Boys' Suits A hoy never looks so linnlv as when lie is in his lift clothes We are prepared to sell hoys' 'liest clothes" at $1.50 a Suit, and upwards. Now is thr time to sortnient complete. A guess tor a Gold chase. huy while our stock is new Watch is given wit'i every and t lie as dollar pur- Tie urn Cash w ti.nti ttn i'niiiitrv niim I. i r Mum hi party mind, which moj be theenme liin'ir. Ili first exiii-enslnti if always tiir natural . tin- iniidt Ln vol niiton spolisc f thr IniliiHli in i ml to the SUf- uestlnii ill a new imu siniuire raw. II, .'i emnos familiarity witli tin idea. !n turning of it over, a any. Then incident is-cnr which modify thi' first mtHMnann to n ofennena- lion, of of government nntsldeof tbeltbo no constitution : llicldeills lolinw MHO nui- dliloni arise that made it look ai if thr iirst impulse nottld not ' carried nut without a rung lug woie one, with nut running sere huca nn icspunei- bllltias, without mbjectlng onreelvee in thr worn of other nowete. Dp to thi- tinii'. tin- t i r Idea, the natural eaiireealon of tin1 normal American in retroepcetlvely Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood aa Ba. feast (fiveOwaJ W- v V ii i itnd ii h l.'li tlliaP FRIDAY, MARCH DAILY. WKKKL1 AM1 SEMI-UEEk'Ll But Oregon Ian Puhlinhtng AT I nmpatiy. Iitimt wrote it Wftf ptttHMKl hv m I t I -f tnceriti mm imweiiwn. i imti BOfl i-f tin foftt oi I'ltnvicttDti in tii tin ptftftkeH 'f t'"' platform promliM "-nn mi itM'tifv" "doobli Miry of booktaiplng' aonnly NwIimm Imt th-W lmw iiml hill- Thr I! nnv . It and in Uvn m gtv MiriM Mt -OgMeejgfv ferr t'. 'r "' f Oae (aiy . intht t , p .t ... ' Da -i-py pr erMk. I ) lAftitr Treil eehecni ' d-f i. ' J HI WIPKIf 1H Mil in n RATBg I mr i - o r trai I I'nr ( m monlM I TrUl InxfitM. n o gMKfftC IIKL IHtKliriloS Mil OgriepreMTN' . . I ' JM g)M if - fg Tntl tut-nr-psi. n -Vg f ADVKTttM. MATS' lIMl,. A-lrrMiwi'iciilv Oer In, h. M - . Uet ib. n , or Twolexkwe. i (Hi trg tn Oer thrtc I. lHe three in I'nr ,- ' ff )-er in t' rrgejoAlii i ej hptrnt nth r gt iKMtuiireil tvetiMtnt in Sei WmH Wrtll e Daily, km imwiilhi. Mca.fl i McB ci i LmI letuti ten ! iter lint, - : mi BRYAN'S SPBKCH IN PENDLKT0N. llrvanV hmm'Ii in Pi'ii'lh'toli wan parncat ami MRMltlve. It bMebed tl' conicittiuv of thr XVX) tn -tiMH i nmii. aim huanl it. At Mgeej kit mlaa end tlu-nii- ntirnsl the hrnitif ami hrarli- oi hi hoari'rp ami awake-lied in them en thiiHtuHt ii- uppreeiution. Thr Hpirlt of thr 'v. uh iiiHiirinii ami Qpllfting. At no tinii- huh In- carriwl nwuy hy prejudice ami the heat of argument, hut several times he row to the highest fli(hts ill oratory ami eiieh tin ar'ied naray his audience. Thr -)-. i-1 1 was hold uml strung, aitlmttt trimiiiint; or lewieheei nihil with the kjeeefnineei of eonvietion and siken in the sllnple-l words of Iuiiuiuil'' Hryan talkel as ii deimicrat shuulil. direct, open ami bImivc Iswrd, hut with due reseet to those nf difierent and contrary opinion, lie st'.l tn no deniamvy, to no vHapenUion and hitter laiiKUuae, lint dralt (air lilnw with ueli energy and spirit that he iimpired confidence in his cause, even annua; the doubters who came tnlintea Hryan s audieiice was an excellent one, cniiipoMcd ( the sturdy workers of town and country men of mind ami muaule, men and women who think fur themselves; BMHI