MY EVENING EDITION ONLY EVENING EDITION All ot PrlsiOaf '. TheHatOreroidan Will rfn l ...TOO... Put Vmr MAi " In Tfl HB( rf gonlun Ati'l le II mMLi I VOL. ! PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltEtfON, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1900. NO. 8754 25c Line of Paper Novel9, 19c. Fill II s Far Jewelry o p impair C.unb. for lfc. I m -ii C m ban ' Pln" I JVtta2 MMtJ Tin.. M 4c, ftc. vl,.it Set-.. llH', liV. ?4c. Bicycle Sundries. U. ) '! Saddle, r-jrular 11.50, H8c. eea earbidi, 4 .' , ()rlp .v up: leather (Trip '-Mr; a?2. bikr nil Mtei Me bottle tin-nne) Outdoor pori Uto. I4: baile, . . US . t Rate I.:.. I. ! v MM WW., - -- --V- . IO0 marble. So. O" "I "Hl Spring and Summer Showing of.... Wash Dress Goods This week we're ready to show you the BHST and I.ATKST in the coming season's most fashionable materials ami de slgus in Raster Goods PotnpftdOMT ( rtfaadlt Windsor Niooiss, M illo Have liinity, Culiodan I iiui v, Batiste I Vrdl lialistt1 Valoif, i int'ii Batiste, Pineapple Batiste, Etnb'd Swiss 1 lots, Wrpnillos StrijH1?, Victoria Zephyrs, Rmpreei ( lords, Madras !lotha, lorded Ginghams, silk Ginghams, Fine Percales, ate.. to. 1 utt n CaBOV 'rd. lu Md abapca ,a .lirl aul lln-klen.-Si to -.He. hilg ,i MteaaaS. i '.'' f s'-"' r.jrp., p. Me .... . ... TV large. iin" "i n.ning taceie. k .tatliiicrv fir, m bai i ere. r FREDERICK INOLF i Thfit ktreag oints are Ouality and Klegnnce without Bstrtvagsaoa, Alexander & Hexter The Boston Store Rel ahe Goods Only." If you are not particular as to quality am! style in your DUrchrsga, it dot's not : whi'if von trade. If, on the contrary, you desire stylish and reliable wearing apparel, you are offered many advantages in patronising t his popular store. We offer you Unequaled Aaeortaaeats, Reliable ami Seasonable (roods, Correct Styles, and aboVS all, exceedingly MODERATE PRICES ON EVERYTHING Fetcalug Thing! in Ladies' Kelts and Neckwear. A Lovely Line of hirt Waists urtains and I urlain Materials n Suit Vverj ho.'y. Novelties in Spring C.ipcs mi two alike. Ladies' Tjilor-M ide Suits and skirts. Our Gents' Furnishing Goods Department ... Is now well stocked for the Spring trade, and if you are a good dresser, you BftMl OOne to us for your furnishings. Among new arrivals are: !( dozen E. A. W. Collars and Cuffs, all latest sty SS. Knox'. Famous Stiff. Kedo a. Crush, (ir.e and Straw Hats. Met-on's Forums I edoras. GrcoOS, Haiti oad Shades. Wil,.-n Bros ' Shirt-, I'nderwear, Hosiery, Neckwear. Special for Friday and Saturday. Thompson's Glove l ilting Corsets, Black and Drab, regu lar price $1.00, 69 cents. Witch I or our SI'hUAl.S every week. Pendleton's Big Store. 000 ii to Block 81, Re serve Addition lo Pen-1 dltton, opposite Wash-! taf ton 8c Columbia River iiaUroad depot, will be j t ' M a ... icaisaiDie prices from I to $130 cacii. The lots are ex cellenUy locate4 and are only five blocks from ftain street. Apply to 5 n n East Orcgonlan Bulldinr. for Infants and Children. Cafttoria n baruile Hubxlltute fur C'uwUtr Oil, I'aro. Kurie, IropM iiml houtliiujr Hyruui.. It i- I'I.hnhii. It onUtiiiH ueitliei tiuiiN, Murpluuv nor utlx-r Nur. otiu ttubHUtNice. It dHMtroyit Worms umi aliuyM I erisliiK KK. It oirfU Jiarrli-u und Wind oli-. Jt r.