaurooy. Hrop'o. "tent s '"".'""'"rKiverv day at 7 o'clock '"Offiui,,, . o"'1 l'kl1' nodCCOIU 'taoar rttH, "",bl" 'wiaMtd pa lltK Tilluia & Oo.'a dru In order to make room (or niy fall and winter tftock 1 offer m.v Utrgv lint of Cook ing Btoveg and Steel Kaagei it greatly reduced pritHI for tin QX lUtty day-. JOE BASLER, Agent for North German Lloyd Steamship Co. Huy your ticket to the Pari Kxponition over this line. THE EAST 0RE60NIAN. I no Paper of the Paopla. Kvarybody Uaadi It. Tna Laroaat Clraulalloa. Hail Advarllalua aaaluui. Plui. . Dr. Shilohs ColkiIi and ri5umption cure This it beyond nuvntion the inoitt ucccBitful LoukH Mtai cin ever known to aKiencc: u tew duB liivurmbly cur the worht t u.it m of CtiUffh, Cruup and Biont -hit in, wh:f il won derful tucceitia in the cure of Consumption lb without a uar ullel in toe hibtory of medicine. Since it lit .t diacovei y it hutt been sold on u vuttrantee. m ttit which no other medicine can ittjMid. If you have m CouKh. we earnc-Mtly aak you totry it. lu United Statea and Canada K&c , oOc. and $1.00, and in KitKlaud U. Al K. ftd. and 4b. fid. SOLF. PROPPICTOR5 S.C.Wells & Co.) LEROY, N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. Hwi la by i'ailuiaa Ji U., Uiuaguu. Newburgh, X. Y.,.lnly II. -Chairman OdeT, ol the republican state committee, said today concerning the aliened plot to assassinate President McKinley: "I regret that someone aae been Indiooreol oaoagh to make of the trilling matter the gigantic plot expoed by the pasirs. " M. inn i Danlai It. rieveland, t., .Inly II llantia today ilcnied the repi iilnl to assassinate I rcaltlent had Ihu'Ii discovcrisl in Xew given out by the newspapers t ii ma I reports. Tha Plot Fruitrated New York, .1 ill v 11. Tl nays : "A plot to assassinate President Mc Kinley has been frustrated. It was cmiciK'tisI by a group of Spanish ami (ihan conspirators who had headqaai ters in New York. One of the philters weakened and sent a warning letter to a member of the republican national committee. Detectives are now guard ing the president. NEVER COMES SINGLY. Oil Worki Blown up and Residence Burned. Astoria, .Inly II. The explosion of a boiler in DeKoree'a oil works near the city last evening resiiltisl in the death nf .lack Siiaw, an employe and the fatal injury of I'.ngiiieer Monro, who died at the hospital later. I'hris lo ut, another employe who was in a boat alongside nf the fuctory, is minting and is believed to have been blown from the boat by the concussion uud drowned. The accident is said to he due to a defective boiler. The factory as totally deal roved. Almost at the same hour of the ex plosion at the He f orce oil factory, Mr. He Puree' handsome residence, over three miles distant on the shore, caught lire and humeri to the groiinri. Stavamon Leaves Lincoln. i,i iin, Nab.. July 11. Adlal Steveiismi led IibIiiv for Lake Minne tniiku. Stevenson sairi he did not ex po"! to take an active part in the cam paign until after the lorinal not I thai ion of his nomination, ("has. A. Tow in left this afternoon for hmne. Indians Ara Sudan. Sol way, Minn , July II. The lilaiiket Indians at Kedlake are in a "tilled nn i si ami trouble is feared. The government is erecting a school at that siint ami the Inriiuus object to at tempts at civilizing them. The white I'ttlers are arming themselves. DOWN FROM NOME. Stnull Nebraska Fuilonliti. LlaaOlBi Neb., July II. Three htaioa state convent mus, sipulists, deiuocratic and silver republican, met here tislay to nominate a state tn ket A brisk tight, is looked fur over the nomination for governor. County Coniinliiloner Killed. Spokane, July II. County Commis sioner James P. Campbell (rai kilb-ri near Latah this inorniug by the pas senger train striking his buggy. Uuiit of tha President. Canton, Ohio, .luly 1 1 . Postmaster General smith raaeaad Onnton today ami will be the guest of the president. Waal Varelnla Republican. Charleston, W. Va., July II. -The ranablleaa state oonfaation opoaad here Pslay. COUNTY COUNT AOJOUHNEO. Will Meal Again on July gg Road Notice TTmeoTTax Payment Ex landed. County Jurige Hurl man unri Com missiom rs (Jiniland and Walker have signed the recorri ol the July term of ooaaty oonrtj ami tdkmraed the "ion. . They are lu meet again on July gg. The court exteiirieri the time fur the puyment of tuxes to neptemher I. The road biisiiie was billy con idorodi with the resiiit thai a lioliee was isHiiiul Inroad supervisor regurd ing the Qionnef in which they are to hali. lb' the business of that riepart maat. The notice apmarN elsewhere. Kegarriing the matter nf purchasing supplies for the county, the iplestioii was di-i.it. I ami there were offen ri various OfialQBI on the HblOOti The OOaatf jurige, for lnUuri-, thought it might Iw u gissl plan tn ask for luris from pnyoieiaai to -attemi to ail the Bwdioal husiiiesM of the county, in all places, the contracting, physician to arrange himself with nhyii'iau in other towns to attend to case OBloktO of PondlotoUi ami tn huve charge of the county pisirliouisj and the jail. The i ommieuoiicrs thought the prewiil plan was gissl enough, auri ! no change was made. No upisiiniusHiit uf a janitor was marie, Mr. Waltle huhling over. THE MURDER OF MATE KIRK. Warren Waa Found In Savannah, On., and Patted Through Hera Today. Pol Opt! TOO Joe lay ami II. P. Kurd, uf Portland, were passengem on the train thmugh Pemileton tislay, en route to Portland with James Lang thorn Warren, the man who killed First Mate William Kirk, of the ship Clarence ti. Yemeni on January 'J'.i, 1U00. He waa arrested in Havannah, licorgia, jut '( ) month from the day bo committed the crime, or on June gX S,irreii'H wife liveil formerly in Savannah, and after the lomuii- mun nl the crime, Mrs. Warren who wa at Seattle, left tor the eouth, unri was followed by detective to havan nah. There the authoritie Mhadowud her, and through watching' her move ment, diac.overed Warren wa there in hiding and wa going under the alia ol J. L. Wilfurd. Ho wa there fur a ttook prior to uia urreat. The City Is Under Marttnl Law pox and Typhoid. San FranetoOO, July II. The steamer St. Paul arrived here last night front SI. Michael, Alaska, with the news thai martial law had been proclaimed at I ape Nome, the St Paul brought ,fl0u,000 In gold, emelgned to the Alaska Cotninercial company, ami BO pnooongeroa The necessity for martial law arose out nf jumping mining claim" auri other acts ol lOWloOCftOOO. The St. Paul rtlsn repnrts a great many oaeceol imallpoe end typhoid fever at Nome, tmong the paaccttgcri there were RHBCWho retnrnisl riisap- potntetl, English Believe the Worst Has Happen ed in Pekln. mm TO SHIFT RRSPOISIBILITT Hani hJIUlf at Tien Tsln for lour Dan and l Hi i ii .! ".nl Korre Murh Ki iipi.h.1 Whita Reach Taku. TRAINS HELD UP. SIX IIK'iIIWaYMEN MAKE A IIAIM. Mils MORNING IN KHNTUIKY. Altanipl to Wrack a Train CarryliiK 0.000,000 In i. ..I. I HeloiiHlnK to the (iovornmeiil. Paducah, Ky., July II. The Illinois central train was bold up auri robbed this morning two mllof soiilb of Wick liffe, Ky. The robbers, six in num ber, cut ilff the engine auri the express ear ami ran a mile auri a half, they blew open the expre-" safe ami MCOPcd all the valuable" and crossed into Mi". WOrli They dropped a package, con taining o i ,,M ,,. Kenlucky side, and another mi the Missouri