and neaeg who are ael(-iupiortiut . and Bell fovemlng I men and wniuen uln. uellen in uality, in rnjgjgj rights. in the principles Is'hiiul the A rican rr- putilic ami a repuhlican furm of gag. eminent Hryan gen) up the issues of the dav in their gggfgf urder. lie did not evade any of them I r..m the flggg Iwue" of nilver to the "live issue" of militarism and iaiicrialisin and trusts iie drew the lessons .if di'lnix-raei M they appeareil tn Ins iniud. lie plea. led in auch a Been and in such g furm that he Htrcnitheiied the cause gj democracy uud luade it plainly the people's cause at he proceeded. There wan im false note gj beeitOMfl nn ap parent fear ill danui rnus cmuud : lie trustisl ull to his sincerity and tn hi , faith in the plum BBgpla, llr madr gggBjgU gjfBjjBjijiggjd fmm the beginning to the end. At no tiim did the in-! tewat latt in theme BJ Bgegjhnr, I rum tirat tn last uf tliat tan hours gHgBgl tiie BgeJieMi aas ggeVn the bmII ad the 1 orator. Itr.un made a ih. p IllipfBBBHM. gjgj added to his ggMUB us u le.eler and a atataamau. Hryan has nmn U,tl, i.d..iutl.. ii . ilmra:iv, since he in Nndlciou and the Nortliaest in lhWT promieBd many times Before. 'Mfonnd munev," such as (joes under that name. e have, ami repuhlican victory in tin iinty will never make it snimder, hut "OOOble entry huukkeep inn" has heen a repuhlican promise for lo, these many years, and one never realized iisin. The platform telle us that the cuiinty republicans "Isdieve in American markets fur the American people." They seem tn inrtret that Puerto Rico is uuw an American market hut it is nut being Boejelneeed such by repuhli can lenders. The Philippines will probably h me an American market. hut i- it tn lie treated ill the sense uf the cutiuty republicans' declaration And there is LiV0T I. uhich is not an American market, hut suiiinisc it was cluscil tu the American penple, in carrying nut the theory in this plunk d the refjgblleu eonnty piaftom, what null Ii become uf our wheat grow ers .' Another plank : " American BOBMB Hiotis We believe that the American lag should never ! loerered froaj any of the peeaBBBjoM at IfOBJ where it has once floated " Certainly. The American fla BOB Hunts nver the palace nf the Sultan nf Snlii, in the Philippines. In it never to is. lowered fawn that potentate1! harem'.' Wherever the Han is raised by g rutin H shuulil Is' luwcred by right. The American flan should Is' pulled down wherever it i discovered it Hunts over a w rmin cause, ur that it main tains one. There is im sentiment about justice and rinht. The American Han Pf nothing when tl fnrces are nut behind it. In shnrt. these furces have made it what it is. (if eewga the republican cunventiun named BOOM fit men iur ollice. 'I h. re are several of tin ami these w ill he elected it there are not litter men named in ngpnaltllBI tu them. The re sult uf the repuhlican ticket gafMJgeJi ggBBJ the act inn uf den rats w hen they meet in nullity coiim-iiI ion next week Let the motto nf that conven tion !: It i. U tter fur democrats if an unlit repuhlican is elected to uHice than an unlit denns'rat, for with this motto in mind only the nn..-. men w ill he nominated, and that means sui cess. "THK COMING CAMPAIGN." mind, is referred land reuretfullv. and flnallv it is enthu I .iBetieally abandoned in the name of daty. The president is n ilelerininist, laud fun has dune it all Meantime, ; the tninils u( many Ihoneetrdi of Amerl I cam iiav.