DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION All Kind of Printing ' The I'.ait Oregonlan Will ili II for ...von... Cnl Ton, "Ait." In The I as t Oregonlan nrv.i . VOL. 13. PKNILKTON, UMATILLA C(H; I TY, OBBON, TUESDAY, M HVI1 B, 1800. NO. 3734 I (C9 Specials New line Card Board, plain and Colored, for fancy work and mounting pictures, 3c to 10c a aheet They're Here New line Sen V- r lnin Enellah rillir In brown. Miic, Pe-cwk and ' i lal Hr-cn. t.HtO44.TMI BICYCLES No store iii Pendleton enn ffcr such a grand line ol high grade (and cheap) W'hel. Cleveland Imperial .paulding Syracuse Tiibune feather tone Strarns Barnes Wheels from $4 to $76. All Wheels are Warranted through the Season. Our Superb line of Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. Dress Skirts, Jackets. Petiicoats, Silk Waists. The MOtt important gnthenng of the kiud ever shown in Pendleton Not a proraisouon; medley of indifr-rent merchandise, but a magnificent stock of car fully selected gaitnents of the very first oi ler. You will find t'icni s'lictly fii-t-elnss in workin.uiship up to the very highest Standard of fashion and ex ceptional values. Thev art on exhibition Gome ami lOf them Frederick NOLF Alexander & Hexter A gent Weekly Kx.imlncr. The Boston Store Ask to See Our New Dress Goods Plaids Aga n pro.lftitned uite the proper idea, lor smart, up-to-date separate skirts. They pcmrfl of a decided change in one's ipp -aiacce; they're serviceable; tf.ey don't eot much. go inch Plaids of Cheviot or CatncV Hair, inixd materiils; the Spriug shades ice bright and pretty; splendid a bo for Children's Dresses 29c 40-inch Beautiful Plaids, sofily shaded, aC,, pretty and stylish OOC 4S UtCh to 54-inch Swell Plaids, used exclusive ly for sepirate skirts Tbe-e are the high art effect, and character i evident in every shad ing The prices vary from $1.10 to $1.50 Golf Suitings These fav rites, in their new appear-a-ces will' prove a leading nbrtc in this year's selling Just now they're new. fresh and charming. 52- and 54-inch wide, with handsome Plaid ai d Ohcck bucks, at $2.00. 2.25 and 2.35. Shirt Waists We don't draw on your imagination in the least when we say: The Boston Store is show ing the nobbiest line of Shirt Waists ever seen in Pendleton. It would please us to be allowed to ihotf them to you. Pendleton's Big Store. Lumber Shingles Posts And All Other Kind of Building flaterial. A big stock of bard woods ou hand All orders far mill work prompt ly executed. Plaus and estimates furnish- don building. Cost of construction, guaranteed. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. R. FORSTER - - Prop. Subscribers to Magazines. If you waul U nutaaorlue. tor uim alnun ur uownitajwrn, lu tlie L'ulUxi nui, or Kurope, riult, by pun al uot, ouuok or aeud u toe Knot iin,.u tka ut publlnborn' prlow of the publloatluB you donlre, aud we will have It aaut to you and urninie all rink ..i i in- mm...., bttlus I on I tu Hit- uusUn. II will nave yop butn trouble aud risk. If you are a aubr norther to the Kant Orvnoalmu, tu re uituliuf you '''" doduut tea per oeut front the publlMUem' prloew Addrean Kaat Oiiajouuu) fuollaulue Company, Pendleton. Orsaeoo- Pendleton llkiata Stage Line rtuatoe Carney . fray'. Leave Peudlelou averv day at 7 o'clock eionpt duuday, (or Pint Hock, Nya, Kluge. Alba and Uklah. Good inoem utiKtatlous. Keaaoiiable freight and pea snugnr rates. Ohj offio at ruiiuau Oo.'i drug store. IS for Infants and Children. The Kind You lluve Always liouirlit line borue the, slgriut ture of Chus. If. Fletcher, aud lias bc-ii made under bU personal supervision for over '.M years. Allow uo one to deceive you iu this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juat-ae-grood " are but KxueriuiciilH, aud endanger the li tit ! of ( loi.i. . i, I v, 1 1. in . agaiust Kx pertinent. