East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1900, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. 13.
NO. 37
25c Line of Paper
Novels, 19c.
M Ms Fair
Jewelry I
0r Bracelets for 33c.
pompadour Combe for IHc
1 doBea b-nt lioru hair pins, mt value,
UM Beauty Plna. 2c, L'4e, 4c, 5c.
Waist Seta, 10c, lc, 24c.
Bicycle sundries.
1 v ed Saddle, rfifcflJ, 8c.
Urge can carbide. 48fl.
Blrvrle Orip c p: HWIbPT grip i!4c:
a no Like "II lM 8c bottle (H in-one)
OH Mir; tod i Hi"1 tn 4:,' a Pir
Outdoor Sports
Croaual t " bill, l .40; h bails,
f,. hard Wi od, Mr. Haf ballf
1 78, 100 marbles 6c. Good (MM tup
ll', BtBj
Raster Goods
I irji' line Fancy ' arda, i "(Id ibanei
mi I him rttt-i ftartleta. gfc tn rfw-. Egg
in. , mil riilur, W a'er f lislie 121
hh',1 rich. 1 alhly KggH, Ulna Fggs,
etc. ale
The lrf.'--t line of fishing tackle.
biBJBjlflCkl stalhc cry. etc, on sale here.
The Boston
1 1 you are not particular as to quality and style in your nurchrsts, it does not
matter where you trade. If, on the contrary, yon desire stylish and reliable wearing
apparel, you are offered many advantage! in patronising this popular tore.
We offer you Uneijualed Assortments, Reliable and Seasonable (ioods, Correct
Styles, and above all, exceedingly
Fetcning Things in Ladies' Kelts and Neckwear.
A Lovely Line of Shirt Waists.
1 urtains and Curtain Materials to Suit Everybody.
Novelties in Spring Capes no two alike.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits and Skirt9.
Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department ...
Is now well stocked for the Spring trade, and if you are a good dresser,
you must come to us for your furnishings. Among new arrivals are:
00 dozen E. & W. Collar- and Cuffs, all latest styles.
Knox's Famoue Stiff. Fedoia. Crush. Qrcci and Straw Hats.
Stetson's Famous f edoras, (ire cos. Railroad Shares.
Wilson Bros ' Shirt", Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear.
Pendleton's Big
iots$ 4, 8, 9, 10 and
JJ Id Block 81, Re
serve Aldition to Pen
dleton, opposite Wash
ington & Columbia Riyer
Railroad dennt will h
f ee avn w
sold at reasonable prices
b n
$115 to $130
each. The lots arc ex
cellently located and are
only five blocks from
Wain street. Apply to
East Qregonlan Bulldlnr.
""'If Uibeaaea. all n ar
abuae, or exceae and indii
iretloo- Aue.rvetouieu.iul
blot! buitilor. Bringe the
I'-iilc glow to pale cheeks and
reatorea th fir , o.,tl,
' 1 i v mull i . . v
i.ro; with 1
f w cure or refund Ute uutuev.
Spring and Summer
Showing of....
Wash Dress Goods
This week we're ready to show you the BKST and LATKST
in the coming season's most fashionalile materials and de
signs in
Pompadour I Irgandie,
Windsdi Niciiisc.
M Llle Rare I iinitv,
'ullodaa I unity,
Bat ists ( brds,
Batiste Valid?,
i Inen Batiste,
Pineapple Batiste,
Their strong point" are (Quality and Klegance
without lixtravagance.
Alexander & Hexter
"Reliable Goods Only'
Special for Friday and Saturday.
Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets, Black and Drab, regu
lar price $1.00,
69 cents.
Watch for our SPECIALS every week.
for Infants and Children.
CaMtoria is hariulfiaa aubMtituto tor Ctwttor OUf Pare
orle, 1 -!.-. unci Kotliiuf HyriiitN. It ia rii.i--.un. It
coutuiua ii,- i Ik i Opium. Morpklue uor othr Xuicotio
MiLHtuiit--. It lHtr.vH Wonua and aJluya FevriMbMna.
