EVENING EDITION DAILYEVEWNS EDITION Put Your "Ail." In The liant OregonUm fttnl hnvr II mJMmi Ml fe li M V'll vol. 13. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUKI ft, 1900. NO. .1813 priori " In HP-'" Kitirll"!' WBIW 'i'l. ,iti' Pmtlai'Mi Frederick Nolf MriMtor l MfrchandHe. if A I'll v Klil. WIntel ei'aeu i Be i ' i 1 Be par mkII'"'"- M I'-'i"'"- . ,p ilni-ch"""'! r lir.tr-. tl H-l' MRe. ,v. HTM1 M.i v?e enow V ........ i i.. inn. of mka in lenfbra'a inn. " "" . I'M . . " JfSeTccd'a r.......rU.,l.l. liH tntATIQI WITKIM Bjr Mur-,,rilileiite-.. H'-; "' 2 all nl" 'I'1'1 '"',,i-. 8tC T ii iMM.iitit.il iiri Hh- i.i ;:.; n.rire IIimm.I r'lli . .Willi'. Illl-k t -Illl ifMe pea rii Unul Pencil-.. ' f MtPaiM'r. He. Hi' iiikI Wu roll. . Hill' "I I'll" . " i" Ladies' Shoe Sale Extraordinary AT ABOUT ONE-QUARTKR 1 III Ik' PRICK. Shoes up to $6.00 for $1.50. If interested, don't miss it? lini All Hint l- li'lt ..f I hoi will lie placei n r Laird, II Kill)' Rahober . Mitt thi- week fur ii hell qali look ..f oelebreted k clearance. Your choice of 13N pairs for $1 50 $r palr ,or Vlue8 up to Polea and Roalai ,,. i iiiii..r. . in huaaai Hill' . -Ililll". ri'UIIIHI- HI- i ll. V p li"iiili-eil "I HBO" AS TO STYLE They arc great nil in price. TO QUALITYThey nr.. "High Quality, iluriil.il it v iuhI ci mi fort . 'tilil Style," nii'l for this reason we liavp tlx- ami vnrl.l inn. .ii- fur as To PRI0E The prioM (ranted are "Very Spec la I," km! ought tn prove Very attractive tn thine wh have n li labor reamed for nmilitv than for stvh Mr Haile, ni mini .n wear- i u-ii n-gaii. piano, i .i ppleeat I ..iii i rtiol dm. Iter etc , Villi-. Come early white there Is good choosing ALEXANDER & HEXTER. UJ liuildinn. Court tr.-ct. The Boston Store KNOX HATS Pendleton's Big Store. Pilsner Beer I lie Hcst Beer in iVndlcton. Ask ftw It, Vou will like it. Pilsner Beer cvet causes Headache km- li..ine'8. hkllti Brewing Co. Opposite 0. R. &. N. Round House. I WVVI. for Infants and Children. Cwtoria l a l.urml.s nulmtitulo for &&J& S&TStiB &je II ciim i ,, I tl, ,. i .1 ... iiiiki iiaiii iiiiIa a HKa5 K Vivhenltlir una ale, nrho rti.lulr.oi'N I'Muuctiu -The Mothers 1-rieu.U. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of " c. 0. HaUD. SI V .aiBH aaeP- In Use For Over 30 Years. Window A Head fonctors and Builders Jobbing Specialty. Tanka to Order. St"l' on Colt I Nt "ml Webb. betweeu Altu - WDLNTON. ORKtiON. pendleton Ukiah Stage line !V AL "r,,1'1"'1 Rut:k. Nye. "iiw. ltB"imble I'relirht uiii w 1. 1 I I I GENKRAL NEWS. PRETORIA HAS FALLEN RIOTOUS SI" K N R IN T It K HOUSK. Mux i mo Qoiiipx in oxpeeteil tn lie the Mr! prealdeol of Ouba m the graand 1 1 1 ii t atafle hp whm "Hrst in wur" he hIhuiIiI lie "rtrnt in ieaoe." tnforaation has lecn rvci.ived i" offlelal oirclea t. the efleei tlmt the rtoaalan nilnifltor of narlM luw taken l maamrea tn Ineraaae the efficiency of the Baltic, ttlaok Sea, Meiiiterninpan anil AaiatH llcets. dlaeorery hy llerr Elerlet, a dentltt, baa been rnortea tn the Hygtmlc institute nf Wanbafg "tii reralty whereby oertaln eleotrw eor- rentn will deetTO haetiriu, thin, patlt- leaaly bealiiaj dlnMV. Or. Delta, the Bom abate aecretary, Mayo in the OolOgM liiiette that Rnff land will reqalra a periMnenl :arri- h. m ..f ."ili.iMO H.ililiers ill the Transvaal a in 1 that the rphellinn may hp ex paoted to continue fnr oentnriea. He