East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 16, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Ask to See
The Celebrated
Taylor Hat
The Culpepper
Stiff Hat
Cleaver Bros.
Odd Fellows' Temple.
UBiM " wstaafai deeds
rouniv Hltri Cannot Lawfully AfTU
Siampi to insirumem.
t MkrawUininc to Ibe bundling
I l,l anl "tli'T legal instrumenta
s-liii-li mr rnme county rT"rner
I . - - ,. revenue ftiltllt
I Hi nnivrMiT- - .... - - - .
affix! i Bantioned in WMhinfton
lUMMB, rtlch HH that tb B in
' ...i..rnui revenue hai re-
I OIISFItairr ...
rrimia nunil.. r inquiries from rey-
-- clerks of court", and
Liners. HKkititr whether they would N
in-titiol m rec r luiv iieeua, nc,, warn
I' .. .1 , . n. , ....I Thev
rr -ni n- ".. ...-......,
rcprawil that -Iced '" often received
pni bbmsm "I" cannot oooeee.tlj
Iprucerf stump. n-King iniii mc, it
' I,,, it,., recorder. Tin- rom-
IniiioinT answer in tin- negative, and
.. .... .....u- ti:if tin rrimtee nr
I in in- i" i"; 7 7 .
rnon who makes or IMM UN inatrti-
Iairnl slnmlil amx cancel me
"- If i... ..in I- tn (In hi., lie incur
1 1 iitj ol ii I in r than 1100. I(.
IMMter. tin' .in i -1 'ii i- iiihuvitii-ih,
I' Oiar presem ine ilisiriiiiicin n me
Irvlur aitlim a year from the date
issue, pav the stump tux, ami
-rut th instrument '"f 1 Ht -ftttti 1 1 -
Tin- miminc-i'iiHT FtlviHee that
n an mi-tamped inatruinent fur
...nl I. r...-. IV...I It It returned til
latrimftd, charting for pustBfjB ami
IS- isl'llplfl in ll,e i-orreriM.ii.iciiee
tlBMMiiarv by I) mission of the
It Savaa Hit Lac.
P. A. Danfnrth, of I.u i range, tin.,
Itnrl.-reil intensely lof sil mouths with
I a ritf lit fill ruining sore mi his leg,
hut antes tliat I'.in k 1 - Arnica
I twltr wholly eared it in ti n 'lays, faff
iBumi, wiiumU. burnt, holla, pain Of
I I'iii- it - ! Ii.- Is-st salve in the world.
I I'm ruarant I. Only 'J!w. Suld by
Tallioan A C... dnu Mart.
Will Probably lo . Hli Thumb.
Al Canleii. while vleuninir In-
Ibwlr thif BMrning, hud the tlillinb
"I hlf riifht haml cmnrht Ih Iwhi-ii the
Irbain taA nnwekel I I. The thumh
i-ut nearly off, the im-tuta'r haiiK
jajkrealfa iiurrm xtrip o( akin.
I th .irem-i'd it ami Mr. C'arden
lu taw rumor im temitorarl v to irive
Iij'Wiirk. Mr. Oardea Ii u prlntaf. pro
..vm1 ml Hi.- Trihuiie. The accident in
fl mil unlortiinut. . at. the loaa of the
htiumli would Bake it iiuoaeiblf for
ii. ii. ii. niniihtU' n I....U..IIIIHI If ii
MM kin ii vkaUutf ,,r n.it tlu.
kliUBiti will unit. .
Look at Your Faoa.
Aod aa if it U " ' i i.i.
, " ii.-i iiiik oi'Hiiu or
Karl' Clover U.u.l T..
-a'ltlftn. ti. (.,-,. I ,.,,, ..I... i.... . ... t
f ;-ri,... .l,h All drumiiHta,
Peantaiifl .Vi . ... i. vt ... .T-j.J
. r . iriunvflu
I'l'njlUarr in,- nutilfartorr. Tallinan
Hor,. ..... .,...
