East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 26, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    I , I mmammmmmm
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Tut TOW "A1.M In
The tUstOregonlan
Ami tiava II
VOI, 13
PENDLETON, umatilla county, owkuon, SATURDAY, may 86, 1900.
NO. .1805
BAlLYEVENlNBLUllfiun l -
Frederick Nolf
trlhutor 0( M tinnilise.
We Have
the Prettiest Wash Goods
in Pendleton.
Nollnw Kll.
vv Intern raan
."c tn iao par
XV t ahoxi
Of Ink- III
,p ... llnNtllOlllHl
-r,'v ,,mp"
Vl Ml "
unlet line
!!"' ,,. MMHtoni'" ink. Bo t.. SSei
I'll"''-- tmold'B, CMUTi
".mril- ink i imniJueli
l rtir1"1''
r Hit MI V " VltTKIH li.r M..r
ii.vrtlM.-..!. -. If ... .: JJM
"5 nil -I' - ""I"''".
'w- i- ...fit-.. i .:lr,
ann' nil'' " "
C ... I. .,,.. Ill,, ill I '! Ii
it inn t the Pendleton lati
dmui im oi nnr waeh Fabrict
we arc getting mum mail i,nli.r
1 - 111" Il who i ,., ,1 ,.-... I
an. I puv if hi. iminv mmnllfn-.Se
fri.ii. ...,i-.(
saying. 'We hear yon have ruch pretty waeh goods, "end me
KPh'i "T'"'1 ""'k' '"-i il... truth , I
here lire the samples in .r.inf."
There are "raMOM" fur th
entire collection, Net a rard
pfnrani I everv piece .( gmsls in our
I comls .Ih.u i, .... :-..' ' -' ' i.i
th- man of our moot careful Mleftion m to ton,, and it rli
tie. Haaketn, roil1 ..nil lleelai
"L, Hue oi -.i itlonerjr, In ...ixc.
nniee Htlillw. regii Inr .le
mPi.i.i'i. . 'i hiiudreda i Rub
Kg (..ml Poodle. 10'
Nt ami H.i' it roll.
UN in..
ii Pipe.
go to in.
Mn.i. . in red 1 pHoem ..m-
.... Mualc Inatewotofo, nr
onntn. pi
The "new," the "wanted.1
i" fori t prices that can, t In
m laches i.ie 1 lag
a Inikei Ida . no
siiimiKi. liinuus BTRtPI BATfaTI
niaadin and Roral daattm, lit tone
hii.k Fl Nisil KH POULARD!
Kmtrire itjrlci wi.iir on Ban
irroim.lH jnic
iieai tiiti. sheer Iiimitif.s
While mi, I pastel tints lOg iii He
lii-irllm: Mini,,., ilirnre.l iui.1
a. Arte ate
the different." arc
tip bat ploaec von.
oihoh im-
ran. y corded.
Madras .
A liiHilliltleetil ,
Bldeaai Njrlaa,
WHITE ixiiiiim
Indli Lawni
Victoria LawnM
111!' 10
It III -
. Jr. av.
in,' in Me
I., mi
mi. I nnHMfOM other sty
JiiJJ lluildinn. ;.urt Strvct
The Boston Store
Great Sale of
Ladies, Misses
For list oi prices see display window.
These prices Kod for Friday and Saturday only.
Pendleton's Big Store.
The Bust Butt io
nnT it. VOM
lil.c II.
Causes Headache
or Mnlnsn.
Schultz BrewiDg Go.
opposite 0 K
Roui.d House,
Situates rii
or! a Spe
for Infants and Children.
Cantorla 1h a lmrml. ss Kiil.stit.il.- u,r ,Ur,.0n' a"iZ
mSS Iropn and Hoothiux jrraM It U .FlaaMM .Jj
nut.sUin.c. Ii .l.stio.NK Worms and allay .wrisl.uH.
It euros Ulurrli.ru nod V lad Colic. "."'"'"T.,1. , '
U.tr 'IV0..I.I. K and . i.m-s Const ipal ion. It r. Kulut. K the
L.T. ..I. .....I li..u. is. irivinir h.altli and natural M.-.
'l'li r.'kildruu'H lunuceu-The Mother's
I i ii ml.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Rfiars the Siirnature oi
Uotfi.. ora l it-
eia '.rHU W
The li.rost aaacvKmcnt of jhtsoiuiI
property M the tux hooks in New
V..rk this year is tbal ..f tte I'staD' ol
the lute OoVMlhll Vamlerlnlt, whieh
i put don n nt IB.OOO.OOO.
