jjyiyENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Dot hM TOW "Ail." In The last Oregotilan PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, TU1SDAY, JULY , 1900. NO. flH.'tT will .1" i '" fojri Low erin- Let articles. rl ...a. nf o ((mills. .. ri.ThiH " "' '' Em ""' " 100 Sum. gag van"'. ajBJa ,,. Willie. wain-. 1 ' ., All""'"1 D lll.ru 1 I'"-'1' I IK" lll I I !'. ' I .1 iMI'lin I Reworks Sale. .....ii... - .1 in . . ( i - - .. ... -Mil. rejaaearket, I Or Hi""-- HI"- t.ltr-. Ilcwe.v I,.-, liiinilrcil- ! klml. Ic Frederick Noli Umii fur Wi l l, I Fxntuluor. V MMI ai The Boston Store Last Week's Reduced Prices Still Good. The low prices of loot week closed out se veral linei .( Dry Good entirclv. bat others have MMthen plat . consequently the assortment ii just as large as ever. Big reduction tail wwh on i Ladies' and Children's Parasols. Ladies' Taney Neckwear. Fancy Pettycoais. Wash Skirts and Suits. Odds and IZiids of Corsets. Lisle Thread, Silk and Kid Qlovef. Remnants of Wash Cone Pendleton's Big Piknr I mtm00mmmmmmmtmmm 1 1 - Botri lUer in ln ikt.ni Ak " it. Vim will lik u. Pilsner Beer Nev cr Caul : tudache W iMZi.lei-B. hWti BrewiDg Co. Opposite 0 R. 4. . nQiid. House 0 HaUD. ilow & Head Victors and Builders Jobbing , Specialty: 'ok to Order. f i' Ci.ii. . Mah Stage Line 'ai p . h it.. .. Sot! tMM Ue. '"hU irwKUtand fm- ttllaaie tw. Good News Of Good and Needful Things for the f ourth of July and Summer Wear. sii.r,. be mn till ! ler I o'olook taodoy eve, Will probably .- ,,(t, .,,,, ,v r.mrth Furnishing for Ladies... Ulovci, Hosiery, Handkerchief, Conete, Oraah skirt Neck wear tin- very beat. Hurnishinjfs for Tien... Baito, 1 ndarwear, Hhirte, 1 1 1 1 1 ilt iii ever) instance. Men'i (i loves... r,.r Urreat The heal itooh prices v l.uv" c et made, Ladies' 5hirl Waists... Mom 11.00 Waist r..,ln I t. 1.88 Waiiti reduced to 1.50 WaiiU redo I I i 1.78 Waists r-iin-.-i to 2.00 Wa -i- re lu I to L'..ii) WaiU reduced to . Wash (ioods -. Alexander Shirt Waists and Silk Waist.. Ladies' Belts and Girdles, etc. (ioods at one half to prices. early in the day to avoiJ the a'ttrnoan for Infants and Children. Cast or ia la a havrnilees substitute t or Castor Oil, Iurw orie, Drop und Sootltlug Syrups, it in iMeununt. it toiituiii. Ju i t In i Opium, Morphine nor ollu'r Nareotlu huiot.ioi e. I( destroys VVoruis aviid avllaya reverihawaf Jt cures Diurrliuui ami Wind lie. U relieves I v. th Im Troubles svud cures Coustiputlon. It reajiilat tim Btonuvcta and Bowelaf truing liealtlij and natural sleep. The Children' I i imOBM I M -Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Hears the j In Use For Over 30 Years. iH, aaaaaaa ajjajeeatg, " m.hi mm SPECIAL Unredeemed Pledges. I! Itjld Rlogl of ull kinds. tlBntUllMin'l Slid Lldiss' vVstobs! all Yaritit ami priSBfi JOE BASLE R, Agent for North German Lloyd Steamship Co. buy your ticket- I" the Wofld'l ' nir oyer thi line. THE EAST OREGONiM HaU, Bh Tlea. Th beet of over. we bmvw owa, ami the krweot nit t.. pleeM, 0.08 .!.! . 1. 