East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    S3aTSr Thursday, Friday
Kasl Mark Drop Stitch Hose,
25c.; special jrif , por pair
Ki,i (Moves, regular priee $1.00 to
nm weoa,aii the leading market hm
ing made viilu.' losses, the chamm in
OK nairl
M in,. re than
v date only-
three pairs in any one customer, and fur
Ticket on PlMN with every 50c. purchase.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
ro pupils.
mam nwt,
5K0H0 m mrroni cv....
jtortOMin, llrst place, grade H7.
CtFletclier, second place. gradi
m Bail-;
third pin'''
fourth ell"
in the loateil lor the Dr.
Soilli iiriii1 f"r excellence in
Lu-.,! current events, the
naniiu: highest grades
0. .1
Iiv., ami. s . miggt.- rn-tener
M. ruin Miiaraei . hum. bs,
v ll.iili'v, 1'iiirtli, SI. I lnrt
. .1 .1 1 ... 1 ......i
111 ii.nii'lril. II"' '" 11 itrm-"i icuiui-h
I,, Mill! II' Sf I- I" ing in tin n-
l; . i (lit' I'llJ'll- " 1 iiii- caiuhiiiii-
i ; 111 1'iirri'iil i-vftit-. thirty-live only
lil,.i'iiiii in enter 1 hi- cutest.
flii ."iili't was innl'-r tin- charge of
i Ci I. Smith, urn' "l Hi'- iliri'i'lnrH,
III - gliNSrullsly offered f I . Ill CIIHll
nan te Ifcetwobesl papers banded
1:1. I lie t'Xiuiiliiiiri "ii uii'' comiucieii
WnllH'I.IV llfl'TI hill Till- school
II, Is-.ill till- till I' III- l-'llllllllttl'l' III
j;l.'- h" nwiinii-j tin- (trlaea being
E c s. Jaeksou, Mrs t'. .1. Smith,
Itrv. j. k. Hurl 1111. John K.
UlliMp. The viiii-mi tin' final award
I s-unaniniiHif. However , the paper
I ot 1 lour Iiil'Iii-i '-r-mi close 1I111I 11
I dunni-in aaeor two anaweri in unv
"iilil liavi- changed tin- result.
Nuv of tin- othan were excellent, ami
I 3 .31 .- .'MTV nil.' V M- I. lL.Mll creditable.
Tli' ip'iii-riiHin hi hr Mnitb in offcr-
iiw tin-imuli prizes i- miirli In In- com-
I nt-n-lnl. Hi- tia- iriv.-n great iniiii-tiiM
1 Km iinly el current eventa! mm as-
I' bhdeliTiiiinaliiiii I" rt-pt-ut the
pm-iivinir iii-xt year.
Tin- -Inpurt hi 11I i-nrri-iit events in
1" 1 ' I nlilir -ehnols
In- 1, in. nm ,- .1,1 lit- tli.,
"111 rrleeipal, K, H. Oonklin. It
Mncajajrad by the pupils, and
I'lwn lln-iiu-aii- hi stimulating tin
ifii'to iiilnrin theniylcveii on the
ipprnintn "1 tin- tiniaa,
H m ( the judges uf tl nit, -mi :
"m paper- banded In Ware prooi
mm iimi the nnpili have beea rare
I" in.lructi'il in 11,.- happening of
' world, anil thai they have Is-cn
Win a ptlrectlv uir ami impartial
'U'r regarding tin- political events
" !u trail. .! !i I. -
tan tin. liraih-l, i t,,.U- i.,.m i.L 1
ij briiifiiiK t" tl" .iiiilh 11 knowlediii-
Ittlfi iui-Ii . BSceada tlntt of tnutiv
Mr peoplt. "
"0n 01 the Answers."
'' i-:n ri- ..I 1 .1
lllllmli' l nui-il . I I.-...
... . "I '" rwr
-'" , tut- n,i , 1
iiitmilii.v I. ,,,., ..,.,.1,
it h -
.ri-H opinioiiH pro
Oirtn it. dtMintbtllty. Tin- nm
W MdihI plnea in tin- eonteat,
W riw-tln-r. win- nmrki-il n-rfei-t
itnal iiuention anawer, which
"Jr. ' niarh balna on the
in'' "i manner In irnloh aba
" tii, v hi. obtaiutkl
J t" i ""I- there would In- unv
m bavinii tin- Nii-nruiiuu OBUl.
