East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The liastOregonlan
will to It fr
hi ki
fnl Vonr "Ail 1
The Haat Oreeonlan
nl hav. It
s I
, .l"i
to Be
derick INolf i
, , e of Box Stationery
SLkteti, go on tho Mtar.
r M
Cabinet Mnrm Clock.
mi to '"'r'' "" mll'
Soar.nu IVrfume-.
i.ui.'v nrieea for leading
'. rl ii mi- it it'll T III'
,1 Brio
j ..I i ' :i m .ermine,
I . . I A
)ii i'hii he porcnawu nare hi
.,, i i Hi ry s i in' in i
I ,. , Ponder, I acini Simp
otli PaCti r-. l-1 1 1 1 r- L.' ic gnoils hero
nr fi (or r i EMtman'i v'n- (
bjrtBu Almoini renin. i k1""'.
nrffic Battman't ! Oatn
hih uraili' perfumes 6o to :.
... r.. . ..: (... "... in..
lir gl I roi irnr n .
'., . inrL'i' in"" eaatlla mm
regular me, vera ir n-.
Hliaving Snap lo, I'curs'
A Showing of
Summer Waists and
Summer Dress Goods.
most interesting, display of Wait ami Was Fabric, for
mor wear will Uk pUce.icrc this week, ., collect on o , .
NO. .i7.8
i. mi, r" guaranteed through
nil urtf strongly made, j
imr i ii' . regular wl I
. I.iltlr
pal rag.
ggretih halt price to close out nnr
r ark We nun to curry no will over,
tuns thf balance at 'b "ff.
Mtloi Sale
Mllrlmr rln
aaaaiaii bawl"
IMiit pin. I' . I
,mnt. I" H'
juJd HuilJ tit!, Court Street
choicest products o avtral i... - .
..... mum waist makers
W e submit the exhil.it of over 5o different new stvles of shirt
Fame is something to he won.
Honor something, never to be lost.
Our fame as Pendleton's greatest waist .i .i
lowing, and we worked faithful l , ,.,'..: ;.. . , "s
.o.iiiii.iiii iina Honor tor
i ii Ki-ii iann in t
Wl Md Wash Fabric avhikii n k..
- .-I ii. . 1 1 ' 1 1 1 , i
hJdgmant rests with you.
The stock is rich in dainty fabric,
'isjiiayeu lor ea teeing and . ,iss c1
iwns, l.inon and Linen. Iiminv .
I n I lie a ml .Viae t.is. ,.,l,i (:,,,,, u .i
. - V J 1 1 " in RUU
'i iasii onei in ii .,-.t l.
tolils and 'i.-iiis.
We ha i
Nainaoi k.
the at.
iyoo. The
and Orsandie.
Percale by
and cords and
tin I to, plan it pk. fntiry
i- n( ion, itiiii- oblldreiri
irb i i'..' 4. dotan up
dad tO. Vliillll, lOlltHr,
. en t room to sa more
Bttt will ask yotl to come and
l ive tun of nhamnMna. dlfaet (Mm
FrajMe. has reaehea VatMMver, H.
C., and from there will be shipped to
Cape Nnnip.
IVn-ey, ,m hit return to WaahiatftOO,
tSMNMaad btairelf hh being emimragiHi,
M hi.- reception in the south, that he
will receive the deMocntic non (nation
for petaMeajt,
It atnnr (rum later mail advices
from Manila that the prison oAeitll
at BillbJtj prison at Manila are uinler
Invattigatlon mi a elmrite nf esobano
ing and releaalnfl nrltonwrt ami reoalv
ng DTloei. hililu.l prlton, the largest
in the Orieati oontalm ibomandi nf
it WOW Bolivar Hu.kner, the uold
democratic candidate fur vice president
with John M. rainier in lSHi on the
olid money platform, made a apeeefa
at the repabliean ital aivaatlon at
uMisvlllei K., annoaMiag that ha
has left the ileiinnTat ie party ami
w ishes tn ie enrolled among the arork
ers iii the repnhl iean ranks.