It eSVSS Ii ii i '"! V uid Colic. It rcllevea Titb
iiij TroubltM .in l eiirea Count! put iou. It rwuutt4-M the
Ktoiuucli ud UowelH, ylvinif u-ultli aud uuiuul sleep.
'I in CiiUdreu'a Puiiacea-Tbe Motiier'a I n. mi.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tut ciot nDcnnuiaU ivsixr
nr r u.x inrmiiiiBii n uni i'i..i.u,,
iSISS ajeSSWI viibwiimill rw. tw.. Aa.r.i.Ti H :D
Enab'd Bwiei Pots,
Venaillei 8l riep.
Victoria Zephyrs,
Empress ( lords,
Madras ( loths,
lorded ( Hoghsns,
silk Ginghams,
Fine Percales, etc., sto.
Signature of
UEO. IMKVI At, 1'iup
EiegaoUy Purilsksd. Steta Heated
I uropemi HUn
Block aud a-half from 4
Sample Room ia couaci
Kuom Kate
50c, 75c, al.uu
lei SI. Gam
Thi Rnaxian govern niont i conMr
ing nrhnx for n Utyo SMNR in nt
Kuavimi nary.
Mm. Wxxl, wifo of the (tovornor (fin
eral. icave tirth to a 10-jioainl irl at
tlir Palace hotel in Havana Thnrwlay.
Mother ami ehihl ar iloinn well. The
n-onls of llavann ilo not ahow the
hirtli there of anv other (jovernor-(fen-eral
'ii ehihl.
Captain Peter C. Demming, aaaiftaiit
roiiimiaaary of anlwiHU'iu- of the
, United St'aten volnntwra. ia nmler
iirniKt at Alratrat islam! near San
. Kratii-jwM. It in allotted hin n-turnii to
the war ilruirtnietit nulirate the ex
istence of a eonaiilerahle deficit.
Kx-I'niilent tirover t'leveliml wa
latarviewcl in Miiarii to the statement
that he is in favor of the renoniinatinii
ot w J. Brran for the prealcwncy, ami
will vote for Mm if lie runs again.
Mr. Oiaralaad dallied that he had ever
ritrea any authority for anrh a stnte-
' bmuL
WotklagajMn in California ar l
iiMiiiinii alarinisl at the steadily increas
ing niiinU'r of ,l;iiinem ininiiuraiits. It
ir stati.l that sine," January 1, ISM,
j no less than MO lalioreni from Japaa
have arrived in this ooMrtry bm the
lasaaigratiofl liataan is Lalonaed that
Him iimre an1 dM hen- hy April 7.
Tha plan to have Champion Jfiei
'.I. Jeffries litht three men in one
iiiirht in Ohtoaso ha- bean abandoaad,
M Jeffries now will tltfht nolMsly in
Chieatto. Mayor Harrison declined to
allot! him to tiitht more than one man
in a night, anil the maniiKeinenl of the
show has therefore called evervthitiB
From lxis Angeles, Calif . to
Chicago, a distance of "I2iiS mt les. in .rM
hours ami .'.n minutes. This is the
raoord hung up bjf the Atchison,
Toiieka A Hituta l. wlun the
"ieai'ock SM'cial" palled into the
Chicago deMt Thursday night. It is
tin- fastest time any train ever made
for such a long distance.
The lleppner Caxette has eiitenil its
lHth year. It was horn with a capital
of tK) Vents.
Senator i. SJ. Morrow, of lleppner,
is rapidly recovering from a severe at
tack of pneumonia. He has Is'en sick
for ahout ten days.
I'risl 1 1 Ijove Hlisl a istitioli in
bankruptcy in the l'nitsl States dis
trict court, in Portland, addressed to
Judge lUdlinger. His debts aggregate
I4H-I4. and his assets amount to l . ..
all of which he claims as exempt.
