Cleaver Bros. Special for (larch 29. Thirty Dozen Hen's Black Half Hose, regular price 15c; for this day only. 7lc Not more than two pairs to one customer. aver? 50 cent purchase entitles you to a ti :kct on a $500 Piano. 1 ch JT S(cciat next Thursday. April 5. Clsaver Bros. Dry Goods Co Odd Fellows' Temple. run: iY, M MH'll 1, I WO. .1 EFFB1SS-SHARKEY PICTURES. Char.ipien lava a Lady a Tooth Set with Rublos and Diamond. A lu ''. .boss BtlnlnttiM f..r the djysMnl I" ""'i"1 Thomas Slmrkey Hi unbounded, recently begged him i ,r DOM' tr lling souvenir .if the recent rosiest Bl I'micy Island, when .tonic Jeffriei belted h'ni into a condition - Miring hospitol trcolnieiit. Mr. irkej - ropljf wos polftn, Imt evltivi Of! tn lier surprise, and fTatiflltlon, therefore, when she re ceived by sis-cisl messenger un exquisite little jewel Ml inclosing a hniidsoine carfpin, rnnipted of one of the great pugilist - T.-.-tl. ort il it ally u rroti ii' It d iv rnbbie and diamond. Il.ili Milliard, Um actor. figure peoniin 'litly in the picture of the Jeffrii --Sharkey content. He is shown la a anal at the ringside nml his l.'afir-- are 0 cosily recognisable os I ho t the principal themselves. number of other celebrities are tbnwa in the picture, their choractcr-i-tir- mid favorite attitude making th ii, r.' 1 lily distinguishable. . r- arc imw on mile lit Tollman's t h...'s anil iarquet ; "5c dress i iwle. la'c gallery. A Thousand Tongu.s OMlM B B cxpree the HtptaPB of Annie K. epnager, Of lltt llvvr St.. I'lille delpbla, I'o when he found that Dr. KiiiL-' New Dim over1 for (' neutnptiou liad OQBIPlrtall MM ber of a bat king OOUg Uat lor many JMMI ha I mode Ull a burden All other remedies and due Ion 'ii 'l tit Bes m help, hut she inri of tlii. royal cure: "It soon removed the pahi in iny ebe.t aud I ran U' w Bleep tomdly snnietldug I can scarcely re nenbi r l 'Ing before, 1 foal like aooad. in.: :- : raise through. nt tin- uiiiveme." S veil every "tie who trie Ur. King' n- I 'Ucov.'ry for stiv rouble of the Ureal, i lu st or lung. Wlces !HK anil 1. Trii bottle fif- at Tollman Oai drug Mots. I. very bottle guaranteed. HUNDRED PER CENT INCREASE. Lambs Have Good Weather Thli Sprlnn. Better Than Last. S i rf.--t ha been the weather this spring that tie- ii..-r -a t lam!'- 'II i ai least one hundred er cent of the nunilier of ewes. This Is the opinion of u large numher of heep men win baft MM iU"stiolu d on the subject. Lambing ha commenced standi ao far, tilers liaa not been one duv or night when had weather consist the In of u single lamii. I' weather ond i t n m MO radically I front thorn which psarailad a -ir aj i. when there wurcely n lay la wblch Nome loneeii were not BBBtained, the totul inrreae being cut down materially, It i almot to he Baani d that no weather will eouie on later which will eamte any nniteriul we, beuce the peoapaota bahjta Mm elieeuaien, from the atandpoint of the iinreae. are ex'-eedingh bright. CASTORIA " h dBMUi re uf cuu. H Fte In um h niut, nuu tinny ycr, and 7X1 aJ rW Uv Alwayt MangkL fu, 4,1, chp. A mv .. , u block an Kikerve 'Wtti u, t I'mdleUin. Kit HARD LAMBHKCHT. 