JjoiSEYSAVING SALE ENTIRE DRESS GOODS STOCK Will be ho11 for less than fir! cost, oei thai were BtVW lu'lon' quoted on sucl i piods. EUtd poster for list of prices. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. Tsy,. ..Ml V : HK. INDIANS' PUNIC FAITH. " , u,,., or Words to That Elfoct, Suvs foung Chief. -. i y ( iii, Umatilla tribe of , EJ ,.,,', ind, town on Sunday , S Sattm a iomi-Imt of white pea EL cnnM runic in i" PundlatoB on Liiiili il' iluv after ill" Fourth I t grand piiriiih ili'1 weeta L. ,. .i.-i-.m'- 'l np tha glory M iii(iuiii tlmi would li" given or th tardl nl lll, ir 'iltr lirotnren, Mini mjIIv more thai I lot iuitH w ere to he ttftlMWMinn, . lull iii ll their nn wtnl triiiiiL". Iieadgenni and robea, nlmnit tiled ""'" ti"t'"x Van!a ttatwr happened. Poo Mid that be hi arranged 'l ,,liH '''' 11 v"'w '" aaaatfratlng (hot he hud forever Ml tin- warpath and intended hem-e- io ranain good tenm f peace ceijoou will with the settler. p,,, nia,l" a " li. wherein ba rc- fantol Hi.' ar-; tin' past, and the jMloa.it which Imd urged tin- red rtij. I,. .ir,.;nl ,,n tin' warpaint, grind tii,jr Innmliim li- and yidl Idoody ainler tanoghoni all tha settlements illbr X'irlli i"ia-t. Hut. Kaid he, all tin-li al the dead, dead past, and in, mi arlll the aboriginal raise tba whit, nun'- n-alp and MM hit cubin t, I In' umiiiiiI. Ul tab tc irui', aboa! the waening f la warpaint, aaid Young Chiei, Hill,' Cava-'-- tinluv, whi'll asked MM thf uaraili' promised by Pen, tint fi it lying in aavaral Indian iiDaww aha he raakaa unv ta eh tnaii. Yintii.- I'liii'l slates positivc- I? that no iechpared will occur, and tiiTirniinl thai Pan had baM trying to obtain a loan ol a half dollar or ho, iml tiilil tin' parade fairy tali' t" pre-MMln-way for -irikinit ti if listener at tin' aniutnil. "tut taough," rescinded Young ObM'e co-'oiiV'-r-ii ioiiul iHl , "IVo did met Mb cents, iron, dm jut after tr ipuki' nf the parade." Sen rtln'li' . everyone in iliti' cer oid that I'm will not go op the nth any more. However, baaIll 4uiirmi eootinua to obtain Mnnll Mb bay Intoxicating drlnkai and ll) continue t" n il Htorii'H of parades that never mine off, TO SHOOT AT WALLA WALLA. finanton Gun Cll Members Leave to Taks Part in the Tournament. P-ndiiM,in Markanaa sent to Walla miu tt v.- representative, who arc ear-del In five a ti'iod account of them- Jjft ami w in I ior tin homo "ti- Tin- team j composed of Horace ' Wllatan, I re, ! Walte, Jim ipanoa, gtat" Tomer, Hill" Huvh. Theno "toWcs nf sport are not saving anv- at, hut win dn tiieir beat to at tba l"rr (.'Mow, i the Walla Wullu iun loartia ui know that tln-v bate hecn attending a content witli nhiit- gnna, The Walla Walla city ha made elaliurale iireparat ionf for the tourna BiaOt, and have put up in all flilO of ndiled inonev, V4IKI in audi, and f-tiin of mere hundiie prize. One prize him attracted Oft attention of the bojra, a hamraarlaai ihotgnn donated hv one of the gDB fuctoricH, which in HUppoHed to he the acme of perfect ion in the form of bird llajfera. I'.very one of the OODtoltantl waiitH to win tliut prize, and will attempt to do HO. Pandlaton'i dalagation h ft tba even ing of the Fourth, on the 10 tM train, and will remain in Walla Walla for two ilny h. amaptlng Mr. Hoeh, who left thin morning. Prevented a Traaady. Timely Information itiven Mrs iQaorga Long, of Maw Stralterilla. Ohio, prevented a dreadful truitedy and hbvimI 1 two liven. A frightful coiinh had long 1 kept her awake every algol, She had I tried many reined ien and doctom hut Hteadily grew worne until DJgjad to try 1 1)r. Kiuit'e New iMncovery. One Imttle wholly cured her, ami nhc writen thin marveloUH medicine iiIho cured lr. Iiu of a nevere attack of I'neumoii ia. Such curcH are punitive ,rcx if of the match Ichh merit "I thin grand rcinedv for earing all throat, client and iunu troiilduH. Only rxie and fl.00. Kvcrv hotlle tfiiaranteeil. Trial hottlee free ut Tul I man Sc Co.'h drtiu Mure. To Stockmen and Farmers. HuviiiK hought a larre ntia'k of gro. per lei for the haraaol trade, 1 am pre pared to furninh your umcerien at very low pricen. I bought my goodn in carload- and paid canh, therehy navini! in price and freight. My motto alwavn wan to nell the hent goodn for the lowent pricen. 