Mltwl Dwmii,.. ,.d kanaa an.)
SAdN (Mm the hiteblng rack at
-..i -.ii, ii.rner o t'ot
"MaiAC. ..... .... w
Im - ...T-.r, on ,-nnif
1 -7 .. ..in .1 o cuh'k llle
""wilW in.. I,,... .,,,1 ,.,..
, i. .. ' ' i 1 it- .--ill ia urii-
ff f f- -M.l.l . I A 7j a I
r jiutl ,, lP I MHJ M I1
fSSTi Knlve..
a Ulw ,
ItS ."Il "V. fffaaajaatte
uTlT; it..,!,:," ".V.1'. '""
eat voj n,i i' riiu.
ad et,o,,,.i 1 at lilt- "curan
S3ih V,"' T ft1"' pKSSi
t .., , " " " platlaa
1 . Wat ( tL,- uinuuln-iurrr.
Jeweler and
'ee Talk...
uii t be foolish and pay
jv can ouy Cuae
Drit-e l r
On,... . j 1 ucs tun
Ul" f tried, always used.
1 tar 1 a
' iw rcuuictou.
All the New Shapes
The Be.st Hat Ever Sold.
Dry Goods Co
Arrlvala at tha Hotel Pendlaion.
lot). I' Huyden, rnrtland.
I. !; Oooraa, Portland.
.1 G Ji'kann, Portland.
Low in Smith, Portland,
til-.. K Hun. .n. Portland,
F Btrong, Bngeoe,
A .1 Hall. Spokane.
I' K HaoawHrar, Spokane,
M II Pat ton, Spokane.
N i i Potior Bull, !.okaiie.
K Howard, Spokane.
Walter II Miller. Spkane.
0 l Holoomb. Ritaville.
Cbaa Onaninanan, i t y .
' M Ktnith, TiiintinpTtiin.
s l' r.iiev, Hantington,
W H Garrett, Portland,
w w Ridoaoar, letr..it.
t' M Tierce, WeKti.n.
1 v n.ivt. Portland.
T w .ia:ki. .n. Portland.
.) .) iitirnc, Portland.
Ilnikett and wife. Sun Kninriaco.
H M Ondick, Arliii(tt.n.
JuiiieK Elder , San Praaciam.
Chax )'.aker, Pint Rock,
II V Wilkin-oti. Bobo.
Clojrd Oliver, Bobo.
Blttna Spike, Bobo.
.1 II Klntvkncr, SK,kanp.
1 li Brandon, sikane.
N A Niclunn, I'urtlatid.
I. Haniiker, city.
.1 I lluhliard, Spokane.
W I'andiidi, Sn.kjne.
I Sbalta, Inokane.
K T I'ieree, San )'rancinoo.
! B Risbardm. Helix.
Dell s Lanhier, Portland.
.1 11 Mnruii, Portland.
C M tiruham. I'nrtland.
,1 W C il 1 i if, Suti Kranciaro.
(.' OtterFhuifen, I'nrtland.
W (i Joaaa, sHlt Lake.
a ObriaaaaaM. Portland,
Mrn Cato Johns and children,
$100 Dollars Reward. S100.
Tin rt'tidt-ra uf thl iMp-i vt til Im- iil-rmi to
lenrii thai thrrv i al leaM inr ilrfaMful tliM-nM-thai
i Iciirt' has Imtii Mhle to t urt- In all lt
MMNi and that l i-atarrli Hall's t'alarrh Cure
Qiff only )Mtltlv cure no known t th
BedleaJ fmtfrmt) nb:i. In iiir on-(ltu
tiottal dliwaMr rt'ulrf a fonKlltutlonal trcat
infiit, liall'e Cntarrh Curt' Is taken Intrrnally.
