Did You Ever See a Cut Like This? I lam 1 1 ton . BfOWn'l WTO make Of iboM foT IlldiMi niMM BUB WW Oltt III two. Kvi-ry pair tMIMMMl A iflilil wutoli glvaa away mi the lir.l of .Ink. A ebM "itli i'vitv ilollar pQNBJHM THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood THUR81MY. J 171 V B1 TIIF Bast Or-gonlaii Publishing. Company, an-WEEKLT -AT - Pl NPLFTt N. PAIL' fl'IMt KirriON BA TP Ona f ofir - ' ' jr tfiti One : i Bonth. by i . On -oprr' Hk. Wf earner I'll ' '.''' fci Jf -- n .ir.- r? . i HHi wiiklv HrMcatmoM hatb Om tip, rnr ff iNi erpT tit monta . Tuti rifaioa Hg le aumberi NHU MpMUVTMMI KATtS: tint IM Ml month . TnAl ulcr:ptloB frag Pr A0VMIMHN1 ATB (Uiv y A mMmMW ' Oae tncn.cf !. in fiit,.Wi,)f r im-rth . . . . On imh.ci leat. tn iiailf pat inwftlh OKI '.ON. I f I n I' 9 r$ of I - ck.).i'fnnthptiBonth i JB Month r m-U pf tnonih . ... i itu ( Vmi-WMhly, M Sanu-Wrca Wl ol i. tub utNtMat laMP Da. . nnt laaari.t-a. 11 m.:., $ Lot! &tiuk. tea caait par .tat, e.h inwrtiou. Tin- frlradi ( Baftalo Mill own mhj lt-t'il him a- a f.uiiliilate lor vire preaideiii on tile ground thai hi' in the baa Mad of a "imgh rldnr" ami a (jooil MlOfJ as mil a a bravo liulit MF, In short, he known more nwhoj tlmii Tfildv 1 ' om'Vi'lt over saw Swri'titry iauv will haw reason to "view with prMa" tin wry mi-1 parallel! liiiani-inl rwonl of tl urn-nt lisoal vear, which rutin1 to a i-..-e Saturday, J MM :&). with an MtlflMtl d surplus of lS,0al000, dariag this month, tin- txi'i'ss of reri'ipts over ex pi'iiditures this your proinis-s to i.e $77,000,001), or twice tin- amount est i -mated lat fall hy tin- secretary of the treasury. The ropiiblirun national rotiuiiittee is already at work. It is sending Ml "literature" which repr nt- wool to be worth I'll eents a pound in the "Kooky mountain states" and at trilniUM this high p-ic.. to the "hen. -liouiiee" of the Mckinley uihniiistru- tiou. Tl exaggerations an- cer- tainlv not fruitful in vote making. The knaw m!v knows how to inlliioji. . a fool from which he has hos of profit. The activity of the railways, which is alway- an nnrtant haroinetcr of husiuess, is shown hy a men! report of the interstate commerce cmmi aMi which givs the number of rail way iinplovi's in HM at ai(tM, against 7s.",u:H in l, and the amount of . ompfiisation in vci f.'ij'.'. 07,l), against Mo.oH'vOOO in IMi, an increase of U:itni in numhur of employes and $77,-.Ml,000 in the amount of their comwnsatiou. According in statements in tin M.n numiier of ".Mislern.Medi.-ine" there has liecn in all civilized countries a notable increase in recent years in the numUjr of deaths resulting from .an rolls affect ions. )r. i. I!. Massey is plotwl us saying in a pajwr publishetlj in tin- MMfMan loiirnal of mmikd for Kehruary thai after many war-' nnil tention to the subject the medical BVOaHaMM has of late awakened tt. the fuel that tin- disease has bMQBM RMMfa iiion- frequent than it was thirty y.-.ir-ago. It is added that while authori ties aliow the prevalence of cancer in nmaaaad in Mm DaHad States, they allirm its rarity or entire ahsenci- in Arabia, many parts oi Africa. Iceland, Jamaica, New Caledonia, IVrsia and the Karoe islands. Figures are cited from the registrar general's report for England ami Wales showing that dur ing thirty. out- year- there ha- la-en an increase from .'is J persons dying from cancer in lOO.OUl living population in lSii-t to 7i.o in MaC A similar in crease i- noleil in Ireland and ".t land, and investigation, incline to the uuiitTi i, .i me contniion oi ailair- i.- as bail in this country. 