1 Hull, the ,et and pule "tier, ait v, in., one doe of Foley' 1 '"' and I'ur Piatniad bil voice when '"r-M-ne. tbreatooad to prevent hi l u. at i et.tral Muaie Hall, Ubieago. We have Alarm Clocks at 75c. Eijfht-Uay Shelf Clocks at only .... $2.60. L. Hunziker Jeweler and Optician Coffee Talk Don't be foolish a id pay a rancy prioe for package coffee when you cam buy Cuase ot Sauboru's bulk coffee at the sutue price It goe Ouce tried, always used. CHAS. ROHRMANN, lc A neat for Peadlctou. Dry Goods Co. Thursday, Arrivals at the Hotel Pendleton. I1,' I. Thoiiivut, Ooldandale, B T t'ox. city. A Sniythe. Arl inatoii. Hai ry BlaMinan, Henpnor. .1 t' I.indwy, PortlaiM. I Bynater, Bnokaaa. 0 t'arr. Portlaad. It .1 tutor, Portland. W A Allen, fhicago. Ii c rVtrbaa, Portland. W i Aatrap, Portland, G D Oallay, Portland. (i V llnrri. I'ortlnnd. T Donovan . l, Qranda. .1 II MoOoy, Milton. M II Banarleka, Taoona. V Marl in. Meachani. 1 I. Barnett, Athena. i' II Mrera, Kidue. V D Fleeter, Spokane Gan T Steven. BflokMBB, It .1 Itreen. RpokaM. r B Hoajaneki r. tnokajM. Win Mo-grove, Athena. m Maher. Portland. .1 t" Uoodafa. Oobatn. Id n Koeenfeld, San Fraiieieen, II B Btokara, Balant. T 0 Brodan, Seattle. D Shlllt. Spokatic. r. B fJppMDejinor, Walla Walhv .1 B Nelv, Sjxiknne. ,1a o'Neil, Spokane, sieve Foley, La Grande, c M Smith. La Hranthi W F ISntcher, lluker City, l.uke France, Athena, t'ha l'ilev and wife. New York. Itert St Jolin and wife. New York, (.'ha A Primv and wife. New York !' K Loeb, Helena. S M Hemeuway, Sail Francico. W .1 Kearney, I'ortlnnd. (' ti Sch. 'singer, San Fnincico. A 1. Carlnon, Milwaukee. Cnaa A lngnll, Boatoo. F W Stair and wife. New York. T F Itourke, I'ortluiid. Notice. All democrat in South PandlatO. precinct ure retpeeted to meet at the .1. I'. Medornach building, et ide of Garden tre-i batwaaa Webb ami Kail road xtreet, mi Friday eveninu, March 0, ItBlu, at 7 M o'cl'iH-k for twdeeting candidate for delegate to the demo cratic county convention. T. F. HOWABD, MimiiImt County Central Committee South I'endleton.' Tell Your Sifter. A iH-aiitiful complexion i an im- Msihilitv without gil pure him!, the Hoi that only exit in connection with good digetion, a Inulthy liver and bowela. Karl' Clover Kit Tea act directly on the boMel, liver and kldnaya, keeping them in parfaaf health. I'rice 'Jo cent- an I H BMas, Tullmaii ft Go., Leading Druggit. Notice. All democrat- in Peudleton precinct are rcpie-ted to meet at Handryi hall ii Friday evening March :. 1900, at 7 M o'i lock lor the purioe uf cliooaing Oandidute for delegate to the demo cratic oonut) convention. i. i.u. W. BAKER. Member Central Committee PaMUa ton rVacinat. Do You Know Gooanaaptian ii proven tablet Ikiiann ha- proven thai, and i.Imi that ueglei t in aaicidal. The a oral cold or cough can bj oarad with bhiloh'e Cough and Coin-umptiou Cure, bold on noaltive guuruutee for over flfty year.. Tallmau dc Co., l-udiiig Druggikt. Pandiato.1 - m Notiee. All deiiiiH-ral in Fa-t PandlatOO prec inct are reijiie.t -d to meet at the court boaVM mi Friday evening, March 30, Ivmmj, at 7tao'cdock for the pur poe of cliooking candidate fur delegate I" the deiiiiHrutic MBt convention. iKt. tl'DANlKI.S, Member County Central Committee Fii.t I'endleton l'rei ind. . . - Does This Strike YouV .Muddy complexion, iiaiiMuting hreath come from chronic eoiii i oat ion. Karl'. Clover K...I Tea i an ubnolute cure and lia been old for fifty year mi an ulmolute guarante,-. 