ILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION All Kinds ul l-rintinu I The Eaef Oreffonlnn Will do It lor ...TOO... Pal Ymif "A.I - in The Hast Oreronlen and hea II ...Am... PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltKOON. M DAY, M A BOB 5, 1000. so. 8788 pecials TlmyYg Here Mew tine Card Ifloard, plain and 5 M BB7 " wl New line Card lnard, plain and Colored, for fancy work and mounting mm tore 3c to 19c a aheet New line Herr I- rVrenlata Bnglteh dishes In bn.wn, i blue, Peacock and I m irial Green. BH.MMnfM.7l, a set BICYCLES More tn Pendleton ran nfTer Riirli a line of high prude anil cheap eland rial uldlng Tribune Featheritone St earns Karnes Wheels from $4 to $76. All Wheels are Warranted through the 5eason. FREDERICK NOLF ' Agent Weekly Examiner. Our Superb line of Ladles' Tailor-made Suits. Dress Skirts, Jackets. Petiicoats, Silk Waists. The most important gathering of the kind ever shown in Pendleton Not a promisi-uon; medley of indifft rent merchandise, but a magnificent stock of car fully selected garments of the vtry first oider. You will find them sttictly fust-class in workmanship up to the very highest standard of fashion and ex ceptional value?.. They are on exhibition Qmm and tee them. Alexander & Hexter The Boston Store Ask to See Our (New Dress Goods Plaids Aga n proclaimed quite the proper idea, tor smart. u,i to-date separate skirts. They permit ot a decided change in one's app a. ante; they're seiviceable; they dou't co.-t muci. inch Plaids of Cheviot or Came V Hair, niix.d materials; the Spring shades a'c britrht and pretty; splendid Q,, a-icVa la No for Children's Dresses. finch Beautiful Plaid-, soli ly shaded. retty aud stylish 65c inch to 54 -inch Swell Plaids, used exch-sive- (Jy for si p irate skirts The-e are the high art BJelfcct, and ciiaiacter in evident in every staad- inn Tlie prices vary from I $1.10 to $1.50 Pendleton's Golf Suitings These fav rites, in their new appear ances will prove a leading labric in this year's selling Just now they're new. fresh and charming. 52- and 54-inch wide, with handsome Plaid ad Oheck backs, at $2.00. 2.25 and 2.36. Shirt Waists We don't draw on your imagination in the least when we say: The Boston Store is show ing the nobbiest line of Shirt Waists ever seen in Pendleton. It would please us to be allowed to iow them to you. Big Store. Lumber Shingles Posts And All Other Kind of Bulldin", riaterial. A bag stock of hard woods on baud All orders f n mill work prompt If eatecuti lM and estimates furnished un bttfldui Cost ot construction teed. Pendleton ining Mill and imber Yard. OUSTER - - rrop. for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always nought hat borue the algiia ture of has. II. Fletcher, aud liua in i n made uuder lila peraouai auperviaiou for over HO years. Allow uu one to deceive you iu this. Counterfeit, liuitutioua mid " Juat-aa-iruud" are hut Kaperuiieuts, and eudautfer the health of Chlldreu Kxperieuce against ICxuerlweut. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of SI In Use For Over 30 Years. 