DAILY EVENING EDITIDH fut Your "Ail." In The EastOrcRonlan Ami havo It ...Seen... PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON", WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, J000. VOL. 1' NO. 3735 aiThIihU f I'rlntliiKl TlicUmtOreeonlon Will ilo It fr .)'' " f- New llliC wnru uuai ColorJ, for fancy work and moun,,nK50to19oa8hoot New lino Semi-Po-cehdu English dishes In brown. . Iilno, I'tv.cocu ami J Imperial Green. jl)..r) to 114.70 n sot Spee'al!.j They're Here m(1. iiiti! Card Hoard, plain and . Bi CYCLES . i.. ti rvin nfTar Hiirll ft L'Ant line of hlpli grade (nd c,,t"ft,) lii fa ti. Cleveland Imperl"! SrauhlinR Sytncuse Ttlbunc Festhertonc Stearns llarnes Wheels from $4 to $75. .ii mi t l.iifinril III W L'U S UIU HUH"""-" I through the Reason. Agent Weekly Kxmnlncr. Our Superb line of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. Dress Skirts, Jackets. Petiicoats, Silk Waists. The mott important gathering of the kind ever shown in Pendleton Not n proiniscuotu medley of indifferent merchandise, but a magnificent stock of car. fully selected garments of the very first order. You will find them strictly fitst-clnss in workmanship up to the very highest standard of fashion and ex ceptional values. They urn on exhibition Conic ami see tltein. Alexander & Hexter 'ITfi Boston Store Ask to See Our New Dress Goods Plaids Again proclaimed uite the proper idea, lor smart, up-to-date separate skirts. They psnuit of a decided change in one's apsai ance; they're serviceable; they don't cost much. 38 inch Plaids of Cheviot or CameV Hair, mixtd materials; the Spring shades aie bright and pretty; splendid 7Art nhofor Children's Dresses UtijQ- 40-ineli Heautiful Plaids, softly shaded, lirelty and stylish UOC 4? inch to 54-inch Swell Plaids, used exclusive ly for separate skirts These arc the high nrt effect, end character i evident in every shading- The prices vary from $1.10 to $1.50 Golf Suitings These fovrrites. in their new appear ances will prove a leading iabric in this year's selling. Just now they're new, fresh and charming. 52- and 54-inch wide, with handsome Plaid and Oheck backs, at $2.00. 2.25 and 2.35. Shirt Waists We don't draw on your imagination in the least when we say: The Boston Store is show ing the nobbiest line of Shirt Waists ever seen in Pendleton. It would please us to be allowed to show them to you. Pendleton's Big Store. Shingles Posts' Anf An Other Kind 0f , bi stock of hard woods on II nr,L.. r ... I "v" will work nrnmnr. wis and ... Pendleton nnum 4 1 1 .. w m m m M.i vi. FORSTER - - Pwm soriberslfJMSi ... IU EMM TT.it-.a ur rnitn... wublcni - remit, bv tuw .., ...... t in ,ho ,"" " wouy Irotble ami hIiT " yo on SuSS l'ublUK Company. ton-Ukiah Start a. 1 twm. "onawe freight and pa.. Tillman & Co.'i drug for Infants and Children. Tio Itjnil You Hhvp Alvays Huught has lono tljo plerna turi) pf Chns. II, Fletcher, and lcon made umlor tl )prsoiml supervlsfon for over 30 years, Allow o QMO to rtppolvo you In tills. Counterfeits, Imitations ana JMHt-HS-tfood" ftro but lSxporiiuuuts, ami endanger tue liealth of Okliareu Hxperieuco against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of GENERAL NEWS. . . 1 ...1 1 1 1 .mth. I.uliUHl omnium, wiiii iihh neon critically Hick in Now York, in much I hotter. I (ii'rulillni!, the fmnotiH rnchiK innro, linhlcr of the worhl'H record for half 11 mile in 40 pecondtt, is dond at Sprecklo's N,n U'dif., farm. Tlio miliar truct'H liiHt dividend vh omIv oiie-lialf of one jiur cent, owinn to the" light tlmt haw been carried on for Minns inontliH with Arlinckle ltros., who started a rival rulhiory. Mrn. Krancew M. Wolcott was granted an abfolnto divorce from Sena tor Hilward 0. Wolcott, on the ground of decertlon t Denver Monday. Sena tor Wolcott wiih not precent, and no evidence was Introduced for the de fense. Secretary Hitchcock liaa cent to con urvM. witfi