- been keeping step w ith the ; president '- mind, and his (Mwiti.iii is lunch stmnirer than it would have la-en ii he had taken it Is, Idly at the outset. ! I do not wish tn be onderetood as say inn that Mr. MoKinley plans this iiro greBBlon; I sav tiotnlng aboot that. When I ss'ak l its tnetlnsl. I refer to the nietbed of a aataral peyebolaglcal late. Mr. McKinley is an ex ling redoubtable pereon, because his mind Workl in iinisnn w ith a yry larne per- nentaife uf American minds, ami at alsmt the same rate uf progress. I. . i. ti llu ,i1 en til ntru (if 10 nam iruin n itn ImpertaluBJI. and that the "plain pi'o ple" are to liear all its harden. And re-'with the voters who will lie nuoeu bv hiicIi apHMils as these wn i in. men who hold t" the faith ns it was tangM b woehlngtmr- faith in Hnj iletn.H'ratii' principle, faith in the ir tnee of peao ami in the civilizing m nneneea of tl rt of tH-ace, faitb in licv of isolation men who stilt U.lieve that tl nstitution is our nreat moonmrnl of civil liberty, and that any despite done tn it, anv lliglll put upon it, any turninL' away how it in effnrts tu BteWl ntir rule nver fureiu'ii peopleii iiiiisi he lo 1 lowed by a react inn on our duulBBtlc govern melit, and w ill lend to wciiketi the r. -s'ct for the fntMfaHnental law whiih I-essential to a pros'r observance of it by those who frame and BfMettte our statute laws. of BPl'BMCANS IN COUNTY CONVKNTION. The work of tin repuhlioin county convmitiuii Tburwlay was lajMBOlbl) performed, without gajpgeajM Imch or friction. The ticket which it placed iu iioiuiuatiou appeaMd i" have boag dauided uu ln-lure the cunvellt inn as umbled. There was every evidence of a "slate" and the "slat, '' went through. Tile republicans m the county, as repre.nled bv the delegates in the conventual, tv gai!rad Inl and buiftjage In the few, whu paiino imted in the deal. The ticket is ek, and not repnwnlative uf the repuhli- cuiih ui i ue county, us tilt- result audi work. The democrat have a greut gggjBg. tunity, if they will only but BOlbfooB it. Tboy can name a ticket that w ill be vicloriou at the polll in Jgjuj Hut there are doulils uUnit their duieg eu, for there ure iiiHuence in the deinmrati, circle that tend tophi) into the hand., f the republican leaderahin Tlu .at euuri will i,e made t, trol deiiiuerati, unininutnuis an.! ga the candnut, l, doubtloa. "line imui uiisusp,-, n,l it will come iHivertliuleo. e platform of tl. eoUllly can in aa pcarile and meir ticket. It -caila u lu the April Atlantic Montblj Henry Looajiii Kialaon continues bia political suinmarv witli an article on "The Coming Campaign," in which he dis cusses the issues, OMMOtic and foreign, BOW before the countrv or likelv to arise II eiiunicrates the strung ami weak polntB, cuisiilerinn Mr. fe : Kinlej pereonalltj tn be a strung re puhlican advantage and the sil'.cr iuetimi a deinisr.itic weakness, hull uutside nf th that the lode ami deciding vote would natural I) in , eline tu tin- demoeratic side. II. mmi hi the leading issue, the pBNOUallty ' uf tiie eand Motet mn beiag in mm-. turn, let B. grant that there is a It rung probability that the republican party V.UUIU ue in-ieattsi. t ertainlv