Senator l'oraker states that he will
present the DMM of Tresiilent M. Kin
ley to the I'liilaillcpliia convention for
nontnntlon, it was Mr. Fomlrarwho
plnoed M. kinlev in BOBllMtkM at the
St. Loah eonvention in 1 .
Ii is MMttad thai oonaklerable
mnmy is btlM spent at Hi.. Janeiro
hy agents of the SpanUli, French an. I
lierinan OTOrnBMBti t" eause puhliea
tion of art ieles against the governnienls
of tireat Itritain an.l the Dnltod States.
Poettnnetof GeAeeal smith has re-
eeive.l a report from the dlfMtOf of
posts of the Philippine islands, under
.late of April 14, in wliieh lie states
that with all expenses paid there will
boa profit ol over 116,000 for the II
month! from May I, IMS,
Aooordini to a private letter
smuggled thr.mgh front Pretoria l'resi
danl Kruger now farora aorrendar, on
the ground that a oontinnanoe of tlie
war would ruin the property of the
bOffbONi He lias thrown DPOn tin"
DOnmandanti. the onus of what con we
to pursue.
I'harles V. Mussev pleaded guilty in
the Unltad States distriet court to an
Indictment charging him w ith the em
hcHF.ling ami iiiisappropriutiun of the
funds oi tlie Merchants National hank
of Itutluml, Vermont, of which he was
cashier, and was sentenced In seven I
years' imprisonment.
A train of peculiar shape and design
which has heen huihling in tlie 11. x
l. shops at Mount Clare, Md., has j
started on a series of trials relative to
rih'ciI, endurance ami inner poiuis.
1 lie train is cigar.shaped ami is so de
signed us to reduce the atmospheric
preeeure to a mlnimnm tbaraby obtain
Ing greater speed w ith less hauling
A Report as to Its Expenditures Made
by Governor General Davis.
Consul at Cipo Town Rporls Satisfactory
St'itlfiivnt K'i!ard!nit the Seizures.
Govfrnnifut Tiltphones.
Four Canes
All the rats in Astoria have Uvn
killed, the city having offered a honnty
f..r rut sculps.
II. .1. Snivel', u well known politi
cian ..f Washington, suvs Governor
lingers of thai stale will he ri'llohi-
The daiitanali of Idaho favor the
election of 1, II. Bawloy, a well
known Boiai Olty lawyer, for the
I'nited States senate.
Mrs. Su-an A. Baldwin, of I'.ugelie,
lias lien granted u pension of fH per
month and !HKI hack pay. Her linn
huiel disappeared eight years ago.
William II. 11. Shields, uged uls.Ut
4o vears. a unlive of I. inn cunty, and
son of one of Linn county's
treasurers, has been committed t
insane asylum.
A Portland hoy mimed Morton hud
to sul.mit to an oiwratkm for appandi'
l itis in a Portland hospital and there
was found in his vermiform appendll
eight cherry m'e.ls. lie will recover.
1 Minuigo lle..erich, Is.utman for the
slute heulth otlicer und an ohl-tiine
Oolomhiu river fisherman, was found
.ha. I in his Led at Astoria, Thursday
morning. The cuiise of his death was
hcurl disease.
Mrs. N. K. Uniiainldat died from
cancer of the stomach ut her home
MourOOi in the Willamette valhy
Mrs. Hoiiseolder was horn in Tennessee
in lKoL', and sism after came with her
parent to Iregoii .
A wugon hridge ucross Hear ( reek,
two miles uhove Kelldriek, Idaho, col
lapaod while Kd linker und Joseph
Campliell were driving ucross it w ith u
ioinl ol Woo.1, result lllg III tlie llislalll
death of Oampbaili
An incident occurred at the ,Ium
oft -Joe hriilge, nine lull
iirunt's I'uss. Mrs. Sexton, who
ah. .ill two miles from there, hud just
driven, with u team und hiiggy, on the
north uptiioueh tn the bridge, when it
collapsed an. I fell with the team, hiiggy
and ncciipunts. Mrs. Sexton was very
I seriously injured.