K. H. Hears, aged 79 years, was in
stantly killed Thursday In the engine
of the in .rt Ii -1 s u lot Oregon express,
while walking on the track near
Kdgowood, across the Siskivmis lie
was walking mi the roadbed to his
home, and, heing deaf, did not hear
lie- train, Which waa rounding a sharp
Mrs. Martha Jennings, aged 77, died
Thursday at her home near Orouoii
City, 1 1 r a lingeriiiK illness. The
deceased was the widow of the late
Colonel licrrvniaii Jennings, and a
prominent Clackamas county pioneer
of M i She crossed the plains in IS47,
her first hushaild, Josepli Pos-, dying
on the road.
& Backs
MOTHERS t Moihnrala hot bath wlttaCfri
' i ua Hoar, when fulluwed by a alnila
apll(llHli nf I in i MA ( lllitliiriil , tin c't
kin cure and imrieL of tiiMitita, will alfurii
Ihf luiiet irrmtful and comforting rellvf In the
aevarasi forms of itciilna;, burniaf .and ai-aly
skiu and hnmora, rashes, and Irriia
tions.tfnd M(tnt to a aMwlv. -riimnriii , .inl
woiioinli a! run whn all olhear i .. ! n and
ajssjsj tin tscat j'liicLti.s fail.
' ' e ...i I C . I ' . , flat ti .ll.f Hi
(Uan . l'ntS, Iloala.it llu f u ' u t lu iau 1 1 utu.re. fiw.
Dr. Sanden's Belt
Has no equal for tin? ours of
Nsrvoiu and PnVsloaJ 1 '. i.il-
ity, KxhauBttd italit y, 'ari-
cocelo, l'leinature, Deohoe,
Loari of Memory, Wasting,
etc., which has been brought
uliout hy early naiaeistioBi
or later excenstH.
8ix thouHand gave willing
ttiHtimony during IH'.t'.t. Kh
tahlished thirty ytarti.
My Electrical Appliances are
a Sure Cure.
Call or write lor "Three ClSSSSI
of Men."
Bewaie of other oftetiug you al
leged Saudcn Belta. My it ii arc
not for aale at druggiats, but can
be had only from my own ofticea
run under uiy own name.
The Dr. Sahden Co.,
169 Fourth St.. Portland, Oregon
Off man Uady Ss ea yaaw by
mail Weak y li jo, mm Sami
Waakly Sa s a yaai. Saiupla tayjp ne
Preparing for His
Upon Pretoria.
British Casualties f tn Hravy But lb Boers
Retired- Bttbt Succeeds Jouhert u
Tmnsml Commiuder.
London. March HI. The head of the
army of Iml Roberts Is now ahout '.'I
miles north of ltlocnifontcin. It
occupies a cluster of hills won from the
Boon after a stiff tight in which the
llritish lost seven officers and UN) men.
The llocrs had been using these kopjes
as a Imsv for niaranding hands that
hue been lieating up the country ad-
laoaail to BtoaaiTotitain for supplies,
driving off cattle and forcing non-resident
tree Staters into their ranks
again. The enemy
must have been in
considerable force,
sent simhi Infantry
a- Lord Roberta
and :ilHM eavalrv
auatnst them
l.onl Roberta' nrupreaa to Pretoria
will prolwbly consist of such forward
movements in which the Boer positions
will U- attacked bv a portion of the
army advancing with wheal Iraneimrt .
the main amy coining up as the rail
way is repaired.
Iaim Honoris is sirippmg Hie lore. .
ill minor siiheies of opaMtlOM of their
wagons ami transisirt animals in order
to hasten the advance. This is under
-I I to lo the reason whv he recalled
Lord Mothoen trom Barkley Waal to
Kimhcrlcy. I o,. I: 1 . its has to have
Methaen'i iranapof ta.
The reason why hot chase Mas not
made after Comiiiauilant Oliver is that
Lord Huberts did not ish to wear out
the eavalrv transjNirt. l.eneral trench
lost MUNI Voraes in the rein f of Kim-
berlay and iMrruit of Oaneral Oroala.
