XORSET SALE 163 Corsets BLACK AND DRAB ALL SIZES . Reduced to 49c to Close Worth 75c. to $1.00. chance on I'lann with every 5'c. purchase. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. 0IPAY MOUNTAIN EXCURSIONS ., Club and Others Spenl the Day t;tMi an. Tk,rinnT.i ('lull "I Pendleton had Mrtfl,filon l" th- mountains. ...1 Sim toVhich was utviidrd by rt.-.M. ,. ,. Mnnrhoilse, Mr. and Mrs. r".'vr. r. Mr;M" "T Lfk (' I,. Ilnmifv, Chorion II I, r 1 M i- Jennie Heath , l Bowman, ("haHes 7Mm v l,. -ii"'' ice, Klvin Lamp LWl J- Witt. 1.. Thi-v iilightod bm the train Hi Huron, putting IB nftion nl lbs H Ilshing, but ""' Lr nl thi' til""' I" taking nrtaf". H"y v,'r'' ,lll," ,,v V nrioil" in.-Hi tT-r- of tin' elOD, KMlM nfthifh urr SXHH!ted to BOOM mt hm ISM iliirk r,iin in very good fhiir, iiukinu' li"' hliotogruphs. The urti returniil pi Pendleton on the m-nini train. iHlirw went tn tin' iiiniintiiliiH, gel- lis: oil tin' Inn" " Huron BM rteril etBBf places, and the mOBf ol then 1 mine limm- "" the night triiin. hint, i' i- nderatood that every niie nl them emiii' li"ti geeptlng OSSt, and when the air brake- were put mi lit the rtit Kumliiy niithl In Pendleton, t!ii Mhmbsd did not alight, Large rmbrniol Bill Wen enuiilit in the ..wit . alt I -i. - eonipluined tint tin' Hull wit. r.HliiT Hlliall. More ll'li i4ivil I" hi' caught Ih'Iiiw Hirim than above that station. Your Kuoo. jm Mm "tai' "i vow feelings ami UnrUIr ol Viilir health as well. 1 1 1 1 -pars lili.nl 111.1k"- Itaelf apparent in a pi anil aalln complex loo, pUnplw 1 tkkk tfaptlotu it von are msllng ink and BOW QUI and do nut have u krtlttiv sapearancc, jron should try Ark-r'n Need Klixlr. It OOTM all U'l ilisea-i- u h .'re ,'lieap Sursii priliai ami so-called purillers fail. kn.iinir tlii, veil every dottle on t pni guarantee. Pot Mile ly Bnn-k 4 MeConuis, f LIASANT WKATHER IN MAY. un tor Month Was BI.H Preolpiiatlon or Boiiluro Nourly Two Inchon. Frooi the report of William Hilton, oWver at Pendleton, it appeal! that tW month nl Mav VII far ahove the imast in rainfall, it lieine I.IW Mav Tlir average for thin point for wrral NBN lui- In on 1.8 inches per Nearly mi, -half f,.i dor inn or day, tlir IHtli TW Mimtnarv fur the t th ii: Mmnniiii unitDurature' Mi date, :t; xinimiiiii temperature, :; date, 24; t! mix. temperature, 77.7; mean minimum temperature, 411. II. T'Ul piacipfiation. I. no Inches. 'rratt precipitation In any 24 eon BBBjaj Iniiir- Til, date, . " of clear day-, ,',, partly elomlv, 1 odf ii; mi wliieh .01 or mora pwalhitloii Ml, k. gBBdliBg wind direct ion, went. jllereKirt I ,r !lr wt., mIiowh : xmiiihiiii i DMirature, mi; . on Katur ttainiumni leniperatara. 41, on ""lay; no .in . iiii.K; ranue, !I2 ; rain, Piwind, prevailed -ntorly; dayi m tlir.v purl i loudy, four elear. Mf r- r,.,.,v wji Ht, u 7J' " '"', ''"" and will eure aba PMd In twelve houra, of money PU1. ;'."i etH. ami ,'K etH. Kor Hale r' nriH-k A l..i . lap. ' YAW Silver-Wated Knives, horks and Spoons. II y waul to F, 4oii "'" ' '" K'xxl" Itllil uj "' MWu.h To ", "K'0"l th" Ubi" th. .1''.""' ' i Ptatiaa M,l,. 111. l,,. I I, I'll,, i, i,,1 umi. ! Hunziker Jeweler and Optician. Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton. Franoli T 8ininions, Obioago. II It Keee, PortlaiKl, i i K Haoimtmi, Port I and i Geo w Harri". Portland, K sikrH. sun rranolaoOi I'.il Blaekbnrn, Imaba, c M Smith, Hnntlnatoni J A Lnokel, Portland. Kriuik Henley, Portland. II k Hnahey, Pennsylvania, M l. Bonfora, atinnsapolia. i 1 1 Murphy , M Innospol la. W Oandiah, Spokane, .1 II Kloeekner, Spnkane. M Delavage, Bpokane. olive Lawn, Boko? city. ,i w Cktson, Portland, J A Allison, Portland. l Sim Its, Spnkane. Mrx L IVtitt, Spokane. w T Oorey i Bpokane, v. J Jonas, San Pranoiaoo, 1 It IfeOlaakey, Deaktolnea, Minn t Kernp, Athena. (1 v Bradley, Athens. W T Plowman ami wife, l'ortlainl J J Jseoba, Portland. A M ProH"er, San Y rani ixi'o. R II Clarke, rity. Mm Rslmsnu, oltj Wm Msonint, olty. A V lilchsel, olty. T P Kelh'.v, Omaha. S M IsliaBlillll. San PfSDOiSOO. a .1 Hall, Bpoksne. w li AHtrup, Bpoksne, s li Martin. Portland. John B Oarnss, Portlsod, .1 II Roth, IVrry. Koht 0 Smith, A , runt 'k I 'iih.