Did You Ever Buy a Wrapper for oq Cent? The MapiH't ' "asli Store can quote you prioM on Ltdiea' Wrappers rang inp From 89c op to i .M. A now lot j'ist received. Don't fail to see tliein. illi I'WiT dollar pnrohf vmi get a cliiuu-e for a l'oKI watch. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements &. Wilson. Court and Cottonwood -h feast Qs TI'KSDAY. MAY 88, 1900 DAILY. WEEKLY SKMI-.VKEKI.T East Oreronlaa fEHOLETOH. -B T MB Publish lot Company, AT OKhtVUN ttmmmm 'pt.it i t mki: ... Tru: MBKi.ptm tt g -r BJta -- . ... Ml wkh M l,.iri. s a; Dm Wf Ml IMI Deteapr ti aiiMtfet . Trt; iwMcnfttM tiaylc - - -r woaiti t i Btrri.-s bate- ! t cv on i cpf ill Tftal MNtnviMi ftlKfl -T APVtBTHts . BATS- On ih. lete. lit Mi--j-Biy pf McaUn . , On tmtk, m MB. IB tH Ml Bi ;m. 9 n :3 A tlir investigation in tin1 Cuban stul frunds continue it I OBMt slWK tlmt in tly rascals have been "put H guard" in the ntltii i ti iwtrHt i n oi Cuban i affairs, tt sec tils tin aM Ohio and In I diana gaiur of ilineii. tin- fr i ml ot HbbB, Heath mid Mckinley, wor. turned loose t(i prey nn t lit naonla of Cuba, ami thi wax hi BtBSpMMd from a policy which left it all to McKinley. BBO M promptly turned it over to Malum. Ami nil all- to Iniir! that OOOur'e hill provide fur the same m.1 icy leucine the government id the Philippine ti Mr. MoKhUajt, m rai ihMH in the MM d Cuba. w ith equal opportunities tn political rascui. The cXaniion of halting appearc to be MBMthiBI BMMI than a th ory WHY PRICKS VARY." every h-vit iimtto and pMMfHl means, but we are opposed tn purchi.MUi' trade at the cannon's mouth with hitman hloml; neither d. i we lielieve that trade BMBMiil and held by force if Wrofttl the price i.ai.l (or it. Wl are in iavnr of extending the InllMBMi bi I we lie lieve that that iiitiueiice hIiuiiIiI Ih- ex tendel. Rot by force and v iolctice. but thr ninth the j irsriusive i..wer ..f a high and boNonbtf example." The Next T) - i" tin uetion now agitating the min.l" id .nr loadine tml (Mr, Ian iind while several pMMiBMt men have! MM raafMladt the tinal selection will undoubted ly ba the man who will serve the party interest loth ls-st ad- vantage. This i also true of medicine. When vnur stomach l me weak and yon suffer from dyapapala, Indignation, constipation and flatulency or when in need ol tnedtcine tn build up your lyMMn "T reMore jronr appetite, von will BMht ii. MHTMIm ::' y.m trv that orerelffl remedy. Hoetotler'a Btomuli Bitten. It I- backed up by til ty year id cure", and i IMOMBMIHMd bv BMUlf pr.iminent physician". It i" bJm ail ex. client modicilte. bir malaria, (ever a: .. BJM, and can M had id any drug (BTt, it. .lire tn jfive it a trial.' Gftfdlbef s William", emeriti!" pro foMot id KiRiee and art id BWi'hlM il t iirnell univenitv, iiied id ixirnl veie at Ithaea, N. Y., Bel 71 eaora. m r . . TO THE WISE smwmT"'nnnTtmntmmmmmn!mmmn w uemocratic Ticket. ..Hammocks..! Hi ii rrr. B E 1 utriliat, or tbOM WDO intend planting :b - aajajajlll or doing "prinu work id any kind in thin line, you will lind everything in Burden tool and need. barb w in-. ntaple, nail. In avv an helf hardware ol the verv Ih quality and at the lowaajl prici Largest line t. pick from in the city, at price to suit nil pocket book', from 75 rent up. I also have a targe it k ofOtrdon lloso. Hi t. 2S centa per toot, i rv Veto" Barb Wire ami live from thr ' one-third tin it. UntlBNTIAL Kl e. T..... W .11... t I'i.. it9- IN. II Muan .';.'".'