The United States traiipnrt Tlinniiis
arrived al Ynk.ihaiim nneMieete.llv
irniii Manna on alnr,la
Baden-Powell Made
Defense and Won,
The Fnd of the Wr Is Predlfled hy
Queen's Birthday, Which Occurs
od the Nil of May.
wnaiton Rnrker (alia on Hie
to ry UN R,irli
waahlnglon, May is -Wharton
Barker, nominee for preeidenl nf the
tniddla-ofthe-road popnllttt, called
on Prea ideal MeKinley to pay bin re
ipeota. Fbeaa gentlemen have' known
h other ever since the latter entered
public life. Later, lliirk r Mid that
his nomination makes tl Icetioii of
Bryan Impoaelble,
" t last presidential election HrMin
r Ived alsnit B,S00,000 votaa," he
said. "Of this nmuhor at leejti '-.IHHI,-iHUl
rre popuhsts. This vear I will
gel 1,000,000 or possihU 1 , 750,000 i
that number. Thli will rut Bryan
vote to ...IKKI.mm ,,r loss. Whero i Ii
yjoiiiH I., get other Viitee neeessarv t
elect himT
-o i
Governor Smith Declares Appointment
Secured by Prand.
Alexander & Hexter
The Boston Store
A Snap for Saturday and Monday
200 Pairs
Ladies' Kid Gloves
In Black and Colors
Regular Price, $1.00 and $1.25
per Pair.
Pendleton's Big Store.
I test
r.n uctna.
lor it. Ytiu
lil v i
Beer in
iuls Headache
w Di.iues8.
Schultz Brewing Co.
A ..
"Piwsik 0 R, , K
for Infants and Children.
fk Kind Y.i ii Ilue Alwuys Itoiilit iias borne the. sltruu
Uire ol ( ha. II. J letehei , iiiul BJM been inude gMigf MM
IHirhonal uj.er lalofl tor oer BO years. Allow no OtM
to deeeive oil ill this. i- olliilerleits, IlllitutioliH unU
'Juat-us-uooil" urv but Blf geil tg tuU eiiOaiiKer the
health of Cbildrcu-lixiMTieiiee afuinat lixiiorimelit.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Beure the Signature of
"UUDQ HuQie. MBWPf aTsr '
J in Use For Over 30 Years.
S ore Tit-
n,. tiffin
' It . 1.
fn. tl
"ad Ik. i." '"'slernUi. H ru.
aJfiS.r. i "''""'Ian. uit will
"-' ' til I nLnnuaaflwLJ 1 11
Hole! 1 ban
r o. i
' ... b..l.
London, May is. Maf eking has been
relieved. Tin- resirt is oAcial, All
Rngltnd is arlld with joy over t'oloiu l
Hailen-l'oweH's heroie defense.
Bullar Kmers Onnnnhiuner.
' in, 1 1... - - ii i
1 yeaterdav morning.
A ili-nali'h from l.or,.H7., Mum Hllv";
tatrai hw last S00 refnoeea a ho have thont midnlghl while the tbronil
I arrived here, auree m Kialinu ihal "f''r I he I exa ,V IHusifl
.i MHing waier iii mail ereeK. near
here, an attempt was miule to roh tin
train .
Fireman Oohbs was eovireil with
Hrave Kniilnoer Rttuiai tn stop Hli
M. I...IH-. Mav m. -A si,,.i I,, ,
uiapatcn ir.nu uongview, lex
la-t. 1
turning oneerf an. I men of the army Mafeking has been relieved. The
diaagree with the optimist ie views of of the war is ant ii'iiiatori D
tin. i'iiiiiiuiii. iitnathM lately held tjnaaB's Mrtnday, May M.
hy the press and the public. Kverv-I Lord Robert at Kroonntad.
thing seems to Mini to a long and de. 1 London, Mav IS. -The following dis-
vaatating guerilla warfare, ami al-1 natch hat been received from Lord
together the outlook It not Measuring. Robtrtti ''Kroonttadi Oenural Me
The Mareonl ijretem of wirelen tale. I tbnea entered Hoopead yeaterdav
rapiijr will sim connect all the la I nnoppoaed. Ueneralt l'ui.rev ami
Ian. Is of the Hawaiian group with
Honolulu. Stations have alreadv
i.eii ettablitbed hy H. Q, Orass,
promoter of the enterprise, on each 01
the islands. A proiosit ion is also
iimler way to MMnmunioate by the
Mareonl system with the regular mail
steamer, as they are coining into (M.rt,
when yd L1HI miles away.
m m
Daniell and fortv
him Ueneral
Lindley uetcrday,
regiatared voters in
There are ;tsKi
linker ooonty .
