73 When People Start Out to bny. thev want to know where they can do the best, and there s only oue way to find out that is. to investigate, and while vou are doing this, doj't forget to ca'.l at the MagBat Cash Store. We are offering otne Astonishing Bargains in All Lines of Goods. And it will he to vour advantage to get our prices A Gold Watch given away on the first of March Vou get a gues with every dollar purchase. TIb Man tel Sue Clements & Wilson. Tt'KM'W, M ARCH '. I Bittt WEEKLY AH) Sr.MI-V.KKKI.Y East o. -gontan TINDI.ITOK Pabttshtng Company. il'lvmfTl'.'!" HAT Dm; P tn. I V . Ml WSSK1V M.BK.'.irTli'K MIL Is, trnfy .it w it lilt T. ix. niM'-.. S.M" tMn . . Ot cpt oa Ox. cer .it ..!. Tn.1 kit riyt.ua . . eT MffVMM 0itcr. ... k Egg ip Oh leak. I j .3 f meat t v Of i ' ..- at. .-. I'HtMlltlMi.Wttlli "ml Duly 'it HMflllt. p., I.C.fl C. 4tS HMlHM i.e There will not la- any "wuikuver" in the presidential eleetion in Niiviioi- Ur. The nilenoe of the musses of the jieople rortend u politicul storm. Tlie nilver hull ion urrnmtilateil in the treasury under the Sherman act is to he eoined until the xul snli.iry eoinutfe r.-aehe- f lio.i'.i' 1 lie re puhlieun- ate playinir a stro politic. (ij Th. demoeratk in Kentueky atv ad- vwating n-poal of the uM ele. ti..n law in that ntute. l tie law Himuiil ; never have Iimmi luiwe.!. Kecpeet fur law ot uny kmil in Kentueky M a' a low ehh. The Oregon Native lofl for Mureh eiintuitif nmeli intereHtinir readini; n-r-taiuiiiK 1.1 the hiutorv and de..iij.ment of Oregon in early day, ami n-.'.m then meant Wushington, lUuho and oregun 0f today. A eewer pipe cumhine, with ten ' million of eapital, ir the luteal nctopun to form in the eaat with the : view of exaeting tribute from the ... pie umier laui-of republic un manufui lure and the Mark Uanuu brand. A bunker in u Hpeeeh in Portland de elaree tliat every reawHiable, capuble, Hible mind in the cuuutry wur- on ,tlie Ride of Kuglutid Hi the M.uth Atri eun Wur. BMM buukeri- huve a wonder ful wuy of allowing their eountiii.' houite environments to muke ull kiada if u fool out of them, but thi- Port land cum- ir the womt on r.-eord. Uetierul Shutter uetually eowi thut he U-hevex that tin Hoern an much ballar n.-nt.-r- than the S,.u,. iurdp Were al .Suilt'ugo. Yen. y.-h. that they ure. It , lucky for mthat we did not have the lUjerx lo fight w ith Sbufler in romiiiund. The Iftej wiid uIhiu' bin record ut Bunt iugo the battM it will Im- for therountrv, an well a- for him. Ueneral shafler wax the .exult of Algerixm in the MtfdtWWMJMt, awl Alger wux the rexlilt of u bi elieirk for the BMtpaipJi fund, und thut wux the i-xtent of their tuner., for tin they m-eupied. plan Tin- BMjUah loldlaw baad ixiiex of Uix-r woiin-n who hud died lighting in) the truuehex uroiind Ijidyxmith OMld I uiiything ball more plainly of the xuenxlnexx of the cuiim- for whirl, tin-liix-rx ure fighting uguinxt ui, Deaf whelming force When iin-n and ,. men are willing to die lighting for their country it rullx for the Mapaei und Patpath) of