CORSET SALE 163 Corsets BLACK AND DRAB ALL SIZES Reduced to 49c to Close... Worth 75c. to $1.00. chance on I'lano wdh every joe. purchase. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. m vuE KOLK CARVINGS. wMt. Vsluntocr Writes from Nc- fan. followiim letter 'r"n ? :-zL writti'ii Table Book, wn-iJ bin answer t un urticle jnpearint in tlitf Kl Oregon- .,k Xci. . ,1une 1. To the f Birf-ln tin kene "f J'""r l'l"'r ' L Miv H. i" " article, EtkTTbBc," in which yon refer JlitrlitlP in tin' Vuh" lianaUs KM iBWHWOM" esnditom cliff- ni'iir Villi 'ikU in- intoriix-il names und I fc.-irtrl tmii- In ' iregon. mmmm name 1- cm on tlmt 01 ISi, U. Ut o V., lHi.4." Titan sir: "It would ' Intereethsg to E flbt tftir lieutenant wax. and sill I ' 'ill " IViti, 11 r .ther. K. T. lv Elkarali T'uvlor and myeeH efilimn, III.. April SB. ,or CpMfctMMt. We liad nu'"ii n b three vnkr ( oxen. We gessl nif l i - -1 - - off ugitinst ikiu. II;.. rf i tin1 Missouri at itauiu sent Uimnuli the smith puss, saml br Sal Hpriiitff and down the Bi.iwMt anal it" - ' siisunvilli", II :.. li-tv lalvoi 11.. going t' mk Ut day. wi nested sdu-tu finite !niml InMbern UregoB. Hopping Uahm inuuty, in the latter part sflssgiiliiii My I. rot liar and Boone rMliiri giiuinif. while I worked .mi u mi far Iaur w.i.ii.-ti near 1'hoonix. I: tin- fall of IMI, the Firm Oregon otiirt tuluntwr- w . t. recruited. My kxvr Buooe 11 ml ni.v.-lf enlisted at Jaiswlltr, itti'l r . assigned to OaaiBT A. T. 8 1 1 .i rr in wu mr a:u ml .1.-.. I; iin and .Inhn ftiaf, Ihelieitteiiant -iIiih I'ep.Hin sei, ;iliit.l 011e.1i ilie duty sergeant ,ti oimpany an I I an. appointed aaany gsoaiieagry mrgaaiil. We Bexta.1 bi he nent rant to help put J ittasllun. 'nit in that were agajmovd. In the spring of 1MH2, n:tii Portland, and were truna PJal horn there rhe DalUM by making rtage by rail at Vdii. Lieut, II i(kin wu up Jutai aaaiatant adju an) gaOStol for PnanjrtMat, witl 1, ad piarterH at Wgli., and SiluH l'eHiil Paaeurtru1 lieutenant in hip place. J" WBltiiiT In- ",, tlirw yearn we a u tur asrvn-r went out to PJ "irant and aaootl theto H ''"fon. Tie- .miter oi UMMI J'' Mfl Dalh 1, aDil the winter ""M wr Mm 1 ut Kurt Walla JJ ltwt either in the apriM of y " ''' ii-r nut, ur in the ' ' V.M' l - a . r.. r w t Li-ai I.... ... . .. l tl I iff, tli Mde l.y the "Vale Jof A. A liruv, lKiH, f BP, ".r.iv war a eurporal fluiiv an 1 carved hit. name -- that my hmther did. r tin- when H nil trying M tot hit name mi hiuh, we In F..ii .1... i. . B. I 111. 1.1.. II. 111." l .,.1.., 1 ir ,1 11 V ..flu 111 LI. . , . . . , . , . IIIM 1,111.1. "ii uiiv ..I ..... i.;.... nt pH . ,M , uuiiin. Many 111 WI - rvi.e I went haek lr " I lii Dalian to Wallu ntoiMi.U' 1:1. .I.... .1... , .. . ...h "H I VIII- rendleton now atanda. It witi then a ''howling w ihlerne" " I would like to nee it BOW. l.ieut. S. l'eMK.n wan given 11 euiiimiHi.n 111. SeiMlid I ieiiti iialit in the rennlnr iirniv, M MM aawt and Mnlgirad to duty with !i(iadiiiarteri. ut hurt Sill. Indian Territory, where he died in Oetobof, 4. I WOwM hi plan led to hear from uiiv of the old com rail en in the Kirnt OrngUU cavalry .1. PKPOON. A