The Dew Catholic churches will
probably be built In Southern Oregon,
one at Klamath lulls ami one at l.ak. -
view .
In Marion OOnntV the registered Vote
DOmbert 6M0, a falling off of nearlv
1000 from the vot Dolled in the jiresl'-
dentin eleetl f istai.
Mrs. Clara Smith, agisl 24, lied in
Salem Wedneadny of oouen motion,
Heeeaseil was a daughter of fieorge
Emert, and the wife of I . I.. Smith,
of lalem,
"Hilda HobSOn," the Imgiis K.,1
I'ross nurse who swindle town, in Ore
gon ami ias recently in Kastem Wash
ingtOO is in lennla, working her
"graft" as Unsio smiih, the erippie.
Mrs. Sophrotiia Itowlaml died at her
home, near Carlton, Yamhill cunt v,
Oregon, May HI. She was bom in
Indiana, November M. gflS croeted
the plains in IS.V2, ami was married
April an, iH.vi. she left a nnafannd,
1 1. 1.. Itow laml, ami three ebildratt.
A movement bat developed at Cor-
vallb that promises to material i.e for
the Baanfaetnrs of plow banms.
spoki I, hulis, axles, ax handles ami
ninny other kindi of wiHiwork for use
in the manufactore of agricultural
implements ami farm machinery,
utilizing for the purpose the oak. Ban,
maple in,. I other wihhIs that grow in
Oregon forests.
The pension committee has agree.)
to report an lading war veteran hill,
hut has amended it eo as to Include
veterans of all Indian wars up to lets'
of alrtad provided (or in the act of
July -j:, iggg, This hill was reported
wltn an agreement, hnweer, that
it shuilhl Hot lie nlnd ufi at this MM
sion of congress, which practically
means its defeat as there w ill he little
f he nee to get it through at the nsal
Word has bean motived at Hllltbor
that Jacob B. French, an Oregon
pioneer of IS.VI, while returning from
a trip to Honolulu, died from uu at
tuck ol dysentery. lie wan a
passenger on the sailing ship Helen
Denny, bound from the sandwich Isi-
amis '.to Kurekt. Oat, Mr. French left
Bethany, Waabington eonnty, on tut
1 17th of December to visit the Islands
in quest of health. He die.) oil the
21st of April, ami was burled at sea.
Dk Shilohs7i
men ;i I. . i In
Broad wood occupied
after si ik'ht oiHisi-
tion, Preeidenl Hteyn was not (bent
ami the government ofBcitll hail left
there last Sunday.
I o in in a ii dan t Botha Taken.
General Button mounted Infantry
yeeterday surprised ami captured,
thirty miles northwest of this place.
Commandant Botha, Held oornei
Qaasen, the Johanneeborg policemen
ami 17 Boars, There were no caeualtiea
mi the British side.
Kllrhener In ( omiiiaiid.
London, May is. if is officially at
sertel that Lord Kitchener is in com -maftd
of the Mafeking relief column
an. I thai news of the relief of the
town cannot he txpectcd until Mon
day, Nawa Inoin Prolorla.
Pretoria, May 18. II is ofBclally
announced barn today that when the
laagers ami fortttroond Mafeking have
I n severely bombarded, the siege of
that place will he abandoned.
Kniillth Wall tor News.
Londoni May tl. England still
milts wltn Intenae and almott breath.
less interest for DCS of the relief of
Mafeking. A crowd, remarkahle f..r
the sum nor of men in evening drew
and Including many tallies, lingered
round the war office even after mid
night, hoping for some announce nt.