MtiB4T iiffi "tly ti the bltMrd and mucous but
face of iht- -yatfni. thi-n-h ilei royinir the
fouui.atton of thr illMa and Riving ttif (m
tlftit Rtrfiiifili h tuilldinic ut tlu- constitution
mid a,uiif nature lu fiNM H" wOftt. Thc
proprifiurB liavt m much faith In lt curative
Mjt'r that they offrroia- Huii'lrt'd iHdlarff for
any raar that It fall to curt rwud for Ubi of
IfStluiolilaU Aldr.-.a
F. J t'HKNKY at CO., Tokdo, Ohio.
bold by Iruitffits, 7Ac.
Hall'B Kaunlv r'Uls are (he best.
Birthday Annlveraary.
Mrti. W. 11. Kadaeru on Saturduy
Hveniii) nave a hirthday party on the
aBBBaion id the aeventh hirtlniuy anni
veraary of Pearl May I'... :. (iuinee
and iuuhic and the nerving of refrenli
inenta ere the feuturea of evening.
The KUeeta were: Mrs. Kverinifhuiu,
Mr- I'eteraon, Mrs. Anderson, Mr-.
Pearl Hailey, Latta Gilett, Mahle
Bentley. Vera ami IXira Miller, HatH
and Maud BimpaOM, Vera, Mav and
Ethel BoothliV, Htellu .No I III Nellie
Warner, Bditn Bloabar, KffAe and
Blaia Wells, Lihbie Liiiiehauiih. Allies
and Mav Anderson, Minnie and
Pauline Jones, Kllen and l.ixzie I'eter
son, llaxel liurgess, Kva St reaver,
Flossie I'avis, Klwissl ami Vernon
Fason, lloyd Bwarlnffhaaii Iouie
Anderson, (ierald NowliB
Blsmarck'a iron Noi n
Was the result of hia splendid
health. Indoiiiituhle will und tremen
dous enerev are not found where
ataaaaeb, liver, kidneys and Uiwels are
out of order. If you want these quali
ties and thesucceea they hring, use Ir.
Klag'l New Life Pills. Thev develop
every ower of hrain ami Issjy. Only
?' at Talliuuu & Co s drug store.
- m m m
Walti Ii a Damoeral.
Athena, Ore., April 14. To the Kdi
tor. I notice that in your puia-r my
name in us .1 a- a pm uli-i on tlie dem
OeratiC ticket. Thia is u mistake, and I
wish it corrected, as il might lead to
some misunderstamling, and is an ill
justice to lite, as well an to all parties
Ooatoaraaa. 1 am and ulways have been
a deiuoerat. M. L. WATTS.
It Will Do Vou Good.
A hhssl purifier and tissue builder is
Karl's Clover Hoot Teu. Sold for half
a century on our guarantee. Mom
refunded if results are not aatislaclory.
Price 26 i ts. and 50 eta. fallmau &
For Sale Cheap.
A cottage on lot 14 block 204 Ke-acrve
addition to Pandletoo.
Kxperience ia the beat teacher. Uae
kefcor'i Boaliih reined) in any case
of coughs, colds or croup. Hhould it
fail to give immediate relief money
refunded! 26 cent und SO cents, hold
lo Brisk & MoGowai
a fancy price for package coffee
& Sanb-irn's bulk cottce at tne
. . i
net ana tuaices a ucuci cup.
Court Street
the run. ritsion ticket.
Candldatai Hamad at rortland by tha
two convention!
The fusion ticket complete placet
vmers 01 i irepon last. week
I'resnlential electnrn Walter M.
Pierce, democrat, ot Pendleton ; Dell
stuurt, democrat, of Portland: ErneM
rvroner. popouot, of rnrtland: John
wiiittaker, H.puhst, of Benton.
( ongreiisnian. First district Or.
nernara uaiy, iiemiH-rat, of Ukevlew,
ti niLrressiiiHii . S.coti,l .liut.;..t t:i.
Senator William Smith, populist, of
1'ithl I I I .