Some ideu of the uniount of money
the l.oats ure making out of the Noma
'rush limy be formed hy knowing thai
the Oregon, which sailed it few days
ugo, curried freight on which the taritt
j wus ISt.OOO; livestock for which she
I raoelveu 10 000 und 169.000 In passen
ger Inn s. She cah ulates on bringing
hack 000 passengers fur which she will
i receive 110,000. and the round trip will
I.e made in thirty duys.
Washington, May M, Secretar of
War Hoot sent to the senate today u
reM.rt from General Davll, governor of
Puerto RIOO. relating to the expenses
of the nrmy in Puerto Rloo, Accord
ing In the report there has heen lull
I small expenditures for quarters, furni
ture, carriages, etc., and these only for
such as were uhsolntelv necessary.
Senator Jones presented today the
credentials of Jos. J. Itlackhitrn as
senator from slate of Kentucky, for
term beginning on March 4, 1001, The
papers were read and placed on tile
District of Columbia bualneai was
then tuKcti up.
Trouble Over Seliure Settled.
Washington. May M. -OoniUl lien
oral Stow.1, ut Cape Town, has reported
to the state denartmeul that the
ellUrei oi Sour and provisions on the
three vessels, Mashoua, Iteatrice and
Maria have heen satisfactorily settled
It has been found that the American
hlppora, are not losers and the
seizures will not affect American trade
in any particular.
Protortlon Against Forest Fires.
Washington. May Jo. ( '.nninissioner
Hermann, of the general land OfiUia, is
making arrangements fur the establish
ment of a telephone system to connect
all the forest stations in certain dis
tricts, so that in case of forest Ores the
liecessurv help may he summoned Immediately,
of Rabonlc Phtaue Aiuoiik
the Tenmsten.
If an I la i May 2H. The government
corral ut Manila has heen quaran
tined. There are four suspected cases
of bubonic plague among the teamsters.
Since the murders on the steamer'
I'lcano hy native sailors, ihippeTI have
1 u (earful of a repetition of the
tragedy, and luue reiiuested the au
thorities to furnish soldier guards for
the leamsters, which rOOUMla have
heen refuaod,
Col. Padlla, the rebel governor of
Nneva Rellai wus cuptured during the
recent lighting at Nnevu Kcija.
Governor ODloers at Sen Frenclsre Re
ports cs.se of Plaatie.
Washington, Ma 90.- Surgeon Gen
eral Wymun received the follow ing dis
patch from Surgeon kinvun ut Sun
Franclico thle morning i A ruse re
iw.rli',1 -1 i 1 1 i . of the .lentil of il
Chinaman, was rflagnoaed us barl barl, 'river
Probability that it is the plague, the
same diagnosis was imide in the lust
Local Boar.l Knows Nothing.
Sun Fran, laooi May 90, Dr
O'Brien) leraatary of the board of
health here, says: "1 know nothing
of the case of plague reported to the
authorities in Washington, hv 1r.
Kenyoun, the federal quarantine
Lord Roberts is Keeping op With His
Advancing Force.
Other News From Correspondents, lorenieots
ot the Boers K n v . loped In Mystery;
Boers Reported as Qiiarrellnit.
London, Mai 9JB, I he war otli, e has
received the iolhiw ing dispiiteh from
Lord Roberta!
"Wolveboeki -Tbe adran I portion
of this force cr..ss,., th,. 'aul river on
the queen's l.irlhduv, near Itarvs.
l'here is no eliemv this side of the
They Are Still Masters ot the Situation
and Active.
St. LouIBi May IS, - Pbfl Transit
company stopped running cars ut III
o'clock today, the police having I n
assigned (or duty at the den ratio
primaries wihch are being held today,
tine lata I ii resulted from the riot of
vester.lav, when three men were
I wounded. Hurry Potte, u striking
I motor man, is the victim. The exe
cutive oilieers, of the labor unions of
St. LOUhl, have resolved to cull on all
the national ami International ,
in the country to send rcpresentat n . -here
to ussist in currying on the
The Wheat Markets.
San Francisco, May SO. Cash wheal,
'sir p T cental .
Chicago, May L'.i.
and cash w heat, T'.'e
-July w beat i We
per bushel.
The Rush tor Nome.
Seattle, May l'n. -Since the opening
f the V.N, ru.li i III I Hit 1 III. Imlai's
1 sailings, forty 'Be rep eraftanava I - f i
in Seattle (or (he north, earn ing oertittud
list-o( pa--enger-, amounting to riii.i.
President on the Potomac.