Life and Death Flirhl. Mr. W. A. llinc, of .Mant heoter, la., wriitii. of hix altnoxt 111 irurn Ioiih I'Ncape f r. in death, miyn: "Kxpoenre after nieaHle. ItMDdid MriuQf IttOfJ trolihle, which ended in cinoiiiptiou. f 1 hud freitent bainorrhagni and coii.hed nighl and day. All :ny OOOtOtl Haiti I niii-t Hunt! die. Then I li.vun to line Dr. Kinii' New !icnvery d r ('..n Hiini.ti..ii, which cnini'letely cured me. I Would not he without it even if it oont6a hottle. Htindrndi btn nnl it 011 my recHiiimi'iidatiun and all H it never fail- to cure throat, BDaajl and Intnj tfOwblaa." Itegular ni.e .rnc and II. Trial (ttl" free at Tallman Co. 'e lniir Store. - " 1. I, rl.lli l- JStcsl Knives, hor and Spoons. L eMaiHaJ ";: H ou want to laaei iuii mow i '"H..I.! '' " )" hu b4. Hui ji W: ;' , "' "" '" enu""Uu. ""wuc 1. "u.i the Ukle Uw 7J,,. "' "I" 11 1 hi ol pl.tiiiK Win til," ', '' AKANTKC of 1 ".! oi tiK. iu.uuUulor. STOP AND READ. Are fon going Met! if no, aik liny OBeiit of the (). If .v N. Co for the In" -1 folder itivini! the description and time of two ..( the titu-Ht train from the I'n.'itlc count to Chicago every day ill the year. '"The l'ortliind-Chicui."i Special," a Holid full width ve-' il.ulc truin leaving Pendleton daily ut 5:40 p. in., landing von in ('hiciiL'o eurlv in the morniiiL' of the third day. All Until nerved in elegant dining earn "'al a carte". hi 1 thin train leaving everv Thurwhn i- a pcmonully conducted "iirdinuri SleejM-r" to Chicago without 1 hang Then again if you cannot leave ut that time, we can ttccomni.Klute you hy our d.c.ihle truin nervice. The 1 u-l mail leaven Poodleton everv morning at t.tilV Al. H.did full width innUbnJo uud Uuadlng ysa t Chloago : in 70 hoiin. 1 The, ure junt the trainn for ladiw 1 traveling alone or with children. "All I the eomfortn.if u home" w ith eoiirteoun atteiiduntn t look out for your wel I fare. The trainn run through over the Union raolBa nad Cbiongn l North- wentern railways. Kor further information apply to agents of the tl. R. t N, Co. or A. 0. Murker, (iencrul Agent. Poftlgad, t tregon. Beware of Olntmenli tor Catarrh that Contain Hereury nien-ur)' will .urt'ly Aeetfef lie Mm- at Uivll Bint i'UIUletel .t. TnlllC ' tin Wltolo t l.'tti when oiilurlua II Ihrougn II..' mm o.ia ur (b.'vb. Hii.'li article liotilil imter Is- uil 'tl tin iirfneripllnlt- Irmii repiCrtiili- il. y-l . int.-, b in.- Ibiuwiv ihev will do ut I. " t'"'1 to Hi.- Kinst you eaa Hibl. derive ir..iu thea llalPn i rtinii ii no m.nuli. titr.'.l B) I 1 Cliraey A Co . Tole.1... t. i ..ittnlua in. men n r .tut i-inkea Inlemalljr, bi-hhk tttreotli apon Iliv ami murou ur(Br." "I itti (jrateai lu baylnif IUU' CatBrrli t ur.' l niri' 100 gel laeaeaalM n t taken nui rimiit ami iaad In Tolecl... Ohio, bjr t. J. Chenei at Co. I"" i, trtw. nolil t all .lrui(gll. trin 74. , nor bottle IIbII". K.mlly KlUare tbe baet Call tor School Warrant!. Notice in herchy given that nil out ataiiding warrants ol school .i.slrnt No. If), I'mtttilla county, (Ireogn, reg istered prior to Kehruury '4. iwni, will he paid on prewntaliOB ut the oAo ol the clerk of said district in the Kant Oregon iiin huilding, Pendleion, lir. guli. Inter.! ceunen from date of ptihli cat ion. LUNA HISlloP, Clerk iMstrnt N". 