10 l.ft I " oenter window. There are man v other ginnls inside. & hexter. one - quarter former rush. Store. signature oi I ctT SALE OF the. Paper nr Hie People. Hvarybody Baadt It. Tn Lareaai Cireulatlou. Beat aerUlua Beaiuui. r.KNKRAL NKWS. Fir deatrovei! the Imsin" portion of Oneiiln, 111., SiiiiiIhv morning; loxii, i "Id Siiab'tiM la .... ni nth Miiesed Blth 'li" ennrH" piitsmsl by 111" I'niteil Btataa in referwoe lo Ohina. The tir.t tlirimch eathound train on the n"w s.uitu re route to Ohleen pull nut ol tlie depot, at Point Kieh- momi. siimiiiy moralefi it rerrted a I it rj. mnber of peaaengerti , At Oheater I'Hrk, OlneloMtl, v. . I!ut ami t, Beaemen, Ol New Haven, Gone . on a motor tamlem, BMde i mile in I ) ,V Tlii uive them the world 'i record for oenkMt tmek. Beron Von Retteler. the Oenau iim-1 beaedor, killed in Pekin. treeetleeked by the Chlneee when rtdlnaj Doree en the street. Ili bod)! w:is POOhod Into small pleOM with IWOfdl in the street. Oenerel Oranle In hi prison at St. Helen, where no li the iirst Meoeaaor of Napoleon Boneperte, repel trei the eonooletlon of e piece ol silver plate from 18,000 Raaelena. It i u trophy for the iled'iitisl. (hi a teep eruu T' tight of porhnyrjf statels a noentea Boer, rille in thigh, on the lookout, i At the beOO of the hloek it woman kneels behind eover ami tires u rille. A bo hidei ln'liiml the woman. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NKWS. r. l?. Bel I Incer i very ill with pneumonia at Mtnpter. He is not ex pected to reeover. Henry Rllla, ii!sl 7"J years, iliist at! hil home near BellftOB, this eountv, I Friday, of perelj i. The bettleehip owe, bow in Paget BoUOit watiT", may an to China water to uke the place of the Oregon, Th" PjtclAt lonnga ami metreei fee tory lit Taooma was horned Retard ay ftemoon, the loss heiij aisiut inu.txn. Th" (.entry daniaae ease anainst Baker eoanty. on trial at linker ity, wei nonenfted ami thrown out of I court. Mr. Oordelene smith died PVIdey in Ipokeno, Wash, the was a ne tire of Polk eountv, uihI was reared in Bailee. Mr. Ann O'llrien, aged 'X' years, wei foond deed In her boeea In Port- lend, with a cloth tightly Iwietad ground her neck. It Is thought she eomnlttod raieide Bi Oerdin of Seattle, meneger lor J, I li. A'lams .V Co.'s svstem of warehouse j along the (ireal Northern, estimates that Waahington't wheat crop, herring I hail luck, ut n,000,000 baelwle. The steamer (iaroiiii". which for a I tine it was feared was o-l in the Arctic ocean. has tamed IB nil right at Dntch llarhor. after liuviug ln-en h'piee.iil in the ice for several days. The llri-t wool sal" of the season at Lewieton was made Thuradey, when the Pendleton Wool Boooring ipeey puToliaaad 00,000 poaBda of wool, the price liciii' 18 cents mt pOOnd, Near Warm Springs Indian rcs"ra- tion a board of Bh "ik has beea dig eerered Bnleei proper precautioiiH are taken, the Indlani will kill a Bambo of th" animals, although liy no dOiOf uey violate tie- utw. LUlie Andereon. a i:i.year-ohl girl, WOI lot in th" mountain In Kyi valley, linker eountv, fur eighteen deye. When found she was derongjad from starvation, liuvinv Mihsisteil on berriee. sin- will recover. Henry A. KeloOB, a BUMT ami BTOfJ peetor, woi on Tbareday morning found dead mi the Hoiiaii.n WOMB mad, eDOO I two mile- otith of (irnnite. Marks of violence upon the body Indicate the) he was n victim of foul pluy. The ataoioer Aberd . oet arrirt I at Seattle, reports the suicide ut Nome of Iter