East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    Ple Rend
Before You Bio
Call and see the larirest line of
Hen's Boy' and
Youths' Shoe
in Kiatern Oegon. Our Me t'a
Goolyear Welts in Bisek and Tan
$2.50 and $3.00
cannot lie duplicitsd 1" the r it v
The Boot and Shoe Men.
ggg Main street, Pendlei hwgoo
noa oom i v nuuscium.
HVrebv anneum.-hlm.ell k . an li'l.il In- I!.
office ..( County Treaturerat Ike eaealag Jun
ion Jl'sTlCg Of tiik PSAOfc
iier-i. iaBMMeaaei himself a eaadl tat.- tor
jusm-cot the peeee. reaateion dletrlet, at Use
ensuing jejM election.
Figures from Washington Show the
Growing Grain In Pine Condition.
A. Kupn-. win. make- Iba govern.'
ment reports t" tin- department ol Iba
inti-ri.ir from thin cntintv. ha- received
tin- monthly r.-p..rt (nun Wunhin.toii
of tin- condition- fleeting the growing
crop iti tin- United stat.-. given by
ntat.-n. Tin- tola In and averaiien "ii-fltituti-
a Ix-ar feature on tin- wheal
marki't. M tl ndlttOO of tin- crop ie
kucIi as t.' indicutc a hiy acreage ami
it big yield.
For Oregon, tin- report ln - tli.
fluent oi pr..-j eel, the HgUIW being
Oregon I'roncnt acreage compared
with acreage men hint fall, Un.l per
Pre dent acreage
acreage harvontcd i.i-'
Average aoadltioi
ier cent.
Winter rv.-, a era."
i, nr.1 par teal
Melliluw. Ill-Mill.'
compared with
year, lll.o p.-r
li. I i t ion
eoadttioo Mai i . 10a pei eeol
i.ring i-a-tor.'. av.-raii.
May I. 107 in-r cent.
Spring p I. .wing, pr.ip.irti.-n already
done on MllV 1, 4 par rent.
Par t'niatillu i-Miintv, Mr. Rnppa on
May I nia.i. - tin- following . -timati M :
Neeent acreage winter wheat . .-one
l-ur.il with urn-age la-r war. MV. i. r
cent. I
Average eondHioe on Mar I, 106 par I
. ent.
Meadow land",
Mai i. 101 pat oaat
Spring pa-tnre,
May i. 107.
iv.-rag.- condition
average condition
Soring plowing. proportion
Maj li "". p.-r oaat.
At fin- present time, 'hi p.-r cent of
the plowing ip done.
The enin in in fully a- good eoadl
tiou a on May 1. mitini,.- liaviug -,-eurred
in the weather line to alter the
im preepeote.
Arrivals at the Hotel Pjndlolon.
.1 i TUmaae, Portland,
Q W Hunt ami w lie. I', r 1 1 am I .
.-.. II William. Portland,
T C Bold, A-t.in.i
w i: Gleadinning, Port land.
It II IVWeenc, K.inse Citv.
(' M frmKh, Portland,
c.vken.ial i, Portland,
0 i. War.icn Portland.
A Oppaabalmar, Ban Franeieeo,
C'ha- I' ( .it--. St Louis.
w J Prink, BBtarprnw.
W T Blalop. citv.
Jan Mover, Portland.
y T Wabar, Walla Walla,
N lierkeley. jr, city.
II A VaaafulBBWi Tampa.
M Delavege, Spokane,
ii R loauuara, Portland.
K H Newell, Hpokane,
ti W Harrl-. Portland.
J II Kloecknar, Spokane,
It Maj . Portland,
(' A Fueter, Low. -11, M.i-.
W J Jobimoi,, Walla Walla.
J J Alnop. New York.
Sain Lee, .kam .
P I'. Iluiiiieker spokam .
0 II Dndarwood, aeattle.
ran ll ir.-.-n , si okaaa,
A w i .....ii ; and wile, "prat at
Mrn . Harnett. Athena.
J ti Palna, Walla Walla.
A .1 far ami wife, Arlington.
