oaIyeveningedition 1 ( x The-tOitrgootan H 1 I V - DAILY EVENIH6EDITI0K Pill Tour "Ad." In The I asl Orefrontan nfl her II ,..AMf1. . PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OUKl-rON, Fit I DAY, MARCH 30, 1IKK. NO. 3756 vol. II fl II B. V 1 I 1 m 111 I n I J run www s n 1 UN x ua . i UKNKRAI. NFWS. Jewelry MX Bn let" for 33c. in, Pompadour, oatha tnt ic. doeec i'-'1 1"llr P1" 2V" Ve " "-"'"y Pl0'' S 4n-Bc- Ha w ettl Bete, Wn, leu, 18. Bicvcle 5unaries. I.-.).- sn.i.iif regabw ., 8c. t can ouroiua, nr, bike oil tor; . x J Outdoor 5ports . , II. t JO. S liullu .....liit a T. i eoia., v.--,-, " I .' I .., i I I ' M. ft", Hp bulls t !, Ill' ' " " " DO mrbtci " M MM top Raster Goods bare Few ' '' iu 0(111 "P"' i u. ..l ..rn . in .inc. r.i'c 1 M.'i-.mn, ' 7 TP ... mi) I MOT, K. " arer issues izf. I 1 '.. ..dill t Mill J l.tk.. U1KKH MlliUB. Th JrL'f'-t J''"' nthlDjr tnckJt irum k- fMf i rr, fl , en hrIh litre. . as. t ... x KcDtKILH NULr Wash Dress Goods This week we're ready to show you the BK5T and LAYKST in the coming season's most fashionable material and dl sfrns In Pompadour .rgandie, Windsor Niooiss, Milk Hay.' Dimity. ( 'uIIoiImu I Minify. BatUta Cords, Batiste Vsloif), i .net. Batiste, Pineapple Batiste, Erab'd Swiss Hots, Yt'rsaillrs Stripes, Viotoris Zephyrs, Bmpresi lords, Madras ( Moths, orded Ginghams, silk Ginghams, Fine Percales, etc., etc Their strong points are (Juality and Klcgance without Extravagance. Alexander & Hexter The Boston Store "Reliable Goods Only." It ou are tint particular as to tjualitv am! style in your purehrsrs, it does not matter where you trade. If, on the contrary, you decile Mylish and reliable wearing tpparul, you are offered many advantages in patronicins this popular stoiv. . iith r you Uneipialed Assortments, Keliahle and Seasonable Goods, Oorreot Bty l, and above all, exceedingly MODERATE PRICES ON EVERYTHING Fetcning Things in Ladies' Kelts and Neckwear. A Lovely Line of Shirt Waistn. urtains and curtain Materials o Suit Iverybo'y. Novelties in Spring Capes no two alike. Ladies Ttiitor-M de Suits and Skirts. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department ... Is now well stocked for the Spring! trade, and if you are a good dresser, you must come to us for your furnishings. Among new arrivals are: 1M dozen E. & W. Collar- and Cuffs, all latest sty es. Knox' Famous Stiff. FVtdora. Crush (rkc and Straw Hats, stet-em's F.unous Fedoras, Grooos, Railroad Sha- es. WiUon Bros ' Shirt-, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear. Special for Friday and) Saturday. Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets, Black and Drab, regu lar price $1.00, 69 cents. Witch for our SPbCIALS every week. Pendleton's Big Store. ate 00 0 uts 5. 6. 8, 9, 10 and " la Block 81, Re serve Addition to Pen dleicn( opposite Wash-! inf ton & Columbia River! Kaiiroad depot, will be sold at reasonable prices $S15 to $130 each. The lots are ex cellently located and are only five blocks from Main street. Apply to East Oregonian Building. bvita for Infants and Children. CaHtorla in a liuriul-HM HiibHtitutu fur C'uxtur Oil, Pare Wtoi -..- uitd SiMtliiii( Nyrui.H. It 1h IMftutant. It toiiUOiiH neitlK'i Opium, Morphine nor other N.n . i i: ttiibwUiuci'. It d.