3ribers to Magazines. u wkut to aubasurlbe for uum' or utwtiuitii, 111 ii"' i uu, -i or h 11 . ..... emit , b pi al note. I ur eeud U the Kat Orea-oulau the ibllaliora' .ri. . ur 11.. tiubllutttlun lr.., anil wt will bate It eeut to ud aeauine all rink oftUe mouj I tout lu tile mull.. It will autveyou rouble aud rlak. Ifyou re a aub- U tbe Kaat OreMoalau, lu re fer you mu ten p. . . .m Itbe publutbent' prloe. Addreaa i-Kuiilau PubtLehlu ..n.ii.uiy , Hou. Orearon. i lleton Ukiah Stage Line tuatou Caruev, Prop'. l'eudletoii tivrv day at 7 o'oliioa Huuday, fur Pilot Kock, Nya, Alba and Uklah. wood ecooui pus . lteaaoaeble I rateuit aud naa- Haa Hitler at Tillman A Oo.'e drug Hotel St mm OHO OAKVliAU, Prop. KibgttoUy Furnished. Steam Heated European Mian. Block aoda-hdf Irom dept. Sample Room Ik counectloi . Room Kate Slk. 75c, ll.OU (.FNKFAl NEWS. W. I. Bryan n'it Sunday in K.m tneky. Mm. Inland Stanford in danger OUcly sick nt ii New York botal. r.iiiKr..wnian Sydnry Ki'h. of Vir liaia, ho waK Mrated ajpta for apa pandicltii in Waafclngtoni ilnsl at tha liarliclit hoapital I'riday Right. Ttve iipiiliata, damorrata ami nilvcr rennblieaa onranixation in K m-.i- hara hutimI nKn a union of forWI in that ntutii fur the iflOi) eampalfa and alee tion. Sauirdav aa tho 7 aaarmaarjr of llii' liirlh of t'arl Sclinrt, tho emiiieiit wial PTonomiat. ll an ptJT'Oprlataljr i-i-l. l .rated by Id a.lminTa, 1hr.ii)lioiit (oTtnany anJ Anu-rira. FortrthrM anil one-half im-hox of miow i'n tlS MN ll the nrw record aftabllabad at Roehaatarj H. Y. aha niilroaiU art rei-overinir from the liijK-Ml H(fht nuainiit the etenirntH tlii'v tn. bal 01 many yonr. Rev. Madiaon t 1'itiT-, formerly l.:i-lor of a tart'' l'rosliywrian rhnrrfi in New York, but f"r the jiant nine venrn iiactor of tbe Rloontlnfdale Ri lormaa oharol) In (bat eity, haa ro- iiriiii to loin the Hii)tit I' Relief in the attoaO ( iiniver nx a ure run- for diaeiine W;ik Ihe eauae .l the ilivoree prranted to (ieorife K. White, ex runKreXHinan and a wealthv lumlier ilealer, from hix wife, MiBIM White, at QwtoHO a few day a(ri. ! It in predicted by tboae recently in Ki Titurky that I lOTeflMr Taylor of that i -tuff will not live to witness tbe next I lelectioa) that be U held niKim-ible i tortbe ileHth of (oH-bel. mid Hint a biimlre.1 men have -worn to tnke lii I ife in reveii(re. Tin- democrat!!' senate of the Ken lueky leixlature ban ; i--. ! a bill for . tho appointment of 11 rommittis to hunt down the pcrnon or ihtmiii- who' aHhasxinate.! (lovernor (oH'bel ami up I propriatinir llM,imu tocairy on the; work. The Mine bit! pfextoBidy paHel the aowa The Ohio fociety, of Na ,,rU. hebl Ita Mill annual dfl r at the Waldorf -t . r in New Y'ork Hatarday, Praeldonl MrKfaley wan the gtient of honor. More 41)0 cover were laid. The pri'nidont iimde a xpeerh iu which he declared imp. riali-i wa- not a part of bin Mil iey. The rejiort that ex-IVexident Cleve land wiih extremely ill iiihI that lie would not Im. uble to ileliver bin lee-nr.-. before the university thin Mriiit, in entirely without foundation, ('lee liiml waa fouml al bin home com fort -abty M.ated in hi library, buaily an gai(ed with his work GEN. ROBERTS' ADYANCB & o- Strict Censorship Prevents Any Impor tant Hews. ire, in hero Me i a brother of l,eoiiir ay Ohtw, now at Honolulu lookinal after the lataiaata Of the revolnt iomirv t Drtv, who in oxp.s to eomo north ward loaa, I. ike bin lirother, the llaiaj .reformer Iihk been a (uaitive from Ohlaa ilnce the notoriotM coup d'atat I Ol the empress ioa(trr. when amr . Yili ttisl to .l.ii.iin. He -avs that al O ' thoti(b a i' of "Jil has been -nl bv ll r. . I ,1 ! I. ...... V.. VI , ka RUMORS OF PEACE HEGOTIATIOMS ha-.... ' t.