Kinir. Bald to lie a BMBlbef of a provineol afoOtaae family. He shot himself with n revolver hecuuse of a aoerrel w ith a erOOMg with whom he lived. Tin ofBciel Benroei of the returns in die reconl Oregon election shoH a total rote of gl,N0, Thle la loss of 6,Ufl vote oi compared Ith toe preeidantlal election In I M0, und u loss of MM vie- from the totul vote polled in the lection of hik. Hnrrv ThoniHH. Ml year old, I married, und ebo hud been u eur lo 1 eiMictor for Bootbern foeino oonapaoy for the poet M veurs, was kiihd in1 ii. ,. M-url I'orlluli'l freiuht yard Sulur- duy. He eUpped behind a freight eer in-t im no ' o. i r n i. n iiici wit- kn . . ii I... .1... u I,... Kelt now ii 'in...-, .' " - The Pinkham Record Is m proud and poor-loss reoordm It la a rooord of euro, of constant oon quast over obstinate Ills of women Ills that deal out doapalr; suffering that many woman think I la woman's natural harl tagej disorders and dis placements that drive out hopom Lydia C. PlAkhani'i Vejctablt Cunipouiid .urv tnese iroumes or w wiofl, and robs men struation of Its iarrorsm Mo woman need be with out tlte safeat and surest advloe, for Mrs. Pinkham oounsels women froa of charge. Her address Is Lynn, Mass Can any woman afford to Ignore the medlolne and the advloa that has cured at million women? . m J mm M BRYAN STANDS BY 16 TO 1 o He Will Hot Ron Por President If Cause of Silver is Omitted. O THOMAS TO BE TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN The Race for Hie VIcp Presidency Is Between Suiter and Towue With Chances in Faror of the Latter. Knnsus City, .Inly S. "Hrun will not run on any platform which does not contain a specillc declaration in favo of 1" to 1. If the convention dOM not put that declaration in the plat form it w ill have to nominate another oendldete for preeident." This atatemOOl was made today, hy lodge Tibbette, of Lincoln, chairman of the Wobreeke state delegatloa. It si'rves to enphaaiie the determined stand taken hv the Nehraska stntesmun. His deolaretlon is that he stand for the principle and IhoOO who would have him ohataM or modify his views are twinging limply in wind of the eg pedleOCy. DatO Sells, chairman of the Oero delegation, who had a conference with Bryan, not only roaArmi the statement of Judge Tiiihetts, hut BBV plilies it. "After talking with Bryan, " said Sells, "with respect to bit pooltlOO, I anked bin the queetlon i 'Sappooo the convention should refuse to adopt the platform containing diet ind dec in favor of In to 1 ." h clarat un "Then," said Mr. Ilryan emphati cally. "1 will not run as the OOOdl date. " The convention will he called to order tomorrow ut Boon ami unless the present plans are upset Hryan will DO nominated for president at the tirst session. Hnrrlion Doenn'l Wnt It. Kan-it- City, July :!. "1 would not ban it," "uiil Mayor Darter Harrison, of Chicago, when asked if he was n candidate for the v loo pneidency , "I am for Billot Dan forth," he declared, "and I think he is the strongest man the convention can BOmlBBtO. A many state have declared Ihetn hclvcs willing lo accept any man proclaimed hy the democracy of New York, as capahle of carrying that state, there is small dOHDt that any mini having (he dual endorsement of Indiana mm Now