BRRVITIKS. TIICKSItAV. JI'U UtOtl It.nlloy A Chicken", nmtt's. .rimer, tbolflB ducks anil joM-sr ciitnrs. iii li.- Style, Comfort and Wear. mul .Invit MM at G ' ' 4 (law I'uri ham at All combined in our Men's Tan Hii-sin Cnlfand Kid Welt ..SHOES .. l'rom $2.50 to $5.00. Hest n irt iin-ii t in the city. Call anil ev them. CLEAVER BROS. The Boot and Shoo (Ron. Wi Main KtrPt, I'onill.'tui. tr L"'ii ay the Intanri PUOEI SOUND WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Has Bought Man Homos F. W. Ilendloy If Agent At Pondleton. The I'imet Sonnil Warehouse com puny, n( which V. W. llcn.e isiiKont at 1'elnlleton. bus iHiuht all the luuisi which formerly were controlled by tin' kcrslniw (iriiin company, anil hits also bought a law ntimher of In. use- aloiiK the riiilnutil line- in W . -1 1 i i The (ormation of tin. wnpuy i" thtu upokeii of Tacoma J.cilifrr. which will f inner in tin- emmtj : "Some month- nun the I.eiljier lirintiil an item to the effect thai Itulpb II. smith BiUMMM the I ' 1 1 -. t soiiinl Mill company, hail bMM bojflnfj up wiirehniiM'n in tl ateri, part m the ntilto, plirclinsiuc; "everal formerlj ! by the Kershaw (irain com pany, of Tacoma. hut an the ileal hail not all been completiil at that time. Mr. Smith u.i- reliictaut to u'ive out any information reuanlinn the plan- of himself anil nsis-iutes "1-ater the l'iitet Souiul Warehouse company was organized, ami a- the plan have now liwn perfectiil. the let. i I- of the comiiany'- pi. in- ami the facilities tlny will have for ham!! in lirain are mm maile public fur the first time. The new coioiianv ha- a capital stork of f tOO.lMX), ami the hcailipi trier will be in Tacoma, An O0M "ill be npeieil. probably in tin California block, ami the company will (jo out after all the business there i- in sight. While full detail are not ineii , ti t yet, it i safe to MMUM that the com iiany will elitfiiKc extensively in the strain exiiortiiiK trade. They have the largest holding- of Hiirclu.iises in the country in which they operate, and the e.tabl Aliment of headipiarter in Tacoma iiii.iiiestioniihiy mean that more wheat than ever will he Sported , .i.:.. --- IIOIO II- NITl. Who lh Incorporators Ar. "Tne incorporator and trn-ice- are all well known men in the (train and flour trade of the Nortliwe-t. Ralph I'. Smith being the president, Kdwanl S. Shull jr., vice-president. Prank I.. Wlml I secretary, and ThMMN B. Wil cox and Charles K. I.add additional trustee. K. Xoonan. who ha- lien ehoMjn a- manager, will buve hi head-luarter- in Tacoma, and all the l.u-i-M will he hamlb'd from tbll cm. The coiiipauv ha- MMO OfgMUJN in connection with the Northern Pacific liuilwav company ami V a-lm. ftafl ky Columbia Hiver railway ami tl Pttgat Sound Flouring Mill cos pan, of toll city. It strength financially will make it an important factor in the gram trade of the Northwest. Maant More Whaat Hara. "That the coiupa ij i out for buai lie i- evideiued by the fact that they have secure and will alx.iit forty warehouse on the Washington , Columbia Kiver railway and twenty to thirty on the Northern PmIII rallwaj this w ill mean manv thou-aud- iif bushels of wheat com in- to the irt of Tacoma in addition to that of tie- past season, and will thus tend to strengthen the present friendlv bond between the farmiiiL' land- of Wishing-i in a ion, wregon ami Malm on tin- one