Washington, May SH. President Mc
kinley and party left this ulterm
for a trip down the Pot, .mar and to
flew th I ipse which is billed to
occur on Monday next.
The Brooklyn Handicap.
Qraveeeii'l, May 1'ii. The Hrouklyn
hale I imp wus won today by Kin ley
ParKor Whips Lawler.
Cripple Creek, Colo.. May 90, A
twenty -renin I go between "Kid"
Parker of lleuver and Jimmie Lawler
of San I rancisco was fought here lust
night. In the sixth round l.uwler
broke his hand hut staved with Parker
until the close of the twentieth round.
Parker was given the decision.
north of ' .Muck , Sir Kartell,
kho lives hert, third. Time,
olid :
The General Assembly A 'Juurni.
St. Louis, ! Vluv lib. Tim Pre-byterlan
general assembly adjourned, line die
thle afternoon to meal next year in
NATUHAI. Ul,llluE Or
SOU by Hid
4 1 &afvZ t-cucsuwi
In Use For Over 30 Years.
-j- I
w i ai r
&, : k,: . MntPl 1 MW.
TflBifffHll KlHntlv Furiiislibd. Steam Hediud
it Stage Unt MMnHmfwmk European PU..
"Uroey. frop...
,.r:7 7 o.
'Kt3 ilk.. '
at taliman a
I'll, t
I klah
. "mmm "Mgal aud
1 h. nui 0 1 iiia riiiDif
Tiir rioT nnrnnMiiiii ..;.,tu.a, k..j .
int lhoi uncuniHii. K&ajwnri.
are ailing woman. Whan
a woman has some femala
trouble aha la oartaln to
he nervous and wretched.
With many women the
monthly suffering Is so
great that they are for
days positively Insane,
and the most diligent ef
forts of ordinary treat'
ment are unavailing.
Lydu E, Plnkham t VtgtUbk Compound j
oomes promptly to the re
lief of these women. The
letters from women oured
by It proves this. This
paper Is oonstantly print
ing them.
The advloa of Mrs. Pink
ham should also be se
cured by every nervous
woman. Thla ooata noth
ing. , Her addraam Im Lynn,
The Natural Woudur to uo
toe 0aah
v irgiiim s great JXallirul Ittl.lge Is
to be Bold j und George Washington's
initials, curved Willi his own hands,
go with tbe deed, lienry w. Ih.gers,
a r. ai estate broker, of Baltimore, has
the bridge for sule, and il goes to the
highest bidder,
Ah.ng with Niagara, the Harden d
, the GOUV, till biu trees, the l u III III. .1 Ii
I Cave, Vo seuiite and the Grand I an yon
nl the Colorado, the Natural Hridge of
Roek bridge eounty, Va,. has long been
i regarded us one of the wonders of the
1 new world. II is a single hh k of
limestone 119 feet bigb and inn bar)
. wide. Il spans u greiil 1 1, asm so deep
thai the sun never enters its gloomy
depths. I, Inter the great iiutui.il .ml,
nl Ibis bridge not made with bund
(lows u roaring mountain stream whirl
liuds its sour, n nil the Western slope of
the lilue mountains ,,f Virginia.
It is u M'i'feet bridge. It has Ijni
proportloni in the height ol IU plan
its urrli is perieet, lie re are parapet
Ulnl buttresses set amid lhe-e rugged
clitfs. Thousand of tourletl ilisk
there yearly to see it.
iligii alsive the bed of the stream are
two initials cut deeply into the face id
the rook "G, W." beorge Washing
toll rllt those whell hill a VOUthful
surveyor of the wildemesa, long he
fore he wus known to fan.. .
George III. of Knglaud gave the
bridge to Thomas' Jefferson before wur
times, together Willi WOO Ol the broad
a. res surrounding it. It fell to his
heirs and after the civil wur u Col.
Pursons, u Northerner, got hold of the
nutural wonder and Icier. I il in. Alter
that the bridge could he seen for
revenue only, Iii" heirs in turn ran
ii. niisiuess unit io i. i" u yeur
out of it. Now there is trouble uinong
them mnl they huve j .11 1 II up for sul
fences, Washington s initials
und all.
Captain Slreetor, With a Foroe ot Won
Opposed by au Polloe.
