Did You Ever Buy a Wrapper for 60 Cents? The Magnet ( 'mIi you priest n Ladie itlB from OVC U i'lst received. With every dollar pun a chunee for a L'ohl watch tore can quote Wrax;iv rang- to $1.60. A new lot I ton't tail to get. then. iase vou get THE MAGNET CASH STORE Court and Cottonwood Clements & Wilson. in' ran 00 by any claex.hend Ind iwraon in Ainerieu. Tin THURSDAY, MAY ", 1 ' 11 DIET. WBBELT AM' BEM1-WEKKLT BV TUB Bust OrrfronLin PublUhitiK AT pi Niu.i.r. s Company, On t op-; iv DAI I- M-mcirirTIN HAT y ' y mill Month. Iy mm wawk. by ceUner I WIIKtV L4.lrri N KAtlv I " 1 1 mtt fiirf Butntnrn WBBKLY MMMMPtl Ml KAII Ona ccpy om vetr Vnt cot'T n.nthft frtl tulMKripttbtt ttnfle tvpy APYPH t HAtt' f . a f . 5 f Se On me i, Un tnc n, or let, Two intht. 1 r It I n RH.I ... HI . ; -.1 '.l'l ..! I th . ..14 i.Wnklr. I. ' Wa.klv 3 jural .all Lm..i HUH. In i.ati Xf tlBfl, ftih istcftloft. Tin' rKi"triitiiiii nf voter in tlil county 1 1 11 1 1 lii'uvv. iiu re an HON VOtai in the eOtMty than MM M timated, It wiiii lil appear th.it th Mipn lal ion ha- 1 11 ciinidoriihlv in ori-uxcil in tin- la-t tun year-, t'ma tilla' population i .oinetliiiu: lik. '.D.IKKJ. Tin- ri-Hiilt nf tin- iviij.il. t.i In taken next iiiiinth j hi' waited for with Internet. Hnurke C'lu'liran. o Raw York, mini un addrc recently at Montgomery, Alaliama, wherein hi- in id ti nit th.' SimthiTii ran' problen by npeal in,: tin' lift. n't. aiii' iiilnn'iit to th. MHtltation. It m-iiii lil niiiiri- tin vote, nf three-fmirth ol all tin- It A UN tn tin that, anil t could not In' 00- taiaad. Therefore, Dm ndyiee of Mr. ('iH'hran 1- impractical. Ah eXGoV, Marl nrkh'. nf went irglnia, 1 ninti il nit. thr Mgn population li nut onij a valuahli' fartnr in thr imliiftrial prog-re- 1.1 tin- otitli hut 1 al-n an I'li'licnt of political trcni!th whirl in tin- future tin- Smith may liinl it-.-li interested t utilize. Tin repeal of tin' fifteenth anii'inliiii'iit wnulil iiece- xarily mean u reduced repr nt.it nm of tin- HoUth 111 emigre. ami in tin Kleetnr.il rnllegi.. line tiling i- cer tain. MVOlBtiOMI do not MOW I W k MJffd. " .Mr. Cochran in hi- addr. appear In think they i. . Tin' 111 mciii nf Miiltimiiiah rniiiity fur IBM, ah owe a t lintalim n( 11 ,810, Igg iii valiii'x OWT 1B8, M'nn'v on lianil ami ne-cd in I HUM tiniiaitited lo l(0Mt17l wBlIt iK!,!l ll dramMd tn W7,l') Town lotn f.'ll Imiii flD.Sfll,. VM tn M, r.".. ims ImpriiVi iiiriitK frmn ti,771,W t., kl,867,lM, On April 5, Mil, a litth- now than OM BOBtll lati-r than tin- a mm-nt, the Htati- MM "' On- ii'iir MrtioMil bonbi f l'ortlaml IihwihI ili-pn-it- aiiiuiintinu to ov.-r lvr MllliMMi ami it i MM t. Ml that Km MW privati- hank- of thai city hail a- inu.'h inor.-, or 11 total oi MB million ami vt only one. half million wax MMOMtti In Othor nril iiihIit our pMMOl MMtloB -y-ii in, taxation in MMMWli ami alim.