FRIDAY, KKI1RUARY 1, 1881). DAILY AND HKMI-WKKICIiV, 11VTIIK Kt Orexonlnii, I'liblMlilnj; Company, PKNM.KTON OIllttlON. DAILY HUlWCItllTIO.V KATKM! One ropy per year, hy mull J7 ft) One copy tlx motilliM, hy mull C One copy per week, liy currier. !W Trlnl HiiWrlptlnn 60 Hlnglo immbrH 05 HKHI-WKKKI.y MUIWCIIMTION IIATIMS Onu copy per year 12 M Ono copy lx iiii)iitliM. ,. 1 Trial NiiWrlplton M blriKlti uumbera , 05 WKKKI.Y MIIIIHOIUITION IIATKM. 0 no copy per yciir M Onu ropy nix month I l) Trial Niih'crlptl M UliiKloiopy O-'i AIIVKIITIMINO KATKM t (IHitlay AilwTlUrmrnti.) One Inch, or lr.M, In Heml-Weekly per nontli tt DO Ono Inch, or lem, In Itally pur month 1 M Two Inuhn. or lew", In holh, per month,.. .1 HI Over three I ncliea,H'inl. Weekly, per Inch per inoiilh t 25 Over Uireo IiicIii-n, Dully, per Inch per month I 'Al Over Ihreii Inchen, In Ixitli, per Inch per month 1 75 Hollil nonpareil iiclverll-emi'iiti In Hutnl WmUly or Dully, lint IliKertloii, per Inch, 1 LOO: each HULciiiunt IliHvrtlun. A)o. lornl notice, ten ccnU'pnr llnu oneh In lortlon. I'.VlltA (JIII'lliH. Kxtru cotlof) of tlin Now Ywtr'n KthT Oiikoonm.v may lio liml at tin ImimIiichh ollleo at 10 oonU a copy, In wiitpporH ready for niitllliii;, If desired. Postiip' prepaid. MioiiATio.s- tnv. ki;,mi:dv. Wo havu Hiiwntcl that a solution of tlio iieKi pidlili'tii in to lio found In ml Krution to tlio Nottlioin HIiiIuh. A very intelllKeiit iiccro, Mr. .Morniuilof Florida, linn taken up tlio Idea mid in a letter to tlio l'ioldeiit-eleet, MiiyH: "It would liclter tlio condition of (Iiono who would ri'inuvo an woll iw t liiet who would roiiinln. If tlio Koverniiii'Ht could lio induced to furnMi freo transportation and lioiiiehteudH, I hero in no douhl hut that at leant 1,000.000 could iKiJiidicloiiHly distributed In Indiana, IIIIuoIh, Kiiiihuh, NolmiHka, Dakota, (.'nloiinlo, Novada, Callloinla and other polntH In tho South went during tho next decadci. Tlii'iitnotitit of money proponed lo ho appropriated hy tho lllalr educational hill and that of (ho Kri'cduian'ri Hank, had better ho di verted to aid in distribution u lan;u ior tlon of tho ueiwrt from tho South. Tho txoml!ttir of $15,000,000 would ho a clieao holullon of thin vexed prohlem. It will do hotter for tho nt'Krot'H lodlMtrlbuto thi'iiiHi'lvcH whmo thoy can conimand lettur waijoH." (iovKiis'ou l' Iuih htatmlthat ho will veto tho l'ortlnnd water' hill, panned hy Iwth hoiiM'rt of tho leKlnlaturo, Imm'iiiiho Hiich a voto will ho coiiMlHtent with hln formor itotH and prmiut vIcwh. Tho (5ov urnor apimara to havo a rule hy which ho doiH everything, and If hln rule doea not lit at certain tlinea It make no dillcrcnco to him. Why tax water lunula and hIiii liar tiling when it I plain to In, mm it in a tax ni energy , ontcrprlso, khmI health and tho bent Interests, of tho peojiloV Kvmtv citien should aid tho commit teen in securing llunt'ii railroad. In kIv itiK tho money to i;ot tho road It in not throwing It away, hut nlmply inventing it to bo rclurneil thiee fold. Whether wo are to res i do in a livo town or a doad ono, is tho micslinn? Tin; rondU'tou-Canyon City road lum paused tho U'ulnlatuio and now awaits tho rJtfnatuio of tho jjovornor. Thin f proprlathm will do much for lVndleton and Canyon City and tho country tribu