-strMf Wormi und aJluyH FeveriNiiiiMM. It t-ure Iiarrhua uiid Wind Colic. It rellevnn Tth iitjr TroubU-s ttnd curen Count i put ion. It r.-juliit tho HtouiiM-h und liowels, t,'vinK b'ulthy uud uuturMl .-i.--p. The Chlldreu'H Puiueu The Mother's Frieud. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. SJSJSJ CIWTOU .iUsmsjBflsUauii I VITALITY lost uionn I AND MANHOOD ' u -.icy , Night Kmlwlons auc -v "iscasfs, all effect of nelf 'UN i or excess and indl : rettliB. AuervetMuleund g -J Uood huUder. Jiringti the fSHj U1'C k1ow to pale cheeks and jlJI ' i-tore the Are oi youth. 3 1 lv mal) Pr box; 0 boxes . tUC-fiO: With B. urrillui . ' ..- w ure or refund Um uumv. NF.Huita ! ii ii u jjl JAckaon SJfcy, OMOAOO, MX -t uiuua "HIM, " ilhi . CHBU bbHI v neRlflBBBi s Hold SI. Gam oi o OAitVeAU, l'. Elegantly Furnished. Steim Hum i uf.pc.n Ptaa. Block da-half Iron dcait. daniple Kuom m cuaocctioi . koom Kate 50c, 75c, II OU THE EAST OREGONIAN. 1h l-jci of lb. kv.i,bod Uwidl II. Ih. Ui(l Clr.ul.llu . Tk IfaMM aav.rtlataa M. llui Qarmiay hM dwtdwl t" ipaad fto.- IIiKI.IXW M Dohfttal rilyi. Il.irvi v L, Qoodall, for :) yonrx the Mbliabar nikI prsbtlatH f lha DroraT'i Jonriml, in Dhwkja, N SSM ( hrurt fniliirc. Tbt SbM MWSSMSl nt Pn'turiii DM OOnflMUMfM BlKirlion ot the Mia WWW ill I IM imnkM. Ilur f.i.l liiif ms'Ii ifivi'ii ni wH'uritv h tM nimninl of bonl $:mo.wm. badf Rvl, ilnni of Mumlmrif, Iiiik fnalerl in RmUimi ly olt by St, Simon. Lady Rl uoH Narcni Dalj lio.mm, an. I iiu- wH wni to BaplaM is moatM Hf". Mr. Only nil 191,000 for IhimimTV. Iks nwnl SMttl of Uirlmn! W. ThomptM ImVM ox -Senator J AMI Wi llracHmrv, of Mainr, i-anilv tl rut in in anions tiic Nrvttwg DMSMMI of roll tTMMai uoiiitf fur hark of the civil war. Mr. Hrmlhnry in alove !." yparn old. The Imofbomtlon of the .heet pteel trn-t poti a hM of 110,400 in the coffer of the Htute of New Jrru'V. ami the fit- of SS,000 ptMin or tWOI hiiuv by tin' I arneKie toinuiny makeH a nn raffle ten! to pay the nnnniil wlsriw of the governor, MtsUtV ol -'.ii.-. htute treiiHIirer, flate controller, clerk in chancery, clerk of the MDTMM court nml Htaie librarian oi N. .Irr-i v, leaving a balance even then fil f4oo in la tot of the pahiifl asebaajvar. The Iioiimo coniinittee on pciiNions re. iiiiini n.l.'.l ail incrcaHe to 40 lr month in the paMlOB of the wldotR of Ooloaal Efbart. killed in the Philip, plnaai $4n i.. the wldoi ol Oolonel tiii-t-.-ii. who died from arooodi raealaad In Cnbai fif to the w idow ol Colonel J, J. Van Horn, who .bed .lur iaa. the Bpaniah war. .ui to the irldon ..f Captain t'. w. Rowell, killed in Caba; f:t" to the widow ol Oonnuuider II.. nice Rimer, ol tba navy, and f:m to iin arldoti ..f Ooaaasodora O. 0. Badgar, of the navy. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Kritiidi hark Samaritan tailed from Portland Wednesday with 1'Jli, L'.'i! IiiinIicIk of wheat. Mr. Marihla lten"oii. wife of Charlc Baaana, disl at tba family home, three mile eal of Hablimity, on the .'