.";., IVnoiffa. K rue. I Kroner. . " i -.r:!.,. John Whlttaker "' BaB i'iiVi.KKSXMav. sl'1'..M, ,., " M DM m-imlnr ffaj, c. Snilth ., . JiUM I.Kl.lSI.ATIVK klL,, ; """'Cln (rnmllll. n.l M,.rro Couni!lv-V j A. WwMtt HITKKME Jl HlK . ITl ll,' B lot, POOD ASH IiAikv .,,.o... .""'"flk - n . s. hulincrirli 0( Waal,,. ' "'"Dilnli SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKIT 1 IKCI IT JPIN.K A P. StllltUf.il i T. (I. 11.. ... nisTKUT Afteuniir B 9 ... .. ... . : iut w l w iiu unui v i iuii . I). nfliiSiord oc Co. s t 3 paadioton otafoi '21 Noin Street. sr a COUNTY TICKET KKI KESKNTATU . W. J. !.,.-: 1 K. M O Hrlen (HI M Y ji Itni jMaagi A. lUrtmaa n( 1 (HI Ml IVMlllWM.,, . . ..0 xiia raM ll'lltla Ttiolim I'. 1 ..o m BJaktaf ; Oregon Lumber Yard MIKklH ( 1.KUK u( Autia v,a as DON'T FORGET ITt keet' the wotr inlv use Iir. I'icrce's lavorite It promotes perfect reiju- Every lear to candiat. M both be 'certain of The election returns are prove that om-hall oi the 1. ..it it The dMM(0M g'wn on the principle that whatever even: i 1 low s another j. the consequence ot the OM preceding. I( bard times follow tin- election of a president he savs that the result of the election cm 1 the hard times and vice versa Tlie fallacv g tin- i- ap parent to intelligent nien, but DD(of tilliiltely they often e illllteuaiice it in ton. both public and private, ure doim; 1 "r,,,T . rTm" . objwta which .. nwuir iin ,ueiii. The BM m ... .... ' health is to Henry atter in writes in the Loins i preu-niion ville (. ourier-.l..iirual. as foilows: i..,.. -- - The varying pricey o comm.slltie. aicaaan, It cures lull IIHllllll. ulrcr loive beer. fruitful theme (or I ajttoM, nd HmmBi BMkBMB It aocthea tl,...ri"t. and dawagoma., e.-illy .nd MwcmImm the itent drive, the utter. I.e., frnpiently the aubiect aw.iv depoiuk-iic. and given u healthy has i lieen treated from a non.irtisan appetite and rcfreahitiR ieep. ft ..o.i ... i.lr us .ss,o,e u scieiuinc Kiaiiil i make childbirth eauv. and nutatoar ..Sl.l I S.. Lumhcr, I ath. Shinulc-, Kuildinu fa pc i, I ar Paper. MouldinA. PickeM, I. inn- and Ceai nt. Brick and Sand. Sash and l)nors. Screen Doom A Window Jena Gotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's 1 Aha St., opp. Court Houne. election . ' needed to candidate. are deceiving themselves. Hut hop! is eternal in the human breast, and it is a good thing that it in. The good sch...,ls that are in I'einll contains no cocaini. nor much for Pendleton. With iiood city government and irood scl 1. Piaodlf ton is nure to return it- p.!i. n as "the In-ki town on the coast." '..ssl ehisds ure u great advantuge to uuy town. Tlie republicans in c mgress have agret-d to rejMirt u remedy f..r tin- tru-t evil. Their decision comes ut tl ml of tlie so.s ion and Uikes tin- form of a eoiistitntionul MMBAJBMIi which IbaM if no lro"ect of securing for a decade of years and, by that time, toe tru-t- will own tin- country and the ople will have had notice t. "MOM off." if they d not w ish i.. r.