1 rice L'.V and KJe. Tallman dt Co., DruggieU. Notiee, Uemoorats. All democrat in North Pendleton precinct are regueted to meet Friday evening, March .to, at half iat iteveii at the otfi.e of btijinean ami fieri' i elect candidate for delegaUw to tin countv convention. A. D. HTILLMAN, Comioitti eujan bflag Down fellll. People suffering from kidney dikeaaee feel a gradual but steady loae of vitality. They should loae no time la trying' Foley's Kidney Cure. It is guaranteed. For sale by L'la Slate. furthei aud makes a better cup. Court Street TRUSTS, EINANGE, EMPIRE o Wtn. J. Bryan Addresses 10 Immense PendletoG Aodleoce. o THE THREE ISSUES ABLT HANDLED Is for Lagititnitt Expansion, for Assisting Filipinos to todependrnc, and Against Prime Monopoly. William .1. Hryan, the enndidnte proepeetive of the demivrrttic party for the preiilcnoy of the BMval Stale. the renter of ntt-actioti i'l t'ii city tmlay. He a T'ved M the mo-c-ing Mala from VoMlntnl at ad dreaeed an ininienee Mdfanta at 10 o'clock, after baiej benaAlnatad iy ! ion" tee of liH-ni democrat, and do partiil at Mm for Valla Walla on the Sikiine train, in charge of a nun I BaittM Of prMJIBMli politician of t ' l.ite of WMbtagtmii who will tflke him on a tour of the principal ! of that tate. -cciiiutany ing M. Bryan froiti Pot land were It. S. Sheridan, clmirincii of the democratic lte cent al eo v miltee. and other We.tern Oreifon daomcrata. When the train BtOMOd at Hie pa--ellger itatiOet there wen' pit", lit to reoein Mr. Hryan a large 0MCOC -e of people, who, even at Ciat ea dv hour, had MMBtbtad to welcome the Nehmkan upon H e occasion of hi IMMd viit to thi place, the tirt being on .Inly It, IHH7. Breakfasted With Mr. Bryan. Mr. Itryan had U'eii nignel tireat Northern "leeping car, and, somewhat fatigmil from the arduoii work of numerous tnaacbai during the nraviona dnv, be remained in hi IhtIIi in the car, to obtain -u I, re.t a he could. The bra-i band wn at the station. The lluktiv iKuple who hud i lidded to catch a glinie of the Nebra.kan a be came from the train wire .Imhtlv liuptHiiuted, but wi H very goi! natiireil. and. realizing the neoeatitl ir obtiituitig all the ret he could, re turned home to await the 10 o'clock addrcaa. The breakfu-t which had lieen et for 7 o'clock at the Golden Knle hotel. was deterred for an hour in deference lo! the vv lah of Mr. Bttm, The table had U-en pre pa nil by Landlord Kohler in the form of a "T," with Mr. Hryan in the eut of honor; at hi right Col. ,1. II. Knb v. and at hi left Lieutenaiit-l iovrrimr Thur.ton Daniel, of the -tale of Wash ington. A verv bountiful repast wa BtrtRMt, and an hour or o coiiMinied in the dieuion of the menu provided, a well a in the dicuion of current political subject, and in conversation concerning the issue of the coming campaign. At the close ot the break-la-t. a painting of Mi f I I , bv a I'ortlnnd artit, Mr. .1. II. Barchu, wu presented to Mr. Itryan bv W. M. Pierce, in an appropriate addre, to which Mr. Itryan responded briefly in expressing his verv sincere apprecia tion of the gift. These were of the breakfast party, beside" those ill ri inl v llletlt hilled : Dr. Mosier, Col, Fritter. C. B. Nash, Thurston Daniels. Thomas Moloney. C. II. tioddard. Kx-Coiigreesman JoMB, Frank BhaTWOod. C. 11. Weltz, of Washington Male Cliairman It. S. Sheridan mid National Couiinitteemoii I, II Townaandi Oi Oregon; und Col. W. F. Butcher, Ii. W. Webb. W. M. Pierce, a. d. Btlllman, I, J. Twrnb, T. i. Hailev, T. F. Howard, K. D. Boyd, J. W. Millonev . C P, Davis, D. II. Watson, C. .1. Smith. Win. Itlakh