ork will be formi liihle a factor in determining w lm -hall In- the candidate (or the vice prenldelltial OtBOO. Town Men Confident. Kansan City. July :t. The ToWOC men are tmluy inun nlident than ever. They sav the light is between ToWfl ami I 'an fort li . of New York, and t lie iplest ion Of OlpOdlOOCy will now he nonglderod in detormlnini the select ion . Tliomai Tentporiiry Chairman. Kaiinii City, July l,Tfa itloool committee ha- choOOB Chan. S. Tlionias, of OolotOdOj for tomporory chairman. Haleer'i friaudi claim that leverel itetei hud come to his ntandard today gnd 1 1 1 at he wa- i oiitiniuilly guniiut; in the rleo'pnaldoooy race. The ( lark Dalaaata. K in-. i- Citv, July H. The mitioiiul collllllitlee hun decided II II It 1 1 i llli'llnl V t -e.it the Clark delegate- from Mont.uiu. Conference! and Cauouiat. Kuiinn City, Joly 8. Conferences and QgUIBg of the various ntate dele gat ionn beggjg early tmluy. lit mini v fnateooaa the committee on Bfgjgniia tioun were comideted mid u iiuuiher of delegatloai timk aneb ii mil action on vice-prenidency us they permitted. OantoiLh Wants It. Benean city, July s. Klllot lian forth Midi "I know I am mentioned for the vicc-prenideucy hut 1 urn not patting forth iiny effort. I Bgi inclined to believe the reul content In botwooa iinleer uml Tow no, ' ' The Leadem Meet. Kunsus Citv, July :t -A conferetice I between the leaders of the delnoi Till Ii , popoliat mid silver repablleon partial today reeolt i pruciicuuy in 11 oecinioii to incorporate the epooltlc declurat ion for 0 to i in the democntic platform. No ugreeiiieiit wun rem In d in the rieo1 preelrtenoy mutter. Look Lik BaateHbi Kuiinus City, July .1 One of the aioat ilgBifteant happen iogi of the duy oeearrea lu the New York hegdejuer tem. Mayor Megoin, of New York atolOi a silver lender, who hun heeit ill Lincoln, urrivi"! here today und nuid to Rlliot Uentorthi "I'uuforth, if you ure u eaadidala for the rleo-pneldaniy Me an with you." The ilgolBeanoa of thin in, that a Muguirc in clone to Bryon he may voice the wih f iiryuu lO haw New York nlulc reprenenlinl hy Dunforlh. Anked il thut wus the eeee, M again nuid oMtionelvi "Ilryan I'-.dn Irieiidly toward I'uuforth. He would not, I am sure, object to hi being on thu ticket. " An the duy Wore on the llnprennioli spread among the delegate that the oouventiun would Bomlnote either Deu forth or Towoo. Teddy In Oklahoma. okluhomu ( iy, July I. Bee idee u population of ir,IXl (here are 10,00(1 alrauuora within the city'auute to greet Qovemof Boooavelt) of Nuw York, und candidate for vice-president. The Wheat BarkeU. Chicago, July Augusi wheut, eenti i i bushel . sun Frencieco, July S. Caah wheat, l os1 4 per cental . CMICA0O BABKt I Heported by I. L. gay at Co., Chleaeo Board ol Trade and Bew York Slock Kaehauae Brokarf. July 8. The wheat market wun ile leldedfy atrouger tisiay and at one time bowed un advance of gJajO oyer yeetur ! duv'a cloat). t'ablea weru higher und the crowd who were the heaviest Keller y, rterduy were the lwt buyer tmluy. Chicago opened uboot u cent up. 7U1' to ao 4 and alter a reaction to 7U 8-8 advanced to mi, cloaing ho l-. Com was etrong and l 'uc higher. gtooki higher. Money 'i per cent. (.'lo yettterday, 78 6-B. OiHtn tisiay, 