.1. A. WotiliTV. nf laWM bAi lit r.H.s..
entatlre for fmatilla and Morrow
Supreme judge-W. M. KanwT
. 01 mm,
FimhI and ibtirv rn ImImii 1
Bobalnaoriob, POfillLa, of Washington
count v.
Nominations were made in the Sixth
jiinn ini iiistru t, t in nt 1 1 lit ami Morrow
counties, by Isith the democrats and
popoiieta i
ifniisrata A. 0. Stillnian, circuit
ONrt judge; T. (i. llailev, district
atti irnev .
PopoljM R. J. Slater, circuit court
judge; J . I. tlinkle, iiistrut attorney
Democratic Stat Central Commute.'
Hiker .1. H. Kohbins. Snmntat
Benton K. B. Wilson. Corral III.
t lackainas T. F. Cowing. TTiagBB
1 1 V .
Clataop -J, B, Oatapball, vt,.rin.
Ootaaioia Henry Henderaon, Mat
OOOI Jobs F. Hall. Marshtleld.
Crook W. A. Bisith. Prineville.
Curry (Jeorge rltabnah, Port
Douglas Charles II. Fisher, Hose
burg. Gillian a f. Van Vaetor, CoadaM,
Grant G. I. Ilaeltine, Canvon
Carney Julian C. Bynl, Burns.
Jackson A. X. S..M--, .lacksoin illc.
Josephine J. O. Poitha. I, ranis
Kluniath B. F. Van (.riltith.
Klamath Falls,
i nk. .1. s i.ane. Lakeriew,
Lane I. l Oanjpballj Boajana,
Lincoln B tiaitlicr, Toledo.
Linn 11. C. Watson. Albanv.
Malheur k. il. Test, Ontario.
Marion W. M. Kaiser, Salem.
Morrow Henry Blackmail. HappMT.
Multnomah j'. C. Welch, l'ortlaiul.
I'olk A. J. (iisslman, IndapaadaooB.
Sherman J. Morris, Wasco.
TillaniiM.k-X.it tilled.
I'matilla-K. P. Boyd. Pendleton.
I'nion K. P. Mcltaniel, Cora,
Wal low ii Tlmnias Humphrey, Jo
Wusco-H. C. l.iels-. The Ilalles.
Waabineton John M. Wall. Hllle.
Wheeler W. W. Hisiver, Fossil.
Vil mil i 11 1 1 . L Heath. McMinn-
Larg Number of Voter Yot to Be En
rolled Before Election Day.
The vote of 1 svw in this count v wa
SS31. At the present time, up to :t
o clK"k nallllnaj aftermam Kegistrur
Frailer had enrolled a total of 2ti4H.
This leaves the number registcn-d SSL
short of the vote of lN'.IN, with foi r
necks remaining la-fore registration
closes mi May l.V The registration
and 1WH vote, with the gain or loss us
the cuse mat be, in each precinct, the
rder of the ligures being indicuUsl in
the first precinct given:
Adillus 17L' voted III 1KIIH; Hli now
registered ; short.
Alba S4, :W, It short.
Alta ltw, 12h, 70 short.
Alta-1!H,1LH, 70 abort.
Athena, south 14'., IS, 73 sliort.
Athena, north BOS, 1K4. 1 short.
Bingham Springs LI'. 15, 7 short.
Cotton wiksI ii:l, 17, 40 short.
Kcho 102, 71, 31 abort.
Eiicaliipmeiit 07,3tt, 31 sliort.
Pulton SB, 02, gain 23.
G ill i land 31, 31, no change.
Hogue 23, 2a, gain 5.
Helix tw, 79, It) ahort.
Juniis-r , 61. 15 abort.
McKav 103, 100, 3 abort.
Milton, south-2t, 132, 71 short.
Milton, north 177, BO, 7 short.
Mountain 85 , 41. 44 abort.
Pendleton- 10H, 121, gain 15.
Pendleton, north-254, 231, 2:t sliort.
Pendleton, aoutb 16H, 148, 10 short.