it intagoolat would mobp. the majority of the popular rata, as has generally uccveded in duiug whenever tiie iuiic between the iMMAciarlee ami victims uf BUM legislatiuli has haag inude With any degns' uf xplicitmss Hut another quest...,, will obtrude itseli mil that is the silver ipiesti whlcb wua the ivnlor of the diwuaaion in the campaign of ggu, Bebjud Mr. McKiuley is a combine V"." "' -e an the pr.Hiuct and deienders uf the Kepuhltcan BOeialiani nut Ode uf whum is iu politico tu he nrsaidont, hut all uf whom want tu be BOB) 10 the president, uml feel that thev must win. the believe in money for gaming bneinew or locial ur pohti- (ill BMB, They are the "plotoonta " the "money power," wbo had nearly Mwen millioM uf anoaiai in luge, ami win, wuitlil have hud more if the nature of the is-u, ut that year had not United ail piupcriv intcKsis, th.ue wl, .. l-y in piramaiial fur private gain -T """ mull Unit guierniiient cnusuier merelv Will Hire. In. peri. .li-iii and Cololiialistn are ni leeaflarily hoetile to the spirit ot tiiisleru den acv . Its virtues and its its truths and its fallacies, wuiild all he outraged hy the Muting up uf a repuhl lean imperialism over tiie Philippines. Moreover, as the Q Beet ton Ol the kind of government to Im' estahlished in our dopandjBMloi comes to Is- discussed, a new cause uf difference arises. The republican party propofei tn gOVerfl the islands uutside u the enlist lint loll. I lie n.loptliill ot tliis pnrpOBB must shuck everv doBMh Brat, whether he rated in ista; f..r Mr. McKiuley ur fur Mr. Hryan: fur the theory that the government of the Tinted Stales sisscsses nnv sditical power or jurisdiction, whatever. e:;cept the one's and jurisdiction liestowcd Bpoe it by the eonatlbMlon, is repug nant lu every instructed denusratic mind and m many repuhlican lawyers. Oongrem nlw oflantli Rgalnel democ- racy in giving Bgcltwlve ur indepen dent Dower in the executive as it has don in providing fur the aoeonMMBi nf Hawaii ami as it is likelv to do in res. t ni other i-lnnds. The issue of Imperial lem is likelv to piny the most iinp..rti.nt part in the delates of the coming campaign, uud various phases of the question and its incident w ill he pieselited tu the Vnte's bv the nnrtv ne -papers and itnmp paaaare. The (leinucrats will OpMMB what thev will sav i the repuhlican party's effort to overturn the principle uf democratic govaruBMMt, to long oor rule nn an unw illinn people, and that by a breath nf good faith. Thev will den on nee the war Bnalnal the Plllplnoi as cruel ami unjust. Thev will make the must uf the ailiiiitiistratinu's allee.l reeogultion of slavery iii Cuba. Tho w in insist null the treatv ut i ... . which I ml us to pa I: '.HtMi.CMNi fur a war was a blunder or a I MOM, They will point to the enormous increase of taxation. Iron ." tn s Hr capita, ami they will mice inure, and Ibis time with more egnetiveneei than ever bo fort', raise up the monster nf militar ism with which In Iflgbtaa the bjMMp iuutiutis uf pie whu have heretofore always I n sensitively nervuiis at tha threat ..f a slan.ling army. They w ill also charge that all this in the Past is in the interest uf favored classes, that the ' money DOWOf " i lni'rinl ism ami trnts are not the rabjeeu on which Mr MoKinley and his party will comliict the cnmpalgn, if thev