bellevea that aany Boere will trek to 1 1 email s..mii Atrraa . Be rope ii anxlooaly reaohltm fnr w hatever MRUliM nf lat year s oottoo crop la the United state. The exportation of cotton in April, 1000, (lie details nf which have just heen pniiiili'teil hy the treasury Inircau of tetlatlea, anowntod to 1104,044,818 poonda, against IS4,8B7aUe poonda in April nf last vear, ami (he value tn .. is4.i7s, againal 8,48S,0B7 fnr the Manic in. nit h last year. Uovoraor Boooarell has held n oon erence with Attorney General Davli Roberts Wires That tbe British cupy the Capita . Oc- PKOPLE OF LONDON vm GO WILD Fgbt NoDihn After th Declaration of War Lord Robots' Fores Eator Ibf Triosval Capital. LoOjdon, JniM B. -The llrilish have oorapicd Pretoria. OlttclKl Enlrv thu Afternoon. London, dune ". The war oAoa is sued the fnllnwinj news front Lord iRoherta: "Pfttotht. We are now In poaMoaloB nf Pretoria, nur official entry w ill he made this afternoon." London ll Wild Attain. London, June 5. At o'clock this afternoon, ci:iit monthi after the de I'laratinii of war, Lord Boherta entered Pretoria. While the oomnander in- : chief nf the greatest army Great Britain ever put in the field was ful- tilliuiitlie proraiae he made at Bloenv foateln tn lead them into the capital nf the Trr ' I '-'ril Wllsi'ele-I the concern iiil' praying lor the removal ol Mayor van Wyek, of New York, f ruin offiea he cause nf his holding st".k in the Amerloan lea Oonpany, of which the city in the largest natron. In NN Of tin', removal ol Mayor Van Wvck. Randolph Quggenbeinier, president of the inunicipal council, would become mayor. The mie hiuhwavniim who on Satur day held up two loeemite itagea, two waifoiis and two I nilinl States cavalry- ui "ii, near Kavuiond, Cal., isntill at large. Additional details reveal that the people held up linmhered it:.', BMfl and live WMMU. Major Uucker and Oaptaiu Wlloos, I', s. A., with i men of Troop I', who were on the wuv to Toaomita, reached the scene just as the lobbbl WM almiit o .'pen the express hnx. Baaing thetrnopers ha disappeared in the hrusll. .Not only are the people of India dying hy tbooaasda ol atarration bnl Hinallpox and cholera are carrying off other thousands. Pngltlvee, aeattoring in ail direct hmi and itriekon In Bight, are band dyiM in the Belda and road side ditches! The nniiihi rs at one re. lief station were Incraaalng al the rat., of iti, turn par day, AtGdabera there were 8000 deatba from obolera within four days and at Dobad 1800 in the same period. The hospital death rate at Goabera ami Dobad was 80 per cent. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. citizens' petition hratillg the event w ith wild anthual I threatened the peace and ... I .. . f I .. l. ... .1 . I ... ..1. ... 1 ... II I ...' ll.. .111.1111 I "I Illl in a matter of the ooontr) La (mimic's new f "Mm Coinn rial ( nil. bnlkllmj laBaarlng completion. It la a anbatantial structure. Ohariaa Farrall, ol Albany, and ul I B, a st cutter, fell from the second section of the exeuraion train from the smith to Balam Sunday, ami was Inatantly killed, his skull being fraclured. Mrs. Klla Meiideiihall.agtHl :to yean, wife of I r. J, C. Mendenhall, and danghtor-inlaa ol the lata K. L. Man den nail, of Portland, died ..f mm nap t inn at her hoine t ButOO, near l orest Grovo. Bba laH bnahand Bttd three Hinall children. J.T. Ooa wa taken to