East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 21, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    There is
That ii nmn admiral BIOW
Minn I ladle' Pretty form;
mid ii ni. i'lv Biting ttttm
make 11 ihapel) Bgure.
N." Corsets
arc Mi' itMcUfd of Meal-
I b'iMi In III end dun-
With every dollar fur-
t bain jrou get n ptn
oM watt h given nn.. m
the lint of May
Clements & Wilson.
gut ortgonlan Publishing Comii.inv.
niiL. .cm inro urn'
wclr. 1 f Mil . . .
On cofiv l
Oaafnp; .i I 'inh.. I v ...
UMCof'T prr "Ml. ly .rnr
Trial sul.Mrip.tnn
,B ' ii' "
(in. copf one y,t
llm- . v ... m-nta
Tftt ul.MpllM.
l'"l ' .
ADVBaliftt.' r.Tl'
lUiM.iay an.erit
I '
. nl SaMMl
a p.. Blnnth
I '
. I
aaim lo lis le an.1W-ki.irrl'n li -r inunth j l
t otl'tn Wcrblfprrm.'ntK
atih rt Wrraty. par lit rt per mntl. . ...!
r tut fcrv in I ue.U v, laaut vt h-rin Week l .
mClSKtmUtmlmt tarni-Weekl, . Weekly 23
rt inaeMioa, ,wr nub.i . each autM.ji:ci.t iut-
Luc,l sooca,, MB . prf 11 a, . eavli I
It in ipiitc pr IkiIiI' thai Senator
Allium, of Iowa, will ii.' tin' repnbll-
can vice-presidential candidate thi
year. It in stated Unit lie i" President
MeKlnloy'i sbotaa i"r a nutnlng mato,
iiiHv Kmim-vi'lt tii 1 p I in t in 1 1 y iliilini"!
til.' lionnr. Si'iitnr AJlUMfl 1- .1 elaU
ml alili' mini, a tlinmnirli ropilbltcMUl
anil 11 man who liu tin' OMfldVinM "f
11 lurnr iniiiiliiT n( B'nili' Uiriiiinlmiit
tlic loimtry. "if In- will mvi'iit nn
duiiliti'illy hi- in mi 1 u.tt 1011 w ill mviir.
Tin' riill)lii'iinii nuilil lianlly imprnvi'
Ban btaa. in tart, laaatoi alliaen i
(it riipnlilioan tiinli-r for preiidant.
Tim (Mm aaaava iniw. tlmt iba
total aapaltllaa of Ooba i" 1,671,787,
of which then' aro 47,171 whita ajalai
ami 4y,l2it whiti' f.'inalr U natm
birth; therv are Ill.HIW inalf nKriM
.ni.l 122,740 fi'iiiah' in'irru . Tin' iviirtm
in favorahh' t" a ui.veriun.'iit "I tin- i-
lajaj iiy aaja i pla ami probably
thin will ba alloarad, althoogfa at
Waliintiin thiTi' i a iliKpuiiti.in in
nrlW'ial circle t" Dfftag iafloanot ami
prt-rwiiri' t.. hear I., niaki' Cnha a
"ciiionv" ooatiarjr ta tin- wi-i i
tin' Cllh.ui ireoplt' an. I thr r m 1 1 --
inaili- than hy th.' Waablagtan govarn
in. 'nt
The colonial pollay la mi" thai Ii not
oienly ei.e.l Iiy the McKinlev a.l
mlalatratlon. Hill Ihert- ar" at least
two ineniherH of Mr. MeKinley
cahinet who are not alrai.l t.. uae tl."
wonl "cololiie" a applie.l in en .
Uaa with the I'a. iii" ami w. -t Indian
'MMMeHHioiii.. A year or more ago At
torney (ieneral (iriggn, in a BMech da
livarad at bia home, baldly proolaimad
a colonial pilioy (or the United Mat. -ami
I'ostinaster iienernl Smith, in an
adttorlal prlntod in hi Philadelphia
pap." last wiek, saiil the meanin.' ol
the Puerto Kiean hill Ml tin' estah
liihrueiit of a colonial sv.t"in. Vet.
when the repiihii. an platform i made
at Philadelphia mm! a word tboal Mm
"col.inial policy" will appear, for
me ream Haw me aiiempi win "'
inane io i.. Mm.. ,im, ti. .in .".,,i. . i,
thla qaeatloai. i
Tile Northern I'.i. Hir railro.el.
through its pajMCajar aepartmeut,
. , .,, , a ,.