Lord Uob, rts lost In si transMirt cattle
at WatOTiaal drift and it is cstiunite.1
that he has lost IINIO other animals
since the forward movement la-gnu on
February IS,
Drova tha Boart Baok.
The war office has issued the follow
ing from lir.1 Itoherls: "IHihiii-
tontaiO, March SO. Owing 10 activity
of the enemy on our i in nul lata front
and their hostile action toward the
burghers WD0 snrreiidered, I fonnd If
lus-easarv to drive them from some
kopjes they bad ooeaplad aaar Karaa
Siilinn station, a few miles south ill
Itrandsfoiit. Tl pantlOD WBI NOMBV.
fully carritsl out hy the Seventieth
division, assist.sl hv the hirst and
Third cavalry brigades under trench
and UjM l'gallais regiment of moiinlcd
Infantry, The enemy retreated to
Brandatonf ami ow troops now hold
the kopjes.
"Our casualties
Dordarari -Killed,
Wounded, Captains
Peebles, Ooraooven
Lieiiteiiauts Condon
were: Scottish
Captain lining.
Seiiar, Lvaara,
and I'.dwards;
and I rem h and
ill.-. 111 IINI ot (lie rank
and tile. ' '
Woman and Chlldran.
Tin- Bloamfaotein aotiwMoadanl of
the lluilv Chronii le savs : "President
K ruber's latest proelamat ion warns the
women and children to leave llhs-in-fonteiii
within live days as he intends
t boaabard and destroy the eity and
slnsit the burghers whom he eaptiires
A Boar Haro.
A New York World inrressiuihuit ,
writing from Pretoria, March 7, says:
"The iias-r army baa o. far bean
strengthened hy alsmt .mm men who
have mine into the country through
iii hig' .i bat ilnoa tha war baaan. Tin-
large Issly of men have been rueruibol
uhiefly in Baraaa, but May bare
come Iron America and even Australia.
Tiie III mt hero of the llrst four
months of the war, tt Losla ilotha,
riatOff of Colons., uml InioaSop and the
youngest general in the republican
armies. The name of Ilotha is already
laillig mentiontsl as a sssibh- candi
date for the presidency.
Caaualtlai atSrwaUvrl.
I.oieloii Man h III. The war olll
has ISisted lie lollowinu frolo I I
Bobartai !; i-.h- point t the aneni)
learing nr.u.n..ii .unl in ' .ling in 4
northerly direction. Oaanullies in
yesterday's engagement wore mofl
numerous than at lira! reported
I llfii ers k ilhsl, two; wounded, eight
rank and llh kill.. I, On, wouiided
1 i'i ; 11. . --in.- 3.
A Ona-Sldad Affair.
London, March M. The . ngageitieiil
yeaUiruay at Kareo Hiding .talioii
ai.s ars lo have baM a one si.li-d aSair,
although the Bsaraalsstlv bald tbeli
groumf against a force three or four
tiuiea I heirs for three hours, when,
foreseeing the danger of the British
cavalry enveloping Iheir Hanks, the
1 r withdrew in gis.l order.
1.-.I" 11 Usiuy 1. j- in 1 lo 11.. war
oSU-e tl
n '
that the general health, of the
Tlanii at Haleking anil lis spirits
goo-l I o l was holding out well.
suld i'resldelit Ml V Ii bus aolie
U.4're.,riu ufl. r isnung an ..rd. r that
all British burghers refusing to join
the army would he shot.
K risiiiMladt, l-ridav Inneral Mnuls
bslay engugisl the llnlish at Mafet
Kop and held them at hay for mix
hours The cuaualliue are unknown
otha kuaaaadt Jouberl.
New York, March .11. A dispatch
ti. the Herald IfOflD Pretoria says:
Uenaral 1.0ms Botha has baas sps
s, int.d Ui sin i . e. I Jouburt aa 0QBI
n ..uid. 1 iii chief of the Trauavaal
Oaatb of Coloaal Seunb.