C M Qrahaai ami wif. , Chicago-
Bloyalai can ha naitihaawl a' the
Oraaaaal Aaaaa) in tl..- Raal Oraaonlaa
building on iiiitalliueutn, payment (1,
or more, a week. No hii.-raal
New Lines Just Received....
Kodaks and
Kodak Supplies
k Gunplctc Ahsorttn.nl
Stationer v.
All the I utwst heet Music
The 1. ales'. Papers uinJ Pe
riodica lt.
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists
Comer Mam and Alta Streets.
li-IW;N' pump miti - at Stilliunn'a.
Iladley chner, choice cinars.
KtIM and 0t. gelatine M !! Mar
tin 's.
specialty. Chan,
chicken, nt the White lloaae
gr. .eery .
Batata painting
tad pstpcriiitf , m
( ha-. I. aim.
Ball au.l get lint of IQe ihaal
at TalUaan A Oo. 'a.
Hulk "I ive. I Weal ami mixeil picklen.
Whit.- Hoaaa Oroeary,
Oho chow in hottle-. nariline- ami
lunch g la, at Martin'.
Our crennu-rv hutter in necoml l..
Bona, Whit.- rlooae Orooary,
Bwfatii Idnhrnmrr. daaai ami after
linm-r clieene. into iioune.
McCall Baaaar pattamr (or aala a)
tie Waai -I Daparttnanl stun-.
plenty f Milton ami ll 1 Blm,
atrawbarrlai at Demotfa, fr.-h every
Cloning out at log radttetiona to re
tire from hlininenn. Vailghan'n Kacket
Mnalln nndarwear Qnantlty ami
tylaaa ntrprlae, Waaaal Dapartmenl
Plaaat lot of Baatarn bama, baaoa
an. I lar.l on the market at U. K Da
largeet line ol
ritv. White
II. ,11-
i Iroaafy.
I tnaae
ti mar lee
a Kpi cinlty mi larjj.
full ami nee in.
If you want pure home
with no mltilteration g
r.-ml.-re.l lar.l
. I.- Bebwan
ami iireiilich.
Tin- dlllaam ..t Walla Walla are as
pea tad to eon tribute UOOO lor a lounh
oi July aalabratlon.
Bacalalor Ooancil, n... 104, or.ler of
pernio, ti t- Prtday night at S p. m.
in Mendrlok'r hall.
Ih-livere.l to any part of tin
i. int. ouart or gull. in, Ham
city by
ic- cream at War.!
Coraata, laaaa, aaihroldaflaai boatary
ami underwear all the new niimnier
tylen. Wenei Department Store.
Durkaa'i nlad draaaiaa and On - A
Blaakwall'l olive oil, higiiet grade
food in the world, at K. Martin'-,
liver the 0. li. & N. tO Chicago. 1-1
cir- ..t ibaap ware rhlpaad tin- dm ru
ing by John Towne, a buyer of live-n.-k!
Iraaoaal a baele,
113.80; Laaaa wbirali
ralnaa n aaoond haml
fllaaini wheelo,
wheels, to clone
out. Nolf'a.
Huy your cream ami i. .- cream from
Candy Datton tor partial ami aoolala.
It'n tin- beat. Can lie (urn i he. I on a
minute - notieo.
ladraaa on Iha (Jaattllla raaarratlon
nr.- arranging for a Fourth of July
Celebration thin year. Tiiev are now
trying to lom the plan- aiming the
A la.ly'- ehainlaai Oolaatbla, go.nl an
new. a tr.'i wheel, for aV at tin fri'--
eaal aajartej in tin- Baal Oaajoalaii
hilililing. A go.nl nee. ml haml mau n
wheel for lU.
Kilwanl Swunnon. one ..i tin- nrooria-
tor-. .1 the oxooanaw bowl in Walla
Walla, in mi ing from that town. He
baa aaadry obUgatioaa in that town
whi. h need hi- attention.
"Ii,- Witt - l.itth- F.arly Iti-ern are
the till, nt l.ill- lever Ue.l " 1. .1 .
