Boys' Suits... bov never looks brat clothes clothes" at We $1.50 a Suit, and upwards. Now is the time to huy while our stock is new and the as sortment Complete- l11, nr A fMM for a Gold Watch is given ttn every dollar Ti! Mnet lit w Clements &. W !son. TIU'K-IY. MA BOH DAILY. WEEKLY AID 8DH-WEEKL1 ft T M . Puhllahlug Company. Bui Orcjconlan re.sDLrroN. Dm coj w - Bu '" 1 U ; am wuin Oa of, a fl baa ... mi mammt THai i.a.nniii f.Nf .. I r a a . . trruea a SaofT' Oa' ' 111. I. a caw ...i -aiis. 1 ManiM a APVPPTMTN .' ; i .'iih.i. . Mbrfl " pope I. Ill (Ml" III-. (I... iW i Bi Dun The Standard i the lati-t new in nt H ran it mining rounirv It i- pal lotted at the new town of I.anmn. (irant eoiinty. fcjr Frank 0. Hull, wh" I alao pnhliaher of tin M i It-.:. It ia now known that Helen t . . . ia eontrihuting to the iBtoaon I nine or ten abaplala in the Dnitod Stales army in the Pbilippl Holoo 1.1111,1 ia never alow in tllltv lie aee it. If President MrKliiley dOO'l NO) :i sharp wateh BoOgh Rldot U MOTall may run for preiodent in IMOaftOI all Mr. MeKml just at tlii stand lor protection time I-ilnvilif ii great many sound inoney men out td the re puhliinn purtv Hut Mr. MeKialo) know they will not g.. lo Ilryan ami he (ear nut. ( inner 1 1 (111. is oin.lisl us "isiil.lil it with pride" to the (act that in ha- Inn a trihV more than H' men .1 in regiment in h.-pitals in Manila, and claim (or tin climate ol the Philip pine many advantages from a health standpoint. Hilt it i- plain to be MOB that (itmeral Otis ia not mnainini there (or hi lieulth ontireh. Rev. Charles W. Sheldon, the MM who made a (uilure trv.n.' r a pur a Jeu would, ha- ' a aelery of fl.'i.tas' a I-.-come an tslitoriai writer on Kb Ro York Journal und rolltood it. It arm to be exai'ted that w In n li. - -I.,, dou went into tin- si - j i - a kmol now' IHtlair huaiii.-ss hew. -ul, II nil tail aide to thorn who had le-eii aiiecvtmlul in that line of nOWOpOpor work It is somes hat of a relief to have the assurance Iron, the I'ortlan . irrani that "William Jennin-.- B rj ... will not receive one cent (or i i-spet-chaw in I'orlluud " Hi riirsr, ll ha- last'lt pllhlishe.l far and aid turn Mr. Uryau Lit- been mihI i..r making silitica! speeciie. Init nolasly hut n ensas la-tween u holiodspap and a public thiol, or the Limi man ol some gold corruptnl nOWOpapOl Wtt 0001 tool or knave enough io belle It lot one moment Tlie new HllAlieia' l.'.w w '" .ulln t an inen-ase in tin- oireiil u oi natiouul latnk lo 1 eateiK oi . IS... I a a . ,....1 ....... .. .1 wv.ww, 10 1111- MTTI'1,11 III the trvuaurv anil h tUUipUoHOf ol tin currenet sier lo in, reaae tin- pn -eni Volume of eirrtilatioii to tin- euorn. Ml atlin ul 1-t.kl.lMi if'i will, in I'. . . - ...- iron, toe urn, mat tin t m.n 1 eonanler it neceiaiary Then-was glk I that "Ire coinage" would hrliuj about anera ..