East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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--h-J J VcjrX I 1 I
Z nvvTVT nmiir wmm . . .rmtw itiitunflV TttmiuittV -T1 T T . V H. lOOO. NO.
Lo Price of
. 100.
1 1 ' value. ""'
40i' villi".
,.iiii' 1 10lii 't.r,
f;;'C ....h.h..,i...
g .1.1 cn-Bi'i-il.lr
Arbutr.i- Win. r. Me.
jejaaaer, Almond "
( num. Wo.
,..l,l II"- 1 11
Vl,,,t Tulli'l PowdWi ).
utr. !. VaaotiUI . 7.'.
,lr .i'"''
Fireworks Sale.
pan ( iimllc".. Br doa to I ." curli.
f Rockets. I"' I"
IfU- rlrccrurket. IOOi
iii-r ( haw Bin eight. Dewey
Tri. lot unodrede of kini. lej
ncti up.
Frederick Nolf
Agrni TTaehlj KmiiiiIiht.
Good News
of Good and Needful ThitiR for the
Fourth of July and Summer Wear.
Store will 1H. Open till ufer 0 o'clock TlllfljJ eve
Will proi.ni.iv be closed all afternoon July fourth.
Furnishing for Indies...
Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Crush skirts,
Wi'iir - the vcrv best .
Furnishings for Hen
SnitH, Underwear, Shirts, Hutu, SIiwh, Tie. The hfotoi MWll'
thing in every instance.
Men's Qloves...
I or Harvaei The baa stock tn have m shown, sad the lowest
prices we liuve ever uiuile.
Ladies' 5hirt Waists...
MoM rut t.i piece,.
i .wo Waists reduced tu
1 .- Waists reduced to
1.80 Waists reduced to
1.7ft Waists minced to
S.00 Wu;sts reduced tO
- ftd Witists recluceil t. ...
. l.io
. 1JJ8
. 1.7ft
Wash Que da Oijij them in . i r center window. There are many other
(fornix inside.
The Boston Store
Last Week's Reduced Prices Still
The low prices of last work closed out several lines of Dry Goods entirely, lut others have
taken their places, consequently the assortment is just as lare as ever. Bin reductions this week on
Ladies' and Children's Parasols.
Ladies' Fancy Neckwear.
Fancy Pettycoats.
Wash Skirts and Suits.
Odds and Ends of Corsets.
Lisle Thread, Silk and Kid Gloves.
Shirt Waists and Silk Waists.
LadiiV Belts and Girdles, etc.
Remnants of Wash Goods at onehalf to one-quarter former
Come early in the day to avoid the afternoon rush.
! oiraiir&uii 9
Tl)c rWal Htct in
hsa ilet'HJ Ask
fM :. V j will
Likaj it.
fcttr causes iadachc
nor LMjeiImms,
Schultz Brewing Co.
Opposiu o fi. &, .
Round House
0. c. hkau
Window A Head
tractors uf Builders
Jobbing a Specially.
Tanka to Order.
u" Cottonwood ma between Alta
aim Webb.
pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
ston 4 c,a,,y prop.,.
lUai ftf? Hlii. i Rock, N
""Utioil o0'1 vto. ()..mlaeeom
"0f"'ru,. """"al rre gin and pan
'o. ' Tlliuaf) A (Kli dm
for Infants and Children.
Caatorla In a harmleaa aubatitate tor Castor Oil, Pare
Korle. lrH Mki BooChUI( Hyrupa. It ia PI nt It
M.Uiiua SStbei Opium, lorUliio nor other hareotlo
aubHtuiie4'. It deatroya Woriui und allay fverialiuvaa.
Strum. llarrh..a aud Wind Colir. H relieve 'IV.th
lutf Trouble and o-ir,- Conti,atiou. It reKulat. tlm
J.r. i. .....i it.. wiviiiir li.altliv and natural Bleep.
The CHlldreu s Ianacea-TCe Mother's Friettd.