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of s x .mb mm In Use For Over 30 Years. daKaU I. Jul BBBBIBBBBBBBBB- (iliO OAKVIiAU. flop. Elegantly Furoi&ud. Steam Heated liuropcan flan. Block and a-hil( (rout d p t. Sample Koom la CfMUWCttw - Kooiii Kate 50c, 75c, tl.00 Hotel SI Wg UKNKRAI. NEWS. t'onareffniiiM V. I.. Ti'rry, of l.ittli K'in'lt, Ark., lois haM dnreatad for renomlnatlnn by Hon. Charlp KeM, of Morriltiiwn. Mr. TMty hai iopri'nlfil tin- . I i t r i-t for 17 jreara. Scawly it doiilit remdin- tluil the mnn WkMR cflen for balp wwe heard ooanini from the Niagara Hut i-A-liion Btnlth, 17 Man oi l. mw ol Itcv. Hanrjr Aaliton (smith, rector of St. PmI'i Bplacopal church at Porl Erie, iint. It in known thai ha attempt to i-riw tlie rivi r that nilit in a row bwi In a H'vli at the ItM analvarMri of tlio Inrtli of lioberl Kmmett, which event wan oelebratcd in Nan York Bunday n irlit by the combined Clan- Na-(iael organ iiMtloiin, V. Iloiliki' t'lH'krnn bittetly denounoad tha atti tude of the administration at Waahiliu ton Ipwanlt Bugland in her affair m , South Africa! and ah i advtH'ated rataiiation on tha part of (ha United Slate-. The A mrrlaaa flafman League of Pennsylvania, rapraaantlttg an aure tfiite of '-M.IHHI meinliern, al Pitt lla., adopted ii petition Urging tin gov eminent to mw itn friendly ittttit'a to 1 hrlng about a oeeaatlon ul lionlilitiei lietween (treat Britain and the South Afrirun republiea, ami it wax rtaolvwd tliat all Boor jrmpathlaerii thronghonl the land he invited to operale in apnding a general appeal to Vahinu- . Ion. SOUTH AFRICAN SITUATION o Boers In northern Cape Colony In Full Retreat. STORIBEM 0CC0P1RD BY s EmtcUted Trwps Ar) RerrulllDii il Ml Rlfer Fret Sitters Tnkklog Townrd III Traosvdil. PACIFIC M0RTIWIB1 m.ws. ,.r. i. ., A atone obureh i- being ereetad b the Catholic eoiigretiniioii at .North Yakima, at a runt of flo.iNHi. MllOwana, wbila eating a natU at Jobti Ih City, Qranl rounur,awallowad a Banjul piece "( glaM and h" Ihu baan aaparienring trouble ir it erarainea, Cbarlen liearu, . . I vi, diad at his home, three mill eaai of Mount Ivbor, BatunUy afternoon, of pnau imii iit. lie leave a wile ami tWO child ran, W. C. ,li bnaon, (ormarly corporal in i Ooaapany i of the ()regoo rolwntaers, in dead in Suranac, . ., iih the ri nll ol Mcktienr colli racteil In the l ltll pine war. The e-tate of the lute .1. U. Moi l- oaaary, of Portland, bai baan up- iraiwil al f I'1 i n i.'. I he Motitijomi rv kn at I'ortlaiel are vulned in the up prainement at f INI,UK. The ranana of Alfreti il Holmaa, formerly of OomjMtn D, Courtaenth Infantry , arrived iii Portland from Kan araneiaea Bandny. nolmaa died Feb ruary 8, on the IfWiapOrl Bberttian, while en route to sun Franciaoo on (tick leae. The driiK ftore ami WaJlaFanjo offli i lit Si in, I. inn county, which are run lOMtber, M, M. Peery. agent ami li nctiifl . "Hi. tiilereil, mi eiilrun ln- intf effaeiad thrmitth a window, ami (mi iii money wax taken from the , -k ol the ctilllHliy . The Britiah ami t of Portland lalahratad I'eHH of the I'ritifh 4frloa ul a fiimker at rortlaml Baturdav hlieechett, munic, W'illi II, -' Th of Mr. and Mr-, II W, Boott, of l'orl land, aid Mi.b Mary A. MeChennn) osnrrad at Obleago, III., Wadnaada; aJtarnoon, February M. Mr. Boott