-ar f. hV . ii IKASURB RKPOBTBO TO THE SKIATR lfiiiirle. . Khiik in Wei wont to Sunn 0 at tbe invitation of the kinn of t tint conntrv to vimt that mouarcli. I bo Rritish isovoruinont lian fiirniolnsl him CONTROL OF THE ISLANDS o Spooner's Bill for the GoierMHt of the Philippines. Entrenchments it Pretoria Being Eitended in Anticlpttlon of t Siege Thra Brltlen Armies Now Id tbe Field. Load Oil, March ft. There in now Practically throe Britlah armlea in the Held, one in the Kree State, one in Oape Colony and one ill Natal. All that l known about tho tii-t an. I in. .-I latportant in that it in in clone touch w ith a of Boat! est imatel to iiuni- a lio.lvifuar.1. THE IDAHO atllTS. Return 1st about fix thousiiml men. Specula, i I ion, ami lion a I to tho ilircction anil motlio.1 of Roberta' advance into the Kris' Stale ix quite wortblcMH. mo can fullv are the plant concealed. In Cai. Oolooy Gen eral Brabaal ami General Clement command two horni of the army while (lataore hohla the main llm-r force in check. Gataera ami clement will probably coinliine ami advance M Bloamfontaia. with Brabanl laaidlag the right tiank with the bodIw aoT onlalti Thin movement will lie mibae pient to mearing a line ot communica- tion alonn the lines of rrea state rail r...-n which acisirdinn to latent din Horn Slmoni 1. 1 v Taitlmony the I'ommlttaa. Washington, March " MoaM I, Rlmona oontlnned hla teetlmimy before the hoii"' committee on Military affair on the ("uciir d'Alene inveetiga tion today. He test ill. si I., the . .renin ntaneea of hi- removal from office hortlv after the miniiiK ileiiiotmlra Until the IrtMirrecllM Is Suppreuad lb President Stall Hetr t omplete Contral of AlTaJrs. iiatiben. aeemn almost accompllshel. With the exception of sorties, a neri- us movement can handy In exK cte. from the Natal army this week. Ramon or Peace Naaotlatloni. London. March A. A a pec in I to the Times from boreiixo Mnnptex, datisl March 4, Hiiy : Persistent report continue that the Transvaal republic has oponi-.l iat ions looking to the securing of peace, (hi the other ban. I it to aaaartea thai the Boon will make a -I mi. I at tilencoe ami I ,a inns' Nek ami that in the meantime entrench ments at Pretoria are being extended la anticipation of a atone. Prealdenl Kruirer states that the Lord i- on the side of the burghers. Rimt casualties at OolaneO during the week ending Pebmary i'ft were thirty. om- men kilbsl ami I '" wnumled. NEWS FROM ROBERTS. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NkWS. The republican- of I'tah have nom- I oaaad .1. T. Hammond as their aaadi .late for tsmKresc. Uiae Ik-rtlia Savau, age 2K, .lii-l at her home In Weal Sal. in riiurwlay night, March I, of tuberculosis. Mrs. Samuel Hastings, ageil fg, lied at tlie asylum at Salem Kriday. Her haaband reaidet al Kompti r A. II. Swuine, ageil 7H, dhsl at Salem i'riday of heart lailiir.