Moore, MIlTbnok, Ala. Th. aoiokly
ciin- all liver ami howel tmuhlen.
Tallman A Co., Leading liriigginu.
Tin- registered voter- of the Sumpter
i r-
mctn in im I ot nearlv taa while
tnoee oi Baaar uiiy
bar 1 000. Mam rural
praoiaata num
VOtae are r. gi--
tarod in tie- nraciu.'tn oi both town-.
W. ll. lioger, recently committeil
I to jail at Sah-ni under a prelimin irv
! hearing i i tie charge of ran-, pre-
(erred bj Don Millar, larniabad boada
men in the aan of (.'imi and wan re-
lean. .1 on Tuenday.
ll.-n Mill.-r nt.ig.-driver from Can-
yon city, t.i Uapaaar, report- tin- oon
luitlon ot the read- In the MMBtalM
a- araatly latprovad, asaapl on what
I- known ii- .Medicine UMlge hill,
where a lew bad h..le- -till remain.
Baglatrar Oharlai a. Praaiai in at
Ota enrolling the naim- ot votera
tent in from OOtalde pnclnotl when
the retfintr.it ion period had clen.-d.
lb- will have the rig in. t rat ion complete
tomorrow or next day. At tin- pr. nt
time the exact ragiatntion cannot he
"After -offering fr-.m pile- f-.r iKte.-n
v.-ar- 1 wa ratad bv u-ing two UiJi-
"ii Da Witt'n Witch Uaaal -ai. ."
write, W. .1. aaattar. North llr.Mik, N.
(.'. it haala everything. Boamn oi
tntarttita. Tallman .v Co., lead lag
"After niifferiiig from n.-v.-n- dy-
p. p-ia ..ver twelve Man ami lining
manv rein.nlie- witlioiit permanent
go.ni i anally took Kodol Peiaapaia
Cure. It did llie BO much g.nnl 1 re nin-
mem I it to everyone.' write, J. K.
Watkine, clerk ami raaordar, Chilli
coihe, Mo. it dkjaati what yon eat.
Tallman A o., laadlna drutftfiatn.
A gain.-of haneluill ha- inen arranged
bv the Pemlletoii team with the
Atbaaa team for aaaday next at taa
Pemlletoii grouada, at L ..'clock in the
afternoon. The Pendleton men BMrflt
that thm time the game will really
take i. lace, u- a forfeit ha- ln-en put up
by tin- Athena team for their ap-H-arauce
here on tin- date npecitled.
Ti..- phyleal ealtare inttitalnmaal
of the public ichooll will take place
tin- evening at tin- Ptaaar opara hoaaa,
when the program which wan pub
liahad In IhejBaal Oregon las will be
curried nllt. Thr proceed- will in- de
Voted to tilting up the gymnasium of
the public aehoola In the naa aaaambly
hall which baa been erected ell the
Tin- field day -.1 the Pcn.ll.-ton Malta
eohoola and the Wanton normal nchool,
wniah la to ooror on Saturday atttau
at Blmpaon cv Parinajar'i racetrack aaal
of man, ahould have a large atten
dance No admlmlrai in to be ebargad,
The atadaata hare ban Iralaiaa ',,r
ih. ev.-iitn. ami the two rahoola will
. have a warm comn-titn,ii lor the lirnt
' place in the content.
Deputy Sherlfl Voumj
Walla Wall., Wedneedaj
Webb, who encape.l from
arrived in
with John
Iha a-ni-April
; tentiary at Walla Walla,
IKIMi. Hi- wan nerving a
term for
burglary, and wan engineer of tiie
alaeiriaai nepaitmant . Oaa alabl ba
cui the wire.-, leaving tiie institution
I in utter darknenn. Iiiiring the atten
dant confunion Weill, made Inn ercan-.
lie wan captured in California.
President .1. P. Ulanton, of the I ni
vermty of Idaho, announce.- a DBh
, raralty wmmarMoool to oaan June 20,
und to continue nix weeks. CoiimeH
of instruction are oflered in the com
mon and high nch.Mil branches, inunic,
j phvuicul culture, nature atinly ,
! pedagogy - pHycholoay, matbamatica,
the eleinulibl u( agi i. iilion
an. : 11 the auciunt end mutlurn lau
I guagon, iucluilniK Hpauieli. A daily
lecture will be given on -nine Intareat
ing nnbject. Tuition in free.