1 alwavn guarantee my HihmIh to he the tincnt ipuility. Hefore you liny your harvent aupplien call and Hee me ami get mv price.-. I kicw thev will nuit roa, H. MAHTIN. CASTORIA Bean the nittiiiitioe uf i iiak. II Furrcaut la u for more tliau tliirty yaain, and Tht Kind You Ua.e Atuvjri lioufkL baM liea, I, iiiartem for WATCHES.. H all kind- tad our priena tin- loaraat... . have but One Price nd that ia the aama evorybody. L Hunziker Jeweler aad Optician. Ratea to Bingham Warm Springs. Effective at once and until Si ptcm ber I, rale of l.7.r (or the round trip to Hinghain Warm npring-. ItMllttdlna Htuge lure between lli.igham and MM npring-, in authorized by the 0. Hi X. 0o. Ticket ginnl 80 duyn from date of nulc not to exceed September 1. Itoiind trip an above, i'li luding three mituln ut the hotel and one tiuth ut the npringn, 'i.lb. Limit of Ihene ticketn two duyn. Thene rutin are lower than ever before. V. ft WAMSI.KY, Agent. Story ot a Slave. To be bound hand and tout by tin- clmiiia of dlaaaaa li tba woraa (urai "i nlavery. Oeorge D. Wllllanta, ot Man- o beater, Mich., tdln bow aaefa alaae wan made free, lie any.-: "My wile baj lieen h" helpleni lor live yearn that rili" could not turn over in bed alone. Alter lining two bullion ol Klectric Bitter, aba la woodarfally improved und abb- to do her own work. " Tbli nupreuie remedy for female dlaaaaaa 0.llicklv curen nerv ninnenn, nleepli . melancholy, headache. backache, fainting and dizzy apolla, Thle inir ucle working medicine in a gOUBWUd I" weak, riickly, run down people, Kvcrv bottle guaranteed, Only ac, Hold by lalliiiaii druggintn. Lost. A bunch of kevn, 1 tint ntorc key No. '1, l baaae key,' 1 poatolnoe key an. a number of other Hliiall "lien, l-indcr pluaHc return to D. Barnhurl, Maui Street. Come und look at the bicycle" ut the Creecent Agency in the Kant Oregouiaa building. Bicv'cloH (OT a email amount down und the luilance in uiontl.ly pay- nMbMi n tataraat. If you are nick all over and don't know: what ailn you, il'n ten to one your L-idiiHVH are out of order. Foley 'a Ktd- nei Cure will bring health and energy. Pioneer Drug Store. A Word to Farmers... Ai tins ia tha dawn of harvest we wish to announce that have complete line of Harvest Supplies, Dishes, Table Cutlery und Cooking Utensils. We buy for spot cash, winch enable! Ui to sell chaapai tiian those who buy on credit. Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Cotfees a specialty. CHAS. ROHRMAN, Gnurt Street MANHOOD RESTORED u, , Iha prenurleliiiii ,if adtuiuiM Krmieh pliynn'ia". wall qo "OUPIOENE' t all HnnUULI KC.9 I VIXE.IV l,. .I Vea-eu. Wl -a I U,U -.. nil,, ul .oilalU' ,,,- ;..ullu,liii nJBV '"U'li i ll. i '"tf U...v t,-, .,,1,1. Pivvauuqiiloliiitamof diliariie, wlU;" 1 ' ' , Hi,., lil 'lurrliiM bii.I il lb-Imrroni el iiiiiKiOiiey. J, J K'JJESS:'! " Xu m tKi ' 'r:i:3'.'!'r' .' i..-i..r.i.iHuiH.re.ai.ijpeb ni.it ....,...) ,,, i ui," ,,oiiii,o ,,n ui,., . , u it i... ai.ui li 61,. .4,.,! ...uul cUecl a Kruuuiiiic turo. f..w- 4iii.'i '' ' ' . ,' " i""1'"1 " l"aU-,iijut tUecl a tcrmiMioiii i""- w " I ul. .. .: ''"' ' 11 -iii'ii'i'"'.. ""tt a V i y "-. IA... K o. uujl Wit, Haa t'laudauo. Cai. "V TAtiLJ! eatJO.. UUUWIS. fALaXON. OMJIUOh. THE CELEBRATIOK WAS A SUCCESS. PEOPLE ENTERTAINED FROM EARLY MORNING UNTIL LATE AT NIGHT. Eloquent Oration by Senator Fulton Fine Day Parade Brilliant Illuminated Night Pageant The Sports. The people of Pendleton are con cerned for only one thing, and that is that their guests enjoyed