can etionae the issue, l irnilv us they believe that they are lining the work d civil lent Ion in Betabl letting the lorladietlan oi the United states nver distant islands and alien and savaue ur enii-civi I ied pcuplc. they must lie very far Irntn assurance a- tn the llc ces nf a campaign nn the qttentlofl uf imperialism as it will he raised They know that nearly all the gold demo crats vi Im gave them the victory of four year- ago are bitterly and agnre leelf hostile to Imperialism, It I fur this raOBBO partly that bev are Voiding everytl.inn that may give a deflnlte furm tn the issue, intent ap parently on MMUring a verdict on the general Question baforv risking one uu any of the partlcnlBr qnestionii that must eventually BOItM up fur discus- sinn. The administration parte win therefore undertake In hnld its furces logether by making the money gnee 1 imu prominent. OoRi liar hi ruK Tims rtoni PxnaiKtott. Kat Mall r- . in. w.lian Klvnr " a m, BAD 0OMTL1XION8, pimple-. MotottOS, hlackheiids, red, rough, oily, inuihy -kin, dry, thin, and falling hair with Irritated Maigg mid dan druff, red, rough hands, with Itching, hurniiig palms, Hhapelent mills and painful finger ends, and hahy blemishes, prevented by CtTICTRA SOAP. It r ggBlgJ tin cause of disfiguring eruptions, loss of hair, and hahy blem lahaa, viz.: the clogged, Irritated, Inflamed, or sluggish eondltiou of tbo Pom s. No olhcr medicated soap ever compounded Is to be compared with It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, sculp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet oap, however expensive, is to he compared w ith It for all the purposes of the toilet, hath, and nursery. Thus It combines in Onk Soap at One Prick namely, 28 Cents the bagj skin and complexion roup ..nd the Is-st toilet and the la-st hahy soap in the world. Sold everywhere. I'.iTTKIt Pltrtl AND ClIEM. ( 'OKI'., Sole J', Iloston, I . S. A. " Mow to Purify and Heaultly the Skin," fn c. latt l, I '" i . v r . , pr,lr, Worth omul,, hnt. imu I'trv, m 5,001, ' usage and Kan, , lrt.n. Short IJns WnUa Sissxar,,. Mlnne,sils ... p,,,. "O.luth, Mllwtnitp,. ( niriUfe wic KmI, vh .'((SB r-iirii.Hm. ' (. Mall I 40 a.m. I'nrUand and Han Krr -. ss ii m. (loe.c M, ...... i,,, rrom f..rii. Pur lati Kraaclsm Kvery fvi days. 'I. m. Ki Minidny Haturday loa. m. Colombia Hirer stMtjKira. To Astoria sod Wn TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. IBjkS Ijiistlvt llrunin gululnr Tstilrti. All .In . itsIM ri'liunt the niniicy If I. fulls in 8BIB1 E '' (ireve's siini.iturc Is (in oach txix. : Complete Externnl and Internnl Trentment of Every Humor. CUTICURA Cr-Bilatltiir of Crrii'i'N, Soai- fsr i. to tlMnsr III. thin of (ruto ami MSsM .nit THE ot. ii -in th Oifc-h'lM.1 eut.rl., I'Th i H 1 1'iiln.iil ( A".. ), to IdStonllr sllsr Itrhlar SS'I enuttnn and ' . MOwaiHl KMI. MHl I'l'TieVS. Ht-ll.Tt.l 'K , lo COOl SOU CMOSt 111- I .....I. AlllBI MIUuluu ( I. cur tu. MT(Ml humor wrua aU.lac laUa. UM u an. I OU MA I K S.ltlllllU S tlM'Ill masdj or I'lutnire of OtlBaSIS w ill son CATARRH. The Specific Ii Ely's Cream Balm iSm New and Complete Line WW I Va HI Is It I iiuii'klv hIs IiUi'- R.IMI lit II- .' iis'n" ninl rh-i'iisi ill.' Nrt-Sl I'Ss-ltlfCs Allsv- tlillsinliiHtliil lli'Ml- iiml i. inn . i- lln Mi'lnlirmii , le -lure tin- Sense ul 1 s-te llll.t Hllle II. Nn Mcrcun Nn Injur Ioiik Hi f.llrir l(. Me Khi.iIU tUM 1 ''. ki PriiKKl-i- ur bv nil. 1.H IIUOTIIEU .'