London, March Ml Lord llofa-rla re
jsirt the death at Norvals Pout of Col
onel Hon. lieorgo. Hugh toug-h liougb
had been private secretary to the cum
lliallde in 1 bief of the Brillrh force.,
Ird Wolaeley, since IW7.
dun s wumt aaroai.
raw rajlura Baeordad Outlook
aeadlasly raverabl.
New York, March 31.-S. T. fun
A Co. iu their weekly ru(Mrt today
Piogiirs toward batter t lungs haa
buU unmistakable. Il was a year ago
that freuaiud sajculatiou in industrial
atocka reached ila culuiinatioii with
prioaa averaging higher lliun at any
time, while railroad tick. alur aouie
decline, ruau 1.B0 Jier aiiaru higher
after a fall
Isilh, whiihemh'd in lVccmlcr. have
len el
now risen S.;I. per than to the highest j
sint of tha year, The advance during
the past week has been romarkabl v
v igorous ami with tnore public BBpfBMrt
than before.
Failures for the wi-k have Ix-cn BM
in the United States against IM lai 1
year and X iu Canada against L'." last
Cambrlde Daraati Oaford.
Putney, Kiigbunl, March B, The
tl f t y seventh annual Ixiat race Is'tween
the crews of Oxford and Caiuhridtre
was rowisl bslav over the course from
Putney In Mort Lake Cambridge won
easily in IS minutes and t" BBOond
Oxford was much distrcsstsl and alsmt
twenty lenttths behind at the tinish.
11 m Squadron at Chamulpe.
Yokohama, March III. the .la panes,
press asserts that the Ktissjan sipiadroii
is still at Ohamnlpo and will probably
prmeed to Masanpho to enforce the
oamandi made. It is believed that la
the event of Corca yielding Japan will
demand similar concession on the
t'orean coast.
Dlok Coomba or Rantueky.
Baattyrilla, By., March :n. -"Tallow-
Pick" GoOOina, charged With coin
plleity in tlii" t ii s'hel assassinat ion , has
been ralaaaad from justice on a writ of
habaai corpus the case will ba heard
Monday I'll,' county officials rofn-c
to give Coombs u). to the Clark county
Hanelna at Manila.
Manila, March ffl. Morales and
QoOaalaa, who wen' found guilty of
murdering countrymen, were hangisl
at ins. n triihiv in the plara in front
of the church at San I arlos, province
of Oasssala, an ofSaat of the Seven
HMath infantry presiding at the execu
t ion.
Railmiad tha Praildanry.
Home, March ML Hlgnnr AIUrli,
v ii-,' president of the house, tisik the
chair at the oniug of the chamber of
deputies today, and aiinoiincisl that
Signor Colombo had res Ignis I the
presidency nnd other olbcvils attached
lo tin pi lidet 'V had 1. so r. si'iiisl
Joa Woiooll Won.
New v.rk. Marsh II, Joe Woloott.
the Rarbadoad negro welterwehjbi
pugilist, defeated Andy Walsh of
Brooklyn In a M round boa) at th
Bruadwa mi. bin club last night
Walsh was substituted for Mistcrioiia
Billy Smith, who was ill.
I'ana Surrandars lo Kobba.
Manila, Sarah II. Oblna (ienaral
Paiia. who has Is'en lerr. ruing and
devaatatina the nroviw f Fanay,
has surrendered at l.ogaspi to l.eneral
Kobbe, who is bringing him to Ma
lielio I.. I'i oss Asm., n
Jackson, Miss , March 31. Captain
Frank Bnrkitt, p resident of tha
National Befora Press Assoc nil ion,
has issiitsl a call for the association In
aaambla in Clnalsantl on May 7.
Bi-8analor lilb.on Doad.
Washington, March 31. L J -Senator
liihson of Maryland is dead.
