OAiLY EVENING EDITION DAILY DltNIHE EDITION All K it,. i. J Muting ! The I i(i"t Oregonlen wui ti k IN ...yew... Tut Yonr "Ad." In Th KjmX Oregon Ian kml hftva II VOL. 13. I'KNDLKTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltKttON, SATUHDAY. MAItCH 10, 1 BOO NO. 37.18 Frefl II s Fair $i.oo Maps of Cape Nomr. 88 cent. New line of Invitation card ami enve- loprs. It and H i nts. Spring shade H tltktooablt atatlon tv. 15 to 74c a i n ndv Department Mint fur tlm ni in. M.nt. Wlnter- e ren, Lemon and Um Prop. Or ange and Cherry Phot liat. rcgu lar 25c a pound, here fur l"c. i til 4', and .MV Steel Riirklea for ladles f :'S eentx Nt w Harden Slid at liiilf nrlee , rM rv of the I hllippinc Islands, reg tilar fiuni. lor Wi Folding Lunch B ix, sn'd ragularlv for "i to .Tx'; he e for 24 cent. Bicycles V few druinrnew' sample of lending vrhe.lx whi, I, idler a a disc mil. gave n l hind Hi, j m, 4." 1 up. They're Here GKNKRAL NKWS. Our Superb line of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. Dress Skirts, Jackets. Petiicoats. Silk Waists. The niott important gitlieung of the kind ever shown in Pendleton Not a protniscnon; medley of indiff-rent merchandise, but a magnificent stock of car fully selected garments of the very 6rst order. You will find them stiictly fust-class in worktu.inship up to the very hii;hct Standard of fashion and ex ceptional values. They arc on exhibition Come and see them. Frederick nolf Alexander & Hexter PwhaflriptkujM tak n for leading pap-rsanl ituicarlnp. The Boston Store f New Spring Merchandise. Percales and Ginghams will be as popular as ever this ytar, and Organ dies, Dimities. Linens and Cords are to be very much in favor. We're told this by an authority who we think is good. There's nothing more pretty for outdoor wear. Some of the prettiest pattern we have ever seen are in the Boston Store's showing. All tint we ak of you If to come and see for your self, and even if you don't buy, you'll feel repaid by the beauty of the showing. Latest Arrivals. Infants' and Children's Jackets Hisses' and Ladies' Jackets Ladies' Capes Dress Trimmings Belts and Gloves New Dress Materials New Silks in blacks and fancys New Shirt Waists New Silk Waists New Tailor-made Suits and Skirts Tor Friday and Saturday. The balance of our Curtain pieces, about 125 pieces, in White and Ivory, 25c and 35c each. Pendieton's Big Store. Lumber j 1 Shingles Posts And All Other Kind of Building Material. i A Inc. stock of hard woo Is ou All orders l-jr uiili work prompt ly ex ecu le, 1. Hans and estimates furnished on buildrig. Cost oi construction guaranteed. 9 Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. for Infants and Children. The Kind You lluve Alvtaya ISouiflil Ima boron tin- alg-ua-ture of Chun. H. Fletcher, uud bus been made uuder bin peraouul eupervialou for over :tO yarn. Allow no uue to deceive you iu tin-. Counterfeit, IinlLutloue aud "Junt-UM-ifood" ure but Kxperiinenta, and endanger the bealtb of C'bildreu .Experience utuluat Exueriuieut. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SI 1 . FOOTER Prop. In Use For Over 30 Years. Subscribers to Magazines. I ir you waut to .ubortlw ror m." LUM or ueMBluilHilst, lu tl UuIUj1 KteUssor Kuroise, remit, by post ul uoU, KkUMik or ueud to the Kiwi Oreeroulaui ttia Enn uublUUere' pHoeorihepubllouUon E deal re, said we will have It will l Kuu uud suutume Mil rl.k ortbeinouay Milling loot lu tiu- Malta, n will ' you Bbotb trouble uud rb.it. Ifyou areu.ub Korlber to tn Kastl OrwgjoaUau. lu rty BfcuUlliin )ou osm deduct Utu per oeut Km the publlHbern' prloat. Address ui oreouuui fublUUtlun Company, KVeudletou. Oeejmu. 1 frendleton Ukiab Stage Line Hueton Umy, Prop . Leave rVudletoa every day at 7 o'cloci .1 . J . IM If . . M, Luire. Aioa auci i kuvu. uiw iw udatloiiH. m JuabU- tielght aud ia- tut rat. ity utile at TalluMD & Co-'l dru ML M.Jrifji tftjUflnAB - Tin- N''w ork Protlnee RxchanD, ut a x'i'ial mwtiiiK. adoptwl rvmilutlona comlnmnlaf tl" PuorUi Rioaa liill and nrninfi frtai trad with lb Wanda, Kx-M iniater Pbslpa rMMlai in hImii( tlio MMM condition at liix liomt' in tw HavMi Oonn. Ha li fj iraak, and tiraditally thoOftfa not rupidly fail intf Tin- pkyalciatiN hoiii out no aopv for ins rawfary. Banlaailf Bllpwtt, irn in i;h--i . ami ! ! . w . i to M an Anicriran OltlMB, Iiiii Ihm'H nenteiuH'il to throe vearx' im prlfonnMDt at hard lalmr nt kindierlv. Soutli Africa, for i(!iinlliiiK to the enemy ilurinn the fioue. Dr. Trncey. raglitar of vital itatiltkM oi tiie lieal th aapartmaatt in New York, kiivh thai there ha been a larve IttefaaavM the nunbar ol daathi from crip and pneumonia in the I act week :i- rotiipiiriMl with the came week of An effort hnx liecn made to neeure the eonxent of ex l'rexiilent llarrixou t" ne hix name ax a candidate for the praaMaaojTi He hai ratuaad tha rat) neat on the icroiind that he would not accrpl the nomination if it were tendered him. The queen of KnglaiH hax OfHcreil that in future on St. I'atriek'x da) all rankx of her lrili ragltnantl xhal I i ar ax a dlitlactlon a xpritt of ihamrocli in their head ilrexx. to commemorate the gallantry of her Irixh xohln r- m UM reivnt battle! In South Africa. The City of Detroit, Mich., i- ahout to celebrate the JlKltli anniVOM n v of itx foiindiiiK. I'.v erect inu a m i 1 1 ion-dollafl HlomiBiaWt. in tlie xhaH' of a macvlfl cent Doric column, the hifbeal in the I world, ill a park to Ih- created of the lower part ol Bella We, iii the Detroit river. The heiixo nnxcateil tiaxton A. Bob hinx, a deninerat, from the Fourth dix triel ol Alaluimu. and Mated in hix Itead William K. Aldrieh. a repuhli can, who hax Ix-en three limn u con- , textant fn in the -aim ,i-lriet ou the ifrnund of fraud, and who ix now xiven hia aeat for the third time liy n repuli. Iloaa majority iu Pongfe, PACtrtC NORTH W KST NKWS. The Salem t! . .. millx which were dextroyed hy lire Home time iiko will probably he rebuilt, tieortfe Carix. aifixl ,Vi. died at the aaylan a' Balant Tbaraday ol paea noala, Deeoaeed wax received at the avian in : from Oraat county, where ii brother rexidex. Kenton county ha- the honor ofbalMJ both tirxl ami MOOud in the pavim nl of IHW taxex hie the xtate. 'i'reaxiirer klOOre at Salem receivixl from that county a remittance of Mli.'iO to apply on account. The former remittance wax t'J.Vki No other county hax yet reported. Frank BpMgM xhot uud killed Mr Goy T. tiale and then killed hiiiixelf at Qale'l I, .'fin.