DAILY EVENING EDITION. JOB PRINTING J 1 j7V V,)VVXVJ Send for Prlcos and Samples. "ammmmmmmummmk M kZ'r VOL. 1 ATTORNEYS. re ftKTl.N CIlEWH, ATTOBNBYM AT JAW. nwinn in uiiw iv, isruciauun rt,Illlll'toll,OlTJOI1. iiMU.lAM PARHONM. ATTOKNKY AT I u. fMfifc- Boom No. 11, Aftolu-uHli-rk, Pendleton, Oregon. JIElV A II A LLB B A vrTTOIlNEVfj 1 .!ljir UnVe l!jiln 1. 3. 8 liml 4 A. yalon moi's, reniiiriun,urt(uti lifVEII A nT!OKMAI.n, ATTOMNKYH t .t iitv. nonius no. a una a. amm i tie fllofk, Pendleton, Oregon. UKAJW. ATTOIINKY AT I.AW nfMf Uiiln MImsI in -n, . hrlMrl IlnlI.IInt, orer thn Post-Office. PENDLETOjV TTATA'Pn T.A nr nnnnnw m,.rr..r. ... . . . : vmaauiviruntauAY. JAM UAIIY 31, 1889. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. WE MANUFACTURE Legal Blanks. Sond for Prlcos nnd Samplos PLOWS! NO 285. PLOWS! illl MIHOtt, ATTOllNKYH AT LAW. j istrt-Orfr Wnil Nation.! Bank, Pen ,1m, iirrK'in. IT r. UIJTCMEK, ATTOIINKY AT LAV, I), Ccntervllle, Oregon. Will practice I eoiru of Orecon and tYasfiliiKbin. Col tccti promptly attended lo. hlMHEV A WAOKB, ATTOUNKYH AT I Li v. Boom amid 4 nf thu"Kiul (In. Etltti" hnlMlnKi corner of Main ami Webb h, Pendleton, Oregon. IUP.TKII A"willTK7ATT0riNKYHAT iuv. Pendleton. Oregon. ttnoin.Hniid fic(Ulloii lllock. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT Evur brought into EASTERN OREaON. Bought at Bottom Prices And Hrought Tiirough FHYSICIANS AND HUKGKONH. rij BI1 riT'DII. Ofrlrfi ivirnsr (Vitirl ntul lionwi.MUlifHn.ln Dcapnln block. AT THE OLD FREIGHT RATE ! hfc U.roitTKH, PHYSICIAN AND HUB V iron. holm. Orccon. Kl vu vi-ura auiwu. ItopllKl mill private practice. OIIIHWOt.t), I'lfYMGlAN AND HUB- , poll ii'iicii in irvinn'. ilrilkf .tore. Uiffon, U. M. PltUKTT, y'hioian'anT) 8jl'On. Otncct Over lKiklnfTlii-. nir. rK.Mnln mill Alia sirct-t.. Pendleton. WU'.BINO., M. D. omen OVBB I Mtonlci corner Mnlu and Altn Htx. Kc,oij tVnlib, near l.'ourt stirrl Be- Ivt.tul office runnreUtl liy trli-nlionn lllllKnl hnlel. Kanrclnl iiiti'iitlnu irlv. Ilb iIImkmw nf womtm uinl clillUroii. JT1STK 1 1. IU.ATIK. IIBNTIST. AH AIlMIN. Ulrrcil llfHri-! Mil! li Mtri'fl.luTlinmn. iHitK HiilllliiK ri'iiillt'loii) Oregon, .MKCIIANICH. W I N JAY, I'AINmit AND I'AI'KIl ini!r. worn mihmh' none. i,'ttv p wild thn ivmlli-iim Hardware iiml rmfin Co., on Omri .ircot. I. I'AltKBM. CONTMACTOK AND I bjii.icr, raiiniKioii, On ton. cuilulrv M ineolultr. KHImiitfH urnlxhoU on 1 1 loo. II. M'IM'H. CUnPHNTI'lt ANT ullilcr. Cimiilry onln mllol'H nml niy i-mini to. Inquire ut Wnton . IM IKtl'KK, III.AI'KH.MITH AND ' - :on Jlukir. Altii iiml (ianlrii ml, drt-K"'). Ill-ickhinllli work of all rt i.. (H)Kiiiti imiiiiipr, mul on i rnii I' -rtlenliir Kttintlon Klv- --'njeliur. FLYING DUTCHMAN Walking Sulky Plows CA8ADY Cang Sulky Plows Garden City and Scotch Clipper Plows Oliver Chilled Pbwi, Cultivator, Etc. UltOWN, llOl-ar. CAItltlAUK -ii I'.-niifr, roixik'toii, on-iciin, i- . in Htrrvl, ni-iir t'nurt ir'i-l. -1 f,iri'."lii -I on liort notlrx. OrUni i. itr ttlll tt-i-flvii jiroilllit uilun. . (-iim)IIi,,; ft hi-i-olully. FARMERS, REMEMBER : The Goods are Here We don't have to wait lor them to arrive. Bottom Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. KM WIMilNMON. I'ltACTHJAI, i ,1'li.ok iH'il t lnonoiiHter .MHkur. n U(.4ll..ivc ir.ni.li. All work i.'i. o i DriK'h nMMiind, Mnlu il-tr, Ori'Koll. all 1". I I: AT , MTO.NK AND JIII1CK '-ixll"O0, OrfKOIl. Tomli. i.-.tniwnt belllnioiii tfcol:illj; I tit.-rhw, it 1 1 kliuU of K'one wirK t'UfCiituil rrnoimbly, mil' -k , i-rnof puriltloiiK. HAI.OONS. 