'agents" of Mckinley prosperity, but ; he really is one of a class who are un dermining American institutions. There is only one remedy for Landlord ism ami Ian lleachism and that is the single tux on land values. I'ndor such a tax the monopoly of the soil would be Impossible and yet at the same tUM the land workers would be en couraged. Pendleton celebrated the Fourth w it I great success. There were several thousand visitors more than in am previous y. ar and the enhusiasin of tin cr. .l n unbounded The spirit of the gathering was excellent and every body seemed to have a good time There was a mingling a coming to got her of the H'.iple, which alway; produces a dividend in gmsl fellow ship ami better citizenship. Associa tion i- n great civil leer It broaden- idem ami educate, The mail who mingles most with bis fellow- is th happiest, the most even tempered ami the most charitable. Association mi - out prejudice, ill will and allavs -it-pit ion. Through association w find that mankind i- more than half- nod ami that man is even a better animal than the world i- iu the habit of believing. The more and more men are thrown together, the more ami ne re thev are drawn together and marer man oecoines a sell-governing creature. The gnat I 'cclar.it ion of Independence would not have been possible had not men come together. and th who prisluceil that great docunent were men ol the widest .1-- lotion. o the laments of the I ourtl "coining-togt'ther-of-tiien" will lear fruit along the same line, ami Pan lib-toll de-erves full credit for per forming her share of tin- goisl work. sung at the initial republican ratifica tion meeting in Carnegie hall. New York, on the Nth, It uowuod ratRolont ly bapnftant to telegraph over the country. Here are the lines: Mail Ilic MUM nf Hill M.-Kinloy. iii IMMlMi si w ay- aim ! Hall: Hough Kliter. Tetltlv Hot-fvcll. the licro nf Han Juan I t p In Main.-or tltiw n In DtSM, MNW i"l l"r are. Honors doe to lllll ami IMd) from tin Blue ami from the itray. Since llosevelt has leaped he always leaps to the first plHee in point of plCtUfOajUB upon the ticket where nil oAoJol place is second, and as he is a thorough believer, as his outpour ings of najaolat articles go t. show, in the maximum that "in the hands of one entirely great the a'ii is mightier than the sword" even as nn instrument of deadly warfare, a liettor chorus with apologies, of course, to the author of Pinafore would run like this: Kor he hlin-t-ir halli sslil It, ami ir- grcaih to hi- etedil : H'l Hie lit le M San luan Kor he inlffiii hat.- .ion,- the hghlln', .n. lei iitlu i .I.- Hit- wrtltir, Aakeeoneta iipdetl msn. Iliu. In pli.-orHll ti'iupiatlnn. He ha. euhlisht'tt to the nation-: He's the Hero nf Han Juan A Good Thing. Our great-grand mothers' garrets contained the same herbs ,f all heal ing found in Karl's Clover Root Tea. They gave our ancestors strength, kept the blood pure, ami will da the same for you if yon say so. Price 2fi cts and "a i cts. Tallman iV. Co , leading druggists. BAD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR PREVTNTEO BV TSIIAP Thn most effiTtive skin purifying nml bMatttyaaj -nap hi Iht wend, as wall as purest ami sweetest for toilet, hatli, ami nursery. It strikes nt the canst' rf bail complexions, roil, roujb h.ni.U, falling hair, ami tmWIiletnishes. viz.. Hie elcggetl, Initntetl. intiatneil, OTerworki-il, or slug gish Poar.s. ioltt IS-tnr-intiM! -n-M P'imP t-.r '., rreps . I' .1 n II - to IU UMstllul t'tm;ri,r,n,ir ssmmmmmmitmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnn ITo