Only reluctantly did the pie dis
perse when the lohhies of the war
ntliee were finally eleared with the
word thai nothing had been received.
One tiling seems clear, the town still
boldaonC Wen- It otbtrwlta the Boer
wires laid to tl amp of the bs
leaguers would have llaahed the news.
And the HCVI Han l ome.
I.olliloll, Mill s. . latest news
from South Africa given detalli of the
past operations land to eonflrm the
view that tl ml of the war is within
measurable distance. The reiiori-
iroin i reioria inuieale great .1 1 -i . .iirage-
meat at recent reverent an. I po-.ihiliiy
, f an arly Mning for neSjOSi There is
nothing to throw light on the mystery
regarding Mafeking. The national
anxiety is struinci timed beyond en
durance, hut goinl news Is hourly ex
pected. How Eioft Was Taken.
Skeleton messages from Loronao
Maripie. ha ei on informal ion that
leaked onl al the Pretoria war office,
-hows that the Boar stunner- onSalur
day fell into a trap, t'ohuiel Baden
Powell permitted them to seize one
fort, and he then turniuniled and over
l.ore them helore a huge for.,- near at
band perceived his strategy, It wa
tboa that iiarle Kloff, ' Preoldent
Krugar't grandaon, ami part of his
uommando, were tnkeu and Hfti Itoers
pisioi 111 me nanus oi a man wl r
lereil I to get olT the engine. Kn-
gincer Jacquith opened wide tin
throttle an. I dropped to the Soor.
eillier ..I tin- rohliers uu alile to
catch up ii iih the train
Frank Rovie on Trial.
Walla Walla. May IS. - This is Ho
; fourth lai of the trial lu re of I rank
Koyee, 1 . I wnh the munlcr of his
'.r in. I it It.... i.. I.' If
p. I . ... ., , .1,
UlXle several weeks ago. The evidenct
is very strong against the prisoner ami
there is little ilmilit of his conviction
i . . ..
, r. hoi se is tn, HIliH w ho u ,
twindled out ,.f fMiuo by bunco tteerera
al N n 1 la Wall. i some niontllt ago ll
appear- that I rank It. se shot an. I
k;ll. I him largely bectuae of mean
lless coin, ed with the fuel that hi
Coveted the money the old man had
been twindled out of. One wltneet
teetlded that young loose hail been
beard to aay he would "lix the old
man lor losing the money,
Spelluieyer In the Lead.
Chicago, May IS. -BeV, Spellnievi
was in the lea, I III the halloting f.
i.i .i. . i. .t ...id. m
oisiiop in ii,, iienio,i. , onierence in
session here, this morning. The nam,
f Dr. Bo wen, tlMralorwdcandidata foi
Hie l.piscopacv, was ii itlelraii n. A
report providing for two addltiona
in i--ioii.ii i nisnops ior sia was
Wuman Kills Negro.
Wallace, Idaho. May Is. Mrs.
Ham Newton, of tins place, shot
killed a negro who was trying to
his wat into her house last night
negro was a blind pencil seller
his name is unknot, n.
Slaaeii Held Up.
Stock ton, Calif , May IM. Both
YoatmHc ralley stage, one going each
Mil Here hehl llli last I A I t
I lie passengers.
t'1Ki was secure, I in
Couah and
LstTinii mniiira
f. '''"' l"',"
Thi ) byond ui-tion the
moat uccsitf til Cuxh MtOi
cine ever kicwn to Kieove: a
lew dunet iiivetriably cure the
wVurot iaf vf i 'tifh. CffOttp
at 1 Im- . hit Lt, While Ufa Woli
derful MocJffifM in th cure of
Connumpt ion is wnnout m jur
ttllel in the hitttui y tit Rlffidli iDffi,
aSinuffi its rtint ditAovti y it h
been ft"id mi a uuutntitvr, m
itst which uu otCer iutiiLlae
cil Bttnd. If you have a
Coutfh, we enrnest)y ana you
to try it. In I'iuUm! Stattee itnd
i i i ... ltV , Uk. Mud I ' ", and
in Knliiud U. Vd . lid. stud
E w.
tVLi. rnurnniwn.j g t '
J-or Bttlt- by
taT"-: " Sa-aSaGi
Xalliunvu 4 Co. i lr ii
1 1
The Strike iii SI. LouU Continues
Had Retulls.
