There is Nothing That n mm dmlfm mre thmi :i Indies- Brett) form niil h nicely flltlag COM' makes ft Ihtptl) (gUI. "P. IN." Corscls arc the statnlnnl of riceh lence. both In II' fn I dttfl MlltV. With every dollr r crieee jrmi gal a gMtt fof old watah flvee n-a, n Bia first ol May SUPERB. Clements & Wilson. TUH0DAY. AFRI1 M, 1900, DAILY, WKEKLY AKD BEMI-WEEKLY V TMK PubltHhlnK Company, AT ,.. iKI East OreKonlAtt FENDLKTCN, tAIL. KllMCMirTinN R A I f S ; One topypr- nuil ln r ;" mi tinnlha. l-y mm On copy pr wttk., 1-y cttrt. Trial auracfipttoB laf M t . IRMI WIRKIT SI'MTRUrTI'iN Mflv . i 5 if BMMff) off va On comr all month- . Trial 1 female niintrjam WRRKLY M'BRCIIIII v On ropy nn yti toyf all nwiilha Trial ulcrtptloRi Itaf ! topy AUVRRf MIM RAI tMilir AiWrrMriDftila l Otlt iRCh, ot Utt. m Mtnt-Wcckiy tt iikoiitb . . . , . Uftt iM-h, or lea, in Uily war month Two i m Ma, or late, In Ily n'l Weekli )r m -nl '2 .3 O.rr it,... Ituh... V. I"-. tn tl x-t n.'.tel, .Ml m iy. wr m n ti Hi'iiii.i utc, mrct in, nn., i lu'ir ei Oat in' of lr. tti WMfelf IK.. . n In Uffk I atilWce. i ..... In T,,t,l."'. It,. .It til Uff.ll. rf Inch pr in i.e r II I n.inmreil . t. tie-men. . ,., - .w.-rki . it -eklv n Dally, Aral laarnioe, Mtr lack, fi-uu, MM ut.,e.U-i.t n.ti Mtlt Lix.l aotk... t.a nt, per llae, .nn uucttltai. How that Clark if Montana Ii tn I).- ili'iiiiil a Meat in tin' I 1 1 i 1 State! HtMinli'. tin' rinii'ir that Hw.iy i- tu l ailmittefl t" a urat in that InkIv Im conicH iiitrri'MtiiiL-. It (inay in ml- iniltiil it will ! a plain "i part inan art inn tn avoiil tin- ilinr:ni that tjiiay rmilil lirinu' H tin- -.naP hy tellinif what ha kaMWaol tliat hmlv. a- hi' iniuht Pi- lin l nu il Pi iIii il In- ih diMppolntcd by Um najnbon tbaraof) win i an- with tin- -.i tii'k that Ik in. Tin- ''daMoatatic loadara" Ibai irati "tinliorwil" fuiir M ar- at"' ar. mm trying t" I'""'1 William .1. lirvan m of thf lartdlat, whirh In' mi hi hy true worth, pliii'k ami wnrk. In tin- .11... t.tti I i.i .Mialtt il,.. , Ik- worthy Ol hin hiriv Hryan BM 0 r tu in ly ruimil Um ilrniinratic parly fmni tin- low level of tint party nf tin' fi-w ami mailr it really tin- party nf tin many. Knr that work ba i Mtlllod H tile leailerohip, whiili In' ha- i"ii (uirly uml mptari'ly Uouii! of the lx'f.1 ollii'ialf that I'nia tilla county liar ever hail rniin' from tin' Ka"t Kml of Um county. Hut noin of tin-in havi' tnaili' a lii'tti-i" riTonl in olliri-. or atunil baMaV Ml Ol oHliv, than .lamt'i W. Maloni-y, who until two year- a mail.' In- horn.' in Athena. Mr. Mulom-y i- a ranlilati' at tins t mi- for n-i-h rtion. Ho Iuh MM an aMtlMVl r -corli-r, in niur teoux ami iii'roiuiuoilatiiiv' at all tinn-n anil MOT at iiin pout of iluty ttariaag ollirc hour-. Hi- Mipulurity in an i v i -ileiuv that Ml fuithfill MTV MM IN ap- pfaalctadi At or near Antoria a law dM ao two atnull hovi wi-nt on tin' river in a mnall Imat ami Ml ilrowniil, tin- di covery btfaRJ M-M when tin- lioat wuh fouml nottotu "iilo up. Now a woman corneii forwanl anil nay- that -In- -aw two Ihivh cliniiiiiK to an onrtiirmil boat, driftiim down tin' riv.