( inllatio... and. luro. ,v l- ; mm "f U- r.tiou.ii. 1,-m ,.i u.,- tentioii, "Irt-e coinaue" wa- v.ite.l dowil, hut iree coinage w.un.l net. r have bmugltt thool any m l. kuBatioii it .auaaiklas .1.. O.I. I - - , ,., ,I IF ,. ,llln confers power upon H (ew men 111 which there i wr.ut danger to the m- lereat .,( the Ameri. ai, aooulfi. li .... lien, an Is-otile J 111. nation wa- . . . ...... , in 1 uooei-tioll Willi Irw cuiuage oi ailvttr il is a had thing in cunuection with almost u in-. IMM "I ' auk not, - Mm. tile 1 1 1 1 1 y ipu -li.n neacti cally ettled hy the passage tiir.niKl emigre uf tiie laaaeial bill Um opooa aitioii to I'rt-aidfiit McKinley adinii, latratn.ii ami his roiioioimitioi, ami ie olection has greatly laHMMl und ap-isar- to la- Mltlpiyiag On all aide the impression i. einib urouml t iitit Mr. Mckinley stand- (or DliiitarUni aud hanerialiam; which means "eartli hunger" .,. ,i- ,. withiUndmn hu coined phrtuea, uch us "mareli ol "'" ".id deaitint. . - - . , ... .vn,, ins ta, tl... ,U,L sf. - . . ti I to. puilllf i,., aatlailcd and ia buing aruu-;l pitwlaini, in uitem,.,,,,. end i not he ' "' -s o manly as when be .- in his i to sell hoy- 'best are prepare Court and Cottoi -vood word polhie. Mi "host Hi" r""" j arc In-ginning I" 'eel their heart, that Mr. MaKlnle 1 th lootler i,, .. linn I In trice to tvraniiv m; WW lattto ore Ineteed oftlaWohloMl still "divine rL'tit ol kinsr.' the new OM o( Hi1' 41 1 in r",jiit I'M' dollar." unnii MeCli . I. Mm i I Inn. a hi 01 I IWI. Ol the e;il it (or the war, Li ii a ( .'i.y- m." ' caai! himself 0 iieiii" intt in tin- roalirtoMano ' a stand i iil' iirmv ill tini" nf peiire. large riiniigh ami ih Inrycr. than MM be arpatwlad in 'inn1 ol war h Oaak tirat IImoI dtM Ilmwi MIMftl '" bold off a toelgn ( until tin- toton : am i"' mganUad i" ouMi'llalo the! second I in". This is tl nrroet theory f,,r ni; i,( tin1-" iiip wsl tn inilimrisin. It ia trui- that tin demand for a hug 'landing annv in til f pM M frimi the officer win. vol Id be bonadtad ; Iran Ihc privileged ehMei ni .. ... .. pr,.(,.rmctit to their MM ii, ul danahien fnun BTjraitlnw it. ,,, ntfaniaed aapltal wbick deelrei u . alntalnad at the poo uieg ,.v, iur it- nrotoetion In ti ol dloeoaiont, oni,iruni' ti that it My have every : BSD) Oil it- itreed and .itiiv it- daaloa. TOM La JOHNSON foh chairmas. Lodi- Puet'l iaair, "The Pontic. -.iv-: "We luuutaea the wladow lat WOll Ol the Verdi. t ill POffilnOlUnj 'X- t'onure-Miiian Ton, I.. .I.ihiiaou, of 01 lo, bronairmaa "f tin-next uamoenillc national roinmitiee. II .I...I li..... fl,.. Ii. .11. il.t.t i . ill III.. .ur,., t,, M. H, more than a uvni"tioii ..; the .-f.! . ho"er. 1 up with characteristic lorce. ul Jobnaoo ii mU I 'Be i- BWan ol Raaaa in every line1 I ,ree HI ol each political rillainv hv the Idack Kliow wny met are i, ne h.-iiouiii'-s i '. ... m .. I. 1 lamia is h ..nt to in- tli.-u. as (.nil. and in all his civic reln . re- .I.ihns.,1, knows Hniiim. tion-. wliether a ofliee Indder. isditi- nml can el tiimt.. In. 1 letoat iliL' Haima would U- m. novelty to .loliii- - : lli- I as ll.