- He leaVM a wife an I live chiblrell. He ram. to Oregon from Minnesota in laim. Mrs. Bltaabath Ann Laoay, an llri gun pioneer nt IH.r2. ditsl fa l I'riday lit the home of her son, A. I.acey, at Springwater, Clackama- county, agol (ieorgc P. Cublwcll ilbil at his home on I riday at the age of SI years The ileceahiil was a mil no of Ohio, ami came to Kalem from Nebraska six yearn ugo. John T. Slate aged H7, died at his home in Ronton county a few days ago. He left a son and two 'laughters Ho bad been a resident of Oregon for thirty yearn. Jouipiin Miller delivered a lecture at Willamette university Kriday even lug on tho subject, "Our Arctic Umpire," with u prelude on "Lcmuuis to la- pouml in Rooka." The . h. in man of the ilemisTatic and is-uple's parly central committee iu Linn county bus issued call for county convention, on April 4, with primaries on the preceding Saturday. tiuorgo W. I.;. i. an. .'X-. lerk and recorder of Ada county, Idaho, recently relieved from office for einbeb in. i.t , pleaded guilty at RoisoCilv to a churgo of clnboxxleiiient of fnUI ileiited a- a eah Imiid. Oeneral Cronla Tlmnkt the Brltlih for Consideration and Klndnaii. I ...m Ion. March "i The war office Im raoaiveil the toiiuwing disputch from Lord Roberta! dutcd Oalontein, Mm. lay March 4 : "General t'r..uje. on behalf al hi- party. and Commandant Wolmatirn-, on i.ebali of -Mum other prisoners. a-ki .l Ihe llritmb ulilcura to Ihnnk me fur tbe cnniilcmt inn an. I kinducsi with which they have been treated. "General Clement ranorti that in .hhancasl tr.stp hobl Achtertang and that railway communicalion would I ..m I to Joubtrt's siding tonight. The enemy is still in force at NorvnlnMiint bridge. "lieneral liatacre avtie number of Hoor at StormlHTg i daily ilimin- Hming, "Colonel Radon-Powell re.rt that all are well ut Mafokiug ami that the elielny'w activity wu being lint with Banal activity on the part of the .e leudera. "The pwitiag i nuchanged at Osfoiitoin, except that freipient heavy showers have materially improved grazing, to the benofll of the horsea ami transirt animal." Al the Orange Hum. QoteeAharg. Marah I. A rocon nalaaaaa with two ftonoaal Autruiiun ami two gnu foaad tbe wagon bridge over the Orange river intact l ifly Boara( on tie other side, were taken by surprise uml the llritisli galbiHl to the laager, some RlUai N Ihe I roe State nda, Price's couimand has movisl aavaa mile north of Colel rg. 'Ihe Roer during their igirapajtinn denied them wive rather than wo Ihe ltritih arounded anflar hi arrest ami imprisonment in the county jail lor live days A horl controversy ncciirrisl Ulv.ecn Chairman Hull ami Representative Lenta, who conducted the examina tion, as to whether WitllcM shoiibl -tale In- opinion of the n. . esity for martial law. on a rote lb. committee attained Hull, ami excluded this line nf iuipiiry. The nitnem aald he did not have a fair trial on his removal from office Win Power- teatlfled that he was night watebnn nd conatable at Mill- Ian, Idaho, at tho time of tlie den st rat Ion at W. miner. He liwUlmod any know lodge ..f the blowing up of the mining pmierty. A week after tin lemon! rat n .ii the witnois was ar-roti-l b) -..l.liers, hut later The Troubtaiome Yaquli. San iranciaco, March ft A s ial from I '.i ii-oii, Arinoua. says : Rumors have reaehad here that a large bisly of Yaaul in ii. in are beaded (or the in ternatlonai lino, orders have been totnan to hold troopa in readlneea for inn .-.ll.lle llel.l -ervn o to repel alu attempt to cros the line into the United state. WOHK OF HIUHHINUkHS In (DOR'S ILLS' BenmAlhi tot I pM liver, and cur Micas, nl'-k 1 heudui lie, Jaundlie, iiiiuuiat, indigi mr ll"". ak Tiaiy are tn vttluuliie to prevent a cold or break up u Barer, agjg, gentle, c-rUin, they are worlby your ronrideu. -v. Purely vegetable, they i an l.