hand and Tacoma an the other. "The fact that this company i or-.inued in connection with the PwMl Sound Flouring Mill- company would indicate that wln-at Mporthlf 'nay be taken up by some of the allied in terests." a m A gentleman recently cured of ilys MMM iiiti- tie- follow lag appropriate rendering of liurns' lain. u- hlc-sing . "Some have meat and can not eat, and some have none that want if, but we ham meat and wc can eat, Kislol llyspepsiu Cure be thanked." This preparation will digest what vou eat. It instantly relieve and radi cally c-ures indigestion and all stum Ma disorders. Tollman ii Co., lead i riff druggist New Lines Just Received.... Kodaks and Kodak Supplies 1 Complete Assortment hiHtionery; All the I at-st Sheet Music. null jars, extra caps and rubbers, nt lloinott V Trv our MikIiii White House. Iloilol ham, somethiiis; nice K. Kemott's. Ktsit lieor 25c, in packages, ley A Wilcox. Kor itiHsl ice cream see Mutton cream for sale. .lust in at Demon's, boiled line ; i- for lunches. MrCall's Itar.aar pattern for sab th" Wessel Hepartment Store. Ilaspberries, dewls'rries, cherries and all kind- of fresh fruits. White House. DamoM received yesterday n ship ment of eastern hum and bacon; tine stock. I . i apple, peaches, pears, black berrie, OnarriW al llawley .V Wil cox's. Muslin underwear 1 juitnt ity and stvle a surprise. Wessol Iiepartineut Store. ,lut arrived a new lot of Swiff hum ami brpukfast bacon. White lloii" . 1 1 you want pure home rendered lard with no adulteration 0 to Schwarz and lireulicb. Baotlllor Council. No. IM, Order of Pendo. it t - Friday nbjhl at l p. m. in HandrMt'i hull. Henry the I'ourth, the lariesl Key West eijtar in town, for 1(1 cent-, at I PattOM ' cittar store. William I r.n in 1 1 , a convict in the pen itcutiary at vtalia aiia m- ulttad ralclda in hi cell. Plenty IprinU chicken, lunch ;oods, for picnics and camping parties, llawley & Wilcox. BThe Native Son were uiven tin daOMtion by the judges in the prixe float contest of lat evening. Pineapple and strawberry ice cn ai.i soda, clarel phosphate, coca-kola and HnelwiHsl ice cream al Ward's. Corset, laci -. embroideries, hosiery and underwear all the new ummcr -tyle-. Wcssei Hepartment Store. Hry red llr Cascade wimhI, delivereil in Pciiilb'ton, at f:l.7o a cord. Apply to .1. W. Myrick, Helix, (iregon. Wall paier, paint-, glass, picture framing, and artist material at ('has. Sharp', oeru house block, Court street Norva! I'.. Ilradley ha- taken charge of the Dclnionico hotel at Weston. Uest accoinniiHlat ion for the traveling public. A ladv' chainles Columbia, 00d as now, n jT'i wheel, for MB at tlie Oral1 cent agency in the Kat Oregon ian tit i i I I W. (). Miimr. of Heppner, r ntly purchased a o-year-old Durham cow in Indiana thai wcighr I'.'SOn pounds. She cost inni 1".VJ. One Minute Cough cure is the only harmless remedy thai iinsluces imme diate result. Try It. Tallnian A Co., landing druggists. I'kiah creamery butter at Perry Houser ' meat market on Court street It i- guaranteed. Your money back if you don't like it. DoWitt' Little Barljr Hisers ar famou little pill- for liver and bow troiililes. .Never tfripo. Iallm.iii V Co., leading druggists. W. II. Spailith, the well known pOM nt. null at in mnne on the siuslaw river, near Hale. Oregon, of heart failure, a few days ago. I i ink Downey will run a dailv