.'ld in!. Mr. lteiiHon wu ii pioneer of IHftl. I'. L. t'ainpU-ll, president of the tnte norma! colleue at Monmouth, ha baan BMetloaad hy many a a uita bla candidate for BOagiaM in the lir-l judicial districl on the daSMCMtk! llafcat W. A. Sconkrin. a well known citiien of I'ortiaml. died Wadaaaday at hi home iii that city. He came to Ore gon in 1K-I5. At one time he was M aged in the utiH-k huine iii Katern Ipeguu. The while men who hava baaa em ployed u ectioii men on the Southern Paeifle m-ar Janctioa anil work leal week. The Junction Time Hay thi i the laaOBd time a failure ha oc curred in the attempt to employ white labor. The I. ne of a man have Ixvn found at the head of Kock Creek, l.inii county, which have been ideutiliisl a the remain of ThoBMH 'l in ker, who had Uvii 1..-1 iu a now torm nine year atio. A kuii near the Imiiikm .mii-.h the identillcation. I.arrv Sullivan and hi yauu ut the Hailor iiariintr houw in Cortland will he hroiixht up with a round turn, (ha Liverpool chamher of commerce i de tannined to put a top to the practice .f "arlwplnar' ao far a itriti.u ablpa are concerned, and a a reult of their effort the lrilih BOBBSla Ml ull American iirt have been intructe. to that tin' ailor (et the amount of money tipulaled in tie- contract STEUNENBERG FOR BRYAN o Investigate Committee Imjnir s Into His Political Views. o SHOSHORd county a hull oh earth Dr. Sanden's Belt Has do equal for the ours of Nervoui sod Pbysloal Debil ity, Bzbaueted Vitaiity, uri eoosle, Premature) Deoline, Losi of .M niory, WaetiDg, sto , wlii li bai lu l u brought about by early Indiscretioni or latj eaoesssi. six thousand gave wi 1 1 i ult teetimooy during L899, Be taljIiHhcd thirty yearn. My Electrical Appliances are a Sure Cure. Call or write lor "Tlircc Classes of Men." Bewaie of others ofTeiiug you al leged Sandei; Belts My belts arc not for Ma e at dfaggistSi l'ut c be had only from uiy own uHiccs run under uiy owu name Addreas, The Dr. Sanden Co., 160 Fourth St.. Portland, Oregon tl. Kopittke For Ice, Wood, Brick, Sand. Wholesale agent for Schlitz Mil waukee Beer in bottles and on draught. 1 clc photic ft Pflias In ihf Senile Indulacs In Strrum, Willi IVvcrld is tba Target for His Rrmirks. Vahinnlon, March IS, At the Ooaaf d'Alene invet i(at ion today SteunenlHTir related varioii talk he had with General Merrlam, The got. ernor aid ba Nqoaalaa Merriam to Qfdaf triMip to Shohom county . there w ,i no agreement with vlerriam that labor eruaniral ion wen' to be broken ni., nor any tnlk of uppr,'iiiin them The governor wa examined a to call on Secrctarv Hoot and aid the litter intende.1 to withdraw the troop from guard duty October 10, Tba governor called to protet aiaint tin an. I willi drawal wa tinallv poatnoned, When Bvlaar relarred to tba "raign ol terror you Inaugurated , ' 1 tba govamot Inawarad emphaticMlly, "I did not in- auiruraie a reinn ot icrror; n na on ite.l for the lat even year." He ai.l further to Mr. Lent, "I know that country ha I n a hell on earth for the lat ten yearn." Kepreentat ive Pick opened redinvl examination when the .ro-.iieti..ii- II'.' CloCll. "Pi.i ..u mpporl Bryan T" aked Dick. "I did." "Would you MipiH.rt him again?" " M. t aaaUTUdly if nominated auain I will IUi pori bun." Pick impiired it Itrvau had ever ex- .... I .1! I ..'f .1... H-"?M-. . ' I ' r ' i l I Ol , e i . ii. - ooufaa. Btauaenbarg ai.l he had never beard from Bryan in prdteai or otharu Ira, "Huh any nr. live vici preiden- tial candidate on I he democratic ticket prole-led tn y,m?" ake.l Pick, amid much humbler directed toward Sulor. The governor uid, "There ha baas no ucb protaaa. " The Puerto In .in