l'ortland in the custo.lv ol Deputy United states Marshal Roberta from Untie. Mont., to anawer to a charge of rohhinv the United Males mail. Tbe aflksei put in two jay ' search of his man. and was liauiiy successful in toasting bim. The regular semi-monthly Baoting ol wool grower! ami boyera took place at North Yakimu Saturday. Several Inn er were in attendance, and IB 000 pounds of w.s.l was mid at U cents a isiiimi. This is considered a &..sl . . i j , i... price lor some classes i wooi tin. i in. lrowers are satisfied. Kev. Father laii Lambert Oonrady, the miaaionar) Boman Catholic priest who is going to China to devote his life to the care .f the le"'rs, is in Washington t. nler With Mgr. Marl inelli. l ather Conrudy and a Cantonese Chinaman from Portland. who is to j. iii him ill his work, will sail for Rome Wc.ln. sda . Gained asm. Ihrotichout the length an. I breadth of the ooantry the new spread like wildlire. Kased on the rec ollection of the recent wars, when the 'occupation of the enemy's capital signified the end of hostilities, Roberta terse telegram was taken nni vcrsalh to mean the practical Bnlah of j the war w h ich has tried ( i real Britain'! ! military re-ourees as they nev t were tried hefore. In I, mi. Ion the Mansion , Mouse and the war office nine. -I In slantaneouslv became the centers or ,.:! .ul throngs. Mat'- appeared as if by magic and trallic had to In diverted through other streets. Hstleei and cal less men and hoys ran tbtongh the city's streets and alleys announc ing the g.od news, being always fol lowed hy a thunder cheers and the voice of joyful throngs singing "God avc the Queen. " Brl tlsh Prltoner. Released. The irar office has information that ..I f the first things done hy l ord Roberta after occupation of Pretoria was to din ci General French to release the Britlah prleonera oonflned at Wa tcrvaal. KriiBor'ii Whereabout. Loodon, June B. Praaidenl Kruger is somewhere to the eastward of I're toria, hut it in constant Sommunica1 tion with the leaders there. There is however, a deep Mating ol anger against him on account ol what is now ailed his anneoeeaary Blgbl and he cause he uml tin- offlcutll took all the gold and left their silhordiuates unpaid. A Hitter Attack by I cut on Corbln Rrlna It About. Washington, June f. -There wei a riotous scene in the house this after noon, during a dash between Lenta and Hull, nf Iowa, growing OUi of a bitter attack mi General Oorbin by the former The matter oalmlnatd when Lenta Intimated that Obrbin had ap pointed the sons of congressmen in the army tn Help lining ills prom.n 1011. Hull frankly admitted he had a son in the army, lie aroused his side to cl rs when he Ml .claimed that he Mai.' Is KrpuhllraD thanked li.sl that he nil sons who Could llgld h'f their country. "I thank li.sl," said he, "that 1 am not one of thne annonymoua creature a ho ar eun aide to perpetuate their inoclta." Cheer after cheer greeted this shot, and when Lentl replied that if he had a son he would he ahle tONDpOtl him self, the boaae was ilbnant with hisses, fhe conluaton was riotoui ami order was, with great difficulty, re stored. Governor ol Idaho Commended. Waahlngton, June f. report of the committee on military ffair eon tinued, in the investigation. of C ir d'Alena labor agitations, was aubmltted today. The report nv: " The gov ernor of Idaho in his efforts to estab lish nr.ler ami enforce the laws is to he commended lor hi courage and fearlessness. T he i It iells ol Idaho lire congratulated on the removal f a langorou cancer that ha long rder 01 t he milltarj in artiesi eon ELECTION IN UMATILLA Republicans Carry County for State and Legislative Tickets. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET WINS on Supreme Judn and ConiimssM -,(i,hlaiur Doubtful. The Result in Portland. Democratic for Countr state. Ihe the terrliorj gratulalmn . Minuter ( un-iir Heiort. Waablnatmi June B, The slate d partment has received a cablegram From M In later Conger al Pcfcln statnik; that matters had tak i much more eriottl turn there. No detail were given hut it i indicated toe "DoMta" activity was closely connocteu won the Cbineaa capital. To Face All Europe. Shanghai, June The Shanghai Gaaatta say: It has the highest ml - thority for atating thai the dowager empress mis or.iereu isiiug i i in t.. face all of Burope rather than to in terior., with the "Boaera" morement. Rlaewhere it i aaaertad that tbe viceroy has ordered troop to oppose anv Inrlli. r I. in. lin.- ..I parlies ir ine foreign warships and lhat the troop are HOW engaged in operation! designed I.. prevent further re 1 n foreementa from reaching I'ekiu. hini'.Keinent tuiiiin.iic.il. Washington, June ft. The eereliiry nf the nary baa r lead the following dispatch from Admiral Kempfl, al TaKUj m ar the forts at the month of Ihe I'ei llo river: "An engagement bai commenced, I have lauded a lorea of Bit) more seamen and a battalion Ol marines. ' ' 45 Pounds aj Ml SI. Mi OKO OARVKAU, Plop. Elegantly Farnlsbed. Steam Heated tiuropean Hlan. Block and a-half from depot. Sample Room In connection. Koom kale 50c, 75t, 11.00 t Taliman oi (Jo.'a drug THE EAST OREGONIAN. li Tbe Waper of the Cm.pl. yDoa .wui ,. 11 .Ml "DEAR MRS. PINK HAM I warn vory thin and my frimnda thought I waa In oonaumption. "Had oontlnual head Mohea, backache ami fall ing of uterus, and my eyoa were affected. "Evary one notloed how poorly I looked and I waa advised to tako Lydla Cm Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound, "Ona bottle rollvvad mo, and after taking eight boitloa mm now a healthy woman have gained In weight from 95 pounds to 40 everyone aaka what makes me so stout." MRS. A. TOLLE, 1946 Hil ton St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Plnkham ham fifty thousand such letters from grateful women. MILITARY PltOHthM. The Government Ha One lo Solve In the Philippine.. WaablagtOO, June B, - In order to prevent any in i-appreheusioii a to the lilture policy of the war department raopectlng the military force m the Philippine-, Adjutant General Cur Inn made a hricl statement ol the l e t in the ease today. He said there had been M change of policy since the de parture of ii. moral lilts and that m.ue was contemplated. Under the law the entire volunteer ai my now serving lit tin' I'hil ippine will go nut of exis tence June ;tn, 1801, and the problem before the war department is now to get inch of lhat army liolni-from the Philippines befON the dale lialued Ul the slllne time relieving thelll With other troops ol the regular establish ment so fur as possible witllOttl the Ins of military prestige in the Philip pirn s end Without material disturbance ol the present military orgatiiatinn. SENATOR TURNER TALKS. He Ulcus. u AlmOClSveri Bin Uue.liun