.. WrirrenMl., Sew York. COLD N HEAD Pilsner Beer. eeeo The Best Beer in Fendleton. Ask lor it. You like it. will Pilsner Beer .V'vcr GMMM Htudachc nor Diyjiiness. of up-to-date Shoe. Highest quality at lowest prices. AI' sizes and widths at PENDLETON SHOE STORE J. KLEIN, Proprietor. i'-'3 Main Street. A Dictionary cf ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc WTrrNTlK- I 11 rs-TH.UAI.I lll TUMKY J Im IKk for Golden Shoe Sign M Klpans Mafly i '"ii in. Hnskr KIt. KIpHrUl to lWlton ".Hi, I 111 I I. I.i . ""l .i.... (.-u... ... - - . .,,., , - I, ileum (ill v,.n . For full Information apply or wrti. , 1 W. B, Mi o-"h: Psnsmu KT. r f., Agrni. Pf.ii.iiHO,.,. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway V, . :iil..B.'i. Ml Paul Ot I ...... Olty, St Joe, Omaha, and ill lnln( P a I C BBII B B BB.B Bllll BJ1 rail a aaaaaa lbbi PORTLAND and points on the Sound. Arnrr ait :an h m. excep. .aaondat . j .... . .in., , in a,, a iu. Iepris iinilv exonpt titirday at s.oop. a Ko- Information rcKardli-a rta tad -.iii.iituuni.uiis can. on ur atu'ir b W. A I 'A Vi ne.. ... .... i n. i n ah. u. P. A.. ( ' Im .1-,. ' . u i What better Investment OBttU be r.iudc than in a eopr of the "rantlonal T Thia Myal q::crlo volumo Is a vast stnrehouaeof valuable InnnBIBll :i BZIMajBd la ucuin eiiici;! fara fur hand, eye, mid mind. Ii i-inure .... .. u-. in--- . i ..r::v than any other dictionary in the v., rid. It sliui:d be i:i everv bouavhold ni-1"" yebrtf',Cog"ts Dictionary with u Nottlah Olusaur) , etc. gganj ciuaa in ,uaJuj , av-t-oa J clu-a iu sue." I H aaaaafl MALE HELP WANTED. URN W.WTlin - TO I.KAIiV irailc null cii-iit necks rcu iiiml iimp m . llv hi.. I sMiiieiiir iiml led Int II. ill.. I Ull(. sin, irKlielBcn I nllf. ATTORNEYS. II. .1. BEAN, ATTOHNIO tlBll-e In ,,k Butl.lllll!. i: ru A l.sw UHlee KALKi . ATToKNKTI in Smi.Kb Hank i '.. I Al . - Y. I.AWYKi:. iiinil ui. 1. 1 iiiiiiiiiiik I'i'iKlletoii. nreimii I A MtCH A. KICK llull.tliui i . . i ii ii i . m Opposite 0. R. Round House. A Business W Proposition S " '"I"' Kv "van i . bB achieved vuthuat ounil health. The huami-a man simuld ifuar.i hl health ..- In guanU lor health is port of hit capital and the Impairment oi that capital affect, everv MngBJ Interest. A aedentarv occupa tion ami ijjick S...U H.C7. rffecu in a sintgtsk liver. The BBB oi llr Pierce s ', olden Mifilical Diacoveiv i.. cine met trouble" el a3 tiigratiou ami other diM-aae of the (ails ut di'i .,:iun and nutrition. Jin I'l-oiery' strciiKtheiih the Ualv hy siip Mini; Nature with slrciiKth m.ik ui); material. It contain no whisk v ulcohol or other intoxicant " Ui. t . vcats of audetiKv wuh liver Irou '." ' " ' ' oit. Ml Udward j...,,i , vr.iwlul.ltu Imlu.ui "1 gsve up ll nopca oi or K.iuug tluut t(!.on aud ihc laat ' 1 1 ... ni ,,,ii, ii,..i ,.,. , ,. ... . ' i ,.. a uat. aau .Viet- BU.l ICVVIK.I but ll le k las lhrc-r tsjtllca ul Or Pierce inavuvei) and uu. vial ol In III- or- ill Oil I. I liel Ml PI .. . - 1... .i rtlt Dr iv. SC'Uol. o .on aiuui ,iu.1 nearly t i. " -ii ' '-!': :, .- .