East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 24, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    m h i to
Sole Agents for the
Remember every 50c. purchase entitles
you to chance on Piano.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
V. APRIL 24, 1900.
u , silllmin Kscslvus Huok a Maohlna
UMiiwajf SunUiiy.
i oiiimmi hud a bicycle itoln
! frJu mi ti"'' IS conveniently
;,!u,hi lurk by Hi" man who Iwuglil
. 5iM from the tbi-l. Our h
K.ll.'v liinil thi" wheel lr.nn Mr. Still-
m,mrlMrl.Tv in the Bui Oreg i
lntiMiti. ivihk In- wuuti-tl to co up to
('i,u. iMtlon, rinbti'i'ii iiiib-H oiimI
tnm IVmlli'ion on tbu O. K. .v N.
diltali The wl I wai nol returnedi
i i.is Mii l ir lit ii . . 'i . ' hi
Hni t'l.iv another mi eme into tb
MOT with tin' iiiacbiiii' in iii'-f
tnm, anil Hiinti 'l I" trade H lr
in,., wheel. Mr MilliiMli at inii'i
, ... mmum D. ami tlir limn who
haaflri it i greeiduly yielded it up.
Ti In tulil tlii- -lorv :
"i imimiit the wheel t Adams frnm
imwtosald he rode n from Hunt'
lejMa t Ada mi I paid him nm
il'illar in c.tKli anil two ulcctric bulti
mirth aM dellan each,
"iVIieii tin' d'll" had lukfll tlir
wit inn! 1 taa wbeel, lie came bark
mil I'lt'il bm when I lived, I loll
him in Wnllu Wall. i. Tlu'li hi saiil hi
in- boIm aver to thai town ami nm-ml
tuki' tin' vvlieel out tor nif, to huvi
III,' thi' trmililr. Thi" J ili'i'lim il, but
nine iluwu ban to tradt it lor u tiln'i
uiuiili' torn lady to iihc."
A mu with tin- wl I nuiiI Ii
a-ii iliK'tnr truin Walla Walla ami
Hut In1 wuiilil not IWear out a warrant
br the tblef'i arreat, beeejUM he hail
'hkiihw in Salt l.akr ami hail to on
tbrri' lit otiir. Ii tin- thii'l i urn-HtisI,
turn tin' Walla Walla doctor will re
torn tn sweur axuitiHt him.
Tin' man who Htoh' thi whee
nnliii iiIniih I mi i iiiiiiiiiI anil wax of a
wiily coiiitli'X ion .
ami Htand reaily to enter into con
traeU pli'dyinii the name,
No Ii'hh II :UK i cnwH wotilil 1'iinbli
ii crcamerv to In- nnerateil on n Imsi
of iirolit, but that number would
ecu re for Pendleton the HtnhliHlimi'iit
oi a tint-riiiHN oreemery.
Cold steel or Death.
1 if but one Himill elianei
Ii thrnu&h
for the
A Nlulil ol Terror.
'Avldl anxiety wai hill
I " uf the brave I leneral
' M .' .in- He., when th
uiil he couhl mil live till nniriiinii"
Jlrc h. II. I.iiieulii, who ut
tnlii her tlmt tearful light. "All
tli'itinlit die must -null ilie from pnuu-
liut kIii iM-aaeil for l)r. kingV
New Uim'uverv.-jynii; it had more than
mtr mviiI lier 1 Hi-, ami had cured her
Hanoititiiiti. Alter three hiiiiiII
'!"" tw kIcH ,.i-ii all tnlit, and
it ItirtliiT line ioiii,ieev cured her."
Ihi marvelous niediciiie in gtiurun
tvl tm'iire all tlimat. eln,ut anil linur
MM Only 60c ami U. Trial
'"tllw Inviit Tulliiian v Co. 'a.
hums cows for a chkamkhy.
Cny triil bun Would Unaranloo
40 lor u Year.
"Uliuiii Caapv wan ulmul Inu n t,lnv
wikinil up tin; matter d the eHlalilinli'
t ol a iTeamery in Pendleton. Mr.
, "' 1 "!' I in- i-oii. Will in nt
'-; raid purantee the product of
"Pili l ir mm - id ' . .