-lieven JV-th-iNiir Troubleii and eir CouHtitutiou. It reifiiluU-H the Momiu ti and BoweU, Kivlnu' in allliy nul imturul Bleep. The C'uUdreu'tt 1'uuucea The Motber'n Frieud. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In M , t .. . nNO i VITALITY LOST VIGOR MANHOOl -i'Oteucy, Night Emliionu ani toube, or excea and tndU u tiuu. A nerve tunic aud liloud builder. Urum the ! .Ilk irlfhW (nnaULMb..nil I I V ma il ML. . k . A b i-e , Wlth Written tfuurao ore or refund tue utuue. h Use For Over 30 Years. GENERAL NEWS. A oliipmont ( i . .:".;. nvi fort lie (y Mat M iKiliiiorx in lha PbltlpMBM Irft tlio tMih-trpamtry in Ni' York Wiiincwlny. Chief .liwph.lieml o( tlitXi PWMt, nl his iitHrt n in WuKliinulon In Imvc il i tBtSrVwW with PtMldMt MoKlntey. ObM Ivweh wsnti Um IrihpHnHMi to hoM IaikI in w-vprnlty MM nl wiuiti" tln triln rninvol ti tlir nlil nUmpitiK tfroniul at tin (tMt of tin I'lm monntnin.. inr t'nmtilln, Or. .S'lmtor MnrKHii, nf Alnlmnm, in Hiintiil in ii ikt'toaml Htiitcniont nr. in: "Six trMiini-ntiinntiil railroad. 1 nr tryint to UNTHll tny n-turti to tin m-nato. llniitiiinton i. alto aftrr tho .out o Somitor Chtltaa, of Ti xa.." MoMM ha. for your. Ixi-n tin nio.t H'r.i.tcnt man in thi' wnati- in tiuht htg tlx' PwttSc railroail. anl what a. p-norallv known a. the lluntlngtoB tS trn.!.. Albert Stiiltfe. 17-ycar. oMj ItHHgul the in.nlt. ra.t MOM hi. tnothor, tin Hriilirt stiilia, in Ohioago, TSwday in irningi hv William HobMMi a iH'ilplor. hv iloalinit lloDKM n fatal blow over ihi- hoail with a harrel .taw. LMVini hi. victim leu.l mi the niiU walk in front nf the hoii.c, tin- hoy wont In hi rciin Mini wa. xooli u.lci'i. Mo wa aronsiil an hour later hy the arrival of the poUo. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. REPUBLICANS IN COUNCIL October April I. 1 of eaeh year, in.teail of 0. ii Tlie Clans Gather at and Name a tbe Coorihouse Ticket. HhKUKR AID KIRK FOR LEGISLATURE Perloaer for Stwriff; Lltfrnwrt for Clk; Ytlts for TrMurrr; md Bfin for County Judge. ree. won the irimarie. halt). In in Wal l.i The Ankeiiv f the renhliean Walla n ill nl v. The retfi.tration in I. Inn county ill only IVuXi. only alM.ut half tin vol.' ol 1 the eeiintv, atnl it in thouiiht Mav 1ft i will .00 tlio total eon.iilerahly .hurt of the il. mil vote. Tw hrake heam toiiri.t., one of whom wa. Max Puttee, formerly a Sokiilie kiamhler. ami the other, who Il unknown, were llltld in a train wreck near Maii"on. Kiln: enmity, Wa.h., Momlay niuiht. A .eri'HI" diSMtfky l.tween three men maniiHl Sutherlili ami W. I'reyer (M-currinl in Oaklnml luirla. roiitity, re.ultinn in rutherin mlvlBfl two wvere knife woiiml., one in the neck ami the other in the thigh, No arret, have yet been mailt. V. I., liichmoml, of Portlam!. who on il the Southern Pacific company for 10,000 ilamace", i. not MtMwi with the venlict of tin' jure for f '.'