hi approval, a hill drawn by CominlHidonor Hermann, of the gen eral land olllce, to authorize and regu late tlio sale and m-e of timber on the unappropriated and unreserved public latulR. Senator DaviH of Minnesota Iihh offered an amendment in the fcnato to the Puerto Hi run hill. It Ih in effect to havo the tariff of tlio United State until led to Puerto ltiro upon loreiun ImportH, hut allow aliHolutu free trade between tho United Staten and Puerto lilco. Itenrecontativo Do VrIon, of Call forula. Iihh introduced a ioiut resold tlon in the house for tho repeal of duties, on white or printing paper and the material from which it Ih mnde, and direction tho attorney-pneral to proceed under the anti-trust law apilnst those niaiutaiuIiiK 11 monopoly In Mich paper and material. Lieutenant Kdpir V, Koehler, of the nt 1 niantry, wan snot in the abdo men and killed at a village six miles north of Tarhie, in the Pliilipp! where ho wont In nearch of some hidden rilles. A l illpini). prouilHliiK to nroduce tlio rules, leu nun nun an ambush away from his command. Tho soldiers, in revenue, burned tho village, and killed 24 of tlio enemy. THE BRITISH IN TRANSVAAL WOOL GROWERS CONVENTION. Is 0 Prcndergast's Flying Column Kruger's Territory, Enters BOERS WILL CONTEST GLENCOE PASS Buller Pushing Ills Forces Toward llarrysmltli. of Corvaiiis, or., 'president of tfi Lord Morn RmIm IIU AHmiim V'.illtio" ' w.: 1Jllu.v "f V01 Upon Blocmfontelo. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NliWS. Hon. II. W. Wilson, lor no yearn county clerk 01 llentou county, died Sunday at Corvaiiis. Mrs. (ieoriro Mel.auLMiliu. at lluena Vista, while haudlini; a lmiii used to shoot gophers, shot part of her right Hand oil. Seha Norton, a well known farmer of Now hra, near uregon Ulty. died .Mon day night at his home, aged iVt. Ho was maiiu a .Mason 111 inwa -0 yearn ago. .loliu Wilson died in Albany at the advanced age of 112 years. Ho was horn Michigan, and from that statu in March (I. 1K0S, in came to I. inn county l.r)L'. Louis, hlmnson, aged IK), who was found in a shack at Westminster. II. ('., with his throat cut, is said to leave a widow and family at Astoria. Ihe coronor'H Jury returned a verdict of suicide. Mrs. Jano Kces. who died near Lebanon, Linn county, a few days ago, left an estite valued at about flL'0.000, inostlv In monev. She left no child ren, and thu money goes to hor brothers and sisters. John I toli.-oii, of Albany, llled a netitlon in lmnkruntcv in Portland lio is a salesman. His liabilities amount to f.ri"00, due a sewing ma ehino company, ami his assets aro ex pressed in cipiiers. Jacob S. Itincarson, a pioneer of 184H. aued 811, died at Oregon Olty Monday night. Accompanied by his lirotlier. no semen in v.iiucKaiuas conntv. after crosslnu tho plains, in ...... . . 7 I . ln-W, HIS nroiuer dying suverai years "KO. Duclaw Costollo, a rronch wrestler and bahituo of tho Tenderloin, in Seattlo. was stabbed to dentil by ic tor no Mnruouett. his mistress, Sunday morning. Costollo died two hours later. Tho woman is in charged with murder. John. Charles and Kmnia, aged respectively 5, 7 and 1), children of Charles Wenuer. livinir 11 miles from Olympia, Wash., were burned to death .Saturday nmnt. ine parents were no- sent from homo attending a dance and an elder sister aged lli was left in eharuu nf thu house and children. She London, March ".A dispatch from Durban says: A living column of llritlsh from Hululund has entered the I ransvaal and has been daily skirm isliiiiL' with small part es of Doers I lie force consists of mounted in fantry. Natal scouts and art 1 erv. commanded ny .Major rrendergast. Tho rtotront from Ludysiulth. liner ('amp, lllggersberg, Saturday. 