- taken by bildr. n or delicate women. Price. IMh al all in.dl. Ino dealera ur by wall Of '. t. HuOU a Co., I..,..:. -M ana. Two Chlneie MerelianU Murdered San francliao. San I'raiielwo, March ft. The war of the Tongs in Chinatown waa re newed tislay by Ihe murder of two of the moat prominent merchant in this city ami the wounding of u third man, all member, of the Ham Yup organiza tion. The victim of tislay' outbreak are Pooii Gee, l."W S'sni, ami l,ng Cbou, membera of the irk packing ti r ii. ol link Wo .V Co. Ihe two hrt named were killed and the third sori onaly wouiido.1. The toru of Tuck Wo dad just U.i, npoiie.l for the day's bnilwtf when four highbinder .lulled out from a mall alley, ..iiiiig up a fuel lade on Boon Gee, who was atand ing in lb, .1 "I tin- aiore Low BaOM went to eo what the trouble aa and waa also killed. The murder er . -. aped after wounding Chou. BUHNKD TO DBATH. Oriental Trade. Tin oina, Waah . Marah 8 Dodaon v c... have chartered the Rnaaian itaatnai Dalneyvostnok from Japaneae parttoa ami will put her in the trade between Taenia ami tl rient. The lialnev vot,H'k WBB one ot the crack -hip of the P. A tl. line This makes I'.' large -teamen, now In the oriental trade from tho port nt Taenia. Hill Will Lead tho Delegation. Now York, March ft. -The Tribune's Albany corresimlent says: Havid Hill' friends claim that the en-senator will head tho Now York delegation the national demoerallc eonvention Hill' follow delegate at large, it is, will le AugiiHtu Van Wv. k, Biehard Orobee ami Kdwanl Murphy, i-' Waibington, March 5.- Tlie wnate oil the Pbllipl.ines .let nlcl halaj to rcirt Ihe bill intr..lne.. bv senator rincr for control of the I'hilimtincK ihe hill is aa follows: "That when all the insurrnt nai against the aoVereifnty and autlioriiv of tbe I'nite.l Mate in the Philippines island- acquired from Snnin by treaty concluded at I'aris. -ball have len completclv -uppreswil hi the military ami naval fore' of the I'nitisl Statee. all tbe military, civil ami judicial (siwers nooi'ssarv to govern said islands shall, until Otherwlw pMvnhsl bv inie gro, Im in iicli iersoii, and such pefeon ami person, and shall l BleCctoed In meh manner as the o reel dent of the Daftad States shall direct for maintaining and protecting the in habitants of Nti ii) i-laiidl to tbe free enjoyment of their liberty, proaTty .111.1 religion." The Plague at Dry Tortu(a. Waahiugton, March ft. Secretary l ong was tho other day to receive an official communication irom the treasury department notifying the navy to -lop work and got men away from Dfe T'.rlugas bv April I, aa Surgeon General Wtmau i liHikiug for a ginil deal ol vellow fever mid lea Santo plagne tin- summer and bad to use rnrt JefnTBon, winch c..t 1,000,000 dollar-, as a M-st Imiise. THE EAST QREGONIAN. WB28Si Dr Shilohs Cough and inumption cure This Is teyotod autlun tbt moat ttuccfgfMful ( uuih Mtdl cinv i - i known to m if diMk invuriably iur ib worst i jut e ot i ouvb, ( ioul aand Biunchltfit, whil its won rterful lacctMhl m th cui of Connunipiion is without a pai uiit 1 in tbu history ol nirJicma. fnco its fuat dicovry it hsvs LxMtii sold sv tfutisntre, u . which iii othi r nu lit laj can ttnd. if yuu have Cuuifh, wc t-atrufst !y w.k you to try it. In United Mat. a uud Cana is i - , UK and and l SOLC PROPHIETORS FS.C.WfiLLsiiCa l t HOY. NY. HAMILTON, CAN. Irot &iv i Uiocs a ktol.'ouuu, fauutcluu. A Oliaitroue Hre In a New York Tene ment Houia. New Y'ork, March ft. live perBOai w ro lairmsi to death and three wore i injurtxl early Kumlat morning in a lire which i sin mil in a acton story bslging knaaa at II to in Bowery. The d ad 'are: Charles Battle, John Clark, I Doyle, Henry Juik-mi, lino iinidoiitilbsl mall. Htepben Carney was ha mad ahaal the 11 1, face and bauds and rciiiovtsl to a in a serious condition Martin dallaghcr waa burned alsnil the face and hands and also removed to the l.osl.itul. I. .