-r. II, r first thought wan that it nigtll l- In r own tHtye, ami without llftag KM alarm Um ran to bat own bona to m if tlmy MM MMI ami UmN i id them. Thic wan in-i a ralM that IfeO lorKot to mt'titioii what -ho Innl until the aiiiiouiut'iui'iit mailo that the Ualy of MM ol tin- ln,y- hail lu i p recovereil. l-'or adnltOUMll i'ln-li-nea- ami atupiility tin- ai tion nmll anvthiiiK within Um lm ry of man. If dhe wan taken out Mid 'Iron mil her minx Won . be reliuvtil from a relation "hip that proniinew to be euibarruN'iuii. Kven a iloj; woo hi haxe greater "prewncD of miiul," more nnaintahaii a ion of the value of them- human liven than thin Axtoria woman i- MBOrtld to have ilinpiayei) mi tin- OkWMlWll Turkey is supiKiseil to i,we mmm American misnninarie- a luu.HKi . DmjM Ham has turmsl MlMOtOT ami nmlei taken to make Turkev Day, In ,,riler that he may he sucressful , he threaten- 1 to inllict all kimln of puninhment tlm Tur1 , if he iloes not put ii When one man owe, uinuiier lie can v'et Ins due in pi-actiable uml lawful ways but ' noi hy nereiM el MMrtor lorae It it ... . Ihould Ut the bum tfl the M f nations. This huineia of taking a I liotKun ud going; aNMad to a man's houie to make hiii. punKle in no InuL'. r , Y , ... ' " eountenanct-,1 among eWillaed people, autl the same treatmeni rhoiihl lmhl among civilized nation. If . lurk won't pay, Uncle bam shnuhl politely inform the Turkish minister to leave Waihiiuitoii euii i: Washington, call hi own miuiiMr Home from CouitaiitlBOpla uml here- alter reiuae to treat him as bin e.pial in honor and resiiectabiiitv ii, , , towarovurupallrvlluuoo',-!, . i below th, '""'"N enould be uelow the dignity of, heathen, alone a Christian, such us Uncle Sum proiessos to bo. thi. eouiiwti,,,! it WW ft Mapet Call More miglit he reiuarke.1 that il all laws i. , rV,'.'., mU,y '"dependent tnanu ..mi ii an luWM (or ucturWo. BI,U t eoncBiitratu the buni- ft Court and Cottonwood ! Um oollooiioc both pub Ik no I private debb iron tbollibod it would have a fctukaey Mite the volume I of debti Iom eohnnHMM anil do moeb 1 1 prnnmtr Moee anl a higbof Mum.- ,ir.l nf pulilir ;.til (cnWDtl honor. Tin fu , thai l"v gone u fai In the 01 force to HMke mon .. proai lle v moM not have MM tt do if the -late would MM BMMIIBI til private affairs. Why shnulil the nlate attempt to make Tom pay Kick when it I i I not make Diek trn-t 1W1 In other nonln, ilelei.ilation woiihl he more trait (ill of good than lei.-latmn, ami I (jreilt ileal lens expensive, to those who perform the UVfM'l work, anil there by carry the bunlen nf gnvenUBOBl ami aitholKtence. THE TRUST QUESTION. The oppressions to which the Amen rail no e are nil II iectei I I IV the potter ml combination, romtnonlv nailed "tru-ts," have been eflect ivcly ilemotl tMtedt Tl vll is universally at knowladgod by members ol all partie- rapabltoani as ntMfa as deraocrata a iionulists. The real ami onlv onestioi is the ancient one: "What are yon i iii to do about it?" The verv foundation principle ol IhaM Irvfll uomblnatioM la iMlrlctioni Probably on Um theory thai tire mni ahvavs be fotiu'lit with lire, everv eltori Ihoa (ar made b iMltlature. to th-- 'tory the power of so-calleil trusts, ha men in the form of still further re -trillions. Ona re-lrietion la piled upon another, ami still a tlnnl upon hoth and in this oy it is somehow bopad th.r liberty will ba MMblUhad bj multiplyiinj restraints uinni lihertj . The commerce ami trade 01 tie country are tieil up with chains bv the tru-t mononoliaa: ami then oonirwi and the letfi, lilt lire, seek to nullity the etfei-t of these chains by chaining the l.iiin-. It is seriously promised to re st ue tree competition by prohibltin. tru-i 1 1 ion- from Ml taring into a