a father la editor ol the Portland iiri aoniM. The ranng oiwipla will make their home in Portland, John Kolmon, of Albuny, I. inn county, liled u ietitiuli in hiilikrnpley in the United Btetea dlatriitl conn In Portland, Uia iaMi oonalat of 19700, principal uml intere.t, which In- owe the Davin Sew iiiK MuchiiM- Coinpunv, of Cbioafo, uml QI.IO, dim the I.. I. jiluir Olotbing OoBuaiiy, of Albany, donial n nidanta the recent MM arm in South the Armory in night, with and auMa, I he Intenau eutliiiiiuMii prevailed. BMrrlana of .lohn II. Boott, aon Londotti March a. The UiH-r in Northern Cape t'oiony are in full re treal to the Orange Free Btate, The twin ee Ion of Btormberg pntu Oataere in railroad OOVtmnn lea t ion with dementi at Oolaaberg, lor the railroad can he quickly repaired, and tbtM the entrance of additional Britiah tnaini int. i the Free state will be faellitaten From Oafontein, where Robert lanb poed by ii gootl'Nlaad boilj of Boeta. there i- no m w- aguanl ntuurtl of minor pttlfmUhe rbe poaltlog gained b) Brabranl al Dordrecht i remrted exoaedlngly itrong, White'i garrlaon ban ht'cun to leave Ladyamith uml i arriving al The Mnol River camp where tlie troop- will remain neveral daya, The are amaciated and e hauated and -av the road to Oolenao pre i ntf Koatioi that eseeed in horror thoati id picteil in Panic - Inleruo. Hcail men uml animali are lying mutllatml audi putrifylng In trenehu former!) occupied by Boera, A diapateh from ' Oifnnteln ayi thai according to a Rot r prienner, an nnportani nrit;-ii raeci -will eanae Prealoenl Bteyn to Hie ii Pretoria, leaving n provlaional govern menl m Bloemfontein which I likely to make peaoa overture". Free Slater not alahfng for penes are trekking tow grna the Tranavaal ami helping a) make a -land which mo) military critic- point out will conatltUta the mnal diilieult and deridluu feature of the war. Hhodei Proi.ii'iiiK lor Urfoma. London, Man It il, I he ajafnlng Lender aayai Cecil Rhodea Im maile Up hi mind 1 1 ... I the annexation of the republic iil no) brrag hurting peace, KlI'Ml nre ul tin- Unit lie It preparing tu gel to work at once mi fori iii. .it i, ii- nl Kimboftoy. Burin Knxaaad by Hrnlinnt. Dordrecht, Murch il. Ueneral rra bani agaiu engaged tb' Boera today arlth advantage. There era amarl liiclitiiiK I lila rnurnlng, Britiah eaauab Ilea during two daya were 30 wounded and IS or i.t killed.' Typhoid Rasa at l.adymnltli. London, Murch ii. -uivon Trove cable from Ladyamith thai il mil- .1 A . , , LI I I i ton oi me , i lu'. -i iii'.oraiue ami there are HIKI cane of lyple.nl , v . r. Lavlah aanpllea ol comfort ure now iu pluce, however, To Pi ovlclo the Slnawi ot War. London, Murch II, Tin bonaa of eouiiiion- baa adopted a reeolution to antbnriie a loan of thirty-five million pound. of hi regiment nt l.iliimiiuin, uorlli- ! weal of Neuva Oaveree, Oowdln'i In W Adjutant OaluabH. who died of wound-, ami three enlieied men evere jv noumled.and Bva liuhiiv wounded, I rhe enemy left M deno on the held and main Wounded wtin were Mfed for by our medical iitHcer. "dotlwin cnpturtil a inimber of armed Inaurgenta, 18 Spaalah nrleon ciTirne ' r"' r'"''" con.idcrnhle uniinuiii uiTAlhTi i Ion and property, " I'art ii iilar-of minor enuaifeinent of the other columiiN are not r,'iirtet. "Neuva Cavarea wag found pnetleal u deaertad, the Inhabitant! having taken refuge in the mountain "The troop- re nuei law Importanl point- in the prOVlnOM of I'aniariine-. Mhav and AofnOgOW, "Tiie navy rendered moal Miluni.le aid iii lamling - uml eapi'l lee. ' ' A Transport