the Harvest Trade.! When in need of. Hny fr"rks. Hoe l-'Wiis Cable. Axle Greaw. Castor. Wrst Va. BUok ital Cylioder HI, Com tin. flan or baffe taiM mi :i L'ontl StOVe Range for 1 1 - oook ln"isc, o gel pi i(,,s f'i""i" Wire Rldorado oil. ( a ound ( ly -I all Steel I ami Unlit or FOR Insurance Fire, Life, Accident. Plate I i lass, etc Taylor, the Hardware Man 721 Main Street j TOPICS OF THE DAY. Tin Tl. 1 1 I l im iao" icacn is gelling a grip 1 1 1 tiie jouutry and in proportion that the laud falls under tin- control id the lew '" many win in- tiep.nijent upon them lor an Opportunity to work Wherever laud le frest men are freest III this connection II is well to observe tiial I . .Scully, son ol Lord hcull oi ireiami, recently visited lilinoi- i . hajk after "his father's farm lands" which constitute the largest individual holding iu that -t.it.-. bad t-cully owns :1U,UU) acres of valuable coru land in Logan county and nearly as much more in Livingston county. Altogether it is said lie owns IDn.UOU acres in the United (States. All of his laud iu this country is leased to tenant farmers upon terms which even i ireat Britain would not lob-rale in Ireland, lie can and does evict in a manner which would put the Kuglisli constabulary to the blush. Lord Scully, by some peo ple, is considered oue of the "advance Louis Y. Post, in his paper rut., i - comments as Pillows: Die nomination oi s-amuel .Mschuler by the democratic party for governor of Illinois, makes it possible for llllaoll democrat- of the .leffersouiaii tjrjpo to vote the state ticket witliottt feeling that tln-y have put their demo cracy in p-vwn. .Mr. Alschuler. like e-loiV. .ltgelil. is ilistiiigtll.-ln a- a deniocriit by nor.- than the party label, lb- is a doatOOMtlc democral. Nicknames for presidential combination-, whi.-h went out of fashion wilh tin- ''Baah and Bianfc1 of tin- Itu-I'lianan-llreekinridge campaign of 'M, may U- revived by the Philadelphia nomination-. It has Keen suggested that ".Manifest liestiny and Streniioii. llilty" would lb scribe tin-coiuhinatioli, but QiWarBOt AltgPld prosses some thing briefer as well as more acciirate- .l. -criptivc in "Cant and Strut." A laudable eftort lias been made by a Chicago civic club, bd by Mr-. Lvdia Avery Coonly Ward, to head oft an ordinance appropriating b , of public uionev for the decoration of Chicago on the occasion of the ineeliug b.-re ..I the Qraod Army ol the e public. As litis club explains, the amount so appropriated to a street dis play, transient in its nature and of uuestiouaiue value, wo llbl sunliort llu vacation scb. acc..miii..ilating . . k children for the whol.- season: vet tin council refuse- appropriations for mention Mhooli for lack of fund. This ubwetion alone condemns the appro priation for the street display Hut toe MOM club make- tile stronger (- cause iu. in- fundamental objection, that "public money cannot rightly he withdraw i . Ir.iln public purposes to such as concern only a portion of the taUBUII i IV . " That objection gets at tiie heart of tin- matter. Tin- city council of Chicago and tin- mayor, who bai ignt.rtil t In- protests ami signed the appropriation ordiiiai.ee, have in. more right in gtsui moral- e pav out city luoiiev for street decoration, on tiie OOHUloa of a private parade, than thev wool. I have to piek a pocket. It lutppoM that these BtOfl are not tile only ileltmpienis. U-gi-lative Isslies, from the b.Wfst to the highest everv vwiere, are in the habit of making similar appropriations of public money to nrivate use. Hut tl- principle is invariable. In