J. K. Kirkland, ol Milton, in in town
John L. Cox in ill town from Inn
home In Alba.
Mrn. B, L, Harnett, of Athena, i- nt
the Hotel Pendleton.
J. (i Paine, of Walla Walk), Ik reg-inter.-d
at tin- Hotel Pemlletoii.
Mr. and Mr-. ;. W. Hunt, of Port
land, are at the Hotel Pendleton.
Minn Cox. who wan a guet of Mr-.
N. Berkeley, jr.. i.-ft thfi morning for
T. C. Raid, of Antoria, finh c -
mlaaloaar i the ntat.- ..f Oriajon, in at
the Hotel Pemlletoii.
Henrv lllackwell, of Fox Valley, a
.. .,, .....1 ... ........ 11..
w.l ROO, -O'.M.I.,... ... -...,. ...
baa a large number .l hogn ranging in
1 anian vaney.
Mr-. B, K. Raader, mother ot L.
B. Reader, and Mi Bilk Boatwlek, a
nlaae ol Mr. Reader, ( Taeoma, an
vialtiag at bin homo on Water itreat,
W. K. Parker and II. C. Mean-,
prominent altlaana of Umatilla Land
ing, were in town W.dm--.lay.
"Hank" Mean- i- the genial landlord
oi UBMtllla'l baal hotel.
Qaorge 11 Wllliame, oi Portland,
(ormarly attornay-gananl of the
United flmtee, under Praaldanl Orant,
in nt the Hotel Pemlletoii. He ca up
to appeal baton tin- roprame court.
Mr-. VanHoree, of Walla WalU, i
rialting bar daughter, Mm. P, K.
Wam-lev. She exi-.-ct- to l.-ave in
about a we.-k for MadlaOBi Indiana,
(or a vinit to her former home, after
manv v.-ar- ot absence.
Members ot DUlrlot Conferonoe at
Galloway M. E. Church.
The di-triet . .inference at (iallowav
chapel. It, K, Church, -oiith. ha- I n
In iaaaioa now for two daya, and the
clergymen who ar,- in attendance ban
had very intere-tillg nennimi- The nee
retarv'n roll ahowa thene ore in atten
dance :
Kev. J. ('. Thmnan. pn-niding elder:
ltev. L. P. Shearer, of Wenton and
Milton: Kev. P, 0. Atkiim. of lam
nierville: Rot. B. B. .lorn-. of Ln
(.rami.-. ltev l. w. Voaknm, of
Na'mpu and star. It.-v. F, M. Can field,
of Wlnvllle; Rev. W. P. Onjr, ol Pan
dlatOfl : ,1. N. Riliehart. lay delegate
from BamaMrrrlliai David Ooffman,
lav ii.-b -gate from Pandlaton.
Little bnninen- wan trail-acted the
rirt day bevomi tin- appointment of
the decennary committee, ow ing to the
aba an ol a number oi the Biambera.
COmmltaHM were appointed mi the
follow ing -uhje.-t-:
Spiritual -tat. of the church. itiar-t.-rly
confercm e record.-, linam e- .-1 1 1 ,
da) ichool and education, Aiihtimi
Blbla noci.-ty, miaaiona, Kpworth
I., ague- and temperance.
ltev K. P. lireen, pa'tor of the
Walla Walla church, in in attendance.
and w ill reprenent the movement to e
tabllah a enoreh aibool at .Milton, it
in believed the opportunity in nil 'll a
t,. warrant the . oiif.-r.-n. e giving lap
port to tin- project. Thinafternooii at
i' o'clock, Sir. Qnen addnaaad the
conference in behalf of the Klboolj
th alanaaa baing In naalal aaaalon
for that pnrpn-e.