. ami hy hi. attorney., Chamherliiiu A Thoma., h. i -k. i for IS ilay.' time to tile a motion for a Hew trial, which wa. I! ran tel. The Columbia Hiver Packer.' A.wi ciation ha. coiniiletel arrangement, fort!;. !aV of H the Oregon Coa.t .almoii cannerie., extemling a. far a. Royue Kiver on the wiiith. ami OlWr'l llarUir on t he Wa.h iimton coa.t north, l ie- capital of the Hikliiioti tru.t j. :,,inxi.iHKi. While .pailinti in lii yanlen la. I Thurwlay, nay. the liamlon Iteconler, KoIktI Lowe illltt Up enollifh new i. itali.'. to make a me... The tul.'r. Iiml KTOWB thi. winter, ami the liirte.l were larger than hen.' I'M. The vine, were a high ami .howeil no .ign. of fmt The tir.t -tep lowanl what i. Im lieveil w ill ultimately result in a coa.t boumt pu..euger rate war between traiiM'ont ineiitnl line., wa. taken Tile. Sty , when the Canadian Pacilic ac cept!. I u large party ile.tined lor Washington through the Kuffalo gate way at KM than tariff ratea. A .ix tniniite. after 10 o'clock Chairman l.ivcrnmiv rappt.l tbe re imblican ci invent ion to order. The national tlag had been brounht in and laid aero., the judge', bench, behind which the chairman He called for nominal ion. for tem porary chairman. MoufbOQM HMt lr. K. W. Vincent. He wa. IHWMd bv a vivo vi.-e vote. Helivate- K Price ami T. P. (iillilaml escorted the dOOtOf to the chair. Or Vincent wn.ted no time I in .peiH-hify ing, but at once mIMmI for aoMlMtMRM for tcni.irarv .ivretarle.. , L 0. Kratier ami II. ' II. Hallock were nameil and elected. Ir. Vincent then .ugge.ti.l ap.iiut mciit of a committee of live on creden tial, TlMM were AI.e Miller. II. II. I'ecker. Lake 1'ranci', 0. II. Sieiiarl, Thoma. ThomwHiii. Next came the committee of three on order nf bu.ine.., the member, tio Ingl Thoma. liilliland, Matt Mm- grove, .lame. Urown. Ami then the committee on plat form and resolution., coti.i.tiiig of C. K. Koo.evelt, .1. P. McMauil.. II. 0. Adam.. C. W. Steen, M. W. Mumford. It A. Maripii., II. II. Hallock, Dr. Perk in.. A. It ThOMMMi OhAifMM Vincent then ajUMMMld lhat, while the committee, were pre paring their report., the convention would have DO business to trim. int. and thai, therefore, he would enter tain a motion to adjourn until I 0 'cloak i when once again the dele gate, .hoiild a.N'inble. The motion was made, ami carried, umi in a moment the court room was in a hub- PIMPLES PREVENTED BY TSBAP TliemoHt fffiy-tlreskiii purifying ami tif inn soup. a. wi II an purest ami sw.s-te-i, for toilet, Imlli. aiel nunn ry. It .ink at the aauM of bjil oiiipli-iion., r ., rniigli liaiols, falling lntir, ami Uilo UaaaMMl Til , tlix l lllggwl, Irrll lU'il, lllll.lle !, oviir woikeJ, or .luggisd PoKca. tuld ...rwlMr.. F'.if.s IM .'J ... C.. !.., I-,,,,, a..,,. I'. . Knu... 'i.i-'i l hi.- Hit ft-rj. lylnltrtl " Uw u. I. ii. I'.u,,-... 