BUI. Washington, March :kl. Con.idera tion of the PuaPta Hi. nn hill wa re Hllucd ill the eimte at the concluion of routine bualnaaa, Praetor addreaaing the senate. He ..poke a an unalter able aovonata ( the polley of free trade betaraen the laland and tba United Slate and wu recorded olOM attention. I lurina. I he debut i the Puerto Kican hill, Pettul launched into one of the BJMVS ' mi! peeche beard in the aaata lor war. Re adverted I.. "the wonderful deClamat ion we had voter day from the orator of the Senate Beveridgt When you piet a genuine ..rator he i abaolntaly abaolvad from all rule of ha;ic and common ene. You'll have to nave a caucus on him " (laughter) PettUa aid when the Mater selected a laadaf (or the iraei- ite he did not i lu.e all orator. lie even choe a tiitteriiif man. Hi name wa Moc. but lie wa not an orator. . he Naval Bill Approvad. Wii-l.ii.-i.il,. March IU).-The hOSM committee mi naval ..Hair today ap proved the naval appropriation bill It provide for two battleships, three armored ntUlonfe, and three protected criMM-r. Armor plate fur lnp now u r(i-ii 1 1 y iu in .'I ol armor i au thorized at not asoaadlng t .i paf ton. Manila Hons Kona Csbla. WaahinatoUi March 10. The h..ue bill to pay the Autrnlia and China lebvraph ( o. the eot ol repairing the Manila HoliK KoliK cable cut b Pewey was ordenl r iiiimittisl, Alaakan Ssrvles linprovsd. Waabingtnn March ;" A report ha been received at the i.lolh.e depart M ,-ii t from St. Michael, Alnka. under date of i' I.. . :m. Thi is n (far. led a Hid leal iiiK Kreat iuiprovemelit Hi the ..nn. . a it w.l- hereto!. .re in, poselhle la wet muil from that .t alter He- hrst ol NOVeOJlDer, A to Spanlih 1 itiaim. Hoeretary llav and be Puke d'Areo. tin- Hpaniab hi Iii later here ii...i u protinol eaten. Iiiik, for ix mouth, tin I' red allowed Spallinll reldent ill tin Pbilippina Island to elect whether they hull remain Spanih MibjeetH or surrender their ulb-p; inner and adopt tin- natlonalllv ol thr Irrrilorv in which they reside. The article In the I'uri treaty Isurinp on Ibi Mbjeet al lowed the Spanish subject one year from the dute of the exchange of rati Ileal ion of the treuly within which to nuke their choice I hat 'M.I ex pire on the I lib of next month. The extension arranped for docs not apply to Culm or Puerto Rleo, H i i'oiiIIihhI hi o'rution to the Philip, nines for the reason that the condition in the urchlH'luU" liuve In-cii so BJh Mettled a to warrant the Spanish resident iii hesituliiip to make an elec tion in this important matter. HOIKS AT II I CI. Ah", I! KM I, Command a strung Poalllon and Will Stop H.i liar', Advanaa. New York. March -'Ml A dispatch to ii..- Herald from l.adynmilh aaysi liigjiursis-rp range, ebere tl.. Uoeri have taken a new poaitioa, is hi(h to ward the .,tilh and lorins a nalurul Ualagieal barrier to tiaoaral Ehiller'i advance. Stronp Boaf oiilstM are hovering in the vicinity of Wessel's N. k anil Allan's post. Bobarla at Bloamroiitsln. LoaSUn, March 30. Reportd tbul Koberts will remain at Bloanifoatain another month ure probably inteudisl for liner consuinplion, and the recent movement ol troops and other indica tion point to preparations being well advanced (or a forward movement Ho. r lelcpruiiiH annoiiiieiiiu tie- DOBl. burdineiit of kfaleklng Monday