Hi torn Cuiiure.1. Washington, June 6. In the aenata to.lav Tumor of Waablttgton p recanted a iiill to aatahliah la oourl of pension appeuls. In tlie eoureil ul hi remarks Turner discussed briefly alinoet every big question before congress, lls.i which action ha not been taken. Playue at Honolulu. San I' run. is. .., June Advioaa from Honolulu under dule ..I Mai wyal 'I here have been rilluors ol the n ap pearaie . of Ihe pluglle hen , win. Ii are denied by the health authorities. Alexumler Chriabolm died May 8B. All uutopsy revealed swollen gland and the fum rai was Interrupted ly the health offioeri who cremated tbe iiy. Two more quaraAtlne atatioM will ! aetaed lahad ut Hilo and Rabului. Arraageaaenti are being made bj iba i illens for u grand .. lehrul ton of territorial day. Governor Dole a eonalderlng the ad visability oi culling u spei iuI aamion of the legislature. Stole Over a Million. Chicago, June 4. -Chief of Police Kipley ha been untitled of Ihe theft of lurtv-elght burs of bullion, weighing loo pounds eui h of gold worth ul.out l -'i0,lOI)1 and silver wilue.l ut ubout lljLOUO. lie Ijllllloll Is Ktlpjuiseil to he III S- auaaioai Ol the burglur in the city, The bur were stolen from u cur on tin i in ago Tcruiiiiul Trunrf. r Itailroud ciimpuny'n trucks neu ral dins ugi The Ml.oui'l Deiauorati. Kji.-.e City, Mo., June 5. Pour thousand Missouri dem . rats met her uiuy in atata oonvaotiou to nume full stute ticket and adopt u plutform ! Th. re are no ncrinu coullicts in sight land u harmoiioUH gutheriug is pre I dieted. Military Needed In SI. Loul. St. I,.. his June ft. The cniiimitt if Bfty bttainaaamen have sent a eommnnl .alt. .ii b. Governor Stephen uknn.' bun to order Mil Hie military to re itora order iii SI. LoU la. A cur carry ing a poaaa o flltylonr man ran over niploalvea today. The car was lifted three hit iii tbe it I r the floor wa hiow ii up ami the root damaged. Two ol ll ICUpanta were injured. The Maryland Ueinoorati. Baltimore .litii" ft. I'. inoi ratic slate oonventiun wa held here today in select ii ilelegatiuii In Kansas City ami to iidont a tdalform. I'lalforui ad h ues the delegate tree but thai Bryan i tbe eboica ..i the dawBO rats id Miirvhuid. adoi.i ed decfarea Hartman. Judge. 22 I. Blakley. Demoerallr. for Sheriff, aae. Malonev, Pamorralle, for County Re corder, Chamberlain, Demoeratlc. ror county Clerk. 170. T. 0 Halley, Demoeralle. ror Dl.lrlel Attornev. 4:1. Pcehler, Demoeralle. for dimly Treasurer. 2H. Moudv. Republican, ror Conareii. alia. Wolv.rton, Republican, ror Supreme Jadfe, BOSi Halley, Reiiuhllcan, ror food and Dairy Coinml. doner, S70. Thomaon, Republican, ror Joint Rep resentative, Umatilla and Morrow Co ini tial, 460 lllla, RepubMcan, ror Clreu'.t Judge, 102. Kirk and Reeder, Republleani. Tor Rep resentative., I OR and 147. Walker, Repiiblloau, lor County Com- mltiloner. Hill. gaaan, Republican, for Alienor. 230. Nowltn, Republloan, tor Sehool Super intendent, M8, Cole, Republloan, lor Coroner. 