Arrlyaa. Ban Franelaco, March 8, rhe United Stat,- tranaporl Warren ha arrived here, 41 dm- from Manila via Hong K i.k'. liiiani and Honolulu Un hoard the Warren arc General Wheeler and in- iiaiittnier, i.ieuieiianl I oiiimamler Rrlgga, u, B, N., Captain JottWeen. V . . V., and Baveral wwiingera, includ ing William Iteiitftuitth, the arli-t for Harper Weekly. rbe Warren made g atop of 10 daVl ai 1 1 iii) iii in ,riint ((ciicntl Wheeler making an Invitigntkm of the gov arnmenl eatahl abed there by Captain Leary, rhe Warren hriiiK- new- from II lulu thai of the three rnejiacted caae ol plague reported on February 0, hul one proved to ! genuine plague and when the Warren left Honolulu, the authorities were of the opinion I but the plague hud ill-, ii died out. NEW SENATOR SWORN IN o Bard of California Row a lember of tie Upper Hoqu. o PKRSION APPROPRIATION BILL PASSED o Simon tabid! lb ()roa Lgitltture Ii i Speieb la Oppotlllea It SmIIor of dtitr (be 44 tt THE EAST OREGONIAN. Ilic Papvr of tbn PeopU. tvarybod) Mada 11. lhn larai lUrnulatle . The Ut aj.oti.iea Unw Misfortunes Never dm Come Singly, It is said that ninety-h e out of every hundred business men meet misfortune at some stdye in their lives; some re cover and some do not. If the remedy in business life were as easily found as In the ills that beset humanity, there would not be as much misfortune. In the latter cine, multitudes when at tacked by rheuinutinni, acrolula and other diaeaaea, lien for protection tu Bnnd'g Baraapunlla, and tin v find thero a eoverriKii und ipecilic remedy for trouhlea of tint kidney a, liver and boWt-Ul. it lie il di .y .i.fo. Liver and Kidnoya "My aiotaot wet very aldi Willi aonaaitlen of tin' liver und kidney 'rouble. N'ultiliiK bclpeg her until . KOl Hood's .Hrsu,arilla, wliuh ahowed Its effects with first dose. Hhe la well and luuirly." Mas. It. A. DiuAt, Winlhrup, Me Run Down " 1 was weak, had no a) ijetite, nervous and uuipleteJy run down. Tried many rauiedlea hut nulhliig hel-,I M unill I uaetl II 1 e iarsaiarllla with h cured uia." Mas. Wa. Manas, 27 Usury St.. BinKhauiton, V V. Cnatrtttn - " Nervouaneaa niuhed hy a frik'h! made my wife surd r InUnaely tr.au austritla. Morphlite waa neoss.ary to re line the aufleriiuf. llootl's Harsaiairllla and llixjd'a PUla were trad eflei n t ine tailed and io four day s she Improved and In 14 daya alia was cured." C, W. 1. a unlet, Cedar falls, Iowa. Dyapepela I suffernd for 'Mi year with dysiM.-o.la. Iturt-d not eat meat, new bread ur vegetables. WenthuiiKi for leal uf dfaireaa. Kelt deapoudent and distressed. Took Huud'a Uarsapanlla and got rtlal liniuedialely. Can eat most anything with out in-. Miufort." Mas. Kmilv r. in at . Mlddlehuro, Maaa. Dlz.y apegn - "Alter the aitail' - my dun. I. lei had dizzy spells, which we thought would paaa off but they did nut until we gave her liuud'a Bursaparllla. lu Ova iluya they diaupoeared und In one luoulti she ru auliuad her usual naalth." B. II. Kauraa aaca, 6.. (iravaa Place, Holland, Mith. TKRRIHI.K MINK IIIAsri.H. Forty by an llv A all urty llllt. the Llvas Lost Undoraruund Bsploslon of lias. Montgomery, W. Va., March 8, un ex pi oa ion of tin- in the Ited mini 70 men were Imprlaoneoji I dead have already baan taken New of the diaii n r awe pi Ihrouttl (own like an eleiiric (bock and within a lev minute- hundred- of tut n, Wo men and i hildrcn crowded Upon the cent' of tie- ilihiicler. An the convic- i i'ii that the reams of the an tout bed men alive ana hopeless, they beeaiii frantic in their endeavors to reach the dead uml dying in the n rook oil -halt, and the work of attempted rescue was organ I sad wnh extreme dlthculty. A the dead bodies were laving brought an the ipanea kneaesa dialreaalug in lbs extreme. Rhfieklngi frantic women and children Impeded the reaouera and .el l d to the horrol d the Work. Charlei-lou. W Vl . March U.