or Tues day do not . lain, any success and hosis are . etertained that it may have i.. . (, u llnal effort to ruiiucu the place before raisiiiK the fJuaga. bum. Bombard a British Camp. Pretoria, March .'kJ. A dispatch Irotn Fourteen streams, north ol Warrciiton, says the It.s-rs on March -M opened a bomhardniaal on the Brltian aamp there. The liritisli i. plied feebly and evacuated the place during the night A Queen's Bympstby. LoBuVoM, March Ik). -Queen Victoria has cabled Lord Huberts asking blui to ounvey to the widow oi uiauural Joabafi her lympatby at the loMei her 1 husband. IHM Must Rule. Loadon, Maah SO. Speaking at tba i brcnkfnt of the liberal ageuts at Nottingham Herbert (HedtrtofM, am .l the late William K. I Hailstone, tad I member of parliament , deelnr.-.! that ' nearly all the lils-rals had agreed in i reuunl B9 the setlleineiit ol the South African oacetlM, I he! it wu tba duty of the ifovernmeiit In RMba ri-currciice of the war ImtUMatbla and bow the world that British .wer in South Xtrna wa pr. lonnnant and that the llritih llait Inllsl wave over the whole ! of South Africa. Kruesr In Command. Brnel, March :kv A private di natch has baM Igaatvad here from t'retoria, which av that Praekieill KrugUf will now take chief command I M the I ranvaal forces. Tns n. is.- Rsslena. London, March HI The Puke ol Norfolk ha resinned the olllce ot poet' in eater aaneral awing to the fa.t that he i going to South Wn.n with the Suex Ycmanrv. A SlHRMK TO DirKAT BRYAN. It Is Being Hatchad In the Brains or HIM and tiorman. Washington, March S3. 'Mutinous democrat and the opponent of the plan to realllriu the Chicago platform are credited here w ith a "clieine In block the nomination of William ,len ii ing Bryan by taking advantage of the time-honored rub' III democrat i. national eaavtutlona which raoj aires a two third vote ..I the delegates t.. select a presidential candidate. aVOWUjl are frauklv inade that al leat one third of the delegates to the Kan as Citv eonvenlioii will go unin atracted ami tbeea will be employed In either defeat the Nebraka man of com pel him to alter his stand on the III to I proposition. It is generally admitted here that this movement can carry weight only if Btcan tuit upon hi I beavaabora ratio," ami with the aid of the gold ileiinsrat who within the lat two week have reiterated their etimitv to the ''hi. ago platform Chuirmaii .tones of the national coin mittoc hi d hi allie, I. re are much eoaaainad by IIm elegit ml mipoeltioa of the . I. ! wiuit to any rehabfTltiition of the sllvet plank, pODUlleni, the Inltialiva and relerandum ami ail such doiirines Chairman .b.nes wa nked II an altcli.pt is lieiug made In induce Bryan to nradlh his views on the Chicago pletlnrm as enunciated In the Nebru-ka resolutions. He declined to state that there was any movement on fisit to ahapa the national platlorm prior t the meeting ,,( the eouventioa. lint the (act thai Arthur Pue to.riuan and ex Henatoi David H Kill are re entering the arena is adding lo I he dis tress of the daCaOBfatlC managers who- waiit Bryan nominated by unanimous vote, tiorman' claim of fealty ure liuik.d upon with some SUSI ll Fnn, and reoeul advicee from New York that David Ii. Hill, the unouen prom icing h. ol the Chicago platform, may go at the head of the