-muin a. "laves U J chattels. The l'ortlan l i renoii..ii .1.11-m- public tiiat "tlie OM0M "heep are ull goiiic to vote the reptiblican teket again" this year. True euniujb. I MM the nuiuher of vote, can in lata, und the uumlivr rogiatered in Ham, .,n. lour years of prosperity there hsiag M gain in the hmBm but u ItUlai off In a numlser of counties, one would sup om tiiut tie- "slieep' had ..cd in IMU6 for .X.'cKinlev . whirl i- tl. reason be curried Oregon. Of coMM the sh. p should be ullowetl to vote tlie republi can ticket, (or they will be sure to vote as their matter dictate. Some : - .pie in high position are prune to make all kinds of fools out of themselves In Washington's social life just llow there is trouble between the wives of officials which appMM quite ridieuloiii to onlinary fmOfi. Tlie wife of tin assistan' -ecretarv ol mate bus been found guilty of talking more languages than tlie wife of the Mei-reUry of stut, mistress of, und ot so fur forgetting her proper place as I. entertain amhussadors win. are ulx.ve tier in rank, for tl is "oeiul depruvitv the aUerior wife ha. upbraided the in (erior. win. has l-cen warned to keep her place. Hut there has MM a reln-1-liou. and the inferior has ress.nih 0 by a aeriee of brilliant MMpIMM t. the aiiibussadors in their turn. rne demagoguea, of courae, are not .insistent. They shift their gr..uml MMilag to circumstances. F,,r vear. the republican, m tintuitied that pro. IHCII in U.AU.VS ilecreuse.1 tile pro ! OMBMaJltlM. Thev put it int.. their platform in IBM -.hat the McKinlev bill Had reduced price.. Next mm punic mm und prices feli. Tln v nrst Mtribad tbii to tin- ilMtion of a dem... MBtk pr.-sjiient and then to the fear of MNH reiorm. Tne trutii is tlmt tlie course of prices i a ot. com :ie.iie.. nia-ter It 'nr. . a- it a.wav iia. Is ri.ut an I .ieinuud NfttJata prices, but t nitre are a fTVBl Inaiiv diflerent ti.m .. tl.nt i. nn,. -in .,i.in aii i ueiiiuuu It tbroouti tliene tlmt extraneous. In IlllellCe. ,..,. I nr.-. U na- uflecl- . . cocn modify in high tMjMa mm bbn ii.. ImIbmm wbatever upon uiiother. It ii. tlierefore, not ulwuvs pool f .rm u mere MpafJtottl view t.. daeidi what t is tlmt MMtMlBM the MMM of pro ... chii,' mother will lind in ii a alrength giv nig tonic. ' l avorite I-retvriptton alcohol, uct-.her opium, other narcotic. -1 n-TTr coined nesrsrapn Mr. i: A. i; nilrt. oi Kcem Ohi, -vet I an. net fr.u.' l-st : i -. .... I ..