East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 24, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Before You Buy
Call and nee the largest line ol
Hen's Boys' and
Youths' Shoes
in Eastern Oregon. Our Men's
Goodyear Welts in H s k and Tan
$2.50 and $3.00
cannot l)e duplicated in the city-
The Boot and Shod Won.
NO Main Sir.', t,
IVn.Il. t. ii, 'i' '-'"
Maphv nniuillie. bllllM'll 11- . rami Male '
Jie.li. ill Hi. I
I'aiV. riMI-lli'totl ll-irU'l, HI Hit'
ru.illllK J'" ''
Anothar Rich Quartz Dlioovery Made on
Lawton Mountain.
Tin1 town of Lawton, tin. coming
oltv n( th" tiiaiiito tii'i-ti.iii, i- u".iiij
sheiid at a rapid DMO, Mjri tin' Baker
City Democrat. New el ni-turi an'
Kiii ii. ami ieule ari' arriving
then' from i'Vitv dirorti.m.
BMfh quarts, baartng free told In
payinn iiiaiititn'-. iva tlii- I. Ii--rovcnil
liy rii"MM'lnr- on I..11M..11
Mountain just north ol town, ll i
understood tin- I'xl'' riini tliroiitfli laml
now hoinif lit'ld under Outlier entry In
part ic-i other than tin- dll I .WM. U
thin in trili' a contest for poum'Kion
will prohalily taki- plai-f lietwoeii Hi"
tiniU-r man ami miner.
Tin' naif ol Lawton liudaOBi lot"
runt inni'" Mfthgtad BBd in order lo gal
in on tin- uroiunl Moor our should not
let any Rrn. urow under iiiie'f feel.
mivh tlie Lawton Si. in. I. ml. Tli.' mad
now are becoming better and in a
short time buMPortatioa, which baa
boei interrupted for th" pnt feu
weeks, will ba going mi a- aaoal. Than
is no doiiht rotfitnlinn laiwloii'" future.
The town will ixruv, ami proepor be
en u-e it in in the richest ipiart minim:
country on the fa f the (lobe. All
these mines are trihutarv to Lawton
and this eity will he their natural
anpply point. A glance at any map
of the district will demonstrate th"
fact elearlv.
Worts Than War.
Hundred are killed in war, hut
hundreds of thousand- are killed by
emi-iimpti.pii. There WOQld ba B0
deaths at all eail-i l by tin- terrild"
disease, if people eoold bo m id" iy no
dcrntuiul thai Sliiloh's i..ogh and BOB'
sumption eure i- a sure remedy if taken
in the early stages, ct .. .V ef. and
$1 u Bottle. I'niMists will refund tin
money if a eure in not effeeted. Tall
man iSc Co., leading.' drtiioiisti-.
Chlldrsn tor Adoption.
Families desiring to adopt ehildren
may address I. K. Tohey, Sup'i. Ore
gon Children's llmne Society, eit'.er
ut this orliee or al Manpiam lliiildiu,
I'ortluud. A lare a tun bat of homes
are waiting to reeeiv childr-n frmn
twelve tu llflei ii year- In I , enty -se v en
stales the ehildren 's home soeiety has
plaeed in giaal liomes llfteen thousand
children in seventeen vears.
A. K. Uuss of Morxantown, Ind., had
t.i gel up ten or twelve times in the
night . and had severe baekaebe ami
inn in the kidin-v-. a-iured liv
lev's Kidnev Cure. It's miaraiite d.
Pioneer Drug Store
New Lines Just Received....
Kodaks and
Kodak Supplies
A Qogoplttg Amrtmenl of
Stutioiier .
All the I atcat Sheet Music.
The l ilies' Papers and Pe
riodicals. Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists
Corner Main and Alta Streets
I 'Housework is hard woA
A great mtny pcrtoei woolnc en firrai end
be la da ihclr own wilding, Uicu .olored Ukle
lieenluiivc wubief. To eecp Ibcui looking
w uii irum iiaini ue unit
Gold Dust Wuhing Powder
Is the wesh weter, ,d ery la the eb.de. ll ie
oudertel bo. u, , prcu, reJ blt toh rjJ)
tie tree.n... Uhmi ihi. w. WMh red
er colored eteklu ibe teaie CSS.
li,. .1,, , . 1 - - , . .