v . It M. O'Brien, Dr. All heath-, Wa, M.i k, Peter West, Win. Hilton, II. J, Stillman, Churle Willerl, Win. Shearer. John Deathman, Will Misue, J, M. Item h e, D. Turner, Joa Hlakla, lr. II. s. Garfleld, If J. slater, ti. U. O'Daniel, H T. Cox. II. L Ib xter. B. T. Wade. D. Kanlor. N. Barkaiay, jr., C. S. Jackson, J K. Ik-am, It. .1. --later. II. . Moigun, .lobii lloih-y, I. K. Buck, W. ll Fowler, L heek, Leon Cohen, T. D. Tavlor, I I, Hinkla, lb.. I McDonahl,' A. Wad". J, . Hurley, .1. D. Slater, J. II. Plant, .lame l.imlsev, II. T. Con n il, Dave Taylor, William Blaklev. .1. D. Hrow u, James Malum y, J. F. Latbrop, ol Pnnrtlatwi nd otliar Oiaajmi town. During the hours intervening DO taraea im braakfaal and lo o'. loek, when the addre Is-gali, Mr. Bryan de Voted a portion of the time to resting and a part to conversation with the MMnbafl of hi party in this place. Oreaon Tour Has Been Suoeesstul. Aecoiiipaiiv ing Mr urvau Irom WMtam Oregon were . , heridan, llallllMliallll state i I,. i ii in. in of Bmb hliig, and .1. II. Townselid, of Dallas, deiinH'rotie national cotumittej-iiian for 1 1. g .n. Tiiese gentlemen bad met Mr. Hryan at the state line when In- en tered l iregoii from California. They .tati-d that the reception accorded him in Western Oregon was ciithiiiatic, and that there wa no exception at any town. At Salem, ten thousand ix-onle him speak and at other poi.ti the eroarda were ( r..p. ne.i,i to tin siise of the town. The Washington Committee. To escort Mr. Brvan to Walla Walla rame this morning ti e following con miltee of citizen: II. S. Blaudford, W. II Dunpliy, T. M. McKiiinev, J. p, Qabr, N. G. Blahxk, M M God in. in. Win. lioislyoar, F. W. D. May, . L. lb II us. The committee of escort through the -tali- of Wasli ington i couiiel of: liovernor Bogere, Mate Auditor Neal ('beat ham. and Ooenaeiaasoasfff It. Bridges, State Sujd. . H. Brown, Democratic state lasraiary Thomas Mal.iiiev. Kx-t 'ongressiiian W. C. Joui i, i ..I. W. Fritter. 0. B. Nash, I rank -berwissl, Harold HookaT, Kep reaeutativc Welter, Dr. D. W. Mosier. The parly proceed from Pendleton to Walla Walla, to I lay ton this evening, thence to Spokane, stopping at towns en route, to ISeattlc and Tacoina, to Portland for April 4. ah Immense Crowd. In soite of the rain which fell steadily all the forenoon, the ware house III which the meeting was held was closely packed by ople, end when, at 10 o'clock, Chairman Pierce iuiiodnced the iieaker, there was a ea of i.i . .- before him, an audience which no one estiineUni at less than SIKIO, end which iiic iv cou iUl t not less than 4500. it was by far the larujst audleuce ever asnemblvd under a roof lo Pendleton or Eastern Oregou, tor tin t mailer. Mr. Bryan eras accorded a Hat ten no reception. His address was froouciitlv tu in ' n 1 1 d by applause. Ah he drove one. ihe points, the crowd oil. n iu- terruptisl him with laughter in appre ciation of hi witty hits, or listened with strained ear a he utleted BMM sentiment in ehspient languaite. Mi. Hryan most interesting re mark were on the subject of the I nerto loom tartlt il I now iielon I'linitri'in. He showed vividlv how tin pi-esident and his cabinet offlceis hud pronounced for fni trade with I'ueito Kico, aud then lsen whtps?d over to the tnrin position liv the trust, icp ri entl bv Mark llannn and other trust servants. The address covered