- a m Ik 1
Til! CJllllUrOUP I'UllUrCt wa,.V-
The Kind You Have Always Bought
r. ii.. Ci n.r otnrR nt
In Use For Over 30 Years.
special liXE 0
Unredeemed Pledges.
Gold Kings of all kinds.
OtBUMMB'l tad Udii'' Watches, all varietur
and prices.
Agent for North German Lloyd Steamship Co.
Buy your tirkeU tu the World'n Fair over thia line.
Tin rr nrr hImmiI J.'xXl AaBjartoMI in
China ol Whom WOO ivrr miaalonnrina
of varlotM danonliiKllMi.
A. R, Dloktffi inininter of justice in
tha lam eoaaaf tattTa fovarnnaat In
tin- DonttntoO Ol t'umulii, wan dfOWMM
at Amlirrnt, N. S.
In Ohlaaga, 80,000 Man la tha hajja
inv' tradai an- out ol poekat 11,440.000
tor twenty Waahl baoaOM M Htrikr,
an avanaja Mr mi ol f:irti.
Tha tirm ol A. M. Rothaohlld and
Co,, Chicago, h.riit HM,446.0II in our
year (10M for nilvrrtiniiin in a llngta
aawipapaf , tha Dnllj Nawa, of MM
Om third of tha 010. 000,000 ealM for
hv the blahona ol the Mathodial Knlaou-
pal ehoreh ai a JOth eantary thank-1
offering has I.im ii rerrivcl in New
Oolonal John O. MoMynn. for many I
MNMa nnarlntandanl al poblle toatfoo.
tlon in tin- itata of Wlaoonaln, linl at
iii aaaManoa In atadlaoa, Win., in tlu;
Tsth year of lii nee.
PaanlaioM lavat i pnvnlaal on tha
tathnm ol Panama, among tha Yiotlmi
raportad balng tha no of tJoltad
Btataa Qohaul Oobb, and tha prima
donna of an Italian apara aompanjr.
a diapatoh t.. tha Bspraaa from Bom
(my, dated Tnemiay, any a that in all I
etoapt three diatrloti eholara i- raging
in Bombay ,irriiideiiry, the eaaea re-
portad for tha waak anding Jana M
li mi 1 1. el in! -"U.ttail, iii.il ttii' ileiitliH, 1.,-
Sivretary Wilion hac appolntad Pr.
William t;. Btnbha, ol New Orlaana, an
a HnTi:il aitent to Hawaii, to hiii.Iv
ollmata ami aoll oondltiona, with a
view ol aatahllahlng number ol k,,v-
erument experiment etatioim on the
The London Timoa' St. Peterabura
oorraapnodant myi thai .iiin-" 10 tha
Uratnl itafl of the RwaNUi army ehti
matad tha Ohlaaaa army tO number l
7 SO, 000 nu n. He alim alld that about
iiOO.oOO MaiinerH have Im-i-ii hniorted
within the lai-t three yearn.
.lust ire rumnian, in New York, pen
tanoad Alfred R, Goal In, Bngana L.
Packer and Charles T. Pavis, Found
fttilty of cotiapiracy to depreaa the
p rice of Brooklyn Bapld Transit stork,
Qoalln to six months in jail ami to pay
a tine of MOO) Parker and I 'av is to
three months each, and to pay a fine of
IS "o each.
"Not a single foreigner is now alive
in Pekiti," i the latest Chinese report
whlofa has raachad Shanghai . Bar liar
reports from the same sources describe
the i lltion f the British legation as
omatblng awful. It is said that nsims
of the legation wele tilled with sick
and wounded, the killed lying DB
buried in heaps.
Benjamin li. Ib.lt .lied at his home
in Harrisl.urg, Linn county, a few
days ago. He leaves a w ife and two
11. P. Parr stabbed C. A. Whitney,
in Alhina, near Portland, Tuesday.
Pan was drunk and Whitney wan try
ing to get him to go Lome.