-. s s QUI, Bpoksne. P K Hnnsaeker, Spokane. Geo ktcG livery, Bpoksnsi Jim I ; WiHilev, Chii'UKo. w li Bills. Bsppner. J 0 Prlonolsy, Portlsod, A ninshslmsr, Portlsnd. a Knil Qrant, Portlsod. .1 II Moran, Portlsod. w s Btsrlinai, Portlsnd. P K Oarretmin, St Paul. Curloua News. Conu'H from Hr. D. B. OsTgilS. Oi Wsshlta, I. T. He writen: "Four bottlsa of Blsstrle llittern Iuih eiired Mr.- llrewer of BBfotala, Whish hsd DSBSad lier gfOSl HIlffrriliL' for yearn. Terrible noren would hreak etll on her head ami fare, anil the licet doctore OOOld give BO help; hot her eure in I'omplete ami hrr health in exeellent. " Thin hIiiiwh what' IhoOSBOdl have proved, that Blsetfic llittern in the lieHt IiIoihI purilier known. It'a the NprSBM remedy lor BOBSmS, tetter, Halt rheum, nleern, 'hoilh and rim ninn noren. It Htimiilati'h liver, kMnSM and bowsh), sspsli poiaona, bslns dtsssUon builds up lbs strength. Only tO osnts. Sold by Tallinn" t Co., DrOgglat ( iuaranteed. Domanil tor Fir Timber, Two yearn ago Wssblllgton llr WSS an BXISrlMBi for ruilrnad tien ami eon Htrut'tioli work. I'liriiin the pant 'M days it Is entlinateil thai hetween 20, 040,000 and 80,000,000 feet of lir timlier box laien ordered by railroad I'om pan iea in the ssstsrn and oaatsrn psrts of the ooontry, The demand lor tlsasodotbsf timben in arsstss than ever belors In thin ntiite. and irSBtsr SOtivitV in tliin branch of th" luinher honinenn in HHMiired. The Northweaterr road alone han linked for hidn on 1,000,000 hwl M klmbsr for bridge oonstruetlon. Bewure of Olnlmenls tor Catarrh that Contain Meroury h liuTiur) will miruly il"lrn tl" win" 1,1 liirll ami iuui.l"ll ili rHlia. lb" b'l" li ui In n fUterlDJ H IhruilKli Hi" llllli ou lir Hurl, rtlrlr ubiiiil'l ni'vur be iiwil i x eeM mi praaonptiuaa Irou reMteble opyat rmini, la ih" daewai ibev will 'I" la lea 1010 t" the Boud jroo een poaa bl darivi Iroai taeaj MalPh I nlurrb i nn- BUBUItWturM " r. J Obener a Co., Toledo, .. ooaUlaa no mercury, ami lh lakes lalenutlljr, actios dliesll) apoa IBS bliHiil ami nun oii Miri.nv- uf lb" h i. m. In buying llll' l.alarrh i nn-l--lire yuii g"i tln'Muiniiuu 11 laki ii iuiuriially ami parti BP rTiluiiii. iiliiu, by f. J. Cnenoy J, Co. reatl- in, Hi. ,n- free Sol.l by all ilrinoiliili., prlre 7Se. puf bulil" llall'a nuslly Hlla are IBS bet. Wanted to Sell Hia Tooth. The king nl Ilavariu wan kept very abort of money when he wun a hoy; lu (sot, the a) lows noe for MM-ket moosj granted to him and hi hrother w ouly about two HhilliouM a week. One day hu heurd BOHM one nay that MODd teeth were sslsbls, ami off be went to a d.-nli-t and offered to huve hin BSW extracted for a monetary l oiiniileration. Look at Your foe. Ami see if it in reflecting lieulth or disease Karl's clover Knot 'lea bssutittes the i.i" and oom pies ion, and aaaurss perfect health All drnggisU, '.',) ceiitH and ')0 rente Money refunded if rsealts are not sstiatautory. Talluian & Co. Bioyelea can be pureluasod at the CreHcent Agency i" the Kant Oregon Iao building on lostsllrosots, peymsot fi, or more, a week. No iateroHt. A Word to Farmers... We Al Ibis is the dawn of liarvest we wish to announce that oav,; a i ..i... ll ( c......i;..t n,c ii 1 al, le 1 , 1 , VI I 1,11 i' li ..'.ll'l'..