-Miaaaiut I'clh t.s .uisist the U Ittflg Meihcul Lllacovcrv." public BOO Ala. will directions, hut repuhl i aeak us I it were 11 the damoefatio iarn should nominate a candidate having no n - Tim! '', ("r I'lat'orn. of ims. amj shuui.i annuel a rtmtesl on (1' Unite issue uriHiuii out of nor .... cupatiun of the I'lnlionin,., ,;., iilestiun of their In'riuunent r..i..n. culll lucilic the ... .1 1.. I repubUeaa party intends tu discard the eoaatitulioii In governing tbenea t.rri- lories, nuitlng BtHMBSBfolll the venal and economic piius. s of tl,,- questioi and deoUtriag ssprsssly sgainsl the iu- creas, of exjeudilure, commercial ism uml militarism, the chalice auuhl he init favor for it would by thi. mean, rjigu,,, batter position in th. as tlian that a hi. h it M) by the naigii of ihiHi I 'l'be presidouf mind moves, in, (Uftu;r r! DnShilohs ' a. tough and fefonsumption cure Thia it beyond queatlon the Sao! auweaaiul 1 oukI. Medi iiiie . ier known u kcivnce: a lew UuaM invariably luic i lie M .r.t ca.ea f I'.niih, I'mau and Hum, lot , whllo ,, ww dertul tutu in the vu.e nf t nn.iKimuiin .s w.thuui a par alleliii:hehisi..iv..f medicine. Juiice na litat d.seovery ii haa '.' .... u "imr.o.i.e a loch no .'.Iur nieilnlne the tiim. ...ul SOLE PHOomtTORS S.CVr.Lis&Coj mil n SHEEK&COLE Contractors Builders Eittmatw Given, s0ra p. tiny, und Pkee Woi b a pc k.iul. 1 o0 on-oscoso-oc Te'eph ne L very Stable Dadei s. MaaaKfiaciii. KH.Iiioniihl, KijjB at l.u l:t,.e. The lleat Turnouts lu the I'in. Special attention given p, board illg home. S. F. Hays. Prop. Opposite I ourt Hun,,-. Teleph. He No. 3N OsOeOK Oe-Oooa THE CITY... Livery, l eed and Sale Stables... v. wi 3! - Proprietor fcv.ry lilng Nea. NVa Hon,; ew Itij;,. Beat rig, ,,., In the city. Hoarder, uiveii the h- SI Uttentiun. Scr ice ttnv hour . t the night Telephone No. 70. Willamette Iron and Steel MV rks JAMES LOTAN, Manager, PORTLAND. OREGON. Mining and Sawmill Machinery and Logging engine. IRONFOtNOEKS, MACHINIST-, It. Ill ; , k . (,'s i s 1 1 amBoat Hi 11 UEK5. H. K. rol.l.lliu. LAWVKH Aaaiielallull Hull. lln,: I II. is. Law KikiJI I I 1liKlfAl.ll. AT I Ogtrn III Assoelatloli III. 1 k. .- nn 1. . . 1 . .....Ni . unicc 111 .i-M.eiHiiun Mock :. ii. ltoYI), ATTOKMKY A I LAW. Coarl Si. L A. Iain . NI WBKBKY, ATTORXIf losin. I.',, Aaaoclatlon Huililiui. 1. 11. -i - ..11. 1 I ot ellluery and atMMTSl Mi' etc. ( o. riSBpoodoOce -ollidled. Mneii.e Raatntai, I eon V nrk, K,re "i 111- in, ii lireduliiu M. ll. demits,. I'llllnya, M.ulllnit. . I. tllNM.K, AT II HI N II AT '"" lot loll lll.M-k. Pen. Helen nri-gun. PHYSICIANS. You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner beer in hottles, delivered to any part ol city, at SI. SO per IDozen. . oottioa by Geo. J. Pottner "ii'. in 1. 1'K W (i ( OLE J ,n "f"-5 (Tel 77 1 a. ra. ; 1 to .Sl ei T7.J I 00 West V el 1 7 lo lu a. in . . Vt . I M'KVT l II 1 1 1- I- iri.: I ui hirst Nun, ,nl Bank. OOP. l.uurtl III . I lu 11 p. ni. Hit. r. J. SMITH. OKKll'K 11YI dl. inn havu,.. Bank. t, t( lepliulle g r I g a a aa . KQhhltt MnfO LAF.GE OR SMALI uuuuill IflGIQI. QUAhNTIES For Sale by the Last Orcgoaiai Pub. Co The New Vork World, Thrice-a-Week Edition den. , W. K. I'KltltY. M, li. OKKll'K IK liiiildiiii;. euruer Court and Mam nu. 1 ofllee da) and 1.11.1 II. 8. QAKK1KLD. I'll lalelMli Mini till 1 It 1 1 i,k .11 . 