- i (Hill la'iore, laiio mi Pol itics and liiisiness. and la-ateti him a- tint as a laid "i tbrnipo. And Jmb oil's lb only lllllll who ever thus dusted the llui'lia jacket. ThereloTe, cull alohneOO to the cuinpaigii liridge oi tin dosMoaaop. He baa btalMt eoaron and an iodoiuitaide boooi he bai tin luree ol a storm . and he will not m' rafebadi Iken woaw ! b "-tllte steal lll.-'MiV HaaOa With John soil sot oppoaitfl lo phlj the came. Johnson lius u genius for the esoeatlw, and n prompt Intelltwsuei thai come in on time. II ull dewoerat i.U'l la-en J dMaaaoa Hen r.utier ajld haeo found no oppirtunity to any: 'Tin 00 racy is like ii BMO riding book ward in a enr-iage: it never see. u i thing until it'- hv.' I'm Johnson in eoUimnnd He i- one o( tile few h". with a doilhle .wer to rally men ami money, would wartini neither -ana iiisiant. eonplete, aneetive ne ("r both. Jobaaoa ii control would Bteon loost I., . till who. Hut it 1 pears linn u,;. ooailoaitoo of . Itlllal have hi-en Well eolisiile le: -I 'llj, 1I1-II -1 1 1 Is'.,,'.- tile niioie t wiblle. Either the) lu t a- . i. I l li national oao'tOI. ; HI011 cjirieaiaimlent of the " " ' " '" ' '"'o ' "' . ,"' ""' . - Hint- "tn report 1.. Jollo-nii mat I.' n- ' The '0l Chicago Cli Waahiogtoi Ciiiea.'. thai Tom rbaiinoa ol Ibe l''u cm- n-.t n 1 """ """ e.ia' if ol the li,.. .mi '., l-ll f l,l.-oil a IIH'llltL' ol .(lV tl ni"" 1.. rtemoorati In Waahlagton, Jobo well kaos 11 rn the national eotiiial ami Im- tuaut ('ionila hull MUatO ami Ih.ii.i-. His eaiiaeilv (or t.oik hla sainiiiHatuanalaa. I ( .I.....U. Ill .. f 'l " ii in 01. ro 1111,1 oiree are qualltie that r.-eommeiol kill bight, (or the loadotohip ol the party, ,' and Mr, I. roi !, T' , SL "''"""' '- ... Ii . .1- ., ill Oulieuw convention - 1 - m inatiou ol tin- .M'll Tl tills i-kaii BMntioO of lohnaon'l nan., 111 ..It ll.... 1... I . k 1 - ""V -. IMIW-ter. .. . ,,. , ' ' "I'- "I ,., Ill-, 1.. Sol ,,:.i". I rmte't the iioihWii i..o 1 0,1 In- 'v ' V " wiUlawJ. -ion, ,.. m, ,,, . ' 1 "! .' ''' ,.l" "", ' i."- I" la- eliiiii iiim-e lit 1 1 1 tttr limi lo lu ehairuian, with a Inoapaeitated Hal 11 ..,1 101 I '- c'ii.-i W hen tin- iil,jeet otJoboouu' nhairtaaaahip warm liuaod to him. it wa coupled win. the ttltenieul that the movement .ne,! will, watem danooraa, umi .oiitemiilatetl also the elimination oi the tilvor plank from the utioool plalltirm. tiov. Sloiie tlii.reiiis.ii gutt out lois inlert ieu : "Some gort ol a MhMM i on fiait, although 1 um ot aide vet 1,, iav el acllt what it i. I i,,(or' that the end winch the l',i li,,r ami lluekiier demo, crat arc trying to attain i Hit-capture ot tin- organ iaotioa ol tin party. Their scheme steins In K- to gel i,,t,, the con vention as il. -legale, and hv adroit RMaioalatioo control 11- maiiv ileleaa Hoi,.- a. ,ssiiiie, with the ultimate oh- J."-I ol com, oiling tl,,. OMVOation and oapturini the national euniniittee. met win be h.r Hryun, hut thev wunt im orgaulaation. epeoklng (or myaelf. w.iue t am vert clait to see the I liter uoo inn Kiier ilemnerals who .1 leaert. d toe pariv 111 Ma. colne hack to it, pn-mi for their return. 