(ieorge So.rn, an old and well
known pioneer of Lane county, died
at his home in L'ugene Tuesday even
ing. He came to Oregon ill 1H."S.
Aslmtos hu I n discovered 10 miles
north of Kami. ih. Idaho. The led,..
g MM ieet in width ami tdiows up the
l.est character of that mity ral to he
found any w here.
due day hot w. . k two of II. .
li. ry I urd thorougbbrad yowling bulls
became involv.d in a li,ht, m nr the
hot inringa. Lana county, when Is.th
fell into ihe pprlng and were s. aided
to death.
Mrs. la rah .i . Batoo died at tha
home of bar hoi. -in-law , s. li. Moora
at ( Mall.-, of ulceration of the
stoma, h. Daoanaa was horn in Ire
land. Jul 4, 1837. -he was a resident
of Illinois for nearly :) yeun, and
cam.' from that l.i a to Orogan last
A car on the electric road between
BdilOU and Taenia h it the track oil
Wadn iday uiornlng, pluagad Into tha
gulch 80 bet daap, uaar DaLin 'tnait,
killing M un n, woman and children
and injuring I', ethers, IQBia of them
fatally. Among the killed were threw
ohildran ol Mi-. I.ymai. Lee, of Med
ford, OrwoBi Mra was badly in
jur. -.1. Shat enured the car to leave
ti e track is a my atary i a- the cur was
not rnnuing laatar than usual on that
part of the road.
Tb raptr or . u rcepla.
Kvarybgdy Baada It.
la L rai tlraulallou.
Baal Aav.rumua aaaUiu.
Weuk BFOaBM IfaOa it .eei hf I S.
I-... u t.rt... Vagaaaala Oawaanna
Lattrr. rruui I .. .. Who Wow lluva
"Dkah Mas I'i.nkiiam : It w my
anient deaire to have a child. 1 had
been married three year and waa
cuildiM, ao wrot,- o you to find out
til.- raaaos. a ftor loH
lowing your bind ad
vice M tailing l.ydia
E. Piiikhaiiia Vege
table Compound. I be
came the Hi' .1 J!T of
u at ant if ..I baby
boy, the joy of our
I... n.i ilu la a
fat, healthy buby,
thaiikb to your m. .li
clue. Wiui. MiaUA
(TgfllUti ltoaeoc,
N. V.
From (Iratctul
Mr. Lane
" Dkah Mi-.h
Pinkiiau : 1
wrote you a let
ter aomc tone
ago, atatiag my eaae to you.
"I had paina through my bowala.
headache, and baekaehe, wit tir.il
and blcepy all the time, wua tioul.l. d
with the whites. 1 lollotaad your
advice, took your Vegetable Coui
pouud, aud it did me lota of Mttd I
uow have a baby gh l. 1 c. rtuinly be
lieve I would have taonntnd had it
uot BOaa for Lydia K. Piukham'a Vege
table Compound. 1 had a very eaay
time; waa bi.l. only a abort time. I
think your BXtdiirln ia a godbi nd lo
woiueu iu the coiiditiou in which I
waa. 1 reooiouicud it to all aa the I ,ot
mcdiulue for wouieu." Maa. Mamv
Lam. Coy Wat, Teuu.
A Fight Over the Platform Regard
the Issue of 16 to 1.
Both Nominations lor President and Vice
President Will Probably B Made
Tbls KrenlnO.
Kansas City, July .Y The conven
tion hall waa besieged by excited
thousands long la-fore the time set for
the on'iiing of the second day's, pro
ceedings. The arrival of Richard
t'roker Ballad forth a few cheers and,
hs usual, when the Tammany man
shows up, there was a cry of Hill,"
just to remind him that "there are
others. "
When Texas raised aloft their
standard iu the form of huge hornn of
a Texas steer, surtnoiinded by the
legend: "Texas gives B1.000 BMV
joritv," there was naif cracking
ihoati Governor Beckham, ol Ken
tucky, was given enthusiastic welcome.