sole, tsith ol which have been rccororod. They iconred obonl tio.iNKi. in attdl t ion lo the money ilropssl Attempt tu Wrack Train. Philadelphia. Pa., July II. -An at tempi lo wreck the llallimore .V Ohio WnCO Ington express, bearing t l,- .mi l gold to the aXjbstrOaCOry ill New York, came near being successful today a short riislan itsi.le of Ibis city. The iwltoh hail baaa lani pored with. Train Wrack In Callturnla. Redding. Calif., July II. The re 1 1 pi . ft the rails seven miles imrt It of fiella the oiitherii raclllc. II was j m-. I , bottom lido up, by a ledge of is. Its nine oi . up. mis were all more or less injured, but none fatally. "loop rocks Om.uii Candidate tor Cadatshlp. Portland. July II. A. II. Ilarber, the 1 7-vear old son of )r S. J, Ilarber of this city, has boon rcoomiuondod by ('iiugressmau Moo.lv for the appoint menl as a eadcl to Wesi Pomi Thi Wheat Markets. San Francisco, July II. Cash wheat, I. OH', per BOB tai. Clin ago, July 1 1 .-September wheat, ttghj cents per liUshel . CHICAUO MARKET. Haporlad by I. L. Ray at Co., Chlcaao Hoard of Trade and New Yurk Stock Hxchaime Brokers. July ii .Wheal opened nearly I rents higher this morning Infllleuood by the goyeriimeiil report whn h name nut late yesterriuy show ing the great loss to spring wheat Aooordlng to ilnii estimate the crop now promlaua houl l'io,oo.isi bueheli winter auri spring, or m ails OV,UUO,000 Ins than last year. Liverpool opeiieri at H- ep HMubar, declined to llhji adtaaacd to H2 7-Hanri rloocd, M to ' Slocks steariy. Money I', per cent. Close w -t. rriav, gg l-S. Open tislay, H2. Kunge tislay, hi U to ml ;-H. close today, II W to 'w a ga NEW SHELVES FOR RECORDER. (jlasa M Prudliuinina s u Coniraat From the Court. ( i lass iV Prudhouime, of Portland, were given a contrai l with the county to furnish H stisriroller book shelves, aVael'txlti and I'.' roller boat shelves, aixt 7 lego, fur I1B9, dellvarod la laa dleton. The shelves are 0 be marie by the An Metal Ounetructlon roatpaay of St. Louis, for ttholn 1 1 lass Prill bomuie ure north western agent. John II. Quo, uf I' oil. in-1, also hiri lor the same contract, olleriug to furnish them f. o. b , Olerelcnd, Ohio, for I2u.hu. Kecorrier Malouey i eutruateri with the tusk if having the now shelves juit in plane ill hi ollicc. T he vulllt I . i -In i Him) an i rowrieri us lo riemunri ariril limial room. I onrion, July II. Although Shang hai reports' the aCatMneal that i..ih the emperor and the dowager empress are alive, and telegrams from UhlBOOC OlUclaldom again tcetil) tn the HCTOty of the legations, the MOOrtioni no longer stimulate hope here Lou. Ion ee" in the disappearance and reappear mice of pmui incut people at Pekm. and their efforts to attTfl the blame frmn one to the other, onlv preparation" fur alibis and defenses in view ( the ap proach of trtsips of the power" ami the tragedy they may dleoovai oa maohlag the Ollincai capita I . Hard Fls-hllne. al Tien Tain. iOOOrdlng to a dispatch from Shang hai, the lighting at rien Tain on July tub was the hear led which has yet uc ciirrcil, the Unisians alone burving 200 men. The allies are becoiniug ex luiusleil by the constant lighting, t Hi-man gelllOHIOaU Bombarded. Bar I In, Jnl) 11. Tiic Ociibcii iwmmwiI at riaa Tsui cables that the foreign oat Momenti were eootlaally bombarded Irom Julv B lo Julv Hlb. ilu July Hth two i uoneo ml Boxari aaakad the prcnch ecttlen t ami were mated by the RneolottCi Foralan Famlllas Safe. Nearly all ( the families of the for eigners lell l ien I'sin lor Taku mi Julv tth. The dolman consul at t he I'oo MMCs graphc that tiovcrnor Bhan Fangaa Douncec that on Jaly ith the foreign mlnlcton al Pekln