,,, ii a creuiiierv
"Ul'l ! Hi'ured.
uii the inloriiiutioii wan
"'M imuj a reliable toaree that if
oiUM lie secured, nledifed
!r, a emu iHiu-Ht ereueierv
'nine here and nut in n
. r1. i hc matter baa reeled
' '"He mid mituiog beyond the
tliat inliiriuatlon Ul bin
1"'' uumber ol ueraoaa have
uar.llllee a I.I , Ii' lie ul III I L
u '
ul Bail
Nr-Plli Knives
fksa.rj Spoons.
' uy Ilj,.
' the I. .. I II..... ...
"'"Ulv Pav l i.i '
it..u ii,"","' lb" li'l'lc
... , ""I y.iii J.i '?"h inaili.
Jeweler and
L Hunziker
fee Talk
I Here ih nut one hiiiii 1 1 ehance t
Have your life nod that la through an
operation." wan the aw fill primped Net
before MrN. I. II. Hunt, ol Lime
Ridge, Win., by her doctor after vainly
trying to cure her of ii (rlghtfnl Rajn
of Itomaeh trouble und yellow
jiiutidiee. lie didn't count on the
luarvellooa power of Blootrle liit-
terN to cure itOfUMSh und liver
troitbleN, but tbe heard of it, took
eVOII bottlcN, wan wholly cured,
avoided nifjecili V knife, now weixliN
mote and hail! better than ever. ItV
positivelv KUaranteeil to cure Ntomacli,
liver ami kidney tFOOjblOfl and never
dlaappolnta, Trice BOb at Tall nuui .v
Oo. 'h drill! Htore.
And Thus Assist In Making the Parade a
In order to umiiHt in the niii NNftil
I nil lit otf of the bone parade on May
6, ownern of horHeN to be brounlit out
that day are iiHked to Nend thin week
to Frank hraier w ithout fail MUat,
Hire, dam, age and oolorofnll botm
to be BXblbitad, It nboiild be reinem
hered that aliNolutely no c.iarnc will be
The parade an aiiiioiiuced ii t tract-
log natoatitii in advnnet nil over the
cuiiNt. liuiuirieN are n ived from
VBJrioOl journulN for wrlteOM und
piotorea llloatrativa ol the ezhibitlona.
It In expected that more than ol)
ImrNCN will be in line.
Hone ownern ure iiHked to bear in
mlod that all are welcome to brinu.
out horNCN w ho ch none no to do, and
that it in not intended to limit it to
racing animate. Any bone the owner
tlinilic worthy will be admitted.
Yearling oolM may be lad behind their
daiiiH, if dcHired.
A Uood Thlna.
Our ureiit-Krand BMibara1 KiirretN
contained the Name herliN of nil heal
ing found in K .ii OioVOf Knot 'l eu.
They nave imr aticeHtorn Htreugth, kept
the IiIoihI pure, und will do the Name
for you if you niiv ho. Map 23 ctN
and Mi ctM. Tall man & Co , leudili
Bradbury Sayi Southern Oregon Peaches
Are Killed.
A. P, Bradburv, a Portland com
merolal traveler, at the Hotel Pendle
ton today Haid be bad reliable advleea
tlial ttie peach crop of Montltern On
irmi in killeil ami tbat thiN vear then
will be practically no pSMMa on tin
market troni that BactlOn.
DVHtuvrn Oregon, oi eoiirNc. niincm
' " '"ilk ot tin. Oregon peach prmluet
A reliable eoinniiNHion man of Portend
"i.n n i mi k i titr noiiNe in niitliern
uragon, tout me a oay or two ago that
he iia.i made a trip to Smith. in Oregon
piirpopelv to invert ipntc the report licit
the peeobee are all killed. I found
that Un rcportN are true, llmoel
itieraiiy. ENNItnern (reKoii will liavi
no more than a one-tentli or twentietl
ot a crop t Ii ih year. Heavy frnrtN bavi
Kiiie.1 irie triilt hcyoml all doubt. It
in a senoiiN Ionn to tf rchardirtN uf
that part of the rtate, for many of
them depend almost Nolclv on penolies
inr ini ir iiicome
iii in Nadfetou fMni
of tin
Arrivals at the Hotel Pendleton.
W ll Denver, PoHland.