New York delegation to the uaeaoerutic convention, give die tine! color to the bellel that either the Chicago platform i to be pushed into the background or that 1 1 r v it 1 1 will have a strong diet ion I., contend with, CLAUD HATCH K0R CONURBSS. Name a Marlon ( uunly Rapubllvani Suoeaixor to Tongue. Salem, Ore., March :m. The Marion county repabiiean eonvanlioa in structed its delegates to the Kirst dis trict congressional convention to work for the nominal .on ol l laud UatCU lor congress. Mr Uatofa ll well known all the oxer the slate; he is a son of It M. I int. h, president of the Oregon agricultural college, and al present Is tlie cashier of the Bush latuk at Salem He is a prouiirtaat Odd Fallow nad a sound gold standard republican. Cleveland Interviewed. Princeton, N. J., March .'III !x President Orover Cleveland was inter- viewed today In regard to the atatereeni thai be i in imur of tin- ruaomlnation ol Brvan lor the presidency, ,tll, Mill vole lor him II he runs again Mi Olevelaad denied thai he had BVOf givi'ii any Mtbofity for such a stale meat. He declined to give eapfeaaion to his Views oil the .ul.jei I, Prensh Vlutury Ovar Arabs. Paris, March :UI An ..III. i.il account has laien issml of the victory of trench trnopi over the Arab army at Inrabr, The Aral, left IUHI killed and ..lie huB drad oouaded ua Iba lold The Prencb loss Is nine native soldier killed, : Wounded and two ollicers wounded Tumuli in ths Italian ( hambar. Home, March .'Ml. I In Ih. on .ident of the ebambei of deputies taking bia seal I. la the extreme leltila raie. a tumuli, shouting "go out" and pelting him with balls of p.p. , Ih,. president was gOBapeliod to adjourn the silling Clsvsland Approves the Treaty. Princeton, N J., March ). Kx Preeideut Cleveland ttslay esnresw-d ap l.roval o I Ihe llav I'auillel. te Iri Blv lor aeUtraliaalioB ol the NicaraguaJi canal Olevelaaa hnped tba treaty would ha ISIIIIKI. Balvaralty Uwiues al London. I guidon, March :MI - The inter urn- vera ity Held athletic guaaaa look place tins aitoruooOi Oxford won six games to four (or Cambridge. THE PENALTY OF MURDER George Webster Suffers Death on the Gallows at Spokane. . o MURDERED IRS. ASPLARD II 1897 Hit Can Appealed to Ihe llallrd SUM So prtme Court Wllbout Avail kt Unpro tokrd and Cowardly Hurder. Ss.kane, Waab., March IM). - ( ieorge Webster Was hanged here this morning f..r killing Mr LlcC Aspland in gS7. He aeada no statemeai on the gailow. Hi ms'k was broken by the fell, titsirge Webster was cotivicteil of murder in the Hrst degree. He was a farm laborer and had RBB several year Iss'ti employed on (arm In different portion! of sp.-k.mit county. In I"'" lie had baM on the farm of the hits band oi the daaaMad Lkaj c. Aspiaml. si a vim I there all night; iu the evening assisted the woman in milking some cows, and in the morning render,! her hue band like service rba teoiaad family llvrsl als.itl four miles north west of Chetiev, rlsikane ronnty. About mi. inighi Mav . ISS7, the arlaaa waa committed Webster bad beeB drinking in Ihe town of Cbeitev the night Is'fore, and when r-l.