71) Kunge today, 7 8 a 81. Clone today, 80 1-8. TRAIN WRKCK. Elartit Penoni Killed anil If Inlurad on Montan (ntmt. Butte Montana, July Be troun wreck occurred on tin V dia-! Montana Control railroad, IS miles from Itutt by Which two pereoni were kilhsl and injured The dead urn: John i Ke Salt I. nke; John l.nciskei, of Kails, Montana. The train WOI ing along on eomparatiel around, when the rails apreail, v, n( ilreut rush level ilitch ini! the hiikraaae car, the unoker the day and mch aJKt the sleeper. I lie engine ne baggage car remained on the truck. rhe can were thrown OB their side- .iinl the pOeaengeri not injured, or only lllghtly, climhed out through the indowii Tlic Monetary l.eRiia. Kansas City. July ' The second eeelofl of the Monetary league began here today with it hitht ntteitdance. Qeneral Warner, of Ohio, discii-sed tin- currency hill pa-ted hy the In-t oongroee, Uenernl Snyman Cnptttrad. New York, July 3. A dlHpateli frotti London reports the capture near Ltch" tonbere of Oeneral Bnyenan, who be iloged Mafeking, KlRltt Llvei Lott. New York, July 8. Kight teron were bo mod to dOdth ill ii tenement tire in Holioken todnv. BATTLESHIP OREGON IS OFF THE ROCKS shanghai, .lulv B. The bottleehlp Oregon hil- been ,! mtcd und I- her-cll iignin. She will be tnketi to Nugu-aki for repuirs. DAY PARADK TOMORROW AT tO::l0. Will Proceed Directly to Byers' drove tor the Literary Knereinei. The duy parade will start tomorrow morning at 10 iM o'clock, from the corner ol Main ntreet mid Webb, re-ling on BNtln tnd running while form Ing. it will mareh down Main la Court, up Court to the grove. There, no noon it the proOOBOloB arrive, the literary egenfeei will be held, Bona tor 0. W. I niton, ol Antorin delivering tl ration. The proOCOalofl will form thus : Mnr-kal John Hailey, jr., and lillea leading, will follow in order, the Pen dleton hand, the carriage w ith Senator Kaltaa. Mayor V incent, who is presi dent ( the day, Mrn. William l'it gerahl, render of the I leclaral Ion of IBdeiaindeBoe, ami Rev. John Unn, chaulala of the day; eorrloge with Uncle Ham end Columbia, liberty cur, division tnanhal ami Athena band. Bra department, dlvlelon manhal ami Helix bond, ami the Milton bend, division imirsluil uml 1 1 u t - mid oltl u nn in eurriage. KOHMAIION OK M..H I I'AHADK. Chairman Itexter Announcea Arrange ment tor Illuminated Procetnlon. Promptly al nine o'cloeki tomorrow evening, the various tloats in the lllomlneted parade will benpactad to follow the orders for Inarching. Mr. Hester asks ull the lodgen oommittoi chairman to cull at the wore of Alegqn dor A Hexter during the forenoon, and receive their BWterial for the illumimi- tion. Two parade will form aeoofdlng io the following arrangmenti lleuded by Helix blind, renting oil Court ntreet, corner Col lege nt reet ; fol lowed by the Grand Army of the lie public the bicycle Mont- coming next, und then the baflilHBBI BoOtBi The Milton hmid will come nexl, renting on Vincent nlreel, corner of Court, follow tug being the Mltccill n, the Hint. I Artinuim, the Hen Hur tribe. The Albenu hlllid Will rent ol, ltu ntreet, corner Vincent, the Women id Wooden ft, Woodmen of the World, Native Sunn, and the Klka follow ing. The I'elldlelon hlliglitn ol P.m. i buml will