8o Stone' obiootioii t .immn'ii. 'nml hi- attempt to make it appear that Jobnonn i qui aaeuoi loheaei f lMti ,,( the I'almer-P.nrkner o.ntnitfon I to Ml Into the saddle again. WOO Id 1 have creator weight if he WOW BOt him- !a, !f a oiuidldate Mr the ohoJnnanship lor ita eiiuivalent. It WOOW Mft Mrtlll ..,.. if ln own tl'lellM ' the revolution i i"'1" m '-h'' ','". rrntie luirtv wen- nntarniaheil. Hut Ma attitude at the BMOttng ol the MthUMI tmntnlttM nt Ckkogo laat mbiimt wii i,v I,., mean roleolatad tn gire him to eonndane of donoonrti who wtm t" keep their purtv in the radieal eourae it a-t odl "l-'ii f""r year atfn. Then are ao few millionaire- wKo are alo dovtftod domoWOtO, that it i not ranarkobl that Jotaaaoo'i djjo fion t" domoofocy boo Id be doobtod mnrely baoOOM Im i- h millionaire. Vol htaVWjr fiirnih"- parallel-. IM .1... ul.,,' are la-at iieiniailitol with r a i ooon'i r rd woo that hi doinonracy i mad t" tin re. It i not of t'l i ehe lnggvn ipoew. " dot tint rnnM in uaotatlooly woof- lingaollcd linen and bllotrtonoljr drink In mieelinoom whikv. It ia ( aindtd in principle. It ia nidloal. It .- to the nait. oaon ia a rodlcol I democrat ol the Llneoln tort, Thoofh I lirii a nlnveh"hle. he iiovertheleaa la- . - m the equal rtflrt of all l,t.-. I.ri.wn. vellnw nml niai'K. ne w ilemoerat '( the dclaratlonoi-lB' jene tK , and in all hi BiK ralotlon l i- oomooroey i htoobnrt in, I mm new Nor i be "Biuohy" III... . ...J I ' tt . al' ilt it III- ilelina'ruoy i ri'inii. rn- nol only known what denoerne) i and. trnttlns It, want the people to enjoy it- hiinya, hut he know how it ran i. I and is at oil time and onder all clrennMtance willing and aaaloM to help, If in bli btialaoai dealina he mav nt am time h.n. keen aecored of reonrtina i.. tl... nri- of the nio!oMit. that I b - taaa be ntoko a aleor dmlnetiofi between thing aa I be are and a- they . Bftht t" be. wl ear wowld ! rieli in the-e lav- miiat resort to the art- of the monopolist, No wicoaaalnl hu-iie man i free of that mint. The ml issue is not whether n man if a monop olist .,r trie to lie one. hut whether In, fro- to iH-rn'tuate the condition- und institution tliut make the art of I the BOBOpolhrt prime eondltioM ol btnlneoo oaooeoa. Oa tin- ieooo John son'- skirt are elear. He rooliOH that i with things ol they are a veritable ear I of Jnwernanl i puV-ing over the wrltb , ing m i" of mankind, ernthing them niidOT it pondernoi imlk. He kaowi thar Ihll might not to b, and he ap paali to the people to atop Ita He offers to help thetU s(n It. lie endeavors to stop it. Inn he n Ittae to he ertislied. "Bu long a- yon allow tlii infainv." he exelaini'. "I liall try to net a ulor on tin car inteud of under the i' i i . bat I will kelp you t tin- whole thing." ebollah Ton Johnooo hu i!"t plane on the ear. a eomfortahle one a such place 0 hut from tlii point of ndvuntage In- i- doing all that one man can to binder it aiunlaroai prano . in hi baainoe life, that i. Jobnaoo takes advantage of fotulitioiis a- they are to Hulk" inonev. Hut he doe liao hi own lon-eience ien inroll the intelli "" " . eo. rui o.n . ... ... 