. . 1 FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1900 JUST ONE THING ... That means Style, Workman ship. Perfect Fit and Material. Our Immense Assortment of High Quality Shoes At $a.so, S.t.oo, $3.50, Jsoo, $5. n, la an excellsnt rss I WhJ you h'il! OOVJa to 11-'li rsrt for your footwear Always Something Vw: Uwny Something lllfff-ent. CLEAVER BROS. The Boot and Shoe Men. Main Hire l'-m PERSONAL ASPIRATION. Many Msn Who Are Wllllim to Sacrifice Private Intersil to Public Servlee. "Scribbler" write p. the Athena Press, as follows: Already iilitics an- wnrniinir up. Although the lampaitfii 1- im.t yet fairlv on, the visible supply ol dlsln- teres'teil BatriotiSDi seem- pMetiraldy inoxhaiistihle Almost ever) other man mil' meet wem- nady. tvilln,. and even anxiuti- to sacrifice bit per auial interet". such as lime, monej ami talent, in Order Hint he may he simply a servant of tin- dear pel pll Ii 1 the next two years. Such UBSelRsfa patriotism is, p say the least, com- j inemiahle, ami t.jik- volnmea in honor of their patrioltc devotion to their country Amitlii-r Ban ndable (eature of the present s)litieal -truj Itlc, is that the aspirants are out strict ly 011 their merits. The following in cident will prove tin' truth of the above statement: Two well known Pendleton ." nt leinen win, n-pire o th. same ollice the most i 111 1 m ,r 1 it 11 1 onset in the county were reeently looking after their political tataraa, .1 MM miles north of that eity Both ha -He,! to lit- on the same n.a.l a th .- "e apart The bistsgfinotl one calle 1 a certain Imii-e where .1 liriuht little (jirl came I.. the door. Kaid he, "Hissie. will you ph a-e hriiin me a drink of water?" which -I,, (pjickly ilid; then he nave her SOBM candy ami said: "Did the man ju-t ahead of me uive you cuinly'.''' "Ye, air." Then he gate her a nn kle ami said: "Did he give yoa stoney T" '"Yea, sir, he (r'iv'' "ie lei lit- ' Then picking iier up he ki .1 her ami said: I is I be ki y..n'.'" ''- -ir and he kissed Ma n 1 The Mean Man at Linn. A LsImiioii man tell- the f.dlow in j (or a fact: Onu day a I.inu eonnty farmer Isiiitfht a luinana at hi- More, the first one be had ever eatell After Hnialiini; it he threw the peal mi the floor. After Kuzinv at it a inoue nt hi pieketl it 111. ami ranK.I 11 in a 0J0O1 of nuiier ami remarked: "liiii I'l take that home to my w ife ami let her see what a hunana looks Ilk, Me never seen one " And the man hid au income a year. of several thmi-ainl dollars The Poultry Buimesi. The Salem State-man claims to "know a fanner in Lion coant) wb has rented hi urain land and 1- ,i, voting his time esclasiyal) t poultry hllsine, w ill, tlie aid ..1 in cubators ami brooders, He expects to make more money mi hi- In or l.'i a, r, which be reserve, in the i-iiiltry busi ness, than he MWHMfll made ,.n his whole larni, and with I Irudgery ami worry. " . At. Tallman & Co.'s You can always find the hiic-d pa pers ami BtVaOdiada, A Large Line of Stationery and feggloQgg, All correct tliades ami f,i - Dpugs, Perfumes, Novelties. l adies' and (ien fucket leiok.