At il o'clock Chairman Btohardaon
swung tha gavel lustily for order. The
chairman then presented the Bight
Hcv. John .1. Qlnanon for the opening
With the conclusion of prayer, Chair
man Richardson announced that the
platform committal was not readv to
report, and invited Kx-tiovernor Hogg,
of Texas, to address the convention.
There was a whirlwind of approving
shouts when tiovernor Hogg asserted
that the platform must contain a
neclflfl declaring tor 10 to 1. At the
termination of II. .git's address, Chair
man Richardson introduced Hon. A.
hi, Pockery, of Missouri, pockery's
attack npoa the conduct of the republi
can administration for its work in the
Philippines was greeted with the
usual ilcinoiistrations. The tirst men
tion of Admiral Dewey's mi during
l he convention was made by D.ickery,
but the name of the famous admiral
was received without a ripple of ap
plause. Fight on tha rtatfur'ii.
Kansas City, .Inly 5. --"The light on
the platform will baoarrlad to tha floor
..f the convention,'' said David B.
Hill this morning. "The action of the
resolutions committee is not conclu
sive. The strongest silver men are w ith
us. Kveil Jones is with us, hut he is
dominated by Bryan. As I am op
posed to imperialism in the nation, so
I am ..(.posed to it in the individual.
This is Imparialiam of the worst sort.
1 believe we'll beat 'em."
Changed tha o
Kansas City, July ft. The platform
committee has changed the order of
the presentation of subjects and placed
the qaaatlon of Imparialiam in tba
front place in the platform, making it
in this way, and also by actual declara
tion, the main issue and the one on
which all factions can come together.
Minority Raporl Uaalaas.
Kansas City, July ft. There will !
no minority report on platform. The
Opponltlon has decided such a repoit
Would he Useless.
The silver Reiiutilleana.
Kansas Citv. Juiv 8, When the
silver republicans of the national DOU'
rantioO were called to order this morn
ing the mb-ooromlttaa of tl .m
inittee on resolutions, apl.ointed to
draw up a platform, was still far from
an agreement.
The commit! in permanent or
ganization of the silver republicans
reported the induction of Judge W. I..
Brown, of Ohio, as permanent chair
man. Slevenson ror Vlee-PrealUenl.
Kansaa City, July ft. Tim I'uniniyl
vania delegation this morning unani
mously decided to support A. Hal K.
taVOaaOOi of Illinois, f..r the vicu
presideiu y.
tontereace Between Parllea.
Ka.isas City, J til v ft. (ieorge I n.l
Williams submitted a resolution that a
committee be appointed to confer with
the silver republican and ponullst
parties. Shouts of "No," "No, fol
lowed, hut tint resolution wus adopted.
Towne la Encouraged.
Kansas City, July ft. Charles A.
Towna aid this morning: "I am
greatly encouraged today. Assurances
of support are constant I y reaching me
IrHB the members ol delegations repre
I minting all sections of the country.
The Making or the Hlallunn
Kansas City, July ft. When the
i platform eommillon convened tislay
I the members who had led the light
I against Hi to 1 issue, rcoucslc.l an ex
plicit declaration on the planka of
superior imisirtauce, other than the
financial issue, und tint silver men
decide. I to make imiieriul ism the Issue.
In accordance with this decision the
place of front rank was given to tha
subject ol imperial ism ami lo the .jui m
tlont growing out of tint Spanish war.
Thaaa subjects oooupr fully one-ball
of the declaration, beginning with the
rtloU of their paruiu. unt and au
prcine linporlance. A change was also
decided upon iu the declaration regard
ing the Chicago platform and the free
t. inag.' of silver, the dccluiatlou being
phi. ad w. ll down in the body of the
platform and language changed con
siderably. After several sm-ci hes had been
made the chairman announced that he
had Is en informed that tint phttform
committee would lie ready to rapOf I at
1 1 gO o'clock tislay. Thereupon a motion
was agreed to adjourn to that hour.