(ward Walker wa buriiisl but after havinu Ins wound dreamsi, ro uiaiiusl al the bulging houae. The Ore was diacovereii shortly after 'I o'clock. Smoke waa is.uring from ! the windows of the fifth floor and the Man...- were making rapid progreaa. The lodging house waa cut up into VA'i rooms and MO of these email places were pi. .1 when the lire broke out BgfgSM HfcrOHMfcH(t. Leong Bay Ting al Vlolorla Plotting Against tbe Kinpraaa Dowagar. Victoria, B. C , March ft. -Leong Kay Ting, one of the foreuuait Chiiieee reformers connected with the move ment of Rang Yu Wei, for the over throw of the einprebe of China and the oatubiishmviit ol a new uuleatlal eui- Oreaon National Uuard. Porthiml, lire., March ft. A Ism t ftll tetcrans of the Spanih war but iiigbl orgauiod a -eparale couipauy ll which will bo attached to tlie Oregon na tional guard. Thomas N Qwhaf formerly a lieutenant iu the flennnil Oregon, was atoeten captain An Inveitlaatlon Ordered. New Y'ork, March ft. A ai-ial to tbe Herald from Washington ay : Koar-Admiral Wat -on haa U-en dl rooted to make a thorough iuveatlgB' tion of the charges of inloi icat n.n preferred ........ i ulhcers of the wrecked eruiwr Charleston. The Pipe Truit. New York, March ft. The transfer of various constituent ptuperttoa Bawuntlng to 110,000,000, ol the mm- 0 1 ids tion sewer niiai manufacturer, hat been elb i I he new couiuiny it i stated aonttati aboal a-'i pet cent of the industry. To Manutaeture Sliiiobelees Powder. New York, MSrah ft. The manufac ture of BBMaeleaa powder by the gov ornii.ciit. will bortlf la slartel at the Indian head proving ground the building of the plant are practically compleie.1. Aroiibiehoii genaaaai Dubuuuu, Iowa, March ft. 0a sun day Arcnhisbol. Hclllless) received bis third troko. It was light but terribly Uggotlte of tbe . nd It is hardlv pOBBlbla that ho call last much longer Hie rinaiialal Bill" waaninnoa, Biaraa o. - rim wmtt. t.iav I'-" up the . oiil. r. lo o ro.ri on in. uuam iai Hill, .m l roller hi Njicech. Your Paee. Shows the state of your f. elingl tin- slate of your health a well and Im pure bbsal nub - Hwll apparent In ..ui.. .. ....n , r . . i- . p.... mi') . oinpie a inn , pllnple- ami skill eruption- ll toil arc tooling wean ami worn mil uml do m. liave iieuitiiy ai. arain e, you should try Aiaer in.i r.iiair. it eurea all diseawe where cheap Sarsa panllas ami eo-called puriliers fail imiohiiik in i-, wo wu every llll,. on a poBlllve guarantee. Pur sale by tin s .ni l omas. - e - rolltleal Mote. Judge ll. i,i ii ,d The Hallos, and .lobiuiy Smith, of Asluiia, are re con nig eonuierailoii liy dclms rata lu connection with the coiigresaiunal unlu- inaiiou. The Jackaon county republican con Iral committee is to moot at 11, laud March III. II i aald un effort hi he made to get an of aueaker t art. i uougrueaional aspua Hons Diatrict Attorney Haydun, of thi Kurd judicial district, who baashoHii his powers as a vote-getter, ia talked ul aa the democratic nominee for rep resentative in the Kirat congressional district W. H. Holmes is also n., in tion,- for the ""mi nation. Kdwanl Ktorett Young, of the .