--', ...I ... .. ... i T . I. ,. ! , li en1!"," t:"l''"K UtOOSUi '.. Lu. r c.t emit rasl) - - ' "III. i l 11 Wl.l tl c J US to sell cheaper than those who buy on credit. Uiasc Sanborn's Teas and Colfees a specialty. RKP0P.T OF LIBRARY COMSIITTRK. Important Subject Conatderod by Federa tion of Women 'a Clubi. i 'He nf the most Important Kbiects ronsldersd hy the Federation ol Wo men's Cluha wan that of libraries, and the report nf the wmniitti'e having thin matter in hand, read by the chair man. Mm. s. a. Rgana, ol Portland, Hetn forth eompreherinivelv the phaien Which are of puhlir Interest, The re port nayn : If brevity in the mini of wit. the two wittiest doenmenta on record ..U, he, tM lihrarv lawn of Oregon, and the report of the library rommittee of the ttste fade rat ion, Kuril would omtaln one Single Hct. Why the former In no meager we are unable to nav, nnlsss it in that there han iH-eti no Session of the leaislatnre since the Btate Federation of Women's Olnbl WSS formed. The membsri oil tbs itatt llbrsn committee, living ntieh a dlttsnsa apart, have been nnable. except through the unsatisfactory niediom of correnpondence, in the nhort time rlBOS the committee wun formed, to so operate with each other to any extent. Hut the one act referred to that of Indorsing the work of tbs lihrarv de partment of the Women 'sClnfa of Port lsnd wan of vast ImportsnoB. Standing Rpouanr for their nctn, han for the present Identified the mate work w ith that of the WORMJO'l Clnh ami msda this report possible. In November, ihi oh motion of one of the members, the president of tile Women 'h ciuh appointed a library committee the sole object of which wan to take roessoTes towards nroenring a free public library lor Pnrtlainl, the only city of itn nire in the United States without nurli an i net it lit ion . It wan qnlekly learned that legislstlon would have to be procured to enable any citv fmnln to he lined lot that pur pose. No provision being made in the coiintitutioii of Oregon for libraries and no leginlation, except one act, which BllOWsd a small sum to he taken from the School funds for referetire books, but with no ninny pr,i"inoen it wns almost prohibitory . An the Work grew our horizon brnad BBSd and the quest loO wan asked: Why not wnrk for the whole ntab A bill wan kSStlly drawn up. but the leginlature was on the eve of conven ing) there wan little time tn riimmuni rate w ith the women of other rluh and enlist their co-operation ; and no time whatever to study the nubjert and Staolp OBlSelves for the tight hi lieu of flindn to lobby with. the sr tape- W IIS Who CHAS. ROHRMAN, ut lor Pcuaiutoii. Court Strtxt The bill wan presetiteil ti lature with a hirthniark, "llv qiiHst," lu'ing announced when it presented. The representative presented it not Is'ing willing even to father it. The result was inevitable. In legislative purlatire, "It was snowed under." Not no the spirit that inspired it. The committee rendered a report of its tiiiHOerensful work, to the club and were dismissed, but the members be ing inspired with the importance of the work, resolved itself into a depart ment and went to work systematically. Meetings have been held at the Inime of the members ones a month where the library Lie- of other states, and features thai might he mude appli cable to Oregon have bi-en Htiiilit-d ami discussed, as have he, n the vari ous library systems of the large cities. Many valuable letters, from prominent educators in this and other states, has been an interesting and instructive feature of the work, while one of the most U'liellrial and practical has been the studying and answering quest ions that have been received in response to the circular letter sent out by this de partment and indorsed by the state library rommittee. (And pSfSOtheti rally let it be incorporated into thin report that if at the next legislature the library hill should again be lost, the pleasure, instruction and informa tion derived from these meetings has more than repaid the iiieniU-rs, und s Is have been sown which w ill, and must result soiiie