tary. Senator Haley haa tho puoplo'a thanks for his ood work. No tax hIiouM ho placed on industry and tlio products of industry, A just tax is atav levieil on a thinn which in hidispeii- ruildo to all men, A tax on a thing nseih hy a few peopln is an unjust tax for tho reason that it falls tineipially, Tiik phonoKr iph has reached Portland with Its tmnpt and hilkt. tiii: ooviminok's Mi:s,i(in Koinn 4liiinl nml Sniiin 11 ii 4 1 I'li'iit t rum trim ftecoianirnilHiUiiia. Tho recapitulation of tho recoiumenda tlonri are an follows: 1st. Tho levying of oni-tniil tax for two yearn for tho ImlldiiiK of it Statu jHirtago rallnad between Tho Pallea and ( olllo. tud. A cIuiuk'c in tho lawn relating to aK-essnient and taxation, hy which no deduction for indebtedness shall Ihi al lowed, and hy which laro iiicotuoa will ho nuhject to taxation. Ilrd. Tho atuilishment of tho railroad commission and tho pasat'o of a just maximum rate height law. Ith. A law llxlnv' inaximitui ratos to lo charged fur Cohiiubia river bar towago of all vose!a hound to or fioiu ()roy ports. fith : A uoneral law oiniHiwoiim: tlio lo islatlvo hoillea of all coiporatotl citlwto tlx niaximiiui rates lor iiat, water, oloe rie li.ubt or toleplionocomimnies. (Ith: Tho estuiilihment of maximum rates to he chained hy tho railixiitd bridge tit l'oitlaud, ami by telnsraph companiod within tho Statu. 7th : To ropoal tho law creatine tho fish commission, and tho iuss,iM)f a law lirovontlns tho nsoof lish-trttpa and (Uh wheels. 8tlu Tho levying of no tax upon tho people, for tho support of any other insti tutioim of learning than our common hcIiooIh. 0th: Tho pansat;o of 11 law nuthori.lng tho governor, in caso of violation of State law, to employ 11 pernon to commence prosecution In tho cotirtn for tho iiroaeea tion of the ollender. 10th A registration 'art aiinllcahle to cities of 11 vo thousand Inhabitants and over. 11th: Tho enaetment of a law, similar ton provision 01 too Kliodo Island consti tution, rciiulrlng tho judge of tho Su premo court to give their written opinion upon any ii'iestlon of constitutional law when rcitured to do ho either hy tho leg islature or tho governor. 1 1Mb: A change in tho lawn of tho State hy which all county olllcerH hIiiiII have fixed salaries, and providing that all feeH collected hy them shall he paid Into the county treasury, l.'ltli : An addition to our lien laws, giv ing lahorera employed hy coriioratlont) of any and every character, a lirnt lieu for their wagOH tijwn whatever property of Hiieh corjKirationH thoy may have labored. 11th: A lihungo In our lawn, hy which tho pimlshment for voto buying at our elections will ho rendered more certain. WOOL! "W J. .Vuniish, I'etiillnlnii, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Hulls wool on roiiiiulivilou In l'eiulletoii unit alolicthn Hue of the O. H..V N. anil llont's roads. Only local wool ilo:ilrr In tlio Held. ill raellon Kuar.tuteciJ. Cull on or lulilie-s. W. J. FURNISH, IVndletoii Ori'Kin. IllrtO hruBkfnOnlvcf al natlxtncllon la tho ciiru of (lunorrlia Ami (ilcrt. I pnncrllirltitnil It to nil nuTrrfra r1nri la 'I to 6 HATH. STjMrt&tM DM ctuifmiiurf. fcifittiniCieztalCa. I. J.STOMMt, 11.11.. Decatur, III. I'ltlcn.St.Od. Olnolnnall,!! Ohio. Trn.1. Hula ty Drucjlitt. A