- The Idd Ash mine i not in tbs Mont somery dlatricl hut in the Thurmond uistrlet, Tin- district Is i wild oos abonl M miles from this citv. A HAII.HOAU ALCIIiKNT. Two Fralahl Train, Lolllda on tha Illinois OestraJ, (thlcago, Harebfl Twentj lUa'kmeu and railroad amployei wen injured in u freight Bolliaion uetweeu two llliuoii Ceiitrui Img-hl train- near llroadvlew, u few mil, out of Chicago The III lured 1 Jiasepii llobbe, Marcus, Iowa, may die: I rank I. MeCall, hruke mini, I reeport, ill., inn dn I K. A rw e II, Man. he-tor ; .. II. U i, I it -1 1 1 , liyersville, Iowa, hit ilnyh IraetHMat) Rdward Iraegi r, Pruigabara, Iowa, pi nip around aud left arm f met u red ; Charles Peters. Mattuek, lowu, bead cut, arms and lege biulseil i II n l'!meroii, M am he-ter , Iowa, -call, wound and right baud broken; .1. J. Collins, conductor, face and lead cut; J. A. ( lurk, I in.i 111., no.,. broken i bead severe!) cut; J II. Mi una, Marcus, Iowa, h ft bi aider and knee dl-hcalid, W It Sa-ar, brakemaii, liolHniue, ankle broken, bead cm J oat pn Bernard, Anton, .i. i righl wri-i brokejii 'alp wounds: b M. "im I i-calji wounds and both lags bruised II (i. Booth, Bloui lull-, B. P., lefi foot fraeturen and luad cut peter J, Bad Is, Mattoi k, Iowa, feet broken ami head und back bra lead i 0, B. Bister, iloui lull, B. I' liuiul und (tit em, J, W lirwinl. Claghom, loan, left leu cut ami right arm broken! W. K. Brasell, Ottawa, lOVa, bruised shout luad and Ualy; Thomss Mi Mutual, Qulney, lows, three rlla, of left aide brukoii . K. A. Wilkinson, (fulney, Iowa, right hip dialocattaii uml ehesl and Inn k lirulaud. IN Kl Nil . M truublsln Slttht Over Mhlpmanl or tiuns In London. I rankforl. Ky . March 8, The -hip menl of guu ami ammunition to Lon don continue-. Senator Tripplctt offered a resolution to Inveetignta pnb llehetl rtiports ennoernfng shipments ol state arm to London hy Governor Taylor and 111111111111 the return of the same to the easts arsenal, U the retura i- n fused the cotnuiitlee Shall bring in a hill making an appropriation of 1380,000 to buy new gUMi also author Itlng llelleral l a-tleman In a rail r- to Ma . the lor a mfneienl bwhs bet of eolnntei lake the gttlll frolu IhOM now ill m aslon of Ihein and return them arsenal, SIOHUS IN IIIK K AST. Taltsd by l.nka Raslona and Ohio Vallay Ilia Kloinsnts. ( IlieSKo, March li. -For the iia-t 10 hour-, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Ha breaks, Missouri, Michigan uml Wia ootteln have eaperlenoed u mrlea of storms n markabls for ssverlty. Today the 111,10 rnlley uml the lower lake ri'irioti are heitiK ilrenebed with ruin. There Is danger id the OblosgO water -ooply heing piirtlv cut oft, all crib, and intake- heiug ht'liimsd in hy perfect mountains of ice. II. I I III I CHOULKM. Under dan- 1 . 1 n 1 1 1 1 J Mtti t nils ui. 11, .1 im, tin wly gqlzUs ta uk. nltl, I M miS Liiiu It Still Kngsgas Ina loruss eral Otis. Wasbingtotii Mareh tt, flepacal Othi cabbsj lbs liil lowing asoounl of the recent military operations in Luzon: "Manila, March H hates, w ith two battalions, tbs fortieth and rorty-flflk rsglaueata, uml detachnuuita of artil lery, HUglueers, aiguul corpa, u tulal of ifiMM) men, Isuded troops on the south east, northwest un 1 southern cia-t of Sail Miguel buy in ( aiuaraneu province 10 move ou Nuevs Cavuica in litres columns. "The only Hlrong oppoiwtioii wua an con nti red by (inwdiii und a Imltulioii A.