-i tVOfy Ixnly look- upon it M robbory. anil all of MOM UmI il". atti iopl o MM it. In short, tin' pr 11' - -UMD of miainfl mnmhi fur norarauoni oflm oppori tunity to Ml IMMI anil MMOM tin bJMMl taxpayer to 0M0MI DM. In fai t, it alturil- a ivliool lor Pffmndfall It in MMftad by tin' HMCtaN of the prohlhition party that fully BOO yotoi will he hiI Itil in tin- county fur that njnjr'i tii'kwt ai tin rtMtlon nwl mouth. Thin in HMMlbtadly an 0VM tNltimatu. Thore an- a jin-al many p. 1. plc who have syniptoiu- of vntin the ticket hut they never do, Tho pn ai'l, prohihition, hut they do not vote it. To attempt to control MM'l appetile by MHMUMj tMl Bforoinj a 111u11-1na.lt'- la in aluioat u UKHte of effoit. Mei. wlio cannot xovern their appetite alioulil prohahly not ba allowod to participate in the piiaillUHUl of others. If the man who abOOM the ue of alcoholic lieveraKi' wan db fram hiel, on the ffOIMd thai nince be cannot control himsell he ibould nul oxK-cl to participate in anvatnilUJ otlicrH hy hih rijiit of -ulTraKc. ii VOttld likulv do more for temperance than cvon the adoption of prohihition, ami at the Maine time it would leave to men who could control MmmMIWI all the J riuhtri Kuaranlevil 1,, them under frw UMtltatlOM and cell-xoveriimuiit. The traiumuii on the Waabiugton and OolnmbM rivor railroad ihouid ba In- formed in no uncertain way that the road ha. 110 itwitchiiu.' rigbtl on Wubbl Klreet The MitaHlMJ lltOUW Im- iloiie in the conimiiyV yarde in the low.r end of town, ami not upon a Ureal 1 whuru toaniH ami people are paniii) at all 1. "in of the day. At tiuiun the MreebJ in the vicinity of the mill- aru blocked lor a hall hour or more with a train IwlthlMJi t" the risk of people paMltUj witli team- ami 011 fool. Ami even "Ilviiuz iwltohaa' are MM ami then Indnlfad in. when the llfaall are flllad with tbildnn ra turning from MhOOl, Tin Dncll lOOUld inform the railroad company of the earele action of it train BiaWI and. if a -tup in not nut t the alill-e. the L'lllltv olle fllolllil he vlgornUlly pro-eeiiteil. The train of the COOIpany have a riifht to g ll ami down the "treet. to and from it depot, hut the company 1 1- 110 rittht lo leave it train- 'tanilim.' upon tin -treet or to MTltafa it" earn 011 th it reel ami the iiiauaiiement of tin r ad ll of Kiii h an intelliuent kim that it only m .il- it- atteuiion call. to the alMM in a proper way for it t afToril a remedy. MOLDING NATIONAL CHARACTER. To the earne-t obaarvar the ia-i tbri Vear- haVO ili'Veloneil -nine niifllllii .ini Channel in the character of the peopl of thli rapoblle, BmmoI IhaM may in 1 1 1. 1 . r. , ; eolnmellilallle .111)1 III furtherance of a higher national -tan ilaril. hilt it cannot hi' denied that other mum !' viewed with regret hv tho.e who have a clear iiraxp of th poaiibllitlM of character liiiildin;: iiinler the ileinoeratii' inipul-e- whlcl are MppOMd to In- uillilini: th ih'HtiliieH of a ureat and numeroiii) pen pie. l!"l iei in.1 that ihi' grat Hy iiil' i haiirfe- iieeil no particular em u r.i meiit and MalialOl that iirave dangon llirk III the wake of tln -e le- opell t approval, Allien 11. Crowe coiiHider the latter clan in a thouiitl'ul articl III the ' lopllla I' Sclenei Monthiv. Ill nnaltlon li thai a itndf "I .cieiii)' ha- direct heariuw' on th molding of hnth individual ami national character, such itudy itrlv to aw) al lai't", to uiaCOVar thi' truth, ami in tin- arav avoid- that ham lUMplMJ at aOMlnaiOM which in re -pomiiiiii for ho in . ; thai i- nndaalra lil.