,v"" " m 11 la oheperto htka
.r"u"' I'.v iMitnr t Ins bv rail,
-ot aourw, in trun; hut, if we
' on Id ll-HtroV tin-
,!" railroad. .Tl.i- p-oi,,-
silver-PlHti iva.,
ht""ks and Snnne
C uii
HI 1!
Ili.vii.. .
'"' f. ,. ."
and Spoons.
! J tha kaati 11 you wmn la
'' llitiv atoreal
Sl"Jo iiauri- '5 "v W lliu ami.
I 1l- ' . i , "n"'.''"' tin-"I'lu-.,,"
22 ' tin ' '''" iMlU.t tba Ubla
."'I n... . ."""til. tint I , in Ml I ,..
l 'r ui, ill. ,. I
tl'l l.lll J., ... . """Ill
. ... in' iiinii iiiiii-i ii r..t
Jeweler and
L Hunziker
wlin own tlir nllfOMI n r- uIwiivh im
provinu: tin- nniin-H mid rars ho n to
make more rapid Hpeeil. If the lanal
n- cut, it would tint have neur ho
mneh travel, ami, therefore, it would
not pay to he invent iim flint -y. . i n- ran-.
And, iiKikin. it would take iivvav work
from n (.'rent many men, tin there
wouldn't he ho inmh travel. Wean
ureal nation nml have gotten uIoiik hi
tar without the ealial, ho we eati run
t in in- to gel ailing without it. I h"
the pernon who OOfNOtl my papi
will think the BUM. "
l oi lowing ore Home ol the qneetlon
nihinitted. Thev will indieate tin
iiiiture n the eotiti'Mt:
The Uuestlons Answered.
I In.- (Iregon n lieutenant-governor
If not, how flocH the Htate Henale Helee
itn preniding offleorV Who wan the hint
prealdenl of Oregon atate senate?
Who rapraaenta Oregon in the Dnitt
Mali-H Henale. Who repr.-HentH Iiih
OOdgNHtOMl dintrii't in the nationa
booaa of rapreaantattvaa?
When wan the I . u ir-iutiu purrhiiHi
liiinle'.' W'hh t Iregon im liided in tin-
N ii tin- the prenident of the I'liited
Bin tan nml at leant live of hi cabinet
othei-rM, di-Higiiiit nig the particular
- Name the pr.-Hent Hpenker of tin
Iioiihi- ot rcpn-Heiitiil ivi-H. wliii ih
preaidoal pro ton ot tin- United staten
Ilow many nieniherH in the nation'
Iioiihi- of rcprcHi-ntntivcH and in th
I'liited Stuti-H Hi-nate'.'
Why wan Senator Clark of Montana
refnaed , neat in the I'liited State"
What prominent Americuii gein-ral
wbh recently killed in the I'hilippini
war, uml Imm hut Htate did he enter
the iirtnyV
Who in your opinion are the thrit
tnoHt prominent men in United states
urmv ; in I niteil staten tiavv ; three
tnoHt prominent of I'liited State- hi-iiii-
torn, ami three iiiohI promim-nt women
in t'niteil Mate-.
Who in the I're-eiil emhaHHinliir to
the court of St. .lumen?
l or whut ih tin- i-laii'l ot t Helena
noted, uml for w hul reei-nt 1 1 V
Whut kind of government Iiiih Alanka
W here are the Suinnuti i- Lm-I- and
for whut inten-Ht hun the I'liited Stut
in them'.'
Olw i-xuct dute "I buttle of .Manila
Whut kind of government han the
Philippine-; who in prum-nt (tovernor-
generul anil I. in -I. I In- Hiicceeil.
IMM two or three Ol chief helielll
he derived hv the people of I'uritic
couHt hv the hnilding ,n tie- .N n aragnu
runal .
Nuine three ol the principal caiim--
leading up to tin- South African ur'.'