Kuvtiler, Akciiin, I'endleton, Or. Clopton Boyd, HEAL ESTATE AND Fire Insurance Agents. Tim I11rnc.1t Inmiraiirn Attcnry In Kiiktern Ori'KOii. ArON I2Y TO LOAN. Yourorilern 1 illcltnl. I'urHoiM ilenlrliu; Infi.riimtlou should ror rehiiond with 11 . Olllco In ICiiil Oicuonlun llalhlnn,', I'vndl.iton, Or. Jan I Watson & Luhrs, I'roprletnrH of tlm Stonm-plnning Mill, Sash nud Door Fnotory and Lumbor. I IIIIMTIIKK Kept In ntncK nnU uiHile to oritur, OKI) A II HiliNOI.KH KOIl HAI.K Klrot-eloMi workmen employed unit work done ux ordeietl, 11. WATSON A l.UIIKH. Pendleton, Oregon, JOSEPH UASLER, -Miuiuf.icturi'r o( Tinware, Copperware, -AN I Sheet-Ironware And Heater In New and Second-Hand Furniture TlX JIOOFIXG A Hl'llQlALTl' ritor and Hhup, Main St., lift. Alta .t Wo lit) I'KNDI.KTON, OllKOON. CHIN KEE, Tho Main St. Ltiuudrymnu n'Asinxa axd luoxixo lViuowlth NoatncKiaiul Oetpntch. Ooodii culled for nml delivered frvo of charge, MAIN 8TIIKKT NKAU WKUU. IXTOT TTD A IVTrHr K-J Jtvr-JL vy JL- Offices In East Orogonlan Building FOR 1889 ! Now la the time to Subscribe for tho West Shore Magazine For 18S9, and hcciiio a full volume of ntimbcrH. it In tho Cheapest Illustrated Magazine in the World. "Tho turiKrt of Information It contuiiiM eovera tho ontiro Pacilii! Northwest comiiletely, and deal with all mihjcctH of intercut to tho-o Hocking information of thlH region. For tho utirretit year Tin: Wkmt Khoro will HitrpaHH f ti oxcoilenco tho voliuno jiiRt-cloHcil, and will ho a complete exponent of tho reaourcert of, and a euro fill chronicler of till now enturprta'ri of importance in, tho onriro rcdon etnhriiced within tho llmlta of Oregon, WaHhlnuto.i, Montana, Idaho, Hritish Cohnnhiii and AIiiHka, toKother with a multitude of miperb eniravlnKH of Hcenery, citieH, indtiH trinH, etc., of tho country ilc.crihed. TWELVE ART SUPPLEMENTS. All elegant engravingt, In colora or tinta, will ho tomied, ono with each number. ThcHumippleincntH are lTxl'II Inchon in Hlze, and rcptccent Koine object of general 'ntercHt or hoiiio feature of tho Magnificent I Scenery of the wttit, and will nlono he worth the price of the magazine. You cannot do without Tiik Wkht .Shouk for 1HS9. Only .fJ.fiO a year , 50 eentu extra for po-tago if cent beyond tho HinltHof the Untied Staten, Mexico or Canada. Single eopioH, contH. AtldrcHS L. SAMUEL, Publisher, Portland, Or. Newmarket Block, Oiler for the mwui of IHSil tho lurgcht and most complete lino of the Very Host and Improved MACHINERY AND VEHICLES OfEvory Description. (Ju dlty of Ucodn guan ntccd. 1'rlcea tho h.wopt, iiuallly coiiHidored. Call and soi iih, or wnd for our HANI OMKIiY lliLUSTKATKI) CJATAl-OOUE Mailed PHHH on application. CARPETS Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Window Shadts, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. The "WHITE" Sewing Machine, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Failing's Carpet Store, Mniu StrMt, near tk bridgo, Fcingletoa, Ortgoa. Alexander -KK Vf.KIW JN- General Merchandise, Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Dress and Fancy Goods. 3Pamily Groccvries a Specialty. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARCE. MMN THKKT . - Pl'Vlil VTI f'tttwnv Notary and Corporation Seals, I n Pondloton, FOR ONLY FIVE DOLLARS EACH, Tlio uaual prlo (or urttlH iiiwIk by other partle, In t'ortlainl or tlio V.m U fitim fb.U) J7. M, with Kxpret u inr.'Pi iUita. 