day in Oregon being put in the front rank of free library ntuten . Oreat pressure has been brought to bear on the "Department from smaller towns to make its work even broader, by including villages and hamlets ami even nrhool district! ill itn anticipated bill. So strong ban been this pressure, that at a recent meeting it wan derided to embrace all incur poratad kOWa, but much ugaiunt the lodgment nf Hume of the BMMsbare, not because they did not believe those re mote from larger towns needed it more, but from an exhaustive study of the library history of other ntuten, which conclusively proven, that when success ful library laws rearh all the people, they DBVe grOWB OOl lO them from the large cities. Massachusetts had to pass library acts thirty-nine different years, before it attained its present Uagui flOBS j state library system the most complete in the union. Twelve of these more or less unsatisfactory bills were passed before '4H when u tax of 88000 "as authorized for a free library for Huston alone. Three years later this law wan applied to ulL cities and towns of the state and today every town of llotl inhabitants uiiint support a librury. An authority tells us the uct of '4H for Bonton in really the germ out of which ban grown much of the library leginlation in this an well an in other countrien, and BBBt u library wave that swept over I ngland about that time, cauning a parliamentary inouiry and much benefloial llnrsryJsgislstion, saying, the leaders then iWntenHi, thut tln ;r IdeSI MBM to them from America. New York begun its library work in I83&, hv panning a school district library bill, rsson mended In n bbbb nage by Oov. HeWitt Clinton nine years before. It authorized a Muted huhi to be levied from each school dintrict. Three yearn later a bill was pushed an nually" appropriating rfi&.otio to aid them and again in 1M43 a eepucial library fund was granted. From Ih-W 0 ISM the ntute eXH'lldtHl nearly 2, OOO.OOOoti dintrict librarian alone Sixteen other ntatnn followed the ex ample of New York and tilay allium! all of them have repealed their school district library lawn. The oommissiftnsr of aduoatios Is his resirt for 'Wi nays "This nyetein did not prove a BBOOSSI all ol ibene ntaten; in fact it did not prove uu en tire success in anv of them, fur the concurrent testimony from all of thene states is, that Ibe sclieme was a fi.ilnre". There were many reasons for these failures, but the priucipal one was that I lit- amount derived from taxes from each dintrict wan too nmall to nupport an interesting library, and tha Hraln on the nlute too great to he liable. Ill fact, It renolves itneil u simple problem ot political ..! .Ill III, V . In ..very Btate where the start ban been made on a philanthropic, ruther thun a biisiiieHH basin, it ban been de trimental to the cause. Hut when once libraries are estsbliabsd in the large tOOS, on a linn financial footing, then in the time for the philanthropist to go to work and without Impoverishing' the rich and tbirkly populated towns, feed the outlying dmtrictn, who are too poor, and widely mi uttered to be tuxed lor merited food, St. L,uie in a cane iu point: Irederick M. Curdeu, librarian of the Bt. Louis public jllHtll I III" library, seeing the failure of the dis trict Btrbool library, realizing that the fee attSchod to their library, small as it was, nan restricting its usefulness, drew np and was Instrumsn tsl in having passed by the leginlature a bill Similar to UN Illinois library law, alter which no many ntaten have psttsfjosd . "In less than three yearn," he write", "our circulation han increased from fi to 4fi thousand, while the en rollment of nersoss under i" yssn ban grown frOtS 1 to 20 thoimnnd We have 89 OStly lug StStloOS to which, in one month were issued nearly Ifi thousand volumes, while the missionary