doing so. every re puanibla participant is morally guilty of stealing. The average measurement- of the Hoisc river lor the week eliding JOM was W78 seconil.fect, while tin average lor tin corresponding week last vear WM MtPM si-coml-feet. The snow In-t winter was light ami has ran off earlv. illlillllilllllliiillliiiilllliU Loans r Tbe First Baby. on City and County Property, Real Estate Improved and I'niinprovi d City Lots, Stia-k Bon ohm and Wheat l-iirnis BEE J. R. DICKSON, i I '.ii-t (Tegonian lltiil.ling. When ban comes to the home it will bind the wife closer to tile huslvuid or it v.i:' gr.idually tend to cut her off from Ins lontiutKliip. A sickly mother loses in j.lr. ...il charm, ami oitcn in temper and olrpotition. A fretful child is a trial, even to loving parents. The ust ol Ir. Pierce's l-'avorite Pretcriplion prepares the wife for motherhood. It strengthens the bodv, ami induces a healthy condition of mind, free from anxiety or fear. It makes the baby's advent practically publics.-. The mother being healthy her child i healthy, and u healthy chilli is a happy child, n iny to the parents, linkim them ttHrether witli a new InjiiiI of affection. There is no opium, cocaine or other nareolh in "b'nvorite Prescription." I reatl what your mnlictnt has done lor othrr p-.tlc," writes Mrs Ivlwiu H. C.artlnrr. of OBnpaad. NenbMi Co Mass . Box -o. "so thought I wouM try it. anil I foun.l It n l.'t-.-ing In nte anil Limit-. I look your ninlicinc a year whn I ha. I it ten pound girl. I ha.l the eaftirtt ton- I tvrr had with any of m tltrcc children, am! I hays been very well ever once. I tiak three hnllle ot Favorite Hretcrtption,' three of 'Ool len Medical Iicovcrv.' anil three vials of ' Pellets.' before I took yonr medicine I mitt wt-urhetl i J5 pounds and now 1 weigh 175 pouudft." I)r Pierce's Ple isant Pellets cure tick haadaeai Oregon Lumber laid hmSELLSsm Lumbari Lath. Shingle. DUUdtng ' .: 'r I Alba Sawmill Good Lumber Both Rough and Dressed, T H E Crescent THE MOST POPULAR WHEEL. Men's Wheels 1 adies Wheels Boys' or (iirls' Chainless - $25 and $35 $26 and $35 - - $25 - - - $00 Another consiynmcnt of the $25 and $20 Wheels ius received. CRESCENT AGENCY East Oretjonian Building !fTfTnff!TfTfTTTnffH?TTTHTf!fMftfllMTlf?f!TfTTTTfff!IHffTfffflfT!fflTHfflf?TffTFff?flf Order. Promptly Filled. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL J. L. Bisher & Co., ALBA, ORBQON. -citnrn l i ?T7 J X - J- 1 j aa PRINTING t. f. K0HLEH, Prop. Tl" Oilj Fint Clllt am) Ccmpiete Hotel in the Cit). aa OF ALL KINDS AT THHi But Meeti All Truni. Free Simple Hoomi. Electric Ltghti. Fire Proof Bidding. Cor. Court and Johnson Streets. PLNDLLTON. 0RE00N The Old Dutch Henry feed Yard KIT hAVS & CO.. Proprietor. i ar Hi i per. Huiuum arc current in Cliiuagu that Uatrati flic prnprlotor ol tin- Noa TOfk Journal, Isakoal to lauucli a new i.i.t-r liorc, to i- pulilialiad iu tlio ftoruoon dariuv tin- wwit ami in tin OTBiBI on Sumlnys. Thin is wcl- ctiiuc news. 1 In- daily uuihth of Untenao now are all controlled liv Bnnnewl sllquao As a rule they art oondiicUnl without loun-alL-tle nam. poaii hut ill aid of husiuess oM'ratinns and interests: and an- resistnaive to all loaniHT . iilutut-ratic inills. Ii oonMQuenotii with an bondaneo t lournnlnrtio talaat that . if it iloen not -im- that of any other American citv iu hrilliaiicv and altera I ity of opinion, Um On lingo paiwrs are inferior. The naWlponnr men ure liauiiereil ami siiipretisetl. It ia onlv miH and tiieu, wlien a ".Mr POolaX" "r " Oeorxe Ade sirinjH into notice throiitih articles iwrauuully Niued. in H'hich he an unusual (random of .