- camp iiIhuiI xeen mile- from Taeouia I'lnirxihiy. BPragne arrix, tin-re Sunday from t'roxxfork, I'u . where it ix claimed he met Mrx. Oale and wux a xuibir fur her hand be fore -he triad Uala laxt Norenber, The Bead opera hoii-e at Salem ix to Ix' chan(el into a Maxonie Temple, t'hemeketa Ile, I O. O. F. , w ill Met upon itx property, facing the court bottati a thr itofjt utriicture of tMM brick aud iron, to Ix- nrraiik-cd into a tirxt-chixx uexlern Open boast, and nxiiiix for h. i.-. ptupoaati library, etc. 1 he Henyo-.Maru, a tramp .lupaiiexe Iteaater, i- hell in iuarantiue at I ort land Towiixend. Wadi., there Ix'in ever I l oulMUiic pluxne amonx the Chinexe crew. l'roer precautionx were taken at the time of her arrival bv tie- Koveriiinent olticialx at thai place hence there ix no dancer of the tlixeaM' reai hi UK the xhore. SOUTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN o President Krugtr Returns to Pretoria from Bloomfonteio. , o GENERAL BULLER AGAIN OH THE MOVE French and His Forces N earing Ibe Free Slate Capital Rumors of toe Relief of Naffting Not Confirmed. Ideal baa ( ieneral xhort In direct ion 4 111 SI. Gn OEO DARVEAU, Plop. Elegantly rurolshed. Steam Heated European flan. l i . u and a-hilf from 4ep t. dample koom In conncctloi . Kooni Kate 50c, 75c, 1.00 THE EAST QRE60NIAN. I oa epr or the PeopU. I '.vei'yDodj UttaUa U. Ih Laraaat Clr.nUil- . lb Meat A4.rtUIa Ua Love and a Cough Cannot be Hid." It is this fact tfi.it makes the lover and his sweetheart happy, ana sends the suf ferer from his cough to his doctor. But there are hid den ills lurking in impure blood. 4 ' "The liver is ivrong, ' ' it is thought, "or the kid neys. " Did it ever occur to you that the trouble is in your blood? I'urify Una river of life with Hood'a Saraaparille. Then illneaa will be bau ia)nd, and utroiiK, vigorous health will remit. Hood'a Karaaparilla ia the b -t known, beat endomed aud moat uatutul of all blood puritier. Nervouaneae -"M? mother uficrwi from uervoua weakneaa and tOM of mh in, , My trouble waa Impure bhxxl, dlKirdered toiuacb and leeplcMiieaii. HoOt'l Suraa- rarllla cured both " Joaa V. (ikau.aT, Hoi 7U, MlddleUiwu, N. Y. Dyapopele - " for ail montha my aya tcm waa out ot order Willi dyax-p.ia end Impure blood. Mpent lota ol mouty In vain, but Hood'a Har.aparllla cured DM tbOt" oufhly (or 1." Jon. ti Zacua, Qeaoe, Neb. Malaria I waa a aoldler, and after lpoora (ever, I bad lever and acue, rheu matlauj, and nervoua proatratlon ao that I could riot work. Nothing- helped until Hood'a Haraaparllla cured me aooiptetalf ao that I loee uo liuieuow." J 11 tinmo, Cheltenham, Pa. BcrofUla-" For month I went to hoa pltal lor treatment of acrofulou. Ill) er without reaulta. They aald It waa the worst they ever treated. I tried Hood's Haraaparllla. Twelve bottle entirely cured tue." r Vitus o. UrHaaj, Needhaui, Mas.. Diphtheria m y little nephew was krouoleg (or two years with sore thriul and UmaliltlB. Was threatened with diph theria but'Hixxl's haraaparllla warded It off. He Is now entirely well." fxu 0, Uaair, Oak Hill Ave., Waterbury, Conn. PHOT Health ' I never aaw anythlriK baal the way liood's haraaparllla lilted me Up. It sharpened my appetite ami g-eve me a new leaae ut ll(e I tan work every day." Pasaaua N. Bnat, Meredllh, N. 11. 