1 ., II' ' ii r.ora Hurifeoii. (..Site DKNT1STS. r-.j. .:::::: : tan At Lowest Prices MARTIN LEUOY. NY. HAMILTON, AL.TOST A DAILY -AT Thuudih. OK A WfcEKLY. Tl,e must widely circulated "weeklv " gen -paper in America is the Thric -a- Week edition of The New York Worid and with t . pteaWeMtlal .a,,,,.., '. ' pownl band you can.,.,, .h.viith ,. i ' Her. are -,,. , . 1 Xil:,,,1"" 2RS?.WS2 anVarir:1,;:;':1'- I n.. .-ek each subscriber roceive l" PMes.BBd often during the "i, "''"" W panes eael, ,, k " I he 1. rice is ....I., at , ;rl"yyt Z pri,,. f Its I. en . -heaurld , .... L 1 . . .!" 1? " ' "' rl !' itfteJ alum-and niXSZ, I lie 'I' ,r ,1 . " ' - - ......e-a-neeK Wurl. lireat.-Nt liewslun..r 1 ,-- "I lli.Hler., PRINTING I A I 1,111V lll'VTI.I or 11, JudU Hullilius. A. I.. HIIATIK. II. 1). H. OKITCK ' ai in' Bank. Oaa adniiiilBii t. : h A Vt 1 V V 1.1 v "(',. 1 (V isil inn, Block, over K B. (Toulon's daw. ARCHITECTS AMD BUILUkU 1 I. IMllAKU. Al!( IIITki'T AND inlendetu. wake uomulute sail tans .ur I, .11 01. 11B ... tin- ill, uf ouui 11, J le m niuliliu OF ALL KINDS AT llll 1 HUM AS Mil It I'llK'TII l. H.K builder. Plana and relial.l. nil. Illalotd. OOlci' la Asms lalloli Ul.u k BANKS AND BROKERS- .ni. 11, . 1 1 1 .r. . 1 v . . . ' 1 ' U.....U r. , .-.h in... .111. .1 u esu.l Intnl..... """ eauilal ITuuuom l.... r...i ua M poalla. tli llallue bouirl.l and - i'"'" lst. in.lula MM-, ml allent.i.l. ." nuns w. J, Kuniiali, pieai.i. iii ; J Wee prealdcut; T. J. Morris, eaaUief- Hut aa.. 1.) Uluv. , All a , Newspapers JO PI T t'.NKKK CAR uu a. telle., wall UU ,1 ItlliliOlv 'Id Uewanauen iiiiitle. U( (H., IVuai. ion. ITU. loll, Oregun l,rpOM-B 111 lame lll.e . . .. . -. I vli. l,c wonder America . . t . . .1 lias 1,,.,. 1, York World huh IBM will hi ' 10 tno Bowing mi. I he Im sI nf iu it columns - . ...e oiin-r. them u. Me ofTer ill ut It reeourcea of the ill existeliee lli.. journalism ' I I II 1 1 'al X ...a ... . . j--.. awiaaa rb. n,.w -lately im. of esi.eeinl campaign presidential current li. tit.i, .... j nnni Bead it reasons ; and sei- ia m. 1..J and the week v T. ' ... '"""Mh-r stether 1 Hbelfjtlan Vice of twt ,1 Tt'uU.T :'.!. 1 "" lo pilla r i si Wurld i ii "ouoiiian one yt.ur fur I iregouian The to I be Tri-Wi-. k-le U'...i.i ... i Part ... """ -" '-ellll. Weeklv . OFFICE .. GOOD WORK, LOW PRICES, GOOD STOCK Legal Blanks Of all Kinds. KI It ST N ATK N A I. HA N K I If ATHW "I' Kun i npiial, 4.SI.00U, suriilua, '" l I'M II ..... itelMlKlla S ,i .- I l. 1. -ut .i i.- .-. . i ..ii M.'it'l'':,' luudud to. Henry C. Adauia i.rcafi."!!. I Mi Arll.ur. viee oruaiduul ; K I bauwl' ntr; I. W Barneit asai-taui maliioi I I M lA II A K IT i"ii i snilal. iTti.iaai. au.iil.e rle,!:.. alio IvluKI'ilpllli' 1 1 hi. -I. i aol'l "U "rTlwa .. ii. . in 1 I Bill. Ill i le '17 . all.l Kiiruue Makes collei tu'io "u le.ltia I . , i lnluv i.t.'Slitt-ll I m li' president; (' H ' Uade. taVSkBSi It.ueruaej, aaaialant oavaliivr. ... . a. an Mwapaptars in u Stales ur tutor by postal u0-f' acini iu oi ne MA Ike UOl P" price of Hi Pf vou dwirc If. oii ami ii.-uu" s o I...I In the ,,i,,..- ii "' Subscribers to Magazines Lav. mons ' i,i It -iii to L' Is.d. ii. ,1,1,1, and risk. II yen srt .i. In 1, e I... IIKkiiiiallN. in li'llliui--a', ,. -. i il... iilll.lllBW" Addlc-s KAHT OHKOONIAN I t'B ll.l. I,,. .... THIS PAPKb IS KI'l'l'o"rg.f 1 Hake's Alll. rtlallts A. In 1 , -luBir ctiauui' Keltani-, oau Hiu1:1" . , S a. lax It