-m i that Hie Kuueral public i. .. .-. that there are any able joiiriulisld in OliicaK" coinnletuly do MHM-ulative iiiterestB, whollv foroixn to the (;hica(o linwspa.er, holif OhlongO ne.WNpatt;r-iiiakurH in auhjection. 'Hit chin us oi a now caiunaigu lyric, J Motildinusi Pickets. Lime and Cemanti lit u I. and Bandi Sa-h and Ijimhs,, Screen Doom A N indows. Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Altn St., opp. Court House. French Restaurant In connection with ... LaFontaine Hotel Bet Meals In the City. Open Day and Might. Ous LaFontaine - Prop. Awltzler BuMdlng, Main St. All kinds nf llav and I .nun f.ir sale. Hollcd . antettl tin- U-st na the market. Ploaty stall nsmi. for hsise atta-k. Kates reasonable, dive us a call. 'id Steamed ltarlev. uiiar iitssl harit. Ili ct.rrals ...OFf-ICE You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner beer in bottles, datiaatad to any part ol city, at SI-SO per XDozen. nan- Bottled by Goo. J. Pottnor The Itrxefft stock of SaddUr) , Har nesa, Tenta. Wagon Covora, Can vas. Lap Dusters, Kope, String Leather, etc., Is kept by Joseph Ell GOOD WORK. LOW PRICES, GOOD STOCK i Legal Of all Blanks Kinds. rVirWtllavVyyyyyyy Ki.au v ior Harvest Have your hencler Iwils made, your water tanks looked over ami have your feed racks in order so Uh-h will lie ii., d-!a when the tune comes to barvaat this year's big crop make header he.'s vy.iter tanks and leed racks at very reasonable prhc' Call aaa see us. I'endlelon Planing Mill & Lumber Yard k. PORtTBR. I'roprletur i ........ New Goods THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD And Cheaper Than liver.. Portieres, Cur pets, Lace Curtains Wall Paper. The Leading General Farm Paper the Northwest. of NORTHERN pacific! RUNS Pullman Sleeping Tourist Sleep nR Cars To ST. I'm-, WINNER THROUGH TICKETS J CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADE1 PHI NKW YORK BOSTON and nil tmintu Kast H, s Throock iii'kcts t iu,, , T.foniH ,l Northern l , ' rh, n4 AaMfMan ifis, ritemhlt, g TIMK SCHEDULE, Headquarters for White, Standard aud Bldtadan Sewing Machiues JESSE FAILING A HighClaris Illustrated Farm Journal Published W eekly at Salem, OregonTry It. Main St., near Bridne. Yin i-rlU.- lur I'KUHllll. - The Leading tla neai and Saddle run- utneturar ol hnatern OreKun THB NBW8I Taaa Um Baat l Oragoniao. Daily $5.00 a yaar bv 1 v mail. Waakly Ci.jo, and Hmi Voonly aa.no n jmnr. 8aoinl nr fr Vtiilivi'iiliMrw " kuuuvi IKvl O ' 1" l.ir inau ' -,..'...:i in Hm i alud to Magazines wast 1.,., i n. lectin March 1, luiM ail(! ., ,,, ijA",. . us PuWatton was "'' "r Burupi', renin uy wwwl uou-, i-bevk or Una Ut tho Kamt Omcun HUN liie utrl iiublidieri' prlt. ,it . .ublit-(it,ii yttli iltiri mi.) u.. ..,11 -'II IU VttU III I ' ' H..LI I :l 1 ... . .' ' moui' kiuu 1ui In tin- oialU Ii will Tv. boll, iroobT- .,! .k ,, ?ou :!..T. to tbc iLUT l.UONUN, 111 fiallllU OU 11 ha , uouci leu per yeut (rout ti.. oubi,bri' uri. ! I'UIKiOMAN fUB. CO., fauUl. K, lruu r-.i hra papan, aad win maluuiniT ,lT au,onr L'tlitltfH lur lUblishilkl SI l;inti "ontesiead has all the fa- at,o. why land four monETt? Wkv iTi ol wide circu' in the Northwest a farm news.nH.