1 ue lederais nave laiien back on lllggersberg chain that crosses Natal south of Dundee. The retreat from Ladysinith was duo to tho mistake of a certain commandant in ordering bis men to retire from tlio key to the position without a reason for tho move incut. On receipt of bad news from Modtier river Wednesday It was re solved to send the wagons to Diggers berg. Will Contest Oloncoo Pass London, March 7. It is reported that Puller has pushed forward bis force along the Harry Smith lino of railroad toward Van Keenau's pass. It appears thu Doers Intend to take up a strong position in tho lllggersberg range and contest tho (tlencoe pass, al though it hardly seems likely that llullur will attempt to forco these for tho present. The Times contains a dispatch from Capo Town which says thorn Is crying need for an explicit statement by the Ili it ish ministry that nothing short of annexation is intended, "in order to dampen tho mischievous agitation going on under tlio pretext of a tie maud for peace." Dullor's Cnjunltloj. A list of casualties sustained by Pullers force from lebrnary M to Kohruarv '27 shows: Killed 1L'I. wounded "fill, missing ft I. This makes thu total cost to the rank and llle in thu final relief of Ladysinith 18.?,) men. Advnnclittf Upon Dloomfontoln. London. March 7. Lord Roberts telegraphs from Osfontolu: "Advance March 7. Kuemy in full retreat, fol owed by our troops. Casualties few." Boers rtotroatlnK Dotoro Roberts. London. March 7. Lord Huberts telegraiilied as ioiiowh: usiontein. Operations today promise to ho a great success. The enemy occupied a posi tion four miles north and eleven miles south of Moddcr ltiver. I placed (ieu eral Colvllle's division on the north hank and Kelly-Kenny's and Tucker's divisions with cavalry on tlio souiii bank. 'The cavalry division succeeded in turning tho enemy's left flank. opening tho road for the sixth division wnlcli is advancing wltliout being obliged to llro a snot up to the present time. Iliu enemy is in lull retreat towards tho north and east, closely followed by cavalry, horse artillery and mounted infantry, while Tucker's division, Colvllle's division and tho Assomblod In Bolso City and Thoro LnrRO Attondanco. . llolso City, Idaho, March 7. Tho I'acillc Northwest Wool Growers' asso elation met in convention at 10 this morning in Sonna's opera bouse. The lirst session was devoted to welcoming oi mo delegates and to other formal! ties. A number of del emit cm to the mm-en tlon arrived last night and others will come in today. Among last evening arrivals were Dr. James Witbvconibe le asso Portland the secretary. Thev are euests at the Overland. Other arrivals are J. W iiiiiko ami wife of reudleton. who arc at the Capital, Professor II. T. French of the Moscow university, J. I'. Van Ilouten and 0. A. Van Houten of Port land, Unley Mekinzle of Caldwc W. Ct. Ayre of linker Citv. A. 0. Hut terllehl of Welser, Mr. and Mrs. John Hrlco of Caldwell and J. Turnhull of Ncnntor, Or., Charles Cunningham oi I'ciidicion, President Wltbvcombe comes lloise for the lirst time. He has heard a great ileal of this part of Idaho and ho says be is very much pleased with it. In the course of an interview last evening he said: "This section has a great future be fore it. w aro going to hear from these broad acres and from these ma jestie mountains. They will make this art m iiiano lamoiis. Tho country Is but in its infancy now, but it. has been started in the right way. I like the Idea that prevails hero of iliversllled Interests. The more tlio better. One or two or three t h nus w ill not. il Ihe production must bo varied." Dr. Williveoinhe savs Ori'i-nti enjoying her 'share of the general pros perltv of the country. The mildness o tho winter lias been a boon to the stock men. Ihe wool men wil not nnlv se cure a better price for tliolr output but will have a heavier yield per head than for some time. Dr. Witbyconibo is director of the agricultural experimental station at Corvallls. lie was state veterinary for several years and as such made manv visits to I'.astern Oregon. There he got prcuv well unmanned with iiinim without having visited the state. Thu folIowiiiL' is the nroL'rani of dav : Wednesi av. 10 a. in. Address welcome by Mayor J. II. Ulchards Response by Dr. James Wlthvconibe, president. .Music. Address. "Grasses for the Kiiiil-ii. by Professor A. II. Leckunbv. Discussion. Music. Wednesday, " n. annual address. Report of secretary. Music. Address. "Outlook Northern Idaho," by rroncn. Discussion. Music. i -a Kir. "ino Lincoln Miceti as Mutton and Wool Producer," by J. rni TICK. Discussion. Music. Wednesday. 