I'endletou, east 26, 181, 84 abort.
Voakuni 2H, 20, abort.
Union 03, H4, short
RoddOOk 17, 13, 4 abort.
Umatilla BS. 17, i short.
Ckiah-2, 78, 14 abort.
Vallev i8, 28, 40 short.
Vanaycle 41, 31, 10 abort.
Willow Bpriaat- 44, 45, l short.
Weston MB, 121, 44 short.
W.-ston. .ust-171, 1S, 14 short.
Flv Thing.
The live diseases for which Sbiloh'a
Consumption Cure ia especially recom
mended, are Coughs, Odds, Whisiping
r..ugh. Croup and Consumption. No
llieilli'ine ever inane uy until if e.piui
o it iii unv rcM't. Sohl under a
sisitive ituurui.tee. Money hack if it
fails. 25 cts, 50 Ml ami $1 a bottle.
Talliuuu & Co.
Th Condition of Cropi Th Effect of
th Lat roil.
Pleuant View, Ore., Ajiril 13. It
rains and the day U dark and dreary.
But that is nothing new. There ha
1....... .1... Liti.l ..f .'wull,.,r KVitrv Lw
i lee 1 1 in.. ...... " J "
dan. all winter and spring. There
' .. a 1 .1...
wi re tnree nigius oi n., .in, ine
lir-t of the week, the ground Iwing
froien two nights. Kxcepting spring
sown barley, which was only slightly
i,i.;. I there was no damage by the
freeze. Wheat, though not damaged
by thia frost, ia looking somewhat
yellow from too much rain. Summer,
fallowing is a little further along than
usual. Plowing Is-gan earlier than
formerly, as it was thought that owing
to mudi rain packing the ground, and
there being such a rank growth of v..l
lall .Lent the roil would drv out
and make plowing dlBcult, -hould
. ... . 1 1
tlicr, Im- a cepsanou oi raiuiaii.
W. 1 utter, of Albs, was in Pleasant
'iew last Tuesday hs.king for young
calves for delivery at four months old,
1.... in ill .... ... 1 , . I- I i ,. MM i . ., -
UU. ,!..., ... ,r a. . . w, - -
arc usually disisiBcd ol at 4 to 8 weeks
old to liuti h. rs. .ir. ruuer is in me
.1..:... i ,.J. ui..l tl.ii, LH tliut ..hut
this county ihmmIs ia not more butter
making, out more people 10 eat me
battat already la-ing made.
Tivil McBroom and brother, of
Mountain, who w. r. making a business
. . i i . : I f. ...!.....
trip to VvOlu i"pruii ttno Jiniiji. i, ii.eu.
a short stop in Pleasant View r.teni-
V IV Ua..ii,l..r. tl,.. I'ortlMliil l.isoo
lumr, who makes period ieaJ tripa
through tbia county in purauit of bia
VOIUIIOII, will. Ill hup io cuii"iiii.,ii,g
vicinity last week.
U .....I 14 r- I'..,. I. i.ii.l ,1 u i, u I it.-r
Miss Myrtle, iiarentsand sister of Mrs.
, .. ... ,, . i... it
Win. Hun, oi tlie vtaiiu naiiu vaney,
tm ii. . I home from a few days
visit at Mr. Duff'.
Mrs. Hubert Brown, of Pendleton,
1.. Uiu Wl..n..lu ..mm... ,.nl
loriii. I . w . .. ....... , ....... -.. .
Wodiieaday for a lew day' visit in
... . (u u n .......I.. -
J Icanaul i lew. niq. uiy.n muu m
suiwsaful term of aclnsil hero Inst
w inter.
Maud Simpaon came out from Fen
dleton Wedne day evening, to remain
over night with Berniee ltnpivi'.
Bob Brown, Bimut's depufy, who
usually assesses north of Pendleton,
was attending to his duties in this
ncighlmrhiMid Thursday, and remained
over night. Bob is a hustler and everv
man, woman and child in this place
will vote for Assessor Buaan and his
depot! oa, K.