themselves on the Fourth of July. The comments made by all who were heard to express themnelves, serve to assure t hone wl o imd the arrangement! In charge that the program wan of a character to give a day and an evening of pleasure to everyone who vinited the city. And immense numbers of people vinited thin, town on Wednesday, the oc casion of the celebration of thenat ion's birthday. Three hundred came in on the W. d 0, K. R. train, 400 on the O. R. A N. special at nine, many others on the O. K. N. regular trains, and in wagons and buggies they came from ;all parts of the country for miles around. Kvery town in the county contributed its quota, and cer tainly the eltlaani of the place appre ciate the response thai was marie to their mvitat ion to come here for the Fourth. Every promise made in the previous announcements was kept, and Mother Nature assisted hv sending weather that proved, after several hours of harrassing doubts on the part of committeemen, to he almost ideal. It wan at no time warm enough to cannc discomfort, the greater portion of the day and evening hcinu a brand of weather just such as any.inc would have selected for the assembling of large crowd- and the excitement of all occasion of that kind. bight showers, nerving to lav the dunt, came during the forenoon before ten, hut after that hour the weather wan perfect. The March to the Grove. With only thirty minutes delay, the parade started at eleven o'clock from the corner of Main and Webb streets, and marched to the livers grove. John Bailey, the marshal of tin- dav, had as aides three ladien, Mm. F. W. Vin cent, Mrs. 0, C. Sharp and Minn Freda Koencli, drensed respectively in red, white and blue, and riding on horseback. The procession followed in this order : PendletOfl K. of P. band, carriage of President of the lay VinOBnt, Mrs. Wm. Fitzgerald, who read the Declara tion of Independence, Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Astoria, the orator of the day. and liev. John I'ren, chap lain; carriage of I'nclc Sam and Columbia. i.ilierty car. containing young ladies representing the goddesses and little girls an the ntaten and tcrri torien; Athena band. Mancol band ol Milton, "Rambler" team on wheel drawing a buggy; Mancol I ire company, of the Pendleton mil In, hone curt decorated and under the caiionv "Hum mer " and the littie child of Sir, and Mrs. Tom Nelson; Protection and Aiert companies from the tire , department, and citizens in carriages. At the grove, there was an immense crowd. A large platform had la-en erected in front nl the npcukcr'n stand and the people streamed in for half an hour after the procension lirnt reached the grove. The light showers that had fallen during the forenoon ceased, and the wind died down. Inspiring mimic was given by the bauds liefore and daring tin exercises. l)r. F. W. Vin cent, mayor of Pendleton presided and intrinlueed the Kev. John I'ren, pastor of the Thompson Street M. K. church, who said un impressive and devout in vocation, culling for the blessing of liodon the nation und for divine guidance in the sjlution of the per plexing problems thut confront the country. Mm. William Fitzgerald, an accom plished elocutionist, read the grand old Declaration "I Independence, reading it in a manner worthy of the wonder ful document that proclaimed the birth of the new nation. Dr. Vincent, in npaalng the pro gram, gracefully hut briefly extended a welcome I Pendleton'' vinitorn, and offered the I' eil m of the city to all, mi the part of the runiin'm council. Senator Fulton's Eloquent Oration As Senator Fulton aruee to a rid ram the OOOCoumv of ieoplu, he faced a neu of umbrellas, for once again hud a light nhower come on. The people, who, in coming out in threatening weather, had paid a compliment to the orator of the day, evincing their ant ici putioii of something worthy the oc casion of the nutionul birthday anni versary. Senator Fulton did not disappoint his hearers. Always eloquent, he never (alii to nonatranl a public ad- dress so as- to give ubunduut mater in I hiraolld thought. 