rent on College, corner ltn the Knights ol I'ythian, the fMouuen of the POolAC, mid the Itedliiell folloH- bag, Ultlcen of Spurti Program. OhalroMfl Lee Held, of the eatortaia manl oommlttee, haearrangad lor the following to nerve un ollicers of the porti : Judges bor-e ne en . (' A. I r.iter, c. K. Kooeevelt, ' A. Ilartman, Judges other eporti I B. Don kiln, Dean Tatom, B. H. OlorkO Tllliekeepern. I'runk I I. IO. r, Tho. Tbompeon, fboe, Mihwhey. Htarter. Jon Mil . Handieappon Oboe. J.Kergaeoo, II. i Htlllmaa, Ula -late. Tie- Bremoa'i raoei begin nt i :.to p. III., the Wet tent mill elm III pioliah I p rucen coming Iirst on Court ntreet, und the huh mid hub ru on Mum, the other ipurti lollowlBg, begloalag ut a bout I hree o'clock . lELfcPHONB LINES' JOINT OKKICE. Pendleton and Inland Companlei ar range lor Improved Barvlea. lb" I eliilleioll lelepholie colniuliy und the Inland lelepbom- mid lei gruph iouiutny have joined their linen ut this point no lur un nor vice in concerned, und will herealler have u Joint ollice win-re the lulund coiupuiii ins tin exchange, in the Suvingn It it 1 1 L building. Minn Cluirii Moilnnii, win hun for a year or two la-eu inauugi r lor the Inlaiid coinpuny, Will luttliugu the exchungo lor Inith cotiipuuie. Thin will nlcuHcull liutroua ol tlie line, lor the reaaou that Mis Moun-u ha given perfect eatiafai'liou to everyone win I. a- occasion to tine the line of the lulund company She bus been elticieut to a degree, und I. nil. iul ulwuvn The i'etidlelon coinpuny will have phonee at Pilot Book, I'kiuh, Alba, Lob man Springs, Hiiluway Hpriuga, ami the line are in line working con dition. The lluproyinl aervicc will ls appreciuted h ull pOOpM on Isith of the linen. Three ton of gold arrived in Seattle from Alnnka, lining brought by the -i. .mere City oi Souttle and Citv 01 Toneka. Of thia gold, which I valued al ovei l ,ooo,noo. nti,tHto ai eunaigmal ti tho United Stute UHuy ..llie,, hern hv the Caiiudiuh Hunk of Commerce in Duwon mid IftllO.lKIl ,, ,.i , .... ni - the . I. an no on the tin ortiea owned hy Millionaire Llppy and hi aaeoeiatu. m -ay - The Walla Wullu Union think the cuiiHU will allow tliat Walla Wullu baa a popululiou oi 10,000 pooplc. BELEAGUERED LEGATIONS Almost the Last Vestal o( Hope Por Foreigners s Cone. DIDBI fil III CHIIBSB CAPITAL ... -.( - Kmpcror William Make, a Spmh in Which H" riireatfu. lo Avenge Murder ol His i; : iitatlie Id Pekln. London, July I:.- The fact thnt th" re I ot column Iim Li on nimble lo lave lien I -in in resi-in-e to the pathetic nrayer of the hnleaguered legalioit at I'ektn is generally regarded in London BO de-trot ing almoet the last vc-tigu of hope (or Ihe iiulortiimlt" foreigners in the Chlneee capital. It is fell here that the Dirt Ion that no state of war exists is no longer tenable, and ail army of one nationality is Moaeaary to deal ith the oituellon, Hence, there an-"- th" demand thut Japan be given the mandate to complete the work left undone in IMM, with proper security thnt she -hall not he again -ipiccosl out tt lieu lb ntly ta-k Is oyer. Admit nl Kemptl's Foreilaht. London, July :t. The papers are be ginning to Und out that Vdmirul SfiX had il better forentgbt than the hancellnrlei ol Knrona when he protoateil