Tide Toward Steveaaon.
Kansaa City, July ft. The talk among
delegates ia that the tide ia Hutting
very Htrongly toward Hteveiiaou for
vice-president. It ia atated in some
ijuarters that both the candidate for
president and vice-preaideitt will be
nominated before the convention ad
journs tislay. While the leaders would
not agree that Steveiiaoii will be the
nominee it seems he ia gaiuing
Began Reading the Plattorin.
Kansas City, July 6. The conven
tion reaaseuibled at .1 :ftO o'clock. At
4:16 o'clock Senator Tillman began
nailing the platform, but no report of
it can be made in time for the after
noon pajiera.
Coorereae Pull Committee.
The aub-oouiuiittee from the ailver
republican committer Ballad OB Sena
tors Tillman and .tones today to ar
range (or a ronferetice of the full rotn
mNtaa with the committee from the
democrats in regard to placing Towne
in nomination by Isith conventions.
Ho In Relnc Received With Much Knthtl
ilaam Wherever He lloei.
tjuincv, ills., July 8. Oovarnorl
Roosevelt itrrivi d here at i : 10 today and
was aooordan a magnlflcaai ovation.
Hannibal, Mo,, lnl " Governor
Roosevelt arrived at Hannibal early
t. dav and was ,'iven a great welcoine. '
Rla standard Oil Fire.
New York, July ft. A tire at the
works of the Standard nil company at
Bayonna, N. 1,, which started at an
curly boar today, is itlll raging aud
the damage will run int.. millions.
The Humes are shooting into the air
fnlly 80 feet high, and the bluing oil
extends over an urea of neurly a
half mile.
The total loss is estimated at 18,500, -000.
Fire at Rainier.
Portland, July ft. - A special to the
Evening Talagram tram Rainier! Ofa-
u.t.u' 'll..i...ri..i.(llre.l..Ntroe. I
H., mmjmt
Clark A Dougherty's saloon, Beach's
dry go.ls store, MorgttB gr ry,
rl'...L.u .l.u UL .1 U" .Isv
foods store mi I Wagoner's barbershop,
i. .. i .i ii,. i...
I lie in.- I" ii'i'in
Troopa Withdrawn From Cuba.
Washington, July ft. Ordera were
issued today (or the return to the
Dnltad Btataa from Cuba as soon ai
possible of the son. I, sixth and
eighth regiments.
The Wheat Market..
San ITraneloeoi lily "Caah wbaat,
l .(Hi1 per cental.
Chicago, July ft.- August wheat,
7o :i-s cents pat bnabeli
i 8 10 A00 MARKET.
Reported by I. U tlay k Co., ChloaRO
Bemrd or Trade and New York Stock
KxohanRe Brokers.
Julv ft, 'The wbaal market opened
als. ut two cents hlghtr this morning
on foreign war talk. There was freer
selling on the fact that a general ruin
prevailed in the Northwest and most
of the advance was lost. Liverpool
opened at 0 IU. and closed ll II 1-K
against ii S M Tuesday. Chicago
opened at 81 to HS M and declined
steadily to the close, BOWL September.
Corn opened 44, closed 4bmJ to ft-N.
St.s-ks all higher. Monev S s'r cent.
Close Tueadey, mi i-k
(pen todav, HS-HS M.
Range todav, 80 M 84.
Close today, H0'4 .
Wade I'rlvetl Huna In Front or the Rldern
and Cauaea a Mix-up
At the Baiah iu the one fonrth of a
mile bicycle haii'licap race on the
rVwrih, a serious accident occurred
near the Hotel Pendleton. Watta
Prlvatti tba 8.yaarobJ son of J. w.