- Coruer Main and Alta Sire- PI.KVS II i)IU-- .no! aiui goldg, boamttgag bronchitis and la rieunsy, pngumonlg and sumption are prevented eon- by Foley's Honey ami Tar. Asthma ami consump- Vx-J rhc on lilt tee it to do iu. rsi i. .. sr. iwxmii uu ir, BMsttl Ijtisi man pent BANNER SALVE Vot tjAi.c tl l-it.s,.Bll Quality 19 ' S'1V T,r n' on,. uun. v x I sSf . V BREVITIES. (iasnline lnt f"r ". at Stillninti's. Bn.llpy Zi-hner, choitv CajM. Trv Dutton'i aMjannlBl aMMl Ilnv. you trittl Dutton's llSJ IMI chocolates? Go to Demon's for first-cUM I i-reiiiiierv liiittor. Kurly Row Mid F.nrly (tlilo seeil no Mine "1 IVtnott's. BarfJnURi napte Drtun and nralnanj. I in hulk at DeHHJtt'e. Tin- wlebrated "P. N." aoraaej at the Magnel 1 lab "tore. IViiIhm.1 Hnic ' IcslifitiK h""" over TMlmati'i drag twra, I-"'-. -"' "i1 White potatoes, pannlPt turnine, mtabagas and oniona, While Honae, name mil sign painting dtona by Ghat. Lane. Bent nrnrtr at lowaat nr lew. I latter ennla, en !. fctwr s-r (nun- iiinl Easter dlshr. I n deficit NoTf. Better Pine Grove erenmerv, by Kdwln Woody, Uhlan, wblU grocery. D. Kentler ill bate all th Mm the niii r k-t affords Itesl - morning made House 'l til" nrday If you rani the beat steal Itacuti limn- llllil l.lfil tf" ! r. Sill bchwara A Grrulleh. Rmalsior Onunrll, No. MM, Urdar si I', ndo, ntei t- I ride) night .11 1 p. in. in 11 Inch's ball. - White lion- lor Saturday Lett riinbarti ,r,,',t' paas, Mpararnia, ipluaoh and tabbage. Tin Maine! Caafi Bum- i displaying ,1 tin. ii 1 snminer " nds. Saw kin- in r.i-li. .In, k .111. 1 plOTM. Igenl lor tl W.,,,.i Will la "tr-iim uriM'l cleaner. vur,ci- main n tkeii el, -mied and laid Jetas Palling, .,ur ditplay of preserves ami A lull line ol Crns tV Itluck-iruit-. White House (irocery. jam. mil's Pot mil Cheap, a iimhI pair of second hand six-ton Fairbanks wagon 'ale- I'.mpiire Nemile Urn-.' black smith shop. 1, r,ei) ':i. a-paranns, lettuce, spinach, ralilmxe. iircen onions ami oaa I i flower , Iresh (or ttitarrsty't trade at Keniler's. There will Is- no Itv-hiihliny nt the auction of shoe- and fiirnihini; ii' ' d next Saturday. Ladies lire invited to attend in th. afteri 11. fltolen From Mr-. N. R Deanain't yard, a Hartford hii vi h N,. gUOl, A tollable reward will he paid f..r its return to taOOUl II. Daapaln Anotlttr ho ol tboas MB men's ( rats rent wheel- ami t'JO ladle-' OteOCOntS, ju-t raealved at tho ( r ant tgtMssy, 11, tin Fast Oragjonlaa building, Tomorrow will he the last day of the soeeial -ale .n ladle-', mi and children- -I at the Pendleton Slim BtaW, llii: eat for the la-t day. M, II Smith. Butternut, Mieh..sn "lieWitr-i.mie Farli Rlesrs are tin vert l.et pill- I ever n',l for costive ness, liver ami bowel tr.illhles. " Till I- man A c... lending dragglete. The iirm of Boneer A Miller bavUg IduHolved by mutual eoaattat, Mr I llnllse,' tt ill clltllllle the hllsine at the old taml where In- will In' pi east I 1 to ee all ohi customers mid trieml.. 1 rand display of new carpet, ruyi ;draisrie, settinu' machine, cuiicbt ami lounaes, etc., etc., on Fridav and Saturday , Mured rl and 17. CoUM ami see tontething new. railing 1 i arpej tore. 'In steam the original witch bats I salve, ask for DcWitt's Witch Basel Salve, well known u a certain cure 1 pile ami i-k 1 1 1 illsease. Ilettare ol worthies eounlerieit Thev an dangtrone, lallnsan a Co., leading driixKi-t- liou't f..riet th. suction tale of sh' and (iirnishinn k,msI hat- and notion al (he liist'iil.ry huihlillK next Saturday, .March .11, ami continuing until ii-k 1- ,i.p,.ed of. Ladle Wily Invited to attend the after- 11. sin .lle. l;. . W I. SittT. W. Caton. X . Y., ttrn, - I hud ,lv.'i.ia over tw. utt year, and Iriol d.K'tor ami medii'iiie- wlthout