1 a. a. iiiauiK com n amy,
. :.. IM-ir-dN M mRn iV i JUS. I ' I ' XV) - " - rflV
iiievi ie bargain al Btllltnatt'i.
itaiiiey A Baboar, Iholoi cigars.
S it'll painting a specialty. Chas.
I Lime.
Olives and piekles in hulk at. DJ
inott s.
l'lrst class ereamer
molt 's.
butter t Df
Kre-h Tagatabl
i( iiii klndi al
1 inott's.
(in t.i Demott'ii for
' berries.
llefore painting and papering, set
'( has. Lane.
Pansy plants ready t
-el mil. White
1 louse grocary.
IL'.-Mi street hat- for fl.SO at La
i Mode millinery -Lire.
fat rent- Niee live-room eottaue.
Inquire of R, ). Slilltnan.
Millinerv at holesal" prie
mm at
La Mode mllllMfl store.
Bwtai and Ltntbotgor chaaae,
fresh oysters. White QottM.
N'lee jellies and jams in lass
warrantad pure at Damotl s.
Hwlfta pram lORI hams and breakfast
baeoii. White House uroeery.
Wanted A girl to do ceneral house
work. Inquire ol Mrs. II. .1. Mean.
There will be a reuiilar meeting of
Baahee Cbaptar, t. B. s., tonight.
Sehwarz .V OfMllcfa are selling
eboloa bacon at 10c, ahooldara, at Bo.
Two BOWipataal waiter girls are
wanted at the GoldM Hub' at OCOTi
t'kiab ereamer butter, fresh every
d.iv. Vii' per roll. White House uroeery.
Oloalng out at big rednetions to re.
tire frmn business. Vaughan'.- li.n ket
Mnaltn amlarwaar Quantity and
tyles a lorpflaa. Waaaal Dapaftnwnl
We guarantee every roll of OUT I'kiab
eraamarv butter, 86c par 8-pound mils.
White lb. Use.
Batll predkltl fair weather for t'i
night and Wedneaday, and warunT
wentntr (or Wednaaday,
The "Clover" and "Trojan" perfeet
lltting -bin waist- from 4'ie to :!.."0.
Wessel DapUtmanl Store.
Cornets, laees, einbrwiderie-, hosiery
and underwear all the new HUMMf
-Ivl..-. Wessei Department Store.
Walla Walla ereamery butter. BMt
grade and full weight, .V cents st
iMNind brick. Bnpira meat market,
'phone K.
Olaanat th" liver, purify the blood,
Invlgorata Iho borly by nahog DaWltt'a
Little Karly Rmm. These lanOUl
little pills always act promptly. Tall
man C- Co.
Treasurer W. ( '. K"rn today remitted
ilium t., the Itata treasurer, lie has
now sent a total of tf 1,000, and tStt-
Inn remains rat due from the rminly to
th -tate of Oregon.
Another bit of those f.Vi men's ( res
Cent bii vi les and the gtl ladies' Cre--eeiits
just reeeived at the Creseenl
ag y in the BaM Oregmiian building.
( nine in ami sis- them.
Creeont and Sterling hieyclen.
Catalogues, giving descriptions, of
either hi. ycle, free at the Crescent
agency, in th" Last Oregon ian build
ing. ( 'nine and get one.
Kon't overlook the fact that I have
the largest iloak in wallpaper coloring
in the city. Paper hanging a specialty.
Watch for samples in window . Chas.
(.'. Sharp, opera house block.
,1. I. Carson, I'rothonotary, Washing
ton, I'a., savs. "I have foond Kodol
dyspepsia ('nre an excellent remedy
in ease of stomach trmible, and have
derived great banofll (fOCfl its use." It
digests what you eat and can not fail
to cure. Tallman .V Cu.
Th" Mormon BMtra will hull a
ting at th" Pendleton Saving- bank
corner mi Wedm silav evening. "All
are cordially invited to come and hear
the plan of life and salvation ex
plained," say one of the elders idm
will conduct the open air meeting.
The final account- in the Master Male
conducted last Saturday evening by
the young ladies of the Church of the
Redeemer show great -r net receipts
than Were expected, the total being
11, nr. than ITU. The result is highly
gratifying to those who had the sale in
Tonight, "The Irish Duke" ut
Fraaer a. Cnmidura.le interest ban
been created in the ptfftlfllMMHM), as
those win. .articipate in it are town
penple. The play promises to lie in
teresting, Hillside of the faci that it
is 11 "home prisl "clion." Ticket-can
be bad at .V cents each.