-r ... V, 1,1 tain here to the interests of tbil J iZT . and devoted The price of the Wkkki.v Ua.st Okitnm,lu 1 a will Mad our paper and th, IU,: ( f a ear. We HA in" uew r -'0 111 advance. iAil OKbGONIAN PUB. CO.. Peudletou Oregon 1'rnlll Ifnvr-i IVii.tl. hi laon 111. ' "p'pi Sua For rarUMf lafomatlon nmn.. mil ttokatt, mil on or v ii " . i loll, (iivkoi,, or v , , . ru. Thlnt Mdaonl.oBu!,fS't The Fastest. Shortest and U Direct Line TO THK j East and SourfcJ IB THK 1 r , w at , 'picT0V Two Daily Solid Vestibule TraiaJ Palaoaand IVrarjti lep. n DurintOM vii 1.1 1 aria). Huffai rlmokliiKnd I.ii.r.rt.3 i.hnlr I nn (h rt t ) Pendleton to Denver, Kansas Clty.tailJ una inicago wnnout cuane Onlv out- .'lltllitfi' I,, Km 1.A......J ...1 .' ". "t-w.M ' 11 1 ' .... 1 j .. 1 1 1 1 ' Kor rnlHi, tli'k.'i mill I, in infiirtaiiiat tj on or i.r.-f. K. K Wamiler, Aidi ii k a si Co., or J. 11 i.iniiui.i ir.i. No. MAThlri! Hi.. I'ortUnJ.otKit THE CTY... Livery, Feed and Sale Stables... CrtHIS SlflPSON I'rupriturl Bvarjrtatai n-. Nia Bnaa Now B-Ht rijiii mill xnmt hi tlift city. BoMdatl given Un- !Ht ttttelltll.li. Service any hour oi the nuhfl Telephone Nu. 7a. HOITT'S SCHOOL rienlu Park, San Mateo Co.. Ul 11m-. new bull. till.'', u.-ttl-. 1 1 r 1 1 : . .'1. ! Ufc-n lorli'. Mini )-oitiNiiitii Ii. .iiitilal .urroasi iUHit. careful iiiporvlitioii. In. in.- inriueD-r- . tlioroui(lil fiiuiiH-il Mli I off. r ttlpt-rittr il vanlaaai lor 110- ears hh-i irriiinugoi tor. u ...IIIlL' Illi.l. A, II I...I Ml II,,. ItnlVrftMl Tt'iitli your buiU" Auk '. !' 'U-1 lor mi luguc. Iha 0i iloiri. Ph. !.. riiwia. ATTORNEYS. 1 a l: PEH A KAl.l.V a i loUXKYS All Uw. HB. - In hhviiik- Hank Huililltl I'. 11. HAI1.KV, LAM "i BK, 0FW 1. ISl Jiitlil HullilliiK l't-iiillf!..n urttfon. THOS. KITI. KllAI.K A ITOKXtY it Imw. Oftlt .' ill Awoi l.tl.ili Block. N. HKKKKI.KY, ATTt'KNKY A I W"J .'Hi. . Iu Auoi'tilUoli III." k K. n. BOYD, ATTORNEY IT LAW. ill court Hi. H. A. NKWIll.lll: V. AntUtMii 1.11 m K011111 1.. AMHH-iai.oi. buiiaiua JAMKH A. VKK, LAW i'l Hi I !' JU aiming, HHVSICIANS. nn. w, u. coll. 1 ii i ii v. in rnvu loll HttvlllK. lUllk Im 1 1. 1 itiK Hill"' OKU"- 10 hi . m. ; I to B p. in. iL-i'-i'in'iif I' ve v 1 , if. vr iii ul I II K KtAll 1.1 lirM NallouttI bttuk '"I... liOUnUfm iu. ; I to I p. di. OK. I . .1. Hid ! I II. UK I' l- t'NMil-MJ Ileum httviuir. llMiik I , .. jiliuuc . Iclit-c- Iclttubolit' .. - -- H.H. OAKr'IKI.U. XI. !., H"MMf-1 I'liv.it'ittii .ml rtiirutttit I'IDw i ilUlllliUtf. DENTISTS. 1. A. V A 1 1 OH A N , 1 KN TWT. 0W IU Jlltlll l . !.... .. I.. BBA1 IB. H. I'. 8. "I H' Bttvloan Bank. U ttUiuiiilii-1'- J K. A. MANN. M-.MIM IN A"1" Hull BlOOk, OVtl I Ii I l...nili -u""- l A KCH I The Ts AND BU1LDMS T. V. HOW AKO A lie HI I B( I . - V . . . . ; .ltd iiiiriliu-lliltrlil, limae i.iii.h"-" .i alana lor buualairi in Uw oli " .OOlll 17. JUI1I1 UUIIUHIB BANKS AND BR0KBIS. THK PBNDLKTON A'IN08BA l't.iitllt)lou, Oregon. Ominf' Ottpilttl, IU',UUU. lUMJrc.l ll.inetl pt.ltll!, hAl-lltlliKf bougbt uJ ' '' woo . Ijittl pullii.t njH.-rii tti.. - . w j, iion W. J, ruruikb. pwaloaillj. " preaiauui; T. J. Morn., K1B8T NATIONAL I; A NK'Sfn urugon i ttpiwi. "7- (t,reK"-7 lure.. 0,1 1 'o"" .,, .. . ,, urumw.', " u":v " "?"?v. i.T:,;,v. D-in c iciwi'ii tu. tuin ' u-ruelii McArlhur, vicc-,reail'-"t K U J ittr; L. W. Baruutt, iuutiuiii ca :TT7u'n U , ,il' pull K1KKT NATIONAL i'-i "".T.Vgal lou. l upllttl, tti,ow'-""'',"'. KICWR1 .Uct2oSVor'k in. Nortbwat. Dr.tw 'titSSt iki c n r i " - i.ui h tiut'fuaoy, auatut -. "HE KARMKtt'S HANK Jjl W.-.loii. Ori-gon I"" - " ,;, atkU JS Ka.-I ....i.. K..T,,iut- I.HH'" ""i. ur I Iwilluiu orooiiiily anu(ll w. jam -, . 1 oA.t lli'iil i-ouilitfoii. mill '" 'kMWi";'Z iino.iigttlioiiioiiiiii.1 . "oll 'Zti. ultl. er.: K. Jhi... -"i. C'J,- l'lriSi l'r..Uiul vli'e or.l.lt.l" 1 A"1!? J. K. Kllbjore, "?."'?",'. T J. rWrI O A. attrlm.i..M JiVwa' hixlanl.