16. Dated June I, 1M0U. It Will Do You Good. A lilood purifier and tissue huilder is Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. Mel for hull a century on our guarantee. Money refunded if renulta are not natinfaetory. I'riee 36 eta. and 50 ail. Tallman & Co. Board uud Roou.k. Mrs. J, has leased two ol the. I. It. Mel 'lure houses 00 lollMOn Htreet U tween Altu Ulld Wehh sti . l- gnd is prnpnrnd to furnish ginl table hoard ut I&80 u wash and ooalortMMa rtn.uin ut l l'.r u week. Look at Your Faea, And eaa if it is reflecting health or dinea. Hurl's Clover Hoot Tea U-atltilies tin- face and i '.inldexioli, und assures nerfe.t health All druggists. H anota und 50 cent Money refunded if results are not sutinfactory. TsllaSM 4 Co. Hunziker Jeweler and Optician. Utiles Relief tor Atlhina. Mine Muiith- Plehaas, rarauna, Huns , writes : "suffered eight vears. with aHthiuu In its worst foriu- 1 had attveral attacks during the lant year and was not . xscl..l t" liw- through them. 1 I., nan using rOioy'l HoMM and Tar, and it has never lulled to give iluiue diate relief.' A Word to Farmers... We A thi ia . a- . i . at wjsi, to announce that C.Jre a cornplsto line of Harvest Supplies, Dishes, Table n.c. " a" uokinif Utensils. W. buv for soot cash, winch us to sell cheaper than those who buy on credit. banborn s Teas and CoH buy for spot e who buy on Coffees a specialty. CHAC dahdmam 7" fcudicton. THE MARKETS. Wheat Continues Low and the Outlook Not Encouraging for an Advance. i.rtland June 7. -With weaker OablSf and declining prloM in Bnrops from tlay to day on cargo lots, viilnen on spot here hpve naturullv viclded in nvmpnthy. and would-he mdlern tin, I the situation extremely nnnat infactory and more than ever ' aguinnt them. Itiisincnn in running very light, und in Wt abaWM of important trunmict it in quite difMSH to nay junt what the nelling price in-nr'liniis (00 lar htinhel for Valley and Walla Walla t lull would le considered n fair titur. hy avpoftafn and for milling wheat :'c more could probably lie oh'ained. Pit) nipt shipment cargoes have dec lined during the week, with sales difficult ut the rod net! on. Offering! nf Walla Wulln have heen email, while Valley wheat in even scarcer. However, the scarcity of offerings has no effect an regards value, for ifelppari will onlv work Marin1 when aeller are willing to meet the market. There is nothing encouraging in the outlook to make nrkm advance. With freights going up to 4L's Bd, and ncarce at that, the otit Ittok surely in not encouraging for higher prices, MkJ carg. s nelling lowtT every WSSh. Atlvicnn from the interior an to growing DfOpI are very eiicourag- Ing and no oonbi wt will have the largest crop in the hintorv of the Northwent. It in yet too early to he confident, as harvesting will not lie in full swing for four weeks, and hot windn may do coiisiderahlc datnags, We .piotc Valley and Cltlh BO tO Mr; Hlncntem. 