'M HoteJ SI. Gn hub. as the credentials were showered BOM the desk for the committee and the candidates again buttonholed the delegates with importunate entreaty for vote, when the afternoon came. The majority of the delegate., how ever, repaired to the O. It. A N. ware bottai to listen to (he speech of Mr. Bryan. The t of ti who went Ihere. however, were unable to gain admission, the crowd already gathered having tilh.l the immense MOM to orarSov umj, Commlltaa'a Raporl. It wa. nearly half tia.t one when lr. ViMMl called the convention to order, and a.kcd the credentials com mittee to rert. Tin. wa. done, when the chairman received Hie report of the order of bll.iness i oiiim ittee and then tin lumittee 00 platform reported. Order of Builnatl. The order of bus i lie., a. determined on wan: To the Chairman ol the Kepubl lean County Convent ion. I'matilla County, Oregon - We. your eommitti u order of business, paapaotfolly recoininend that the (olhiwing order of business be adopted : Stall' delegates, thirteen ill UUIIiImT. Id preseiitat inc., two iii iiiiinber. County judge. Treasurer. Commissioner. Sheriff. Clerk. ICecorder. lohOH sils-rilitell'elit. Siirvevor. Coroner. .Illstiee of the .-acc. t 'oustable. I Signed T. P. 1. 11.1.11. AM. Onairmao. MATT MOHtlKOA I J. T. BHOWtf. I he Platloi iii. no is mh fol low s : piiblieaii. of I'matilla by tdeir repreeitut ie. Ill eoli- ,isi.i inbled, aiM'ulllig lor the HI o UAkVEAL, Hiop. Elegantly Furnished. Steam Heated I uropeen Mm. Block aod a h ill from dan it. Sample Httvm la connect loi Kuom Rate 50c, 75c, M .00 NtRlJIT urni.i ' lebWIbai. 1V. i.) hiuca MaUaaaa. fan M - THE EAST OREGONIAN. of th Voopa .! II . 44 rt Ulnar as Ui Dr. Sanden's Belt Has no ej uul for the OUie ot Kervoui and Phi lieaJ I lebil Uy, Exhausted vitalltv, 'ari ooeele( Premature, leo'lne, Lou! of Memory, Waitiiig, i-.u ., whicli bai been brought about -y early iniiH-rntiinrj or later axeeasai hjv tliouhand gave willing Uiritiinony during 1809, Kh taldihhed thirty ytsaru. My Electrical Appliari a Sure Cure. Call or write tor "Three Classen of Men." 14c wan- of othe ioSVIm you al leged Sander. Belts My belts are not for sa'e at druggt!, but can be had only from my own oftices audited run under uiy own naiue Addrets, The Dr. Sanden Co., The plaid "The rt county, vent inn assemlileil, api. i.ipular ju.tilication of tiieir claim., addraai toamaalvai to the hone.ty ami iulel I igeuee of the voter of lliuatilla loiinty in tin- following declaration of principle. : "We believi. in the principle, of the republican parly a. maintained for m'arly half a century 'with the ocep liOIJ of the Cleveland adluliii.trat ions and ladieve that llnw great principlea have baM ioihIucIim lo i In- growth, nro.i..rity ami wealth ol our country "Protection Wi declare our reiiewi.1 iaith in the Dollef of protaetioa a. the in. an. of furthering lha Industrial ad vantage, of our own country, and hw I iavi thut our Hag should extend over all the territory I. bulging lo our coun try and that tlie broade.l .up' and protection be given lo American com men i ' "American market. We ladievii in 4 WW InH m ok. i lor the Ann-man IH-ilile. "Money We reiU'rate our faith in tlie d.s triini of sound luoiiey and hold that Ilie standard value of tin innm-v of the Usitad Htule. should lit) the hlgheet and heat. "American p4jaiwaiona W believe thai tin- American Hag should never be lowered from any of the (sm-.ioii. or Ii-. in win n- it ha. once floated. "Trust. We lavor legislation bv the li-yi.lature ol Ihi. slate liy all mi an. in IU i.'