-1 111 1 nil Wauuu in I'oor Haallh. Waehinwl March 0. (In acMMMl of the del lent s oondltlon ol Admiral Watson's health be has been eotbor lesd io transfer in- Mug to the Baltimore, and proeeed home by way of the snes . in.ii and Medlterraneag eu Hear 1 1 1 1 r it 1 Remy, in eommnaM of the Porta mouth navy yard, will succeed Wstson. Cansursd by tha Hasloan Prasa. City ..( Mexico, March II. The prim here con. I. 'lull- the pulley of the I nil. I States emigre. toward Puerto Hi... Ispers printed In Lngli.h un severe in comiuenl on tlie treat menl of the aaneaed udnad un.l predlel trouble ahead. Tha Work of Nasro flands. Bagtev, La. 1 Miieti 8 Can Mill-, a ronng furmer, wa. brutully RHUN ib r.. last night hy two mgr.. buy. lite, then killed III- h.ll.N and l-ltl Mr. Mill- .0 badl) thai .be will die. I ha riilllppliis Cumiiilssiun. WMbington, Murch 8 Prasbtsiil Bernsrd Hoses ..f the 1 alversity California ha- .n i epli d a pla. in the new Philippine oommlaaloa. This eom pletes tin' aummlmlmi, Cauucslot. Will Naiiialn. Loudon, Mareh tt, Tin British gov .inn.. 1.1 has (ha) Ids I ihui Lord I'aonct 11. will remain as uiuhuaaudnr ai Washington 1 n.l. mutely . 1 aagresSMaa Mitt aanomlnatad. Freeaurt, Ilia., Murch 8, Rober! 11,11 was ri ii..ininuii-l by uilamatloa I .I cougnass at the renubl lean nongras- - 11. il 1 .invent 1011 ti-lay Colltlaal Not and loiiiilisnl. Tlie uulion.il dene. 1 rut It . oiiiliilllee- (list, ol In I.. in, 1 1 . 1 Ii, It'll 1 1 .rtllcl mat 1 he item... -ml. will curry Unit .late in the 1. real. h ut nil election tin. lull It) .'n.iaai majority. The doom, rats w ill be even ..iti.lled with lean. Ihe I'm 1 land Telegram uy llryau Is having u alreak of real luck, and thai 11 ihe republican., ami SOBSeially the .re.ldent keep on a. the) have been going, in auveral lustauees, (he spouting candidate majf uclilaliy lone u bars chalice of election by heal No Velllber. Fveh anlue of Hie got. I thing, done by the republican the pu-.uge ol the currency bill and Ihe negol ill ion ol the cuiiul treaty will apparently ranks votea (or liryan. ... - - 9 9- - Wlut to Oo Until tha Uvstor .rrlvas. 1 1 I. very hard to aland idly by and ee our in ur onca .iitlt r while uwailiug Ihe armul of the .l.a tor. An Allwiit N V.; duirvuiun called al a drug .lore there for a doctor to come and aou hia child, then very alck with croup. Not Audlng Ihe doctor in, be left word for him to come at once on hia return lb- ai.o bought a bottle of Chamber lain'. Cough Remedy, which he hoped would give lOme roll. I until Ihu doctor should arrive In a lew buiira he re turned, ..tying the iba-tor need not UUttie. a. ihe child waa much tattler. The druggist, Mr. into Bebols, aayHthu fumily ha- since reonmmaaihsl t ham berlsfn's Cough RemtHly to Ibeir ncikdilmra uml frioinlH until he baa u .. .1,-1,11, 1 .1. in. in. I fur It from 1 hut part of Ihe country. For sale by Tulliuao S Co , lirugglats. m Acker's dyspepuia tablets sro sold una i-.. .ii,. giiuruutco. ('ure heart burn, ruiilig of lie total, dialruan after culing or uny form of d.pcpniu. line llllle luliiel glvea liuiuetllate re in 1 :16c uml 60e. Fur aalu by llinckl ,v .VIC.t III.IUH. Wa.hington, March n - Hon Th..ma It Ibtrtl, the recent h electi-l -enator mai Cslifurnia, wu preaiitil to the Henate hy hi. .-ol league, Mr. I'erkin.. He was eoedaeted to the .leak be Mr. I'erkin- where the oath wa- atlmini.