-nrli.v .ii c. . : :vt. i was : vnman 1 have taken ne me.liciue sinee and turn Had n. isaiutuas of my forme-r tr. utile Iti. ed II, e t-avnrue Pirscnplloa ' at differ eui Itaaa i.t inert than Icur yrs aad and It has u. eiua. Free Dr Pierce's Medical Adviner. in p.its-r cover, tent frtf, on receipt of JI one-ccrr. lUimx, to pay qMkM of mailing only. In cloth binding 31 - . . . : rc lit. K. V. i'ivxco, Buffid .. N. Y. ICE To BM Jkll tlie facts iiiiderlying the ..t of prodtMBl HM conclusions of the lion Carroll p, Wriu't.t. 1'i.it.d MtM MMMMll r of labor and statistics, are of interest. Kur ex ample, he suy tlmt a thousand PBBM natf- Doald ..nee Im- mad, by haml in six hours und u bulf: they ure now BM by nmehniery in lofty BjiBBMl. At one tun., it required -IsoO" hours to rule ten ream- of PBMf "Ii Isith sides by MMl , now, il is done by on.- man. with tin- aid ol u machine, in tw.. hours and a half. Thirty th.ni.uml locomotives exert the s.w,,r of 57,BtO, .'W horses, or a-IT .-HWlllll n Tl.!. brinus ii- n. the ipiestion of railroad rnte.. This i. a domain in which com plaint of low rates come principally from tlie ruilr..ud IhawaaUtM or tl, ... I iniereste.l in t i.-n.. In (net tl,.. M... ments who huve made the glMllI MB. I plaint heretofore of a low range of prices have been most conspicuous ., eff.irt to reduce prices (or freight and trunsportutioii by law. Yet nowhere illls the (1.1-1 UK- of price ban ),,r,. ,,,. iplaOOM than 111 that of railroail rat,-. ItM transp..rtalion. In 1S7U th. averau, rat. r ton jier mile wu ll.Vfi- in ' IBM, 11.17. in 11!'. 91 cent. : in 1m 1 7-.' cents, Her. 1. a aV' lii.c of nearly ' . per ceui. 11, twenl.t' .eight Veuri. other words, transportation which . ... la dollar in M70 cost in Inu bin littl I more than thirty -xix cent.. Thi-. o course, takes no account of dlacrimiua HM), but merely Indicater tin generu coiiriA- of pneer ..( Irani uorta tioa, Kuilrouil trail-porlat i.,11 is ometl.iii rm-Y dsmm rii Karl's Clover Root Tea ., ' I- U-Ufc-tfUt .sj. 8- C. WELLS A CO.. IKHO. N Y. OLC MOIIIETOIS ""aMMMMM-MBMMaMg For iai by Talltuao A Co. DniMtJU. BRICK SAND VMU COAL Alio U h'jlesale Agent lor BCHUT2 MILWAUKEE BEES in bottles, ba-re'.., or caaef. (-all up AT m 1 elephone ,'U. t H. KOPITTKE. c MOMMM)M)BOM Teleph ne Livery Stable I'lldi-r New MauleluUl. Knsi.ionalilc Hiirs at Low lin-i,. The li.it Turooiiti In the City, special attention given to b ard ig terse. S. F. Hays. Prop. pp.lle Court House Teleph iue 'o. 3H T n E Crescent THE MOST POPUIAR WHI EL .1 ii.iiiii.) Men's W heels 1 adies Wheels Bovs' or Girls' Chainless $25 and S.S S2o and - - - $25 - $00 Another consignment of 1 he S25 and S26 Wheels just received. CRESCENT AGENO East Oregonian Building B I j 1 g. iWWilHVirtki "iw j i 1. l.ee.ler I J. K. IICKII I L . .1 in..;. D. ( IlKUlIsTlslD 1KKASI ktli sMBBM Ii l....l.l..s 11 i" " . 4Miiiuty i. i. - in.. . . . a. ....... "', ........ 1 tiv(., lt.I); f M. I. wIU si kVEYok. ric. ( nerncicy . ...... , v -n, r.(. pr. ft. h. oaanyMM ... Jt'BTH l: ASP OOmTAULk , r. ndlelon DtMricI (.en I' kistelilHTK I Aiiin ": .VI lie al Aik NaBs 1 ivn.1,,3 Republican Ticket! mauaBcuti burtbdu W . J. Purulsh , 1. ilium lord . ... '" 11 I 1...1.... Hss B L. k U . - I.l, .... . .... c. 1 1.1 .it ji py. v untie, r.. iilverillll g al. ll'i.l.l.).V.ll'Og. ... 