Whut countricH ure involved? Who in
recognised uk the otliriul heud of euch
Name two prominent gem-rul- in the
HriliHh urmy, alao tWO in Boar,
Mow in the inland of t'uhu governed;
who in the prem-nt governor"
When uml where I- the national re
puhlicun convention to lie held, and
mum of the ttesctooratic?
Viee-l'reHident Unhurt la-ing deud,
in ciiHi- oi iieuth of Praaidani McKin
lev, who Honld aoooaad bitnT
Why has the United Stuten govern-tin-iit
demunded an imleiiiuity from the
Tnrkiah sjoearn m ?
Five Things.
The live diM-iiHi-H (or wiii.-l. shiloh'H
CoiiHUInpt ion Cure in entHM-ially recom
mended, lire Coughn, (' -Ids, Whooping
Cough, Croup and Oooatunption, Ko
medicine ever made by uiun in eqiiul
to it iu any renpuct. Suld under a
punitive guarantee. Money hu k if it
fails. S6 etn, 50 eta ami fl a liuttle.
Tall man iV Co.
Notice to Teachers.
Pendleton, Or., May U. Kxutiiinu
tioctl for graduation from the eighth
grude ol the pulilir nchool will U- held
on the MtJ) and Htfa of May at the fol
lowing plaoaa: Pandlaton, Adama,
Athena. Milton, Wenton, Helix, Kch".
DmaiUla, Wlol Rook, ukiak, DiMrtd
No. u, Vaaten MovntaiB.
Any public school pupils living in
I ii. ..i ilia OOOnty ure eligible to tuke
this anani nation ut any of the anova
BWntiooad plu.en, provided that they
have finished the common school
Tea ti ban win. have pupils te graduate
living in localities nut convenient ti
the above places can secure questions
for examination by applying to the
l OUIltV Hi I I Mlpcrilltclulelll . .1 I
Now I in.
It Will Do Vou Good.
A blood purilier and tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Koot Tea. Sold for half
..... w
a celilurv on our guaraiiiee. on.-)
refunded if results are nut sutlsluctury.
Prioa M ota. and 50 ate, Tuilman a
Whest Still Low Holders Expept Better
Prices Berore New Season Opens
Portland, May 17. -The Commercial
nevtew m its review of the arhaal mar-
ket for the week, in its hWDa "f today
Hays : Wheat was not Arm ,l,,r; CI
!'"' inil'iei - nnderlying the situation
is that crop conditiotiH upH-ur in a
more favorable light. This ih ri-Hpon-i.
tile for the tircHcnt eanier feeling. The
shrinkage in pricen, however, has not
Mn very heavy, and. while it is In.
POnibla to foretell the cnirHe wbiofa
wheal will tuke. yet the larger portion
of the trade seems to fuvor a sten.lv
hiisinesH right along ut priren about the
present range. I'here is a mal
......,.i.on- 01 win-in nun Hour at Euro
pean ports, and exporting countries
continue to ship fn-. ly. Latest wire
advices from London report buyers
less disHiHed to oK-rute and when
sales are pressed tin- seller in for I 1..
make some oonoeaalon, Uolden oooupy
the position indrMtad in our late re'-vieiv-.
and expect before the new
season opens that they will get much
patter prices than an- now obtainable,
In view nf the weaknesH abroad, and
comparatively high freight rate-, it in
dIAcull t" see how exporters are going
t" meet holilers' views, and pri-Hent ap
iearunces indicate sellan have t,. coma
down in price if thev wish to do busi
ness. ReOaiptl have been light
throughout, shipment- have been two
cargoes 1 it win -at and Imrh-v. The grain
eet 111 port is seven vessels piuraired
and one on the free list. W art'lii itisms
here have plenty of grain for all the
tonnage chartered. There is no ipeajal
anxiety among buyers to purchase stock
at prices higher than than .limli-il
rta.i ciub, ni to 5ri Vallev, BSei
Hliiestem. lit per Imshel.
Wheat In Ssn Frsnclsco.