-, not to hiiv inimical, ti the beet Intonate Ol the liutiou. Mr. Crowe in 'no. Hi'- one mitahle ami unlortuiiali bajMa, in hi opinion, that thi coun try ha- aaaaad to mud it onntimi view "that the eiviliaition ol a nation lirectlv proportionate to the aiin'iiiit ii expend- lor education! and adver-eh proportional to the 11 expend for war." I.e- than three year au" the president of the National Kduca- tional tanoiatlon proudly eiolalmad i l.iiLilaiid. -ix In one lor war; liu--ia. tnlrt) algnl t w tor war; America, (out lo one (or education." Mr Crowi ar we have even now ravened tin. making it "tour to one for war." lie i- not far wmim when he hiiv inai tin- iniir-e oi rever-iiu; our lioamed ratio "ha- heen Hiinnorled hv lireal In Ml V ol (lie people I'.ven our ChriHtiau in in i.l.T- have coniinitteil fba winie Man - Bnrden' to memory, nul lireathe never a whi-ner ol the ixth commandment," Ami he con- liuue-: Ml, .1- li.i- l i en held I iv all B in and nood men, the rlctorln ol i ai ' are more worthy to M -un than th of war; if the ability t" avoid ipiarrel- or to nttla them with- mt lon e of arm- I- nohler than that which achieve- military miccc true .'iililitelllnenl and education Make lor peace and not for war, then our law ol dlnet and Invem proportion ha laieli heen acaudalouilv di- lionoreil.'' ll we i.i cxiHiiidrd ho Bineh lor aducution and at the aine lime have lowered i nr ld.alufnallon.il reatuetw, koniathluu muil I' roiu.. ith thai education, lia- our lyitoni li adUCatiOfli then, failed , .it. ii r nationill character'.' he aekl ; ami it ouee add; "Me who would am-wcr un uueetion in the afflrniatlve would he a ieiioit indeed. Imalciilahle k'.-m-ral itomr ha come to u. we think, hy the aitencv of our wbooll. " riiev have done much to nreKire th...,- l.er and coiiHervatue peron who in every eriali have balpad hold, or have tried to hold, the nubile mind from aeaMM or fiom puHHini; liantv liidv!- it It I- not "Hnher Hccoiid thuOgllt" which MVM u- ami -l. er Ol way mm tin- lialf-iiiddwn rci in our iirt mad cour-e. (In the conlrarv it i the lobar lirt thoiijiii whieli lien reueemeu u- imm ilealruelion tune after lUUe tha hoUt lirnt tllOOgbl ol the (aw win. are truly educated, who have looked baloa the uirao of things' ami I com, idc red the bidden ami obnure multo, win. hav.- weighed tin rivthl and wrong ami have utood im UOWbla for tin rijjht. " it nhoilld ba remembered tint ''aabn moomI thought" often i powerlen to correct eviln growing out of drunken Ani thuughl. Our Kifcty mum ulwav lie in the pnnnca of lhoe who. iirt tlioilijhl are calm ami fajriOMing, and we mti-t judge our edllcalioluil hVHtt'111 hv the number of mob men and women it produce. The work of faithful teach-er- mum he direct, d mainly to thin end, ' vine we have reached i danger .ai- efiaiii and our ncred duty i to i..i ..on MMte our murinn-. we have liianifcHtcd certain uaiional imii iiitlierio ecarculy -u-cieil, and now willniKly conle-e,l, even inoiiv, of palriotimii and prudence hIiouIiI iuiH'l u to itudy our cae, that we may effectually pnaaribe for it." Mr. Crowe at this point dkMVMN any intention of raiHiu the ij Ileal ion of iii. political viadoni or limple illH'ice of the lOOree which the couiilrv ha- lakeii in n- international relation, lie doe not here challenge anv lad lid u to these matter which ha been jortuad thougbtlullv, boneetly, man Juiiy. itut he