W. W. Mavhew, Marton, Wis., says,
"I consider One Minute Cougfa Cure a
most wonderful medicine, ipiick and
wife." ll is the only harmless remedy
that give- immediate results. It cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
grinpe. whooping cough, pneumonia
and all throat ami lung diseases. Its
early use prevents consumption.
Children . tin. iv- like it ami mothers
endorse it. TbIIbWU iV. Co.
Pater West, the attorney, to lay tiled
t vn divnrce suits in the eircull court.
lieu Uogaa such for legal papa ration
from Annie B. Ilanou. Tbi ware
married at Pendleton mi October p.',
Inks, and there is one daughter ten
years old. lie alleges desertion. Lulu
Al. Ulrieb als.i wants divorce from
.lames Dlrtd), alleging desertion,
lli. i wi n married in Pendleton July
1- 1 and there are no children.
LouUs Hrshany Company Saturday
Persons who guaranteed to take
ticket.- (of the Lee 1st) llrehanv Concert
and ns-ra to be here Sglurday evening
may ran rc their Hints tom'ormw al
Tall man's, the board being opened
lirst for them. Then, on Thursday,
others may engage seats.
Tlie engagement of tl. Louise
Bgahany company, in u high class con
cert, with one complete act from the
oK-ra of "Martha," the company
composed of talented artists, i- ail
witiumt GoldDtistw
mii of nrime Importance
amusement world, th- oompan) was
seenred through the efforts of Principal
B II. Oonklln, of the public schools,
:11i,l therefore the desire to witness
the par form an ee will be supplemented
with a willingness to encourage the
establishment of 11 library for the
SSbOOl puplll of Pendleton, for that 1-
H. r,.: 1 Principal Cmiklin secured
the attraction.
Seldom is the press unanimous in
praise of any company, yet, among
hundreds "f criticisms, not one has
been unfavorable. The following is
reilllv representative of the press
opinion oi th" llrehanv company:
Little Rock Times undoubtedly and
according to the )sipubir verdict, the
em rt given lat night at Masonic
Mall by the Louise Hrehany ballad
ami opera eonotrt company, under the
auspiOBS Oi th" Musical coterie, was
the most brilliant niil'ical event of the
season TBS hall was crowded and
-eats were at a premium, The culture
and reflnetXent of the city wen there
and as the evening progressed became
perfectly delirious with delight. The
company is composed of artists of
national renown, who emphasised the
esteem in which they are held by the
musical world hv their Splendid en
tertainment hist night, The program
more than doubled in length by the
L'ontlno, Now In British Columbia, Who
Owsn 81.000 to Tutulllans.
1',. T. OOOtinC, who bought between
OOnnd MX) tons of bay from Tutullla
farmer-, and left with the hay only
partly paid for, has not yet returned
to sipiare himself with MM parties Irmu
whmn he bought the hay. Contine
purchased the bay on the part pay
ment plan, ami owed a total balance
of about 11000 The bay went to
T im ma, where part of it was sold.
Some of the hay was rejected, how
ever, being f fsVir quality ami not
worth anything in the Bound market.
The average price paid was about a
The exiierien if the loners in
calculated In illustrate the unwisdom
f allowing a stranger to take away
g I- m- products with no security for
th.. pay 1 it of the purcnaaa price.
Contine signed the tirm name of
Contine ltr.ithers in all transactions
touching the hay purchases, lie was
about Tutullla for two months, going
there in January, lie is snppoai
now to be iii itrit nh Columbia.
Roporlod by I. L Ray Co., Chleaao
Hoard or Trade and Now York Stock
Exchange Broken.
April .'L- I lie wheat market was
slow but tirm today and the clone:
showed gains both in Chicago am
Liver I.
Tim Liverpool close was I-s penny
higher, '.. ( hicago opened at t
7-s and held around this point until
near the close, when there was all ad
fenOC to li.V.,. Stocks steady. Money
t per cent. Close yesterday, 04
to 111.
( pen today. M 7-S.
Itange today, iH 7-s to '""'.,.
Clone today. iVj.
San Francisco,
Wlie.lt, !".