U'tiellt. I wa H'ruailetl to 11-, Kodol Dytpepeia Cam and it hell.! me Irmn the start. I hellete It P. I' a panacea for all fori f utai gestion", It tliitests what you eat Tallman ii Co., leading dnUJgiata, !! slinuing '-.iliir.i.u March at H a. m. there will he an .im-timi of a complete lint- uf shoes lot ladle- Kent mid children: underwear for every bad) ami iii tact a stock ol MOOS 1. H mldottl Sntirsly, from which you may elect evert' tiling , 11 lleeil. al Volir own price 1 adits eepeciaily Invited to attend jutafnoon talaa. in the DnstMbery bnlidlng, Main street, opposite tin- poatomce, .Mr- Oalvin nUmmerman, Mllaabnig, la., say: ". a itdt cure tor eoogna. ctiltl. troup and ton thr,it One Minute Ooogfa Cure i unequaled, It is pieamal for children t, lake 1 haattllj reexsssmaad it to mother- " It i- the only haruile remedy that pruduoas immediate moults, It cures bronehltle. lamnniiaila. grippe ami thnsit ami Iiiiik dieae It will pre vent coii-iiuiptimi. Tallman .v. Co., leading ilrilj()its. II It Y A N AT WALLA W ALL A. Spoke Twiee to Tnouiandi of People. nit Peiidluioi, Speech. 1 1,, omiag "f w. .1 . Bryan to I n oieum win paes Into local history as ..n "i tie important avsmla, Vkoad dram whieh was haajn b) several thou-.ti.d people u.ade a prolonod im preasiou ami is proaounead the gblaol j public add res ever beard in this sec tion. Manv declare it to 1. tlmgreateel direnjtion ol pnbllc iasoas eeer heard, The ri)in in which the hiu meet ilia was held wa- the ttarehmi, which is eati by w. 1, Fernish, ami u, ,1 by him f..r the huiidliue ot w, anil wheat n,e local democrats are anprt oiatlve that the hnii ems gleet n,r the Sky, us they are to all who in men) naj - lent aatlstaaco. In Walla Wall.,, Mr. liryuii w.,- met T.ir rnros ....,,.!.. -.sS.C god croup, yy0 linpl'e. 4 1-' V even the worst cases, are al- way, relieved by y's Homy and in the earlv tJtgag it cures them. proof that it has dont these things with your druggist. We guuruu- all tbeic things. I ...... ... i..,uj., or juii iiiAiine'' u aiiuoug.'. lUeic are tuotliiuiei ou viiua cures pile- s guaranteed. UHUU ultiitr., itiiji, i.K (OS , thousand of spectatore, by fifty or ,r. ,-arriwf. ami two lirn bands : OMOl Walla Walla ami one from ii.-..:..i,.,,.. Tin- Ida walk! were litenllv Until wltb people Irom tlie dpiwit to the Hotel rsrre where the Brynn reception wa held. The special made the tirre Wallu Wnlta It' from Pendleton to 1 . . one hour ami tan O'clock lunch was minute". At tarred, and during that time til. pro irmu luul I" at hamied on account 01 tin- raiii. ThoBtandi f people i Is of people wort. ,..l,,,Heil oil n"i 01110 "i "i-... house being loo small, and the court l,,,,,,, w.i iilh-1. with tin- promise that iirv.m worild tpeah ware alao, which he did. after siteuk inn two in.ur In ti. opera bogee. In tnoia our hour in tlie court house. At Salem. u loje o In it- r.'i srl ol Ibe Bryan 1 ling ... a lam ll,. (Ircin.n Il.tilv HUI 11111, republican . under date line which ..it that marly 14,080 people heard UM Sebrathan, said : "f.il Willi. 