stage In Lehman Spring- during season. For particular- apply at residence corner Webb and (iiinlen streets. Bicycles can be purchased at tin Ofaacral Agency in the Last Oregoiiian nuihling on installment-, payment fl , or inure, a week. .No interest. Physician recommend n gissl alas of I r Little Henry ha- the best beer iii the city haaaaai he knows hov t ban, lb- it.' Drop in to Little tlanrv' : caliin. An Up-to-date bicxcle at IJ"), ladies : Wliei-I- f, at the ( res. eiil Aencv in tin- Lust Oregoiiian building. A second-hand bicycle in and order for ! Tn MM easy, without interest. The Walla Walla Safety Deposit ami irn-! company ha- been iMovnovatad I in Walla Walla, with a MPltal of :'", !u.m. The trii-lee lor the lirst six , months will be 1. W. Paine mid A. K. Dm. At iii ' Jin laetion in Oregon, tin- profiihitioiii-i- pollad tW votes for llright, their candidate for supreme jndga. This is high-water murk for tin pmblbltUMi cuu-e in Oraogn. In 1H.14 the party cast 031 votes for president. little la, aged four year, fell well ut Haines, Haker aonntv. The mother of the little one iuiuncj in lifter the child. There wus seven feet of water in tin' well. The well is tweuiy -two feet deep The mother and child were rescued ffuni the well by a man mimed Pratt. A- the parade wus passing around tin- I ir-t .National bank corner Wednes day evening, some one standing on the corner at Wessel' store turned u Unman candle so as to send the tire into a little girl ' face, some of the lire also fulling upon another girl's cloth ing. It i- understiiisl no serious dam age was done. although the mime were not learned. The law hold both maker and circu lator of a counterfeit equally guilty . The dealer who sells vou a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitl s Witch Hael Salve risks your lite to make a little Wnjat prollt. You can not trust him. DeWitt's is the onlv genuine uuil original Witch ILuel halfO, a well known cure fur pile ami all skin disease.. See that voiir dealer uives DaWitt'l salve.' Tallnian A Co. . Tho. Pitagarald appeared before the court ami made request (or the county to furnish a court room and furniture for the use of his justice court, the same to he paid for hy theroiintv. The court denied the request, justice Fitzgerald then stated that he would order the county clerk to issue the scrip, regardless of the court' order. The matter may cause some legal litmition, unless un agreement i reached. Cured Bronchial Trouble. Cha. B, Davis. 1071 W. Congress St., Chicago, says : "I suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried i many kind of medicines w ithout re lief.' until I baann taking Foley's .llonev and Tar, which cured me." fake no substitute. Pioneer Drug Store. SPICCIAL To Be Read Every Hay Old Tl rsM. PERSONAL MENTION Pete BKauffman, "t Walla Walla, is n Hotel Pendleton guest. Horace Walker, the new comity coni niissioner, is registered at the Hotel Pendleton. A. A. .Invne, for several years prose cuting attorney at The Dalles, is a guest at the Hotel Pendleton. Frank O'tiara i- here from Lewistoii, and will remain for a month. He is employed in the -tore of Yollmer A Company. W. P. Latbroi left Wednesday morn ing for Spokane, where he has entered the employ of the. I. I. Case Imple ment company. C. W. Ilollis came up frum San Francisco, arriving Wednesday morn tag, remaining