8 n.' m. Reception natatoriuiii by chamber of commerce to of in. President's for Sheep Professor II. as a II. at PRUNE 0R0WKRS MEET. nt Throo Tho Attondanco Is I'lnood llundrod. Portland, Or., March 7. More than .KM) prominent prune urowers from Idaho, Oregon and Washington aro here guard's brigade under I'ole-Carew are for tlie purpose of iirgaiil.ing an asso making their way across tho rivor at ciatiou inroiign which prune growers Poplar's Drift where I propose to place n ay market their crop, ihe work of my Iieadiiuarters this oveulng. uur organization ocgius uxiny. ai tho same casualties are few, as tho enemy was tune urn lanuers' congress will Imi or unprepared for helm; attacked by Hank and having their communications with liloemfoutuln threatened. GOEUEL'S MURDERER. Harlan Held on the was badly burned hi attempting rescue her brothers and sister. Whlttaker Is Charge. Frankfort. Kv.. March 7. Tho court thu city jail, house was packed today at the examin I I .-!..! . II... I.... ll'l.I. ...!... .... tl... iiiu trim in iiiiiiiiii miiuivri iiii ihv1 charge of afsasslnatlug Governor Goobel. The prosecutor was assisted bv Colonel Camnbe II of New lork. All the witnesses today were those participating in Whlttaker's arrest, nu'liidiiiL' the detectives. Thu defensu did not cross-examine any witnesses. At the conclusion of Headache Is often a warning that tlio liver Is torpid or Inactive wore serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, clllclent euro of Jleauncho anil all liver troubles, take Hood's PSSSs While they rouso tho liver, restore full, regular action of tlio bowels, thev ilo not crii or nalii. do nut Irritate or Inltatr a tho Internal organs, lint have a nosltlvo tonlo effect. 25c at all drugL'tsts or by mall of C. 1. IJooU A Co., Lowell, Mass. to tho evidence of the state, Wlilttaker's attorney submitted tho case, .imlgu Monro ordered Whlttaker held to the April grand jury wiinoiii nun, A Small Vote Bxpeotod. Portland. Oro,, March 7. It is feared that owing to the registration ganteed. Tlio prune men, after organiz ing, win become members oi the farm ers' congress, which Is composed of the hop urowers' association, wool urowers' association. dairviueu'H association and other oragniatlous, Kach hodv wi li keep up its iudividualitv hut all will combine to form a farmers' con- gress so that they may take advantage of each other's eximrienco and work together along morn practical lines. These meetings, in the minds of prominent horticulturists and agricul turists, mark an important era in the industrial life of the northwest. In stead of strife, discord, suicidal com petition and slipshod farming, it is proponed to lay the foundation for an intullluent co-operation hv which the grower after having raised his product) can llnd a market for It at a fair profit. Wild Scones In a Convention. Waco. Tex. .March 7. A serious Htillt , . i . ..... . . occurred in uie repiiiiiican state con vention today. McDonald had been SOVEREIGN ON THE STAND o Labor Leader Tells of the Blowing Up of Buuker Hill. DENOUNCES THE MILITARY OFFICERS Describes Conditions la tbe Bull Pen as -a Repetition of tbe Horrors or Anderson vllle Washington Notes. Washington, March 7. James R. Sovereign resumed bis testimony to day at thu Coeur d'Alene investiga tion. Ho was asked If there was anv law requiring members