Wm Maher, I'ortland.
U V llovt, Portland.
W W Smith, I'ortland.
(' i . I, niton, Portland,
s l Foley, city.
a i' Naen, citv.
M Delavaga, Portland.
S H ftfi win I'rancicHo.
I' red I Tetcher, N m
Pred Johnaon. Spokane.
H 8 Uiil, Spokane,
(ieo Mctiilverv, Spokane.
A .1 Hall, Spokane.
A AIUnoii, I'orllaml.
w i laann . Porl land.
S lleatlicld, Snokaiie.
M OotuMfi waahingtou,
Mack i mu . I'ortland.
I' llradbiirv, I'ortland.
.1 I . .' i. .in ii, tlinabu.
O 1) Biahardaon, Helix,
s i c'opuell, Sun Kranoiaoo,
Nick Bianebeti lu Pranoieoo.
c K Brown( city.
J II Moral), l.a I ramie.
7otn l,. Cox
OamM Prairie.
"Out in our region, " said Mr.
"fnrmcra are only U'liinnini! to
ami xecil. rbe hciinoii is consiil
latr than out here ln"thll part
......i.i. , ... ... . .
"""'J' 'iiru, iiirinerN are UN lute iin
.lime in plowing! and it in not in
frequently the ciiNe that the plowing in
tfoiiiU on on election ilnv. vear iur
I i I , . c
i Niiwen trrain hn late bn .luiir Zi.
t). N . Prather. who in in tnwn from
tlie SiiNUiivtlli iintrv, Ntated tmhiv
that the new bridge ucroNN the .lohn
I'av river in not in (too. I nIiiiiic for u-i
L- L . . n I,, . .
i oc iiiiroiien on tne MtNiinvtl Ic Niilc in
not yet put in, or, at leant, not in con
Hilton to pcrnm teem eaeiiy to itonn
the bridge. According to Mr. Prather
oil yardi of approncli nIioiiIiI be buiit
before the bridge in fit for trnfllc
i ii" proper compiet ion ami miiin-
teiiam I the road a mt bridge will
determine the hauling of ore to Pen
dleton from the lludge- ami Stockton
milieu. I lie owner ol Uicnc i
i" utixioii- to haul In I'cni Ictoii. fur
the reiiNon thut here thev will lind
competition by two roadi for hauling
Dy ran to the tmettera, I he a unt i,f
ore to oc natiieil out win nut he m-
coiiNiderable by any meaiiN, and everv
tciitii bringing in ore will take back
to the SiiKanville country goodN froii
the NtoreN of Pendleton. It will In
-cell then that the oucNtion in noiiii-
what important to Pendleton btiNincNN
men. Our people are all favorable t
I cmlleton iin a trading and Nliippiuu
point, prelerriug IIiin place to am
other in Kartcr.i tiregon.''
Mr. Prutber Myt the roadl are dry
ing up rapidly IB the DMWntalni.
nruNN wiin goiNi mere iin eariv iin
March, t burlcN Turner, the nuIi-coii
tractor who carried the mail, threw ii
tlie ioh recetitlv lieciniNe he tonk it at a
ligure Icnn than that at which he coil
prolitithly carry the mail. It ll agiiin
Ntat leil. although for a tune i ,.
nt there were denied mail cointiiiiiii
m ion with the outMide world.
I ieorgc l eliiml, one of the bet know n
men of lleppiier, in to In' in f tbc
force employed at the IIonIoii Store in
Pcmlletoti. Mr. la lainl arrived (Iiin
noriiing. He will be in the boot and
hoe und dry good depart incntN. Mr.
.eland mivn the nIicihi gmwiTN and
liuverH in Morrow cotintv are Ntill fur
apart in their iiIciin of viiIiicn of Nheep.
An a coiiNequetice, no p. or not
many, have liecn noi, ami in conw-
ipiencc ot tlie lailure to Nell Nlieep the
on- ! llcppmr IccIn tlie i ttecl.