the three sub jivt" of trusts, flnaiice, and InporhU f I III. ! - -. m. S 1111 i i III 1 I 1 llirism , ,1,1, iionu nuiiii' i n z the lat two as correlative, the om going with the other. Hi address was in his ciieliuisiv vi go. mis s'vle. Then wa no ni'nch of words, nor yet was the c um' evidence of bitterness t ward i' oe w io fol lowed lira linrtf of toe oppoe't o . He B sOdrod bow, at M t:me. bed the lepuh can p e:. cm nroisis Nt a v re . lv in i e i ui seo- jwt, a n! !" ' 'd r'-o t, r funt ro reonol ic i.i o- ev) V ir v . . d ever come iv s1 .i i' . es o', oct, for h nawll, s .c . e. I o t e ,s.ists Hi s toe reoii c ue it o.' e nnce of a f.i'c ;'l lice IBB fo I o o I rM to do bos MM n IM est." e IM i that n wnich it m o i. M xivl, t e It uaace !' sec. I 1 ce be ."! in d t ocist U"ia I e ee ,"ir t II I belt I I M i pliisl w i ti i o -i , i t.t lew . H in ii -on atn osion v ara ii ci'e ' lie deuo'iuci d iBBBJBvt.'" 'v.. r ii ii" ui i t ie seveicsl tei u's, r k,iirvt ti e r vicious tc i dene'es, in . h ;c to the repuld'c. I i. iea. He s n i at ' e C d '.but ie was not i fi vo o( Ih't i of it y i.' i'- : ii if lint W ' e i'i'. t i t. o c to .i s nit en lird co ne oadn ' proiMl oil it ic.'o.i of iba Bnaelab i' . b.'! i t he f.ivo cd fi nwin: i i ii o i o k oi t M i nra lanit bm. dt cc. i con i', "ilka ii e c brnl e . '' 10 i -e i " on ii Wo. i s. o' a : d s. to Oil ii. I o ( l , orul a '.I off. ' ". I n I .i qm i ic o i i 'i a, l e c o. d y .id a, cot i'i g just 'wo ' ot t, dc J w i i i e bud i e1 . i'"e tin divde.i i i'o.i nl lee liitge ion! :e n e. Ai o ce L d' i tie spec'al I Bla, W' i I'e mini ill neeinen I'creioui e nen.'o ml. he deiiai ad lor Walla Walli . i m - A Balloon That Msv Be Steered. This latest invention in the wav of airship i attracting great attention. I lie mot womlertiil Hung 80001 it i it aimplicitv. It i proisdlcil bv a -mall double patrolenn motor, similar to that usml in iiutiiinobiles. Oi.linarv coal gas can take the nlnce of hydrogen for the purpose of tilling the IuiIIihui, as oiilv mi hour i reqinrmi lor int work with gas whereas hydrogen takes a iliiv. tin iiiscoverv oiigtii io make the road through the heaven a free from danger a doe Hoatottar'a Rtomach Hitter the road through life. Hehiud it lie ti ft v vear of cure- Weakne, indigestion, dvspepsiu, de bility, nervousness, const i pat ion , ma laria, or imv disease ariing Irotn a weak toniaeli cannot vv ith-tati.l it. It i an excellent - pong tonic. K0 MORE DELEGATIONS. Indian Commissioner Discourages Junk eting to Washington. No more delegat ion will go from the I'matilla reservation here to Wash ington to Interview department oAciali mi issue pertaining to the Indian affairs. It ha Im-cii customary in the past, periodically, for the chief and headmen to raise money among the tribesmen, proceed to the natioiiiil Mplti I, swell around there a- painted helm - of the western plains, and as specimens of pi mr l.o, the dow ntrislden Indian, be feasted, feted and coddled by M'llt I mental lts of the east, Illlike desultory call on the olliciiils at the department of Indian affairs, aud then ictlirti home to the reservation hereto await such time, as, through the gullibility of the men com mis ing the Erlbae, they may again raie money for their eastern jaunt. At the present time there ore in Washington two delegation, one con sisting ol rani Sliow-a-way, accom