1'oasurining u tin,' v. dec, he ha-" truined it t" correct uses in public speaking, and ranks an one of the most attractive orators of the Pacific count. In beginning his address, Senator Fulton paid a tribute to the document that had h en read by Mm. l itzgerald, as well an to the manner of its read ing. The central thought of the Declara tion of ludepcinleiiot patriotism and love of liberty wuh his text, and from that he pfeacaed a magnificent sermon of good eitiai nahip. Discussing late event in the nation's career, Senator Fulton drew u ssa i. Iron the gpaaiaa war. "If no other result had come from that struggle," aaid the speaker, "there wan one that mude the awful , i.-t not too great. When the youug men of the 1'nited States charged Up Sun Juan hill, the sons of tho who wore the blue and the sous of those who wore the gray, hurling them-eUes side bv side, against the Spaniards, it ., t' that the followers of General I Great and of that splendid soldier, Ruljert r.. Liee, nan ai iasi KNrpwimi ti,, bitterness of the civil war and that the onetime North and South were determined henceforth to Isj as one in the union uf our forefathers." firemen's Raees. It was after 'i o'clock p. Mi before the championship hoae race was com menced, there being two competing teams, us follows: Alert Dean Shull, captain; .e.,rge llaigh. Doaalemaai Al stoekdale, plugman; Elmer Turner, F. II. Ilahu, Kd Dupuis, Claud Medley, D. H. Bailey, Clarence Pcnland, Carl Dtewart, Mark Bbaoklaford, Dan Downey, Will Pointer, Garney Hayes. Protection Lea Sharon, captain ; Rob Fletcher, uoanleman ; W. R. Witbee, plugmans Blocii, Bmitb, i'l.rl- . . Ferguson, le iiruki llurrinon. Wattle, Charles Bean I...Hil,om. Dan Shockey i Oronln. , Conditions Run 100 yards, carrying ' not leas than 400 feet of hose ; lay 300 1 foot of hose and get water; detach Itnicoiid length ui hose from hydrant and insert a new length from the reel. I Alert made the first run and won; I time, eDu seconds ; Protection' time, Ii7 seconds. The prize was possession of un elegant silver cup valued at $100, uttered by the city couucil. I The name two team oon touted iu the Coy, Robert wet test and the Alerts won in ,14'4 si mis. Protections time, 9V)gj Two prizes, t50 to first, 190 to second. The hub-nil, I huh race caused the same teams to exert every effort, and the Alerts won. The championship and wet test races took place on Court street and the huh-aiid-htih race on Main street Footraces. Farmer boys under 21 years Three starters and they finished as bllows: . lames Wyrick, Alfred Serlling, V. B, Finch. Gold medal to lirst. worth of merchandise to second. Distance, I0O yards; time 11 M seconds. Free-for-all. 100 yards- Three starters, and thev finished in the fol lowing order FClmer Turner, K. II. llahn, ,1. W. Long. First prize, gold medal ; second prize, f5 in merchan dise Time 1 1 seconds. One hundred yard dash, Isiys from I!? to 17 years old Two started, the tirst named winning: 91m Wyrick, I ee Drake. First prize, gold medal ; second, f.S in merchandise ; time 11 2-" seconds. Free-for-all, HO vardn F. II. llahn, Elmer Turner, timid Medley and Alfred Serlling started, and tiiat ia the OrdeV in which they Ba letted. First prize, gold medal: second, ,r in mer chandise. Time, go seconds, or there abouts, perhaps n fraction more than that. Bardie race. HO yards - Claud Medley tirst, Robert Oronln second. First prize, gold medal; second, ' in merchandise. Bicycle Events. Frer-for-all One fourth of a mile Seven starters- Won by Sol Uaum. R. A. Adams, second; WittOOl third. 