While lleppiier if iin hiiI id a town un
ever, anil ponncnncn plenty ol tiiianctal
rcNourt'cN, the lack of current Im- m. --
iN marked in the NtoreN. Sheep grower
uid outside buyer have been disa
greeing iluriug tlie present seiiNoii, ami
the attitude ha- been maintained for
the greuter part ever since the spring
begun. There have been sales, but com
pared with the amount usually din
posed of, the sales this yeur are v. TV
Nasal catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment liv f.lv s l ream liaitn, wincii t
agreeably aromatic. It is received
through the nostrils, clean.' and
heal the whole surface over which
it diffuses itself. A remedy for nasul
catarrh which i drying or exciting to
the diseased iic-nihraiic should not lie
used. Cream Italiti i rccogn med a a
specific. Price 50 cents at druggists
or by mail. A uold in the head
immediately disupcurs when Cream
Halm is ' used. Kly Hrotbura, 6(1
Warren street , New York.
$100 Dollars Haward. I00.
The rcM'ieO ill till liiUH'l W ill I"' ilert-i .l In
loam Uihi liter.. In at ioaat one lre..'lfiil duuanc
ItlKl seiellee Iimn Ih-.'II utile In ear.' Ill all ll.
NlHKen, iiinl turn 1- ealarrli. Hull' i marrli l ure
M in "in. iMiHltlVe elire now kln.ull te Hie
n. ili.nl frau.rnllv. I'alarrli betna u eiuulllu-
II. mat dlsvax' rc.juiros a cuiistltuliuiial trvat
'.I' H' Hall' i'alarrli l ure In lakeu liil.-riiall) .
aellng .Urt'elly .hi the IiIihnI mii. I Liu " .- -in
i.i. . - ul tin. ynteiii, thereby iletlri.ylliK lie'
f.iuintalioii ol the iflatfaao. all. I k'vIiik (he pa
tient mreiiaih to t.iilliluiK ii. ll.- -.iih1 iini um
aiiila.Nii.tniK nature ill iIuIiik it Wurk. Tut
l 1 " , 1 1 i ' i . " nave o laileU (aUli ill Um curative
twcr llial lliey ..nei niie iiuieireit ininar i.ir
any ease that It lalls to cure Itellil li.r Hat ul
teetlmuulaUi AihlreM,
r . J. I II KN r. Y A ( (I . Tule.ln, lllll.i.
Uol.l by I'lusKiNix. 7
II .ii- KamlTv fills are the beat.
Call tor School Waei mil-,
Notice is bitrebv given tnal all out-
tendlng warrant of school district
No. Iti, I unit ilia coiintv, llrcgoii, up
to and im hiding warrant No. 1861. will
in paid on ureaontatioo at the otfMe f
the chirk of said district in the Kust
OregOnUtO building, Pendleton, Ore-
fou. Iiiterust ceaiais froin date of pub
ication. U NA HISIIOl',
Clerk Histrict No. Iti.
l'at.-.l April 2(1, 1UU0.
Kuniiing sores, ulcurs, boils,
piniphs, etc., uuicklv cured by Kuuner
salve, the most liculing sulve in the
world. No other "just as g....d.
Pioneer Drug Store.
. Doo'i he fuo;
'h a ul uav a lance nrioe for iiai-L.icc coflce
yu can ,Uy Chane & Sanlorn's bulk coffee at tlie
l"lie 11 en.--. I,,, il,, ,....l ... a I...II..,
. - ''ii in. i iii ii.im a .'in"
"MM, always usei.
fur ycudlctoa.
Court Sti tHJt
Dave Home Tells About the
Started It.
"I notice that the majority of pen
pie think old lieu Holliday was the
originator und up. Tat a of the famous
puny express which carried mail
ai r the continent from St. Joe to
San Francisco, in IHIKI, 21100 miles in
ten days," said Have llonic to an
Fast Orcgoiiiaii representative, while
be was in town the other day. "As a
DMtter of fact.'' continued Mr. Ilorne,
"Holliday never had anything to do
with tint pony express, although be
did establish ami run the daily cr
luud express from St. Joe to Suit Luke.
"Major, Itiissell und Wuddell were
the men who tiirled the pony express.
The were contractors who " freighted
for the government on the pluius from
lint Kearney to tiauta Fe und
"In the si.ringof IHO the stage route
from St. Jia' to Pike's Peak wus
put on, called the Pike's Peak Flxprc,
and it went three time u week.