1111 .l.iiliinn- llryao. the dutitumlshnl democratic lead r. Wil tendered a grand receptl Oapltal t'it isatarday. li, in (inn..ii s Estimates re aaralnt the 1 rowd varv. hut h i cnniili ri d n reee unable i-tiinat. of the visitors from out-Hie p.. nit. . .1. ,u,h chairman of the general com . estimated tl rowd al BtOO. mint r while .l.hn hat in , another meint.er ol tin same committee, placed the num ber at 10,000 Major I. 0. Sherman, a member ol the reception oommtttse, tlmik- there were 1-I.OiNl visitor in the el v. BRYAN IN PORTLAND. He Will Speak In the Metropolis el Oregon on April 4th. Portland is making tremendous preparation- for the advent of the Hon. William Jenninaa Brynn. who will Speak in that city April 4 at the ex position auditorium, and will be tendered a put Ii, reception at the Port html hotel. The SUdltOTlUm w ill he so arranged at the exposition huihlinc that from 10,000 to 20,l)00 people will be within the sound of the speaker's Voice. Tin- eloqnenoi of this great orator lis thrilletl th, people of Oregon he- f. re. but it i- evident from surface in dicationa, thai ba will is. more warmly areetnl than ever before upon thi is-tusion. The railroads and the steamship lines have made a cul low rate to excursionists dswlring ba visit the Metropolis ol the Nortnwssil upon the day ol Mr. Bryan's selcome. Already the transportation lines fear that they may not bt aide to handle the vat throngs ol people that will ko to hear democracy's standard bearer and are borrowing couches from other r.ul und are preparini: to press into serivce every available car. Portland will be tax. si to her nt ino-t to properly earn for the crowds thai ,ir. coming, but the enterprising citizen are taking tn ipportnncly to prepare lor the mues and every visitor will if., away leellna that he ha Is'eii rovalh eiitertainett and a f a amply repaid by the tMCtaCM 1 inainificeiit conclave and the know l that he heard llmi W . .1. Itrvan in tin livinn i - of the day. I'llge di- HAS A FINK REPOKT. Roy Ralsv Provss Skillful In Newspaper Stenography. The interest in the ajtee llrymi i- so general that tin gonian will publish it in h ..f Mr. Baal iire fuii. The service- ot Hoy Kal itenoarauher, were .v. an eanarl young secured, ami be ha the stenographic not, complete. II, bat mprctfooid it upon the typewriter and ha- tin -p.ech verhiitim. having taken Mr. Itrvan '- language with re. mark' d SCCttraCJ Imi'iiinch a Mr. Haley, although known a- a tine ollice stenographer, had not previously attempted oowtpopof r. portorial work, the excellent resirt ol Mr. Bryan's add ram be has taken and ha now ropnsluted . sjSBrdad by I. cai Dewtnaner men at highly en ditable to him. ClillAtiO MARKET. Reported by I. L. Rsy Co.. Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stoek Exchange Broker. March :ti).The early market wa a-ier thi- murium: Mav wheat unfil ing at Chicago at against last night's clone, otdfl 7-h. Tliere was g.l buying Irmn tin- -tart and times advanced to n; . Tin- foroimior- bava l'eii the proniinent buyer for VOral day and the belief i arowiiiL that all the wheat' we have to snare Mil! all he needed la-fore harvest tune Th. foreign market are all firm and Vii-tralia reiKirts lilieral buviio? there for India and Suith Africa. There i no longer room lor doubt that Franco has been mrioaaly damaged from tin- -ever, vtint. r W'eu tier. M,k ir,,ne Mono) .4' j per cent. Close yesterday, fH 7-8. I Irssn t, ,tat is, ft-K Rang) Close today lisluv. Htk to 67 :i-h. 07 an i ranelsco, t7iu. Mar.li :I0. Cash w heat CHILD DHOWNKD AT ADAMS. Son ol Mi . and Mi s. Mart A. K.rvuian Kalis Into Wild Horse Crssk. mi , . . . . ''- wa- rec.'U,', til- in. .nun,. IIOIII .1,1.1111- 111.11 tlie lit e -ol. ol r and Mr- Mart A Ferguson hud I i: Irowii.d in Wild l,,re creek Th., t oy wa. three year old and i , ,: ti hare been playing on the Milk- of the creek l.oiil in u,,.l Irowning before help could reach him. The hot wa- the grand-child of Mr ami Mr. John if. Benlley, of thhi Piaee. Mr. and Mr Fatgoaon former it lived ill Pendleton Further particular- of the sail affair are SjOl nblalaalile today. ee"-s - Funsi-alot Mrs. Burgsss. V "ling lo the wish of the familt, th.