-ten-l b Pre. 1. lent Pro le in pore h'rye. When the routine bneineSB hail ' .. concluded, Mr Aldtlsk nalsad up tin Bnaneial bill ion (enn. e report and Mr. Taller renamed In rgsaam, it wa hi opinion thai the 1 r. ...... , lion would be dtaaatroii to the cttiin- try. t the . no. lu. ion ..( In. argument Mr. Qalllrsjor calh-l up the mii..ii appniitrat bill, The measure ap- proiinate f ItA.LMn.Xtll. The lull mi pasiirj after a number of technical aiiieudinent were matle Carter of Montana addreaaed the achate on Ihe (Juuy reM.liitiou. He annouiieeil In- intent !...'! of Voting to -eat Ctiav Union of dregoii 1 1 Ir, I the -enate in an. wit to th ai. h by Carter, iu Ihe BOUTSS id which fliK Montana en.it..r advert. -I in the rea- anli which 11. d I him to vote again -l I ..rbett, Ihe api-.intee of the governor ol Oregon. He aitl Carter made a charge thai C.rlietl ct.rriipliol the legi.hitlire ami defeutt-l the deal re of the H'iide of Oregon He colli. I hot lTiiiit Ihsea "nuiil'l ami niitnie" charges logo uncbailengeil. Tha Sanata Asraas. Waahhagton, March n -The sarnata lul. agreeil to th llferellce ri'..rt on tlie tl inn ic nil bill. fee Osser tt'Alens lavaeaaguaen Washlrajrtoo, March 8, gsaaeg the l oner d Alone InveetlgntbM waa n- -ni I today ihe committee decided not to cull on the president for arlMavii lil. d w ith him relative to conditions in the mining conntn under murtisl law tadrew lielvni. wa. the tlr-t wilnmwt t.-lllV. Ill- ev id. tlie WU- d I reetnl to -bowing thai disorderly condition prevailed und that locul ailthoritle Could have dealt with the .ituatltin without rc.ort to rnnrttnl law. A Cabla to Uanlla. Waahington, March II The annate OOinmltaee un naval affairs ha ordered 11 favorable report uinm the bill In con Strnet a Oabls IO Manila hv way of Honolulu, the Midway ialaud. ami tin 11 1 . It i Io be a governinent cable A Wlssonsln Man Nominated. Wa.hiiigti.n, March u The pre. 1. lent Li- nominated Melville C llrnwa, of Wim'iiii.iii, for 1'nite.l Stale, district judge for the dlotf Ul of I i k a Tha Surlal Oamoarala. Ind'annnolw, March 11 The rlr.t national eoiivontion of Ihe -lal democratic (tarty for Ihe pnraiai ol nominal nig candidate, for preaidcnl ami rlsS pre. 1. 1, nt met I. .lav Al.uit llfly delegate, wen (.n-mtnt There In -me tit 1 k of lu -ion with Ihe middle of ihe road popnlbste. ThrnalanaS sins, in St. Levis. Si. buna, Mo., Mandi tt. Three I'liai-uiid -I reel railway men III tbia . ilv have completed 11 .trong organisa tion and will pre.ure an ultimatum lor the 1 1 1 11 ling. 1 ... n I of the ayniilonlo railwav. which, if mil complied with, will re. 11 It in a .Irike Lawlon Fund I urn. a Over. Ws.l.ingloi. March it i.eneral C..r Inn lot la I turned over to Mr. Lawloa the land -o 1 . 1 . 1.. I by the MNtple of the country. Il aSBOanSsd to nearly 1100,04 OeeSel Law Still rrssalls. Frankfort, Kv , March 8, 'l b. I by a party vole kill.. I the hill which oriisi.etl I.. rtal ll. inx't.'l eleclloii law . l.sualtlaa In tha rtnllpplnas. Wa.liinglon. March tt. tltia cablra Ualay a lul of snssmltles la the I'lnlii.- pinnSi coiupri.lng eight deaths aud 2S W'anded Tha Omaha Slaalloa. I In. aha, M uch o There is inleresl l.dng taken 111 the iiiunii ipal t'p to iiimiii there had been a large vole polled .RFFrHAMC UUUVIMHI S U PILLS I , Cats Slslcaaa. I at aalialM it vsaU. Sluza tuaslcslu. 10 MIU Srasrwea LEI i PEBBIJIS SAUCE Ttili UWM1INAL WOKvl alt kstllHti fjps. ! MWAIIB OP 1 1 IMITATIONS I w II to usaMan la It aasiaif btUABw- X W I tS2 (isti I n a t Unacnsi'. Soar, Agnate. Naw Vat J BMggaay