11 '""1 lllv iiooisir.ii. ....... i. .....r t..... .. foster fortune made tire Isclietirent. Ho knoWl the condition are foul, he Clal.. aCltator. or sllllple VoliT. lie MISS Maud - ' ir.-.ege Street. U A rfttee i I uuu Isreii amn.1 yc (or over u t ear with me .flu 1 if. am', tnuamm.iiiun I . them foi anything. lot! gtvun nit mr 'iiflere i-llioi. were like Usui. f t liv mr.u'.in-tl mv rvrs hi Ol ami wore for aonn til iil not beaeea nit- in the d with an . .1 draadra at 1 couli'. l'liv lii-iju , . tea tin-; IomL Mt lothor tloirrd me lo writ : m aad eanhfta the oo to Ir R V. litiou 01 mv eye. I dill o. anil after lollowiuj! your eilvice, and unm eight !ttle of the ' 1-avonie I'rcacnption ' ami ci$;';r. of tilt; ' Golden Medical IHacoverv,' can s.iv iu trouble i entnvh cured. 1 wwak .il l- ..nv liar afllisinl 1.. tn- lk. a Imm. tui nivdicmcs. Mv health wa ae "m 4,0-1 , o . an.i 1 j. ... ,...., ot praising !r. I'lenv medicine " Sick women art- invited lo comult Dr. I'lerct i. letter and aecurv a s.vuiit 1 MM " 01 charge. tvBrrcoiLBy.picoa BUFFALO. N.Y. AtlLbPONDN PRIVATE f k iTi Clover Root Tea H . r. .il.. 1 . , ,L "ll abaulul gut rinlo On. ai,dl 0 kkk A CO., itRov ' ' ' flOMKTca Vol atvle h) tlloc IV Mc.'otua- rruiUeliai. do not la-Hove in offering a ! Of M I . 1 fjdmXM Dnnt k a nr I Workmen . luinilrr.l- of J' "(it cooir"1'0" . V ui hatl -'Il Ituti'in1''1"1 " " MM tte futii r If vou bnntth Aunx whlrh l - ihrlrrtfllmto rr lit. Ikiv Tte nh MM) U Solo at It title tllp'iwliout the t ii, (.it sisie. nml iimailii ini'l i" limlunn at If. ! 4 .l II Ji'U fit IM Mll-li'-li an ! oylM, r. mm tin- untie u )our anim fi auu got voiir ni'iin-;- lnek Itv uaM.-nj. V (rfatv iHnmitr. H. O. natltJUt ".. efWT. Ma "af, per . ' hi no a Mac u raoon. id.; fi. Kopittke For Ice, Wood, Brick, Sand. Wholesale aent for Schliu Mil WMkM Beer in Ivottles and on draught. ao Telephone S Pilsner Beer oooa The Best Beer in Pendleton. Ask for it. You will Like it. Pilsner Beer Never cause- Headache nor Oi7y.ine.s8. Schultz Brewing Co. Opposite 0. R. &. K. Round House. SHEEKOCOLE Contractors Builders Eatimatw (Jiven. tort Fit Has and Piece Word n pe cial'y. :. 'o -ov c-rooooo.c j Te'tpli lie L very Stable Hat... t'i't. ' hoard a hi tin rlrea t In. S. F. Hays. Prop. r op l oiirt Hon..-. 5 Toleph M Rl M o-K- foe o tx ro ., O-rOi THE CU V... Livery, Teed and Sale Stables... CMkIS SniS.0N - Proprietor Kvervtl.iog New New Horse-; New llic. beat rig and team io the 1 lit . B.mriit-ra glveL Hie h at atteullou. Set ice .my hour of the niht telephone No. 7 . At Lowest Prices MARTIN Old TO l'l I I NIlKK l ' A R-Ja-I.. uii liMltrw, wall., r Newspapers Till. K.tsl ORKUONUNurrlcl lou, Oreaoti. piirpn.,-,. iu lai, liuiiilri-tl a huu. lit-, I'uUllle Tb. Bait Orcgonwii 1 Baotom Or. j on rpr.entativt paper. It lead, aad ihc pople appiceuftc it and ibow it by ibeir liberal patronage. It th. dvj- , using medium of Otit botiioc. boat of the BMMM ! form Mi WOT Op the 6tA. 