.,v..r uT.i.'l. tir.oiil... I . - S, 1...,.
iiirles pe, a
man win. I- artistic, resourceful and
energetic, as well as a "railmtul man"
in every -. us. , has wmad itl annual
number, "Wonderland. " which il I
remarkahiy interesting I k. It ll
ably written, profu-eh andattlatleall)
illustrated, ami tilled (rum aaeaf H
"over with history, r..i.iam. , descrip
tive matter. Indian lile ami a treat-
ineiit of that ureat enterprise, the
Northern I'acilic, and the greater coun
try through which it pa--.- irom St.
Paul to the I'a.iii.- ca-t. The hook
is perfect, and a copy ol it can Is- had
by nvniling six .cuts in stamp- to
Charles S. hee, general pa-- i
agent, St. Paul, Minn., or to A. I).
Charldin, aasialant general passenger
agent, Portland, Oregon.
Thomas P. Page deinoerati. i.iudi-
date for eanniaaioMr, mrved three
terms a coinmiasioiier of Walla
Walla county, prior to hi In coming a
resident of I'matilla county. Mr.
Fage's record in the ollle. in Walla
Walla is an excellent one. He i- a
man of lirst class busines.- ability,
thorough, painstaking and exact, lit
is partieolarly ntt.-i (or the pot of
cominissionur. He is a siices-lul
larmer, a large taxpayer ami in eveiy
way closely identified with the agri
cultural llllre-t-, Iron, which the
county government receive its gr. ate-i
upM)rt. He holmvBH in the theory
that the i . -i iioveruiiielil costs the
luast anil that the taxiayer's inomiy
abouhl onlv be -- i n,.. ;'.
tore! of th'ono who contribute ii ,.,.,l
tor tbu go. I ol the Mliule, p, . ,o. .
Til Miitl M Sim
Court and Cottonwood
Them lire lew hi' " batter endowed
, man hilly and bettor rquljrped (mm
I training and eaperlenee to earn the
' pwplc in pilblla "Hi'"'. kind
far which li' I 11 candidate, llian Mr.
I vhaa Ami moreover, the nomination
sought I Ik' mull .
w. M. Remeajr, of Yamhill eonntjr,
1 mi who wai ohm 11 reeMnnl "i Panola
tun whan tin practiced law, i the n
dldato of the damoeratlc party far tha
nprama bench. Mr. Ramaay i- enable
lawyar, itra Igh tf orward and con-en n-limi-.
Anil moreover ha la a wodaat,
eneroui bum. Being i juriat of
ability and tliaraatar ha i a lit eandu
data ami "in' tin' rotor aan anppori
w ith. ait a ilniiht r a Krrapla. tfalaatod
In- will prove hi w.irth, MrVlttg the
aaopU with lalthialnaai ami ilitim'
tinn. Blnaa lha Nprama miff i an
tlroly cooiel of repilhlican lawyan
it wwrid mit ,, atnlaa t.. till the
vacancy with a ilelirn'rat, bna WBO ill
every way will It rang than the good
inline nf th" bench, Polltiaa ahonld
m.t i naidared in voting fur men fur
juilnenhip. The he't man fur thr place
than Id he Mleetodi ragardlaai nf all
other eunaideratloae.
At llrt hlit'li It may strike one
in Mmooj if not Mcrlleaioui to I.
III... II ,lell ill Ml" !i'. .'
( 11 u it or I111-
iii' r 1 -1 . lint til" more ins nie ami
QtterancM are itndlad th" clearer it
baoomee that Ha not only hal a Bloat
nimble wit. bHI a humor original ami
Marching in marvelous .legree. Taking
this viewpoint of the life of Christ,
tn org" Wright Bocklay presents a BHkft
lutart rtlng rtady in the Open Court f..r
M.ir.h. in making prominent thi
faculty ol the Ureat Teacher Mr.
Buckley is concerneil not so much in
classify iiiK the wit ami humor of .lesu
a in giving them a living relation to
a personality iileal an. I vet -uhject to
th. laa of hnman development, "a
personality Vh..e pi h to tneii
gather- a somewhat sharper ami sa.liler
ca-i nndar th" growling itram and drain
..(that contli.t wbhm tinally waited
Him to Mi" agony of tlie cm." As
illustrating the humor ol JeeUl, Mr.