San Francisco. May 17. San
isco market has weakened off, I
spot wheat ami future deliveries, in
sympathy with Kastern and foreign ad
vices, ami at the rinse the market i
dull and easy to weak at the decline.
The wants of exporters have been
small, but when forced to huv, shit
1 .. -.
pers nave neon compi-i n-,1 to pav
something more than the article 1
worth. Exporter! Bod little ancooragi
incut ill late cables, ami are lens li-
piised to 1I0 any business, The weather
throughout the important grain-grow
ing districts has perhaps Is-i-n nion
favorable, light rains having fallen.
loiioweit ny cool weal tier, ror export
purposes, wheal isipi.-t.-l at isi to to
per cental. This is as high a- blppan
will pay, and the majority are In
different about lining business at tin
latter figure.
Wheat and Wool In Pendleton.
Pendleton, dr.. Mav 17. With tin
11KJU harvest rapidly approaching,
bringing with it a new crop to go ofl
the market, the wheat remaining from
former crops is not selling excepting
111 scattering lots irom tune t.- turn
1 he local imirkel remains .it ats.ut 111,
nominally, tor .No. 1 club.
Wool comes in steadilv, hut no sal
have been made. Hovers are looking
at such lot- a- are 111, hut few clip
are yet all hauled uml the buyers are
therefore merelv looking. The pros
pect is regarded not g.nsl f,.r the quirk
sales that were minlc in lsiili, growers
tending to hohl lor higher prices
London wool sales indieate little pros
paoi for improvetnetit in price.
k I he groMIM
'th for
him the more and then apparently like
the Irish prince's enchanted bull, ho
men to leap "nine miles high,
" - wnle ami nine mil
I he hone and collar stru
about the same time.
Alter eyeing the collar on the ground
a lew secomls, he seemed to come to
'i onclnahm that tin- best way to get
away irnin it was to tack out quiet Iv
ami not let the collar know anything
annui it. Anyway, he hegan to hark
out slow ly. ami, the collar began to
move, too.
After this thing had been kept ll
for -nm.- time he evtilently thought tin
only poaatble way was 0 get over tin
collar ami have it behind was to turn
a soiner-ault. lie landed flat on his
hack in a shallow tlnth at the side of
the mad. while the collar settled
gracefully OB his stomach. Now in
sen-respect ing horse cm, I lor a
momeni consent to wear his collar oti
that part of his anatomv. Kinallv
with a supreme effort to free himself
the horse gave the collar a territlc
swing and wrapped the ro- so tkjhtl)
ir.-iiml his fore log as to bring hitii
10 ins Kiii-CH to tin- lirouml. lie Ma-
then caught .
m o m
Fatal Colon.
It has been proven that soldiers an
hit during battle according to tin
color ol their ilress in the following
order -ran 1- the moat ratal. Austrian
grey is the least fatal. The proportions
are red twelve. riHe green seven,
brown six, Austrian, hluish-grcy. rive,
iliere is one other color, not" men
1 loned. more fatal and that in the
pallor of weakness. If it has com-
I ICed to paint its deathly hue Umiii
your cheek, and the ItOmacfa weakens
and life BBCmi not worth living, go to
tin- drttggial and obtain a Kittle of
II. .-tetter's Stomach Hitters. It will
give yon lite and energy. It does this
by making the stomach sfroiig ami the
hhssl pure. It is unequalled (or sueh
disorder- as indigestion, dyspep-ia. or
malaria lever ami ague.
Visit Umatllls
Wool In Portland.
rtlaad, May 17. Wool Valkry.
11! to i:t- tiiT course, 1". to Hie for Is-st ;
Kastern Oregon, itl to 15c; mohair, l!ii
to l'7c per pound.
Wool In San Francisco.
Sun 1-rami-eo, May 17. Wool
pring Nevada. 14 to Hir per BMSd :
Kastern Oregon, 11' to H-; valley,
Oregon, l!0 to 2e. lull Northern.
mountain, int.. 12c; mountain, H to
Hie: plains. S to III,-; llumls.l.lt and
etidocino, 14 to 15r.
Eastern Livestock.
OhiaagOi May 17. Cattk String;
gissl to prune steers, o to fo.7o;
stoekers and feeders, f-t.1'5 to f 5 ; cows,
.' to fH.iid: heifers, J.S to r,. 10.