'S?. -??..!!S?.JIl5?IL JLTlna emrrv raid i Ppnnoinnn mmiM You Need I, is Merely a Question of BEST BENEFITS PROCURABLE FOR YOUR ftONEN . THE SECURITY BACK OF Till- POLICY. 1. 2. The Mutual Investment Policy (LIFE OR KNI iWMKNT) -or- The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California 1. Guarantees i'ah Value, PaM-Mp laeuraaeo, Annual Ad Iktl u. hxtpnaloaa, 2. It is issued solely by THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Insurance Company, 0 .in -nm OMMtaad IWflMW Ike Mrt nt losuranee Uw of I'a ito nla, ' aCtdln positive roapunolMIIIJf ..i knukkoMM and ltri tors. Since orttaniraMon In iSn.s. 5lO,SOO.OOO OO I'aid I'olicy holJtra over ' the FRANK N. McCANDLESS t-:i n hiirg. Willamette Iron and Steel Y rks JAMES LOTAN. Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. Mining und Sawmill Machinery and Logging Engines. IRONF0UNOER8, MACHINIST5, Bon f RAKt.RS and I f . a Mliti v I'll Il liLR.".. Bo ' la iiei a aad iinii lee., of Merle! Raalaooa Mlntee aad prodelna v ohlnenr hi n General Mill inn r.m work. PtTC Uy Areola, inllejrea ohaHloa. ele. to re-iomlelll'e OlIolteAi r Iff wissmrs 1 ll an m vbon I IlkV" " A Dictiomr of ENGLISH. Biography, Geography. Fi:tion, etc. BWhat hetter h rMtm ul lntcrnationn! 1 ". ' . valuable informn: :i : ! and mind. I: 1. 1.. v . . . 1: 1 , tthertln ti :.: iathOTOniL I 1 MBHMrT"ofi'. a, v ''"ISMjHBHPHH You Can Get The Celebrated Pilsner beer in tiottles. delivered to any part ol city, at $1.50 per JDoxn , H-'ttiroi hv cfi J. Pnftnm' THE PACIFIC The Leading General Farm Paper the (Northwest. A HighCIass Illustrated Farm Journal Published Weekly at Salem, Oregon Try It. The Homestead is a twnty-paift Til- ail l.k.ri ... 1. . .. ' ' I., a. i"oiii.iiiinciiii ii p ar, laiin March i, 1900, and it hum diaUly took place ntuo c. gene farm paiicr-. gad Will mai itaiti it The Ho uestta hn.s all the f. cilities f ir p ibiiahio a farm paper oi the fir-t cla-,-. and of mi e circu it- a ' -v . .anon, w BJF scttii youv in .ti iy l : - in the N rlhwest a farm newspaper n the interests of this section? The price of the WSRJUA East Omm uman is f- 50 a vtar Wc will Otftid our paper aud the Homes' ea ! one year for $ 00 in aiiiance KA-i oki:f;oNiN pub. CO., Pendleton Oregon. The New York World. Thrice-a Week Edition ALMOST A DAIL.-AT THE PKICb Ol A WfcbkLV. loi-iuost w idely eireiilutetl "jnoUt" newspaper in America i ti,.- Thrice'-,,-W.-.k edition oi Th, New York World, and with tb presidential eamiatigii MO a' hand jrotj eansol do witboM it. iter.- ure some otthe reason wilt it i euaiiy t. leuder lu dollar u lournaliam. tour It i lenod et, ry otlier dttv, and i to all parpoOM a dully, l.tery week Mooh nboeribaf hmImi .0 -s a,,., on,.,, .luring tin- ",uy" fH-uoi, 04 pace each w.-.