doe maintain that th. lam Iuh inuntlm have left irawoun for thounhlful, honuiit iB lo unto j tUOy lug u prupuaiiiun uot likulj to 1, rellecl llrHt idle- iintnenoii wihcli ntrike Mr. Crowe in thi Bnalyiil of the national character in the tratnandoM dinplny of excited feeling, The clamor 61 the crowd hn heen dominant, lie Imm nan the peo ple, on the annlyimry of Llnooln'i iiirth, "wIlOM life wa a meiiite of liberty," receive with exultation ami even merry leatt the new that Ameri can Holdier- had "lain hundred of half- nakad Pillplnua, lie flndr that "the ear nf the multitude have heen cloned to all OOttnnll, however wine; their eve- to all conHiipieiice. however fatal ; their 11111111 to all Ionic, how ever dear and -imnle." T" Mr. Crowe it i. clear that "the force of blind pan Inn mm bean in bundradi of toon Hand- of men the dominant force." Iii addition lo thi dinplny of excite ment Mr. I'rowe vote that we have developed 10 me wonderful Initanon ol credulity; that there i- an evident lo of individuality of moral mid mental Independence: thai there ha- heen ihoWD a spirit of ttoklenan. oi incon tancy; that in the lnl few inoiith- wi have heen mercurial aim Ml beyond mercurial Frenchmen; that the princi pie wbl"h tor yoan have heen mi rule-..I national lomluct have 1 11 thrown ailde ill 11 day. Hcoff.d al. mocked. "In our bulletin cfowua we have all -ee the spirit of the lllllll, which meet, the newcomer Indifferent or doiilit fill . thrill- him w ith the 111 v- terioui Inflaence of the men pneked around ami nixain-t Imu. and eml him away an imepoMihle mono maniac." Now all ttiese Ihlnga, most nndealrablo, if true, and Mr. Crowe appear- t" have closely oherved, with out pa-nioii or hias, clearly warn u m danger. No thoughtful perauti will deny that it ll had when n nation or a mail exult- over the misfortune even of I mm in or make a joke of kilting follow nanUM rather than reiiHoii : lata o without careful tlHMgbl the storinc faith and principle of hi father-: or irive no In-cd to the oounnli oi men oi year-, lodgment and exoerience. If the A mar loan 1 pic are doing tlieet thing -or even if a coniidenble nniilher 1 doing them it certnililv i- a time for calm conaidentlon and for caretul narcli after a remedy, Ami the moat effective remedy Mr. Crowe he. lieve- to lie a more Inoroogb itnd) of mIomm iii onr ml i. which, he main' Mini) temi- to produce ikon moat 1 ded uoreomi of mber Ural thooght. scientific atndy bringje the mind dl raetiy into contact with taet 1 it pnto toe- the mind in Inductive naaoning the drawing nf OOnclmloni from parti cular met- made kuown hv Immediate obnryatlon ol nature: ltdafln preju dice, demand a -ntli 'lent ejMWBl of ividenoe, langna at endulity IbroMjh the appeal to reiiHoii of love of truth. Thene tateiuent are in the nature of axiom, science require- thai a man' mind U- hi- own. that hi- act he hi own, thai he shall defend In properly in them, have pride in them and m.iml hv IMM). Clearly, then, the ntudy ol science in a scientific way i one of the moHt powerful factor- in character building, and. a Mr. Crowe conclude!, "if in our nhooli we might Ineun t" all pupil- tin- altitude of mind, tin- .e-ir. ior itriol veracity, we .should He Htarted them well on the wav to rrect