.w. i lo -..i.i.i. -- and nmhihil the creation ol tru.L and prohibit the .ale within tl;ia atate of all truat-iuade art idea. "County aRaira In county affair. .. .I..I..UI..I ..i, II... ...rt ..I ..til. ...- liances are "'it ii" u" ! " .I ; that no money of the county .hall i- paid out without warrant of law; that the laaea aliall I.- enllected, and when i ..Hi . toil that they .hall be sis edllv Bald mn lo lb.- DfOfM ollni r., and, to tbat and, we lavor the keeping of double entry b ...ks, that the .i h i - of the county can la- more convenient ly, accurately and pluiuly kept and KOOH VKI.T. Chairman ; .1 P M M WI S. II C UAM, C W BTKKN, W M Ml Ml nil I . It A MARQUIS, it. THOMPSON, II II II M.I.OCK. 1.. J PERKINS, Comniittet. j Hail Iff baaiBBfngi however, the tern pofary ohalniMM paoaad a moment, and .. P. M. M anus IfMI and inove.1 that the leiiis.rar organ i ant ion n made rii in noli t . and the teui.irary oHIcerii be the otllcer. of the conven tion. The motion wh. pot by Mr. Mc ManM, and carried. wtWfNPH Dr. I Vincent ptOOaadad with the bu.ine.. ! in hand. The tradantlali Report. South Pendleton -W. V llovnt U, IJ inittoi. C . I'd'pingar, I, (i Krarier, 0, S. Wluider. I'eiullelon C. K. Kiawcvclt, Thaa. Swearingeii, Joa Klein. North Pendleton K. W. Vincent, I.ei' Moofbooaaj .lame. Neagle, .la.. T. Urown, Thai. TnonMna, w. h. Bywn, .1. M. rcrguaou Raal Pendleton K. C Allen. C. J. I'erg n. W. II. Hal lev , .1. P M Manna, I. I.. Ray, J. A. Hone, n n Hal k. .1 W Miller UnloO P. Snyder, S. A. Hamilton Klmer liarre) Juniper I uuialfloann, B II lleckin Van.ycle ( M. Joy, I., liainble Helix II Walker, T. J. Montgom erv. Ii. W. Hewitt, .Lu. . - t'liiin run l iillon I,. K.ldrnlge, John llageii, 11. Ivo.enherg. I.a.t Wi s. m II 0i idana, John Cummin., lira. Stagg., S. . Harne.. Weston ii. it Nil. H i La fon der, II Q Walker, Cha. Staiilbdd. Smith Milton .1. W. Dykaa, Matt MoMjrovo. 0i H. Stewart, i'". Wi Mom, 0 I Mckeimie. North Milton -Cha. Iturtoii, by C. II. Stewart, proxv; W R, Pntnam, ti A. Cowl, M w Monford, South Athena- I A. liitheli., .1. R, In. une, R, A. Dudley. North Athena - A. It. Price, Pake FlUJieO, W MosirroM', O W Hau.ell Ad I,. M. Watru., II. A. Mar Ottia, W M linker, f. B. Curl, C. W Planting, McKa) Ki Hudson, W. liiKram w ii. Qillott. He.ervation .1. W. Cmw, I.. Her gaviti. I.. J, P llogue Win I'matilla S. can. Reho- A. It. I Hack. Alba O. R, Hi. her, L, II Havia. Dklah .hi.. MoQonwn, I M He), mick, T P. GlllilMM, Bingham Spring.-. I. h. Thoinp.on, Prad Oarden, Kuddook-R. S. Wilbur II. w Swart. .1. Oi l.vnch, by O. K. PlITOW, proxv; W. UlOOO, O. K. I'ar- roWi Mountain Ohaa. Well.. Wm Plott h er, 0. W. Pa Sun, bv ll.tchi liilliland II. A. Hannah, Willow Soring. rkin., S. I.eiuery. Ralman, I.. Mustard A. Savior, .1. W. Hun Thompson, It. .Lines i arm i i.. apnimenl w t 'row ner. Alta I. R, Roy Kol.oiu, C W Matthew K. Matter, lb hill Valley I K , Wellee. T Adam., .lohii Hay, Clark llelt., II L. I proxv. A. ft. H. .1. II i lllsoll liollllord, VmiNlllll I. lllle. ..lull. Win , Miller Dickerman .1. W. Sal. .... W II II II I A. We lavor making the county treaa- ii. i tin collector of t.ixes, and paying I. ui a aalary comuienauraUi w ith hia dutiea. "We favor aucii lt)ialatiun aa will WI'IIIM llll U II. ...ill III. .Ill I.I 1 1... 