434. tlthers are in doubt, fhese llgure are part ial return. fhe election of Monday, state n- grceeloVtel, district and OOtMttPi W'us tbe moot remarkable ever known in tin OOUnty. It is somewhat doubted if it is mil Ihe most remarkable ever held in Oregon, fur a this county i con cerned. The remarkable feature are the complins. .n between the republican general tickets ami the votes received By Blakley. Maloney, Hartmaa ami Cttamberlaln, four democrata, who, basing their votes apOM the republican general candidates' votes, ran from seven to tftclyc huii'ln-d ahead of their tickets, in a count) registering less than 1000 votes, and ciiHting consider ablv less than that number Another unusual feature was the frantic scratching of ticket, according tn the elect n Ul Isuirds, the scratching being nn Isith sides, ami iii si. me in stances balancing mie side with the other A atttdy "f the following total w ill Ih- of interest tn am. .lie whn de sires in become a Ntu.l.-ut f civic. fhese totals. u, indeed, the Itglires in all cases, are by no means iilliciul. fhey came uver the teleplmiie in hurried manner, ami mm tn BMay in stance he IneOCWrete. Yet they are chiscly approximate al the result to i shown when the ballots are cuiiviinkciI ut the court h.ill.. fhe totals hi i fur Mated are u fol lows Moody i lor engross, republican, 1MB; sinith, democratic, 1088; ma- pirttv, '10. Greette, decaocrati for supreme adae, 1888; Wolverton, republican, 1784) iiiaiorit), Ion. Kill, rep., fnr circuit judge, ItVJOj .1.1. I. in I 114 for Mri. John Sherman Dead. Manslleld, U., June ft Mr. John Sherman died this l. ...riling a little aid r on. Inight. aged fg sear She was married to Mr. Hiorniuu HeceinlMr :il, I i- flhe wu lirn here uml will he buried here. The Wlitil Market!. Han Kranciw-o Junu 5. t'aah Hie tier cental . w heat I 'IllcaiO, June ( cash w hi nt , fOnC .1 ul) , wheal , ih' i Mr bushel Hie Ala.ka Hill. Washington, June ft. 'Ihe senule nlopl' d Ihe reis.rl of the conferees on the Alaska hill. The bill now goes to Ihe president for his signature I ha Bo.r D. legates. Chicago, JuneOi Tbe Buer delegalea urriiol lu re this morning I lie ueie- gatea received the nawaol the fall oi Pretoria calmly. Colonel Wallir.on Kiplain.. -I. en, i .1 c ntetiiisirury iirolaiiely of '.. I. ...I. t... I i Mi.. 1 1 . ih-iii 111. .Ill-oil, rep llillj. ,114 ,llll represent!!- Morrow oouiitiea, I Inn , m.ll . Illl fnr representative, lt7a Kirk, rep , 1881 , muj , K irk , 1488 j .'Hi", live, I'ltial ilia ami 17411 , W.sderv, del" Chaataln. dam I 4 HO , I I' llrlell. del" inn ; it ler, rap . li.ll . It ler, 147. Itean, rep , lor county judge, Hartmaa, dam., 1888; ami., ITO, lllakh-y, dam., 'or I.i it, perinier, rep., ISIS; maj., nv11. Oliamberlaln, dam , lor oooaty alerk, 1787 1 Liver aaore, rep., ift.'u, muj., na. lugrum, rep., for county recorder, 111, Uaioaay, dkap.i 8(184 1 maj., MB. Iluih v, rep., for I.hnI colllllllssloiier , I 101 , Sehiilioeri. il, deui , 104'.'; muj , 888. Ilailey, deui., for district ulloriiey, l.l Pee, rep , I4d ; maj , 4M. Kern, Independent lor traaaarefi M6; feebler ileiii., Ural; Yal.-a, rep., 1841 . nlurulilv, a rei... t .'III IH'IM I, aft . (or assessor, , ma)., .'In. rep , lor m Iksii 11, 1 11. ten Wutts, deui , 1 mm , maj. 1 New York Democrat.. New York, June ft. The deinocrutie atate convention met today, Kvcry precaution hu heen taken by the leader to uvoi.i any upMuruncu of fric tion in the proceeding.. Marihal lor Alaika. Hubuiiue, Iowa, June ft, lienrge U. H 'i) nf Dubiniut I lilted Mute in has been Uhhuiliti d ' . . . . . 