52c per htinhel. Wheat In San Franclcco. San I'rnnciscii, June 7. The wheat trade shown no improvement over last week'n hiisiness, and the tune is not so firm, while values are steady. Venae Is arc getting nlow dinpatcft, tonnage under charter for old crop wheal in steadily diminishing and the want- ol dripper gradual I v easing off. and at the prsaanl time tbaraappaari to ba do pressing deuiand from cither the ex porting or milling intercM. The pros (H'cts of harvesting a good crop has u certain influence on the trade, shippers feeling that there in no hurry als.ut Forward buying and are content to await the time when new wheat move freely und result of Kumpe's harvest is Letter defined. Kor No 1 (hipping grade, WOc per cental in uhotit the hest a nil er can do, with W... to ggc psf cental paid for milling qualitien. Wool In Boston. Hontoii, June 7. The w.k.1 trade con tinues dull. The price for territory wooln is 53 to He, ncotired, for tine, tnediutii und tine. Kleece wo;. I nlmw very little life, with price nominal. There i- no leinand for quarter- blood, hut offerings are small. A line ..f Australian three 'eighth blood gold "n the scoured hiisin of .'.s,-. tJtiota 1 1 , iis : Territory, ncoured hunin Montana and Dakotu, tine, medium and tine. 1H to2t)c; i" Hired, 55c; staple, 58c : I t. ih and Wyoming, line, medium and fine 17 to ISc; scoured .VI to 54c; staple 5ii to 57c. Australian ncotired husis spot Coinhing superfine nominal Of : goisl 10 to Nlc. Wool In San Francisco. Sun Kruncinco June 7. W N. vuda 14 to pic per pound ; Katern i ir.-gi ill I" lo ioc ; uiiey ..regoii i t prloM H to l spring Court Street J0c. l ull Northern, inountiiin. 10 to llB moiiutuin. I to lilc: plains, H to in.-; Hnaboldt and MsMoniBo, 14 to IV'. Wheat in Pendleton. Pendleton, J un." 7. Elect kal SB)d the receiving of return" throughout the county have ahnorla-d attention during the week pant, hence the wheat market locally has heen neglecte.1. ot liiucti hu" heen nui'l of the c.-reiil here, and, in fuel, not much in heard of late til. .nt it. Sales ure drit.hling. I he potations uie uhotit 10 for SO. 1 cluh. Wool in Pendleton. Pendleton. June 7. Some small sales have heen lllllde since the loeul wis. I market wus lust reviewed. A week ago three or four hundred thousand pounds hud heen Bold, und thi wan increased hy Saturday to a Is. ut U50, 000. Since then, aeverul small clips have gone, the total now heing approximately ,'50,000 niiinds. One well known buyer elated that the eastern murket wus now quiet, mills having bought nearly all they want at this time of light weight winds, und lieing inclined to wait be fore laying la a aupply of heavyweight W ' Ml I S . gg.78 f. 4.75: cttiin.-rs, M 35 to tt.Wi ntiM'kern and feeders, 13.50 to 5.10: calves. ;i.50 to 7; bulla, stags, etc . U to 4.:i". Hogs -Market active, .1 vt lot" higher. Haary, 4.uo to $6; nlssd, 1 1 ' 1 1 to 4.'J2'e 1'glit. 4 5 tu", ; plge. 14.10 tO 4.0; bulk of sales, ti M to 14 ''.".j. Sheep Active, nrm. leariingn, .j tu .Vtl0: wethern, M.I0 to 5 15. Stock nheep, f4.'