Major, Ruaaall Wuddell carried a
weekly mall '" eel I Luke, U00 miles,
and the contract calicd for makinu tin
trip through in 12 days, 100 miles a
dava It wus in tile spring of fgj tlie
pony express from Ht. Joe to San
PranoiaOO was started, liv the same
Hrm, Major, Kussell A Waddell. ft
made the 2(MXt mil. n at the daily rate
of 20(1 mile, and to do this it was
Ueoeaaary to keep the finest of horse
for the rulers, many thoroughhiuds
Is-iiig used. Lincoln's lirst eMMBjfl
wa carried over the pony exprc. A
telegraph line wus working as fur us
Fort Kearney from the Kent, ami row
Oareon to rort Uh archill on tin- .t
Bud Between Kearney and Churchill.
1500 miles, the pony egpMej curried
the maeaiglt in nix days und sewn
hour, or at the rule of m-urly 2oU
miles a day,
"When the war broke out in '01, the
Southerners confiscated all the stia'k of
the stugc line ol I the Southern route,
by which in 22 day the trip wa made
from iyraooaa. Mo., to Ban Krancleoo.
A 0-yeur contract liud been entered
into, two years longer than the usual
time, but the onnoaaaion irgr mdt hr
the government for the reaanr that it
wus very oxpeueive to stock so long
a Hue. 1 lie govcruiueiii guvc in.
oompany time to change from the
HOUtnern to the central route, it was
then that Bell Holliday started the
1200-mile line to Sail Lake from St.
Joe. He had u inortguge on the stock
owned by the company, and thus uot
possession. I' nun Salt Luke to Larson
Wells, Furgo & Company run a stage
line, connecting with llulliday'u lino
to Suit Lake, und from Caraou it went
to FoteoWl to conned with the rail
road to proceed to San Frniictsco.
"I remember often during those
lav currying Mark Twain an a
panengtir when i was driving stage.
Twain was then private secretary to
Governor Nye, ,.f Nevada, ami he was
alao employed on the Virginia City
"Dnrlng the pOWf express days, it
OOal IB to Bend a letter aerie's tin1 con
tinent from St. Jin., and the letter bad
to be written on the thinnest of pu)cr.
News would come in that fonn. and
then the (.'arson City papers would
issue extras containing the WtT bap
pollings, and men would slum! around
eagerly Waiting tO pay M eantl each
for c. pie i.f the extras.
"The old overland freighting line
was a big thing, ton. At Fori Kearney
I used to see ut times no less than lS
acres uf the heavy wagons s'anding
around at a time, ami immense
quantities of goods were carried across
tlie plains."
Danger of Ocean Wrecki.
Tt is stated that the Atlantic 0O0BB
contains many wrecked veeeelt wnich
drift hither and thither, nml as their
BoalttoM change with the wind and
tides, they are a constant menace to
ocean traffic. Itecause of ibe treat ex-
la-nse thev are not ilcstroved until thev
nave inflicted actual damage, llow
like thiN i the action of inanv per
Nons. who wait until thev are ill be
fore I renting such dangcron symptoniN
as imugestioii, ilyp-psia, coiiNtlpntion,
I iver or kidney ir.niblcN. Don't allow
them to menace your health. Hos
teller's stomach bitter-, will clear the
system of all impurities, matting the
blond rich and the nerves strong. It
cures all stomach dieoHerw, and is an
utieipiiilled spring medicine. See that
a private revenue stamp cover tbc
neck of the bottle.
The First Number Isiued by Hewett ft
Hum man Cnmas Vallev Newi.
The I'kiiih Sentinel is the name of a
weekly paper jul started at I'kiab,
tin- oonnty, by Hewett .v Harryman.
It is a four pane, six oolnBAB to the
page, paper, ami the first issue give!
evidence of ability to gather the news
of Camas Prairie.
Notes from the Sontlnel.
pie of Cuinas Prairii
I ork are iuti rested in a
to be established if pofwihle, be
Hale nml SiiNUlivillc, and there
I pet It ton to get It .
will be
The Misses Inez Penew, ( Dklah.
ami Stella Mamie, of Pcndcton. will
teach our spring term of sclnsd. Moth
I ad lea are axperlemted leaobere, which
iN an assurance that we will lime a
gllllll NITIOOl.