Ill -v. A, V. Sk.-e. of Sln.kane. lb-
li.-rei the n.-rinmi mi Wedne-day even
ii.. ami Id-v. I rank 0. Adkinn
praaahad thin morning at in o'clock.
Thil evening. Kev. .Mr. tin-en will'
pn-ach baton th nf.-r. tu c
hi itt'
ir 'mi
rm Tot.ei..jM
. inaki-. oatli IIm' h I.i.
I.i ca
.eiu.tr partner of th.- tlrui of F.J. Cheney A Co.,
l-iiiik- nii.inec In the city of Toleilo nn .
atet stale atorenaid. au.l that nal.l hrni will pay
in.- ..on ..I nn- Bandied In, liar- for eaeh an-l
ever, ,-a..-of i aiarrh that eanuo' b,-curcl uy
ike aee .( Halt'-1 atarra Care,
laai a hi eesere mm au.l aiheernrad la ray
w arsaeae. this ata day of Deeeasaer, A.
I 1 1' 1M'
, A. w ouuaoN.
Ualls Catarrh ('nr.- i- taken Inte'rtially and
ari ,llreclly on tin- bloo.1 an.t mueoai .nrla.-e
of Ihe too-Ill. n. lei (..r (e.l I lie lllal-. free.
Y J. CIIENKY A CO., Toleilo, Olllu.
m.lil lo .Iruasi.l-. 7V-.
Hal. . rainlly 11 11- are- the U-tt.
Reported b 1. L. Ray a Co., Chicago
Board or Trade and New York Stook
bxohanae Brokers.
May 17. The wheat market a-.liill
and nature!. toda) and while I.imt-
pool aiooad IS higher, 6 8, Chicago
cl I 'ac lower, ini :., July.
Tin- opening ma naabanaad at tMt
t..ini:.s, .inly. There waa bal little
doing and tin-di - line wan ntcady to
the aloaa al 14, R. It. atoaka aara
"tiHilv lndii-trial- aoiik. Mom-y L"j
par aaat,
Qlasa ve-t. rdav. in'.l, t. gg T-S.
Open lodav, I c, to B8 7-s.
Range Ualajr, an S4 lo H 7-.
Oloaa toda , .; $4,
Neubuej Oanee,
.-.nurd. iv avaalag. May 10, - .-r -bad
la Invited to tune, A dai nation -Vi
aOMa. All win. att.-ml ar.- reoue-i, ,1 t,.
wear naglagaa nlrta. Daaalag eoaa
aaaaa at D o'clock niaVriuory hall.
Bear. Ihe ilgnalure of i'u.u It Fr-arrc:
lu un- lor more triau thirty ycarv and
Ikt A'fJ Pte aVw.n itjMjttt,
An iii.-t..-date bicvclc at S", ladicn'
wheel- a.t. at the ('r.nccnt Aouey in
the Kant Oragonian building, a ho
olid-hand bicycle in (j.a.l order for lo.
Term- easy, without interest.
may ba able to pick up g
piece of dress guilds and l) a close
axaminaUon t tin- tsxtiura ba a bis
to tell ale nit what it is worth. Hut
you inilit MUUnidS '-Uur Alter
noon" ASS until yon wen- graj a.nl
not lie am wiser. Y on
Get Full
benefit only
in tin- chaariM cup that satisfies
U rawness and indigence ol the
stomach, living over the whole
body, and strengthening exceed
Owl Tea House.
TalaphoM No. ij.
Exhibition In Window of Tallmens
Drugstore Attracts Attention.
In the w indow of Tallman 'l drug
ntore lire llll'-h'Ve.l
1 I. ..I " -
rra cimena 01 me
of Field nchool.
! which have attracted conaldenole i at
tention during the da) The 1 ield
-ch.nl children are the three h.went
' grade- und are theref-ire very little
people, and yet they can draw and
, ,ni- v,rv oicelv. a- the work din-
worn, o, , ,,.,0.-0
plave.1 Indira tea. The three gndar. an
I taught by Mrn. John llail.-v. jr., Mr-.