April 2-t. Cash
No Lest a Person than Usnoral Wallace
Says So.
(ic. cral Lew Wallace, formerly
minister to Turkey, in discussing tin
present controversy respecting in
demnity fo. the destruction of mis
sionary Imildliigs, said to a newspaper
representative I I think I am lull
a. on. mil. 'd with the sultan of Turk.
than possibly any other American, and
I know he is an hone-l man, and I
never knew him In break a promise
Abdul Humid is 110 more to be blamed
for the gross atrocities committed and
the property destroyed hv Kurd- than
William McKinlev would lie if tin
Apache- should go upon ihe warpath
ami slay the white settler-, as they
have done in times past. Ihe act -
weie er'tratiil upon Armenian!, but
11.. American- sultcreil tlie Ins- ol a
hair. The Christians in Turkey are
there under the patronage of the sul
tan, and without hi- protection thev
1 li I not remain. Not 11 Christian
church Is burned or a mission d
stroved hut the sultan i- :he lirst 111 11
to subscribe io rebuilding it. I know
Ibll to Ik so."
Played Ihe Pari ot a Hsro.
In the di-trict court, at Atkinson,
Kenans, Thomas c. Wocrmofl pleaded
gUllty to the charge ol huriilng th
cosily resilience oi i . j, ro., a promi
nent oitiaen, ami was 1 t
-iV" Is year- 111 the penitentiary. II
admitted thai the KoX lam II) bad been
very g I to him, and lie net tire In th
limine iii onler to plav the part ot a
hem by rescuing ihe family and
thereby make hi- employer think thai
bin kindness had been boatOWSjd
worthily. Alter Woennan had been
sentenced, he said :
"I plead gnilty because I bated In
face the member- of th" Ko family
who had been so kind to me."
Wormian was a reader of chea
Is This Plain Enough.
If v.. 11 bnte a nagging cough ami un
leeiug beau, go to a drug store, ami
get 11 bottle of Sliilnh's Consiimplion
cure, lake twn-thiid- ol it, and then,
if you are imt benelited, return the
bottle to the druggist, 11ml he w ill re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
OOO Could ask more. els., 50 eM
and tl a bottle. Talluiau A Co., loud
ing druggists.
$5.00 Reward.
1.0-1 or strayed fhaa iron gray noma
branded A. C, on left tlank weight
about I loll pounds. Haised in neigh
Isirlnusl of Nye, lr. If found and re
turned t.i Telephone stables, fader
w ill receive reward of 6,
Whal Two Cents Will Do.
It w ill bring relief to sufferers from
asthma or consumption, even the worst
case-. This is about what one dose of
Foley's Hooey and Tar costs. Isn't it
Worth a trial'.' Take 110 substitute.
Pioneer Hrug store.
Today's Conflagrations.
Fairmont, Ind., Anrll M The
.1. ..I.. I Al... mil a ., . . ... .
socis 1,1 un Vinson .v jici uiioiigii jur
lactnry uurnru many, Iaimu, 1oU,UUU
St. Utuia, April -N. A s.'ciul to
tlie 0 lobe nemoemi from Ian Antonio,
Tana, nays: Pauuca, Mexico, an im
portant trading town, wun enlirelv ,e
storyed by lire today.
Marienetle, Wis., April 24. -Kirr al
Atkinson, Mich., dc.-inoed twn Haw
inills of the Metropolitan Lumber
Company, 1.0ns, to,ou).
Thr death of (ieo. Snodderly, an
aged ami rrsKiird pioneer of (iranl
eOUnty, incurred in Cunyoii City last
Wednesday morning from heart failure,
lie came acr..- the plains to Oregon
in IMoO. He was among the lirst to
iuiuu on Canyon creek, Grant county.
r " 1. -s- t-- u--p "tT1 ARMETP o
A. 1!. Thompson
if r.cho. is in town
today 1
0.0. White ban returned from 11 trip
to the Bound.
Ileorge Loftier, of Dnion nrecinet,
is in town today.
Hubert Starkweather returned from
Tacmna OU Monday.
li belaud, of Beppncr, baa t
In Pendleton and will enter the employ
ot the Beaton store.
J, 0. Maekinn travleing freight
agent of the (ireal Northern railway,
is al the Hotel Pendleton.
n v Pratticr. p Buaanvllle resident.
let iti 1 1 1 ll He will meet Mrs.