daring the Fourth and going on to Athena. He was at the Hotel Pendleton. Major James N. Allison, chief of commissary at Vancouver barracks, ae MWnanlad by Mr-. Allison, arrived in Panalaton an the morning of the Fourth, ami went to the agency a guests ol Mr, ami Mr, t ha. Will-in-Senator C. W. Pulton and -on. Fred of Astoria, who were guests at tin Hotel Pendleton on Wednesday n tnrned home on the night train. They il the reservation in the afternoon and witnessed the Indians' annual parade ami the war dame that fol lowrd. Mrs. J. W. Whullev of Portland W. C Jacob, son of Maior i. F lacoPs, quurtcrnuitcr at Vancouver barracks, Mr. Jacobs and P. W Allison, son of Major Allison, arrived en the morning train toilav, and an visiting Mr. Mr-. Wilkin- at the I'ma- tllla Indian agency, Mr-. Mollie Miller and her , Sherman, from their home on tin Umatilla near Nolin, were in Pendle ton on the Fourth and enjoyed tin celehralion. Mr. Miller remained al home. Mr. and Mr-. Miller lived u Pendleton for several .ear, when thov hae many friends. The fruit CTO) is excellent on the I ' ilia till year, ami Mr. .Miller hmnghl a wagon load of nne peaches to Pendleton which she disposed of in this market Horse- for cosh them. For Sale. and mules for sale. Will sell or on time. Call and see J. 0. HAY FS ,v SON, Opposite City Jail. PPT t'SKKh PAB nil h-lM". mill., ut wrapplBi puiposte. . . to iirgi' NAucrtnnpr hnmlt.i of one htimtreil I lvno(upi " ., st TIIK K.tHT OHKI10NIAS OKKH K. Ivn.ll ton. ores"" A Complete iip-nsilsle line of gHMtrMM) HuppIlP". We in ike aaelallr ( pall !! and h wiring. I'fict- r.isollKOte. ours Biinrnni"'i. Pendleton Electric Supply Bouse 0.R.&N OKI'ART Tl. . I ' oKm No. :w Cnurt Hlrcel. It Will Do You Good. A bloisl purifier and ti-stie builder is Karl's ("lover Hoot Tea. Sold for half a oratOrY on our guarantee. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Price IB cts. and 80 cts. Tallnian A: Co. To Close Out... at II Bicycle at $.15. $jo Bicycles at jv J Stlllmnn'.s l onior W.'W. tad Msln Ma, Pendleton Umbrella Works OajblttlM smt I' nisile to nnler, remrerml sinl repaired. Cluck Kepsirlnu. sVwItnr Msehlnes udil. rented slid re- ... 1 r. . 1 . A cmnpli'li' line "I sewlna 111s- eEnM sundries. A. J. Hlslop A Son. Props. , . itreet, rradlataa, Uiagaa Ksst Mull. No. n A lii s. m. No. I le p III. iiu.k hive No Mi s. m. Halt I .all '. Dens.. Wnsll. ... ' inp atV"tf2 Btajolahar, UmJ " 'HI U Sn 1 , "0. 1 s. Wslln WaU. o.L. iiiiii,,,,,,,, .r 5 MltraikS Orenl Norliii.rti For Sale. Hack, horse and harness. Address P. O. tl. MHI. 11I-0 tent. Hack for the Springs Farmers Cuslom Mill Ksl MmM. 7 :I0 s. m. Ut4 a, ni I'nrllsiid and R.n rrsm.1,,.0 The dlltBfhaUWJ in the far ea-t have cau-eil several Chinese banks to sus- panded paynjanti ami Boropaan flrsi are wltiiholdlng advanom The Mtru tury of the Hunk of England views the situation with concern. He snvs the Itonnaga dl payment by the Chinese banks would be reactionary ami far reaching in its consequences. A Hat himlerinu' the import and ItlntUlatilM export trade will increase the demand for silver. TKAI. "It RIDAn v Ffoeaat iervlee. a 1 ihu- Itiiics Itesntrthlc Bf.VIN DRAW Proprietor, )eiot Stable 1 cJ alters, Proprietor. OaPMtti III isrnd. dsy. Floor .nkaofltd fur whest. Klnur. .Mill K I. I'liuiqwd Feed, etc., elwsys mi hsnd. SHE I1ROKC HHR CR05S. TTcn