panied by legal counsel, Col. William 'arsons, and another, Chief Pen, each of which went ostensibly, and 'rhaii really, to influence the uclions of tin officials, hut inciilelltall V, iiImi, to en joy the pleasure of Wahiiigtoti for a season. Thut their visit are proving truitb s" is ev nlelieeil hy u telegram received lu re bv Agent Wilkius, ol tin reservat ion. Mr. Wilkin had been requested at u recent iw-wow to ui OOmpany Chief Young Chief and N sdiirt to Wiishingtoti, and Is-ing ih -in. ii- o lol low ing close I v tlie w i of the department had telegraphed i i mi m is loner .lone lor instruction Commlaslonor Jonee replies: "Wisi no delegations to visit capital fn in reservations. Submit all grievances by letter. 1'roUipt .ill. nl h.n will hi paid them. ' ' This telegram sgwak for itself, and indlcule that those w ho huve gone t Washington have accomplished not Ii ing, while thosr- who have written letters, while imtIiop tln v have ui i ompliiheil no Inure, have, at least, uc oompllabad as much u the aiiuting chieftains. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Catarrh ie one of the nioet obstinate, and hence the nioel dillluull to get rid of. There is but one way to euro It. The diseaae is in the blood, und all the prays, washes and inhaling mixtures in tlie World call have no permnneiil afloat whatever upon It. Hwifl's BM aiMMMg Catarrh ermsnentiy,forlt is the only remedy which can reach the f lift SIT and force it from thu blii. Mr B. P. Mb a lllatar. of HBrrodshnrt. Ky, had Catarrh for years Hew riles: 1 ouuld see uu iuitiroveu.iil wlisirvsr, Uuush I wee constantly liesiad with .le.s .mi W..HU.. nun niiivr- em luheMii- n uedlea lu feel. I colli. 1 ItM-l Uiet seeli winter I was who en lli li. i . r r I ii s 1 1 y at I Lrouaft.t U ii, y n u t U.i aim i ;, ui blfMafl illave' . afid etftar itiliit li.K Y.-r thu uiattttr, 1 tMiw It wiui ij'jri aMiiinhlt 6IpMl tU bfl " iirrj b riii'tiifc iii ch out 9 rtawclit-l thai r .flu r 1 tin !i dffitliil to try .S7m . und ftftarr f-w U.iilrri wre uitd. 1 do- tlcd ev rrrotiltt!f lsDDrOTMll. :-i. 1 1 nuiliaj the rruitxty, thtj dia-,Mt wavai forord out of ini ytaU-Ui, ftlid B eompl(4 Our WaVA Hit ft-nult. 1 A'l V ines Mil VslO hV thlB drfsWlful (DaaUnVMB to ftbaiudou U.lrlo4-atl LrtfnMiiitffit, wtilch has ni'Vul 0OM theu any good, nd Uk I N. h rviu bdy ttiton i tiAcu thu tii-am Ajitl cure it." To continue the wrong treutmriit for dtturrh is U continue Ut lufft-r Hwift'tf ttpecitio iti a ret) hloixi remedy, und cures ohtttiiiate, drf-iutetl iliM-.itn, which other remedieii huve no effect vAlmtever upon. It proinplly rnachev Caituxrh. ana never fttiitt to cure even the most aggravated caaee. for DIaai I TU.. I Villi II I sssFanaars I ut; aiuuvi ie Purely Veuetobie, und is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mailed free by riwin Upeciile Owuipany, AtlaoU, Georgia. c c c THE MARKETS. Slight Change In Wheat, Farmers Still Holding for Better Prless. I'ortlnnd. Mar. b ie The Commer cial Uevirw ti.hiy in Its review of the market for the past week soys: The Portland market shows no change, either for the lietter or wor.e. A few .null I parcels of whent have changed hand on the basis of ex porter' limits. The general disposi tion of holder i7i Whitman, Walla Walla and I'matilla counties, when most ol the surplus stock is lielil, is against marketing this month or tie month of