St. Iyjiiis. May IS. Jos. Itichards, a
motor man, was shoi, end probably
fatally wounded, on the corner ul
Laclede and Orand an one,, loday.
John t nk-, an employe of the lran.it
Company, wat shot at Pralrlt and
ithtna avenues, patrolman Barton
was -hot in the head hy an unknown
person, whilt riding on a leflsrson
svanne car.
Cars Are Stoned.
St. Ihiis, Mo., May In. Cars am
now nperatfng on aisut Iftaen Unas of
the I runs 1 1 ( ,o (be lact Ihut the
cars are stunad and delayed at nnes
peeked 'iiit- deti rs many from riding
iii them.
lip ll
They Are Accused of Conduct Highly
New York, May In. A serial to
the Herat. 1 irom Waabington aya:
"The ahanos of the Boer eommis
tiunert being received offiviail) iy
('resilient McKiuley ainl Secretary Hay
is lessened in coueequenoe of their eon.
duel in New York. It is unusual for
diplomatic representatives of foreign
government to come to the luitad
ItntM aiei miblicly annonncs the pur
pOM 'f ll eir mission before they oh
tain recognition. Some authorities
here do not hesitate to call auch con-
I act highly improper. "
Elegantly Furnished. Steam Heated
tiuropean flan.
Block ami a -had from depot.
sample Room in connection.
-aa aav
I HAUL mAHli b
A ii roue Miidltigt a k-t h niol dttncriut ion may
qUK'giy w ciuiin iii nniiiih not; wnwuci
lhchti!' la fr liutl u(filis!lf lii.litUl.tt'A
tloiinnlrlcf IrroiitldeiilUl. Hmnll..tok . ii 1'MttoLa
ttiil troe f)duit Mjfunry for not'uriiiaf outuittn.
I'ut.-iitn taken ItiroUk'ti Mumi ffi ( y. rectiiva)
Room Rate
.sue 75c, i oo saennnc J.mer can.
i.. i
: I
The laper uf tbe People
Eterybud) Ksada ll.
The Laraeet Clrealsilu .
The ail At.erital. t St. Ilea.
Iduaaat lr-
A Imiidnoiiittly illuatravted waeklr
ii'stih.i. -if miv m lotitltii louritetl 'I'ttriim
unj-: lour luoiit bit $1. bold by all i;. atluaJara.
O.saisoMt-i.fjgyy Ynrfc
inn, Waale. . u. c.
Welti i, gng am ties ur Miners.
Panrar. May is. At the ounvantion
of the Wesu-rn Federation of Minere,
in sesaio" here, action wan taken on
two amendments to the constitution.
In future, tba faderatinn will pay ex-
M'iine of one delegate from each union
In Hie annual conventions. The other
ptOYidSt that a majority vote ol the
executive board shall he tufflciaut to
sanction strikes instead of two-thirds
Best Stand Ever Known.
Tacomu, May IS. Statu (irain Oom-
miastonar Bead says tin, fall ami
spring wheat in Washington is the
heaviest stand ever seen in the state.
CMaagS Wheat Harkel
Chicago, May 18. July wheat, 074 ;
caah wheat, 73u s r bushel
Bxaeutrlx Dlsrhara-ed and Final
Approved by the Court.
Count t Judge .1. K. Bean has let I
final order in the mailer of the aetata
of J. Henry Miller, daceaead, diacbarn
nig the exeeutrix, Mrs May M
Miller, mi. Ioii of Mr Miller. Kinal
mporl and a intlng war made hy the
executril during April ami all the
proper Hot II es Were given. No ohjCC
tll.Hs h.lte lieell tiled ll) aiiyOlIC lo the
Tin- will of .1 Henry Miller made
MlW, Miller the anil, legatee, aller
Carta j I' si Hi. legacies have lieell paid
and Mrs. Miller is given possession
of Hie properly, slihje, I to the pro
visions of Hie will.