i. .1 case of a ve r- charming rouna eroman of central Ohio, who bail grace, beauty and wit to commend her. Just as In w.i" bunding into womanhood a cloud cam. to darken Iter life. Her trouble. i.ii ta lic.ivilv upon hct that for a Iouk tunc she would not could not leave he: Hooaa Slia used to receive her friends sir. I 'In .1 on a couch or leaning back 111 an invalid chair And her friends weir many. Bin w.i , .: ted a- an example of CbusUan VOU leading druggists. Th. 1. ul est Pa porn riodicttls. and Pc Beware ot ointments 10c Catarrh that Contain Mereury " ini-rcury Hill surely destroy the sense of siuell and MNaaMMll derange ihu whole sys tem wUeii eutenuii ll through Ihe uueuus sur laves. Ouch ankles thonld uever be used e- f ,'" "" pres. rlnliou. repulaW.- physi OI , elans, On dsniss. ihey ml d 1- llie gwsl you can p.i..l0ly derive Iroia llieln Hall's ( alarrh Cure, insiiuiei'inrvO by K. J. i ie ne) A. i ii., i) , c.mulus ao nereury, aud i. taken Internally, lellng dire. il upon II,. lilissl and StOOOU. lirfines Of the system. Ill buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gel He genuine. Ii Is taken internally, aid mu l, 111 lei. do, Ohio, by t. 1. Cheney v Oo, Tesll nioniaU free. old hy ail drugglsls, price TV, per bullle. ro Hall's Kalull) Tallnian r Co. Leading Druggists Comer Main and Alto Streets THIH I'APKU IH i l.l : UN KII.K AT V. C. tMke's AdverOsllig Ageuey. t and 6A, Mer ebaUU' kUehauge, ban I ran. ... ,, 1 alil.ii 10a where uoulratu lor advertising isui be wad. aw it la are Ihe betl. NtW COUNTY COURT. Danl.s Patltlon of Justice Filmarald tor Ottlee Paid for by the County. County .lodge Hartiuan called the county court to order this morning, the holdover commissioner, T. 1. (iilli land, ami the new coinin issioner, Horace Walker, being pruexoit. The court got ni. .lei wuy very soon after us seiiihliug, and Isdore noon wan trans acting business just us though a new judge and commissioner hud not taken ollice Hills were passed upon, uml numer ous matters taken up. ccur.ige She r. f-rrei! to her condition ' hei cross.' and everyone thought how brave aud good sXe was m bear lin burden with such awtitada. Out by one her girl h, -el- wer. iouud lo tie men 01 iheir thaiai She sent them all presents and received from each .1 piece of wcddiui cas. which she cried over a little, am didn't put uudei het pillow because it wasn't any good for hei to dream No mm could many her A life of solitary suilermK was hers Vet her sad smile only got btiglitit a- her cros- got heavier. One In 1 Miunc in 01 foum! In- was int.. that Heine, iookiiii: upon tin- gul he loved her And he came often and she grew to l.a.k for him. and learneil to lean on him and di. n.ird the pretty dream- that cone to pure women whose heart-Cod has fa.itioiied fin happy love. Hut over all the plo-isrct was tie shadow of het cms- It could never be. never be ' She .ud it over and over again to herself many a ni .'it a- the tear- -hi, ned down hei lace Tin 11 "he got to saying : " If it only could be ! If it only could te ! " And .he said in: Btaay times day and night One day ate 'ay on tin- sola anil Ulmii to aav. "It shall be : " 11 "illALI ie ! " ' I'll hteaW ihi. cross in pieces or I'll die trying " Aitu then sin looked around for help. And by chance 01 pn.vidcncc there cane- 1111 her hand- .t book - the book v. till, and