1 ,1 f, . 1. f . liu IsaUd nnw A haiky OOatHIIUtiXU. ...... "I r.irlU. aoi.i i.w.iai.ATivt KtlTU-i.M (TlVg , . .... ..... ,,, k mm. ....... Mpi BfMnai SIXTH JUPICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. ( IK(T IT Jl IK.L al lup u. till. MBTBII 1 AnnLMv Fsss I iodln COUNTY TICKET. Kl i l.l -TnTaTIVI." Old Dutch Henry's Feed Yard 'I NTY Jl l.t 1 LBIX. MltlllKK. "I AIM u( I'eMj 1 KIT HAS & CO.. Proprietors. All kind. ..f an Mid the baal . for bs.se shsi-k. Hay n the Ratei and GmIb f r Mia. I: dlad market. Plant of stall room reasonable. Gin n. a call. id BbMttad Barlej Qood barn, lliu L'Uiir-irral. To the Public... I huve in my employ a Plumber and i in t hut line. Tinner and to do all kindi of work Hot Air, Steam and Hot W ater Heating Plants put up in the most workmanlike manner. Ail work gaaraotead. Let me figure with you. Webster's i International j IHctiof iarv Thr One i.rtmi Mnii.ir. iMhai Q. .!(- lion. 11. a. Ilrswrr. .1: I . suorvus- 1 .11 Hlaudurd A newspaiHjr published ,,t . m, Uusaim. is ijuoted as liMlailf tlmt the nil I U'r f u I.11--IM t ......,. . I .. . A-tnaw.aiM blw the v ne r 'T BMIm' ImSJmmTtI Ivaavlh out of tin- WUttr if tt... I'.,,t...l ilfi-ut ilefliiic in tiki. il... 1 1 . ...... m sjj siiir niiowr nir 1 a I I si I States government attempts to send ' '",tl"- argument tnai .heiines thai hav ...... V taken 0 i.e.. 1I11.1.... .1 . ll.ell. o , 01 1 i, ft ii 1 1 ,, .,, T...L... ' .... .... ..1.,-ranoii in .lrllil 1 (.1(1 l.l(-tlU-Cl II V ....... 1. to pay tne fiou.oui iiideionin a ,,.r. tain BtMssMkWiaa, over who Ii there has Iteen a cousiderulih tir for .oiue time. Thi is only u newspar threat, and a Kumiuii ne.pua,r ut that, for it is easier to talk of hlowiii)' un Ane ro ai. war vesnud out of tin- water thai, it is to do it. a tlie c.puniard found out, after thev hud fully decid.-d to do M in their public print. I.intl ar. ,1,,, r.. It 1- lieceaaary t, take all the pertinent lacis mlo consideration, and a ne toes., at praaaot is th.- BflMtMa ..i trusts that are sustained bv the tarift so that they uet. i m: ;,,,,,,..' nearly MkM as much for their pr... duct ut hoi,,,- a. that for which thev mi .-in. prnniaM ubroud. amti-impIkIalism. (. .'-. C. nt-rrl.tii. I a. HpniiKtirld. 1 CAPTION, ! bu v 1 11 u W ch.l.r . Ilic.lan.ri. .MMblMMania Haass. I OK Insurance e, Accident, I'late I. lass, et- Loans on Ottjf und OMmM I'roperty Real Estate Improved und DBsMMOMd Citv Lo, MMl Hunches and Wheat larm- BEI J. R. DICKSON. Kasl Hregoniuii Building. Jersey Milch Cows FOR SALE. I also deal in leoond-h oew oocU. ull ami BM good as well a well a me. JOSEPH BASLER. You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner beer in Itottles, delivered to anv Mat. m . v I -... U V S1.50 per IDczsn. taM- Bottled by Ceo. J. Pottner iat- The I'ortluud hourd of trude MMl reolutiuns asking coiigre to establish free