of labor organizations fo cancel the names of criminals. Sovereign answered in thu negative. Speaking of general condi tions while the men were Imprisoned, Sovereign denounced tho military olllcers for "a reign of bread and wa ter," describing It as a repetition of the horrors of Andersonville. Mem bers of the committee cross-examined Sovereign. Representative Hull took him over the assembling of the miners on the morning the mill was blown up. The witness said It was evident there was preconcerted action. At Hull's reuuest Sovereign read an article in a paper edited bv him as to Hunker Hill destroyed, headed "ono thousand wreak vengeance on a scab mine," The article said half tho men wero masked and described the scones as dynamite was placed under tho mine concentrator and it was completely wrecked. To Ponston Lllluokalnnl. Washinuton. March 7. The senate committee on foreign relations au thorized the report bur of an amend- inent to the diplomatic hill appropriat ing fL'0.000 to lie paiil ox-Wuecn Liliuokalani. and Providian for an annual donation of 10.000 so loin as sbu may live. miiiiviiii tillered a resolution that "While the Filipinos cnnllnuu tho present war no expression of intention as to the future course of the United States with respect to them should he made by the senate." .Mason gave notice that he would enter a mot Ion that the committee on foreign relations he discharged from further consideration of his resolution expressive of the senate's sympathy law, which goes into operation for thu J put up for temporary chairman by the iiii-i'ii iiiihiiiii nun rergusoii nv uie op position. Hoth took tlio rostrum, One of thu wildest scenes ever witnessed in a Tuxas convention ensued. Fist lights were numerous. The Paper of the Peopl. Till" riiiT nnrnniii ti v u&d it. int tflol untbuniAfi. BTavAi... n Use , For Overyears. t Consumption v flf ' Cure m mrwwmk 110101 ul. UUUl&U 11 SfrSffiSSs (M "jg ML-FS U and lltonchltls, whlUi 1U woaj IV MmmV r Kal JMX Wil lonumpllonl without a par- 111 mm saiaK. 'im. I IV allellalfiohUtoryormeUlclne. Ill SSmmkmmtkW oeo. uakvuau, i-rep. .r mWmWMWKWEmmWMm9 m ,st which no other mcilKlnu If I KiSimjiBHr f?.l can stanJ. If you have u Mi rr-JlMBMs W ln KKland U. W., at. 3d mid Yl BUlHHiiHi lllk and aP.'lMn'ffrou, depot. 1 1 I SOLE PROPRIETORS iU . fS.C.WELLS&Coj Koom Kaie ouc, oc, i.uu w leroy, n.y. i,im T i HAMILTON, CAN. JM first time in Oregon, that the vote at tho cominu election will bo liuht. The executive committee of the republican league of Oregon has taken up thu matter of registration and lias ad dressed circular letters to the republi can clubs of Oregon asking them to urge voters to register. Street Railway Employes Discharged, Tacoma, Wash.. March 7. Twelve conductors and oiuhi motormen weru discharged this morning from thu City Mreei itaiiway service. It is believed to he because thev are alleued leaders of a movement to demand an increase of wages. All Hope Abandoned, Charleston. W. Va.. March 7. -Hope for thu rcfccuo allvo of tho eighty or ninety miners still entombed in the Red Ash mine bus been practically abandoned. Governor Atkinson is still on tliu ground directing relief operations. For sale by lirockb McCuuiai, 1'euuietouV An Advance In Wages. Fittsburtf. March 7. AH employes of the National Tube Works in the United States will receive an advance of 10 per cent in wages. Tlio men affected number over 20,000. Georgia Republicans. Atlanta, March 7. The republican statu convention met todav. Col. Johnson of Atlanta was elected chair man of tho central committee. The Social Democrats, IndiunnmliH. March 7. At today's session of tho social democratic conven tion tbe committee reports wero discussed. Secretary Root at Havana, Havana. March 7. Secretary Root arrived this morning. He was re Iceived with a salute from Cabanas fortress. Big Blazo In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, March 7. A lire en tailing an estimated loss of over 17(H).