lonteiil- are refeired to be low It apnea.. : lo her Coafoq sen-, wa- what -In needed She realized now that she had eves, hands, organs. dimensions like her gill fneiiil- who were man. ii- and mother She realued that it wa- not common si ns, that she should be bom to Ik- crushed by hei cross I. lie. libcrtv and the puisutt ol happiness were her inalienable tights and she warned the full tight- of hei womanhood It was Common sense she needed She had tried all the uncommon, extraordinary aud ex travagant forms of treatment, now she wanted less medicine and more common sense. It was thus she began the use of Dr Pierce's Pavoiite Prescription. The rest of the story sounds like a fairy story, but 11 is only like a fairy story iu that it cud- amid tin- merry clang of marriage bells and with "Ihey lived happy ever afterward " It seemed a miracle to her friends to see thi- martyr, this patient cross bearct, get up troui her sofa and begin to live It was more strange when she took to golf, and the wheel, and tennis, with all the ardor of one so loug excluded from out door enjoyment And strangest of all that .be became the ni, dl., 1 of healthy happy chil dreu This is not a faiiy story It is not tin stoiyofone person, it is the story of thousands of women. It is a composite pe i,o. in which one can trace face behind lace, lined with suffering, channeled by tears. It is a story as true as the parable of Ihe Prodigal Son. which was not the n.iiy of one young man but the story of the typ. winch u-pe.ii. itself generation after p cictation aud is as common to Kuiope as to Asia, to Africa as to America 1 it voua aTUBY ? Your story either in whole or in part? There's hope for you. There's help for you Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription has cured so many cases where life was a daily bunlen uuder which the weak and weary body staggered on lo the grave, that it can be lecouimended with the utmost assur ance in every case of female disorders. to a Kansas or this varan raaa. We will send Ihe "Commou Sens. Mr. Ileal Advtsei ' Ihe life work of t)r K V Pierce, on receipt ol twenty que (ill one -cent stamp, to defray cost of mailing ouly il you desire Ihe uaptr-covercti editiou Or lor the same buok. nan.laoiuely and permanently bound iu cloth! seud o cenu in sunup, to the World's Lhspcu saiy Medical Aasueialiuu. Uuhalo. N Y firecrackers given AWAY. On the tlicv last, bunch of Bracken oh am of low Fourth, a ve will loud report with ;i 2506nt ( 'rockt'i'v, 1 ilas. as Hive a Fire-ware DOCTOR BLAKESLEE Pcrmaitent'y Located In Pendleton. CHRONIC and NERVOUS DISEASES AND MfBASflf PECULIAR TO WOMI-N A SPECIALTY. The .l.s lor Mdi -1 telly Of A l.l CHItOHIC ptWABM Mer) j. 0! Ug llesd . Throsi and Lung! Uatarrh, HlMiUMllim, r'araly-K K.ile. (Kli-I. Ht.unaeh. i.lver, Heart ami Kidney Troubles, private snd 'sin Diseases. Pile, and Itiipiure , ur.-d withou: MM M "f the knife. The do. tor's Be RMtbod o! troalliic 1 i-e- - -iilliir to womon ha. given him s ruputatlon of bstng th. most .11 ..(ut piiy-ieian OB Um coast. rtXPIRKNOM PatleBU UKllK. well kiniivii s .iplnTBiid not In Hurl Is or the Philippine Maaai .n.,ri,i Tarinai t rstrc A friendly eaat wtl aoat yon nothing, and II Cl'INSlJIi I A7 I O lN rWt.L. I u you he will Ull you ndfirs you every care. Office cor. Main and Water Streets, opp. Hotol Penclloton :nil p m. s:ii s ft. Ka tunday hatntttay ii .1 in Cor Han Kranelteo Kvcry flvp dayi. s aril la Columbia Rw,r S ten men. r" AV"rl" slid Way itaai IS. Eat l.v Itlpnrls Hath . :l . a in. bv U Kill; 'wit. or Graniteware. Owl Tea House. You (Need - LIFE INSURANCE It is Merely a Question of- Place in Oregon. The Pendleton Foundry Ail joining 1 n. I l.