other men and women the world over. Tbe u,n I., wrong but they ure in dead eurueHt, and tliat eomitx for a greut deul lo their eradlt. They ure fighting lor the privilege to rule theinxelvex, for the right of ff. government. No KiigliHhman ever drew word in defame of a greater aMMl The deunx-ruti- are xurely getting to gether : it ix now an mm need that i'uiid u. iiiti win bead the New York deieguiion to the national deaMoatic convention. Among the delegate! will he ex-Judge AuglUtUI anWvek, Blehaid Croker and l.dward Murphy, and othcrx who did not euppotl Bryan in IHMti, but ure for him now. There in even talk of Judge YanWyck for vice-prexidolit. These politically w i.. K-oph: feel thut it ix time to climb late the bund Wagon qJ the llran domoeratic churiot, und they ure juxt ui in ply proceeding to do it. Cmkcr, of Taaimauy hull, wae the lint to et ti,' iumple uui! any UUUlber of otherx el the obi leaduN of the duaiporatic .animtion h., ami are doing 1., aim I'1 Moaiinbi) ix u lailiticiau, "" '- n. II, would tmttm ! prouidcnt than ba right i I eyei laws to the Court and Cottonwood man. "ff MM UtTOWt BOMIMeney , tn flu- w tml wlmlirver lie m-os all opa r ' tunity tn repair bif polttieBl feiioi. lie ii mi Uitli iMm it tin- PasM Bleo tariff bill, ami white BtaiHUlU fur five traiif with li lelaad t ull hrttattMi (uirMi!M ( outiiler. he wu. pourinc into the ears of eaagfMMMM h Uivi-pirnl liis BUIlfl IniM l.teruily tin rt a m why thee should vnte ka Ml the hill ill the baMB. Mr. MrKinlty tarried water on lutli chnii lilern in tin- eooneetiim. htlt he had tfm l iliti-i-ul reason fur Jiinc it and it will !e 1 1, . ven .1 later on that he lms made MHtiel rnpital out of it. A a aii tietati he ban few iUiiN uml M pit dent he baa wonderful IMOBITM IOT pluy iim the MBM fur ull it if Worth Tlie dignity of the nffii-e roaatJ for little with President MeKinlev. The people of Itiuliu, through their i.-nninierrial uixliex ut il nubile meeting", approve the opening of the Cnllinibiu river B navigation. If the people of the three states of Main . Wa-I.iiiutoti an I take i rtBa aetion n tl il im- poetMl matter the river WMHj be opened w ithin three veiirs. and. OBO for oil I. the cn.h" wouM bare tin adAntuii' of a a'reiit tree waterway for the traniirtation of their pfodwttl '. eount market. . It wmilil probably be little Had, Rut it- blMMMW Mini !! ever he felt DpOG t ruiitporiut ioti rates, loreiiig t hem down to tie- minimum and therehv further eneoaraciM tin ,. ,,,,.,, ,,f tl... inUn.l I Tl....e who own the lan.l of the Col- n,t.m river la-in would reap i ( ,. M,llvU. Briaing fr.m an OpM rtTef ami lower ranponatioii r..te-. and they are the nnex to take the initiative in briagiag thi paUk ini lirovemelit uIhuH, hut. Mtup a mav ap-ur. they are the inont luiek- ward in taking uny nte. in that dir. i . '".v "hould ..th-r- am lttUBP n.cn-hant na 1 jut huek from a trip eu-i, tell- tin fMkenian-Keelarfj that m Ii IW priw.1 at tin: inrluenti Matted hy the gri - ut tru-t-. Mr. Wei! ay- he ha- ;. ' lu'lievl