111 II 'i-mrn Ma'. Hus aw Mr Uls.Mt Ban ina.iu . ... i " mmlj iauWal y,U with Mewl-. aajs.llla Pretoria, Friday,-The pre returmxl from Itlixonfontein .hmbert ia ex"Cted here I ichtiiiaT commenced in the ol llelpaaker loll mnriiin'. Advene Upon Bloomfontsln. London. March 10 - The only inixir tant chance in the general situation in South Africa ix that duller ix Main on the move. Newx cotucx iu a dixpalcb from Itoei camp, lliccar-lerc. Tburx day, xayinc: "Twelve thooaand Itrit ixh an' threateninc the It... r pneitioa from the dnajction of llelpaaker. A party ol British eoouta erai tnooantered at Vaxchbiiiik March S " Thix force wax probably llutiter'x dlrWon and it ix corWderetl poealble that an attemtit may be made to traverxe the neck of .ululund into the rranavaal, thux effecting the doable porpott of ootflanklna the Boen at I'occ.ir-bi'tc ami threateninc Vryheiil ami t'trecht. The Itoerx at Hiccurx berg an- eald to be already Rending itorea to the rear, .bmbert aiixarx to have b'ft active aervice to tnae DhargC ol the war OBMt at l're'.oria. ol. i ti hax not reported today, but military a.tthoritiex are of the opinion that French miixt In' neariuc Bloetn tonteln. The war oflloe ix unable to oontlnn the nn Maiekinc. but tl tiiat relief will I few diiyx. From Boer Haadquartori. Boat lleaduiiarterx at llicttarxberc, Friday Seoiitx report that the Itritixh main advitnce ix cominc from l.ady-i-ti, 1 1 1 1 toward. Sunday liner K R U EtiER'S ADDRESS. Tha Limit or Uod'a lost Nearly Reached. Says Oom Paul. ipeeial dlpeateh Iron Bloaaifootein Myi that Preeldenl Krueuer, add rat' Ing n crowd of people, aaiai "Altboogh Qod ix taatlaa oar people, my HTxoiial opinion ia tliiil the limit of the text ix nearly reached. If tlm people are -ll-tililn'd I ay faith in the tit f adxerxity, tiial will toon again turn the tide in DOT tavor. If we have trong faith in Qod, lie will -nr. u deliver ux. ihe tuxi of rtellveraiK f oldeli time ix the xauie (oxl now." The xH'eeh of the velierabb ifetit hroiicht tearx to the eyt'i and w en alike. Flghtlni la proa line it Mefoklng, All oiilxiih' lortx except one hax been taken by the Boort, of the rel ief trend of bel ief affected within I nrexi x of men A REI'llHLICAN i aim lis. Hi Th Porto Rico I hi i IT Bill Is blvlriK Politicians Trouble. Waxhiucton, Monk 10 - A republi can cailcux will luoxt likely be called to orgaalta tin- republican membere of the xetiate on a dciuite, eogeol im- of BOtlon and pot let ill recant lo the I'orto Iticun hill and uiiielidnieiitx laaator Dnvia' amemlineiil wax a vi ri Utble bolubxhell in the ggMUV iillet atinoxohere which ha- prevailed in the whaio obanihet. but "xolM-r nooad thoi'cht" DOHVIbOM tMsttl of the re niltil iciiu xenatorx that it tneetx more liappily the prexent ailgeoelei than any other MDttlttttO that could be offered for the tariff on I'orto Ituo The ajneodaient esteode the constitu tion to I'orto Itieo by ltd of aOBgNM, ami Unix harinnh i,ex republican principle. Hut it immediately nivilea i leim h rat ie opxxit loo , whn li conU'iidx that th BatitotloO alreadv operatex in I'orto Itieo. Hut the I'orto It n an dixcuxxinn ix aa yel in itx infancy in Ihe xeliale, and uiiy a no ill li I of develop. meiitx may now la- eaneeted. It ix