-nn.pi. i American, is freely talked of aa the uioet likely candidate of the republicans of that section of Raker county fur repreaentativu to the legisla ture. Mr. Young ia looked upon us a man of uhility uml integrity aa well as being an eicelluut uewaiapcr man. The republican central ooniniittea ol Wall.. Wullu county have decided it. hold tlie county convention on March .11, and the date of the primaries ia the ifeHh At the county convention dele gates to the atali convention, on April 0 at Kllonaburg, will bo elected. Amerloan Vines Not Wanted. si i, March ft The government of A I -ace-1. oral no has declined to grant the petition of the vine growera of li.i hsbtlld that they la' i- to import American grape vinos in order to renew the ralaen viaeyarda Sharkey and riKilmmoni. New ..rk, March ft. Tom Sharkey ami Boh Kinnrimmoni aigaed articles of BgreMMNri today (or a avroaad nit before the ttab iNeetiag the large-i ntr-. , in iigu-t TIIK BRAIN WORBBB. He gtBBlaa to Oroatar Age Than the other rellow. Ill an ud. Irons Is. fore the UNI year club, in Now York citt recently, mi "The Causes of Natural (i.-ath and How to Attain an Active and Uaolul old tan." Hr t'vrus h.lsou said thai loagevilt i due tu unusual (.wer of assimilation lr K.dsoii of tbe I nub ami pr.,fot-n.n in which Btattollc bad shown the latulltlosto Is' earliest Among the moat fatal of the trade- were IhoaB of atcoldlehcr ami porter Merehanta came well up in the liaf for earl) deaths, and it bad been shown that Ihe mortality among butcher- after the ago of lift ia law Among pbyatolana, also, he aald, there is a high mortality rate, much alsive Ihe average, due to irregularity of living On ll thet hand, (armors ami Etta tore, from their open-air life, often attained old age. "Rut," be ad.bil, "if lb., intellec tual parts of the bruin ul the farmer had proper activity and cu r. lea, be would live longer Rapid thought lead- lo long, tilv M. ii in the . ilt in tins re act liavo adlsliml advant over tne tiiriuer. I unit ia a w. l balauciil mind . --. nlial I., obi age, hut a Well balam ul, active mind." I mm tin pf. ICd I BOB "that nature is a relent lcs ba.lkillor. " "Hlelialiea show," bo ..Lb. I "that men o geiiiua live ii remarkably long life. "There -In .ul. I not In. more than eight hours' sleep, aa Usi much aleep niMM the -luggurd. Ktceaaive sleep i. -nil- in .1. general n.n from ilu-e ..I the mental faculties. After lift toare .if age h. never need more than eight hours, unless il la. to 'catch up.' The cry of to. lor a ten vein ago waa to build up Ihe body, but building up the mind le oouallt, if not more, Important." IEASPERRINS SAUCE The Original WORCESTERSHIRE HBBBI well That's It Beware of Imitations luhn Dunua'i Sou, Agotfa, New York CATARRH "2? Ulaf Alii 'Ukiuc hut a ..mi rvuMHly or i haugv u clluialt- Hill 4 uu CATARRH, i BpaetBe la Uy's Cma Biiv It ta auB'kl) aeeorbvd l.lvei U. lid at ..a. , Ilwu- '"1 'Uvuava tuv Nasal fasaaaee. Allat. lullauiluatlou llusK i.u.L-t I. ll... VI..,., I. ...... u.... Ike Bail w ul Taalv aud Suii lb No Mcnairy No !.l..'l'.,l)'uJ B"ar .Uv Sec. Kamil) '.lau U), al liruagtsu ur by utalt ktY BKljilKhe,Wan1iBt..New YoU. COLDS HEAD