in tin- protective tariff, i'" I i- view on tlii- qaaatioa huve b-en Hhaieii tiv the reeent growth ami work of tin- triixt.. He declarex they are laying ever iticreu.ing burden, oa th AMDieri ami making it iucreux- lagljl difficult foi luercliuntx und otherx to curry on their bu-inexx xn l exxiully. Every -r-in i. paying tribute to thexe greeny cominnaiioiix oi eupitul. uml a- .Mr. Vteil intimatex. tin- taritl law 1- lurgeiy raapoaalble tor tin power the-, exert. I'rexideiit Jordan, of the Stanford univ.-rxity of Culifornii., declarex thut war weaken, a nation, iihyxically. mentuiiy. naval ly, tad i other wave. This ix true t. a certain extent, but tho.e who ure not in position la defend their own will get robbed, and it MMM I s-ary to tight now alel then b maiiituiii our right.. Thix ix true in the case of individual, and aiao true oi aatloaa. it ix a aoadMiag that aoa trout, the people of the earth, not a theory. It ix wrong to light, hut ideal : truths are not ulwuyx to Ix- defended in (thi. most pructicul world of ours. A DEBT OF HONOR. tiles r. Fllley ux baried in 14. LmIi u Im dayeago, Tbe ..m,.. Bfotltet Earth thai i k t,' Iti buaaei jnatn ago John Una , tag BMW aba raiaad bin liux r lead thix Jean Vallean ol toodern dajte, uml both are at rest. Tin- sturv of i.ilex I . Filler I- Bl nlil a- aha eternal bllle eonflaenoe, inixt. Iietraval liv ii (Head, riyiil ufter ml. beraoae to daty, aad rata lir ao doiag, Tliix linn, inr tblrtr-fira veurx gtre hix brain, tin- sap nf h'ix xtrenu'tli tin- bm! uf bii boaor lo Ibe efti.ri .if d ieobara inu a i,:toO,i)iii iililigatioB, e.-r ilollar ui whieli nnirally ami legally I eboold bare been paid by John Flu ;hut abieh legally Mr. liliei km 1 isilllnl tn tlleCMrge. He never eulu- plalaed. He never amid thai sm-li punuhneol an.- M)aat. Year after year inn ii tin- (allure ol bbt concern, tin- Kiealeior Uanufaeturlna oompany, last im nit Ii , he ilaved bm ilaved to aaf tin-ilelii In- believed be Med, Just before the deputy sheriff eawi in Janoare lust to Snail y oloae tin doori nf tin- long eetabliehed Kicelelor kfaaufaetarlug oompany .lr Killey aalked wearily into tin' ,,iii,-,- ,,i bu bm Obarlw aad eaelaiaiedi I "This ix hunt, n boy. It ix hanl lo luy down like thix gfter eo lone llletlllie." Fot fifty y.-ar, he hail U-en u pr.iu. iumI Maineej auw of this olty, win... MBUi wax reepeeted as are fi-a . Kur thirty. liv.- yean ( thui iH-rhxl he hail MM iiinf nut tin- diehonof uf a frlaaa, Little woodur that he ax weary imr er omier either that with tin oloatag uf his aatabliehnient. hix lUibt ol hiiimr etlll not wholly diaoharged, the heart ritrinux hIiouIiI' hmxen. the eord nl life snap ami dMtfa euiue. Sueh a story BM01I unreal, a hit nf roataaoi, baaiBae it ix bo real, no ah- IHilUte u uiutler of faet. When John Hoa wax inavor of fit. T.onln dnrinc the finning daya of the civil war he wa- thoeght to to the wealth leal man in the town He 01 Bad extensive taniierir" und other huxinexs ealel pllaW The home of How wapjiti Loetiet avenue, and