Prather. who it In fawA Grow, and
will enme up to Pendleton tomorrow
morning, when they will leave for
their bon 11 lohfl Day river.
Walter iluild, stenographer for
Superintendent W. Itollons, ol the (.
U. A N. track departmenl, leave- Pen
dleton mi Thursday for Portland. Be
w ill enter the oilier of I). M. Mc
Laughlin, chief of polll I thai city.
A A. MaUlhlpi tiow stenographer of
the rOadmaater at The Dalles, will
jUOUOOll Mr. Qulld. The bitter's de
parture is cenerally regretted here,
where Mr. Qulld has many friends.
A. P. Nash and Charles Brown, con
ductors who will be on the (. I!. H N.
passenger run between Pendleton and
Huntington under the new schedule,
will move their families to Pendleton,
from La (iraiide, if they can Hud
hon-.-- to rent. Mr. Nash is here to
day looking for a meant dwelling
house He ban experienced difficult
in finding one. Both Mr. Nash ami
Mr. Brown bona run freight trains on
the main line of the (). II. e. N . for
main years.
ink MM M aWfc fiurr- Indlpoatlon,
SH'BM ST -t !nn,t'tlln.
msfcsnmojaw WmmMmmmmmt
10 cents and 25centi, at all drot stores.
who appreciate a fine Iragrant
tea, one that N smo.nhe as oil,
without leaving a hitter, puckenti".
to try "Our Afternoon" tea VVlii
this tea was especial v hlendcd for
purties, it Ins proven such a win
ner that we wish your wives and
to know it is possible to nuke a
cup that cheers, hut doss not me
0wl Huse
"White wheels are not
controlled hy a Trust.
.Al THB.
X 1 isssagnl b 1 " 1
Of all
Mouse Cleaning Time
Is Here
Do yuu wish to exchange
old furnituie for new? Do
you waut a good carjit't or
matting' 1 carry g OOggpUU
line, WQludUlg all varirtn-s
and pirjtjg, and sell them .11
bottom prices.
Wlieeler BttUdlgf,
Court Sireet
11 Mil H AN I Id si j,.
.-.iii. lor in. 11. in. Qf
ucpaior- in lbs I nlud
HUte or Kuro,e, ruuiit,
b) lautal noli , ilioek ,,,
sad in the Kast Oaiui
sun Ibi- uvt ptiblisbrr.'
prlte j1 tbe publication
you du.lre. .nil u.. will
belli 11
........ , ., Ml ,
.,. ii,. 1.... r.. ... ' .7. . "!!. mi'
" 11 M'lll 111 Villi Mil. I ....... .11 .1.1. ... ..
1 lbs stalls, li alii ...
utile Mini tlkk
11 lull Hll
,l.'.lii.. 1.... r.7.7r ii ' .. ""'as you van
11. IIII' I . . - I IUL.,.UI,U I.. I ... - .
in.. , u..
Ailiire.h I- AKT m L'i .SS,""":.l"ll
ton, Oruaou.
w Holt Broa' Improved lk Belt Blde.
, mcs your gran, at ahmd h" -a nr " 1 further saving of
Ml k B Combineil I rster- in IMW. I'-r fnr.brr Informal ad
Stockton, California, or
r ll un Ir
L00U8t Hill Poultry Yard....
Bsrred white Huff Plj mouth
Brown un. 1 whit.' Lsgboras.
HIhi'I, Uitiirsinins,
Khiiile lalsntl Harls,
i- ." line. Ilgtt mi. 1 f 2JO0 psr .
Guy W. Wade, Pondiotnn. Or.
agwn "Lambert1! Deetk i" Uea."
Hand made Harness
addlss, Rrldlss, Ntiurs. Wagon Corel
Tuns, Harasss ml. siring Uwtbs
Brushes, e.'. Iti'ji.ofiiii; iroiiipll)- n
Hmtlsd in.
p. A
Wlte, let II
nun stri'i I
You Gan Got
The Celebrated Pilsner beer
in hottles, delivered to any part ol city, at
SI-SO per HDczcn.
ajs nnttlotl by Goo. J. Putt nor
lot; -ai.k liv tiik I'lnscKtt
.Mr- vf.irc uf Imitation
ll I- liljrlilv approvnl lor vrt v n(trctAble rest
wllieh 11 litt.;irl. I.. Soui... I''i.h lallK', Hot
aiul CoM M1.1l NVl.ll I ..: : civ.