OOUpetitloOi IjIWs have bi-en pMMd for the .nnweil iiilnmai- nf prevent hoi smblnat ions which control to-thiril I the production of anv article from Mil ilag thatr gOOOa in competition with the producer, o( the remahiinii third. it is no MUM for wonder that all the so-calleil UtitfMl taWf havere MlMd in ICBOrninioOl iailure, and Hint tile number ol f r n -t coiiibimitions never increastsl so rapidly us since these law - wen einictetl. There i- but one remedv for shiverv, ami that is liberty. There is but one Nnedy lornionos)ly. and that is to set Iree those currents which have been re straints! hv monopoly. No coinhinat ion can ever In- in-riiiaiit-ntlv successful un less it is founded upon some mouopol) il natur.'l remiuiees. tieiiin- mav have an oecanional inotioisdv; but no me could huiK have a tuoiiopoly in lielllU-. .llure In -lire to prislUCe a rival ganinii who do m another way what the lirst Muiui did in bin own uliar wav. Thi- wa- nirikniiilv illuntratiHl in tin- history of the steel manufacture. Ilessemer baviiiK in vented one immenselv valuable ami heap iiroces- for makine steel, Siemens followed with another iiietliml, ami ttilchrist and Th an with still an other. The atrt-al monopolies of linn country owe their ex istence to special unjust privileges, conferred upon them by a course nf aXjiaialiOal, which the BOO pin of the United Staten adoptt-l nf their own free will, ami winch are still in.iintaiiicil by the votes of the very people who most loudly declaim Ml Bet monopolies. I orelllost Bjmng these are the tariff laws, the internal revenue law - ami the patent laws. We h ill brieth conn ider these in the order of the lea-t important. Takine limt the patent law-, which II in idlyj MMeede a monopoly for the ti rm of seventeen veurs. for l'oisI ami sol nl reasons in each case, we have only to say that Ihcy altord a ntrikinn iilMtratioit of the Mage attendant upon any lagalilod monopoly, however uieritorioiin. This is shown by a oom I'.irativelv recent niandal. witii regard p a protended ooalliei ol claims in the patent OfAoe. Two oppoaittg clainm were secretly port'd by one corpora tion, which afterwards employed attorney- on both sides to keep up the sham contesi for mailt veam, reMlting in a PMetlMl BMtMpol) ol a linglu in vention for thirty veiirs iaetead of "even Men i Hy niinilar manipulation other valuable Inventiottl are inooopoliied for a much longer line than th - law intends; while niitny others are limply leaked BP ami kept out of public use entirely. The patent law - need a thorouifh revision: all in "" 'lireitionol gNfttel llbarty. An We I ilo not I'"1!'""' i" macula uetaii, on i . i occa-nui, We conllllf ournelve- to IViaa that thene lawn i-hiiul.l he ... aiiit-nileit u-to make it impus-ilile for "llv BMIMpoly to la-t under ii for more !k n " T"1??" u ;ir-l'"" (he date ol Um application lor e patent, and ao as ... permit the hv evervlUv nl all peMBled iinentions upon reaaonable ywa l ar In bimwi patenu ihould !"' '"'' Y"!''' "Rlrlng any inonopoly for u tineer perns thun the preciw term pri nerib, 'l upon the fa'v ol the statute, ""' illtl'r"ul MVeBM laws, hv the (r;'hlru ""l; which UMy iurrouad tin- nianulaeturo ol liquor ami tobacco, altord great ail vantage .., lUOIIopollea. A- it ll our objeel in this rt'c'e ""' ipeoily any particular monopoly now exiatiag, we pr iter to the ,l hy .el. rcmv p, the ruatoh manulaoture, n the day when there was an