jndgmanu ami wie eouonol 1 - should have Implanted in their nature- the li rn element! of good citiz enship. " To Haiti 11 Hurt. '-e ll.iuner Salve, the ureat healer. It'- guaranteed for obmi wound-. -ore-, pile- ami all kin 1 1 1 - Pioneer linik! Store. tiMtmtmmmmimmtmfmYmTm.tmumi - - - f mmimMPnin?IllMIMIMlMIMMIIMrM'MiM(titi mmm Druggist For.. " It I- proper I think, lo let oilier- know Bheuitlie popnlarit) and vlnunof Acker'i I : . I, llenieily tor Cnu(jh, ( old and 011- iimptio n . K ro in the inomenl 1 I .::iii li.ind- linv It.ltioM rapidly, and the ll I I'M keep crow- iiu: nil the Imu M RMl 11 - peopTf 11 ti d nut what a re-t' mark able preiiaralion It In The satisfaction 1 1 Riven ll unlyenal. Iiurbc-it clt- izelm nip II 11 ,1 -:r. ii 1 flu he : for throfl' and lung troubln they ever saw, Mr.sti cul ver, one of our prominent tow rumen, avi Acker'i EnalUh Remedy in the only men cine fliai 1 1 1 1 1 hi chmnlo corlgh of many year-' Itandlng. Al fir-i If nave relief, and how . after lakhuta lew hottlc, he i- wholly gnrH 1 any it hv the pre-- at u time, mid my -ale- an targeT on tni- om in. dtcttia than on any other in my store. It i- a irr. at pi, l-tire Inr lllelo fei I llial W'lllli talll in "per- 1111; 1 11111 a l-o doing Ml much good lo 1 he coin munlty In nlliiiK nidi 11 irrand ini'ilii Int ." flHgntli ti. Il Horoi vs, Wemflflil, N. Y. soi.i al .80e.and ?i a hot tic. throughout Hie I inieil Mai, - ami Canada ; and in Knir- laad.atli M . --. M., 4-. N, if you are not Mtiifled utter buying, return the hotile to your draggfat, ami gal your money hack. H'. riNAfirlv thr nftiits- wirtrnnt't . W. 11. MOOKMM .V 10., ITvpntturi, An. Inr. Knr sal.- lijr llriH-k li Mi l iima-. IVinllel.ui 1 U 1 Pi -if II I 'I I I pr 1 mI ! ' Oardcn Seeds in bulk. Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Garden Shovels and Spades. Garden Tools of all kinds, Water Hose at all prices. Building Materials, all kinds, See a a a a a a 3 a Democratic Ticket. I'ltKHIIlKNTIAI. gLKTOM, Walter M. I'lerce ni Hell Hlll.rl o,S5i'S0l Kniesi Kroner ',' ."r "HI joint Whlttabw ,,, i','"'""1 "0N0RaXfJMa.lt, hkchnh DtaTRp , State Renain wm. c. gkUtti.., . .,f k '.. JOINT UtqtlLATIVg KKI'RKnkm ii ,eL. ' (I'niHtillH Hint Morrow Couim.l ' j. a. WooMrn ' , , Bt I'llKMK JClHiK. aX" () "r '' Ol fM,. KOOH AMI HAIRY COMMIDNIiiM ; lebalnirieh.. of WaaaMgnw Ooaaw SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET CIRCUIT Jt Ihik. " miiiuiHi. olaBdVnja DMTBICt ATTDKNEY. '. mnay 0n I'fie- T nadknja COUNTY TICKET. I Taylor, the Hardware Man 721 Main Street a 3 uniiaiiiauuh.uia1i,ituatti...Mt.u4tiiiMauiii.ii.iiK iiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii "; nf Ml 1 100 01 randUwa ul Nndleni o.etAUMM TO THE WISE 1 farmOT, or those w Im intend plautiiik,' their gardani or doing iprlng work of any kind in thi line, you will find everything in garden tool ami I. barb wire, maple, nalla, heavy ami Moll hardware of the very beat quality ami at the lowest price at W.D.Hansford &Co.'s Pendleton, (re(f"U. T H E Crescent THE MOST POPULAR WHIiEl Men's Wheels I adies Wheels Boys' or Girls' Chainless $25 and $35 $26 and $35 - $25 - $(0 Anolhcr consignment of the $25 and $26 Wheels just received. CRtSCENT AGENCY East Oregonian Building