Win. I Itagenld ami Mim blale
I Folrorn. On Wadnaaday, the children
I il IhMtu afaitea MVe I nnblio oxblbl
tlon In tin- aaaambly hail on Iba hill,
ahlh Ma alt, .ml..! In manv of the
panntl and friendn. The little people
went through the rarloor aaaniaaa in
an manner an t.. ihoa the excellent
training they have had.
Now Cook nt the Golden Rule.
The Golden Huh- hotel baa lately
employed a Brat-claei French aook ami
all pern.. ii- that relinh the b.-t of
meal-, nh. iild natronie ii- table.
A. J, Jackn anu angeled at North
Yakima Mondaj mi a charge ..f
bigamy, He i- wanted in Wael union,
Iowa. ' when- he w ill taiui trial, on
tin- charge preferred by oaa of inn
num. -rou- wlvee,
PACIFIGTo the Public...
I'll 11 man SI.epinii Qtrs,
i L,u,: Dining Can,
Tourist SlMping Cars
h a Rao
and all pot&tl l.a-t and South.
Through HekeM In Japan me I China, via
Ta. "iiei .net Sort le.-ni Ca. ni.- .S(cainhii i ...
aaa AaMrieea uae.
Train leave. I'cn.lleton .tally except nun. lay i
at asm ii. m.
For further information. (Int.- card, map, j
ami It--set, -all on or w rite . .vlamv Pendle.
lea, "res.n. or a i CHABLTOn, i
Thlr.1 an.) KorrhSMI Bm.i l-orilaii'l. Ore. ,
The New York World.
Thrice a-Week Edition
aliiost a daily at Titti pkicp.
oi a WBBKLY.
The niont widely circulated "weekly"
newn.a.er in America i- the Thri.e-a-
Week eilltloll Ol 1 be -New York World,
and with tin- presidential eaniwiiau
now at band vnu canm.t do without it.
Here ar me of the reunonn why it
in easily Iha lender iii dollar a year
journal i-n,
It in inniied every other day, ami in to
all parnoasa a daily.
Lvery w.-ek . ach niilwcrlber receive
IS .a, ami often during the "buny"
-.1-1. M pSgSa each week.
The prise II on!" 11 n'r year.
It i- virtually a daily at tin- price of
a weekly.
Itn in-w- covers every known part of
the world. No weekly uewnpaar ..nil. I
stand alone and (omiab BttSn MTV iee,
The I'liri. i-a ASeek World ban at itn
(iisponal all of the rennurcen of the
jrreate-t uewnpaper in exinteuc, the
aroader ol nMxran j.uirnalmni
"American ( .r.-.n.-i N.-wnpnin-r," ae
it ban Un-ii ju.tlv termed The New
York World.
Itn Militical in-wn i- ah-olutelv im
partial. This fact will be of enecial
value in the pr. -idential MUnpalgn
aaaiiag mi.
The ls-ni of current llction is found
in it- eolaauav
Th. ne are only souie of the raasoaai
lln-r. ar. others Kead it and Ha
them all.
We offer tin- iin- iptalod new-papi-r
and th,- weekly Kant (ireaonian to
(tether oaa y.-ar (or jl!. Tin- regular
nnluicripti..i price of the two pai-r- i-
Tin- Tri-Waekly Wovld ami iba lenai
Weekly Kant lireaoiiian one rear for
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
Huston At Carney , frop'a.
I.-.v.e IVudiet n ,-very Jay x' ' i't!.-.k
aaaapt Sunday, for Pllct KK;k, Nye,
Kbige, Alba and L'alah. Goad anonai
aodattoaa, Kaeonable freight and pas-
eiwer rates.
' ItJ ofrlee a TUlnian Co.'a 1n.'K
1 V
viitvvriefii i g
Locust Hill Poultry Yard,...
Hnrre.t Whlti Bnfr Plymoetb keeta
Hr.mli nrei Vt hit- LeahorBs.
Illm-lt l.n"hnlo.
Rhode Inlaii.t Hl:
Egg-ii .'. ai m-ao.i r- i-: "
Guy W. Wade. Pendleton. Or.
agani "tamaatt'i Daatb ta Ue."