-t . m Machine Rhop J Haitian Alia and Court Streets. All kiihls of ousting ilmie on slmrt notice. Wurk Itllur.lllleeil. I'.xpert put- em m.ikcr employ, ... ) ,i'i . M. mvay for your work, nava n ilona barn, 1. 2. h;:i MLNunrs pkocuRABLG vou vouR riONBY. THE: SBCURm HACK 01" TMii POLICY. Snake Rlvar. Ulparls 1,, l...,vUion. M i ve, I ru i. I. 1..... ... ' - .. ' V. Ill .n. I Kor full Information satjj r ntitr. lleneral Hasserus.7 .iTJ f. F. Waslbv. a. ....I e'1!"'1 ''istm eH.,. Thi' .Mutual Investment Policy (IslPG OH BNDOWMBNT) OK The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California Ciunantoos Provides for I.i ans, A l.l. Tilt Nfe.W8! Tana Ibe Baal Oraaonian. Daily Jj.oo a year by mail- weekly, ami Kami W. H. Jones, . . . Dealcln Agricultural Implements, Barb Wire. t'ottoiisvu. si strHi-t r. ;.( o! I'rrurj ( 'i m. era Hnoaa, heap xcursian ftaies to 1 he asi 011 Jmm 1 1 lullj .v Hy tad .Vuirmi i i: k-u frum IhnviT. Colorado Hiriiiv. Pooblo lo COiCOrgU, til- lUln All, llllt-rilU'- MiIdU, Hihl rvtiiui. Hill M fulit B) t i- 6BEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Al ralo of Oue RoKiildr Fare Fins $2 lor Rouad Trip Kturn I. null i. toU.-r .11, Hoi. S P RC I A I. TH A I SS oMi main our kkom oricauo noatu also Kuo.i ta rvKUlui Irani- Otalj Dtoaafi Llaa fmni f ninraiio uni Uun unit Mnaltnn iak s.lvauugu of . licap rau. an I spuit your vacation in your otil t. iuk far may Ik ni.ele i,.,., f,.,- Ol Hie ntcurs.on. W'rilc for full llilonusli..!,' A t ClMIPKIl. I. A I' i . Porll iM I I,,, K I'm IM IKON A U. f. A roptka, Kan JOHN ShHAHTlAN, i , . a . t'iina.. C'asb iilin, I'aiii up Iniuraani Aiiimul Ailtbtiniis, iSitanalaaa. Yiirl DIviibMuls loconti'stabilliN, I BBMdialt I'liviiicnt, (Jhaag Baw tlciary. 2. It is issuocl solely by THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Insurance Company, laa only Company orgaauMd nadar taa hrtafaal insurance Unn of Oattttonrii' positive re.pniis'.blllty of Mocklioli;rs ainl Hi rectors. Since Mwateatlatl In iNt.h, e00 ono M Maid PolicvliolUcrs over J M FRANK N. McCAN DLESS - - Anent McCAN DLESS t.llen.shurK, uh, rOH liALR IL I (LLC Oll.l.s-.lnes "' ' itn . . Xbajr ara l-UPPi I i tonianbiMi. aiding dJTelopmcnt oi o:":iic nuov. n rntneoy for vomon equul.a tbetu Cn 1 141.00 PEB BOX I b ttntin ' DJt VOTTVCBBMICAlTco 1 tin: I'iovkki mm. sTORS, PUril Thay Pfaramm Wenk- tic.s, IrrcL'oliirltv nud iM-roaao viir- 1 alafa i Mm IW " to firla at . body, No irtn life IL. Sold I .ml. Oblu vrort, on. uom Puget Sound Warehouse Go. WaiabonaM on tv. AC I! It ami saiir. .u Inaafandanl War. boos u, snillalon. TACOiVIA, WASHINGTON. rVlwnn In Muck, i krUaata III MIkIii-i PHOM I i lllle. Kurnlslivs sack, ami mine in lanncrs, am I make, advaaaw mi nip- hi en u lie:ll in uareliiniM.. 1 "I.NUI.I.V An. in Faadiaiaa, nne. .it aaaai a Folama t danf in IsMiiorac. f. i. NoNTUoniRY, Agunl at Uaiu JOHS K MoKTi.iiaKSI.AK-lllal Warren II Al.ani.. As. in at Vain, le W In- in. m . An in at Athena OreffonShnrtl i - "i eu TllK HM0T koi'iirc Montana, I'tah. OfaWa. and all Etistern pims llivva choice of inn fsmrltr roniM ., i-viiis: nsi'ik-ii- L--. roulo tut -- ..isi. em. !.,... No Change of Cars .in uie riiruailil I uliilireSl. il. 