not unlikely that the republican xenatorx will agree on a plan xucli ux xiiKcextixl bj Senator Davit, Another eom jiromlxe xllgcexted Ix to lillxx the holixe bin latnoTueed by Kepreeentatlve Oannoa Nthorlilng the praeidaal to apply Ihe I ,'" colletted from dotlea on I'orto Itieo, uml thux ll.h over the prrexehl eloerceln y III Ihe ix- laad. Tin- friemlx of the iiaux amendment may hi xaid to include Helton, Aldrieh and others who have been oja'lily III favor of the prexi'lenl 'x iceomioeuda lion of free trade. Senator Maxou xays in' will vote for the amendment, uml Senator I ill loin xayx that be in in favor of attending anrwrtrleted nom martial relationa to Pterin Itieo. in fact, the Devil tmaudmenl dom not apx-ur ao object 10114,1110 to Ihe tarift aeuubira xucli ax I'latt iii t jim-cticiit an I ra Iroiri the toliucco uml xucur regloiia, win-re ihe sentiuieilt uculnxl a free inurkct for l'r,rto Iticuu products ia exceed iiigfly bitUir. All efforts to iraee the Davia amendment toadminW trillion iullueiice ure in vain, but il would not lar a a-n ut Mtntlgt to the frlenqt of the administration if I'ruai- dent McKihle n-i vo. iea re, oliillienda tim. uml thux avoiding the serious (Hililieal BOmpllaatkani Ihut would eueue bv tin paaaagi ol a I'orto Kiian tariff bill. otnt . itfier CONUaisalONAL NOTta. Vol on the Hawaiian BUI April t. Coekrall Opposad to Junkets. Wuxhiiictnii, Man h in In tin house tixlay Knox axked unaniinoua tonaanl that the bill providing; a terri torial form of government for Hawaii be taken up April S, with a final vol, April ,V The request wu- acred to Consideration ol the Wixc-Young eon lualixl election caan was n sinned. Wuebingtoii, March It). In the mi, .ii.- today Allen Introdaned t reaolution directing the couimitttai on rules to re ixirt why the naretary of the xenute hud not for several yeura reixirtial ul the beginning of each session the nil in -la-r of clerks, luexaeugera aud other employee, with their salaries. 'Ihe reaolUtlOO was passed. to bv Ooakrell Ha wantixi in mtaf a protext againxt these junket- The rexolut ioti went over Hsnalor Lindsay Apeak. Mr. Llndtay, ol Kentucky, tixik the llixir to tddrttt the xenate on the I'orto Rita tariff ami government bill. Senator l.imlxav x,t, the senatr maaanra oontalna all tha objectionable feature- of the holixe bill and alxn u Hollaing tbeotataly laooawieatnl with the taxing porraf it asserted. He thru culled tttentlOO to the fuel that the -en. ile lull declared that all I'orto Rleant who were Bpenleh xubjiits xhouhl Im deemed elllttna of the t'nited Stale- ami tixik iaaue with Senator Foruker'x OnatentloB that "oltlWBl" when iimxl iu the treaty of Paril HMgal merely that a partOB owed alh'giance to the government He did not believe we are under rouetitutional or legal obligatioux to make cittxenx of the people of I'orto Hi,s, but if we are to treat them ux the inhabitants of a dependency he Ineittod that wi can not i oiixi-tentl v declare by congrex- ironal enacttiieni that they are hi ba deemed ami held to be rltlmm ol the United Slate- Any action we look us to them could not, in hix view, deter mine the civil rights ami the polltlogl -talus of Ihe FiTipinox for it was a matter 'if agpedlency with ux. The Philippine-, while lawfully