Deputy Ooonty ciert Lamblrth It at
work geiimg onl Hie official ballot
for the June elect ion
Bagietrar Frailer has nearly sonv
pleted tl troll men I of rugletuml
voter- The accurate li-i by ureeiuctt
will be given tomorrow in 'he Kaal
Oreg. .1,1,111
County Ch rk iurrough, la malt nil
the record of coyote sea In I,., unties
wed at the Mav term of eounti
court .
Ii .1 PbeluBi gnnrdian ol Ilia person
and aetata of llohert K. I rani, nil.
mil. Dual report. The property hni
been turned over to hi. ward, lbs
latter hating come of legal age, 21.
Chairman Htilar ol Ihal Coiinnlllee Has
a Oood Flan.
Harry I.. Holer, hairmau of the
committee on the mght parade for the
Fourth of July, has Isgnn to work out
tha idea, lor tln event and has a plan
that it ill appeal to en r)one as a very
go.,.1 one. He propose that every hslge
and Mi n t order represented in the
OOUntl hate ,; .,., M, ,,. parade,
Illuminated in some wsnmw ami w
lar as UOSslblS lllu.lrutlte ol (he
principles of the order, He believm
that not only every hslge in Pendleton
hut iii I'matiHa county he Invited to
participate, it is suggested that in
all cases in which more than one hslge
of an order is in existence in the
county the hslge. all pari H ipulo, hut
thai in some manner they join fori
ami inn. muke Hie llnul the greater
sillies.. If Mr. HeSter'l idea I
taken up hy the lodges a display
mm mat oi.icr. will lc maile that n
it.ell would make the night parade n
signal success.
In In n of the usual lot of mis, el
laiieous fireworks, it is the idea of tin
chulrman that an immense niimher of
Human candles I,. purchased ami
placed in the hands of those who are
in the panda. Certainly, the parade
IU be made the feature of the celebra
tion, if these plans are carried out.
Mr. Hex tar will make an effort to do
so, and will appoint cllieicnt assistants
on the committee.
e - e
Pine Beet.
Klder Brothers, who are big wheal
growers north of the city, brought in
this morning fourteen b, a. I ol tbe
lines! beef cattle ever seen ill the city.
They were fattened on wheat headings
and averaged Ibtio pouudl to the head
They were bought hy Brown ami West
of Seattle for their Klondike trade.
The intention ia to ship them into
Alaska Bud than use them for pack
animals into the interior caiiipe, mak
ing thaMU earn their own transporta
tion twforu being turned Into beuf.
lhc Scntle I omnim Will Press Anion
M (M
Senile Commltti Will
on the t'lirk resolution
liully Reported.
Waabington, Mav IS, The senate
Committee on prn lieges and elections
has directed Chairman ('handler to
press act ion on the Clark resolution,
as originally reported
A dispatch, was read to the coin
mittee, from Qovernor Smith, of Mon
tana, saying: I desire to present a
protest against Hie course pursued DJ
W. A. Chirk in attempting to defeat
the action of tile senate of the l ulled
Stales, ami protest against the methods
pursued by him in securing appoint
ment at the hand-, of the lieutenant.
governor during ma absence from the
late, iimler circumstances which unh
eal I Ins inn and fraud His con
duct, in attempting resignation and
procuring reappointment, if the matter
Ml. helore a court ol ni-llce. waild
Is. considered a contempt of court on
his part. I trust that upon presenta
tion of b is credent nil- that the sa
be transferred to the oommlttae mi
privileges ami elections for investiga
tion, ami that I be permitted to make
unplele ami detailed statement of the
facts concerning the resignation ami
appointment of t lurk.
Case lioei Over Until Mnmla.
Waabington, Mav IS. An agreement
has been reached botWWOU the mem
bers of the senate committee on privi
leges and elei I ion. ami the friends of
Senator Dark that lhc matter shall go
over unt ll m xl Momlav .
The Principal I hariies Aaalnsl Havana
Havana, Mav I, The principal
bargee agtinat the Haiana noetmaator.
K, I'. Thompson, who, tilth W II.