l;i:ri:KsKSTATlVEn. W. J. ('hMlaiii K. M. ii'llrlon COUNTV .11 in onrga a. Rartman 0f Piaduiei CiilM Y I'OMMWMIONKI;. ThouiH. I'. Phk ol Allien. gUBBW, W. M. Hlakley I'l.KRK. w. ii. flbamaeilaln TREAscia.it. (..i.rKi n. rnMet ( , RKCORDBR in OOWVBYABCM Jrtiiu' V . Mrtlouey MMBBOB iin.iiuii , DCIIOOL II I'KHINTKNOXNl '" WtU of AUaM ICRYBYOB. Clmrli- C. Ilerkeley 0OBONIB. ' Pr. w . k caanyeaU ii l li K AM. COMaTABLg I i ciiuii nni nmirlt'l.) BoeenMrg of paadkn C'li'llelo) ol All, ill. 1 "mon oi NndMaj " 1 nloo i. in f. 1 Jnlili M ll.'llll.' WW Republican Ticket. nUbVMBTtAL elector .1. furnish of lnMn I iiniiui lard i.i .,,1,. n. F, I'ltxlnii ni i- i E J. C. l'lillerlon , tk.n. POB lUPBBMg JUIMB, i Intrle- 1. vt.itvi ri.iii ul Mimny COBOBBMMAB, aBOONB BnTfBll T. Mileelai a. Needy of Tin ii.iiei FOOD asm DAIBY OOBIBnggtONBB j. w MUey oi I'nriiHiia JOIN! LBOULATIVK KKI'RKHENT.V IIVE. (I mnt 1 1 in tod Borrow Oenntlw Aw R. Tlioiiip.nn ... ,.,pn(t SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. CIBODIT JDDOI ol lli'i'putr DMYBIOY 4TT0BBBY, m of I'uinllelot COUNTY TICKET. ItKI'HEHENTATlVKH. SlloVV vieinitv fel of ill dpaii lav 1 lle-d.lV ranny, in tin VVUIU NOI Sleep. Oregon Lumber .SELLS Yar( You Need I. I. u m her, lath, Shingle, liiiil'ltiiK I 'unci, I ur r.tpei . MouldingB, Pickets Lime ami ( Semeati llrick and Sgtnda ash ami Doors, Seraen Doorsli IVindowB, Terra Cotta i'lpe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alta St., OPp. Court House. LIFE INSURANCE is Merely a Question of i. 2. BbSI BBNBPITi MWOCUkAlILi; FOH YOUR riONBY, TtiH AliCVKn HACK 0f: THI P0I.IC . The Mutual Investmenl Policy (LIFE Or KNIn IWMEN I I -or- The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Ciuupsuv of Callfornlt. Provides for l.onn. I . Guarantees ICE Ueao VaiuMi I'atd up 1 ii. ii r nm ... Annual Addition,, BxtaMMM. Verlv Dividend I : iilltei.laii.il" . IllllllHiliale I'bj im-iit. t liant'e oi Hein ili lury. 2. the It Is issued sololy by THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Life insurance Company, "T 1pnr irrpBiiil wndat IBa BIimibI Imbbbbm Lain nf OB'rta Urardl i l "-itive rejpomlhlliti ol .Sinckl.oh.er mi l Direclora. nia 99 Inte ... cniahoi, iii iM.h, 0 -(n ..n. J Maid Holicv holder, over ..S"".' gg Coneral Agent MeepleeMaM marki tliv very climax of hiiin. oi -titkriuu. It is onlv a atei removed from Lnnnity. When inap nb Lonner mtnm tin- exnanand nature, the itruggla with diaaan cannot lent Iour To. aiartittg poiM of the nawMM di- oidt-i which prtnliice ill - health and socoi. -.-ik'hs, i- ufiieratlv a ilt-c.i.-eil cnuditian of the BMMMBly orwana, Ke- tloie th. -. organs to wiuud health and tin annatitC OOMM Ixick, tin- day k work no Ioiivci vvtarie. and ileen is Miuuil ami rfrrtsliini;. Dr. 1'ierce l-'avorite I're Tit ti.'ii cure diaraMrs of the wom anly or.;. in It stop the drain which weaiicn women ; It heals tile illllatuiua- t.... o i. .elation, and cures female weaknek . . i. no alcohol in " l;avorite lre- Knptlon n and ll is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It I a Itiniieraiici medicine "My liraltli h..lukcu ,i niv on h.mI apriublud v I.cii i lur many ; ,nit it- ;rrl ileal ot lut.ticliif I, in il ilal i.ru.