internal NVeniM U of l,'m " l- " WWll Known thai ,UU ,'" tu " destrov mm i the hands ol twn three (Treat Mrporatlone. when thai raawaare; Haled in ISWi tl monopollei ten of tbeir own weight, and it WBJ many year- before thev could !' renni- itructed. The pn-ent irreat comhlna-tion- in tint match manufacture are to i. found in other laws entwuMglna monopoly, which are still maintained. The tariff i- the BJOlt fertile snurce of American monfjpollee. Wiring the last thirty or lorty run hardly in in ntance has been kBOWB in which an tmerlcan monopoly hl Iwen del I anv part of the benefits which it has demanded in the enactment of tariff laws. In I MO and 107, tins nib wa without anv known exception. In I.MOl there were but few eXMPtlon. Tariff- are alwav- made Up by the very partie- who are intcn-ted in prevent' ini.' foreign competition and Mcnrlng for (hernial re a monopoly of the douMitic trade, it in limply abiurd p. make anv effort tn prohibit or to rMnlate tm-t- ami oomblnatlon", while their causes are h-ft nntouched. If the American ph' -brink from competition w lib other nation- of t In earth, and deem UMffiMlVM JUntlfled In preventing lUCh competition by lOlTO, thev have BO moral right to com plain if American MpltalllM take ad vantage of the lawn which prevent foreign competition, to make nl them instruments to prevent domestic com petldoUl also. Neither have American-. Who believe in preventing foreign competition hv lone, any moral right P, i .um , : ol capitali-t-. w ho prevent doMMfic competition by mil- Is just as moral , or traudt Tin immoral, an the other. And IhUf we collie, at hist, to the funilameiital remedy which i- needed, The fundamental 0BUM of American monopollei i- P. be found in the lack ,,i honeity i uitloa, boelneM courage mid love ol fair dMlIng which is hip fortunately eharaeterlatlo nf a vast majority Of the bun. an race, not ex cepting the people in the United Slatl .1 America. Whenever a majority of the American people demand ilmple justice, neither limn- BOT less, fur themiel veil all tlu-w- qneitioni will be l dilv nt tthd. and trust- will ills- MlVI like mow in slimmer. For any man w ho .Icman.1- and NMlVM exact justice for hiinself, and BO more, n essarilv COncedM precisely a- much to everyone elae; ami if no man received any more than ju-tice, every man would receive justice. Nn right can be taken away fmm any one mini, without conferring more than his right upon another. It i- a- Impomibll to give h-n than ju-tice to all men at MJM, an it i- tn cut off a MCtlOfl nf the air ami deetroy it. leaving a bleak. Tin- Inenniliteney ol any man who dernandi that competition shall be ini . when it workn in hi- favor, hut shall be prohibited, when it wnrk- galnil him. is obvlooi, But it is not obvlotu to tl rdlnary mind that it i- equally ahfurd to insist upon freedom ol conipetiti-n within the liorder- of the United State-, while excluding fr.nn without. Neyertheb the eXCinilOII ol compel II ion l quit! a-111 jus ami injiiriou- in theo.iecaie, i in me other) ami the demand for freedom of competition at home, while denying freedom of competition from abroad, li abaurd ami Mleldal. The law - ..I nature canm.t be MlWaded to .....1. I. ...... v.. ...... ttt-ii. i.iii. iitiii t, . I--. ,,,i,, .i.ii take pnisnn ami vet enjoy good health. v ... :...i.. '.....i. . ... .yi mail lull climate :iiiiiiit, in .tin entirely free himself. Neil can any man or draw rt her an artificial line and nay: "Within tl .... boondarlee, oom petition shall Is- i . il, f n I-ut otttnitte of Ihest- lllldarie-. there shall III no compete tion at all.'' The remedy, and tl nly remedy, r the evils nf tinniest ic monopolies, i- the repeal of all law- which pretend FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION Mr-. SI. 1'. hone, of I.e Itup, I'ranUlin Co., Knn., writes : R WorOa cannot express how graMfUl 1 am for your kiln, advice anil ;-.