work oonsiets in fsrslshing isokn to four Sunday nchooln giving them from 1 to 2 hundred bonks at a time and ex changing them at the libraries' ex pense as often an desired. Without this local center, supported from a tax on city properly, this work would be an impossibility. Books rapidly increase in these laige libraries, and the trustees are glad to give or loan llietn to smaller towns, and with these storehouses to draw from almost any legislature if im portuned will appropriate a fund suHicicnt to send them traveling into the highways ami by-ways thereby 0 resting lor lbs slate a complete traveling lilrary system. To accom plish thislwork In the future should be the inspiration ami desire of every member of this federation. To estab lish libraries in the towns now is only the beginning of lbs work before us. The failure of the school district libraries in other states and the enor mous cost of a traveling library 0S SMI, neerly adequate to the needs of a state, without local libraries to draw from has caused I he library department of the Women's Club to pefBiatSUtlj refuse to ninirpniate either of these features Into their hill. With this ex ception Die work is still in embryo, ami as it is a measure vital to the in terests ol the ntaU the department and the nt.i'e library commitli'c in vites the fn I lent and fn-cnt discussion of it on every point; annuring you that any suggest inns or criticisms will receive both OOnsldorstiOO and study. The rsSSOS for this great club organi MtkM of women all over the land is often asked. Martin K. White ays, "It frequently happen- that the desire to organize in the chief incentive in forming clubs, there being in the minds nf Its membsrs no distinct end which organ lastlon in nerve." Hut it was ii social philosopher who said then laid it to the cynic "thai clubs and classes were for the accumulation I superficial information and for the unloading of it on others w ithout much individual ahsorptinii by any one. Hut we think a more correct answer is, that the trend of the nineteenth century ha- been, not so iiitlcb the up lifting of self as that of liettcring the condition of the masses, and women have boon quick to realize that better and more efficient work could be ac- tniilished hv organized efforts than could he done individually, and what the club is to the individual the fed eration kboold be to the cioh--a broader tield to work in, with greater oonortnnlties for accomplishing. If the Oregon federati rgahizod with a inn purpose to go forward and he a power (org 1 in the state and not merely for the pleasure of organizing, nr unloading its superficial informa tion on others, it is of inestimable value to U' able to present our cause to this representative Issly of women her assembled, we might say it should insure the passage of a library bill at the next legislature. It has not been deemed necessary to take up the time of t he convent ion with reasons why we should have free libraries, or why they should Is- nup port, 'd by taxatioii an our sebools are, lor the day bun gone by when thin question admitted of an argument. The only question Is-forc us is: will we as loyal meiiiln-rn of an organiza tion, take up the llrnt practical work presented to the sdsrauon ami curry it forward to the uttermost of our uhilityV It doss not seem a great wok for over OOO women to pSFBOads 47 legislators that we must have this bill passed Hut that i- part of the work for you to do. What the public demands the law makers must grant That public sentiment be aroused, Ulld that the necessities of the OSOpts und particularly the Is-nelitH to accrue to the children, ill w hone hands the future wellfare of our state rests he presented personally, to every repre nelitalive, und thut each one of yon may feel u personal responsibility in the' work is the rSqUBBt of the library department of the Women's Club, and the library committee of the slate federation. It Will Do You (iood. A blood purilier and tissue builder is Karl's Clover Itinit Tea. Sold for half a century on our guaruntce. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Price 2fi i ts. and 60 i ts. Tallmun V Co. a, e i 1 Board and Rooma. Mrs. .1. Ilalsteud bus leased two of the. I. If. McClure huiises on Johnson street between Alta and Webb streets am! in prepared to furnish gotnl tubl, Isiard at l.'l.TiO u week and comfortahh riHiinn at II 2fi a week ITCHING Burning Scaly HUMORS Complete External and Internal Treatment $1.25 i onnUtlDgof t'VTl TMAttoAr (ttr ),Un iLiiua tilt' skill uf (TUrla ttll'l f'illce Uli-1 mfti ll (Jit) Ihnkt-iit't i uUa I. , ( IK IK Oii.lu.eiit Cur ), I, a I lit)' Hi I ,iK ItlDl lullstUilltstUoil bitil smhsUm ,...1 1. ful, mill l ITK tut MttmM V i I H0)i lu V4M.1 Mil's ritWUtM' III' ll'M'l. A vllc.'li- r. t U 8jHm Mifto icnt iu i in- it:, mo lorlwlBft uVUl iiriiik, uinl lillili'tiHiliJ kni, mxJ Mu(l l liutnurg, W1U lam ot Stir, vflstl - 11 i'ms fill I - iTK . lim ('HBat i fr 4 Jl ojt- , b-sUnV ii .. ti-1. i-. ii MM New Goods see And Cheaper Than Fiver.. Portitres, Curcis, I. ace rmlglgjg Wall i'ap:r. Headquarters for White, Standard and Hldiede Sewing Machines JESSE FAILING Main St., near Bridge. RESULT OF EXAMINATIONS. Thirty-Nine Succeed or 93 Who Made the Attempt rrom Eighth Grades. Bsnmlnatlon papers of eighth grade pupils have been marked by the onard of BXeminBrfi, and it is fund ihut ol the till who wrote papers ill the examina tion 88 nncceeded. liegarding t lit matter. Charles J, Mcintosh, one of the examiners, statsd to lbs Fast Ore gon ian I The new course of ntndy issued by State Bn peril tendeni Ackerman by the authority of law, provides for the ex- aminatmn annoalfv, beginning respec tively on the fourth Thursday in May, November and Kebruary. The ques tions reissued by the state board of ex miners, written up under the direction of the county iierintoiiilciit . and ex amined by a hoard appointed by him fur that purpose. The course of study for Oregon further provides the unit of diplomas In all eighth grade pupils who i:il! pa's with a general average of not less than super cent nor belOW 70 per cent on any one branch in ten specified branches. These are, language, rending, spelling, history, geography, physiology and hygiene, arithmetic, mental arithmetic, civil government, and writing. A diploma issued upon a successful eiBBllnation in these branches entitles the holder t" euler any high school iu the stale, and receive the ninth year's work. The tirst of these SSSminatlons was begun Thursday. May 24. The board has completed t he examlmit ion ol these papers. The number of papers sub mitted for examination was as follows: tdstns. ii ; Athena. ; Echo, 2; Footer, I: Helix. 4; Mill is. O'HafTB school, l: Pendleton, 84; Umntllla, 8 Weston, li; I'istrict No. 8. District No. . 1 ; Total nuinher of pSpSM ex amined, 8, The students of the I'emlleton schools were not apnl u anls for diplomSS, us they did not take the BSBVinstion in physlotog) . Tlie following is a list of those who Were successful : Adams Dsnlsl btcKinale, 80.4 i'r cent; Agnes McKinic, !Ki.;l. Itoy Per- Ingsr, s7.ii; George Woodsrd, oii..': Dora l'arr, 88.6, Athena -l.ucv Unseal I, S4.S ; Maggie Price, H4.I. F.cho Mark T.el, S7.7; LntS Harri son , Nil. Foster -W. 0, Kaley, 88.6, Helix - Kva Saunders, US. 2; George Piper, so; Jennie On pit ner, 84.8 1 Itoy Penland, 83.4. O'llarra school Stella O'llarra, Hi. -J. Weston Annie HsMrsavSS, Bg, I'aol ine Simpson. S7.ii l.avenia Simp son. Sii.7; Anne Barnes, 88 I Minnie Hargresvee, nfi.fi; Bans MooJton, HM.fi; lieorge Carinichiiel , Hit.. 