itgiiin-l the nttm W on tlie litkii fort- on the ground that il would throw the Chioeea government into the arm- of the boxers itud make ull the other natlona teehnionlly at war with China, Koruignerx lit Peril at Pekln. Waahlngton, July S." Hec rotary iiu bus received n cublegriim from Consul Ueiienl 1 Inow, nt Sbmigbni, which Bye I "liiplomut and luisnionnrics are in the llritmli legaltoti nt leklit and are under rille lire (', union com niatttl the legation-, hut are not being u-eil. rhe Br it lab, Herman ami Italian legation- ure -till vtaodlog, News ot the Oregon. Wa-b nigtoii, July 8. A cablegram from Lieut Key, dated Toklo, savs: 'Itunnia'n dock at Porl Arthur is tii mall tor Oregon n the uregou m lloaled she Will be docked lit Naga-ak i. ' ' Heiliietl I i "i.i l.i Hung Chang. taodon, July g, a dlepoteh from Houg Kong nnyn: LI Hung Chang has n.pi' ' I I lint a I lllteif Mllten gnu- nit tnke lit to l leu I -in. gmgerer him on mi Bar. Berlin, July 8, tddronlng a detach- nt ol t.eruuiu inar'iie- wbn h nntle.1 tor t 'ii ma reeterday Rmperor William, ol in i in m minle u ni li, ilitring whloh he notlged the world of tier maay'i Intention to avoaete the murder if itarott Von Ketteier und the Her man mlaaionarlee. mid to dietote IgffBM In the ChinBBB Ir the pahne at 'k in. Anarchy lu Pekln. Washington, July g, leeretary Hay inn received a cablegram Irom Doaeal (onir.il (iooilliow, ill Shanghai, a follow: "On lb" '.'7th of Julie there were two legation ntanding. The ompOIW and elnprenn are prinoner- in the palace. The citv gale- ure oloaad, PrinOB I n. in uml In- lone ol booen are in con Irol ol everything Com plot lull tioae of anarahy eshtt laihadletrlet." gagtaae Ltfl Secvlea. Since the torinat ion ol I he UeOtitB Hon no leWor than tljttgtl reward-, ag gregating in value CIM.flOg, have beea granted for lite-eavhagi bi well aaM gold illld 1 1711 liltOf BIOdB II. live thou-uinl ml lea of ooaet me watehed by u guard of l,,IKX) picked men, wboae aervicee an gnen grotultoooiyj und who rink their Iim- year in mid tear out iDiout thought ot reword. The work IpBOkl for Itaell when it ia ntnted thai ilnea the furtuatiofl oi the Institution it- llfeboel men bu nuved oyer Ml ,000 liVOB. i m a, - Relet to M ., nam Warm Springs. Lth'CtlVC III once mid lllllll ep(eui- ber I, rule of $l,7.'i lor the round trip io Bingham Warm nrlnge, loeiadiag ntuge lure between lliiighum uml the iprlugi, i authoriaed hy the 0. it. a n Co. Ticket good no daye Irom date ol nale not to exceed ilelnber I. Round trip Un above, including three meal- ul the hotel and one i alb at the nprilign, g.fO. I. Unit ol tlit-ae tlckela iMo.lai- IIiiki mien are low. r ib.ni ever hclore. I I . N VMSI.I.Y, Agent k.'W'V'-Vv-aw-a. . . B EEC HAM'S "t fTt LLel wurlli living turr Bliluis a Ntriaes ulsarerri. I ii . . ui neat a . . .o at a, we -i Karl's Clover Root Tea Ik-rfiUiht-aJ thtt lutiili il hi, ktr4titts tits Hltiutl. giveta it V'rtwh.C'leetr Skin. CurasC uii .1, lu li,,, ,ii,,,i, tttttl s.l I'.i .i.ii.'ii--. ul (lis bklu. An utj rcr.it il I ii'diiu Nsrvs TunlC. btUti till shattlutej e, -ii ..iiUo t.y U UiuggjUU at KBt.., 60c. and 91. 00. S. C. WELLS 4 CO., HtHOY, N Y. OLC PrlOPHUloMB afug malm by Uiuuau d i'u UruMUU. aT'vXTSk " ' T alpX.'J atSBBBBl J