-s! metli- ctnesi. 1 have lieen in poor Health more or less ill my lite. In the past nine years revv worse, ami twt. years iijji. 1 was so storly couM hanily ilraj arouml I consultcl a rptT4llhfti anil he aaiil 1 had ulceration and that an would hate to lie pcr fonnc.l. This dtil not seem necessary to me, M time went hv, .in. I at last twnit i Or, Htm ttking tdvitt, I stWN go! a irlpi'ul tinsurt atlvisiti" nit- to try his nieilicines, the 1 favor ite l'resci ipiioii.' 'OoUati Medina lliscovery.' uml also his ' l'leaaaut 1'ellets.' I bqran taking 'l avoiite Preeerlpttoa' end the other inni i in. ,t- ailvtsctl. When coiniucnc iilK I weijjhril IP)'., jsiuiuls, ami af ter Mltlag oik bottll of each I felt Ufea I new woman. In one month I ataed I poaMda AftM laUaa tern hotllt.n of each ol the tuctliciucn, I bM in to look like a woman ami not like a sktli ton, ami that weary tired feeling all left me." Karl's Clover Root Tea lieaiitliiea the Coinple.l,,,,. p XSlE''V S rH. Cliar hklu, c 'f'lutit.ii, lii,l,,.,.,, aa all In,, Purities Hi,. uri-.l'uii llli) Ski,, ., ,u an nruiaiole. ol Tank- L 11 i.aaiillve Nerve i . ..i"' Kiiaraiileo by all iltunnlbln ai M,.,c 6ut, .J ii .ou UJf " v.. wllis a co., LcnoY, aoir eaovaiiToaa N. Y. lor aalu by Talluiau 4. Co., Li(Ui,u. BY LETTER WITH DRait.V. PIERCE 1 1 to give to any man, rich nr pMT. American Roropean, any prrtectlon again-t natural competition, any artificial monopoly of natural resources or an) advantage which in not hmw n, open.' on equal term-, tn all h.inii.ll right-. . Who would be freemen, mtwl set tree ail men. . ..... THOMAS 1 1 BHEARMAH. N.-w Vnrk. April ", I"1"1. TO CURI A COLD IN ONE DAY. Taki LaxatlTi iiromo UjulnttM JiW'i n tlriigllsts retain, the II " Mils tijfiire. a arovi'i sninsPire i - oil laek bo- -' Oregon Lumber Yard ..SELLS. I .umber. Lath, Shinglec, BuUding Paper, 1 ar I'.iper. Mouldingii Pickets, Lime ami Cementi lirick and Sand, Siifli ami Honrs, Screen DmrsiV Windtiun, Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie Light, Prop's Alt:. St , o(ip. Court House. A Complete Line Furniture, Iron Beds, Cirpets, 1 Baby Canhtnes mid Picture! M Hiding;, I..ituis, Crockery. I ami a lull line ol Umlcrtaker?' Golds. W. S. NELSON. Main "tre. t I ppn,ite Kant Oregonlan A hosom Friend tint is ti- t to ' our lft l your -Idrt, 10 y u wan' t . s.-.- that It i tre: teil well alien nth- r pen le htntll - it Th reus no one that can h hi die line linen in el- 1 th If -hirtn. i ollaH -T MttY'i MUM tender ly or with greater cure when nemg renn vnt. d thsn the DoMCetfC LaMBdr Try our biunitry work II you want your linen tn looK like m-w THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Robinson, Prop. Telephone 60 French Restaurant In connection with.... LaFonlaine Hotel Bail Meals In the City, (pen Day and Night. Ous LaFontaine - Prop. 5wltler HiiltlinK. Main St. AND WMlirn l. iiuo.i Aiueiican .l-ii nullml.t lly aiMM lil iirrdiiireinriil ti.lli II, e mil.n-l, i ers, we nr- enab-.Ti u, uti Til. tuuMOl J i i.i. Iahmkii, ii, leit.i,,, urteallaral weekly .,t 11,0 Ue.l.