'I. Distrlel No. ii i. uric Dorothy, iio.:i; Kate Fulton, !:!. i .ii ii. school im Taylor, 88 1 Agnes Boyd, Ht.:i; gen O'Oranell, h:i.:; Lints 0. Ooonsll, ho; Olsdy's Dnncan, -n Milton Mo. ". s:t; No. 6. "S4.7; No. 7, HO; No, H, HS 8; No. g, Hll.l ; No. Ill, so;, No. 12, Hfi.4; No. ft, so ; No. 17, Kt.W; No. 18, HO. All who suffer from idles will he glad to learn that hcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will give them install! mid permanent relief, ll will cure BBSSms and all skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Talluian ,V Co., leading druggists. Purity and Accuracy p . - 'in ii are asoassary in drugs. Medicines whan prepared with adulterated ingredient', cannot serve the purpose desired liur druga are all Hiamlard and our ptSSSfflp tiou departmeiit hua our spei ial cafe Mad oi lers will receive prompt and careful attention. BROCK & McCOMAS lleailquartera for USBSSrsS and PhotograpsJe flnpnliaa. Corner Main and OOMt Sis . I'.-ndletou. The largest stOvk of Saudi. -rv. liar neas, Tents, Wagon Covers, Can vas, Lip Duatera, ReSWi String Leather, etc., la kept by Joseph Ell a, a J m SBBSV J J Sit The Leading Ha nea and .Saddle Ian ufatturer ol Lantern Oregon. ICE BRICK SAND until) COAL Also Wholeaale Agent lor ICBUTZ Mil l Is . I BE&I In bottles, barrels, or casts. Call up K1 g Telephone liil D H. K0PITTKE. ALL THE NfcWttl Take tno Basl Orogoniau. Daily 65 00 a year by mail. Weekly 61.30, and Semi j Weakly Saaio a year. Sample BSJJ tree Nobby Styles If you wsnt something new and different from the ordinsry run of clothes, conic in and try on the new Hsrt, Scbsffner at Mars styles. They're the kind sdver tlsed In the lesdlng mags zincs and worn by good dtessers every where. $10.00, $12 00, $15.00. For the price they are the DOOl on earth. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. w ivrvitne StltiKihlr rim r axv tr t t n r w w ' ; a 7 r.i t iru I HkJi Z. VM. sm a n r oiiaMa-i.s..M.i 'fimift Mtftiiopa PMI ' Ourrto Loot Mnnhooti, Im pouory, Uit Powor, HlBht-LooOA, Bprmutof rhotui InBomnl.i, lfiin In Dtt cVi, ft ll pttfiitffiOt efc..fnlnnl . mlrt.Kvt, lumi -n'A, wmrsougi ui (iMit, HeBdn im I'-i.tnu'-a t Mnr'Vs ' WITH mfn, V.irlcocmUt, or tonn. Ipiii u't, Stitpj fQui'-'ltforgJ of 111- I" T 1 1 ri t rgtn, Btona Nr viiiik 1 v"i hi'i,; of ro'lldl. I' ki A "' ' srsjoTo). AdOrtt-tt, Olhop Mnmwtiv 5s A n rrnrtclsico. Csgl. s !K i 1 A i.i.maN 4 OO. DRUMtsTI s. PBMUlsl TOW, nun .in, The Blue Front.. Wc baye the Is'si lines in the city . See lis before buying. MAX It tl K. Fishing Tackle and Mammocks... I . .Main St (id Heady for Harvest Have yoill bosdsl bodl made, your water tattles looked over ami have pOUf h'eil tacks in nuler. mi then- will bo HI dots) when the time CO DIM to li. 11 vest this yv:it's lug, 1 top We make he.nh'l ln-ils, watt 1 tanks ami hid link, at very teasotialilt- jirlies. Call gad act us. Pendleton Planing Mill & Lumber Yard H. PORS1BR, Proprietor. Hotel Pendleton Under New rianaKenient. i. Strictly First-Clasb Excellent Cuisine. hvery Modern Convr-nience T Har and Milliard Itooins. 1 til.t Us a Trill. Kates $2.00 a day Special Kates by Week or muatti T H ailquarlers for Traveling Men The Kesl Hotel In t asteru Oregon. Van Dran Bros., PfOpf. Sut tessors to J. t. Moore AfnliKICAN I'l.AN. $J.()0 per Duy und Ipwards 1 in. -.1 Hotel lii the I'stlfic f OlttlW tl t THE PORTLAND I'OIITI.AND, OKliliON. Special UaUs to Bastern Oregon people vlaltlng Po'lland. HeasViuarters lor tourist, and coninieictal travelers. tf. C BUWHHS, Maoager. Byers' Best Flour... To make good bread use byers' Heat Flour, it took Dist premium at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competl tiou, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used, livery sack is guaranteed. We have the best Steatu Rolled Barley, Seed Kyc and Beardless Farley. Pendleton Roller Mills W- S. HVLks, Prop. Braii. Shorts, Fee', etc.