-- Mrs Hun- KcnurUy. of ioi- C' . Wu " 1.1 Auiiu.t my 1 poor; I limt no api-eim- ami I ivrnt, in iir Picri-r ead fie m, In lakr ill. ' K.vnnle I're ftvc l-.ttle. of Ihr l'rrM.'tiu- iii.' -i ii,. leii.ico Mi.;,,..: in. oovery in I I ' cl like ncn vtuiuan " Cure kick headache hv uslim liuctur Htnt'a eu-aMut 1'viittU. 00l0000 ooc Webster's liitematioiiaI; V Mi 'Aim iFKiHMiary .Vu, i rnr at Ihr I loihri.l,,.,! loe Dm i.r.ai Staml.irtl Authority, m in, nun. ii. j. i.r. . : AUlir.UIti t null. MlHlularcl .1 Hi.' I BRICK SAND WOOD COAL Alio Wholesale Agent tor BCHLITZ MILWAUKEE BEER in bottles, barreta, or cases. telephone 111). O H. KOPITTKE. Policy holden over ! FRANK N. McCAN DLESS I in -1111111; Wash. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD I he Leading General Farm Paper of the Northwest. A High-Class Illustrated Farm Journal Published Weekly at Salem, OregonTry It. c oowoooooeo Telephone Livery Stable f 15 6 nr- io N.uuv'iHruiUue i y . . -uti un llll III sut,' u ii. I , iilU.nlul.il iiw.1 11 Iiu- -. l,.-iU-.j, niMili iiiioi in -i.e.- itiM-tiiii.,Hl-iit. , I - h..U. ( ulLrw Frm .lriiuj.ii.il ili.rr.lii, JI.-1. iluiull Hlllixut intuiUl. IllMllllill.l, 'I III- ll..IMll.... ... Ill- l..nl,. i. ., llWniUli UU.H, -IU.I I I. 1 1' .,11(1 nil 6t-.t t . retani Co.,lablMli MprliiKlit III. Nui ? C A I 'I'IOIM. Ua ael ' . ..ami X " buvinir ,iu " , .iiini 0 V "Wb,Ur' l... i ., " 2 O rtvwenMU ! w,ii , -. i 9 CmE) (-u) CSu-lX (ImI c I'liiler New Maiianiaiieui. Kiahloimhlc Hit's at Lo Jtftm, The Heat Turnout in the Oily, rtpcclal atteiitiou (lveu to hoard In,.- Iioraea. S. F. Hays, Prop. X OpMMBM ( oiirt Home. 5 I el. -p(o. lie No. 3.S CtO04a00raCr-iS A Complete Line furniture, Irou Beds. C irpe's, Baty Car.iaKes ami I'iciure M. uldinn:, Lamps, Crox;kery and a full tie 0f Umlertukerii'' Goixls. W. 8. NELSON. Main Street Oppoalte Eait Oregonlau DISSOLUTION NOTICB. Noliie 1. hank. .. .Ulpberilolor, ,.,IT, V- . ., ',' vtoilhi a,,, N ,v II..Url5..u.,l..r li,, The Houit-stoa.l i a twenty-paKe paper, f0UI columns to the paire 4 r ... jni, mi mivtuue. Ms tnih i, it yy U.-i ",oo, atii. ii imiuvdiatcly took first place BBjgaja. uene kOd Will tuaiiitaill it. Tile Htummm. , Ilili.u -. I.i:..l.: . - . . " ' " wic IU ,....v.- nil i, .111111 I e a larill miwr . .1 H. C. - . .1 ri mt iiisi tui bagM March i ral htgg paper. :,.wi ..I' !! -I Pin... . wu.. ,. i ' . ""ue Liruu- ::: : issm vrr- - lZ "'1-II..II1 VJl Hil section. The price ot the Whkki v Ki-r ,.,.r- : - ... . ...... vaawvauui is M.s0 a vear We w ii.ui ..or 1...., ...i .... J ' jwmtt t H lue WM one year tor $.MO , advance HAST ORLvGOMAN l'UB. CO., endleton ( Irecon New Goods... And Cheaper Than Ever.. r'ire, I FOB Insurance In, Accident, I'lute tiluai, etc. Ptrtiercs, Carpaifv, Lace Curtains Wall Paper. . neailin-r-V Coin. 1.1 in mil,, J.V'v ."..". Vmu ili-olvt-il V 1 nK-.v.orlli will , monm. , r" "" 1 ' tin- coraei .,1 ai. ,, ', I ,m .o".'1uu",l't! In m.kf proiupi ,ui"uwi.V 'c'laeiled j coucawouTin ..ua.orU'Ai.U Heail.iuarters for White Stan Utfd and ld B(Lt Mvio KaolUfMa JHSSE FAILING Mum St., near Bridge. Loans on 1'ity u,,d Oonjt Property, Heal Estate Improvad and Vniommi city Lot., Uwi l.auch...