Chicago, May 99, With an armed
body .( twenty men and two rapid lire
guns, Captain John Street.. r today
took possession of I Hi I acres of laud 00
the shore of l.uke Mirhiguli, in this
city this morning. Streetor's men
threw up entrenchments and success
fully resisted all the efforts of police
10 evict them. A riot alarm was turned
in and SO policemen, heavily armed,
hurried Io the scene. Chief ol Police
Klpley decided to await the decision
of the ait) law department, as to the
legality of the attack on Streetor's
lucre. In las,.! Slreetor ami his w ile
were stranded mi the land liar a few
yards from (he shore at (he foot ol
Superior street. I he doughty naviga
tor hud claim to (he land. The
dumping "t refuse and the earth
washed Up hy the lake formed a large
Irani and this trai l became ronnr. tr, I
with the shore and the owners of ad
joining properly carried the matter
into lot arte, Tbe euprome court ol
the United states decided thai the
land was within the jurisdiction ,,
Illinois. The p..li leaaandad upon
him und his army , and up till today,
the captain had lived in another part
of town.
Slreetor s nreparal ions to retake
IM.ssessioii of the hind was no known
to the police until this morning.
At 9(90 o'clock this afternOOO three
hundred ndlnani, beaded by Oblel
Kepley, every man hearing u rille,
marabou to the f.s.t of Siicrior street
Iii the Mtrencbmenti were ah. mi
lOVOntJ men, armed with rilles ami
two galling guns. Sheriff Mugerstudt
went with the chief of siice, und II
wus planned to demand the rrandei
of Streetor's forces on the ground ..I
riot and disorderly eon. bu t and urresl
the occupants of the fort regurdless ol
anal or result. A lire boat, with a
gulling gnu aboard, wus dlepatebed up
the hike to make a deiiiousl rut ion from
that side und to mil oil the eaoape id
Streetor 'a man, I'pto this hour the
battle Is still undecided.
Children Experiment With Medicine
Frightens Tlislr Parents.
.luck links. .ii, the lull. 'son of Mr
and Mrs Hal. lane DickBOO, during
Friday got hold of a bottle of Sbiioh'a
uonsuuiution cure, and drank half Ine
uolltenle, luusmuch un Jink is a rather
small fellow, not one-half so lurge ai
he will he when he grows to BsOffl
tllilll mice his present si.e, hull 11
bottle of tin- medicine was loo much
for him, and il wus neo ssiirs to cull
the nhyeician, He wus made ull right
in u yen short lime, und is as well
now us though he hud not made tin
experiment. . Ran,
The Inn. sou of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
I. an. Ingram also experimented with
swal low ing an antiseptic tablet uml
hud no) Ine phyalalau arrived within
lew lllllllllen tlie r 1 1 1 e I Wolll.l llUM' I
very sick, with ebauem for recovery
ugulllst Ii I In . In Smith In I-.H. cusr
wus . all. . I und savs thut neither child
is hiiv the worse for the exis rien.e
ulthoiigh euch wus rulher lit k for tin
time Is'ing
Ids Pioneers Seventh Annual Reunion
II.. I. Will be three iluys ellloyilleut
at Westoh next week, on May 'i and
June I and if, when the Pioneers Asm
elation holds it sevcnth-aunuul n
union there. There will he mucl
music, lots of speechinak Ing and
greut program of amusements. A
memorial . i i.. will Is- delivered by
m i. ii is. nines, ol j-ortlunil; un
annual address by H S. Rlaildfoid
Kaq., of Walla Wullu; matchless ora
. .M on "political iluy hv speaker ,,i
the repuhlicuii. demouratie ami pmhi
bltiOfl parties. there will he huschull
und Iii Id sports, piciiiciug and a gmsl
time generally K.vcrybndy will he
made welcome und the ruilroads will
give, reduced rates.
Speculation lonceriiina Roberts.
London, May t!ti -As anticipatisl,
the llrst news from Lord Roberts, after
his long silence, wus the announce
ment that the British had crossed the
Vaal river. This is probably (ieneral
Hutton'l column, which may I.e ex
peeled to make a dash ut the railroad
in the neighborhood of Poteheetroom.
Lord Koherts forces may he expected
to cross (he Vaal river und create a
diversion on the think of any federal
force In the neighborhood of Vevoetv
Irrgenlngi As he has only about 15
miles to traverse, a speedy aiiiioiiine
Incut amy he expected that the llritish
commanuerln-cibel himself has gained
a fiMitlmlil in the Transvaal.
Nnws From Correspondents.