Th Watlon Leader's and th Athena
Prn' Opinions of It.
Weston Leader: While the demo
cratic ticket put in nomination at Pen
dleton Saturday cannot be described as
entirely satisfactory. It abonld be n
memNred that no ticket ever did
please everybody. When such a la-ant i
lul condition is rem bed r will have a
olitical niillenium, when strife is
unknown, all citizens are gissl citiaens
and everv iMiliticiau an honest, cm
scientinns, upright and unstdtish man.
The ticket is at least stronger, in
nearly all reOpOCtB, than that put in
tnc mid iiv the nquihl leans. Om
particular element of strength lies in
the fact that it was the result of no
dictation on the part of a boa or set of
DOBBtBt Having awaited the action of
tie s.pulist convention, the dennM-rats
nia.lc no uoininatioiis until Satunlav
evening, and what should and would
lie done w a" uncertain. Ill the rush
that occurred after the convention had
settled down to work it was natural
that a few mistakes were made; but
in the main the ticket is a good one,
a strong one one presenting many
names synonymous of integrity,
ability, industry, and other qualifica
tions that should commend themselves
to Voters.
The democrats, with flic assistance
of thoir allies from the people's party
convention, enter the county campaign
w mi a strong ticket, considering the
dillicult ics that baaM the convention
and the unexpected and dramatic Inci
dent! that enlivened both political
gatherings held in Pendleton Saturday.
It .light to prore a winner, if tlie
roten deeire t.. rebuke the manifest
boasism to Which the republican con
vention submitted.
The pro .cct s were seldom brighter
for a democratic victory in I'matilla
county. The principles adv. at- .1 in
t!io platform are sound, and must
HpM'iil to those voters w ho do not w ish
to see this country contro lied hv the
trusts and committed to monarcliicul
imiMTialism. The candidates are clean
and coniMtcnt men. Coder these cir-J
cutn-taiices, tlie tew errors made by
the convention might well ho for
given. Atliena Press: The democrat ic-
popoliM scrap at Pendleton Saturday
was warm while it lasted, but it is
iver and the ticket, which is in the
main a strong one, will receive united
siipsjrt. The deiiHM-ratie this year has
an "even break" with the republican
ticket, in so far as the chances for suc
cess at the s.lls are concerned. The
ticket savors iHThaps a little I.m. much
of unity to set well with our republi-
un friends, hence the endeavor to
mike as much as possible out of the
llsgriiut led position taken l.V several
isipulists as the result of the union of
the two forces. Accusations have
fallen thick and fast and tales lire be
ing told out of school. However, those
of the populists who stood for party
recognition and the cont iniiiince of
party organ i , at It IB perhaps did so w ith
purity of puriMise and honest convic
tions, and la-cause they did not win
ut in the councils .,f th,. convention
is no reason why they should be set
low II as bolters of the ticket. I n I I
the mailer is these very men (with
IM-rhaps a few exceptions in open con
vention were contending tor identically
Oregon Lumber Yard
BuildinK Paper,
1 ar Paper.
Lime and Cement,
Hrick and hand,
Sash and Doors,
Screen IhurnSi WindowH,
J'erra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
Alta St , op). Court House
French Restaurant
In connection
LaFonfSine Hotel
Beit Meal In the City.
Open Oay and Night.
Qus LaFontaine - Prop.
Swltzlcr id :ui. k . Main St.
Spring Millinery
A Complete Line....
Latat Doalgne.
Cheapeat Prioa,
Beat Valuaa, at
Buck AiO'Dan id's
New Blllllnttry Parlors
I'oi.rl .-u. - 1 Imio il.sirs M. .l ofOol.lt li HuU
House Cleaning Time
Is Here
Do you wiah to BBtoWoM
old farnituie for new? Do
you want a good carpet or
matting: I carry a complete
liue, including all varieties
aud grades, and aell them at
bottom prices.