Hand made Harness
, hi Uaoh i nwrv
ftnti. foriMHW oil. Wriuii U yth;
BniBhef, tc. Kcprtlrlnat rmpM
t.-n.itMi t.
cnurtstmt. Wln-nler IliilMlne J
Depot Livery Stable
lilvln Craig. Prnprletur
tjt.it-" PlaaRarlrlli Henm
HrM-ClaM Turn out
Cab MTTtcc tli day nn.1 nihl
ltti (or t'.niim.-r.'U! l--n -I leiiy.
T,-l.-,.h.llle S :-.
Some Bargains
tali 1 IFS
In New and
at II. J. BtiUman'g
1 have in my employ BtBt-clM Tinner and
Plumber and am prepared to lo ull kinds of work
in thai line
Hot Air, Steam anil Hat Water Heating flante
po' up In the most workmanlike manner.
All work guaranteed. Lei me figure with you.
I also deal in leoond-haod goods as wall as wall as
new goodl. 1 all aiul iee nie.
Smith iSc i i.i be i Mroprletnra.
Oood, Dry Wood. Prompl Delivery of
All tirden, A.lo Coal in Anv Quantity,
Telephone w
Old Dutch Henry's Feed Yard
KIT HAYS & CU.i Proprietors.
All kind-oi Hav and Qraln lor aala. Boiled and B Banned Barley, gaar
an teed the baal on tin- market. Plenty of Mail r t, Qood bam. iii uorrala
for loose stosk. Raara ree able. Qlve ua a call,
You Can Get
The Celebrated Pilsner beer
in bottle.-,, delivered to any part o: city, at
$1.50 per 3Dcz3r..
aaa- Bottled by Goo. J. Pottnor
of menstruation; They are "LIFE SAVE-Wto frirlTa?
womanhood, aiding Uevclopm.-ut of organs and b.alv No
hnown raraa ly las aroaon eqnala them. Cannot do harm-life
. I'Mur-. M.OO !M:i ltt) UV JIAIL,. Sold
mm saxa ai rut: nonaaa dbd
Winslow d Head
Contractors and Builders
Jobbinir a Special!) .
Tankt to Order.
Ihoaoii t'otlonw.M-l St., between Alta
and Webb
i it , ,
Uady East O agaaiaa, debvercj by
terrier, only is ce -tt a week
Creamery Butter
Every Roll is guaranteed.
Full Weight; Fine Quality.
The Finest; Try it.
Money back if you don't like it.
The White House Grocery
Every Day
A GompBete
,..!..!(, Iln. et MeetrlealWPpllei We
,,R . . , u tv .,f.-aiiheii...i..i hoaaewlrlna.
. I i.l,. Work minr.iut I.
Peodletoi Electric Supply Hous
go, m Ceort ntieat
Pendleton Umbrelta Works
(taifarfllal nn.l rarl mal- t" order,
r '"i"u -i wpalre-l. ClockRapalriBl.
- .in a t, iilii.- reined anil re
: f V ..,;,.., line ..-wlllgnM'
. hiiu' tanartee.
A. J. Hislop I Son. Props-
i .... II. .t..i i Imo'iltl
c.ntrt ttreot. '
Farmers Custom Mill
Pratt Walter. Proprietor.
Oaaaeiiyi m barrah -ho
ytoar eaebaagMI for a heat.
Hour. Hill reed, i eed tve.l. etc always
.. ii bend
H oi ihi ret walls,oi
'"' "rapplaa i.iir,-.-.-.
a, "1.1 now-iwinr, In large
.. . .. 7.L-L-..-L' l-.,.llu.
I at tiik n-i okKOOKWH "Fkh:k. Nam
ton. iiK'H'iti.
OfSce C r Main and A'ta Sis.
They overconie Weak-uen-,,
bnarruluritv ami
ouiiuioim, in, roa.se Tiir-
r.r ...... , I-L
h irk nan mi, obeuom
Jersey Milch Cows
The tunWreigned oflan tar aaia FOR
JULY DEUVWtY, at hi- plaea IW
lllile- Went of Kcho. oil U,ltt..r IV...I
"""" '"'", I'ilfli tirade .lemey
,, ,,, , .....