Hogs-5 to 10 cents higher; mixed
lltld hlltcln-rs , t.'i.LM to (f.'i Ml. gissl to
In. ice, heavy. $5.25 to 15.76;
rough, heitvv, :..:M to 15.50; light,
15.15 to $5.45; bulk of sales, $5.; X, to
$5 .47 V
Sheep Slow; lamb.-, steady; gissl
choice wethers, $").1'5 to $5.'K) ; fair
to choice, mixeil, f, to f.i..Vi;
Western sheep. $5.;i5 to $5.00; year-
ings. H.eO to $0; native lumbs, $5 to
7.40; Western IuiiiIih, $0 to $7.40.
Local Market.
Pendleton dealers are paying tin
lowing prices (or much uml (unu
Butter, "V js-r roll.
Kggs, l-'ie s-r dozen.
Potiit.s-s, 40c s-r sack.
Paranipa, 5oc s-r suck.
Cabbage, 11.80 per loo pounds.
Turnips 7-V s-r 100 smnda.
Chiekena, $-.5u te $4. 00 ir doaaa.
1 lucks, $4 s-r down.
Live turkeya, Hie -r siund.
1 . $10 bn tteaw.
A Powder Mill Explosion.
Kemoves everything insight; no do
Irustie minerul pills, hut Is.tb are
inightv dangerous. Don t dynamite
the delicate machinery of your Issly
w ith Dalomel, eroteo oil or aios t.iils,
wiieii I'r. King's New Life Pills,
which are gentle us a summer breeze,
lo the work s-rfectly. ( ores he.el-
...I.. . . ...
uche, . .11-' 1 pui ion I'lliy - tt .11 laii-
inuii A Co. i drug store.
m m m
A Word to Farmers...
we ha
A" tl"-- is the dawn oi harvest we wish to announce that
ve a coutplete line ol Harvest Supplies. Dishes, Table
' V and (..,,L,., Il,...,u;ic w . lo.. f,.r MMt rash, which
'"'s us ti 1 s, i cheaper than those who buy on credit.
Lliase A: Sanborn's Teas and Cotlees a specialty.
c Ageut for Pendleton. Coun Street
How an Equine Made All Kinds of Fools
of Hlmteir With a Collar.
Pleasant Vu-w. Ore., May 15 Ho
sensible is the h.,re and ao capable
of la-ing trultitsJ, that when we w Isii
lo compl imeiit some one we say that
he bus "horse aenau. Hut, when
w ild from fright or excitement, this
noble friend of man can umluubtedly
make mure kinde of fools of himself
in u given time than any animal in
existence, even man nut excepted.
Monday morning, as the writer was
taking a short respite from his labors
on hi- front porch, twu men in u
wagon, with bows on it and two horses
hitchtsJ to the front and two leading
behind, the one fastem-d to a eollur on
the neck uf the other, puaac-d uh-ug
the road going south. At the same
time, a man und boy ult a twu-liurse
lnad of bay were passing uorthwanl
When they were passing, the hurst
attached to the collar auddeuly pulled
bui k and hruke the strap that fasten. -l
the collar at the top. The halter rope
ahuut six feet lung being- fastened to
the bottom uf the culler, it, of course,
stayed with it. Then the circus be
gan. This manner of wearing a eollur
was apparently new to the horse, who
gave his beau a quick turn tu get rid
of it. The collar swung around ami
struck the horse on the fide, who mailt
u vicious kick at it and the collar
struck him on the other.
This elusive and abusive conduct of
the ...liar greatly enraged the horse,
who waltzed around uti iiis hind feet,
striking at the collar with his lure
1- .-I ; but he could not strike the collar,
as, when be reared up he raised it juat
that much higher. '1 hi.- muckluuod
Weaver to
Qeneral 1, B. Weaver oi Iowa, will
ad, Ires- the citizens of Umatilla
county, ill behalf of the democrat ie
ticket, ut the following
place :
At Milton ut I o'eloek p
day, Mgy 25.