Book ley naantMM the following lively
picture :
The Homer, marching w ith can. lie
an. I brOOm (or Hi" I. .si coin, ami, like
a woman, calling in the neighhors to
rejoice with her when she has ton 11. 1 it.
The parelalanl man who wake- up his
oelgnbor at mldnlghl to borrow ilir.n
1. .,iv.'- of bread, ami, being rafuaad,
clamor- at tin- BOOT until (mm sheer
weariness the neighbor rise- ami haiul
oot, or thmw- out. "as many a he
I. tl.." The irrepressible widow
paaterlng the unrighteous adae into
granting her petition) "Thongn 1 (ear
unt Qotl nor renanl man : vet Ix cause
thi- willow tmiihleth me I will 1I0 her
pHtlaa, laait sin- wear me with her
continual coming." The unjii-i dabwt
who -ii"- for mercy ami got release.l
from a ijeht of thoilsaml "I t .1 1 . 1 1 1 -.
then straightway ca-t- into prison a
iHsir man ow ing him hut a lew shil
I inif-.
These pictures show a sens" of hu-
111. .r, an andaralandlng of human
nature, not asoelled anywhere, lint
the wit of .lesu showeil het when he
was iiinler criticism or when life
aneoilei looghl t.. trap him w ith nibtle
oBrMtiona, when tak.n to tak I.. -
cause his dlaoiplei 'In not last as is thej
ciistom of the Pharisees ami th" .lis-I
,.jlU.H f ,,,,n. he Koo.l-natiire.lly
,i,,.H,.r-: "('.in tin. son ol the hrtili -
cwueber monrn a long aa the bride
groom i with tlieln?" Ami when he
Ml accueed of (easting ami fellovehip
eitli publtouia ami -inner, how .hn-H
ii" ill"". ill" .. .iiii". ... i, i.-iii.
. . .. ..
m.'mi.r.lll e lo al -Hr ... 11
in. 'ini. r. line io all -iicei iling genera
t nm- ior the .le.'p, lymratbetlo wit
and wisdom of it: 'They that are
whole liaVT BO need of a physician,
hut thev that are sick. Kir I came
not to call the right", ua, bill sinners to
repentance.1 " What more graphic
irony could he imagined than the
paralile of tha -upper and invited
j guests whereby He sets forth the erec
tion oi His messianic mission by His
own countrymen and the substitution
instead of the heathen element? "We
may laney a gaaalmja mile rippling
Ibis face when he enumerated the vert-..ii-
atmian oBand (..r declining the
invitation ol tha boat, eepeeially that
ol the man who said: "I have married
a wife, (tl course I cannot coin.'.'
How many ol the iborter aayioga of I
the Man of (ialile,. Inn.' i..,.. l...
world - neriiian.-n! eirenhili f ,. i.
and hiiinor' I'rgnig the -imole ij-h,
men to Ik' npotlc- of the truth, w ittilv
lb- ohiwrves: "Follow ma and I will
make you lishers of men." "If th.-v
have called the master of the bouse
Baalwbnb, how mueb more shall they
call them of his household. " Certain
people protecting that thev will follow
Him whithcrroever He foc. He
(aeatiooaly, vet with a toaab of tad
liens declare-: "The foxes have hole-,
and the bird- ol the air have lu'.-t-. hut
Ihe S"ii oi Man hath m.t where to lay
His head." When he perceive- that
the multitude ii prompted to felloe
him hv mo live- belonging to th. ani
mal rather than to the ipiritual loan.
He turn- on the opl. with tie just
rebuke: "Ye seek Me not IscailseVe
saw gna, but baeauw ye ate ol the
nave- ami Were lllleil.' Ilellce I he
frwiuent sarca-m
'Thev seek after
I'"' loave and li-h
But Hi ino-t nimble wit -how
r',",v ,,Ul !'''.'.1 an to entrap Him
an iiiilncreet tleelaration bv
putting apiaireutly harmleaa queriee.
Ffe then ili-plnv- n lawyer'- qnlohnaM
fr .iiL.tine precedent, and He put-tn
nttMtioneni to mm with pat qncatlon.
i (mm their accented aotnoriiiea. i
it m.t written?" frequently pr.tix.
'an nn-wer a- bawllderina a- ii i
I p lete. The Pharleerr undertake to trip
Him on the aObjacI ol divorce and He
enlightenn Mien, on the law ol Mcwen,
He i- charged iili violating the Mb.