next dixir lft27 wa- the Kilh-y reeldenoe. The two men were homifn friendx. Mr. Filler tfaatod How ax only one man gives himeelf to another in wbon he lx--I levee. Both were on the high road to riche. for each life could not ecm o Im- brighter. How needed ready money, He apnaaled to Mr. Fllley for aid. Mr. Iilley instanttv Indorsed his notes for nniounts that in the end aggregated laoo.onti. A little trouble over one ot thexe gggM is 1 Mr. Killey to inveetbjate bm ajaadlag of his friend. Hew- led the iity. Then it dawned on his neighbor that he waf legally reeponeible for every dollar paid on the notes he indorsed. He accepted the situation. e e e His friend, urged him lo go into bankruptcy and xi-ttle for ISO eentx on the dollar. Thi. he refused b- do. He drew on the recOBTCea of the I xcel.ior enlBpaSJ ti' meet the m ilea, lie never compromised hut two of the notes one held by a hank which would accept nothing but a compromise and one , i, ... ..e,i by the late i upturn i-.inis, who would lake !;; BO cent on the dollar. The other noil's with interest tfe paid ill lull all but a few. Heath Intervened and prevented their payment . The interest on the notes in the thirty-five veare aggregated over 1800,000, bat Mr. Fllley Male M re monstrance. lli business prospered for a time. Dp In MBO and MB he was able to keep abreast of his mix fortune Then a lire and a strike cost him ISBO.OWi still he teeoeatad from ihll until three vear ago, when a dhaoge in the conditions i the iron trade errioualy affecteil hie company. Be had no leeervi capital to draw BpM. His lib ' work was represented ay tin- oaaeeled Hoe notea, He breasted the ri-ing tide as best lie could, meeting payment after pay meat. Last month In- oonld no longer eomaaMd money and the end came. Now In- ix in bh grave. Ho ..f'er his exposure ulid flight appeared in Arixotm. where In- led a dog's life. He returned to St. Louis ill time, hut wa- coldly received. He uttered DO atonement to the man he had wronged Going from St. I.otiis t" Montanu. he died there, friendless and a puuiter. I In- amount ot his ui- l-btedness yet unpaid by Mr. Fllley when he died was f I:tt).iMJMi. This wil'l to settlsl in the final winding up of the firm's afhvrs. So that although the brave "Id man was forced to qriit lK-f-ire be ooald do all ba intended to. the How Indebtedneei will ba w iped out by what In built up uml his name be ftalahM forever. 1 HE BUBONIC PLAGUE. We bofJO that the MBMic plague will Dot Bad a ladgaiMl in tins country, el "lire that it will not if the re of the marine boepital lerviei .,: preVMl it. xuys the New York Medical .lournal " There certuinly is no imminent danger of it doing a . bi t that ' in reaeoa for being bliad to or denying itx poseihility. The maxim "In tiun of peaaa prepare for war" ix ,i- applicable to xauitarv ax in militiirv operation!, end when a paatlleace ragea in oae par- of the globe th.- jx-o- 1 the nM of the World xbotlhl put Ibemeelvw in a etateof defenie uguinxt it by every meuti. that an intelligent foreeighl cat. M ivide, We have ull immeii.e iNHlst iim and other borders, and it i- pretty certain that ull imiiii-.'