At Weaton ut I o'clock 1
dav , Mav 25.
times and
011 Kri-
in. on Prl
At Pendleton at
-alurday, May IB,
A' Athena at
iaturday, Mav g.
H o'clock
p. III. oil
p. 111. on
Volcanic Bruptlons
Are grand, hut i,kln eruption! rob life of
joy Buck leu's Arnica Salve cures them;
alan old. running aud fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons corns wart-, cuts, bruises
burns, senilis, chapped hands, chilblains.
Best pile cure 011 earth. Drives out pains
and aches. Only Ut a box. Cure guar
aMteed. Bold by Tallman Ji Co., druggists.
Joe Parket Is Huilllne.
Joe II. Parkes, the independent can
didate for justice of -the peace, is
working like a nigger to insure his
election. While joe cau count on u
very large vote he reulizes that he
"can't tell a thing about it" until the
votes ar iiil.-d, and this is whv he
in li lting no grass gnw under his (eet.
At unv rate, he wants everyone of his
friends to know that he is out for the
ottice, feeling that In- has earned their
support, not simi.lv because his public
duties hlive .. w 1 Is-ell is-rfectlv
utisfuetory, but because of the iinlivi
Itinl exertions he bus made in the
pust to hold his party in line.
Look at Your Face.
And see if it is reflecting health or
llaaaaa Karl's Clover Ittsjt Tea
ifuiitilics the face uml complexion, and
a ores perleet health All ilrilgglsts,
27) cents ami fa I cents Money refunded
if results an- not satisfactory. Tallman
I Co.
Attention, Maccabees:
All members lire requested to attend
smoker next Monday night, the 21st.
ami bring their friends.
By front of aenmittea
Nine chanoae In ten H' rour kidney n
ib it in ed attention if you don't fis-l
Well. Foley's Kidney cure makes
heulthv kidm-ss ami will make von
II. Pioneer Drug Store.
CUTJOL'HA MiAaV removi the ol
dlnfltf urtlitf TMpliolka. M '1, rt'Ukfti h.tl.'i- B$ J
$tst-al w liii lulling libilr, anl mi ralivi vtt
thu t lo,v" ' itiflaiiit'!, ortrntiUi li uutllli
tilt' VolUM Su olhtT ayoatp te In w 0OlMl I
w Uh it for iirirfi vlMj PUrif) 1 iik. IN uielolJ
f ytlJJf tllf r-alll, 1. 1 tlMU , .-"i i aMUMM, HI.'' ftef
all Hit- purjMta - ol llit) luilti.tiMtli.aiHl imtn-fv
Hold Uirougltitul Uf worlil PUTTf-M 11
AMi ( i . C i Mi. , Ivusloli. U
hftfW a l r ( "iiii icAaUii," irCii.
The largest stock of Saddlery, Har-
oes Tenu. Wagon Covers, Can
vas, Lap Dusters, Rope, Mrlug
Leather, etc., Is kept by
Joseph Ell
The Leading ha near and Saddle ftao-
ulacturer ol l:aatern in.y.n
It sunt In
ft. rilju lor iiitfsjiiui- or
iit'W.nsnurt. In tin.- I mi. -1
Suites or Europe, e mn
by ihi1 unit', . hot k or
M'utl to tin- East Oaaoo
M...S tbs uul laibjisbirrs'
priix- ol tin; imblii-ntiiii!
yuu ilukire, sud we will
. ."ii Ull.l .. .I.UI. nil Msk of lhi-
in. .in Is ins lost hi iln- mnlL. it will save yuu
bulb Uuuble suit risk. If you .... sub., illmr
u tbe Kasi oaauosiAS. in luinlitliis vuu t su
doduol leu uul ct-ut (ruin ibi-publisiivrs' i-i.- .
Auuruis aASi uki-.i.ijman ecu. CO., l uudlo
Second Annual Convention at Congrega
tional Church Friday and Saturday.
The wound annual convention ol the
eleventh district ol the Christian Kn
deavor Cnloti is to be held in the Con
gregational church here l-'riday and
Saturday. The llrst session is to be
1'riday evening at which the chief
feature will Is- tin- address by Presi
dent S. B. L. Penrose, of Whitman
college. The program will bo as fol
lows (or all the sessions :
Friday evening, May IS, 7 :t0 Invo
cation. 7 :45 Address of Welcome, KeVi .1.