! hath hv plucking ear of corn, nm lie
tayt "Have ye not rean wmu un "i
did when he wu hnngaradT They
eotnpl.lt, ,,f Hi- healing on the fJato
, ... ... i n.. . t ...in that t"
: kaap th'' laa ol Monen they intnei on
the little cliihl th" harhamii- ri1. nj
i elrcnmcialon on the Babbath. And
I -hall I not make the niclt every whil
oai n an .... .
whole?" Thej talk ol proianiog u
temple, 'due greater Mian the temple
i, her..." Ami Mr. Buckley commentn!
"How all merely conventional ami
traditional objection meltaway before
the logical a it ol inch Mneplrad com.
mon '.'ii" .' " Hoe quickly He wUImI
the qneatlon nf tribute by which nw
cneniien .ell mre thoy conld nol Him
in a difficult place. "Render unto
Cae-.nr the iiiin which areCaeear -Ami
when they wottld place Him be
tweeti t" Brai with the woman taken
in adultery, it only retailed In new
doctrine "i charity lor all future gen
erational "Lei him that i- without
sin among you eaaf the Ural "tone at
Th.'Ho q atlom from Mr, Buckley
Itudywlll mffiee to ahow hlrline nf
raaaonlng and prove hi aaaertion lhaj
,ien wai oi i the world'i anted
humorlati ami nlmbleel of wit. Con
eluding, he mtyai "Bvery reading "f
the goapel r rdl make- more man i -
feat life eierelip of theee qnalltlea in
ona for r another. Noa He liht
Bp HU grave dfecouree with a hit nt
pleaaantry, like a beam of ranahlne.
Nn lie ex. 'it.' Hi hearera t" nea
ami unconventional raaaonlng hv
rtartling paradoiaa, or unxpected
qneatloni and amwara. Noa he con
fnonda eaptloni critic- with the a iiti. i
logic, or hnl "ft all iontmverv with
a aingle mtorl tieil goat traitfht to
thr lean of the matter,
Pleaaantry, repartee, ridicule. Irony,
invective-all are mmtilinl in Hi
inater motive of larvlng the eternal
veritie ami advanolng the kingdom f
haaven on earth. Son of Man ami
Prophet ..f Oodl Oh marvel, n- re-
vealar ..t truth and unvaraclty, marvel-
001 Mini anil reformer, lover ami
I ... p. , i. . mit. r Siinr.ine of the BacHAc-
,.r what the reverent Teiinv-on Mid
l may ikv a- w 'li :
"Til., i in. tl hamuli nn.l t. v lie
, .,. blghaili h..l. .1 .in Then."
'I'm k.- Lsssllvi. Mrunii. Uilllllni' ThIiI.'is. All
rtfuagttu rvfead tea aieaey 11 It (alwtaeaia
k. w . Srovwi igiaUaM on an box. Uk.
a woman named Baaed in tndepen
dance, Mfeaouri. ha tajfared for -one
time from what h" Mpnoaed arm
stomach tmuhle. The doctor! took
hoi. I o( her ami ittcceeded in ridding
her of our rogi ami ..ii" tadpole. Th
inlerenee ii that -in- bad i D "cr..ak
ine" too much, hut th" fact seems h
In (ha -he ilrank l i-ti-rn water which
contained frog egg.
The Oregon ian i- uixloai to know
whether the repablican party Intendi
to give up expansion (or protection or
protection lor expansion.
Portland Telegram :
in an Omaha paper a
It i- puhli-he.l
a fact that a
Nebraska ulitor alh.wiil an irate -ul
scriher lo come into the new -paper
Offiaa and whip bUB. If Mil- ba true
some Nebraska editor will have t.
"lick" at iaaal two hot tallowi bunt
ing (or a row , ill order to save Me
hOBUV of the profession in that -late
A Ray ol Light
For woman's MlgMM t" found in thr
fact that Hr. Pierce Favorite Irtscri
tion cure female weakness ami the disease-
of the delicate womanly organs
which darken the lives ol to many wom
en with Mill, ring and sorrow . That ray
ol light ha- penetrated mam1 darkened
cli nnoer-. where women moaned in mis
ers and ha- guided them out to health
an. I happiness. "Favorite Prescription "
is not a tome, not paillelln. hut I paa
Kiv. cure tin the discmes. which are
peculiar to women. It gisc igoi and
Vitality. It hailishe ncrvouMics.-. head
ache, and all the aches which uomc trom
a diseased condition of the womanly
org in- a temperance andtohn, it con
tain neither alcohol nor narcolicv
"i wa- naeatof tor Umm NMeaWi ahankaa
mul ft-iitak- wt-akurs- uu.l my doctor gave me
but HUM rtUtf,1 Willi- Mrs I.illu ll.inlcr of
aJltalgB, hi l.oui- Co. Mu I saw uu u.lvrr-Ii-.