.o to 4.00. LaUDSS, f'l.Zu to 7.15. J Wool In Portland. Portlund, June 7. W.nd Vallev, l 0 13c for course, 15 to Km' for Wet: l.a-t. rn OfSSOS, 10 to lfS mohair, 35c pgf s.und. Skins. Pelts and Hides gbsSS skins Shearlinga, 15 to 20c , short-w.sjl, 25 lu 36' ; mwiiuui-wuol, 30 0 50c; long-wool, 00c to 1 each. Pelts Hear skins, each, us to fjgg, 'i t- $15, cubs, each, fl to 5 ; badger, naob, 50 ; wildcat, 25 Uj 75c; house, at, tu log common grav, 40.- lo $1 ; da rod, II W t., $3..50: d-cr... MM loSJj Ijrnl, 12 to 4. 50; mink, 40c tu f toti marten, dark Northern, $5 tu 10 i do pah', pine, M to $4; lutiskrut. g 10 12c; skunk, 50 tu 0Y utter hind 4 to ; panther, with h.ud und i lew M-rfect, l lo 3 ; races hi, 36 . K wolf, moiinlain, with head perfaot, S.M to 5; oolvartoa, Mail to Ml heaver, r skin, large, ti lu $7 , do medium, r akin. f4 to 5 ; do small, l-cr akin, fl lo . uo aiis, it skin, fl to Hides Dry hidea, No. 1, 10 juuinls Bd upward ' 15 lo l.V... dry kin, N... J, 5 to g K.unds, ( per suud; dry calf, No I, under 5 iii.l. 15 to 10c dry aaltuil, one-third less than dry glut ; aulled hidea, sound ateern, 00 pounds and over, S1 to Ue ; do 50 Uj 00 p..uuda, 8 t.. 'c do under 50 uuunda and cows, to Be; kip, 13 U. 30 pounds, 7' lo tt ; do veal, 10 to 14 p un, .Is, 7'ee: do calf, under lOpounda, 7'jc; gfsao uiisalled , U per puund lean: culls nulla, atuga, iiiotheaten, laidly cut, Bcred hair alip(nl, weather beaten or ., one-third leaa. Eastern Livestock. Chicago, June 7. Cattle la.wer, i , log t - tO $5.05, atockera and feel . r.-. f3.75 tu $5; cowa and heifers, $3 tu $4 .75. Ih Steady ; bulk aalea, 6.10 to $6.15. Sle ep Stead v , Western eheep, $4.75 to $5.40; Weetern lamha, ltu$7.15. Omahti, Juno 7. Cattle-Market BOtira, fullv 5c higher. Native beef gtoarg. $4.50' to $5.40; cuwaand h. if. rs. Dhmam uoil isillurM urs now moatlv I,.,.', ..... - - - . e ' tluing luU uf tulkiug, uud wuitiug fur future developments, ueuoe sue prsanti alatua of the wool market ia no aalua ... i, ........ Wim.I .u.iitiuiiMa tu ctiuii! la frum all directions, and the huuaea are rapidly filling up with the clip of thin county, and those brought in b) rail from other coitntie. Local Market. PandlntOS dealer are paying the fol low ing price for ranch and farm pro- dinv : Dattor, Me par foil. K.ggn, "JtV per doren. I'otiit.s-n, 40c paf sack. Psrgnipl, 50o. (ht sack. Cabbags, H.80 per 100 posyda. Tiirnipn, 75c ixt UXI - nd. Chickens. $2. 50 lo $4.l0 it doren. Qaaaa, $10 vr doaaft. Curious News. Cullies front Dr. D H. Cargile, of WashitH, I, T. He write: "Four bottle of RlactriC Uitlcrn ha cured Mrs. brewer nf crofnla. which had caused Iter great ailffering for yearn. terrible norcs would break cut on Iter head and face, and the bent doctor could give no help: but her cure is complete and her health i excellent." this shows what thottau.l have proved.-tbat Klectric Hitter i the hent hhssl purttier known. It' the supreme remedy for ecrema, tetter, milt rheum, nicern, hull and running noren. It stimulate liver. kidney and Niwel. expel poin.ui, help digestion build up the strength. Only BO cent. Sold bv Tallinaii .V- Co . Drnggit. touiriinti'cd. AMATEUR ATHLETES. To Organize a Track Team, Young Mon Plan In Pendleton. It is the intention of overal young men to organize a trm k t. iini, and train for anything in the f. rm of a meet