-k 1 1" price i- only i per rear. O' ( every known purl of the World. No Weeklv ,,.,......... ....u ...... . , -. . . i.iiiii 1 """ "imiHii aoob aerviee. oe iiirio-a-Wek World I a ut it uiapoaai uu of tin reaoureea of the met. ei uewsi, r in existence the " '"" ' "' IliiMlern journalihin Alllenni s I ireutest N, vt spui-r. ' 11 has Ut-ii juatlv v 1. - 1 , ' term ad the u Keo 1 or, tt oriil . It- POliUeal BOM ubaolutelv im .1 .' "et will . 0( ,,Hfittl .. ... mr presiilelltlitl coining 011. nt , ciiiopuign ine la-at oi current in it ... I111111, . lift ion i found IbOM ure only ome of the reunoini- J--. . o.r. tmi .. 3 m W offer this aMMklai newpu,a.r and the weekly Kut Oregunian to gether oi- tear (or TL. ' -l-r,p., liril.of thetwopTr" ! The Tri-Weekly World ami t- -.,-,,-w . oK .y OeigMiM one year for LIFE INSURANCE Provides for Y-arh Dividends Loon. lno"BtotablHty, Inmediat" iv m-nt. t haiu'e of t pneflelary. General Aent V a h. an In a copy of the tor DOOM of . '. r hand, eye. .. . . r y than any 1 . : L iUi-t liold. HOMESTEAD of paper, fout OOhMUM to the jiay;c t l w . Ik. .. in lis liu' .Uuu was .t Wny not he'p maintain here of fMMtal circula-ion. and devoted - , jL - -r, ?KXrii- i.7 rrxLx PRIMTIING 0 OF ALL KIINDS AT THIi.. 1 ;.- . ol .taZ::, ! ..OF. i;e... GOOD WORK, LOW PRICES, GOOD STOCK Legal blanks Of all Kinds. I ' ' tv a UJL DaMT Tisns htnla roa rmi Psndls.nn. 0 I rOj Fiat Salt lk. lasnm. piirii Mall Worth omeha. kki. & s: . m. aa t'lty. f. 'amis a ctilelo nt Kst. m, Orwon nhort l.tns siakne Wall Walltv Hnom, Z7 Flysr Mlnnara"Il. -li Ps'il' TP i v m. 1 'ninth, Mttweuksa-' . 4'hrnasi' anil vut. v, m- (rtiNof)ariv I a Mali ! Portland amt Han Kr ., wTTT I 4e . 01- J OJaSO idkp,aii (! MaaaokiM .g,. Prom fori lntMl "I Pot !Ul Krennws.a--K"n St. rtaja .nn Ol. j Oal hlf Kla.r I s hi - -.s-r-s-s kj fj. Siaerita) io Astoria and Wat " Lo m I Juwllnjra l.v Utrwri Onmks Masr i, t'iflv Kllikrts to lwlst , ' in- . ! MimhI trfln lenses l'i fedlaleo I.m nOeOlal il . lv . M-i pt mm at M 3 i. in. An , . j t u' t .11 int irinsaioi anply or am, . u. Ml ' ens! l J'aaa. P.m. V V Wiiial n. Vaelt. I's.n' XT, '"ataa Take the... Washington & Columbia River kailwav Fur Chlcaeo, St I'aul, St Loul, Ki L'ln . Mt Ji. Omaha, and 411 Points East and Soutil POITl AND and point on the hound. Arrtaea - 1 .1 m. emtjel mi 1o: :. iii-ui aiiu rn :a, I'':.:- s.. in. lirU ititlh et .-pi -11 tt M hOtf a ro. Inrormatio 1 rcaaltir raits .ml a '-imiiioumiidii ufiij nr. rrtv'firaa w. adams ten radi.uis Unne 0, V. I'ALDKKHF. M). . Y. A .. Wis Walls Wash HALE HELP WANTCA. UK5 WANTED TO UUBK WKYXi irniti- niv 1 itht wt'fkt njnlrtd; ma ImIu MMSM tbti luMoe ; ilhi-Trt ! rtuWi umiitif rit mid MHiViiftftf nmilt'it frtv. MS IirtMT rillfir', Hmii rmnrlH'ti. nlif ATTORNEYS. H. J. IIKAS. AITOR.M Y AT Ul. umii- in .-wt mat. iiaiik H1111. 1 iih uialn ai:tki: a Law. 1 Utile II i.KY. ATTORXEYI a:I hi savings lis nk hu.i.linf. : . ... ii 1 1 l. . LAWYI I.. "111. E 111 Jll'l.l I. .. : m I'emUeliiii iir.'K.ui j mi-:.