in. -ill in Uu- paper 01 lr. Ficrcc's I'a.urilc
frcacriiili..!! I Is-Ran tlx use of it ul..ul a yt-ur
at!" 1 feoa live Imltlrs of it. anil one U.tll. .a
iQoldttl Me. heal Utscovrry.' ami my lirallh is
belter now titan it Ma- for yean. have also
recoiintii n.li-'l tie-, tni'luiiie- to aoiue "I my
In, .. I wli" -ull. ie.t Irom female wcikucaa,
au.l aixsl rt-hult- have K.llowc-J."
MAKIrS WEAK MrMI:M 571fOf1ij
Karl's Clover Root Tea
Ollle. S, l, on ..! iil.i,te,y .11
IruaaUb at 6e., 60v. anU l.uo
C. Wells co.. icnov. n. v.
WQi BMlu by l ul i in mi A tu., Inum.fi-
maWanL. uagamHknMi
..lis :.. Mr.....,., would allow
,o en ion ... - "
a oatattrophe to fiappeii.
H II Malnr-. who i- engaged jnt
now to write letter- which may die
canrage anyone (mm Itnrtlng ai.otl..
dally paper in Prrrtlamd, m !l.i,
Coi... Jr., rank 0,000on the Worth-
. v ... in iiu. I.. ,-tahli-h ll m
,i. webfool metropolfe. rha troth ta.
Cole -pent lean than r4n.ii"" ami hi"
-,,',.-ors something like W,WO, and
th" paper would have lUCceerted, even
with thi small hiickitiL'. bad it been
iiialer Intelligent management, and
..I 1. ..... iu,.. il,,u. il to I . come an
111111 n 11." "' , . 1
rraan ol politician, mm "
"groftori." with the foolfeh purpoto
in view oi "killing "ii
inn, rather than publlihlng !!
... .1,., atvlntMt -ell-". lnTl a
newtpaper managamenl forgeti to larva
th.- ptiiilic, nv laiiing i" "ri".' "
m w of it Held not new- of any one
kind, clam "i faction. i"i Bll we now;
In loneral ihould be announeeit
forthwith. When a paper o nign
rlnclnle 1- itarted m rortiaini. ano
the peode have cane lo have onli-
I, in n iii it. slic es w ill coine, ami
Oregon and In r people will not fail to
at pn elate It. 1 he pie everya nan
arcsimi.lv llrCO Ol organs,
"graftere" who run them, matniy in
ihe Intereel ol gang who are forever
seek nig ami mmiing omee. n ........
aid", (carle- independent democratic
miner can he e-lahli-h. .1 in l'..rtlaml
ami it probably will be done w ithin
the pr nt century, ami
rapidly Hearing it end.
-- -
Electricity mid Life.
It ha been damonatrate I that an
animal killed hv electricity may be
broughl to l iff. An ordinary current
doc m.t produce instant death, and II
ii were poaalble to have in readlnen
nltable Rpparatne, leclooanaM could
be reetored by the infusion of
deflbrinatad blood. In I like manner,
Hmtotter'f Mtomach Hitter, the well
known tonic, infn-e Ufa Into de
bilitated bodiaa. by revltaliiing ano
porlfying the blood. Tin wonderful
HmIm. rmaslfli .in, I il ist r i 1 .11 te-
nutrltive material to every pirt of the
i. .... if i.. ii ..:.....i.,i;.i
lllllll, 11 11.- IJ.Ii.l.l.
deranged, trouble follow. OoMtl na
tion, dvi.epsia, liver and kidney die-
oideta all spring (mm weak condition
of the digestive organ, which nffect
the blood, and through it the entire
body. The Hitter-. nr.-all such dis
orders and is an excellent spring tooli .
What Two Cants Will Do.
ll will bring relief to -nflerer from
nathma or wneumptlon, even the worst
eaaaa. Tin- Ii abool what one don oi
I'olev's Honey and Tar cost. Isn't it
WOrtn a trial'.' Take no MbatlttttO.
Pioneer lirug Store.