Fee or a Million Uollan.
One million dollars is said to have
Im en the lee earned hy .III II ICS II. IBM,
corporation lawyer of New York, for
work s'rformed by him in bringing
ills. ill II.,- great I aruegie r nek coin
hllie just ell i t. .1
career not so many
BAftBf 111 Chicago,
case is hy fill the
Hill Is-gaii hi
years ago as a re.
Ills fee in thla
largest sum ever
earntsi by a 1 ...... 1
lor one case. It
is probably the largeat
for the perforinanen
sum ever p., 1 1
ol a single
b 111 piei f legal work, in. mailer
of what nature, hill is aa full ol
business as he is of energy, and his
success baloTB thfal lime in handling
big cases made him of value of a
million dollars to Carnegie and Krick
and their ass. si sites when the greal
S IMl.tMMI.lHMi steel coin binal ion was to
Imi built BpOA the ruins of a law suit
and the broken friendship of two of the
manufacturing kings ol the age.
a e
Alkali Lands
B. 0. Juds.ni, industrial agent of H e
11. B. A N , has made a resirl lo
Trafbc Mauagei t'auipls'll, 1. guiding a
plat of al kai 1 1. 1 1 1. 1 lattweeu rawter and
Hniatilla, iisiii which In- is el pari
in. ntiug There are three of 1
tract lajtweeu I'uiulilla and Pendle
ton, alao. the object vf the exs.rl
militia deSuitely lo aiH'ertaiu what
qaalHy ol forage plaala can ba grown
on lands of tin- .lass, of which there
are between 10,000 ami IB, 000 acres in
that aoctloli When Secretary Wilson
of the 1I1 loirlin. lit of agriculture,
vlaitad this section laat fall, he at-
presaed a desire ti, have teals 1 1. il
UM various grasses to see Juat what an
alkali -impregnated soil would do. lie
haa proffered the O, K a n peouh
s.n b -eels as tin- depitrllneul bus that
will grow in such aolla.
Drouth la
IjhsjI Our.,,,, hImumi ..I I...I... ...
address 'l liiirailay aaid:
"Tha l"ss loll. wheal crop cauand
by drought during the , resent year was
tK,(Ki iMHi 1.. , 10 .m IKK I atorling , the
luaf io 11 Hon . mp waa 47,000,000
while the oil seeil crop, uaually re
covering is . , acre, is ina ai
latBOt ' iitsi.le ot Bengal and the north
wuat provinces. The hats lo cultivalora
in Hoiiihay alone in hssl oropa was
il-. aa - 1 m m 1 and in cotton 4,000,000
than in Svptomlicr and, utter a fall in
bmmi aaaj 9axuBraSjaiSa
TaSSs Tc jfaxeai
Portlflcation Appropriation Bill Comes
Up Id the House.
Poerto Rico GoTeroment Bill Id the Seiift.
House CstmmillM Reports Fttorebl;
od the SblpplDK BUI.
Washington. March 31. The house
Jns?s,e. to the consideration of tha
ortiSeation appropriation hill. Ileme
wny, In c barge of the hill, explainrsl
its provisions. Shalluck, under lati
tude allowed in general debate, fol
lowed with a ssech on tariff, aapaa
sion and the soiilberii election laws.
Shattliek dcnouiuisl the inciusiateticv
of the southern statesmen in demand
ing that natives iu QSf insular swses
sious ls given all immunities of
American cit uenship w bile the. were
using all ingenuity to roh aoiithcrn
negns's of constitutional righta con-
hrrad upon them.
ratlin' Amendment Loit.
Washington, March Ml When the
section of the bill relating to the exe
.11l11ensse111l.lv of Puerto BlOB was
reachisl in the senate Pettus aSaTad
an amendment : " that the executive
assembly of Puerto Itico shall have no
powef or authority to enact any lawa
in Goofl id with the constitution of the
I'uited Stales " the amendment was
lost, LM to 31
Fairbanks then aildrcsmsl the senate
in support of the Mimlitig measure
Tha Shlppln BUI.