169 Fourth St.. Portland, Oregon u mm$, mSE ia ieliiMuut uu r M. K.11. n, Mil. 1. 1 I: t 'hairiuaii ; Tims THOMPSON, C II HTKWART, It II HKCKKR, LAKK I HANCK. Tha sime Dalaiallon. When MMMiMtlOM for the thirteen .late delegale. ' ere calli.i for, and made. It wa. MOM that one delega tion of thirteen nen in i.ith .late ami diltrlei 1 onveiil ems, and t tint the thir teen receiving the highest vote, he de clared elected Slight prole. t WIIH made, hul to 110 avail. J. A. Borh, O. A. Cowl, Wm I ol sol 1 1 were appointed teller.. Votea were ca.t and the teller. COOnted Bb0U! half of Hu m when A. It Priei moved hol the name, oil the printed 1 11 ki t. be llei lllled I II I tisl. Thi. earried. no further counting I.' ing done, There had I. -en a printed ballot di.tribiili.l a. follow.: H C Adams. It Alexander, R, C. Mini, Wm linker. K I. Darnell J. H Qordane. T. P. Oil I Hand, Matt Mo.giove, C. K. KuoWTllli ! K Roy, T ho. Thompson, A II. Tholiips. u lb. riu e Walker. And three more were named: lien William., II. A. Manjui., J. M. lergiLon The decision iill A. It Price', vote wa. therefore that the tlr.t thirteen la the deleglll s T. I Kirk, J. II. Randal and Pane la. J. Hell, were then nominated fur repreM'iilat i ve., two to Ihi elected. Uu voie si, h.i : L, ii Roadnr, , T. J. Kirk, BS; l. . i.i..- P.. Ii-, 44. T. J Kirk and I. II Itewler, the repraaanlatlva nomineea, have aerveil previously in the legislature from tin. louiilv, Mr. Kirk twelve year, ago mid Mr 111 the In. I anm inhly. Mr. llelt., who waa one of the limn i OM l.l Hill 1 1 N sol H I U I'Alia. I KRUGBR AND SALISBURY Racy Correspondence Between tbe Pres ident and Premier. . r THREAT TO HUG KRUGER AID STETI Stllsbur; Is Told lo Go Abd Willi Hit HM In:. Bui to Krrp HU Kyi on Lard Oil il ItftklBK. New York, March '.ti The World corre.. indent interviewi.l Preaident Knifcter at Pretoria on Kebruary 7. "My burgher, are lighting bravely," aaiif Krugcr, "ami will mil lam until Ureal Britain aaki for pMM or with draw, her soldier. We cannot expect to conipier s,.v,.ral hundri.l IhOMnnd men in a day. Kven a. your forefath er, fought agaiu.t great odlhl 111 the revolutionary war. H are we trng glinir, ami even a. lb. I waa your tu ple. Mi 1. He with 11.. ' ' Secretary It tela told of a aerie of cotiiiiiunieat ion. Uuween the pnwnlent ami sali.l'iiry, eonoaratng iiriM'iier. taken hv the at l.iugfaa, and who. although l itnens of Hie I-ree Htate, are being trie. I for high troH.nn. rha preaident -Hint a cablegram directly to wliebnry dentandiae that the priaoin r. Im- treatisl only a. iriaoner. of war and slaled that, if they were executed reprisal- would ! made. Salisbury rcpliiil that il Pretoria prlaoOOn were IniWld I.ith Kruger ami Stevn would ne hangeil Kruger