1 ir-t prize, gold medal ; second prize, t"i in meronandiaa. buys 12 to 17 years; first prize, edd mnlal ; second, -' in merchandise. Charles Cameron lirst, Oliver Kel-ey second, bay bobbin, third. One-fourth mile handicap Six started, four from scratch, as follows: Beam, R. A. Adams. Joe Witfock, Julius Wittoek, Chester Foster was given five feet and Charlie Cameron 10 feet Won by R. A. Adams, Cameron second. First prize, edd medal ; second, f" in merchandise. An accident occurred at the outcome in front of Hotel Pendleton, particulars of which will he found elsewhere in this issue. Pert May- Won the juvenile contest, Frank Downey second gold medal to tirst, fJ.M in merchandise to second. Fat Men's Race. There were three contestants in the fat men's race, Al Slockdalc, Ike Hayes, Troeger. The result "proved the Scriptures" that the battle is not always to the swift, nor the race to the strong, for Stoekdale won, with Hayes second. The two winners arc tin gen tlemen who bond Monday evening, when Hayes won in the second round. A Brilliant Night Pageant. The night parade was a brilliant affair, fur more beautiful than anyone had expected, and ending the day in u blaze of glory. It was a few minutes idler nine the parade started from the court house S'liiare, coming down Court, up Mam ami passing again down Main, before several thousand people. The streets were packed for several blocks, and apparently all of Pendleton and half the surrounding country was there. Myriads of colored globes of light shot into the air, and t. relies blazed along the entire line of march. The lloats were of a character as to make the spectators pronounce each better than the one before, and the lirst just as goisl as the best. The Helix baud led, followed by the "Bamblar" team, with "Toote" Cameron Heated in the buggy, a float on which were several boys swinging Indian clubs with lighted ends, the Maccabees, Milton Rand, Woodmen of the World, Native sunn, Klkn, Knights REMOVE V C THE . V that burrewi up the scalp, nuking dandrulf scurf, causing the hair to fall, and finally BALDNESS. You will have NO MORE DAN DRUrr, FALLING HAIR, er BALDNESS If you us NEWBRO'S HERRIOIDE Tht only Hair Preparation on this abiolutcly new scientific principle. for tale by grugglatt. Price )l. of Pvthian, Pioneer-, Redman, Athena baud. Numerous judges bad been appointed and awarded the prize to the Redman During the remainder ol Hie evening fireworks were displayed at several residences, a partv being given at the homo of Mr. mid Mrs. T. K. Fell at which Mr. Fell. Mr. .Tudd. Rev. Mr Potwlne and others entertained the guests w ith quite I brilliant display on the hill Oppoalte the house. What Our Flag Stands For. Wherever the American Hag is raised in token of sovereignty, it stand" for liberty, independence and equality. What our Hag is to the nation. Hos teller's. Stomach Hitters are to the indi vidual, inasmuch ns it not only gives freedom from your ailments, but pro tects your system in such it manner that they cannot return. When your stomach gets out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you are M nervous that you toss shout till night, unable to sleep, you should certainly try it. beoaaae il Will strengthen your stomach, steady your nerves and in duce sound, healthy sleep, and for in dlgeetion, con-tipation and billioiisnes there is nothing to ispial it. Rheuma tism is also counteracted by its direct action on the kidneys. For Pleasure. Qo to the Lehman Hot springs, formerly the Teal Springs, located in the wilds of the Itlile mountains of UBMiilla county, the heart of the tport man', oared lee, This year the springs w ill ls under new manage ment, and everything that will be of guests, w flic plea the springs this year will be dancing and music. Kirkiuan's orchestra will furnish music. For particular addrea H. v.. Warren, manager, or Dr. J Mr Paul, Beppoer, Or. convenience to guests will be promptly looked after. The pleasing feature of Look at Your Face, And see if