for poft that may come along. BSTSral of the young men are "clacks" la sonic event, and the teiint should. if otaiMilaadi do good w. rk. Ac cording to one of those intcrctcd in the urriingeineiits, these are to be niemhers of the team : Wvrick and Moorhottse, sprinter. Adams and Hatini. bicycle. Hayes and Adams, high jump. And the other places are to fie filled later. C ASTORIA Bear thr signnttne of Cn. It Ct.RlvHX lu BM f-ir HSees tliau thitty yrars. and LOW RATE EAST. Account Republican National Conven tion at Philadelphia. June 19. Kor the above occasion a eciul rate of $KK.50 from Pendleton to Philadel phia uud return ha bssg authorized hy the O. . ,V N . Co. Tickets will U" sold June I'.' und 13 only. Excursion To Walla Walla. Tomorrow Ji s, a rate of $l.:!n h.m been until .ried from Peudleton to Walla Wullu und return, account of Wellington Slate Siindiiy Sch. ml con vention. Train leaves 7:45 u. tu. returning until June 10. 1 . I V IM-I.KN . Ag. iil. Cycling bus its ups und down-. After I In-downs, une Milliner Salve if toil 're 'Ut or bruised. It heals the hurt prickly. PioSaWf Drug store. EXCURSION TO ATHENA. Sunday. June 10 Unveiling Ceremony by Woodmen ot the World. Hate for the round trip, BOo, Tickets goisl for one day. Train leaves the O. K. ,V N. I. , i ut B o'clock u. in., re turning, leaves Athena at 4:30 p. In. Ramsmbor tog date, Sunday, June 10, 1000. K. K Wiimslev, Agent. Wanted. A g.nsl dairy man who understands e handling of slock and ia ilker. Anolf t K. WOODY, Ukiah, Or. tb milker UNBEARABLE ITCHING Fall It Koilil it. a l; to Trar skla t'ruiu stack. Curxl by CI 1 H I II A I had a r.uklMK out all over in) buck. The Itelilna was aliito." ui.lwarahl.', and al times I Ml MSSi It would bv a i l li ar tin .kin erf n,i In. k. I d.s'" ire gaHnSone, to.'f ggveral lies, witlmut rveu relief. I ol umi I i 1 1. I it, o i. e die,, in tl.. ajfllgBgiu I'aaw Iflei Uinsa apilliauoi.., iu ba. k itnii.-hti.g. and lo tl.. Unie Uie Is.x ol t I in l lit ' Mil ti.i cut mi. half Uie hi . uklii,' i.t had all I.. . II .1 II I HON ta i'lin Cornell Ave., Imfiauapoll., Ind CUTICURA THE SET 81.25 Couplet Kllrrtittl mimI InUn .l If Bivnt for r- m M niiior, OMfM Dg oi Cl ' i CM' h HOAl' i 'tnliar Ih-' sblt. o! goid tmSm, ' ii- t'lu "i..iir.ot (Mfs) I i-y tUtllfigT. Utl antx.lhf (Slid fac I. CtTM I HA Hr.""l. t but (Mte-) tu cool nad 9nmtkm fa'oi mm UrouaiiMiut it-Mi Mir id VmitmUHi 9 am-4 mru. OlftF., Hotf l'f"t' , liosluii- ' lio lu t Ul li. I.. . i unjfi," Irani. ICE THE 'CORAI RYRRS WRDDINO. Married Wednesday Evening and Leave on Wedding Tour In California. t the home of Mr. and Mr. W. S. livers, on Wednnada) evening, occurred the wadding ol Mr. R, w. MeOomai and Mm Sophia Ityets. Mr. BHd His, McComaa left 00 the lOtSO train for Portland. Thence thev art" to go in San Pfsitclaoo, and remain in the ntitte of California for three wt-ek. They will then return to Pendleton, in copying their new home ready pre pared, the Kiel. ling house on the corner of Lew is and Mill streets. The Wedding was attended by only a few friends, Is'sitlen the member of the family of the bride. The parlor was bcauti'iilly decorated