- 000 occurred today in thu retail dry goods district. Thu prinepal losses aro: Shoneinan Pros., Dry goods. mn,,wni; .uarKs uros., ury goisis f. '100,000 ; Myerboff Uros., women am children's clothing, ami thu Philadel phia Klectric Ivqiiipment Co., L'00,000. Resembles Bubonlo Plague. San Francisco, March 7. A case of what is sujijMised to bo bubonic plague, though the exact nature of the disease Is uncurtain, lias been discovered In Chinatown. Tho patient was imme diately isolated and the wholo of Chinatown placed under strict ipiaran tinu. No fear is uppreheuded of a spread of the disease. What to Do Until the Doctor Arrives. It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear ones suffer while uwaiting thu arrival of thu doctor. An Albany (N Y. ) dairyman called at a store thoro for a doctor to come and sou bis child, then very sick with croup. Not finding tho doctor in, ho left word for him to como at once on his return. Ilo also iiought a bottlu of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, which be Imped would givo sonio relief until tho doctor should arrive. In a few hours he re turned, saying thu doctor need not como, as tbe child was much better. Tho druggist, Mr. Qtt( Sehoiz, says thu family lias siuco recommended Cham berlani'tf Cough Remedy to their i neighbors and friends until he lias a constant demand for it from that part of thu country. For salu by Tallmuu a uo., Druggist. with thu Hours, because he said it is learly thu intention of the com mittee to taku no action on the resolution. Lodue till u addressed the senate on the Philippine question. To Savo tho Big Trees. Washington, .March 7. At thu sen ate's session Mr. Ilaiishroueh reported a house joint resolution directing thu secretary of the Interior to place under Isind thu "Mammoth Tree Grovu" and tbe South Park urovu of 1 I lt trees In Calaveras and Tuolumne counties. 'aliforuia, the idea being that thu government acquire thu groves. Thu resolution was adopted. Short Session or tho House. Washington. March 7. Thu house was hi session hut twenty-llvo minutes today, adjourning out of respect to thu memory of thu late Representative liarmer of Pennsylvania. The vote on thu Aldricli-Kohhius contest case was postponed until tomorrow. Thu iniereiicu report on the llnanclal bill was presented to the house but no time was fixed for calling it up. Philippine Commission. Washinuton. March 7. Professor lleruanl Moses of Ihe Hnlvcrsltv of California had a conferunco with thu resident and Mr. MeKInlev tendered ilin thu vacant nlai o on the nuw Phil ippine commission and Mr. Moses ac cepted it. Ibis completes thu commission, of which the personnel is as follows: ludge Tuft, Ohio, president: Dean C. Worcester, Michigan; Luku Wright, lennessee: llenrv C. Ide. Vermont: llurnard Moses, California. Reduotlon In Sugar. New York. Marcli 7. Thu American Sugar Rellning company has reduced the price of all Its sugars 10 cents per hundred pounds. The usual reduction is o cents at a time, I Ills douiilo re luetlon brhiL's the price of standard granulated sugar down from Ti.'JO too. 10 cents a pound. Hume Re-Elected Mayor. Seattle, Wash., March 7. Yester day's city election resulted hi a sweep ing victory for thu republicans. Hume was re-elected mayor ami thu entire republican ticket was successful. The Plague at Port Townsend. Victoria, II. C, March 7.-()lllcial advices are received of the appearance of genuine bubonic pluguu op thu steamship Nanyo Maru at Diamond head, Port Townsend. I rn a fipnviiiifvl i t I Ml ft ULUUIHI ; LLnaiLiiiiijiu I SAUCE TUB ORIGINAL WORCUSTERSMIRU J t t nrK. BEWARE OP 4 ; I IMITATIONS : J ou mrjr llUt - t 4 John Duncan's Sons, AgtnU, New York J ALL THE NEW St Take the Eaat Oregonlan. Dally 95.00 a year by mail. Weekly Sl.co. and Rml I Wet'tly a.oo a year. SampUopyfre.