- ud Wheat KaVu.H ' iE J. R. DICKSON, tiaet flaagfajiaji liuilding. J I.. BMB... . Lot Uvanmi 0, n . cut'NTV JOOOg CLKKK. BBBirr. of Allies. ol I'UIIll. lull of NadkMi of NagMna ivriuger ,,l PangMn ItKCnKliKIt OK CONVEVANCK8. ill hiKmni ,,i pouilh ion TKKAHI KEK. . K tu of M11 ion ASSKHHOK. 1 im km of iiiiu . Iliiiil. HCrKHINTENIiKNT. J Ti Noh-IIii of IVllilli toa DBVBYOS, 1 E. Mucoiiibur . ol t'klak 1 OBOBBB lr. v. . o. Cole ol NndHMg iiMMISiiN;( ,t lloriti'e WHlker of llctli J I'.- ll. 1. ,vM QOBBTABLB, (Pendleton n.-m. I lin- KlUliiTHiil Of I - 1: I llltrle. I.- Inr: of I'elnllelon Prohibition Ticket. PBHIDBM 1 1 Al. n. a Pavn c r. iiuii s y ieaklaa K. It. H.MI1 1 BUOTOBg 1 ni Miiion ot McVliinivllla ol i.miii rM Of Hun I KlVDI It KBBBJB JClHiE. J- ' nrlgkl ,,, Uweo OOKUBMUfaB, HEcoNii DilTHH I. UaUi tatlet oi Ran Mm POOB AMi DAIBY CllMMIrSluM I; r. l gnnd ui Bood Hn UMATILLA C0UNTV TICKET. a m giant X. II SI, ill, Im W. Hurry JOiNl KKCKEMENTATIVI. KJCPBgBBKTAflVBg. ..- Milloa III AtllrM ul Mil U)ll II I.. Kmi. . ..IM V JI'Im.k viiliun 1 I. KICK. W. II. Cruel aaUHUVV. I II Irf'e.er KEUOHUKM OK CONVEVA.Ni I - ui II. as W - .ill ui tiho Mlik l(. Ion, ,11, 1 I IlKAMI KEK. VUttaa nUaerl l( E Sleviurl K. PMMJ ! K 1 Our), AsftEfSilK. 1 N i.M MISrili in EK. COKONEK. Minuii . ...1 AllltiU ATTORNEYS. CAHTKH .V KAI.EY. ATKUlM AT Law. Qcf In IkvlU! ItaDk Bllllit:: l PHYSICIANS. I'll. .1. I.. Ml 1. 1. Kit. JullNSuN - I. Hie . ,u, I AllH. -I.. .M Mil. II nil Ul III'' llt'Mlloetil ol eli- i.Mr inuu llo...,' illlll Mini -km I -. Hit. W.U.COLE. (IKKICKIN I'l.M'LK- i.'ii sin lain Hank 1. 11 1 lit I ik OattX n nr., N , I (On i. 111. I , 1 1 1 ,- . . In I . W. Vl.M'KNT, M. 1). OKKIci: KEAB of Kim Nmiou.l 11.01 k OHice U0111- luwU ui. ; 1 to I p. tu. Ulf. c. J. SMITH. oKr'H'r. n I.K PM' lli'lOll rmvinw. IO.11 k 'Llunlnn,, .,). W ilt'lKe It'lullluill. .1 PATH .11 JuJil M. 8. tlAltl'lEIJl, M. V.. tlO.MI lc I'liyaitmii .ml HurMtou. OBi. Building. DENTISTS. (iI'I'K'K K. A. V A I'tiH AN. UENT1SI. 111 Jinl.l Uuililuiff. A. 1.. HKA'ITK, 1. ll. hi. OKKK fc OVBB IWVIIIgh Buk. - n.l.,. . A. MANN, DENTIST, IN ASSOClA imu Block, ovr 1 B. Oloploo ARCHITECTS AND BUILUtKS. . V. HOWAKU, AHV1II I I.' I A-ojE; nirllllel.il, -111 iiimIimm .uiiiililel. HUll ri-IUM l.u, for builtllini. iu ttiv ill) or Koolll 1,, Jlulil t.ll I l.i I UK vounir)'- BANKS AND BKOKtlts. 1'HE I'ENUl.ETuN .-.WIN'.- '. e oil I el.,u lln-BUli OruMIIIII.'.l -UMn 11 1. "T .piwl, llou.uou. lumrtui .ll.oicit ou Uf"JT I'UMlB E.l'llMllMl- iMtllDtll Mill -" "" "" I, t'lpal polUla. Npt'eml .llolllloll IVU W I01 . tlou, V.'. J, Furinali, pioaiJcin J ' viii'-preaiiitui , 1 J limn., im ion- Kl UH 1 NATIONAL BANKUE ATHJII4 Ort'Kiin. c.oiiul, luo.oou; .uruiu. to"' 1110. IcrtMlt Oil l in,- ilenna luinlt'U Ii) uuu Bur(iiu-, f"" .j 1'e.o- in ."'---.iw iinit'U lo liuiiry C Ad.uia, i.ri.iuiui. 1 Arthur, rlee-prnldent; E.V luoueii ii ""-Tn.- .1 IIUUIUBIII- , i llttllh'l I IIIIU IH'H . nfl lt.ru.li. u-"' tin L '. Buruull. .aaiaiaui t.aliicr El It ST NATIONAL BANK Ol ion Capital, tw.utu: .urphi" '"' at gciioml banklu! biiaii"'' , ' u ami lolcgraiihic Iranalura aula on 1 .nii.u" mini., ev lurk aim I" '" I, j-ru Un- Norllivvti.l. iiralla Iii'mku '' 1 .an ami Europu. Uakua colln imu-- "u u iuimH Uiritia. lAivi Anktuiy, "i,"k' " U. c rlee-nrealdaati ( H Wd, tauir. Ouuruaoy, aaalalaol lataUiti. 1 rraaulaoo, New York auii I