suh ;eel lo ottr xovenicu lurisdii't ion, were not integral partx of the I'nitixl stalex and their Inhabitant! were not, in hix opinion, entitled to II hiim that they can he governed onlv umler and iu elect accordance with tile coti--t t tut ii m of the t'nited States. It wax to avoid the claim that by aim ac ceptance of the cession from Spain we placed mirxclvex under obi igat ions lo the people of (he crstixl territory to clothe them with American eltinen xhip, however inexxient or prexister- ooi or even daagjarotM it might be to do xo. that the xt ipulut ionx of the oh Prencn, Spanish ami Mei. lean treat ie were ornittad and n materially ditTerent xtipulation Ineerted in the treaty of I arix, pnividliic that the "civ il rtchts and the political xtatnx of the native inhubitanlx of territory Otded to the United state- -hall is determined by the enhgresa. " "We cannot forget that with the cession of I'orto Itieo xhe lo-t the nrlnclpal markatt xhe had long en- joveii, thai our larm laws have ts'en xyxlemulieully applied to her prodoett ami I lint Ihe markets of Spain uud Cuba, which were unci' OnaO to her, can onlv be reached now by the paj meat ol Spuuixh and Cuban duties. She hax lost free Intercourse with Spain ami Cubu uml it It now prOMMod lo deny her free ilitereotirx,' Willi the people "f the United Slates. "We oannoj afford lo do ibis aajeet thine. I xhull iota to amend tins lull -" ax lo make it provide for abxolute Irei Kit At the peach in tile audit warinlv leagues. AGAINST THE REPUBLICANS -o State Circuit Court of Kentucky Hands Down a Decision. o GOVERNOR TAYLOR WILL APPEAL trade with the people of I'orto mcluelon Mr. Lindeay'i wits mil only upplumhxl by rx in the gaiieriex, hut wax congrutulatixl by his col strikk in oaioaae, Savral Incounlar Oeaur Btwn Union and Non-Union Man. Chicago, March III I. Hurt- of eon- iraetori to place aonaalon men at work oil buihliugx III vurioll- partt of the Olty, work on which has boefl il.ter riipted by Ihe xlrike, Mtalted in tag eral encouuterx Ix twi eii union and non union men Al Ihe new Uilgeiixburg (lock i the contractors xucccedixl In getting eight men through the picket tnee ol the union workmen ami put tbeffi to work A lew bricks were thrown, but t ue wax hurl and Ihe police iplli klv suppressed the disorder Strikers uml non-uuioii men clashed m ar the luelory of the Western Flee trie coiupuuv, several list light- is - eurred. Chief of Pol tot Klpley today agr I to furnish Ihe building COOtraC- lOtl all the protect lo, i lux exxarv for in, non-union men THK IDAHO hsa HUMS Prad Martin' Taillinoiiy Brine Out Nothing Nw. Wushington, March 111 Cross e umiuatiou of Fred A Martin wax eon tlnaad ut the Pmier d'Alant investiga tion tisluy. He wax clomdv ipiest looial us lo bis l-rexenee on Ihe train which agirlad tim rmtete to naidaer He maintained that he wits there by chance anil hud no purl in the uttuck on the mill. He suw armed and masked Inch, hut Ibe seriollxiiesa of the situation did not appeal to him until after the null was blown Up He said an unknown man pinned a ribbon ou bltOOOt, but there wax no explanation of its meaning From u dllMnat he saw the ex illusions and afterwards saw .Mmv in lying shot ou the roadside DAWSON POPULATION