.nit- to the I'liited Mutes do not collie through portx of entry. In the net of in- Chlneae ibk iaangwwbat acaaflBM. - in- lafacted "rn-ntul may thus hnd entrance to the eountrv uud trunsmit ii.- gjaaM t othan oi hll ruce. Were thix ull. the eet might lie stamped out by isolation and ipiurun im-: hut, abere buauui fn-ingx bm treat it, the ublqnltoai ratx gad mlM alas boaoaae affected with it. and thev can neither is iaolated imr ipuirumim ! They I tend to spread the is-st ilelice further and further. Now, though human MMfp must not he killed, but may Ix- iiiarantineil, rutx. which can Bot be oiiaraiitiln-d, may uml ought to U- killed If we bud the bubonic plague with M, u war would immediately Ix- waged itguinst the r.xlchtx. (line tln-v were il.leCtell. however, they might di.xeminate the peetlleaea luster thun they could be destroyed. Why wuir until the danger I- prexellt before lieg inn i ng t In dext ruc tion of these vermin'.' The prexellt x-riis of peace i- the liext time to in augurute u warfare uguinxt them, it may Ix- done, we think, w ithout eau--lag Mblk ularm. und then- are no peretitioBe to overeoaM here ox in India. a a a Tin- extermination of ruts is not pi He M easy a matter ax that of mice. Any ilmple trap, pare ielently and, will keep a buuei free fnun mice; hut, Mb rutx infest u Mkjhburhood, they nuat u- trapp.-d in xiu-h u way that Baby's The lead mother dreams j;reat ilreunn, oflaihy'a future uaalie hohU tile sleeping little one in tier anna. But the dreamt will never come true unlets she baa gttrM him a tronK body ami healthy Bliad. ChlldtM tSi La hoais, or live to Btniggle tliroull life feeble ot Ixaly ami dull of mind hecauae the mother was uiiiu physically ami aieatalli for moth- erliood. Women who use Dr. Pieree'a I'avoritc 1'reM.Tiption endow their chil dren with strong trndiee ind bfigat minds. ttM every mother's duty to give ber child the advantages of a healthy laxly ami mind. A weak or aickly woman cannot do this. " J-avurite l'rescriptiou" maaes wean women strong and sick ...ii.. ,eo. nm line, lay ui.y w bora i,, 3 "JBj roar Pavorita rtaaMkw baadoet fui i well l-rrm-yur.a.n.,wam liij,,ly , T,.,! Short lime anil uace 1 K.a up !,.. i,i htl fij. '' UP- 1 was aol only .in,,ri,l ,y m t JettT ,r'cua SB iu lit. I'lcice'a 1'ulleUt cure biliouaueaa. I . 'their fate doe hnf hi their fellow-, or tin , will lie a very slow n ' luMBibMl upon hoai tudy the subject of -i 1 of ratx and to promnl the destruction of tin i placing the eountrv ; ome known to atchfng process ie. Hurelv it is dl of health to extermination ite r.teasures for - rodaate, thus i sound state of ' VMrM of the lefelixe against tlx treaded laa. WE MUST I.R0W OLD. WB til 11 x t urnw ol.l Th,' v. St Boaietmes mi wtnaa lac? -Bui why tiieb aeetef w. kn Mi onl) know that wen ro by, in tl Jf : mil w in ' ..Ml S" siinpiliin-s. nlxs' tin- ycxr- I . ' l - 111 l.