K. Hiichanan.
gtOO atelpoMaOi Mr, QeOi H. Mar
quis. It 10- HV poll to quartette.
VL1 "A Hotnati Cittren," President
s. h. L. Penrpee.
tt KX) I Iv poll to quartette.
Satunlay morning, 5:45 Sunrise
prayer service.
.l :00 -Song servi. e.
9:15 "The True DiODlple," Key. I!.
9:35 "I'i-her- of Men." Kev. U
P. Shearer.
10 :0t) "Practical Di-eiph-Hhip, "
Kev. M. W. Smith.
10 :20 "Coiisecrnted Talents," Ucv.
C. A. I.'tsnn.
10:4"' "Per-onal Sucnlice," general
11 :tkl "Humility in Service," Mr
A. W. Halsigi-r.
1 1 :2o 'Raporta,
1 1 :!" l-'.lection ( "irieer-.
Afternoon 1 180 Song arrvkn).
2:00" Progressive Christianity, "
Mr. 0, -' Mcintosh.
lt6-"lnfloenoe of Mooey in Mak
ing Dlaciplee," Mr. H. L. Btowell,
2 bill "The Christian in Politlce, "
Mr. It. B. Hall.
.1:00 "The Christian Voter's Ke
ponalbilltei Mr., I. L. Vinson.
.1:20 "Power, and Its Source," Mr.
lien. B. Marquis.
4:00 Vnflnlabed business.
Evening 7 r30 goog service.
S :ikl Hvpolito quartette
h :15 " Keiigion us a Hoclal Poroa("
Hev. w. L. MeCulloogh,
Si MS.) Hy poll tO quurtette.
m m m
.1. ' ,' lloisl, justice ol the h-iicc,
Crosby, Minn., makes the following
statement: "I can certify that One
Minute Cough Cure will do all that i-
claimed or it. Mv wife could not get
her breath nml the llrst dose ol it 00
I leVed her. It has also Is-m-litcd my
whole fumiiv." It acts Immediately
and cures coughs, colds, croup, grip.e,
bronchitis, ii-lbnui and all throat ami
lung troubles. Tullinan , Co., leading
Tin- most stubborn e--tigh reanltlna
from an attack of la gripis- or heoVI
Id, Ii i II t yield to the woinlerlul
healing pro pert lee oi Koley Honey
nml Tar. which si rein-l hnna the lune-
lllld makes them suiiiul. Nothing else
as gnral, I loneer Drug store.
Purity and Accuracy
1 f
are necessary in drugs. Medk Loei wln-n
prepared with adulterated IngredhnU
I'atiuot s.-rve tin- purpose desired. Our
drugs are all standard and our pres. rip
tioa departMMkl has our Spot ial can
Mall orders will receive prompt and
Oaroful attention
I leadquartem for Camera and
Photographic Supplies.
Corner Main and Court sts , Pendleton.
Nothing Succeeds
ii '.
like success. Tu chal leligi- utU-lltloO
irresistibly wear the utl ire u( a w inner.
I in ijia.t. Ial,- limn is as essential ,,
evening dres ua a sw.iiluw-lail cat
Our isiiish is our trade-mark, uml
while that is present everything is
right. The i ostliest attire receives uu
added gloss from OUT ellorts
1. F. Robuiion, Prop. Teleplioiie 60
French Restaurant
III ' ol I loll
LaFontaine Hotel
Best Meals In the City.
Open Day and Night.
Ous laFontaine - Prop.
SwIUIcr BiildlOK. Main St.
llit: CITY...
Livery, Feed and
Sale Stables...
ciiKis sinpsoN
Kverylliiog New. New liurses;
Mew Big, best rig and team
in tbe illy. Boarders given the
best attention.
-Sci v ice uny hour of the night
t elephone No. 7a.
Surprise Sale No. 152
Friday, May 18, 1900.
Saturday, May 19, "
wi: WILL SfiLI.