Wheeler bulldiu-. Court hUeet
j the same thing that, (heir opponent
were aiming for, the only difference
of opinion being the method in which
the union was to be brought ala.ut.
rbe opposition need not count on the
disgruntled popullata' rote for th-- re
publican ticket. Show ii- a populist
who will
republican ticket
from top to bottom and we will show
miii a n d headed democrat w ith gold
cure warts on his face lugger than Bit)
Mark Manna wears.
Last Wk' Waather.
l.nst week, tlie llrsl lour davs were
clear, but during the last three day
IMI inch of ran fell, ,03 on Thursday,
.5tl on Friday, and ,07 on Saturday.
I he maximum temperature was 74 on
Ihursday, and tin- minimum tent.
a-rature was BO on Momlav. Tlu
average daily range was 25.4 degrees,
the prevailing wind direction WMWBM
Ibe davs were ,i clear. 2 cloinlv. '.
part cloudy. Soil temiH-rature
I) inches, 48.3, at S inches, 47.3
was. at
I. al II
Inches. 47.1, at 24 inches, 48.
Lett Cmler a Cloud.
F. II. Koss, w ho has been employe,
hv the Pendleton Republican as ad
rartialng solicitor, has left Pendleton
in u manlier soinew hat unfavorable.
Mr. McManus. editor of the Kennbll-
can. suvs Mr. Ho collected $300 of
the Kepiiblican s money and failed f.
turn it over or account for it in any
way, ami mat lie uireii u livery team
on ibe Republican1! account, left for
Athena and went on to some unknown
sint. Boss came to Pendleton several
month ago from Spokane.
Pendleton's Ball Team.
The Pendleton bull team had a
practice game mi Sunday at the
grounds in west Pendleton, playing
against a picked nine. The team i
working into good condition. A chatiirc
or tWO In the personnel of the team
will In- made, tu order to strengthen
it. Mori. Meaeh. bus been elected
captain, and will he a lirsl-class lender.
Some games will Is- arranged with
vtliciui ami Weston, where thev are
playing some food hull.
Colonel Dudley Bvana. formerly of
Will. Fargo Kxpross comnanv at
Portland, bill ol late years of New
York, has been appointed by President
Mckinley a member of the board til
visitors ut the United Stales military
acadeniv at Wesl Point.
Dyspepsia can he cured by using
cker s dyapepaia tablets. One little
tablet W'll give immediate relief or
inoiiev refunded. Sold in l.an.lsoiue
tin boxes at 25c, by Brock Vk McCoinas.
Three Little Crows
made well In At wood' "Little l.lv. r
I'llls " set an example wortliv of imita
tion. Periodically, the body, like a
hone, i Is to lis set p. order, und tin .
pills are tin- best regulator known. Ta
kofl now, t In-v ate t ..- veritable "ouui'i
of prevention. "
1 1 -uil . i iiurt i' ra lor Camera and
Photographic Supplies.
Corner Main an 1 Court Sla , Pet dleton.
0' PiCTOa
The Direct Line to Denver, Omaha,
Kansas City and St. l.ouls.
Only U Days to Chicafo.
Only 4', Day to New York and oth
er Principal l:atern Cities.
Through Pullman Palace Sleeps II.
Toiirlut Sleepers.
Dining Caaa (iiu-al a la arte) and PiBI
Hecllnlng ' hair Cars
Operated Mall, on Fast Mall Trains.
j a LOTHROP, Oaswtai AffBBt, Port
laud, Oregon
F. K. WAMSI.F.V, Agent, Pendleton,
Pullman Sltpina Cara,
Elegant Dining tarB,
Tourint Sleeping Cara
to (okand pokkh,
Through Tlokl to Jaoo and (Jhlaa, n
I'aoouia and Northeru faolflo bUatuslilp Uo
aud Aiurtotut Hue.
Tina luasuDLB.
Tralu leaves feodletua dally exoeul Mua
dmy al SOU u a.