-xil.'li It-el". ..... Wi faint fmia rain, we t ' know WttereM or why, but i- lone eeal Kh i- i xntsned vexr its as - - ' ite oi iiixHi-ptiiiiinieiit wee and xtl. Aililx in let score, mull we fxll. Maee wi grow eatl tie mu! rmw aMl Tin- broken links o( life's .1 can newt Hmt Ihslr place xkki Tin- heart ktmi w hen pu n hell loveil ones ill.-, Nll'i " lllte the ilxrk llllkllnxrll wr lakl i'in hops nlstortens roel.t nni Tiir. m-lie iimiiiiiMiti'. tani - ' Wlieri sf, ). well w hen u Titnotlii Til' belt ii wiiii pain, ..i.w old heaa, ika. ..1,1. i- PWMMM Carathera, iregM lnsti nuirried at and have Mr. Bhefkt uml Mb formerly pupils in the tutc for' the Bliad. wen Hayton. Wash , Kebruarv golu- ti Iowa to rexide. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. lake Laaattyi bnai Qalalni teMaBv All Irnar refuii'l tl.e inmu-v r - - els to cure. K. Vt . urorr'x tinnsturv Is on each Nix. Bsc. Acting lv 9 DISEASE Karf's Clover Root Tea - Ha, 10c. ami ri ' V.'CLLB 4 CO , LtMC oif seoaairros. Fut - I I'J Hriw. T"?r-. trvt PRINTING at a OF ALL KINDS .at thi: OFFICE .. GOOD WORK, LOW PRICES, GOOD STOCK Leo-al Blanks Of all Kinds. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway For Culcago, St. I'aul, Mt. Loul., Kausai Ony.bi. .J,,(imha, and All Points East and Souti HOKTLAND and points on the Sound. Arrive, at H:V a. m. escepl on MimUay i ... ... i -,. . . " ... J Wet Ixcparln dallj r.vivpi Bui ilay at s 00 p. w ror lulurmalloi. ,., ,... Mud ciiiunmaatlou. cail ui. r a.iilras W. Al'AMH. Aeanl - n t'AI.DICKHKAli. Ii P A U ' rao Walla Walla. Waati Old Newspapers.... To put unuer carpau, ou shelves walls or for wrapping. Old uews papers in large buudles, 26 cauu per bundle, at The Haet uregonieeutfk. PeMletoa. c NO COTTON IS UBBO IN Till- Pendleton When yu buy hlnnr-et hea I'l .'.the ruunc "PenihcOB Wisim Mllia" t mi may be sure yu arc oblai' inj the bch' blanket fMMMk, and one which emtiains t othtnu but pure IffCB MOOlt Tbe Mm will Im Supp! the leadlnfj merebants of the orhvest. . . Crescen t Men's Wheels for $25 and $35. Ladies Wheels, $26 and $35. Boys' Wheels for $25. Crescent Chainless $60.00. The wheels are now on display in the East Orego nian Building. Sterling 'Built like Men's Wheels Ladies' Wheels Sterling $75.00. The wheels can be seen fice. Take a look at them. You Can Get The Gelebrated Pilsner beer in bottltt, delivered to auy part ol city, at Sl-SO per .Dozen.. . aw Bottled by Ceo. J. Pottner 0.E&H. li.fAIIT xe Ttmr Hahedula rroio I . it'll..' "i. AUMIVS raoM fast Mali ' -4 . III. tali lake, lMurer, Kort raat v.i,,tli OnaUia, han- Mail as tit), HI. aiul. a. dj ni'-afii aan ra-i vai Utega Hbort ua dposaiie r i,-f Walla Walla, Huoaaar, MlannapuU.. s't. raul, i' . MUwauaae, t'ulcoi.-" and rxit, tb Urea'. Nertberu. a.JU p. s Mali v.lua.m. I'nruaud anil Hah Krai, claco hail Ma! .I--a. ui ......... 