1 yuu iicctlu enl, ont jour ir.lir IoUm, nml AVe (mill f.'.Wto J1.W tlnrel-y. East Oregonian Pub, Co,. ruhtiatf Pendleton, Oregon. ROBERT BOND IIK.M.KH l BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court srreet, opivn ie J, II. siioemalier'K. This is the Way to Advertise ONE TIME, 90 CENTS; TWO TIMES, $1,50; IT "WILL PAY YOU! CLOPTON & BOYD, & WALKER Portland, Oregon, & Frazer, GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. (JAdKN A DWVUJt, l'roM. ConrtunaJolinsnn St, rciulletoii, Or, Just Opened, New Furniture Throutjhout. Bperlnl iici'mniiuxlii'lonii for rtiiniaroIul lien iiiut fn mil U-s. ltlt-ftrla IIkIiIk I hrtmiiliDiit, n S5 unit 50 ctt. Th Kl h Jny Hotel ofl, ntat. that pip,ci obttm ttinvtl). an tdrtttuiig ipicu hhtn In Cktyo, will l.nd it or (.U a Ai 4J Rndiph St, MnRrs&THnHfif?. IKAn w'. A SUBSCRIPTIONS TIJ " ' - -- -- - - ftLambirtli's No other firm can do a11 kinds of Insurance as wel1 as can 1)6 done by LODGE UIUKOTOKY. I iiii-otK ovrry Momliiy nlslit In Odithol fowH' Hull. IIkn HAilicN,8i'orctiiry. IKNMIt.KTON OHAlTfjIt NO. 2.1. It. A. M. I Mi'i-tN nt Hip MhnoiiIo Teliltilu mi tl,n nml t!i Krlilny nt i'mcIi monili, nt 7SW uviorK. .1. r. HUMiiKK, it. r., r. ii. t i.oiTun, secrctiiry. KUN.IK I.OIH1I! NO. Mi A. R A A.M. Meets 011 tlio Ncconit hiiiI fourth Mon day of ouch month, nt 7:;i o'oloi-k. II. J. IIkan, W. M.; W. K. I'otwiwk, Htcrotnry. I3KNU1.KTON I.ODMK NO. .12, A. V. A A.M. .Meet" In the Miixnnlu Temple on the 11 rut nml third Mnmliiyx f eneh mouth nt 7S o'olonk. T. J. Million, W. M.t At. KXAMiKit, Kcorrtnrv. 7-inLA I.ODGK NO. 1 1 1, A. O. U. W. Mfl'U I V thnllrntnnd third friilnyn of Oiich I11011 h HtUllll l'('IIOVM' Jinll III TiMI U'CIOOK. f . I'. TfMTIN, M. W,j U.A.HMITII, Hecunlcr. EUltKKA I.Ol)tIK NO. 32. I. O. O. V. MoeU ttviry Hiitunliiy fvouluic t7;30 o'clock, It. Al.r.xAMiKit, N. (). UMATILLA KNOAMI'MUNT NO. 17. 1. O. ). I'. Mvrto 011 tlic oecoml mill liuit ruiirMhiyn of eiich month, 11 1 7:3U o'clock. T. K. Hourlni. C. I1. Mux H.icr.Scrlhe. J)AIII.l.Ni: HICIIKCC-V I.ODOK No. 13. I. O, . O.I-'. Mi els tho II rM :iml third Tlium. iiyn of viil'Ii niotith. H AUMONV LODOU NO. 21, IC. OK I'. Mei-lH In Otlil 1'i'llown Hull every Tilei- ihiy ever.lni: nt 7;:Mt,vlnclr. .1. O. I.kamdkk, c.t;.; u.j. wniTAKKit,iv. or it,iuiii . DAMON l.6l)OK NoTt. IC. W V. Mi'flu In O1I1I 'oIlow!l Hull ecry Wi'ilnt'kilHV uvonliiK nt 7::i(i o'clock. M. Moiikiikaii, 0. U.l II. m. (lAllVIKl.l). IC. of iLJiinJ K"ir rAiiHtrN.:rosf,"(. a. ft., nir7tM nt Whrolor'H Mull nveiy TliuriMhiy nlulil. II. M. Wakklk, CoiiiiiiiiikIit; J. H. llovi:s, AUJulimt. Depot for Household Goods! a. w. SHULZE, Ikiilirlii Fui-nituro, Stoves & Boddlue Hrcoiiil llnml I'n ml 1 11 re llouitht iiiulSolil. BARGAINS AT SHULZB'S. Mutli HI., inmr Wchh, I'KNDI.KTON - OltKUON. Hiestand, Warner S Co. Echo, Oregon. DKAt.KIHIM Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller Mills Flour. SI OltAOKnwl FOIt WA 1WING Guilds & Gouey, Proprietor of ttie CITY LIVERY FEED C HALE STAHLK, Balod Hay and Grain. Hpleni'l t Vtltrn, Hlugln or llnubtii, unil Hnitdlci IIorMrn alwuyH on huiid. llorHi'H bonrileil hj'tlintlny. Week or Mouth, All KHiiIk of