-ni unit Ml ii.i.. allvy Male., In tluO um, Ulll pi per, at an jxoei illnily low fluure. Tl.. Ouamik Ji 111. t ARM! ilia, for 11., variety aad intere.i 01 lis ennieniH, ami is inn I U11i1Ue.ll lie) IsMtaUtt uioat 111 ai Ileal uai.i i ot 1U kind. r ' p.S FARM FEATURES.:. . ..f:. 0. l. IT. rut 1111 u,, , l-euHrj, Mark. I (.ar druLuK, an.l other bOtaoa, wraun by pracll cat i... I wiiiiiM amraaan, ,uppleiueate.l tnili ,yal,l arliMs, cuiiiblu.i t'. in-., 1 1 iiouiu ,14,. ,, t' it h. "fin 11, 11 r-rahnnir" The laleat Market, ant loiuuiercUtl AKrleultur,, nr.. (eat urea ill winch I ho o. J. r'uiMKit., unoxcelletl. THE FAMILY FEATURES: ," :rT": cr FhbTiIoiih. F(tt. j Wi.rK, 'I h. .ool Ctuk, Hutlit Cuiilitau, Ltbritrv Corner, ami uuufc Folks' I'mic" eon UIm " uiko tltm LcHrttnt ni. uf is iinirh va'tm aiitt ttitor tMi Hd iiioBt .ot lh Hkc u Kaunly Pttperu. A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events I Mil aeiioiiiir ineir si. I'S.-ri pi ion- in, t.-r , .e t 1 elubtiini! 1, iter, ao- 1 mil T, uatualil, Willi m Amkkicam AoaicuiruHisi VBAM Ui .. an.. A at1 lor luoo. Thlaaraai h-aik it. :. Cre.oiM-iiia nf frotrresa aeilBvmta n, World, a uuule to Uaikeu, SUikuilbk-. prices FREE YEAR BUOK AND ALMANAC It 11 a traaaury of 8latltics, reriaml to dc foi Karui or Houie, auUiitilc, or I -.-i. --y. a ltd, MM Work oil Kery b-ibjin-t l'eilainiairto Aid. L-ullurt . Inuuntry, Ciunuiert-e, an 1 "Lu U.-la : PuL Uo Affair,, Eci.iu.aiics, am' 1 J..liietloc, Itoha.oli, ai, I hei-,,1 , It i u an atluiavuaW Of Caleuiluis. tl: IVi nouucal Data, Hlr.ta tor Karh Month, U ?f"A SAMPLE COPY - inai! iine r,,rni, itlll I... ,:,il,., ,,iollbva.l tlrealng Till: UK IM1I .11 111, I'AtlAll tl Marttuette I . .m,in , w ChicaKo, 111. Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly East Oxonian. $1.60 1 OrandeJudd Farmer, wk, 1.00 I8.0 Year Book aad Almanac, .60 j Our Price for All, $1.85. Aatdreei, KAST OKtiUONIAN PUB. CO.. HcuUletuu, Oreguu rtSR. ymmmnittttiititmmtnmmmnmmtmmmnimmmm I r or.. oea (lardcn Seeds in bulk, Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Garden Shovels and Spades, Garden Tools of all kinds, Water Hose at all prices, Building Materials, all kinds, See f I Taylor, the Hardware Man 1 721 .Main aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""'""""1"1"" Crescent f H E THE MOST POPULAR WHEEL. Men's Wheels I adies Wheels Boys' or Girls' Chaiuless Another consignment Wheels jusl CRESCENT AGENCY L PETALIMA INCUBATORS. Thl iiiiteliine has tss-n .li'in.instrattl t.. Is- an nttar al-ar,l,ii.iiK-rfectiin u.1 can In. nt t Ainml . Tim rviriilalioiinf hai. air inc. moisture have Usui provrn tr.ivuii.luUiurlupruvoiuuuu,. Wo par rorul, B, w (ians (rj a t) THE PACIFIC Jhe Leading General Farm Paper of the Northwest. A High-Class Illustrated Farm Journal -Published Weekly at Salem, 0regon"Try It. Tin HoniesKMil in a twenty jjajre jiaper, lour ciilutntM lo the lu,e. Tfca MbaWipUM prioa ! $l r year, in ailvau. e. Its pubUcatian was he-iin Marclt t, uyon, and it iinnii liiutely took lust place atno; n gttW Ml bra iapers, and will BMaiuUifl it. The lloiltwt 11 has all the f 1 iiities tor p bliabtag a fum paptt of tba frat-daaa. ami of wide citoU- lattoa. Wkf mod yOlOX mottay Biat? Why not help maintain here in the North west a farm newspaper of gciictal circulation, anil devoted to the inleresls of this section? The price of the WMXbV Kast Okkiuiniav is St. 50 a ear We wi.l Nad our paper anil the Homestead one year for $.