..no, on nan, i,,r sale.
L'orre-nimlene,' solicited.
L. 0. ROGBM,
Reho, (nnsjm,
a I ,',-k
ly Ka.t Oieeeaiea. v
TATOM BROS., Proprietors.
paPARI Time Schedule ,.
imi From Pendleton. J r"i
tl Mall. Suit ljke. 1 'en ver, Knrt Pan u.
No .. Worth. Omaha, ki, y, ' , 1
Stile, m. - 'iiy. nt. Umi '
No. '; (thlceco and Beat, via BJi
IHJ p, m. Ofegaa Hln.rt Line. In :4a p
Reokaaa wait Walla. Ipokani
Fiver Mlnn.-adl.rl. I-Hiil, kW, r
go - DtlTath, Milwaukee No
: :a.m. Cbleaao and aaat, via , . . .
Ureal Northern
Kki Maii. nrttrMamtnea ik,.
1 s. iii. naaam . . y, 7
- o p in Ocean Steamships
From Portland.
For Han Francisco
Km ry Ave ilnyn.
n :flrj a in Columbia River I , ,
Kv Handa Stoamers. j
natur.lav ; lU AtlOTte ami Waj '
lea in ' Liill.lllig.
I.v Itli.nrla Snake Klver.
i jo a in Rlperta to Lewletaa.
la Ij u'iiii
Mlv.-.l trail. !, .- feadlelM lor WaliaVl.
at "::' p m. ana arrnreaat taa p. m.
For full Inlermetlon call or write lo
Ueneral PaeMnaer Aetat
I ortlau.t, orvson
f y Waaetmr, Agent. Pendleton. '
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
l or Chicago. St. Paul. St. Lou la, Kam
ai i iW. st. Joa, Omaba nd
All Points East and South
Portland and polr.ts
on the Sound.
Airiv.- Maadara, Wraadajreand iri.tY!
ii v.a in Tueedere, Tkareday. and aeiareeii
at I :., a. Ill
Departt dally .aeept laadar at uao r m.
For Inforninll. in reaanllnK rate, au.l .
Bwdatloai, ' all mi nr iul.tr.'--
W, ADAMS, Aaent,
t'etl.ll.'t.in, lir.-tf.iii.
Walla Walla. Maah.
The Fastest Shortest and Most
Direct Line
East and Southeast
0 .?-afV
Two Daily Solid Vestibule Trains
I'ala. and Tn.irl.l SU-"H'r. Iltiuie ' .i 1
a la Carle), Hllflet HiiniklllK all. I l.ll.rar, r
mull llarU-r nimp, Klrs(-i'la- Ie llDUa
(.'hair Cars (Free).
Pendleton to Denvev. Kansas City. Omaba
and Chicigo without change
'ii ..lie ehaiine lo New York, lln-i.ili an.)
ether ffstttm in.mis.
K.ir rale.. Ilukels ami lull Inform iti-.n call
on or a.l.lren- V. 1 Wallisjey. Aaeli' I. AS.
Co., or J ll. UrTHHOP, Uen'l Aaeet,
No. lai Third HI., I'urtlaiel oresuo.
tai uuoT gooag th
.Mniitana, I tah, Colorado
and all I nstcrn Points
..n... eh. .iee of two favorite riiui.'- i"'ti
I NION PACIfll Ka.i Mall Line. ..i tin RW
i ' I-! Heellle l.llle,
No Change of Cars
;; !
Ko, nipped with
Lief ant Standard Sleepera
l ine New Ordinary 1 ouiist MaSgSn
Superb Library - Buffet Cars
Splendid Diners meals a la carte
l-'ree Kecllnlng Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Lntlre I rain Completely Veatlbuled
lor dinner information aiiulv t"
AKent (i it a n. i la , Naaaaoa. or.
- k. KAQAL, a. t. (-(imaN,
Trav. i n- Ant. iien'i Af sal
124 Third St.. Portland. Oreaon.