- uner.ii terykw oarer the remains of Mrs. w. c. Borgem will u- held at he private botpltal ul ir. ci,., low. r Wehh street, tomorrow at lu o'clock. The service trill he nssai ot tn,- rts'lor ot t. churcl oe nvueenier, m which church lillr... 1, u f .. 1 . 1 . , 1 , . ,i Mr. . '- 01.101,11 anil loval colli munioant. The pallbearen have boat selected from th,- rommunhxtnts ol tin aliote church, and art- a- follows Frank B. t lopton, John T. UmbiHh rime. O. Ilaiiey, Bobt. J. siat.-r Jas. M. Ix-ei-r ami J. F. liobinson Ths Calsdonian Soclsiy. I'.lltiliillillll ,,ci.-lt I, .,1.1 .. I : The Ma meetiDg at Atbena last nalordav r'T"'"B' '" hi uu- matter that '" I"!.' that meetluy was list al cam. turn 1 umvars hi 1 nt- tear it 1., I..... ;i..,,i . -U.S." .I'resl ' Alex ( ... ' 'ICHU'III . II, Kav, m-ri-liirs ami i'l, .- i npituil, lrc.r.-r. Tl.c fal.-,l'i,i',; ,K'l,'lt 1 iiiakuii- Ml- i.r..i, ; t. j thi-ir , T r , ....... 1 . , ,, . ; 1 1 annual ini-nic. i,, i i,..i.i .... . .. M. A pnblle entortalnmanl will li given by th,. , K-tt A,ri u, , u, ;Wl,.',,a,H-ra bowe, to wlileh everybodi itmlially IgvUed, aiajlan ill ba Wm. liade ami family of Milton, are at the Hot-'l Pendleton. Cotintv Commissioner T. P. Hilli laml rettirns bOSM to Ukiah tomorrow morning. John Ei Froome, nf the ft. Nicholas House, Athena, is n guest at the Hotel Pendleton. Peter West tvent over to Walla Walla on the BrgtUI Ipecial and came home this morning, B, F. Wilson pud wife, of La 1. ramie, attended the Hryiin liieetniL- .1 Pendleton Thur-dat JamOS A, Howard bus come over from LaWton, to remain for a few day. Intending to return there early next week, II. c. .in. LI ami Mr-. Iteming, of Hartford. Conn., father and sister ot Friti F. Judd, areaapaatad to arrive in Pendleton tomorrow morning for a Vlall hen . Oharlm A. BafTettt the Athena hard ware merchant ami one of the promo-ter- of the Athena electric litibt and isnver company, i 11 guest at the lintel Pendleton. Mr l.ake Fram Pendleton visitor tccompanl d Mr. delegate ill the . of Athena. wn 11 on Thursday. She "ranee, who wa a republ lew nitty convention. Harry B, Blckera, mperintendenl ..i tin- state reform Nbool, returned to Balett tisluy. having been here for a cuple of day- attending the republi can eonnty convention. II. 0 Adam, an old pioneer living at Weston, mid who wa elected a a delegate ti the state convention ol the republican party, returned home this morning. He was guest at the Hotel Pendletmi. la-o Ferguson, wim ba been am nlneed a a clerk in Blank V Me Comae' drag -tore, w ill leave Sunday morning for Walla Walla, where he will remain, entering the dry good store of hi brother at that place. Mr. rergus n wa a very popular clerk among the Pendleton s-ople. Henry Blackmail ol BeppoeTi who wa one of the guests at the breakfast giv.