April. Many Isdieve. and are sincere in their talk, that then will I" a more favorable market ditr ing May. A representative of the He view bus been through these counties, and we arc unable lo tlml out on what hoi' these farmer" or dealer" bai their claims, all waving the market w ill lie ronger iii May. A great many ere deluded with the idea that ship- will then I' mine plentiful, and hlwners will reduce their asking (Igui cs. Quotations cover n wide range and price ure from Wt to Mtfjc per boehel to- I Inn; Valley, , ami Ixlai Mem. ;i lo Mc an Mahal. The loiter figures no doubt ore for No. I over pounds. Wheat In San Franelieo. Son Francisco. March Trading in wheat for the week ha bBM "iinilur Nl all lOSMnli to what hu Ihsi-ii re isirtml for soiiu't itne. TkeJ w heat inur kel i dull, and cxirters are doing very little buying, ami llgnre for it wheat have again been reduced BO elf par cen al Not having anv s'eial waul- to snpidv, the exisirting in- laraass nave larnaly bald aloof, showing marked indiffen lice olsutt new bui- ne. In the absence ol buyers or of any ludiMrMl important export de mand, prices necessoi ilv were agiiin-t M'Per. vilio. howevi". have not pressed sales, and showed some limine". Bone trml ing in the sample market is. ol courc, voing on cotil inunuslv. but it preeauts natural akin ton re- tail character. No. I shieping sold to Bbl . mill ing. 117c to l . I'he "is'culal ive market w a not more BCtlvs than during the preceding week. Ollt oil Wllllt In- 'ii, W II lll'Colllpl llled price were fairly teady. Crop condi tions are without viiil change at the moment. Iieiug liivotoble lor u heovy 9p. Avalleble Wheat Supply. New York, March 'M, Brodtrei t' report the fellow ing change ill the wheat supply for the week: Rasaeli Wheat. Palled BtSlee ninl I'snsils. es.l of lbs Rorklee, nerresse MfkOBB kasat (nr h nil lu Kuril). Increase ... ... Tolel supply, .litcri'SM' MMBJ Wool In Portland. Portland, March t Wool -Valine, IS to l.'lc for coarse. Ill to IKc for best; Raatern Oregon, HI to I.V: mohair. 'JO to h .r ponnd, Wool In San Pranclseo. San Francisco, March Lib -Wis. I Spring Nevada, to I.'m' ; Faslern Oregou, ll' to Hie; Volley, Oraa M IO BO. Foil- Northern, I mtoiii. 10 to IBs DSMntai., a to 0c; plain, B to Hie iliimisdili ami Mendocino, it to I'm' 'r pound. Local Market. Pendleton dealer are paving the fol lowing prices for ranch and farm pro- does : Butter, - ii per roll. F.ggs. Ilk' par Potatoes, noc st sack. Parsnip, rsk1 pat sack. Cabbage, I par 100 p.illlids. Turnip, 7oc laT 100 miuiiis, chicken, H,m ,., a t . hi psf doaan. I in . k -. ft par dnaan Live turkeys, 10c -r p. und t im-sc, fill st iloxeli. When you waul BMBBthhuj to heal u burn, or o sore, or a cut, why not try Banuar Balve, which i guaranteed the BOSi healing ointment in the world. I or sale bv I'la Slate. WW V! v. V . Don't Oroak! hIhhiI )iiir hIIiim mIm luritiK tin m YiU i nn ViilU UU III l) ll. uitl --. n. lull, -i'i"-' ') n Krratt ..