1 urnhal for Alusku. Poiluiailer ot Blaine. Washington, June 6 The president I bus uumiuutud li. I'- Fruuer, u i.oet uiuUir of liluiue, Wuuii. pi 11 k s the Courier I. oi, ii loillilc-leaded, iloiilde-eolumil edl turiul fill in i in.1 niiii.. ' Nut mi yniir life, you lubber' We do cowlaai to some .let lli'iuele li s W hen Ihe Ulseuse llrsl struck the yellow journals. Hut when i ten skip risisler in the busine.a I . .an to trick out his stule, Hal und unprofitable sliitiidllles in the eipulnl- llig shirt In. lit ol the .loiihlf -column juckussery, damphoolMIHI. hud gram uiur and ull we thought it time for Wlislble people to .pill, and We till It ' 1-..1IIL n! 1. I li. lis, III' , ..niiii Urlltwood ai rual. Ocean dnttwisul, impregnated with copper mid suit tbut Mend out hrlniautl) colored Hume., is favorite fuel iii tin- Open II re place, ulniig the Nc England aoata. It i aid that a New lie. Word deuler bus order for the WOud from ull pint of the country, und even from KurOpO, und ship bai' . In ds of barrel of it yearly. Vartoti. attemptj have been made to imitate this ss .. .. i by artiliciul process, but without silcci-M. I.uug BUhmi-rsloli III the sea wilier Is I" i cssury to prislllce the hriiiiunt Bamta I Bu.iuei. Op.niugi Iii Kratll. In the lurger cllie. of Itruaii , phyal- elana. an rgenni and aapeclaily duntista who have grudiluted ul Ainericun uni- varaitiea ma Hml a urticientlv lucre live Ih ld to work, provided they are aide to submit to u very rigid exaiiiina Iton nreacribad hy the law of JpMi aaya Conaul General Seeger. Tfeiaei amiuatlon, both oral and written, i oonduotod in the i'ortugueae language. In neuriy ull large cilioa there are American dentiati, mual ol whom seem to he proa)roii. Sum 1 1 in lite and greut in result ure DeWitC I .hi. Kurly Hiaera, the fuuiuUM little pill that cleun.e the liver and bowel, 'fhey do not grij. Tullmuu iV Co., leading druggieta. .h i" , for iirsevor, I'-M , deui , l..U, una , IW. J'J i .I.,,, lliian, Hall, .b in Now I in, dent, Pill , IIS. Berkeley. MacCoinUtr, Cde. reu.. for coroBar, i" bell, deui., 187 , mu., 4:Ui. Page, deui., for oommiaa loner, 1418; Walker, rep., 1810 1 "iaj., itm. kv reral are La doubt, notably, tbaaa that have leaa than 76 votea according to the totals fin Ihe ravelin Is receln d peebler, Halley, Ma.i'oiuia-r, al though it is doubtlul if the Dual will how any radical change in theae llgnre. Klwtwhrre in tin issue Bp ts ars a labia giving the iiimlhi ial figure. Juillee of the r.t: the vote on lustici ol the ieace lor feu. Iht. ,ii di.tr let, sii far a received ia : KiUgeruhl Nurth Pendleton, 118) Kust Pendleton, 101 ; Pwadleton, 74; oiilh Pottdletou, ftH; Iteaervatioii, 7H ; M. Kay, 4; Fultoa, Mi Uaiotli Iti I "Ial, US, Parkaa North I'einlleton, 67 ; taat Peudlelun, a'J ; I'liidlcU.O, 4M ; South Pendleton. '! ; Keeervatlou, .4 , Mo ha. '. j I "lion, II . I ii Ion, II total, l-'l Ko.eiiberg North Kual Pendleton, It 1 -IH t Putidletuui 44, M . Kay, Kullon, loiul, 888. , ,.. . yy, -i North Pwndleton, . r.. Pendleton, f; riidlatoa. IH; Keaurvali 8; McKay, I8 rulVoii, 4, Union, l lolul, Hi. Ceoilabli. John M. Bantlaj North PaatdlatM, lift; i .i-i Pendleton, 104; South ivn dletou, 74; Beaervatloo, McKay. ,, Fulton, 6U; Union, 60; total, 474. T. K. Jamea North Pendleton, 6; i , : pendletuu, '. South Peudletou, j Recurvation, 4; McKay, 2; Fulton, 1 ; Union, 2; total, 17. Kemper -Nurth Pendleton, 4; heal l'eiidletun, IS; Houth Fendlotou, 2; l0OKCl.UIli;U Ofc VOUKTU PAua. 1 I',. ml let..", 180 1 South Feadleton, Pendleton, 4.1; .ll , I in"i. :v ;