Oregon Lumber Yard
. . . . I . I I aiV
I. ii iti her,
Building Paper,
' nr Pdpei .
Lime and Clement,
lirick and Sand,
Sash and I lours.
Screen Doors A; WiodoWl,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Bone & Light, Prop's
Alta St., opj). Court House.
House Cleaning Time
Is Here
Do you wish to exchange
old furniture for new? Do
you want a good carpet or
malting' I carry a complete
line, including; all varieties
ami givdajg, and sell them at
bottom prices,
Wli.-eler Ihiilding.
( '. urt Street
I In- largest stock of Saddlery, Har
ness, Tent. Wayon Covers and all
kinds of Canvas Is kept by
Joseph Ell
warn p
w ft?
The Leading nanutaclurr, who ixcu-pie-
more floor ruum than all the
other ha ne.su hopa lo fendleton
and Umatilla County together.
A Bosom Friend
that ia next to your wife la your ahiri, m
yen want to laa that It ia treated Well
when other people handle it. TotM II
no one that can handle tine linen in ei
ther ahirth, eollara or cuff-, more teutler
ly or with greater care when beine MM
sated than the Ooineatie Laundry Try
our lauiiiiry work if vou want your liueu
to look like new .
J. F. Robinson, Prop,
TlpiMn bu
m i,
Women SufferinK with Backache nre Rd
to Rend Theae Utters From Women Who
Hnve Been Cured of it by Lydln E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Oould Not Sloop
..Tlr.vBMHs. I'.nk.iam: -I .hough Mm. I rrm.hl
let you know bow much good Lydta K. 1 VOt
ham--. Vegetoble Oompound uaa de me, in
aking it 1 sn.Tce.1 very mUOb with haekuehe.
, , ..!.. i..i,i Now . thnnlistoyoiii'
rniiui in., si.-.'i' ..s ' , .. ,
mcdicim, I rest Very Wall every night Bad
am hetterthiin 1 hovel n for year. IWMM
every woman to know what your Vepcti.l. h'
Oompound baa doae tor dm. I bm.w it 'ii
balpothatall thev wUlonly give it n . trial.
Mi-.' okacic coi.ton. Ogawgo nua, n.
Ran.kar.hB and Headaoho
"I,i mi Mu. Fis'M'am: I bad headache Mid
backache, wns nervous nil the time. I have
taken live Lottie-o( I.ydfe K. I'lllUh.im s egeln
ble ( ompoun.l and hnve bud better health since
tailing It than I hnve hud for ten yean. I Ml
Itrtmger than 1 was Bad weigh more than I ever
ditl. l think it is the beat andiemeon eartn anu
hnve rceotninendetl it t others. May Ood btoM
vou for the gOOd von have done to Kufterlng
women."- KM. MahoAHET WBr9 Clove
Bottom i Ky.
Profuse Monstruatlon
in.,... lfaa PnraaAM : Mv troulde wn
profnve menstnintioii. lnatlng Irom one to
twelve weeks. The MTW was BO prent I
thought I could not live over nillit. 1 bad
pains In my right side very aovere nt times,
hot llaaheH ao that I thought I would hum
up. I had to stiiv in lied nearly all the time
for two year- inttl six months. I bad two
doctors lint thev did me no gootl. My neigh
bors thought that 1 could not live.
was In tin- condition, a lady gave mt
your medicine. I began Its use at once and
in two days felt that it wns doing me pood. I
hoon got out of bed nnd commenced to do my
w.,rli anmethiiu- I had not done for over two
years. I continued takiup your medicine ami now feel ru. though 1 waa
young again. Mv chanpesare now regular ami people nre telling me hoar
welll look. I tell them Mm' l.ydiu K. I'lnkhiim's Vepetuhh' Compound
did It all." Aljikua K. Dtraxat, 2W H. Kent Ht. Wliiebeater, Va.
Thirty years of constant success is the record of
I For.
Garden Seeds in bulk,
Garden Hoe
Garden Rakes,
Garden Shovels and Spades.
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Water Hose at all prices.