Fttiil Kor Hale, In Hinallor itrK" 1. inn, OHAHGES HEASONABLE I The Pendleton Holier Mills (Ciipncity too barrels perilny ) W S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors, Pendleton, OrfKon, Mainifactiirern of (JritliHiii, kihihiIhUh) unit nir-riinK rlour. IllSliewt 4aMh I'rire lnlil for All KUiiIm or rnlti. Klnrtr, meal .olion, feed etc, hIwhjh on" hand TlSSOLUTION NOTICB. "S'otlee U hereby elveii that K. it. Wheeler ham hU day retrd from lliollrma ofWheeler (tOfeeneand Vheler, Ureeue A Co., nml haa hold hU liiterenU tliereln to M, J. (ireeno whnwIlleollectiilliiebtkdiieHald ttrina h d nnoiiiiie the iiavment of hhIiI K. It. Wheelers portion afthu Ihibllltlenofiiald ttriiu. K. lUWtJrtKIjHn. rendlelon, Oreion Jan. 7, ISsO. ' "S t'janJ newspapers, magazines and periodicals TAKEN -AT- PostofDce Book Store PENDLETON, OREGON. ! i NIAN I OU OMi DAY, TWO DAYS, Oil A WEKK. w COXTKNTS RUIKF AND TO TIIK l'OINTJ AX ADVKKT'S THIS SI7.K WILL ONLY COST YOU THREE TIMES, 2.00 ; ONE WEEK, $3,00, JUST TEY IT Pendioton. OrortH ! .i.i TI I . V" w mirti m uii,.. I M t Rtia Umillt. -'niiRj -., .. tioKantPUlimanPainA. tfmlffvnM, Ut,...l n ............ r, ,,,,, v,,ln, n,, II,m.,, ,. OMAHA. nmiNnii m nccc tm... Krco 0 oliarcc nml without clmtiW. Clone conneolloti'i nt l'ortlnnd for ... Kant liolinit tii,MuAM,.n n.i.. ... ... KimL hnlinil Irnl,.!. ... . partant7!OT). m. wp.mjj Wfht hound miMonuer nrrk... . - pnrw ill lii!M l. m. ""win. ln.;j U'nllii lVnlli nml i'i,,n ,.eovea in w n. 111. ror Wnlla V. rlvex lit 5.Wi, m. from Walla Wall. . . - an To Hnu To I'oTtlaml. Htnto, J 11 11 1 Coluiiliilii, Jn OreKn,.laii 10 Oreifon . .1 1111 Htllte,.lllll 7 uoiumiiiii, jnn 11 .fun If. Hlllle.Jllll III Colli mlihi, Jnn .1 Oreitoii, Jan 27 nunc, .inn j Colnmhii j nnu OiCKon.Jaii-jj Htiite, jimai wine, Jiuiiji uoiiiinbln, Jnns I'llVtl Nteillll.llln urhurr. !..-, ... Leave Rnenr HI. wlmrl (i . .. " ..vit.ii Itntea or rnn.age. IncltidliiK mcnN and licrtlm. Wfkr ftl n vi l....ln m . . f'i"M.""i''ny. r A. u Muxwell, A.0, A. Ii. .1IAXWKI.L 11 1' AT. I General MiimiKer. II. It. NIIIIiKV, Arrol. 1 Vtllltntt.ll. riMih ft a n 1. 11 rum Kiiiif 10 an UWMUAW MUM JtVWWliMi rrom hi. ram nud M,mtieuo u To C'lilruico nud tho KaHt, Tit Mt-I.uulH nml theHoutb. To Ilex MolneM, Leuvenwcrtk' Alfhliiaii mill uatmaaLi rill. -V..1.. r ... I'nnnwl ne w til wiv ror l'nlnco JXnhitj Virr Arcompniiy nil throuxli KipivM Trkiu una luiiiio. nl,.lM,M b..l.. K 1. II M.m.MInip rAIIVi anil nouue'tlonH maju ill union uepou. Knrfiill litrnriiiiitliin rrvardlnc raten. B utc.unnly tonny rounon Ktrentof llio. or :orthorn I'acino wtf mi-w..a 4 ...... t 11 If A. I'tndleton.Orr.ou. CHAN, KKNKUY, tieu. .let at No. 3 Vn.hlui;tnii 81., - IrtUoJ. 4 itit iiunm.. Oeu. Tk t. nml W. ML I - ! R Chlciuro.III. a. K. U0YI. . .. VTOTICK TO CONTltACTOltS. L..ln.l I.I 1 11 I... .,.AAlai,l 141 II nftAtt rt'Miru ini" will 'u iram'MMwiw"- ir iiiricrHiiuiKuim K"" ,"m, , t llilltl II1U lltJIlll RIIIU 111 lini iuhu vu ii. nrt..n.i..i.n wiiii n,.lli,flnre SO- 1 .1 1 .. .jt.... ivtt. (.iiibi ni 1 uiiiitiliiu uuiirni iiitiiii. ih Ih a town If hlil lnucoenteil. or WU will POt rntiulilernl. jHUtM Ftreet Commliiionrr. ana mi uiiiM. j im .. ? . . ...urtff 1 I fll Kmplre. Eantern price. PUT YOUR ADVKRTISEMKNT IN CUK DAILY EAST OltSCO