1 :0b p. .) P.uaa furtbtbd for Hen KrauoUKxi KYary fire days J(y gk t hv SiuiUay Saturday lua. m. tiuloaubla Mew e.iou. lu aiu.rs. lu. auiidaj lo A.lo rut and Way Ijuidibus. l.v Klparta Hafiy l 4B a in. I.r.Lew'sli Klparta Ui Uwlslou. jo a ui. Muni Ham l-..ves IVi.UIbIuu f,,r Walla Wa la dally except Sunday al - p. in. Arrive. :.th a. in. fur ruU infuruialluii apply or wrlle Ui W. U. Itl'KLhtttT, i.i-ni-ral faeeniier .Vj(en. u u, HortUil.t. ilfeaou, K K. Wamhi.kv, Aeiit. HtHal euiu. frlitta ii.. N.. ' The l ust Oregoaten ' ".' - I.h: . week hy carrier. ALL THK NKW8! Take tlie Raat Oregonian. Duly gs oa a year by mail. Wikly t,.50. U(l g.mi Woekly ga.oo t year Baoipla W f OR SHODDY ANU ACTI RR OF Blankets Bicycles! a watch." $40.00 40.00 Chainless. at the East Orevonian of NORT0E"N( PACIFIC RUNS Pulluittu Sloping Cars, I:'lcgant Dining Gars, Totu'ist Sleeping Can, IBT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, KAROO, ORAND PORKS. CROOKBTON, W1NNRPPQ, HKI.r N and BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS TCJ CHICAGO, WA8H1MQTON, PHILAURLPHIA, NEW YORK, B08TON AND ALL POINT8 KA8T AND BOUTh. TUroufh Tlefc.u Uf Japan and Cblna. u Ib.ihs and Nortb.rt' Htu-in,. etaamsblD r. aau Aiiihriaaii line. T1MK "imtoiir. TlBle N ave. Fendlaloo dally eauepl Hun-oayals-liup in. in urtliar luforniallou, lime oards. man aiirt tloaeta, oalloa or wrlii. P W AliAM", Aannl, I'm.dleloii, tn.-iiiai, or A. U CHaKIVIVN, 'I'll I re wil Sijfrwii str.ut. ei.nianrl.Drw,,, MONEY At 7 Pr Cent. Will loeu uu improved city proxrty or will furutali mouey to build with UtMiayable lu lustalluienu. No com missions. FRANK B. CLOPTON ttOtt Main ttraert Agent for tlie fcouilable HavluKs & Loa Pilsner Beer aaaa The Best Reerta Pendletun. AjT for if. You will like it. Pilsner Beer Never causes Headache nor Ollllnaag. Schultz Brewing Co. Opposite 0 R. 4, N. Root tl House When the Whistle Blows AiiiiminriiiK Dm h.n.ii hnnr.Mnn'i l V ' 1 Mill l i lit- ,.i.... a.' ' ' dinner our Hew are veil tvm,nl, Z ninl inn in.-,, i. are very rimm). Kiondyke Restaurant At Lowest Prices R. MARTIN BO YEARS EXPERIENCE TfVAOC Ma UCHIQNft COPVRIQMT(; Anvnnf atif1lritf n akftrh nnd ti'Ttf q it It'fc ly awntrtaln imr uimuim frso wfiatW liivoiitKiii la pruhahlY iiuliithl0. inmn tluiie atriol It t'otttlilmit lal. llaJitllMxik on Pajg-gaj rMiit f reeti ( 'liloat ajpfttiCT fur aetrttniig aUMU, 1'HtMtiiai tafkham Inruuifh Muitn A u. ragafn tprui t.Mttt. WllhnilL chatfC. IU tb Scientific Jlmericat A haiitlJMif.iilr tMualTANl wih'IiIt I rtnreat Jr h'.'uihUi nf atltf at'miiUO Imirtiau laffM.Pl ti-ir. rmir muittba 91- hold by all prBilawt MUNN&Co.36,Bro-" Jerri Branch Ifflce H I' HI. With '' C ATTORNEYS. H. J. H KAN, ATTOHNKY AT U iBIi-t- In HavluRs Bank Building. iiuln I'AKTKIt .V It ALKY. ATli'KNKYS l.uu 'M in aavuiRx Hank lluililinf. I. (i. HAI1.KY, I.AWYKK. i il'Kll'E ! Juild lliilliliiiit. I'umllvlou. iiri-snu IAMKS A. KKK, LAW ()KH i. IN Jt tuMiag. H. K. i mI.LIKK. I.AWYKK UiHlg 1 AuttM-latliili llulldllig I Hi I. PITZOBBALD, aTTORITBT lja Oawe lu AHiM-lalioii Him k N . IIKUKKI.KY. ATToKXKY AT Ul iltli'.- in AuiH-lalliill Block K. J). IIOYII, ATTOUNEY AT LAW. i Hurt Hi. .1. T. 1IINKI.K. ATTOHNKY AT U- V u. l.'