Hr. M. . Tnrley, onr enterprlaing
loctor and driiL'cist. bus retired from
the drug business and turned the stock
over to w. t. Sellers on BOMlgnment,
the change being made vesterditv.
Hr. Turlcy will remain in I'kiab for
the present.
It. F. Miller, the former contractor
of the mail route from I'kiiih to Long
Creek, dlepoeed of b la Intone! recently
to Anderson mid Thomas Wiloii of
Long t'reck. Wilson llros. are thorough
ly conversant with mail carrying and
bave put on llrst class horses and will
run tlie line bettor t ban it has la-en
run in the past.
Ultlah i going to celebrate this year.
There have been no definite arrange-
inentN made yet except thill there w ill
sure he a celebration, win tml call a
meeting at once, appoint committee
and get to work'.' The eurlv bird
Itches the worm. Ii we begin now,
unjoining ucightiorhonilN won t cele
brate, but will come here, and we
will have u big crowd und a good
Political Nolo and Comment.
Willingness to support William J,
I'm. in un the DOOJllneO of the Kansas
Citv convention, iN made one of the
partv te-ts in the nllicutl call for demo
cratic primaries in Spokane county.
The annoonoemenl of a change in
the title of the silvtr republican parly
wa niiidc ii few 'lavs ago bv Kxeeutive
Vgent Cursor. The Lincoln republi
can are tu Mii-cccil tlie tree Nilver
republicans and Ibe national silver
republican party is to give way to the
Lincoln republican party. The trinisfcr
is to tuke I lace ut Kunsa ( it v Julv
4, when the nutioual conventioni of
free silver repiihl leans ami democrats
ure in session.
The Chicago Itecord recently said:
A part isaiishtii has failed to keep
faith with the IS'iiple, the olllv road
Mien to redempt ioii of American
inunicipulitie from misrule lie in the
abolition of the part n hulhit in citv
lection. All iioini nut ions in city
lections should is- made bv petit lou
alone, und the word repuldicuii or
leuiocrat bollld hot he allowed to ap-
'ur upon the Australian ballot in
nuui election, it will renjnin a
legislative enactment to bring thi
abottti und the next legislature should
be usked to effect the reform."
While W. J. Itrvuii is in Wichitu,
Kansas bis good oilii e w ill Is- sought
to settle the il llterelii e existing ls'-
twceii tbc populiut ui.d delu.s ruts lit
the Sixth und Seventh district, where
fusion i split wide open on account
of the attitude of rival nominees for
When your throat and lungs
are perfectly healthy you
needn't worry about the
germs of consumption. They
don't attack healthy people.
It's the weak, debilitated, in
flamed membranes that are
first affected. Hard coughs
and colds weaken your throat
and lungs and make con
sumption more easy.
If your luiujs arc weak
sours I incision
is the bc$t remedy you can bike. It
toothei and heals and give tone
and strength to these delicate mem
branes. In this way you can prevent
consumption. And you can cure It
also if you haven't had it too long.
Keep taking It until your lungs are
strong and your weight restored.
scorr a
ti uum.tA l lu
ll. . .1
111 , ,T i.
I i,i! it u..
l.licuiiaU, Nsw York.
Dally Baal Oicgoman, delivered
carrier, only 15 conta a week.
Was a Plonear of Illinois, California and
Orogon Burled by Odd Fallows.
A correspondent sends the following
Concerning the life of the lute John Ai
Oickcv, und his death ut Roho. a
previously chronicled ill Hie Kail I'rc-
gonlao :
Kcho. trc, April M, John .
Dlctey an old pioneer, died at his
home. Roho, Oregon. I'riduv tnorning,
April gO. at abont 9 o'clock. He was
born in t'lnrk coiintv, Indiana, Julv
2t. IMS.
In 1814. he moved to Illinois, where
he ninde his home for several vear-.
and in INI HUM west to Californiu
Mr. Dickey lived in California 'or
many years, when he moved to the
Willamette vallev, and from then, in
1871, moved to I mitt i I In county, Ore
gon. At IVirvnllis, in the Willamette
valley, in I80II, he tnnrricd Mary Ann
Morgan, bv which union there wore
IL' children, ten of whom are now liv
ing. Mis wife died in June, 1MB,
Mr. Dickey diiil w ithout pain, though
after a severe illness of many
He leaves a brother in Iowa, ami
one in Illinois, and another brother,
01 In ton Dickey, Of Oolfajl, wus present
at ills .tciitii.