Iteeles, deplllv auditor of the island
and I dttaid Moat and Jorge Masi an..
sban slacks m the stamp department
was arresti.l eiues.m , Hill be thai
he entered ii i oii.oi ru. tilth t'orvdoti
Bleb i clerk, who has ttklMTWlsdged
tnanv ol the tran-acl ions and Hill gne
vldence lor the government, to shield
C I W Noel i , liiiaiii i.il agent of i.ist.
The prosecution savs Thompeon re
elvad vouchers ami ordered thai
hanges he made in the bookl and ac-
ounfa with the manifest Intention (
hlehllllg N'eely.
An Acaouipllcs ot Naeley'l.
Ilatana, Mav IS. W II. Heovcs. th
lepOtl ambassador o the island. Inuilo
onlesslou tislav, and gale up ,rgkl
given to bun In NeeleV. the financial
agent ol the ismts, ul Haiana, In per-
lorm certain services for him the day
he left the I. laud.
Counterfeited Stamps.
Muncie, I nd., Mav is. The gnvern
meiil detective, who has I ii workina
Ie- Minn ie end of the Cuban embez-
leiuenl caee, made a stuiement that
Hie real steal has been in sale of the
niliterfell slaliios, which it i. aliened
has I . , i , printed in this city IIioii-
mils o dollars worth of these bogo.
.lamp, are said to have I n I
and di'lrilnileil to Cuban ii.tma,ra,
BUSgatMf lonrasias.
Sbskholm. May IS. A dispatch
from Kskilsluua savs: I'htliii
Sorluiiil has fully eolifeaaiai that he
leltlsratelv plaiund the crime he
lUimilleil on Isuird the steaun i I'ruu
Carl Weihie-d.it nighl, when he shot
and killed seven men and one woman
lie I Hounded lite others.
Reported by I. I.. Nay Co., Chleago
Board ol Trade and New York Stuck
kaahaiias Bruksrs.
Mat Is I here was a better lone to
the wheat market I, .lay and the i.rnc
at the close -hoHed an adiaiicn id over
I . lit Irolo the ola'tiiug. I . i , ... I
b.sed II S lower, ,'i S. Cbicaao
pencil '4 loner, gg 1 s, for July, which
as the b.H poini oi the .lav and
under gis.i buying tatvaaced lo 1I7I4.
s,s k. all higher. aloney, .'!., pa r
('loan yesterday, OB 1H.
0s n today, IMI I N.
Range t.siay, no i n to ta,
Oloat tislat . 1,7 i n to i;4.
Come and bsik at the bicycles at tbe
i 1, , r.l Alfelicv III the I'. a. I lo. '..,..,,
nub ling 111, tele. I 1 . small amount
wn and the balance in monthly Uk
no interest.
I liiciila
I Iiiternutional
? Ilici itkiiakrv 5
X -i ma i mienui n
X The una t.tt Stnttrd I mhutlty, 9
Z -,. ,!. If. it ji I Drwvawr, X
I 0 ggT- eaeaft MUUllitHl X
l uiuateatet X
I r n . -."C-U" i - -X
namaani a " 6
r-xaaa n i. nolo. ,i.i. A
PHI e i" i" i i
LtBII a" ft
x gP-sC" '! 11 '-llss .sal uo nppili .in.", lu
Au.ac. MrrrlMiu t w.,tiilyalia-i a J,
y li,k o. i.i Mum. V
0 ('AI'TION. nui U tlacslved Ian
9 buying small .1 ailu i
9"VVblr's bkilunarlcs " 1 . UuanO '
9 I llll'lsil" I Wl 1.1 I 'm I ll, I l l IU II t I
A .., , in 1I10 varsnii !., bssi , , , , ... ... irs us , ,
A lit iruul tovii .4 fcli'.vt 11 1.1 1 1. ..
O (Aas5 (ntur.sto (usso (nv
5 unmmy mvamy Vaaiisas J 5uiway J,
Oregouian. Daily
in .,1 Waakly
, Wtekly ga 00 a year
Take the Uaat
Si uu a year by
gi.50, and Ueiui
Hauiilsr free