DWINDLING. Nineteen Bapadlliuns Mav I all (or Cap Norn. Wusliiiicb.i. March III I'lel, r date of I . ,i n Oily, January II, Yne CoiixiiI Morrison reixirled thai nineteen elpeditloeal had left Dawaon for Cape Nome -in, e Deoember li and as ami ux the weather iiuxleratea many more will start. The popnl.it i .i, ol llawssiii ia six thousand less than last yeur. I ale news from Nome lonllrins the rerportl ol the richnesa of the district and announces new tilnls in Ihe interior, but luck ol fuel prohibits these taring wot kcil in winter. Typhoid fever has ttpxared ut Hawsou with increasing mortality, owing to the iliaxliug of the mlnee Ihe Haw son gold output may Ihi kept down. Bx-Mlnlslsr Phlp Peal. Ne Have, Conn., March ID Hon. IC, -I. I'heljui, ex minlater to Bnglaud, in I at hix realdeuce ou Humphrey xin et laic Friday afternoon, He k i I been ill ilnee early In Janaar) vithaa attack of pneumonia ThruleniHl QnfM Between CItII and Military Forces Republican Officials Will Remote to London Louisville, Kv , March It). A d.'- eixion attataiuiiig the contention of the leimx-rats that the legislature ia the tribunal for the determination of con texts for the ngtaa al aateavMt and lieutenant governor wu. hambxl down in the circuit court tin- morning The republicans will upx'ul the case lo the state court of appeals and if the de rision there is against them, will try to gel a hearing before the lTriltt-l sta'es Mpreme court There is a resrt Ihal UajtagMf Tay lor uml the republican state officials will leave tislay tor London Pha Bollat Iimxl up in front ( the Stale house tixlay but made no decisive move after being tw ii e refused entrance to the building Sheriff Sutter at MM began swearing in u big foren of deputies to aid in arresting Powers and Davis, The depot lex will resrt al the xheriff'x ofgMHI at '.' n'ehx'k when a con- Blet betareea the civil ami military authorities is exx'ctix Kxeltlne Tlm l.sok! For. Franklort, Ky . March III BggN tarv of Stute Cowers and Captain Davis, for whom warrant- were issued last night, are xaid to be in the exe eative building ol the stale rapitol, and the soldiers guarding the building refused to allow the silice lo search for them It ih roportixl that Taylor bus issmxl orders for all stute guards who recogniae him as governor to com to the stale house and stirring times are apjiareullv not far awav. At . in Nheritf Suiter was admiltel to s,x A, julnnl I ieneral Collier He inforuuxl Collier that he desired to enter the executive building for the pllrtssax of -ervinc warrantx, ami demanded to Is- permitted to da Obtltat rarMtd, xavuig aobody arooM is aitmittii u the building for an indellnite s'riisl Advlsad to Surrndr. I rankfort, K . March 10, Stale I'reaxiirer Sharp made the h nig statement: 'Towers and will xiirremler in a few hours xiiuplv waited until they eoiild miinicute with their attorneys, advistxl ti,. in lo give up." Order d to Prankrort. ur-viiie. K . March 10.