-.oo in advance BAST ORBOONIAN PUI CO. Just Received I wo Citrloatls Two Ctirloails I urniture, Go-Carts. Baby Carriages, Window Shades and Hixtures, Late Curtains, Portieres. -I I I a N-i- otir siock iMjiiirt' vmi niv. Baker b Folsom The Complete House Furnishers, Main St , next to PoatoAee T . . I leieph:ne Livery Stable I utter New Maliaieuieut. Kashlonahlc Hi.ns at Low RajM, ll.e Heat Turnouts In th,. Q, b neclal .it, ,. niv. 1 'i , h, e 11 'urtl Hit horaei. S. F. Hays, Prop. OppuiRa t.oiirt Hqm)Bi lelepunue No. 'dx I I i a a a a a a r2 a a r3 Street. 3 $25 and $35 $26 and $35 - $25 - - $60 nt the $25 and $26 received. East Oxonian Building 111 1111 Ill I II 11 ill! 111! HUT 1 100 Per Cent. Hatched. Ill a rttosnt hatching oontont In which tbero were oTer 400 MBBlMM hatcli was loo per oeou la ltna,wa with pcrtitct. Hi our nitw i-iti' Iruight 6MUMM ft HOMESTEAD I'enilittoti Orejion GROCERIES Minticst Sttiek Lowest p ices A complete line nf Ftcsli V'egeta hies always on hand. R. MARTIN SHEEK&COLE Contractors Builders lstiniutes Given. S org Pit. tlUg Rod Piece Work tt Sne ciahy. 1 The Rait Orifcontan ii Baiter., Oio gon rapriienutive paper. It Uadi, and the lieoole annrai.t. it . -i . ,w.i. ni. i Tr " " auow ii oy Democratic Ticket, PRminnrriAfi ki.kctohk. WhIpt M. I'leroe t ivnai.,.. f i-n-itKnu ,rnna aiitm i in -urlaaJ hn WhltMker 0t ii,',,." i timiKnaMAif, bkoomd DurrHttrr Stnle Sclliiloi Win. I . Slilllli , . ., n( link,, r ei,. JOINT I.KOmtiATIVK RKPRBSKNTATIVI! (Umailitl ninl Morrow Countlei i Woolen nl inn, BUPMU1 JtJDOB, W. M Itsmaey otSnlem Km in asp n.wiiY riiMMissiiiM i W. Kchulmerlch of Waahlimtiui Ciiuni. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. ciiiriiiT jpdiik. v. i. siiiiiiinii of PandlMM PISTUli T AI-niHSKY. T. n. Ilalloy ol NBdMM COUNTY TICKET. ItKI'ltKSKNTATIVKH. W. J. Chastalli nl Mii,,ri it. it, o'Brlea of NBdUun ootrrm ivosb, leorne A. Ilsr. man ol Nadk itei COUKTY ctiMMlssiiiNKlt. TaeflHM )'- I'Hit- ot AlbiM uuuuw w. m Mall Ml ol iviniidiii, CI.KItK. w, p. rjBiBilnilalB ai hene. nuuaoMDa, lit'orif IL I'ci'liItT nf LtaMl ItKi nltllKli (II ctlNVKYANt'KS MMM v. Mahnef ot Athena ASSKSSUlt. It. II. Hall ol tVesion UUOOL HI'I'KKINTKNIIKNT. M. I,. Watts Ot Allii-iia sritVKYOK. OtarieiO Itcrkeley ot feiiilleion 1 Dr. it. Cawpbal nf i inMJ Republican Ticket. PRMIDKN'TIAL KUtOTOSB. IV. J. I' lirilinll of I'- 11 1 'o;i lil.llltll Ft. Ill Of Sslfal . 1 1. I-'. I'llXtllll II. I'lillliil4 I t . HiiIIitIi.u Ol Allianj- Milt II I III. Ml. .1 1 IXJK. el, uric- K. Wolvcrloll of Altainy CUNUHMMMAN, UCCoatl I MatoelM A. Hourly,... of Tin- DleW. rOOD ami UAIHY COMMtMIOMaK. .. W . Ilalloy of I'orllsntl JOINT UMIIILATIVK I.KI'ltKSKNTATI Vh. (I inalillit ami Morrow ( MMM,) Ann It. Tllinil.eiil of Ih 1 1 1. 11 SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT TICKET. 01B0UIT I0DBB. w. ti. t:iit of Beafaai DtanUOT ATTnltNKY. Jamen A. Ko of l.fiiill' nm COUNTY TICKET. IlK.-ltMIA I ATIVKH. T. .1. Klrk ol AlkMI I.. Ii. llt-.-iler of I'eii.ll. li.o couvtv jtmut I. K. Ileal! .ot I'einll. Ion cuuuc, l.t 1 UveiflMM of I'l'iiiHctim SHI.ItlrT. il. W. t'erliiKer nl I'uiiillctiin RacoaoaB 01 convey am bb. Will liuram ....... ol I - inltetoa I III. sl IIKK. 8. K. Vale, of MMM AMMBOa, IMMBa BaiM o. in in Sl -Hi ml. SI I'hltlM KNDKNT. j. ti Neella ot i- I Mm SI'ltVI. Villi. 