Building Materials, all kinds, 1
See 3
jayor the Hardware flan I
2; 721 Main Street 3
You Can Get
The Celebrated Pilsner beer
in bottles, delivered to any part ol city, at
$1.5 per IDozerL.
aaa Bottled by Ceo. J. Pottnei
100 Per
la u recent hatehlm; oontoxtln which Uiem wern over 4uuuuua the
hatch vw per caou In Una ana wllii
TLU macauatt baa been ilemuiutrausi u. be a unar ab
a, Int.. i- rteeuon aa eaii bu al lauued. The rvaulatluo of heat,
i i mre have i.y.i nroYi'n ien.Mi . .., r n.-w e,-
tr.iyaii.l.aucruiiuruvuuieuu.. Wu pay
mr mm i vv I) flan ord & Co
Just Received
Two Carloads
Baby Carriages,
Window Shades and
Lace Curtains,
our stork bofore you buy.
Baker & Folsom
The Complete House Furnishers
Main St , next It. Poatofficd '
?ot ox. oo.eoroaoooavo
Telephone Livery Stable
I ml. . Sen
KriHhlonahlc Itlea ttl bw flt,,.,
1 l.e Heat TujmOUll in tlie fin
, Special atteutiuu glvaa to hoard
lug honea.
S. F. Hays, Prop, f
LUppuala Court Hgnaa, t
Tatepbi ue Mo, 3s x
tfNMMta 0oe40-oeo4
While I
Home of
l.tit'wt' or sMitiii ii)imiit lltH, t in
1)11 nl-:'ll'l. lit lit K.im' Urbfti-
ttdtn ili"i n I''.. ' ni'i piMin.
Cent. Hatched.
trtight caiaiuyuu Ira
Hinges! Stock
Lowest Prices
A complete li ie of Fn-sh V't geta
hies always on baud.
EaUittt.Uf (iiven. So e Fit.
ting and Picee Work a Spe
cialty. The East Oregooian is Eastern Ore
gon representat.ve paper. It leadu, and
he people appreciate ir nl ahow it by
h.ir hbarai patronage. It . tha advaj
tUing madiura of thi aotimu
Democratic Ticket,
PBRainitKTtAI, Bt.ttOTnni
u o it.-1 N rteree
'" ''"'"ll"ti
hi si unr I
Krlienl Kmiier
i. en vrnniaior ,., , "'"i
si.ite Senitiiu Wm. C. Hinllh nf Hakaaaa,
(I'liniilllii ami Morrjv. Coanlttt.)
a. Wooterf ,
HPPItl'.MK .11 IK1K.
M. UntiiKi'y MfHafca.
I mill ANi HAIItV CliMMIssi.iM n
w. .s. liiiliiiertelt of w.i-i. i, . ;
cim mt iv dob.
D. MlilBMB ofPundUaw
Hallei of Ivadhaaj
W. J. i lia-lulu ii MHta-
It. M n Uriel! nl IVlhllaZ
t HI S I V .11 IM.I..
HMtrgs a. llartman of h ndhaw
i hi sty uoHMranoNitt
raoauu ft rage ... ..i anam
W. M lllitkl. y
at I', tnllctoa
.' Aiheaa
W. n. ChaBtaerlelB
ienrxe D. Kaabler al t nlon
ni;riiitni:i: of ciinvkyani ks.
linn.- W, HaloBer otAUaaj
.1 B, Hall ..( tVit,
K ll. HI I'Kllls rKNIiKST
M. L Witii in (Oaa,
Iliarlei ' Berkeley oi r.'iniiaa
hr. ny. li. i amiilH'll ni t'ta,
Republican Ticket.
i'kkhidkntial BUtcroiui
j, gurnlsh ni i ' iniifw
riiii..in I .. 1.1 ..j ana
ii. i I'uM.iii in ra
1 . 1 1, si I'RRHI ll DOE.
riiHrl"-K. Wiilverlon ..( Altai
CONUUKHHUAN, si t Uatll lill HICI
Ualeolni A. M l . ol ibrMiia
l.illli AM' I A I : t f .MM IHSIt 'Mi.
J. W, hallo) in I'.irtliatl
it roatlllaana Noma Caanilea.)
a-.i u. Thonpaon ol ikpfaa
i lilt I II .IflaiK.
w, ii gnu ni tkmm
Illlll." A. Kee of I't'ti.llrtal
f I. Kirk in Albnt
I. II Kee.ler ol I'eiKllaa
I 'i il NTY IDIMUt,
I. K. Ileall nf I'. Ifllrtai
.... I. iv. Tin. ire . . in i .'
Y. I'erlna.'r nf I'.t. ilkaa
UtOORDU ul rnS'YKY ANi'Ks.
U'lll t..... ..I . i....