- militia coiupuuv has receivisl to make reud v to MOM to Frank Kx low - I 'av is lhe coin - r ho The mile recotixlderixl the Triplelt n .In II" f,.r the ' loll Bar! total ordere fort Kanlueky' Troubl. Fratikl.irt, Ken , March III. The Npl appropri.iiiug pai.isi purxHM' ol cpnppiug u stute militia and recovering the arms ami evpnp Bienl removed lo I,, Hi' loll Henator Triplet! said during last night the remaining arms and other militarv prox rly in the arsenal here wen- loaded in cars and tkipued to London. Seualors I'uryear ami Jones, win, Voted against Ihe resolution, VoUxl for il today and il passed, pi to I In Ibe house the uiiuoiim eutelit was gnx'lixl will, prolonged applauae. Fllgelie J. Hall, the isu't and pnb lixher, aays thai one dose of I .let , lion, y uml Tar peBtOfod hix voice when hourseness threatem-l to prevent Ilia leetare at Central kfueio Hall, Chicago. For sale bv I ' lu slate THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANV OP Nggf YORK RICHARD A. Mi CURDY PklMOCNr 1 1 n , I ,.f the tear aasllaf Isaceaaker Jl, I eve A., "Olius In tag ataudard ul Ifetc Is IMlMiluuul ol lb. Male ul N- w I VI nil I'w.ltsd Par Prsaal I , um all u. a., Hairss IUBl'BBEBB.XT Ts Pallrt.kolJ.'s (sr Ctalaa. I, Ii,,,, , T I'.ll, lr rar taaa a.aia. Inn.), si. lai all vtk.r asuu ,x,t,M .1 laarra I aliaxi xl. I.. Baada aaJ altar seratlUaa Ural It.. Iee. ua liu.J aaJ Barteae Laga. sa Bsail. ggd alkar fca- -i-iiii,, . . . . I,a. asl asjsaai'a PalUlM lUal k.lxl.i I'lguai't liUOW. Balbllaga, gailatk.i Pfassf- lla Cak I Bgk Ul tf .al tea. sealea a a eg a Acraad IgUraal. Rat l.f.,,.j l'r.ailggia,.u. in.t,i;j tl ie.7te.M7 i! ll.taa.tat i i pt,.i,e lllt.lM.iCI It . ,;i,;i a a it, en t ., a ti.iaa.J.-i o i i.ui :,i. gj .WM.M7 41 JOI,l,il) . ! LIABIUTIKB PaJ'i-l Ikemi, sla. IHll.lll.Ma It l oslisa.al uaatealsa Paa4 . ,, Jl Aiallakl. r.. AalkailMd Ul.l- aj i, iae.ee e ol,a4.U7 tt cad Aaaalll.a I tl.Mf.ttu.tll tl Isasra.i-a Isic I ha. i ran fully vagsglasd tk. for.g-uiua atgtr no ul aud uud ilia Muit lu be out red ; UeLiiii.v I ealxulalgd by lUc lu.uiauie Ucuartsaeat. V a . a l a A raatL aa Auditor Hoe. h I A. ONANNUa Vwa-Patasswl i its B Lilian. I. . P. I nun i lauaaw Caotfwau, LMuav MlClls itx-a l.cu.ial M.itag.i . Vl ri.ald.ut Tlaaaun l A.-tuai y Ag, nl avallh'. -nt.HX.,.,1. ,.i,i nn . ocueral tv a.n VViiiita , Cm.. Male Mauagt I lurUaiel. i irt'gnu ... . OVER 6,000.000 BOXES SOW YEARLY. A rteolotlfai rr ported from the torn o.iii, . ou contingent expeitaea, author ixing the aub-couimittee on rulatioim vt ah Cuba to viuit Outat, waa obpajttal Tha n asofl Is tlmpla ABO. Beecham's Pills triad IW 60 laara. ftUM ll.MUM, iHMTMlllln. ' -' -- t ,- Uu-Lu,,. II IW la, thai tliay till ail tim rwiuiiuuuiuia nl a gcuciul auUdote or ALL ttUJOt IS AND NUKVtxi maONUtiKe lu a inula aaiuiucuny uiaiiuar than auy umprlutary lued ev r I'lw-ed balure tlio nublii'. btsx-uuui's Hil are hiought tajlor your uotU-v, tir you rtinu you should ay uianuex than guy uxopiloUkry uivditiue Puis are hiuuulil huloi vuur uialtt. aud. air you require them or uo. i( uot Uiday. you way toiuonow - whau the limn sal IV uur uirtttc. aud. I in- rvuaou (or their uued U ohava . In vrnir nwa lutarssL tak tueui. koowu lo younwll. but he that a ll luay, yuu will show goud ludgnuaut by i ui reaainaM doss, aud dulae ao 1 a tUBiu a A B 0. TM eetrweet eete el atirktm'e Pet haa been achievad wttMM IM gekeV gjjgj e waiaiuMuaia, masui oeitttj iwai naeinsaii a raw racoi Moid every trare, ia Doxs, lu oeaM aad as oeaila etaea. itMaaiMiMiiiMllliillilllllMMIiiiMlilillilliMtaia