Of the children, the following are
living) Mrs. Rllli Regan, Mrs. j. 1,.
Mcl'ul lough, James IHckcv, .1. I,.
Dickey, Frank Dickey, Beth Dickey,
Mr- .1. R, Jackeon, Mr. Mary Kigg,
Mrs. Oeo. Malcolm and Mrs. Martha
The funeral service was conducted
by Rev, (i. O. It iclmrdsoii, und was
held at M. R, church dunday at 11 n.
m. The remains were escorted from
the house to the church, and from the
church to the cemetery , by tin member
Ol Overland Lodge. No. gg , O. o.
K., of wkieh order Mr. Dickey has
been member for many yeur. i hc
services nt the gruves were concluded
with the Odd l ellows bitritil cercmonv.
aava tae aleaarai.i mt Cnaa. it I'Mtnnu.
lu tir fur 111. ire than thirty ymm, rhiI
William Radio writes from DeWKHI
City, Alaska, to the Bine M italB
Ragle thai the meal market in Dawaon
has gone to pieces. Iteef is worth
about ." cents pat pound, while port
is about the same, having recently
dropped to thi Bgurefrowi 7o cents per
pound. Prom indications, some iiienl
will Is- sold for les than the present
II. ('lurk, t'liuiineev, (in., suys De
Witt's Witch Masai Delve cured hi f
piles that hud afflicted him fur tweiitv
yeera. It is aiao a ipeedy cure for
skin disease, lie ware of dangerous
counterfeits. Tallman .v. Co.
Three Little Crows
made well by Atw l's "Utile Liver
I', Us," set an example worthy of Imita
tion. Periodically, the body, like
horse, Heeds to lie si t in order, Itnd llll'kl
pills are the le st regulator ki own. Ta-
Kell now, lln-V hie I M Veritable ' o l i -1
f prevention .
Readcjuarteri for 1 1 -ma umi
I'botograplih Supplies.
1 '.rin r Main and Court Sta , I'ei db-ton.
Machine Shops
1 1 . 1tAi.11uuH,
Drepiletor. . . .
Off I M hIiimc Kcpuirintt
and blackmithiogi
Juiictlnu Court and Alia Sis , one libs k
east of liyt-rs' Mill
Livery, Teed and
Sale Stables...
Kverytlilug New. New llnriii;
New Klgs Best rigs and team.
In the city. Uoar Irra niven the
heat attention.
Service any hour ot th niht
l elcphone No. 7
The 1 'Uktc.it, Shortcut und Most
linect Llgjgj
TO gflVJ
East and Southeast
ih nik
TTTj el ilgff
Two Daily Solid Vestibule Trams
I'alaee aud TourUl aluKra, lilniutf 1 ar. (M.-al
a la Carta). HuSi-t 8111. .king aud Library Oars
iwiiii iiarix-r .-1.. .j rir.l elaM Hv. Iiiiiiik
Chair fan. (Free)
Pendleton to Denver, Unm City.Oniabt
and Chicago witnout cnange,
Only uuv change tu Now York, boa tun and
uthor Kaalcru pwiiiu.
For ratua, ilekut. aud lull iuluruiatluu uall
uo or addreaa I r Wauialuy, As. n' O. K A S.
Ci . ur J. H. I.ui liu.il' I,, u l Aguul.
No. IM Third bl . fuiUaud, Orugoii
. ..No More Worry with Dressmakers.
2mt Women's
Is now complete.
Women's Matt Tuiloted Suits
madi with Etton JaCkgtg, Blazers
B0d Rttftri Sotm with flaring
BkirtS, utliers box pleated, anil
Mt othe.tR double io pleated.
In tlie now ibgdM and mixtures.
tnt new oltiak nlgewogggn it
ttada tn the Btthlg ol' all fsU
mints, whether suit, kirt or
waist, and no farmer. t is allowed
to Imvc out rateb'Uhmttit that
doei not lit to hot satisfaction as
w-11 as that of the customers. The suits ate in woolen ami
wash BM ! rift It, Iron $2 ,90 to fvi,sx each.
vt'rt Malata. Largetl uwrtmeBl "f cornet tvic. a lot of blacks
aad a kite
W rappers, l ull .., I'ei.iile nml Sutine, plain nml trluituil. I'rlc
Iii'l'Iiih nt ciN-.