Tltl.AMt IlKlt.
s K Valaa oi Mllat
..r. gaaaa al iiiu
I. K. Niiwlln. ... oi l . ndkM
K. Maromber ol I'Uak
Dr. VV. li. I tile ol IVii.iUttl
llora. e W alker of BUM
J CeriCE AND t tl.SHI Alll.l,
I I'.'ll.llel.iu 111-III. I
I'll.,. Ktlll ...rMl.l ..( I ,11,11. Laa I
I II ii I. . Ilevbllru ..t I'. ii.llrU,
lAltlKU .V U.l.i:V, AT Tl 'K S h YH At
law. tilth - in .suvina Hank i .
J il,l li. o. .in. n reuiliuioii, oregua.
JAMEH A. Kl.i;. LAW id l it I. IN JUHOj
I I I i , 1. 1; A 1.1 1 A I It'KNKY It
i nn. m AaMielaiiiiii III... k.
Hill.. Ill .nli.n, in. , k
l.ourl Nt.
H. A. NKWUMRItY, A I roltKBT 4
Ciiw. Itnuui IA, Aaaoclatlon Itu. -i.ua
i iifll.Hi Iii I', nillrtuti
III, VI ,'..1 L ".B" ...
,ul77'; on WMI Wel.l. HI. t
17 to 10 a. ni , . lo p. I
1. .1 , I V J '1. V I It J ,1.1. 1.1 H
ol Mrl Sali.nml llauk. OBIe. nnuia I
a. in. ; 1 to 11 p. in.
UK. r. J. SMITH. (iFl'll'i; i'V
.ll.i.ii, -...in,' iiauk. Tel'i'""ie .
BaBM lelepliolle a.
Ll w 1 1 , I ' I.' I I.' I I . ,1 I, Li.. .11. Ill
li.. il. ling
in il4d Hull. ling.
A. I.. IIKATIK, ll. I. H. TlfHiE i
nnvltigi. II. oik (,a ailliiinlil. . '
in ni III... k, over K. H. (Toptun - i.ttti
I. I'. UllVV .Villi All! HUM i AM'
pel ml. ii. U'lil. i. ... 10 L'ouinl. I. au.l I
pluiia lor hull. ling. In the
i..,.,i. 17, On 1.1 hiillillug
, en.iieit.ll .. il eunii . ..IL.Oii."
"inn.., ,.ui,w,, line, em ao.o.'"
.-il- Kaehanue ImhiuIo alnl - " 1
. i..o 111110.. i . . .1 aiieuinii. M
lions. W. J, Kiirnlali, pruaitU'iii. )
lee .reltleiil T. J. Horrla, calil'
i i I.,-" I iiai lo.Al, II.I..H". ua
. i'-,.o..l a.'4i.,al' -nr, iul.f'rT
........ I ..VIII. . . lilt,,.-, I
M. Arthur, viee pre.itloiii ; K ' Mara'.
...I ,., .' ,. - . ,'u.
icr; u vi li.. r lie 1 1 . aaalalaut
Inn t al.lUl. ITn.lMl; siirnlii ll'-1.'..'
... I- a geuoral baukiiiK bn
ali.l lelegranhie lialiafora atil.l
Krauetaeo, now York ami I'1
Ih. S.irthweal. Ilrafla Draw i
1 1 I He-'
ami KluopL'
Make, lolle. l.
i. i in -
Levi Allkeny
hluiil: C. U.
. I ' 1 el. -I.I. Ill I 11 ..'.
liutirnae) , aaaialant caahier
raatiee I hereby given n."'
,blp bsratolore exliiug beiws
..I (Ii v au.l S A. Ilaberl) , ull'le
nf I'. V. i ole.vvorthy .v Co.. ba
by mutual fuiiicut, N A. II. i'"'1
I . I'oleaaortby will eoBlin"'
ihe corner of Alia ami Coiuiio"
puraoua lluluble.l In the ULI'I 1111
ii i'
Hi.' i
, Bfi
n. make .i , i aellioaiLiiii v , i K
s. a iiAiiifK'';
an,v,I ,111111 HMl,
ii..i. ..i ii 11..1...1 in. .',iii Al""'1
Hroapecle and Mini"
.. Ta.. 1 illCtl
I Altvlee Ivan aa In tbv'l 1 rat.'
lairla enmilinll.l the I""1 " , villa
1. ...... . ....... u,.rt III
buyera ovary whurt
If, OIK I t il. ,,-
01') When . a.
Cousulllug M.ttavlLirsti