replied, "tin ahead with our bunging, but remember that rear .on boinTBE ward Cecil i. in Mateking " Lord Robarli' Advanea. bunion, March '.II April If ia act bv the various critic, a. the prolaible date of Ihe departure of Lord Kola-rta' main army from Hb.'mfonteln. Tbe dyaneO, when i.eur., will imibablv be iiiiule bv parallel column, along a broad front Movement, of cavalry and part ol the Infantry toward, tilen can Ncarcely lie con. trued a. an actual ad vance. Only 11 small part of lialacrn'a force, have yet arrived at llloeiufniitein and until that movement 1. coiupleti.l, it i. not likely that Roberta will atari lor Pretoria. A corre.poiideiil of the Time, my a the liner force, have I . . 1, re-eiiuliped and he in ennv llu-ed I ."i , H M foreign I roups have l.'eli landeil lo aid the re public. I lenient, al rauraamlth. London, March !fll. - The following ha. bean reooi rod Irani b. i i n- "tien- crul Clement iNcupiitl Kaiireamith ludny without oMoaitkw. Coluuai I I lb In r on leaving t.adv 1 1 rain I w aa at tacked hv ihe enemy lm man wa lUlidi.l and live are luiiaaing. " Herbert Glad. lone View.. I.11111I011, March ". m Balfanl n.lav llerl. rt !. el-tone ileclartMl it wa the luly of lha government to make recurreme ot war tmii.lllc, ami that the llriti.h tlag unlet wave over the w hole ol Smith Africa. TU CURI A tOLD IN ON K DAY. ' " . Ho. mi. gniiiiiii' i.i.;. i- Alt I01..1.1. 1. Iiiii-I Uu in. y II 11 fell In rare. K w i.oivi-'. -imiiaiuoi I. uu rai b Uit. WASIIIN0TUN NUIKS. ivarldae Uppotet Puerto Rico Tariff Bill Army llll In lha Hau.e. Washington, March '.11 lha con- b reine re.irt mi the diplomatic and mi. ular aiiproiiriat Ion lull wa- agreed to in Ihe si mile Con. nl,-ration of tlie Puerto II nan tariff and government bill wa then reslllm-l, II. v. ridge ad-.Ire-sing the m iiute in .up.rl of the I imposition for free Iriule IhiIwihui the J lilted Stales and Puerto It Peltua Uiovi-I to alrike out the pro vi. ion fur a Ift 'r cent tariff. Tha motion wa. defeat'. I, in to u Captain 1 oiiun "ronivlal. Wa.hiiigton, March W The preai dent ha. nonilnnlad Captain Chaa. H. Cotton to I, rear admiral. Army am 111 iii Bonn. Wa.h ingtoii, March 31'. When ion I del at ion oi the army appropriation bill was re.uini-1 in ihe bullae, McHae attempted 1,, ... ore an auieiidinuiit lo the provi.inu giving ulttcera ami men serving beyond the llmita of the United state. 10 and 10 ptt ami reapoc. lively extra tay. fhl paragraph to arbien the aneandnMHil would hav I-.u rliueul had laaan saaed and Hull ttfnaad to return lo it. Wm J Bryan! p.h, JebveiaU in fendlalun, will ba printed In hill la the Weekly Keel Oragonian ol AprU I. A Prematura Ixploelon. Hpokane, Wa.h , March '.If tr'iva men iujuri.l by a prema ture cxploaiou of a hlaat tin uioruiug. I'wentv live ton of na'k were h.ieelied hy the hlaat and ndlid upon tin 111 BEECH AM S IU ceata bjU jft caiu, al U Usj aureav Ladies Look at our immense stock of Trimmed flats and reader if wi will noil thtmi this r-.-itM.ii. Wi v t i ta 1 11 1 tthall. Prlos iu what tlooa it. La Mode Millinery Fcudletou, OreguaV