with cut (lowers sent from Portland, and niunv choice remembrance were neiil by friends. Minn Hyer WSJ nutrriisl in a traveling uit. A IStppSf us served to the gneata. Mr. McCoina is a mcinber of the Ira of Brooh & MoOomaa, of thli citv, and alo is in the wbeiit bttsine--with I. 1.. Hay. in the firm of I. 1.. Rajf A Company, lie has Head her. for several year, and (or BUM) loafl hit Ih'cii a frc.pietit visitor to Pendle ton. Kcw business men pons. the confidence of the community in which they live an .ha1 Jlr. Mct'onias. He i very highly regarded hy all who come in contact with him cither in a btjallMBI or social relation. Mim Hyer i u daughter of W. S. Hyer, proprietor ol the Pawdleton roller mill, and ha an Interest in the httalne of her father. She has gained a name in the hiisine world through out the Pacific coast. having for several vears been closely associated with Iter father ill the niiituigemeiit of the very large bmlnsM transacted bj their nulls. I'crhapn B0 wONtBH 00 the count ban a better kOOWladge of hitsi nens nffairn, and few have hud no im portant interests in their charge as have baan attended toby Miss Hyer since she took the entire control of the Office alfair of the Hvern mill. The w. siding w ill bring to Mr. and Mrs. McOoBMtl the sincere well wish ing of all their nomeroai friends here and in other places. All who suffer front piles will be glad to learn that DeWltt'i Witch Tliizel Salve will give Ih. on instant and permanent relief. It will cure BOUtOa and all skin dieue. HcWiirc of loiiiiterfcit. Tallman .V Co., lasdlBg drtiggisls. An up-to-date bicvi le lit $25, hldie' w heels $2t. at the Crescent Agency in the Kaal Ori"gonian building A mt oinl-haud bicycle in g.ssl order for $15. Terms easy, without interest. Purity and Accuracy a - are necessary In druga. Metllclnea whn prepared with adulterated Ingradlentl cannot nerve the p.irpo.e desired. Our druga are all niandard arid OUT pn-acrip tioa depart ineiit ha OBI special care Mall order will receive prompt and . are ful attention. BROCK & MoCOMAS Heaihiiartera for Cameras uud Photographic Supplies. c ruer Main and Court stn., I'endletOB. BRICK SAND WOOD COAL Alau W holt-sale Agent lor S( 111.11 MII.WAl KEE BEEN in bottlea, barrc a, or cea-g. Coil up f Telephone liU. O H. KOPITTKE. EOK Insurance Fire, Life, Accident, Plate ilaa, etc. Loans on City aud County l'rop rty, Real Estate Improved ami I ' i.i uipr m d City I.te, Sim k Hun. her and Wheat K'uriue SEE J. R. DICKSON, Kaat Oruguuiau Building. Oregon Lumber Yard .SIJ.I.S. Lumber, Lath. Shinnlc-, liuiidiuo, l'ax:r, I ar I'.i per. Moulcli no,.-,. I'ickcts. Li me and Gtnrati Hi i h and Sand, S i-.ii and Doora. Screen I)mmsA WiiiJnws, t erra (tta Pips1. Borie & Light, Prop's Alta St., op. Court limiwe. Don't Make a Slave Ci...,f of your wife, hut acini your linen and other article that make wash day u family terror, to our laundry We hut.' the fucilitiea to pnslu.e maximum re aulta at u minimum of labor. Our work in us bright an u rone hush in bloom, and our rule low enough Lo provoke u smile. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. f . Robinson, Prop. f eli-phone 60 French Restaurant In connection with.... LaPontaine Hotel Best Ateela in the City. Open Day end Night. Ou LaPontaine - Prop. iwlUUi tteMSiag, AUla St. Nobby Styles If ymi 'v on something new and different from the ordinary run of clotrteg, come In end try on the new Hart, Scfigffner It Man ttyleg. They're the kind adver tlted in the leading maga linea and worn by good drciirrg everywhere. $0s00 $12 00 $15.00. For the price they are the best on earth. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. MANHOOD RESTORED r.lh.. pi CUPIDENI hU MMU Vmflfaa f n ( t t ri ti. ti pin sii'ititi, will ipiH ktv 1 tin it f I rsallVW ill 1.1 I. ... I.esa.1 itsstss.l I $1 1 ' In I tie llitrfa. HrMlNMl I iiiImIi.hi Nrn lavhlllls, I'UttpIr I aalttn. w togtrrj I Ooii g III .t I ii- T mi laaas-e-1 s- i..mI I tal lain I Inn I I t iips al ltN$MM$ i 1 1 $JaV or ttlht. I'll tftilaipnr knrwnl d im Inti m It i ii ll ml 1 k I I.-. 1 is in Him n Mori n-i it' ll nil tln li..fton ..f nn- t- i v. s I !! vivm In . Miff (tt.liitvrt 111. 1 I i.i in 1 1 1 -1 .-1 1.. to- of Mil IniiiiiiltlfH. I I 11 lt Ml! ntrfUKllKii atlil rrstorrsanin I w talc nitiitict. rUAfoitSiitl HHUYfrnf nt o fun .1 In I .ImM In tli-i 10 nT iviiI hM' Itnlltih .1 lilt tr al I f I Cri'IITF.NK III V kMOWII I. in. -Ii I." wlUtntal h DtaVrMfaltli IfMllitMiilHlH, A Wt It ti u if it it nitt'i km lit id 1 1 i ) i nir i" rj if IImiBi s i i nut rlL . I piTolalllttlt tHIWi l M a Ihi,iI tur faXtAa by ii.." rfrti'l fif J'MltM rfrriijiir Mhtf IvvlUiiiHifaiia. illti alls .ni.OK I ! I. 111., I . t . Uoi LVN, .Mn I .an I ... I al, fOB MkVM 1 IM.I.M A .1 t Om IHtt't.WIS I s, KN Itl t l ON, OHKa.HN. The Blue Front... We haVC t he Ih'I I i lies the citv S a before buying. Fishing Tackle and hammocks... MAX B4ER I . Main St tftasavjaBaisssaiiengssi 9 (ict Ready for Harvest II tec oiii hcinlcl l.'.ls nude, your vv.itcr tuiks lookc-tt over ntnl have your icetl racks in unlef, so tin it- will bt Hd doll iv wlic. i the time co nes to harvest this yuir'g lu crop Wg m.ikc licnlcr bods, wntet tanks ami leetl lai ks at very reasonalile prlcOS. Call umi see us. Pendleton Planing Mill & Lumber Yard M. POKSTBRi Proprietor. VMjaVaaSeSwSSiMjV BaVklBasS Hotel Pendleton Under New rianav;entcnt. Strictly First-Class Kxcelleot Cuisine. Every Modero Cuavtuieuce c.vr and IllllUrd llooins. Give Us i Trial. Kates $2.00 a day Special Kates by Week ur uiuuili T ii i i i i w i. i . for lit. Ho u Men The Kesl Motel In t:ttern Ureyon. Van Dran Krus.. Prup. Successors to J. t. Moore AMIiKICAN H AN. $..00 per Day und Upwards. I Ineat Hotel In the rsurthweat THE PORTLAND I'OWTI.ANO, IIIIKliON. Special Mates to Haatern Ortgoo peple vlalling Porlleod. Heaonuartera lor touriata and commeictal travelera. rf. C. BOWKKh. M.nager. Byers' Best Flour... To make good In cad use Hyera' Het Flour, it took first protalun at the i hi. .iK" W" o lii's Fair, over all competi tion, and gives excelleut itatialactiou wherever used. Hvcry sack is guarauteed We have the best Steam Rolled Barley, Seed Kye and Beardless Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W m. BYEKS. Frop. Brau. Hfaorttt, Fesv1, etc.