-n to w. J, Bryan here on Thura day, and who went on the special train to'Walla Walla, came over to Pendle ton thi morning on bit Wa) borne. He 1 interested with Tbonius Muloney, the Washington democratic state secre tary who had the train in charge, in a milling company in Spokane, ami came Over on this occasion sirtly to hear Mr. firyan and partly w confer with Mr. Maimiet on Mi-ine-- matter-. COMMERCE STAKE FOR PACERS. The Business Msn ot Salam Hang Up a Purse ot a 1. 000. M. i. Wtadom, ol the North Paclflc Rural pirit, ha received from Balam the comlitions of the Salem Chainls-r ol Commerce -take of tllKm for pacer-, the event to take place at the state fair track mi Salem day, September 111. The piir-e ot g iimhi was nbasrlbad by oltieetM of Salem. Mr. Wltdom Mtyi that there should be 1ft or 20 antrhM for the event. 1 In condition are a follow : "Salem Chamber of Commerce stake. Iliii'. lor tiacer. Mih heals. :i in A, to he pared at Oregon state fair, on Salem day. September Hi. F.li trance, ) er cent to nominate and .'1 pgr cent additional from money winners), money win t- divideii as follow: Fifty -five n-r cent to tirst hore, Jo i-r cent to second, 15 is-r cent to third, ami In -r anal to fourth. Fntn lo-. May 1, when horse must Is- named. 1. nt ram, payable when entry i made, and ff.'tii August 1. By paying i"a s-r cent additional mi August 1. nominator- shall have the right to tnbatitnta in the place of tlie bora, named anv bOTH eligible at the date ol the closing of entries. 'If there are eight or more -t.irt. r-. Consolation pur.- of IJim w ill he given, o-n milt to lior-e- that -tart and win no part of the main stake Tin- 1- to I., mead for negssMnbar IS, mile iieat, II in ,: inoiii-v to be divided 10, B, U ami 10 pgr cent. No additional t-ntrv fee w ill nf charged in the 1 -oiatian purse. Unit- of the National Trotting Association to gov. em. except bohhie are not barred. At Sacramento on March iSth. iqqo, the "While" wheel won imp out of five race;, ami was not en tered in the fifth at all. Last Year the " White" won niort race, anil lnoke mine records than all other, combined. For sale hs A Business Story. Have M -lur mil a lot plot -aouse-b,iiiLe-rru. Have yuu a liouae to leal? Hate inn ui iriastu llva-Ui dL.iua.. of liusUiem pruprrl) ItuTi -Uauk stock local url Our ls1Nor I Ui s.ki 1 ,,,,,, w.u. u, u. i TT. Tf "1"" iai 1 ,'iraasa youi cliaut.-.. ordraUitK TtNr.i.i-b plarliw iu tiuHUB iUi us-our cuargsaart- risiuabll.! lltiv. aooul Iht-Imuran, of y..nr liousB-hum bulMlUK, -u.,u.,ol,l WIe!l,V "r" Hat,- .ii unilvriid I,, prut Me f.u , a mmcieui auiouut ,if fr Uunraiie-T (auilly Jem, "foicciro by , pun,) aiialnut aix'. SAhosii fiiruljli yu in.urauer Kink I,.. A..11.KN1 ..n wilf tlii.i Mir rau- a, i Jl an)-i'uiuaiiW.aKoo,l lo k 'l!J'.,i''",uru".',-.r''"' Bstnfesi uioiwv ouht - ,,-iwiiur am urWv ,VIUVU, u. u , - - - tt -Have ,, , . reuataa, u ir, tut.. V ' ."'1r" ItV.I ,-t .. ., . a ,l JacksonDickson Co. East reKonlan Building l-KMH.KTON "I. M.l i.N LL THE NEWS' T.L- -. o.. . ". uaily 5 oo a year by Wsskly gs.go a year. Satuph, c ,py fre : OH Tea Dor prazer's Opera House Don't It.... Miss Friday, March A CABD. gntaenii Monte ,t Mnritsn plsdfe tbslr worJJ tn II,,' pnl.ll.' that the.er. lie; "11 t '' melilratfti Dlrturea ( Hie iKrHUKs-sll tn KKY I'ONTEKT In exist NO COTTON IS L'St-n IN Till: Pendleto When ytm buy Wilil Kejuri l the name "Pendleton Wtiolen Mi' " vnu ma3 he sure you arc obtitin! IlK hest hlanket made, ard one wlrch Ct n ains tiothuiu hut pu re fleece wool. Tit Psltl I Ml Supply the kadiim of the North west. . SSstVSv tVVSNV. tWW, Pendleton Planing Nlill & Lumber Yard R. FORSTER, Proprietor. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Posts, And All Kinds of Building Material. Order tor mill work promptly executed. Furnisliet dlans anil estinntes and nua-antees cost ofcrn- itrttctioo. fKfXfiflflfxfiSyyffyfi fJfjjf 1 For. s Garden Seeds in hulk, Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Garden Shovels and Spades. Garden Tools of all kinds, Water Hose at al! prices, i Building Materials, all kinds, 1 See 3 I I Taylor, tlie Hardware Han 121 Main Street aauaiuuiuiiuiiUaiiuiUiaiuaauuiiUaitauiiiiaiUiiii THE FASTEST AND HOST DIRECT LINE ti tiik- iiADi uiiu buuruUiibi - IS TIIK - HCTUr- The Direct Line to Denver. Omaha Kansas City and St. Louis. Only i , Days to Chicago. Only Days to New Vork and oth er Principal Eastern Cities. TbroUKli I'lillman I'alatv SI leepeta, iiHinst sleepers "mill- t .ta- ,ii,eal a la tan.-) ami Free lte. ,,K 1 1Mlr (lierat.-.i Dailj an K.t anil Truiiu. J. II LOTH HO I laml. 1 -1 ... 1 tieuerai Afc'eut, port f. f, WA18LBV, Agen) t iretjun, reiiilleton, BO YEARS' 1 viaat Thadc Mahhs Design CiuuBinu. a. AllT.illO .,,,11, ,u A, . . BL qsieklr ax-sriain 70, , , . ",." '''.'.'' iiiveiin.,1, L,r,,t,l,lv 1 ,., S " nt-! au li..ii..iM.il,,,,,,,d,,,,.i ii.7: ..L""'.';u,''-a Oldaat - 1 ""a awjwastws, sllhost ssarjj, iut5 rasi cietinric American. 'I'SU',1. ,'f ant .eleiitlU, l,.,iriil Ir .,iir M,, ul . !. , ISn nil $o a i ... 1 1, .ilualsr. 3bluroseSssy, di sitai SK P SL. ss ui. MTr M.l I fTfiSr si' it-Jl ji&aiiiWPic Under the dlrecHon of Wm. A. Brady and Thomas O'Rourke. vivid and thrilling reprnduct ion of thi reatn BntJOOrttCr Ittiown in the world's history, showing every movement from start to finish. Over 26,000 Distinct Pictures using 7 1 miles of film 30 Prices seat mi sale Thursday, OR SHODDY iMANi l AirruKi: OF Blankets merchants fSff?f 'SSJJIJ' NORTHERN PACIFIC RUNS 1'ullumu iccpinn Cars, l lcnaut Diuing Cars, Tourist SIcepiriK Can. 8T. PAOL, MINNEAPOLlb. lUULUTH, 1KAROO, (GRAND FOKK6, JCROOK8TON, WINNEHEQ, I HELENA and BUTTK. ro rHKOIJGH TICKFl'S T() CHICAOO, WAbHINQTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. BOSTON AND ALL. POINTtl EAST AND !4UUTb. rur- ' w 'P"11 -sud China soon S ami 11 il A nwr-uat, Una rti.nn. PaolDc HUaiusbip is V-1 V si'llP.iu j.... , ; ,. " ' "..t.e.on dally M0pt 8uil r;l.; lurormaMoa, tin,, cards, map n , i ii c"'' " wrlis ' sss Slravu Porti.,,0 on" maa """'soo MONEY At 7 Pep Cent. Will au on itnpr ved fgfes pr,.rt, - ;li lurnlsh i ti, met t , . .. .u lusiaiiineuts. Ko luitstoat. I lllil FRANK R HI lin-rita, a w.vr I UN 809 Main Street Auent forth.- i:,,.iitable Suvlt,K, 4 ., Aasisrlation. Dajy Eaat O.egonian, del,v,sd by caiusr, only 15 enu , wk "u W AAAAAAAV 6 50c. 75c and $1.00 Marrh . st Taltraaa A 0. AND WMteru EUittuii American AffrlculturUt. Bynperlnl H' ritncr-inftit with ttif publlnl. pts, ... in v-tmbtMii iu I'ftVr Tiik (hanuk ,n ii 1 M.iM 1 . Hi.- ii , ml rii-ult urn ! Mi i--.,.,, svfklr f tl'O IWatt-rti am! hIIv tut--. 'ii iiuli wiih Vliii Mr, it an exctiillrnly low Oiinrr. (MIAM I .H ills I-AliMI H tn rrmt.rkMOlp for tin vartrt y nn1 ;.' Its M)lltMMa ami in tin duubwdly the Irent and moit "iractical Miavr of i kind. ITS FARM FEATURES."!'. " J: nKIrnriilTiirp, rmiltrr, Marka t tiar dt iiiug, fliul olhnr Conlct, wriiu n bj prtuil Ml and .if. .