Women's Black Hose and
Bed Spreads.
We have .-ne OMt NO doOSfl ).iiir Women's Rlaek Hon, worth l'i. per
pair, that we will sell (or I'riiliti and Satnr-lav
Two Pair tor 15c.
si,- Bed Rpreadi a 1 1
tl in
11 .n "
go f..r Ut each
HHc "
" ii.ta
volt save lite
New (ioods.
Children's Ready.Riaale Praaaaa lorad and white. line ol
Women's spring Jaoketa, Summer Corsets, Corset Waists, Corset Covers
gnmmer Ofnvee, a great assortment in all the new colors, ami shade"
from Mo. to 5c. Big Bargains in Luce-. - enter counter in middle
.H-ie v 1 ot ,-f Waen Sulfa to tit boys .1 to id years, ate,
Orcatest Line of Summer Dress (Ioods ev cr shown In Pendlrtnn.
Always in the Lead.
PHK tii' VlU(iff, UttttrtfrrttitliM nf af 1 ut I nm ) 1 ii Inn, will iitiu-hiy rtirn yirii of 'til
"B n- rvn latir .1, Am oil l m in tlh g 11 nm 1. au !. ni rain,
- -K in Hir lla4 k. as 1 I - int I'tiaiealrej
sallttt Meter J t I11t111tl1.gr , ,. nrleiir. It Mel aaeaw I easel lH
SMfgW if it..! . I.. k . -
1 " H I'lllMI ioaraiht
ll 1 . 1 1.- klil to yn 11 n.l Hit 111 1 oil, t.t Hi I tin I li-u. I ! ItfKN t. ilr-tiali' I't
sad rMfariia una 1 .itk organ
1 in 1. i-.-hi atiiTrtta at -t rtiml hv I tore la -u-v u rrntf Sf irimbitsl wMti fratXaiMU.
1 ' 1 1 J 1 1 n 1 it niy kiomii rciM 'iv In nir teltlHttal t DuarwlMMii tawflaHMibua A wtitn it
l 1 ' i'i. i- lvn tin - I 11 I 1 1' litfin 'l if Kli.'ii Mil ,. st 1, ui , t, , 1 H 1 lUSflt cur fl -i at isui.rt tot f - .
Ujf until s-M 1 f.r ihkki 1 ' - 1.: 11 tu I tfflfuuttitl t
eVMtiit' . i a in 11 on 1 1. to., r. o, 1 in 1 . .i ,. 1 ai
fOtl Ml.r B1 I I IM N A 1 U . liKI'iiuHls. I'KN I'll I 1 . I lt K(. ON.
The Blue Fr-ni mm
N, w l! .ii nirriggoa .uul GoCarti
In fin 11. 1
'i- have tin- beat Inn- in Ihe i ity.
I '1 11 aa limn I5 no
71 s Main Bttttl
I ln- Blue l-'riitit
Pendleton Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
R. P0R8TBR, Proprietor.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Posts,
And All Kinds ol Kiilldlna Material.
Ordi-rs lor mill wirk promptly cxeouteil.
l''urnislics plans mid estimates ami uaiantces cost id con-
it met loo.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nanaement.
Strictly First Class
Excellent Cuisine.
Every Modern
Give Us a Trial.
Rates $2 00 a day
Special Kates by
Week or montb
Bar and Billiard Itooms. Beadtiuarlerk for Traveling Men-
The Besl Motel In hastern Oreuon.
Van ! a 11 Kios . 1'iops. Sin cssors to J. t:. Moore
SI (10 per Day and I pwurJs
I inc.t Hotel
In the Hatillk.
Spcvlal Kate tu Haalern Oicgo.i peuple visiting forlland. MeasViierters
lor 1 1 and commeicial travelers. n. C BOWtiltti, Manager.
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread use Hyela' Best Flour. It took fiiat
pgayaaJaUB at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competi
tion, ami gives ex. elk-ut sat (suction wherever used
Rvgry sack la guaranteed We have the beat Steam
Kolleit Bailey, .Seed Rye. aud Hi-.ml less Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W S. BYEK8, Prop. Brttn. Shortm Feed, etc