- a. 1 1.1. law m i ll 1 inIh kolHtaa H. K. UOLLIKK, LAWYKB AssaM-latlon hull, ling. U'kiM THOH Uu KlTZl.EKAIJl. ATTi'hNKV ifl .inn.- in Asaot lalloli Ml,,, W. N. I1.HKK1.KY. ATToKXKY AT U .Be. I11 Assoeialioll Blot k iTli. lluYli. ATTOKXEV AT LAttT t Hurt at. S. A. S'EWBKRBY, ATTOKXEt HeeOI I". AataH'talloll bu... I: li J. I. H1NKUC, ATTollM. A.aiH .a'.luli tllot-k, I't-lolleli.ii PHYSICIANS (o' 111 1 .'iniieioi a UK W LK , 'u H?'.'k t """TaHill i ii-irri a. m. lioi-111. nMI (IU " ' uu ft w. 1,1, s. M 1.7 10 lu a. m.:tii.' i . W. IN. I.M, M. 1'. . .1 1 I i:utl ' I '- ...,, ,lil liana ..It,. ' I - a m. :1ms p. ui. I'll. I.J. -Ml III. OKI Ll .- -'I ill. -lull sat int.. bank- lelepholit- tk ilelu-e U'lepbuDt .. 1. II It HI . M . II. "I II i NJI'IOal Htilliiiiit; eoruttr eoort OM Mala HO ul odn 1 int inel i,tlit. ii. 7. 1. A IM'I Kl.Il M. il. Hii.Mi". '.An H Physician anil burgtsuu. OOlts. in ni inlldnig litNTISTS. B. A. VAI i.HAN. iu Jtitltl building. I'l.N II-, "1TICI A. L. B1CAT1K, l. I. s. ol-l ! t (m larlagiMaa. cu. aUuttuim :, . K. A. M.VN.N. ..N I - I N tlou MlMk. over r. b Clupiou'. glW AICHITKCTS AND BUILUEM. 1 I IIDtVaKll. AHCUITKCT AN int. lei. 111. uiakis ii'iniilrli- ai. l Tl 1 mm plau. Ii llinilli 17 lau. lor i.u a- lu tb. eil) i ' .sum I., Ju.l.l bttuuiuk- THoM AS kll'lk 1 11VTK vi inK 1 I, mil. 1 I'lalis and reliable . - .nut' BUIied .'Bin la Association be- s bANKS AND BROKLKS. IHK I'K S UI.KTON IAVIKOB MH Peadl.ion. OrMO. tiiganiei M" u capital, lluu.uuu. lun-rcst allowr-i 1st. lis Lxctianve latliaht alitl III 'I- " '. i-ilaal 1,1111. rtlM-elal alleulioli Kli.'U If!1 11011s w j, furiosi, oi.-si.l. t, I-1 t'lee-plt-altleul , T. J Morn.. Kllti-'l NATIONAL BANK"! Aim v Ii. a. . la a.a . 1... tT .AA. I "lll"ti. ujiUMi, f.a ,uw. Mil r 1 - .jjl U li at UU Ulln ttt-iMulta iie-Mi U iwrelf" .1 ""'"""id fit I1MI1ML-. I ol 11 I tli- u.ur- ,i : 1 .1 rr .. nnt.t ri Mi Artbur, vice-breeideiit ; K V uetl. i ll(U il In. Hi-11 rl I Atluiiiit lift' r... m I HK.-T NATIONAL HA N k 1 I on. ' apltal. I7V.IMI. lirt.Ho '-- ml lets a m-lii-fal Unkiiia litt.lliis- t-A" I . a in. I 1,-lt iiraulilt irausinrt fajltl on ' n."2jl ,t... v...i..u . .-... i. . .. rinii. "rr i inn, is,.. .t-u lots aliu l'l in- I i i.l .,, .---,,,,n,.t via ii. fiaau - 1 hiiiitts- Make, itille. Hoi" '" . ' ti-ruts latvl Anient. urealtleUl. -. t ir.s.ileiil: I b de, taatoor, Oueruaey, tualauiul vealtler. Subscribers rth i... . s'fi! m a.-s - iu th fVaa. 8lla or r.',"l.-kii Ill i I ta-ur. by lasslal u..i '"0 M-U.'- lo 11- '-"'..SI Magazines , toll lie. rum.' (be u I . I uul It, you autl aasuue ris. li- Ullia 1...1 lu lite malls 1 " M la.lli Iti.ubli-ami rial U OU are i "u."ltI lo ll. e Ka-t l iKI.iaiM.ts .v III r.-l , '. on. jmm wiliii dutluel .i. i.. i oea( Irian III'' lll.llsU." AddrtsMlUhT OKJtooNIA.N PI b ' ' 1 toll l,r.-ui.i, TrTntM TH1H I'APKK IH K KPT on n'Jjg ('. Ia,t.'. lil..alalna An il- ' " '..sal tlhaula' txi lialiKf, hall liali" ' 0 where uoulracu (or otlvurUaii'i! Iur it