--iii 1 rarmnra, tiipilraMifnitej wih Uluntratlonii of abal artitti. comblnf to make It iiivaluitM t t hoae w Tin " f arm H f.ir a llTln." The laieet Market and mitiTi m Akt -ul tun are feetureaia which the O. J. FahmfkIs unexcelled. THE FAMILY FEATURES:,!:: StTTSadTiTmTranr 1 In M mi : St., tnjgt Faaliluttt, Fanrj Wark, Thi- timid Cook. Puisle f.'nnteiita, Islbrary Corner, and Yomif PnlkN Iaire conihlno ta make thin Ipartnient of an much value and luter- Mtaamcttt ot ihr. fltec a) Family Papera, A Cyclopedia of Progress ant! Events i "All ssnrtlriR tlislr subscriptions nmtsr ntir ttubbtnn "M.-r. an- prseenteM, sssstssala, wttli UM Atirilll AW AOIIICCLTtlBIST VKAHlt.Mik ami almanac fur r.m. Tin trmai Iswlt Is it ( ,.,,i,, ,li , nf I'roers m il Kvents uf Ihs tVnriil. u t, ii, li! lu Isashets, .Muikoilug, klill Tratees rnrr year buok rtlLL AND ALMANAC It Is a Ireasiirjrof Ptniiitl,-. r-vi, il to dste. for Farm or I'omtt, sml ofllcn or Fact,ij. A K tncit Work no It-ry HuliH-t IVrutiulnt to Airl culturt. Industry. I'ttninti-rct-. nml Mnrksis ; Hit, lie Affairs, Kx-niiomlcs, and l' ,lltlc ; Houstiliul l K tiicstlot, Kulljtlnn, and Hoclstr. It Is al'-. tu AIiimhk of I'sk-lldiini, the W.vtlli-r. Astr.. mimicsu Data, Hints lor lju u uuuiu, : " A S AMPLE COPY lutnticul lsta. Hints for Each Muuiu, liattts. ulc Tt,s Drans ,1,1 f-arliiiT, uinu'tzlnr fiiriii, win i,t- niiti ii'-""-"-' ilr-.,liig THI til; .i i .ii i i ' ".i'l-, MurtueU I'.ulltllng, hlos;i' Iii- Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly East 0renonlan,$1.60 ) Oraone Judd Parmer, wk, 1.00 ::.oo Year Book and Almanac, .60 ) Our Price for All, $1.85. Addraejt EAST ORHOflNI AN PUB. CO.. Pendleton, Orexun. THE SURVtTOR'S CHAIN MADE 11 THE SllOKTHS'i TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE.. It Is tbt- Mo it Mudern in Eqalpmnnt it Is the ties'lnst Hailed Lm- It has a U.s Ballast Ruadtssd It Oruetes Nt, Hand Disserts. It Is thi- only Una running LtUaftOtM Club Room Cars. It naa thr niKli car sortie In eoDnsetl -o with O. II. 4 N. 00. betwswn i'nrtlatid and 8t. Paul, it It thi- Only UM hnrlug Mals no th a la ar e I'lau III HOI (ill TIIK GRANDEST SCENERY In America by Daylight. Attractive Tour aurtng rHasm of Ns nation tm Oreat Lmktt via Dulutli n c :.u,otlon with Mupiifliient Paas.-iuei Hutamun Northwtsst and Northland. ror maps, UekeUand ftil, Informal or, oi on or saldrssa loval aasul O. K. A N. Ud., or 1 WU1TMICY, u I 1. A , jt pauL aims OregonShortLineRailroad TIIK lUKKt T l:iil gj TO Montana, l tab, Colorado Hnd all i istci 11 Points Ulte. , ,i,,',, ,,f iwo L'NION PACIFIC Past l.l.AMlp Melile l.lu,... latorllt rouios, vl Mall Line, or Hi- 1 lis KIO No Change of Cars mi tiie Ponlaad-Chisaai ii., Wsst." Upet'lal, "tliu Die Eijuli pU With Elegant Standard Slcepara l ine New Ordinary Tourist Sleepers Superb l ibrary -bullet Cars Splendid Disers meala a la carte Free KecHning Chair Care Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Veatibukd Por dinner liiformalloii apply lo 0. TERRY, Trat. Paas Asi. W, . OMAN uen'l AK- iii 124 Third St., Portland. Oregon. Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line Huston Carocy, Prop's. Lssave i'oodleton eserv day al 7 o t I escept Huuday, for Pilot Uock, Ny. lodge. Alba anil I'klah. Good nccoaP tm (lallous. Iteasble freight ami .euger rates. City ottJcs- at Tillman Co.'i ilruf tore. iafe West