For runner luorutatlou, tlsue oaitls, uiaf
and tickets, omII oji or writ
W. AIM1 Ageul, r-eudletuu, Ofeguu, ur
A. 11 CHianrtlN TtilfMl uid UurrlMU
treed, rxtrUaai. Onaoa. j
v Bar! (.'nir'ter
A BBBBH BBsl Ban Ban Ban ' eflBi
Another lot of new ones just
arrived. The time is here when
yOB want tn buy them ntul wear
tbttn, Vv'e will shttw you mors
different styles newer styles nml
prettier styles than any other
st rt in tht cottBtjTt
Call and see them.
No trouble to show them.
AkciiIs Htitterick's Patterns.
bTII -1 - a
Mormon OmhopV rIU
i ami BWH i. nsai 1
.srarBna Stittlillatrs Hie I mi ami llrti .iiilrfl, a tail.
"'I11 ' rtrtWBB, nw cttrHsmii.mx. Otirni Loit ItlitnhQOd, Im
potf ncv, Lout Prwrr, Mlnht- Loa, Rpstrmator rhoaa InsomnlB, Palna
hi Ditch, r i p. .i ...., h .m'nnl amlBiiona. inmi. ilaoa Ntrvous Oa
bltlty, Handiw '. Unfitnai to i-flnrry, oaa or vf"aVi man Vnrlcocala,
or tons InnHtin, liMa Quirhna f Ul- 111 1 1 "'. Stops Nar
voua Twiicninft of ayplldl. i.Hiw an ...him a r.,.l..nli,. n.T i- - t t..
in fit. ' -h U--U-I nf. a ititf it at Ii .1- I. BTI J'lH N-o-wi '
ut luanry iri.HMb 1 BrMk HBBB bm Addroas Blihop Ramadf Co., Inn Vranciaoo, Oal.
KOI! s V ,K II V T lslaM AN A i O., IHtl'titelHl s. I'RNUtsBTOVi Ol KU i IN.
Fishing Tackle...
Th( best line shown. Hunks v per iloetl; By hooks 15c
to 7 Sl l-'1 doHBI Baskets 8y" ami ft. 00; Poles 5c up
wniil , Leaders, Keels 1.11, 1 Lines.
7 1 5 Main Sttect.
Pendleton Planing
iv PORSTBR, Proprietor.
Lumber, Lath. Shingles and Posts
And All Kinds of Kulldlng Material.
Orders for mill work promptly executed.
l'urnishcs plans uml estiinutvs and uaiantees cost ol con-slructioo.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Calsioe.
Every Modern
Bar and Billiard llooms.
The Best Hotel
Van Dran Bros., Prups.
$.).()() per Day and Upwards.
A I A 1
Rp, j5aBsssTLa i''lB
Kill I,
1 rxru tyjtK i laimj
.Special KaUa to Uaater. Oregon people vialtlaa Porllaotl. MeaaViuartere
for touriats end conimei clal travelers if. C. iioWI:KS. Ataaaner.
Byers' Best Flour...
To make good bread u.-c Byers' Best Flour, it took first
premium at the Cblcax0 World's Fair, over all competi
tion, aud gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Bvery sack is guaranteed. We have the best Steam
Rolled Barley, Heed Rye aud Beardless Barley.
Pendleton Roller Mille
W. S. BYEK8, Prop. Bran. Shorts, t ecd, etc
J a'J J-T-l I -U I
I m ai )o)Miilf lha iMtara nt th M.Wm.a
te Hi e r tiri In td.t In I MBbV BfllI I Sri. l
B I f II mil IMI I aVBSBBBsM A seilltfli if 1
The Blue Front
Mill k Lumber Yard
Give Us 1 Trial.
Hates $2.00 a day
Special Kates by
Week or iiioota
Headquarters for Traveling Men.
In Eastern Oregon.
Successors to J. I . Moor
PI nest Motet
In the m.
XW - B'lAl A AT V