-r. .1 to leave the place 7 o'ebs k HI the evening by the town constable, was under the intbietu I Inpior. Welwler went to the farmhouse of Andrew tap! and and wa admitted. He said he was bs.king for work and Aspland hired him. Aboul II o'ebwk the family and Webster all retired for the night. The woman and two little girls agist 1:1 ami ii yeeja occupied a I... I 111 the kitchen Vsplund, Welwter and a Isiv of II years ocaaptad a BBS' room adjoining the parlor. Wei sti r got up a lew minute alter and went through the kitchen for a drink of wa ter On return ng he sti.psl and caught or snncocd the arm of one of the little girls, who rriul out and waa frightened. Mrs Aspland told Wei. ster tu leave the r.s.in, and he retired to the Is'd be bad left Mrs, Aspland after this OOCUrTOUOl arose and hs'ked the kitchen disirs, Webster made a second ill tali i pt to enter the kitchen, but loUad the doOta locked. He then deanaadaa hi hat ami isuit. Mrs. Aspland told him to go hack to h. d and that he could get them in the morning He then went around to a w indow of the kitchen, lowered it and dcmainh-d his hat and coat, saving he would go back lo Cheney The woman plai-isl his hal on the handle id a hnsilii and passed it out to him As she was in the act of passing the coat out of the window W'bster -hot through the window with a revolver, the 111 strik ing Mrs. Aepland m the abdomaa ami falallv wounding her Webster then returned p. hi ld and reinaintsl there until arreted Webster was found guillv of murder in the first degree by the atiperlnr court in Heptember, INtiT. The case was carried to the I niltsl Stutes su preme curt, but the ap-al was dis til Issed An Kxsaullon In Montana. lihiidlM-. Mold , March Ml IismmiIi ('. Hurst wu I tislav for the murder ol -her iff poiniiin k Cavunaiigh in I Htm BAKKB COUNTY BKrUBLICAMa. Mast In Convsntlon st Baker (Ity and Name a Tlskel. Itak. r Citv. March Ml Ihe republi can county convent ion tint here venter -day und named nine delegates to Ihe state CUM VOOt iofl and ah, noiu uialisl a full counts ticket -I L. Handall ( llaki'r was chocen chairman and Boy Miller of Sumplcr, secretary. The coliveiiln.il indoraed the St. Louis platlorm. declared for e(Mlllsiou and InqoVeed the administration. The d. legale to the state convention ure lieorge Chandler, Ihomas McKweu, I H llailln . W P tyer, II Bust, A II. Pavis, O. N. Pavls, t). M. liaison, p. Wihot end Peter Has. he Ihe county ticket la iii part as fol lows: t runk I icddca and A II. Hunt mgloii Men- rem. inmate.! for clerk and sheriff res i tivley . ot mteeeal la gigg schools. Berholt Calil , March mi The university ol Caliloruia will ex lend Its MOpa over the entire coast by aeirlit- Ing high si his.ls olltslile the stela', IU .hiding lh..e in Wasbiiigtoii, Oregon end Nevada Hat ... . Neb., M it- i, The Jury ill Ihe II. .ll,., k, r i .. . .i . I . I ii me. I a verdict id not guilty. Death of Archibald Verba. LHtaraaal, March SO. Arehilatld t..rls, Ihe war . orrespoudeiil, .Ileal lu this city last night. fur tale Cheap. Hevun-nsiui house and thret Iota, me lis at lou Impjire at Oliver it Co .a griM-cry, Main street, i'viidletou, lire. '' a, , A colony of et Teumwm an arrived at Arlington leal wea k and will aeek hoiues iii iiilliaui ami aaljoluiug ii.uu- l o s rfgj buggsTr ' M BBi r TttrFvv asajpfiaa jF Ladies Look at our Immense stock of Trimmed Hats and wojkder If we will sell them thil Bt'ttson. Wu cortsinly shall. Prlos is whut doei it La Mode Millinery Pcudletou, Oregoa.