trude bMMMB liie PalMd Males and the Philippines, ettin forth th. declaration tlmt only through free trade can a commerce be built up Ih -twesju thi country uud the islands. The I'ortiuud Oregonian endorse the apeal and favor free trude w ith much vigor. Thi is nut either strange or peculiar. But the fact tlmt the Oregon ian doe. thi and, ut the Name time, advocate the re-election of Tongue and Moody to coiigre, both of whom are know ii to be outMjord to Ire.- tru.l.. u ,.. the Philippine, i. pwiuliur, to ,ay the least. This doe nut ..p, consistent. hut probably the Oregoniui, cai . , plain it. The MlMfiBI II l-lkeii from the 1 ...... . . . ....... ... .. ..regou (lentocrata: "VAc doieiuncc the doctrine tlmt an executive or u coiiures creut.-.l ,..l i limited by the conititution, can exercise law lul uuthoritv l-.v 1 .1... constitution uud in violation ol it Balleyina that u nation cannot otm en dure half re.ublic un.l lU( empire w. opp... wars of c,,i,uest and colonial possessions. "The Kilipiiios MBBOl he citizens without eiiduiigering our olvllinlioa they cunnot he suhj.-cls without en daugeriug our form of government, and a we ure not w illing to surrender our civilization or to cull vert a re public into an empire, we fuvor un UBMMista declurutiou of the nation's pWMM (o give to the Kili pints!, first, u atable government; wcond lnitaiaa douce, and third, protect n.n from ,.ut side interference u it bus lor n. urly a century given protection to the re publica of Central uud thtUlfa America, ne luvor 11, , ... .... . viui.c uv j ))Woooooooe New Goods... Tha BB-iMMjaad offer hr atla FOS JULY PRLIVKBY miles West of Echo a BMBBW pi young cows, witli calves . at hi place M, , on llulter l'r.. k, . hlt'll gruile .lersev on f.s.t, (or ul. . C'orreSjs.liilence sol icited. L 0. K01. pus, Echo, tlreguii C. N Wl.81.oW HtAP And Cheaper I han Ever.. Contracts Portieres, Carets., Lace Cartelae Wall Fa ier. Headquarters lor White, Standard and Iild,cdje Sewing Machines JESSE FAILING Mam St., uear Bridge. Wit. slow A Head rs ami Builders Jobbing a Specialty. Tank to Order Shop oil CottonwtNMl 1st , between Aim and Webb. PKNDLNTOX, OkEUON. 1S 'V1 V!-1- WUsOWIKQ AVi- ..... US :,n be "fiMriiaria 'Mi '.,( ruall lliiras- haaf..... ...t.;... t la. audVlZ. ; ..3. "V brand on U-l i l.r.i. il.-.l I. .7,, 1... . . . .. . . 1 . . Z. '. " ' ."" "'I' nu.l u.ulcl hou.il. 1 sboul .: ymr. uld .ocu u. 21. iwaj J M UtATUMAN, tll, M.r.U.1 TclcptlOUC 85 THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD The Leading General Farm Paper of the Northwest. A HighClass Illustrated Farm .Journal Published Weekly at Salem, 0rejronTry It. The Homestead is a . , Th, aubscipt pnce - - the -un March I, IMJO, and it imm.diatclv took Im Z wah Ml aea eam ad will i Ho , . . gtne" eUitie. for UiaUaj a r il the , r X " h aU the lation. Why .send youv ,n .nly Has, Vhv 2 Ti T in tHb Northwest a farm uewsoauer .. . , C'P he to the .uteres, ( , th,s 1 UoT. ad The price ol the Wkekuv East 0KG.v,a.. i a mm m w, sss a. iSgVlklVaj - w..v.vji j AN PUB. Co Peudlelou Oregon . I ermuer M u BBOOBBBB Uf OOUVBYAKCBi .. . TJUUM7IUEB. - K 'i M AMKaeol;. orgi Buaaa Jt OMOt, HI 1'tKIMt.M.KM I i Hawlla . M . CBVZYQR. I . dl OOBONU a OOMJOMOXKM i'.'i.o osiser an Jl r-TU t AM) CONST AUU. (I'vudlutoii Uutrii DOS lui,erald .,) I , n.Ucta v UMrics m v.urn i . j, 1 Prohibition Ticket. i'i:tint.N ruL eujcti A. haVTs . lis '.'