Bennett iiurietgh wiring to the Dally
relegrapb from Vredefnrt lhursdav
morning, said Lord Robarta would
doubtleai cross the Vaal river Satur
day or Sunday. The llritish outposts
were then at Irate GolwJl nine miles
north of Vredefnrt and twenty -six
miles south of the Vital river. I'he
railway is much damaged. While
llritish In overwhelming forae are thus
rapidly approaching the Transvaal,
the movements' of the Bonn were en
veloped ill mystery.
Strict Survellanoe Kept.
Bveryona seeking IO cross the
Portuguese border from the Transvaal
Is searched for newspapers ami letters.
Dispnlches and mail letters containing
even harmless references to the war
are suppressed. The only news that
bus emerged from the Transvaal dur
ing I he last ten day s has come hy
word of mouth.
Hoers (loported Uiiarrellng.
According to oral reports the Hints
were quarrel ing among themselves.
Transvaal paper money was circulat
ing al eighty per cent discount.
Kr I, and Kliuke, the engineers
who oppoaad the blowing ill. of tlie
mines, have Isen dismissed. Com.
mamluiit Schullee had been appointed
o defend Johannesburg ami all llritish
ublaeti had been turned out.
Federals Retake Hellbron.
Pretoria, May 98, An oAoial bulle
tin suys: "Thellrtlish huve crossed
the Vaal river at tirohlcr'a drill. A
bridge ut Verenlngenlng has been
blown up by the lederale, After retak
ing Hellbron the (cdcruls followed the
lirilish us lar an Wolvclmck."
J. 11. Ho.mI, justice of the Is'llce,
Crosby, Miss., makes the following
statement: "I can certify (hat One
Minute ( '..ugh Cure w il I do al I that is
luimed or it. My wife could not get
tier hrealli und the lirst dose ol it lai-
lieved her. it has ulso Is nellted my
whole family." It acts imuiedialcly
ami cures coughs i oih, croup, griqs,
.ronchitis, asthma and all throat and
lung troubles. TallmaiiiV Co., leading
Verdict ut the Jury In the Frank Royse
Murder Case al Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, May -'n The jury, in
the I rank Royaa murder rase, which
has bean on trial here lor (he pusl ten
layi, brought in u verdict this morn
ing o miiriler in the sccoiel ilcgree,
liter being out ull night. Hoyse wus
put under i" ' oo Isinds which he has
tailed to hiiii: Ii up to this hour.
Iloym 's i rime w as (he k ill lug o II.
r Royaa his grandfather, ut Duta,
neui.n al la wullu, uini i ne Miming ot
the rtoyae noma ufter he shot him.
Uovse's ctiurai ler has never hecu gmsl.
A School ror Fanning.
A srlnsil of practical farming will
soon he started by prominent person
of New York on a furm neur Sing Sing,
says the Hultimore News. The stu
dents, as planned, will include men
und women, und will he taught garden
ing and the care of orchards, raising
slock and poultry, keening bfsM and
house decorations, us well us the usual
subjects of scientific funning alreudy
taught ul many of the sclautiliu
M boole. The coursu w ill cxlnid over
two yuurs.
:&k Headache
Onii ker thun atiytluug olac.
10 MBtt SSi M SSSSI KiuifKisis. J
i.ti.t..i MiimmmuiHn minimi
Split a Boy's Toaeue.
laetOU'l entire detective force has
been planed on the trail of an un
known iii. ii, who walked up to Willie
Geary, four veurs old. la South Ronton,
and after telling the little hoy to sin k
out his tonuge nearly cut off the longui
will, a sharp instrument, prohubly a
WOT, uud ran uwuy. So tar tbl polire
bfVe no clew except that bused oil the
etoriea of Willie lieary's playmates, all
of whom are nl out of his age. The
man, oi uourau, is thought to ho in-uauu.
Kari's Clover Root Tea
lltfuutlrieti tltej ComplaxUin, Purities tha
HI.xm). Hivraia 1' les:-,li 1 L .-tk III I ult sl nil
btipallDu, luJlycusltuti, uml mil KruiHiotis uf
llid bkiu. An areualltt I.aaatlvj Narva
luiuc. eh1u u B.uiiitu ttuaiaulcMi by ail
druKtilaU at 36c., 0c. and 9 l tHL
. C. WCLLS 4 CO., LtHOY. M. V.
IfM talo by lailiuaut Co., UruUU.