.Ilk W nlsts UIhi k led fain let, perfect litters ami enrrect atyles
Drcaa sklrta. An immense assortment timt 1 an not te rq nailed in the
town, in eitii r nan rtmenl ipmiitv ot pdee,
Afotttfl RtttftHck'it pAtttrno,
M VlliUMi'falltflJ ti sa t iiuiiin nf r f ttitoiist 1 1 1 ,H h ii1i'nI uiti, will titt'kiy rut yitti off fUl
bvrvmwnr iiH h. ,if t n h: . i tt . t . ., m.. u m l.ei timi I iimmm ,
lite In .. Ilist-la N.i, I im 1 1 . I . . 11 a Nittii- I Ik. II
I mill ( tntlmi . I s It rtit l Ingr i nine, f Mrlrrvlr 4 iMallgsnllon.
It l Hi1 I" lt ititv Of lafhi. I'f vri,i4iiitrkiHisii.f .li-r'u.'if . wtilrll If tint rhrrkrMl
lta Im hi HiMTiMHi.-rrhu n nml m I it,- i. n..tt el ntiimn i..-v, 1 I -lfiii4Hi tho
I' i ' R - a ii nl I hi' ti i I t . , f .. I Iini i.i Iin - II llllllli: -.1 I. ml: 111. na
arnl riHtnrti titn t I Mink titfl !.
I 1 . , , , . . i , ,ii,,i h) Drrtnratn b ittM p. r . . tit ftffj I with lrtiMiliiej
(I rlJtKM-, ttr limy kiiuuu rt-iixtiv Im run- t ttlt oimt tiioti. nsii ltitiiiMni, A wilttin
in.trMiiiiiii:tt-iii i it i hum v ii'iiiriti .i if tu.. i. s,i ., s i,ni i ih t m rnuuttml ir jl MtiMjIlii n
by until. Nf't I fr HiiiK al is'ti I it iiinl ii fMiniiiitiii i
dVUdiKvt l t ni.tiltliM.tO., I km i MMI FraMVaMCAli
LfOel h n I l.t.M N .tClt., IMCt titsls I s, KN Ii I.I TON i mil i,.in
Fishing Tackle...
The boat liti" tboWBi Hooks JC per do.cu; 11 y hooks 150
to 7so lcr dosOOj HuskctH s' ami Ji.on; Poles 50 up
want , Cade s. ReoU Md Lines.
71 s Main BttCOt
The MtJM Front
Pendleton Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
R. TORSI HR, Proprietor.
Lumber, l ath, Shingles and Posts,
And All Kinds ol Itulldlng Material,
OpIi n tot mill work promptly execntod
Furnishes plans ami estimates ami uaiuntees cost ol'cvn-
Hotel Pendleton
Strictly .First-Class
Ktcelleot Cuisine.
bvery Modem
Under New nunagement.
Give Us 1 Trial.
Kates $2 00 a day
Special Kates by
I Week or mouth
Kar and hilllard llumne. Ilcadquartera lor Trsvellnu Men.
TMffJeOgl Hot. I In tiastent Oreyun.
Van Uran Brus., Propt. Successors to J. t. Moore
$3.00 per Day and Upwards
1 1 neat Hotel
In the i'. :n,
j '
1 1 1 iini
''t.t 'vraJli
r 'an t, .
Ha jLuiauAamne?jesTi
a s la WW a"
Jt r caer
SptMilal UaUa tu Haatern Orcnun puple vlalting fortla.d. Meadquartera
lor touriata and comiucitlal traveler. If. C. BOWIiWS, Managar.
Byers' Best Flour...
1 .1 make good bread uae Byera' Best Flour. It took fiiat
iremium at the Chicago World's Fair, over all competi
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Hvety suck is guaranteed- We ua the beat Steam
Rolleil Barley, Mod Rye and Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mills
w S. It vi KS. Prop.
Iii mi, MhUb, I etd. cU