-'" ofUrMiaai a f. Jenmu. .; ..iMt'sfa I. snauntllig .. i.lUuudltl an-itEMC Ji but. J C, Bright ol ooMttaarMuv, awont. dutuct. IsMM llutler ,,. .io.l Kl rooe a si kaiky coaxuaj mu I' I. keiiuu.!)' u( Uoud Km UMATILLA COUNTY TICKET. A M. 1.,. on h II Htuue lr W hurry Ii J'UNT BWaaVUITATIVI liriBMH I llll U L Irai.er W. U. Pruot J. II. lateier COl NTY Jl Pot CUM. ailEKIFK. a ai.uj ul UtiU ot Mil I-1 II Ci ! .1, (,L ., . .v i 1-.. e . v. -.-a .-.,.. vr .Li... -. rrank ButuMBi TMKAUI'KKIt William lathcri ul gllu , .l . i Ii t sua an ul a is I'liUUIiailiiV.i A . K. Kiuier , ut,. .V k a Il K 'Tiarle. ..I IL A K i n I: ,v lata.. ..diet ATTORNEYS. ItAI.KV, ATI lu liaviuis Bank h liSK VVOOD YARD .ii.llli .V ii ..... i n . PHYSlCIANb I'll. .1. L M I I.I.Kit JOHNSON B'T. laee.i I n.ir. Mini all. (SmI.I ..OrlitluB II..- lruali.iel.l .if i'I'i. ... :..rual. at... asm u.auascs. IB. W, i.. UOIaK. tlKr'li K IN I'i loll Havil.a. hank bulldlll. ..uufi., I lu , (i. in. Tvlebliulo " t. W. VINTKN I M l iiFl i I. UK ul Kirst Nan. .ual Hank oDi. t uuurs 111 a. ui. ; I Ui B iu. lo I.' i i'K. I.J. smith. OmCK n EKI ili.-tuii a.vti.tf. na..,k 'l ..!... .h. a,. - il. deai luleiiiiuut- .1. H. H. UAKKlKLd), it. V., H 'MiAd'AjH ui. ouricou DENTISTS. t. A. VAI tiHAN DKN 1 1- I ... . u.i.i o.iimu.k. A. L (1EATTK. 1). II S. lit H' t Bavum. auk. Oaa aduillil.lered. K. a. Mann iikntim't. in ..otIi1 llou Has k, uiw r. B. I lonleii ..Bw- ARCHITECTS AND BL'ILUEBS. UOWABJ), AKt iim.' i A,N1!'J i OH. n. lel.l uiakus ci.l.u e I' si." --., plan, lor bulldum. lu II,. .:; ...a.lii 1 , Juili (.ollillna BANKS AND BROKERS. SmUh& " 'y. Proprietor Qood, Dry Wood. AU Aiders. Kto rroaipt Deliver,- of I ail In Any tiuantity. IHK PK.V III I'TilIC slAYINK I'A? I'ol.dlelon, Or. son organised Marcli oj anil. I an. i .... in... . .IL.M. ii ul, Us uoao. ,....,!., ..,,1 uU St. I cipal poo, i.i aiuiuilou H'o-',11 111 111. ii' I v.. ....... Ill J - lin raldaul, T J Morris, ...' KIUMT- K A Til IV A I It A N k ol A I HKN,. Oregon ( anilal. 6u,uuui "rl,lu, 'L'Ji i le .SI OU Hint doposlU lHl. If , i .i.iuie.lti ..ii'Iimuh,.. . ulli . I...I." r . ' Ui tttoded to. Uury ( Adauia. l'i'J-"'.: , M. -Arthur, vice .uicideul. k I. a""'- lur. L. W. Barbell, aaslsuul laslilii I'EM'l Kl 1-fbiT V A'IM.kV A I to A KK 1'K uu ' ttj'.lnl . W'v.WU . BuriM'i- mvim m Kt'iirno hnliKlllb Mid Ut.ugraLiUU: UBiiler aolu .itl" uoiuv1 r mm i ii yv, i uric auu I" " " 'TT " jej uti .urtliMKiai I'talia iirwn y ( ami Kurojit:. aiakca tollt ii'u t,u M IwriuB Li'vi Aukuuv. iuti . a ( La'vI Aukouy. Ft OtHcc Cor Mam aud Alt Sla. ...I. .. . i an it h a i i a OuuruM), Bkaaialaut uatiiu