Ihe larjreat sto-k of SaiJIery, Har
ness. Tents, Wagon Covers and all
Until.- of Canvax is kept by
Joseph Ell
The I. 'ailing rtuntifncturtr, who tutu
til .1 more finor room than al' the
other ha BCM hops In I'emlleton
gag ( inatllU County toKetlicf
The New York World,
Thrice a Week Edition
ALflOT A UAIl. AT THB Hklcl.
rbe iiuit widely 0! renin ted "iraekly"
newspapor in America i tin- Tbrieem
Week etlltlon of The New Yurk Wurlil.
inni with the iiresiileittiiil ciiiiiiiitiu-11
now at hutiit vim I'ltiin.it tin "in 11' ii
Hare are nnte uf the reaamii whv it
iH easily the leader in ilullar a v'our
journal (anil
It is Ifsiieil even nther tlav. ami is In
all piiriHiseH n dtilli
Every week each subsoribtir reeeives
ih piflsa ami nnan during the "buay''
i-'ii --.it 'Jl liaueh eaeli week.
The priee i i.nlv l par year.
It in virtually a dnilv at'lhe priee of
lt news eovers aeaee knuwu mss
the world. No weeklv'neWMiiii.r ,..,l.i
stand alone 'and (urnlali suoh sswvimi
fhe Thri.e-a-Week Wurl.l L. .1
lisosul all uf the remain. of Ih,.
Krealei-t new i.ai.er in exiclei ll... I
wonder of uodarn jourualisni
"Amarina'a Urea teal Newspaper." aa
It has la-en instlv leniuil Tl... v
York World,
its nolltioal news in ibaolutaly m.
partial. Thia font will be of eepevlal
un in me preaiuentiai
OOUliuu on.
The hest nf current lietinn ,.
in it?- eolunna,
foil lid
rnaes an- only tout uf tin
re.l.-iilt- ;
and las
mere tire uthers. Head it
them all.
We offer this unequal,,! lieWN,ai.r
ami lite weeklv Kant I Ire,,.... I,... ...
awsuer one year lor g, Tin
, ...1. I,,
uiawripiion priee ul tin- tw
ro papers ih
T - -.11
Wld and the semi-
ui, l a -1 tlreiiiiiiui,
So .m, "" "or
Dally Saul Oruuiau, 14c. a wtaik.
No. 10 Third Street, Walla Walla, Wash,
III 4ll k' l)Afl!WS, a I al.ea,
Hhl.TS, 1.ATHI:.M BBLTA, OIL, etc. We can save
1 ic Read
I toy
Rady for Business
wiiii n rampleni line of jtli
pllm. 11. mi-.'- it.-. I im al.
1 1. 1 out artessi
ctrl. -Hi Hup
trk l.titiiif
Sn. Ml Ciiuri ItrsSl.
I'cndlcton Umbrella Works
i iui'M-Mri" ind pAfMoh nude to otdtfi
rccvt'it 'l mi l rc(m(r,'.i ' k Kcinlrtii.
iimr MaKblnot Mid. Ntittd Mint n
jMirci. a nonplvta Mm oi Mtrai nut
chiiii- Miii-h Im,
A. J. Hlflop & Son. Props
un ninvi. Psnnwi
1 snni'. CUKE
un,,. 1. 111 -
uacMsd IteBfnfl i'lie-. 1 1. ibo lumoi tbi
IL-lnnu ui. once, 11 v. - it.-i. ott ri :ief. r.ver ls,x Is wiirrutttuil. Rolil
liv ilrnirKlsis Sent hv tuiill mi r' elm nl nrtee. M u tti-. unit St Ll
1" I box WILLlAbIB mi'U. CO., l'rops., ClevoluuU, Ohio.
onto sl'OHK I'i'.Mi KTOt, oiikoon
T!)ii aUnaturn u on eTfry U.lllo
JOHN DIM IN - -UN-, AkcuIs, N.w York.
Also Wholesale Agent for
S 111. 11
hi hottles, harreis, or cases.