--. .'i i.. 1 llkf om Bluo Ribbon Saraaparllla Nov 1. tlii1 Unit' lo iK'ii mi l ti l your -triu uf all impUntllM iltal will Ijiliiai j tjsi lisitn nil III tlatani a, ajifilt, 1 In utnal I alii , ttt BROCK A M0COMA8 llrusseii.l llilisrsilli Ouilles. Oregon Lumber Yard .si: 1. is l.uiiihcr, l.utli, ShiiiKlcti, BuildinK Hupcr, Tar I'm per. Mi 111 1 liiiKH. Pickets, Lime and (icuicnt, 'Kb uud Sand, Suhh und DoarM, Screen l iiimai WindowH, Terra Qltu l'iK. Borie & LiKht, Prop's Alta St , 000. Court House. NO MORE KLONDIKE THKHK'ri .11 'MT ONK I I.A( K you ratio tfft at oml hUsiru im al Ml sUU atl.itr i ont, and llittt In Ml Boedooka's Maw Oafa. Mslu Ml., uusl door lu r.ini'lu Hni kUrkel V.'l aT 'On. bbsobb Surprise Sale No. 146 Friday, aaroh 30, and Saturday, Maroh 31, wa will rtl Kid Gloves and Shoes 51.25 Kid Olove for 79c, n .1 m of 46c. Tail, OtbeOOd, Mode, llreen, Naoy Blue, In sires ft, tH, HVs, fl, 7, 1 and " Not more than two poire to one srson. $2.50 Women's Shoe for $1.07, a saving of 93c two styles of Shoes go in tld Solo A patent leather laced shoe with French heel, plain r fancy vesting top latest stvle, In different widths, slee :i to 7. A kokdaoaaa Donajnln Lnead ho. with stviish vesting top, all sizes and w idths Onlj two iairs to one person Thoan Prlooa aro good for Those Two Daya Only. New 5apph Pulley licit In white, tan, blavk and srev. Two new lot of Shirt Waists lust to hand Nsw Oiess (loods, Silks and trimmings Arriving dally. We shall be eipiolly happy to linv v mi visit our store and BWBalai our great assortment of Spring Merchandise, whether you eofta ti buy or on a visit of Inspection In either case you will he BE tanned every cmirte-y. Shoe Store 71ft flaln St. Dry timid 71H Halo St. Clothing 710 Halo St. .;v nis Htiitcrick's Patterns. Sporting Goods.... Bprill i-- licre, nod we bntra prepnmd to meet the demaml for PihlU Tickle, BtMbsdJ OoodtV Mtrblcs and llitm- mockl, 0r line Is tlie best cvci ahOWfl in the city. 7 1 5 M :it it Stici t Minion ihoprj) Piiiod potfincv, Li rinoi, NiHht'ttimii, 8ttsirmntorrnoaa InfiimnM, Vnins m aiitri, r i uninni. bj miinui r.mmnin, nrnt tine 4, nirvnui was hl'Hy, Hil(1ncna Unfitting t.t Mfirry, ovja of pVej matrt, V im oCflB Of t-Oft IpjllOft, attirKI QuitMnniaa of OinV iTf 1 1 Churaf, for Nor VOUsI TMUcTllnslOf y.llijX Li J iTriri Audri. Hill h I.K H V 1 AI.I.M AN ai Ml, I 100 Per BHWTtT VsSnl aV sfenMnVnanMnm. 1 w m1 PETAtUMA INCIBATORS. W TliU niv MM " kajr-f H-.lut- n lfi'flli'H tu ImbTbT Kir .oi l iti.iir.lnrt' hit" aLa tr.iy aiiid 11 r Uaur luiOsruvuiuouU WimmL T Pi'i '3.u) jatawli'Billiii Hotel Pendleton J. B riOORB, Proprietor .saaaaBJLMii i 'ana. ' rsaffiannM Mr BlRH ' StrUtly flrat-clasa 5uhatantlal Comfort.... t stclknt Cuisine. Hverv Modern Convcnlriicc Best Hotel in list client Sample AMIiKICAN IM.AN. 13.00 ry .nJ i:P.rd. ' 4f '1 I SaaWjsfcblC-SsBBrBSBBMBManMansLaa! gnVaVv wrlrLiir -a:seSS, rTyfflJL THE PORTLAND I'DKTLANH, ttWKUON. SpeKlal Hataa to Uasteru Oregon people visiting Portland. rlaaaVusrters tor tourist and tomeaei tlal travelers. rl. C. Manager. Byers' Best Flour... To ruake nood bread use Byers' Best Flour. It took fiiat premium at thu Chicago World's Fair, over all euro peti tion, and gives excellent aatiaiaction wherever used. Every sack is guaranteed- We have the beat Steam Rolled Barley, Seed Rye aud Beardless Barley. Pendleton Roller Mills W S. BYEHS, Prop. Tin- Blue Front Curiti Lost anhtid ejs. la and. I.,. r. 1 1 1 Bittimi BamrO, 4, , a ... frw mro, On I. IC I l.t J I I s . I V I I I ( N , OHRfiON. Cent. Hatched. to a rwent halelilns: cmlesl In which there wereoTsreUOUtaieOki hsn ii wee im prr reei. la ISnesns with OlveUa a Trial.... Hood 5ervka 1 ...licit Koonta. Wales $ j.oo.... far Day... Eastern Oregon ktooms In Connection j. fJfrM Bran, Short. Peed, etc