Prlvett) iu some milliner run iu front
of the wheelmen, unconscious of ap
proaching danger. Bob Adams was in
the hud and hi wl I struck the hoy
and knocked him down, the rider
taking a header. Charlie Cameron
. line MMOnd and he missed the little
fellow by the scantiest ol margins.
Then the Whitt sk Is.ys and Cheater
I oster came and apparently nil three
of than r.sle over the little lellow,
hosier's wheel it It thought, passing
over his head. Bob Adams bad a hard
full and was assisted to the drug store
oi Brock .v. MeOomaa. and later to the
uMtie of Dr. T'. W. Vim t, where his
Injuries were attended to. His face
was badly cut und Ihe top of his head
bruised. Wade Privelt was taken into
the Hotel Pendleton and later con
veyed to his home on Cottonwood
street, but he was given the best of
nursing and careful treatment, Dr. C.
J, Smith being apprehensive that con
clusion of the brain might poaaibiy
result. 'The friends and relatives of
both the vietime are ph-uand to oota
thut they arc recovering us rapidly and
doing us well as might he reasonably
expected by the most -anguine.
He Was U Yeara of Ann. and a Much He
apeelad Citizen or Thli City.
( oiistantinit QraOliebi of this city,
.lied this morning ut uls.iit ten
o'clock. He had baea 1 1 ilnea last
fall, when lie took a cold, and suffered
ipl nut n.ns aa a result. The ar
rangements for the funeral have not
vet I u completed, nor the place ol
burial, whether iu the cemetery here
or at Walla Walla, where the family
bus a lot III Ihe celuelcn .
Mr. (.renin h left living, all being
residents of Pendleton, Mrs. (ireulirli
and these children, Cbarlea I irmil ich,
John Ureollehi rank ttraallen. Mrs.
I i, ink I'. Light and a step-sou H. W.
hchwar .
Coiistantine liruulich waa born In
licrmauy, and came to America about
48 years ago, living lor many years in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and removing to the
Pacific cast nearly twenty years ago.
He lived iii vs. .II. i Walla for many
years, coming to Pendleton nine yeara
ago, and i. siding here aince thut
time. He followed the business of a
butcher, and w B0 ol the reprer.nl. i
lives of the solid I ieriuau-Ainericaii
oltlaaU, being highly respected by all
who knew bin i
The Inneral has been snl for to mor
row morning, when High Ma-s will
be said at the Bt. Mar) 'a chinch at
0 1 -
Some Startllnft Hews Comes by Way
of Shanghai.
Kiery Forelnner Murdered in Pekln Chinese
Driven B.irk From Tien Tsln With
dreal Loss to Interotllonils.
Shanghai, July ft. The Ohlneea Bm
peror Kwas Han committed raloldo by
taking opium, under Dompulaion of
I'rin. e nan, on June lo. The am
press dowager also took polaon, hut ia
still alive, though it is res.rtisl she ia
insane fram the effects ol the drug.
The above is olRclally reported to the
German consular tnff at Shanghai.
Story or Murder of Whltea.
Loudon, Julv ft. The story of the
murder of all the whites in Pekin is
being retold todav. w ith a circumstan
tlallly that alraoai convinces those who
have hitherto refused to crtslft the
tokening talee, Rven the holding of
Tien Tain agalnai tl verwbelming
hordes of Chinese now seems a very
remote s.ssibil ity.
Chlneae Driven Itark.
Loudon, July ft. A dispatch from
Shanghai) Under .lute of July tlh, an
nounced that the British legation at
Pekln, with IMHI refugees were still
safe when the message was sent.
According t" reports from Shanghai,
(Irn. nil N i. h Chung's force is en route
to attach 'To n Tsin. A force of thirty
thousand Ohlneea has appeared north
east of Tien 'Tsin, and il is reported it
has been driven buck hv the combined
forces of Russiu und Japan. The losses
of the International! wus very heavy.
Li Hung Chang is said to be Irving
to raise a (on f two hundred thous
and militia. A baud of lift American
und other nnssionuries rouched Tsin
Tun on July 3.