.n IliiKk. I'l-mllt'lull, liriKun" L A. lata NKWIU-.ltltY, ATTollNKY Bl Kim, in I.',, AsiMirlatloll Illlli'l.llK. PHYSICIANS. llflii f 111 I'uli'llelMI M IK. V i , i , i.K max Hunk ll.'iirt.iuuii IT..I 77 , I" .' I Kl ' I" 1 7 lo lo a. ni ; 6 mis . I-. W. VINVKNT M Ii I iKh'li K Kl (rir.lNatiiiiialB.uk. Offli e lioun Ulvl a. ui ; i t.i .1 p. ui. 1K. ( . J. SMITH. OKFU'K oYKHI dluloll Kavnia. Ibtnk Telepliotu- 31. uwtm ici.-piiuiiv il. W. K. TKHHY, M. I', "i Kit I I N J I'D litt 1 1.1 1 use . i iirm-r i niiri ami Malu hi- f at "Hi' ilav .ail inalil. II. x. i.AKKIKLH, ! Pbymi-iaii .ml Bullilllig M. Ii.. liuMI Ml' ! . llh. : Huisi-iiii unii. UKNTISTS. K. A. VAKOHAN, DKNTIHT. in Juilil Hullihug. OFftfl A. L. IIKATIK, II. II. S. OF KICK Oi bat ing. Bank. im. ailiulul.tt-ruil K. A. MANN. HKNTIHT, IN A I in. li llliM'k, over K H Cloploli'e oltln AHCH1TKCTS AND BUILDkKS. t r lmwAitn. Ain iirrKi T asi hi'i uu. inl, hi, I,,, ,!. pli.it- auit plan, iur bullilllig. iu Ibc I'll) or Hikjiii 17. Jutltl bullilllig. eeaal I 111 I MAS Mill: llnVTH AI'TllH AM l.lllllll.r I'l.llk ...llxl.l.. ..Hi, I". It. ulslisd OMoe ix Autii laiiou Bloi k BANKS AND BROKERS T1IK PENDLKTON SAYIMis I'A-I . B - " - . , l , i .'l-xl rtrliilletnll. Ilrugou llrganilt-il ManTi I.IJJ r.pll.l, llui.OMl luwrevt allowvil oil U"J i Tl t"'x- ii.ua.- i.iilKliI ami rn.ni nn VKiil rilml iHiiulx Ma-.-lal .lli.iitl.ni alii-n 1" Vt tliillx M J. Klirni.h i". .1.1. .1,1 I N 11 rtei prMdeati T. i7 Marris, easalr FIKS I N . i IONAL BANK OK A I HSA Urugou i apllal. jo,ouo; xurnlu- I " j l " I x I ,,li L!li., ,1,.i...,i. I.....I. ,t 1, 1 1 ,' tilll 1 Kipo.il ll.ulx III Inn 'Hll ; UK. Coil aotl aau i "I'Hl B hi i Adams, preudeuil aa president; K.I. Barm -u. iii'iiiunor t-xi liaugf Miueu n iituirt Mi Arlliur. viuti-ur iur; L. W Hamuli, .ui.i.io i'A.hl.-r FIR8T NATIONAL HANK OF i'KSPj! inn Capital. 70,0uV: surplus, (17tVJU0 Tf2 aou a general Imnkiux Vii.iu.-iu ' 4l'S and lelegrepbii Iranslers said mi ' 'im Jsl rram-ixi i, ,. vrk ami urluuipal Isi'fTj ii.. ..,, ........ i, , i j aim LiiropL-. Masts, i-ullet-tiuu. ol. rei lurui.. laivl a nk -u piuiideui; M -... ii .... t .' M' ni ' ni'l.-ni , i ii Mult., uaanirr; liui-i n.et . aMl.l.m i . .In,. i TH K J ACKHON-DICKBON OOMssaaal llivi-nliitulil hrukur.. 1.1,11.1 nlut'k OBii Ka.1 lirtauiiiar ouililiua. M'""... M 1,1,1. nlr.'i.LM l'..i.ll....i llri.u.i,i TkxIK-' 1 trrlllii ui,.. u ,b,iHixil b, ma Iult-ru.1 A.'tJ goniT.I agent, IrilMM or attorney tot li"J3 aU or Lorunrutiiiii.. .ml .unuiiue m ''" Mum v (,. I,,... ,,. , I ......i. . "i null ' I.. I ... , i.i l , 11. .1.1. ,.,...--rl , Hi U Ui'" ran, fitr tl,., xm ...in.tf llifuMiinii uf .. ill. iin iil i,l i, mill, line iiili-i.xl. gnuiiral t-are nl ru.1 t-nuiri- ttilb slrli l vt a. In i-l lN-liilltiire Im i HiMtlr. lull.''-' , llll'iu.l 1 1 1 V 11 1 1,11 11. , OIIIK. 11 I'l lllll. I" j fay. Ulna, awiMUieul. or iu.ur.i" , P"Tj . '"" All llu-lr l.r.-IUll .11.1 I'r.lU' I .Im. iii. 1. cboita- lir.l uiorigMt " ' u'aai Iuveiuu'iii made tor uou-tottldeiil. aad lull lulnriualluu luruialital iie. I '