Washington, March 31. The house
commilUH' on merchant inurino and
Hahef led ttslay iipproel the reisirt on
the shipping lull prcparisl bv tiros
Venor. Ilit
he fwpOft will Im made puhlic
Mmi. In
rraildant MeKlnlay'a I'urpoia.
It is the narpOBa of the prtiaident to
make the civil government of the Phib
ippines, mpraaanteil hy the com-
mission, stisrior to the military iu all
matters isTlainiug to the goverumeiit
of the islands not strictly military in
A 6SSMMM Maatlnt.
I illge
the cabinet meeting Secretary
made a itatement ahowlaaj that
July I. (Mill, there had accumu
lated a surplus of revenues over recei Is
of ills. nt ft3.000,000 and that hv the
end of June this year It prohahlv would
am t to ..ver U,000,000, TlM mi -
rwtary is of the oninkw that tha
present rale of taxation iiiight safely
he rial uca, I to sou 1I1 ui
BUI Agraad to.
The poetuAoe appropriation hill a
lluallv agreisl 111 nil hv the house colu-
mlttaa carries Ills. 000,000,
The Loud hill relating lo -. . . on I class
mall natter bus been agre,s to in ail
aiueiided form by the house coininltlisn
on ststoices and sistroads.
BUI Turnad Down.
The hill to remunerate a Britiah
cable consiltv for exs'iis' nicurrisl
iu repairing the Manila cable, cut hy
Admiral Hewey, which was under con
sideration several weeks ago, waa con -sigmsl
to obllv ion as was a hill to refer
lo the court nf claims the claim of
certain fiti.cn ol the birder tounlica
I Pennsylvania, who sufTeri.l losses
luring various incursion nf re ll
forces into that stale during the civil
war. This hill has Iscn laifore con
gress for many year ami involvtai
about SJ,atL0D0, Three hills were
passed I,, refer small claims to the
court ol claims.
Bsvolullon In Vonatuala.
New York, March 31. A diapateb tn
the Herald from the ..rt of Haiin,
l rinnl.nl savs: The i iieuela govern
mi ni ..Hi. nils rcs.rt that aevere llgbt
ing is . iirrnl m ar the city of Bolivar
011 March U. Uenaral Peuabaat, iun
maiidiug the government tnaipa, ll ia
aiiiiouucsl, del. .1 1 ei l.eneral Iteinaii
ade His lories killed 'JXi revolu
llonieta, liw.k eighty prisoners aud
caplnr.sl a Urge ipiantlly of arm and
win in 1111 1 1 ii hi . The government loaa la
Thraalanad sink, of rrlnlar.
Indlaiiais.il- March II A geueral
alrike of union printer employed hy
n.. inler of the National Typholhelae
may he orderisl The executive council
oi the International ryMajvaMleal
I'lii"! n in session 111 tin cllv I
considering the deltaut altlludu ol 11 ,-
I ) pbol h. lae
sink. In ih Balaea DUlrlal.
InrihBBI, Waah , March 31. A
aajalal Ui iix Ubrouiele says: a strike
111 the mines 111 the Nalaou district ha
Issen declared. The llillns in Nelaon
and fall districts will BO) niillorni
wages ol ;i ta'i a day.
Low Bala lo St. Paul.
ffhlSSSn. March 31 The Weateru
I '.usiujiir Ammh'IuI loll I...H I.IO...IIII. ...I
a one I..11 rata, I'lu. t-, 1" Mt. Paul
aim return lor the national ropul.li
can league convention on July 17.
rllltb Crulian at Tabu.
Tientsin, China, March 31
British oruiaera Hermolna and Busk
have arrived at Taku.
Look st our inimens
stock of
and wonder if we will nell them
thiu m a .mi. Wu cortainly bhall.
I'i ire in what does it.
La Mode Millinery
Pcudleton, Oregon.