Call up at p
'telephone 11 0. O
Montna( Utah, Cokarado
and ah Eaatero Pinth
lilvss cbtilt'ti ol inn
1 NIOM I'm im i.,
l,l IMD svciiii Urn -
ts vori is rnniss. via tim
Hall Llns, or tint Itlo
No Change of Cars
on Hie I'orllau'l i liiiaa
lb. Wet."
BMW, "MM lines! iu
Bsjatpuad wun
tilegant Standard Sleepers
1 ine (New Ordinary t ourist
Superb Llhrar -bullet Cars
Splendid Diners meals a la carte ,
I Vee keclbiing Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Coaipletely Veatlbuled
Kor luiiliir iiiloruiation aah i0
0, TKItltV,
'I'ruv. I'a.M. Agl.
124 Third St.
W. g. I'OMAN,
0mt) AkouI
Portland, Oi'skoii.
Notary and
i.B0 to $5 Delivcreii
I inler of tw ami save money.
Orders for Hiibbor Htai...
also soliclttid.
I'eudlotou, trKoii.
from four .0 oigl
111 con cut. thresh ...
saving your thrwhim
-Til III tn
you money.
llr.i'AKT tlmw HnhiHlnla AHinJ
sou KiFom lfiiliin. run, i
Kast suit lKs, Denver, Karl m I
Villi W..11; un.Hlin, Kan- i
v,. I mm ( liv, Ht. Vill-
ftliaa.ni 1 ii.i'.. mitt Kast, etal :.'
No. -' Crej. . Short Lino. n.
o :i p. m. 1 10:lla.nj
HiDksjis v.'ttllh V..VI... hpokaiit', Hrcku.
Vtysr Mii)ii...lls, sl. 1'buI, V"nt
No.l 1uliitb, Mllvmubrr, S11..1
7 1. m iii chlcani Mitl l'.sst, vbi (Man
OrsKt Korllirrii.
v.ii PiifUsml mirl ttwi Fran '' -'Vi
7 ::is 11 in. ei.co. A:Ms.al
I" M p. III. .1 :'H f. 1
1.00 1. m. Oeean Hit,it,ip t uip-s
I'ruui I'ortlttntl.
for Man Kiarclseo
Kvury Itvt dsys.
Mga.nt QatmeMa aVeee rnp,a
Ks Miintlisy -i 'ii Ki.inaej
lAHtitxliiy To At'odo six) Way
loam. ljindniKs.
I.v ll'tian Hnah Kl. ll.v.Lnra
fSaS liiMirBll4lstoii I 'Mr
tais n, j Wa at.
Hlaod iruiii I ears. Peaillston for tv.iuw.ii
al I i. 111 .111. 1 arrive" al W:l'i . ni.
for full Inform mini apply ur wrlU' to
Oanrial I'wiiii ; Aaci.
i'oniaii'1, urr,
V Y Wamh.kv, a.-. , feudleloii.
Pullauto Siccpiun Caiff,
Elegant Dining Cart,
Tour lit Slccpain (irs
tiltAMi KtHIK-
HEI.KNA sa l
B08TI in
and all polntl Kant ggd Iftgg
Throagh ti. km. io japan sad t ills
m. .un,. iimi Nurtiiern rsolAc Btsaasal
ami anseriaaa line.
Trail, UMVSS l'eii.eii .lally SSTSBl I
al SSJO D, ui.
lor fnitnes iiiloruiation, time esnK
ami lluksls, 1 nil mi or rile W. AdssM
ion, iiii-jton, or A. Ii i'HAi:l.ro
Thirtl .imi Harrison hi- . i'.inlJ
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
ror QgdggjO. Ht. Paul.rtt. l.ouU, W
UaftBli Jo, Omaha, aau
Ail Points East and
fOk TLAND and points
on the Sound.
AnlTos nl H;it . in. 1 ,'. t jH-loa)
iiiivUi iiml Vrldnv. lu.ii, 1
Uspaita daily eicapt Hu'.ilaj al ss ! . .
Kor lutorroatlou naiilln. rslss "
.II1I.II.U.VIII1U oh,i ,,n ,.f millfW. ,
H. O. UALUKRUKAU, U. 1'. A ,
e. nN ,l-ii, w
INew Goods-
And Cheaper
Than Evar..
Cur pets,
i ace Curia"
W all W
Headquarters for U 1 te'
Standurtl mid RW-W
Sewing afgchlDSB
Main St., tiear