it is reflecting health or disease Karl's Clover Hoot Tea beaut ilics the face and complexion, and assures perfect health All ilruggi-ts, M cent- and M cents Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Tallman A Co. Tha List ot Wounded who have been healed by banner Salve is very large. It heals all wourds or sores and leaves no scar. Pioneer Drug Store, Purity and Accuracy . v ill A i 7T-T- , jr- M 1 are necessary In drugs. Medicines when prepared with adulterated Ingredients cannot serve the purpose desired. Our drugs are all siaudard and OUf proBCTip tloQ department has our special care Mall orders will receive prompt and and ul attention. BROCK & MoCOMAS Headquarters for Cameras and Photographic Supplies, Corner Main and Court Sts., Pendleton. ICE BRICK SAND WOOD GOAL Also Wholesale Agent for BCBLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER In bottles, barre's, or cea. Call up ! Telephone . Ml. O H. KOPITTKE. TO THE WISE ViVVVVrVWVVyWVV MKt Yampna m lit i' u I j ''i it lit ga er 1 Turkish i pfTj .Clairvoyant. ' I 'aBifav ' I'aat, Dreamt aiul Future. MRncv ' -Jit '' A!) i" t"""'1 - ,u" !C" x sr lni"wja5 h "k -i " '"' " farmer, or thorn- who intend planting their gardens or doing spring work of any kind in this line, you will find everything in garden tools and Bead, barb wire, staples, nails, heavy and shelf hardware of the very best quality and at the lowest prices al W.D. Hansford &Co.'s I'endletuo, Oregoo. Alba Creamery and Cheese Factory Orders Promptly Filled. J. L. BISHKR, Prop., Alba, Oregon. Daily ttat Oregon can, deb voted by carrier, only ij cout a weak. Cool and Comfortable iu hot weather dencribea the situation of sensible people Put on negligee and defy old riol at hi worst, mi, h uutflt when pruperly laundered, look exceedingly iiruavy and appropriate. Our patrons gel the benelii ol unetjualod facilities and perfect method. Ideal Summer attire lb very largely a laundry result. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Rehintwi, Prop. Teleplione 60 COME TO HEADQUARTERS FOR Clothing whether Suits or Pants for Man or Boy For any and every occasion we'll show you more styles at any price and better values at every price than any other house in Pendleton. SACK SUITS Some men need a change of clothes this spring, and other.- need a change of clothiers. You can get the kind of clothes you want if you will come to the right store. w'e would like to talk it over with you and show you our new suits and prices in the Hart, acbaffaerti Mara tailor made clothing. They're the kind adver tised In the lending rnaca zincs and worn hy good dreaaers everywhere. Don't forget that ARE THE LEADERS. 716 71K and 7J0 Main Street. To Celebrate the Pourth we have Fireworks and Flags Including Japanese Napkins, Lanterns, Sky buckets, Roman Candles, TorpcdiM's and Fans. Our prices are low eel iu the city. MAX li A I K. 7IR Main St. Hotel Pendleton 1 Strictly First-Class Kxcelleot Culslue. Kvery Modern CoDvriultiiice Under New nanacnient. T a Mi -'. n MP I I IBM i Give Us a Trial . Kates $2 00 a day : Special Kates by Week or iiiuotti Ktr and Kllllard liooini. ll - t liu trier for Traveling Men The Kcsl 11011-1 In Lastern Oregon. Van Dran Bros., lrops. lllCCtSMfa to J. t. Moore AMERICAN PLAN. $J.(M) per Day and Upwards lie i Hotel in the Pacific Northwest as- ''f'jf MAI I I rs yi .'-pi A XT I PDUTI.ANI), DbKliON. -.pedal Kate to Baatern Oregoo people vialtlng JHUm. Mm r tourist and coimneicial traveler. rf. t. BOWHKS. neoeger. Byers' Best Flour... To mike KO(d bread use Byera' Beat Flour. It took fiiat premium at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competi tion, aud gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvery sack is guaranteed. We have the best Steam Rolled Barley, Seed Rye and Beardless Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W 8. BYERS, Prop. lira a, Shorta, etc