Myera or the Oregon at Pekln.
Washington, Julv ft. The navv de
partment has received the following
dispatch from Admiral Kempff:
"Cheer' Meyere, al the Oramm,
Oommanda the force ut I'ckin. Cap
tain Hull and Dr. Lippit lire also
Boxor Bebelllon Extending.
Washington, July ft. A cablegram
from Consul tieneral OoudaoWi at
Shanghai, states there is imminent
danger of extension of the Is.xer re
bel In hi to the southern provinces,
unless the international forces are re
inforced and maintained.
Steal, a Lady'a Purae and gets Quickly
Tom Wong, a Chinaman, who wua
ar reeled on Monday for puking up a
purse near the W. C. It. It. station
on Main sired, and rilling it of ita
contents alter going to the Kustcrn
Hotel, was lined till) and costs, S4.ft,
oi 884.18 in all hv Justice Tilgerald
on Tuesday. The case was ipiickly
dispose ..(, and the Chinaman's el
perlenee will be a warning to others
to Is. ware rilling parOM ladies drop.
Marshal lleulhtuaii und Constable
Bent lev arrested Wong just after the
act was eommittadi and after the case
had been Invest Iguteil, Wong wus
thought to he guilty, and this waa ex
peditiously established hv the trial lat
fore Justice I ilgerald.
The purae I. . longed lo Mrs. J. K.
Walker, of Spokane, wile oi the
superi ntandaat ol the c. c. Itoller
mills, and whose parents reside t a
'The Indians convicted of the murder
..I Mr. and Mrs HortOO, of Kllgeue,
nr., at Lynn Canal last Oaaobawi wem
sentenced at Mkagway, June S7. Han
aim, who killed Ih.rton, will hang.
WilllaaaS, who ml Mrs. Ih.rton a
threat, under threats oi Hanson, waa
sen tanoad to fto years. Kichitoo also
gels fto years. Another ia given 30
yeara, and two others So yeara each.
e e e
Lais. ring men seem to ho at a
premium in Wyoming, aa a railroad
building Brm at Uraen Bivei is send
ing to Portland lor help. The tlriu bus
already loo1 men ut work iiupmviug
und shortening the main track ol tba
Union PaetBs la thai vicinity and
want ull the men they can get, ottering
19,80 a day lor tin in.
Su k ItsMMtMt he
ia eaea. weeeeai ea
cfcHSrii, miHrft.,
Ut Uw iceuutu; If you
want Ui bu curvV
tUtemUft i imtt.
ait 4rt88 ! m mm
Personally Condueted Weekly Bxeur
alons Kvsry Thursday.
An bi per leaned egenreion oonducl
or wboao duties are to Itsik alter the
wautH and welfare of pusaengcra will
be in charge oi tourist sleeping car to
Chicago via Union Paolne. Thin car
leaves Pendleton on "The Portland
Chicago Special "at 8 140 P. hi. making
eloae connections with auuilar service
to Boston. , , ,.
Khl.rlv poopls ami ladii i traveling
alone or with children will find thli
service very coiivenient and aulis-factory.
ror llcaei i newwsw
full information, call uu,
I i w.imm.m ,
Agt O. II. di N. Co.,
Pendleton, Ore.
or J. II. LOTH BOP, iou'l Ag.i.i,
loo Third Street, Porttaud, t)ro.
Karl's Clover Root Tea
lieMtitlrVea 1 1 to CuutiltfUia( PuHHm th
HltHitl. sjivrti a Vreh, Clear Skia. i'ut (. ua
atlLatlni( liuligubtUiit, auti all Krupiiuitg vi
Ilia bkUi. Au asfreaabla Lasallva Narva
('"ii. bull tn, atxtiilutu Knai.iuice bjy alt
tirugfAiUtt. at U6c., tUc. attU l UU.
oti pnornicTons
rM taO b TaUlWaUk dk Cu., lUgfjg.al.