0, 1 Maeeabw oi Ulual UOMMaW. Ill IV. Ii. Coll of IVllill. t.,u OOtUUMIONBR, IMMM Walker of II. In .11 STICK AMI 1 "l 1NHTA III.K. (Cell. II, ion lll.lri. l.) Tin.- I Itio-raltl of I't'ii.ll. lua Char la, Iteyburn 01 l-inaiiloa ATTORNEYS. UAJtTMH A UAI.KY, ATTtlKNKY.s AT I .nil Otltce In Savillgn llallk llllllillllll 1". i. JI All.KY. l.AWYKU. OKKU I IN Jui.t. litiililiiiK, I'eiiil.elou, Oreiou. JAMKH A. I KK, LAW OFKU1-; IN .1 1 ill) MUMiaaJti I'll i is. I I I'ZtiKUAI.ll, ATTtlftNi; YA T luiH. omi t- 111 Aaaoc.alloll UltH'k. N. DKRKBliBY, ATTOBKBY AI LAW, Ullli- Ill Ante, iKtlotl Ulovk. K, 1. IIOY1), ATTOUNEY AT lJaW.-ill ourl at. H. A. NKWUKUKY, ATTORN KY AT lalWt Kia.lil 16, Aaaot'ialloll leu. hu PHYSICIANS. (lldicc III Peliilletnii UK w i, rule "ign Hunk. Hum ilii7- , '. lu.; ltoau. in . Hi.-i.iul t,l'"'J on Weal WebliHl Hour., 17 lo lua. in ... in ' i ui. V. W, VINCIONT, M. I). OVVIUB KRAI ol Kino Saiitnial llank. OBIcu hoursluuiU aBatl lo p. in. DR. V, J. KMITtl. OKFIl'K OYKU I'K.V ilia Ion aavluga Hank. Tolephoue VI, real- nn. . laialMiaa i II. .-. liAIII' II. II.. HOMKlll'A TH le Pbyiiclall ami hiirgeon (iftlet' in lutla BaHnlBe DENTISTS. K. A. VAIIOHAN, liEN'FlHrr. OFKIOI in Judd uml. ling A. I.. II KATIE, 1. 1). 8. OFKH I. nVKK Saving. Hank. Uaa atlinlniatiroit. li. A. al ANN, DENTIST, IN Ahsufll thin Ii K. It Cioplon', Oaace ARCHITECTS AND UU1LDERS. r. K. HOWARD, ARUUITRUT AND Bj? ..Tiiiientli'lil, makes eouiiiele aui. ri'luW l.laun lor bul.ilinaa in ihu or teuae'' Itoolii 17, Jutltl bu.l.lllig. BANKS AND HROKEHS. llli: PENDUCTON SAVINOt) IIAW. Panillaton, Orf uo. ntganiieil Man ;. i.u; . .i(.iial, flui.taju. liueri-si al.oweil on 1 1 iuo oe ptwlts. kacliangc la.iigln am. Mih. on nil prln ciail p.. int.- S(Ki iul nil. nn. .ti given toi-ila' Hon,. W. J, Furiii.ii, pruahleut; J. N. Tali rlM BIMMMll I T. J. Morr.., tualiler. flRUT N ATH)7ca171AKOE AT II EX A, nregon CapiUI, fSU.UUO; aurplu., 7. ' lu, ieru,l ou time ili-po.iin. Ileal. In (oreiga " .li.uieaiic exchange. Collections promptly r leuded lu. Henry C. Atlauia, preahl.-iii ; H"' Mi-Arthur, vice preaiileiii ; E. 1. Ilatii.n . lar; L. W. Barnell, aaaialan. la.hlcr I I Its I NATIONAL HANK OK HENDhl loll ( apllul, I70.UUI; .liiplun, 117 .,l-' 1r""; ail, a geueral banking bu.iuean Kufhajn innl li legraphlc trauafeia aoltl on t hi. ago, "aa rrani iaco, New York and priucipai -.iui ' in. Noriowail liialla lnawii on ( liimt. vt. ami hut.,H-. Make- collet inula on reason""1 term,. Uvl Ankinr, praaldant; W aran. vice president ; (' II Wade, oatfjhier; 11- v' liueniaey, aaalalanl ca,liler. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Nolle is hereby given thai the ' V.l""" ship herelo.ore ualatillg belaeeli t r ' t worthy ami N. A. Ilaberiy. unOcr the urn. ol t . r. Colwworthjr A Co.. ha, heeu .Im-on1 by mutual imiaeiil, N. A. Ilaberiy i ri -at I . t ..leworthy will continue II" a!mM the corner of Alia and Colloowood 're; i ii- liulehied lo the -at.l iirm are .''l"" to make prompt aeltieuiulll. .o-ellY C V. ( Ol.KrtW UK 1 N. A. HABERI-Y. Dale.1 Pendlelon, Oregon, April W, Mines Proapecta and MlatHE Property lixamloed. I Advice given a, to their value an.l "h fJ working i.e ih,. I lerul, uioildsn T',,111 poll- il.lulllaml lilt: best al.t-llll"11;. pel bring -lain, owner, in contact n" ,u buyer, every where. O. M. RORCNDALE, Couauitlug MiUOVarjlal PorOaiitl. oreg