were out of .lin ger ami Hie ret oil decreasing. Kdlcl by tha Oowastar Kinpreia. New York, July II. A riispalch In Hie lleralri Irom shanghai savs: I'he adlal of Hie empress riowager, prmnill- gated June gdth, has just booa pat lisheri ill Shanghai. Her majesty or ders that the lloxers Is- siippressisi and Hull Hie foreign legal mus in Pekln Ihi prOtOOtodi I'lie whole tone of the edict is in hold the tore Ignore blenMblo for tliii gravity uf the crisis. Whiles Arrive at Shanghai. Two lniiiilr.nl ami llfty white re In noes frmn l ien I'sin have arnvisl at Shang hai . Avoiding Ilia Responsibility. Wasbingloii, July II. The Chinese mlalcter this morning dellvorad to oat - rotary Hay a copy of the cablegram purporting to lai from the Oblneoe Im perial gororameal for the "hViioff" iroablaa, ami asserting Hint the en gagement at Flea Teli was the direct result of Hie bonbardaMMsi at the I'aku furls by the foreigners OOlBOOC Habals Disperse. Paris, July II. T'he Chinese lliillia ler here informeri M. Do! 00001 that Li Hung Chang hari MOOlVod a telegram Ir Pekin asserting thai lb" soldiers and rebels who surroiindisl the lega tions hari grariually riiss-rmu. Indian Troops lor China. Loajdoa, July II. -It wa rum .r..l thai the govern men I was preparing to I loo, ooii Indian Ir.sips to t'hiiut hut three foreign otaCO olllcials sairi that im such number ol awa could Im spared I POM Inriia He ariilisl, bow ever, it may safely be aawirtetl I hut a strong lint ish ri'inlon I'lni'iit w ill Im mi their way to tin- I n nasi hi lore the end oi shnjatomaar, Forolgnars Hard Pressed. Washington, July II. Tim following w.i- i nri at Hie naty riepati nt frmn Admiral Id mey I "Clin Fiai. I'wo battalion- of the Ninth infaulry auri one battalion uf ssariaai were laurieri lod.it . lo pr... i'e. I to l ieu I'sin. fue allied roraM la I n n lata are en -gagud in malnialnina datcsatoc. Orttw iho Holaoe lore tu take Hie sick mid woandad to the Yokobama ho.pitd, llcVC just learueri Irom Arimiral Sey mour al Tien Foia that the foreigners Mala ure hanl pressed. " I.ASOI.INL IANK KXPLU0KU. Filled Smoke. the Tribune Oitlcs Willi bul Old Llllll Oamaga. At four o'clock rueoday altaraaatti a tank ol gasoline which atissl just behind Hoi engine in llm Tribune oiltot exphslml, mid the ga al mice look lire All alarm ol lire was turuisi in, ami the .lcp.nl in. nl resiiomlori with .1 1 ... r 1 1 A llals-o. k extinguisher was rushed lulu ihr room, auri the Itrn pnl out instantly. Il mariu it uuneceaaary for any lurtiier ClOfftlnac by ulher rJru- uien. It apM-areri that the gasoline wan fed to thu engine by gravity, and the ex plosion wa accounted for in that manner The damage is nominal, a few 'loi ter being all that will lai the coal in pulling tilings in sii.ip. again. . -While Ound UCtlng service at the I', pi sen pa I church al Walla Walla le Aurireu Hard was ..ten .uue lit iho lo-at, and was completely jiruetraUl. r m i if T i M o D DWAKD llright'i diirasc, diclM ui, giat el or oilii i Mrioui klflocy 01 bladder disease if wacl ilnmsanda are ilollig who Uo not know it. You may he one of ihnu. Are you neglecting llul backache, in i .i qui feeling, alulnoM or other symptom oi kidney disorder I The ymploau of kidney diseaae arc many and pel uliar battling even to dot ton. Here la a simple and tur teat which any one may Iry : Sri aid a Li.til. ol uriuc lor twelve bums. II . ..-.1 iioci.t ui sciiliiig uccuis u is a aula sign of ki liu i discuss. Foley's KiJucy Cure is absolutely guaranteed. Y'ou run no risk. Sec thai you get Folcy'e, the guaranteed cure. BANNER SALVE heal all burto but Cupid'o wouud. vouhm. uv ui.auL.vi-a. PtoNaau uuuu ui-oilk. vaMui.aTOM. ork