'K... Kllllppi ,l Wllh BtafMM Standnrd Sleepera i i: iiu I irilliiBi-i I . i- is. Superb Library-Buffet Can .Splendid Diners, meals a la carte I ree Ki i linlnc Chair Can Comfortable Coaches and Smokto l:ntlre Trnln Completely estiliuM Kor liirtlivr tnforinsllnn apply u tr. mumm Aiouit tl It. A N. Oo., PendkiM.iit 1. It NAiiKI. Trsv. Pass. At. 142 Third St. E. romv Portland, Orsion. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway hus City, ht. .lis-, Onuilia. ami . . T I I ' a rn mis i 'a: nn m Portland and points on the Sound. II: . .a Hi. Tuusilsv.. I l.iliMlaKsnmiu al '.c.ia in. Oeimrt- ilallv ex, lit smelio sluxip iii...Ih1IoU". i-all on or aililrc. W AHAVS. Afn. IVwIlelou, on s u i a i . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 r a i ' I. r a.. Walls Walla. Hash. Siintta Pacific HAILW'AV. EAST via SOUTH. . . . OU p. In. s.i a. ta a.m. 14 f. p. in. UsaotFiftn and I jjlissti A., I,.. Ksprrss for t i., a 1U, o ok Asic Ovrilau I rtalcui. I... uml, is. ci j in -ill. i ti- dan, i-au Kinn 'isui, .M. lave, lais ADKt-les, KJ I'as New Orleans an I ho Has:. Koafbuiu PaaarUK(r. via ;.r. p in Wisslt. rn for Mount Auiii-1, -iih.rlo We t Hcio, BioisusiPle, Na tron auu HeiiUKtleU ( orvallls fawwiKrr . i , jajajstadiaaa paast'Dg'rit'i. -" 1 1 ffr oleum Heated I. ii m-. n Plan. Hlock and a half from depot. Sample Room In connection. Kuoin Rule SOc, 75c, I.IM) Dali). tllall) ,-u-rpl Sunua). mimi th hi is IteOatc ticket., on sal- Irun i',,m...i ianie.U'i ami Sin, Ni l rales r in i cias. anil $11 s.ssfii.1 c.a.s. Iiic iniuni siwo-'i lUlc, ami lickcls I.. Ea-lcrn isiliiuaii.l h i rops. Also Japiui, China, Haw tall, The Pump clues anil Au.iralU. Can U- nlnaliiNl from I MbSt. '.','r W " " Wool for Sale Thundayi of each wook I will I Hotel tti locoive BuaUul liitls un a U B a 5. o. M auu 7, about sou sack i ... i i . . " iiioepwnuttni Witrolimisc. I th of rejecting any or all bids. 'ut the (iohioi, Rule Lots of Wool. No. now storetl in reserve the privilege J G. SMITH. NEW WOOD YARD IN I'll I Ml- TIIK HOI.I.OU li; avi. uial has Us;li taken in, l,v n, n '. , au.l will be soli! al Ihu aspiration of tan ilay. mi , niei i-i ,. :,.,- lllle li,- I. ,ii. abnul s.-i'ei. i.i ramle.1 I A inn, ii rtdi ., l..i .l.,'.i.i.' i-lahl alsnii .Ci puuiuls. bati'.l Juli . luuo J. al. HaATIIUAN, City Marshal. The Ea t Orsgonian is Easttrn Ore gou reptaacnianv. paper Ii Uaiis, and ii an i now it by li is tua aJvar the people appicciate thair bbaial palruuawc 'Vaaaly ta.oo a year IfuunuUa py ha j uaUMj madiuni of tWa taction Smith & Haberly, Proprietors. Good, pry Wood, aU Coal Tranafering and Trucking. Ti'lephoue SS. 111 Any Quantity. Prompt Delivery. OMbc Ckir Main and Alta Ste Babbitt Metal, ssr For Sale by the Last Oregoniait 1 'ubo. LDttS Fir oo 11 ntc C. A. 9. 10 aw a a a 4 i niAAh hi II III DIUtvA Off a an. at Ja D serve Aaaiuuu w II lrllill IIIMimilV. TT MIVU wmjfTv' lnttoo & UaumDia w Railroad depot, will oAiri a MocAnan c n from each. The lots are celiently located and onlv five blocis Main street. AppU So l k n an reSTn East Ore onian BulliM SKALDS Notary and Corporation -4 KM to Sfl UC"" f Irdar of u. and saw "Jj OrtWr. fur W u.llailtaatl. tASTOKt(iOA,,