'P.tlP Ii.I(VI:ai. IMlOPHIKTOlt OK I to. "liourd of Tinile." ili.r. Mhin and 1'Hr.Mii, I'uiiilliilnu. Orreon. Kmlt-r- i . . L.k.. ttiIUd r in. I ur . A KNOI.r, rnoPIURTOKH OK iirHnooti. Kino wlnen.llquopi mid IV I'tUdlfldi. hwr on drulmllt Ul live tl. Wliirliart'ii bolllrd tirKp-P- Mmn ir-it. onnocllw Court Hnuf. IJ-LIAM KOKHl'll, I'UOt'HIKTOK Or lit lUy iirewery, Court Htr.et, I'en-h-On-Kiiu. Aiioriloriforoui br rilled rHly ilellverfd. lCfni llerrtlttll, Mlnt.,opKMl'f Iff, Pt-ndltton. rnndleton ber on liruiil "quornaud clsum, of tb !"i tni 'u'daTFhmkkr, PUOPBIKTOHH "lb. Umatilla Brewery. Manufaolur 'MwholnalM and reUll dealrrn In 1;Moliiu,,bottlHj;Ulrn1kt-s nr barrel. iMt U you don't like II, f pt;... . . i j IB itlNB, I'ltOl'ltlKTIlU UK TUB KB L-piion i-arlorii, Main Hlreet, oprxwll t u?5 Bquare. In Thorapwo' new t l bt winm. Uquom and Cigar. r-i.B&cuNi terved to natrotui. MIS0KLI.ANEOU8 rftHKR-P tit. . ... . M mi. --t 111 nlii lit ru t-iiraportHrii i.( Hhoe Manufacturer' More HuDnllri. Ulaeklnea. Ore iieifl Im I i iLv,A N' J OHTICB OK Ttl K PB ACri IniB. "t0' lubllo, Vauycle, Oregon, ti V.5,Jec,a'y. HlinK on lund re- ina (in.il nrmirM tnlrvii at reducrd IL'i'MTINO CAN IIR HAD AT THE IV V ' M cbturwr lb': those of - rrinilntf Imnt.. n KiiiMrn I ir"rni, I'1. BLAN KM. li!!M?.iwn hundred form, of leital 'iiniTi i Pmc. Lawyer and otner ' ItU' 'ormiicn l-e .unpll-t. ANIMALS. I7l52I? anliimi etray. you ran re. J I" adverilln Fr w"",0ai. Jt talcum tueiu Taylor, Jones & Co., PENDLETON, OREGON. lM)lniNI t'OI.NTH. 1 "oillday K.tatn U"tlon-Cliliipae New Year-hue. for 0,000 l)iuniir.- r aurn rial. 1'okti.anI), Jan. 30. Tho Holllday t-Htutc matter hag (lntu.nl iiiniii an,i tho inirchaFcru of tho property claim to tnj uu Ik lo riUlVIl IIIBI JUKI HUH cnatiKeu ma mind, una will not lot Wcidlcr and Holliday huvo tho $400,000. The party who U nmnaKinK l' buelneBi for Mew?rH. IWnnctt and Larolicc revmn to bo a thorouclibreil. nnd n lmnl uown. it ih not known what " nfliifinop" wus brought to boar on brolhor ImM, but it HConiH to lutvo Urt-n ull'octivo. Jo Holllday'M intercut in the mutter craned at noon in-day, nnd Jio Ih nvorlftntinul knocked out. Woldlor Iiuh tilt nnt Krl dny at noon to rniifo tho nionov in, but If Ijidd ImHKono liauk on him, 1ih cIuuicch uroticciuudiy num. Thoro Ih no doubt hut thu beet all around thing that can happen for 1'orllnnd in for thu tiroiwrtv in remain in hid nuiHH 01 1110 prcHjnl own Chinese Nnw Year Im-l-jh nt l'J nVl.vrtr Uriuiniit. All day joHtutday tho Chi nese eiiopM anu proviKion utoroH were crowded, and nearly every Chinaman mot wan carrying n patrel. Umt evening every ouiuung occuiiieu ny uiiinoso waH iiBiiteii up wiui lunternM, iirecrnckorH wvro boom i n j;, and Chinatown presented an animated nppeuranco. Thu coloura tion Ik Mill In procrctm to-day. "Curloy" Ilrown will nuo this city of rortlund for tlM.000 dumau'OH for falno im priBonmotit. Ho iIooh not deny the. fait that ho In a professional Kiitubler, but I'lalmH lo lo a i:ood. Iiiiva h il 111? olllznn juat-tho Humo, and irnpOMon to huvo Jiih llco. Ho cay h ho wax thrown iuto jail with a lot of lowlived xcruhH. and told that bin c.ino wan nn tinbuilablo one. Tho roadway acroim tho railway brldi!n Ih comnleted. hut will not bo thrown open to tho public till tho Mreet car tracic ih iniii. I'rof. Holiio, tho fumoiix blind mu sician of l)tnlop, will givo a porformanco at tho iN'uw l'ark tu-iilght. J. A. Homurquo, thu tinhorn who uh HaujUtd City Attorney Adainw on tho Mrcet a fiiw tl.iy-t ago, ti.nl a jury trial to day. Ho wiih convicted and lined forty- IIVO (lOHUtH. Thu NpaHinodio hurrah mIhuiI by tho police over tho arrest of u lot of hciiihi- griicort who huvo boon run down and charged with being tho imirdorerHof ono Ciiniilnghum, who wan found de.ul hoiik nmo iil'o, mm iiiiien inn, on (uo in llovo.s tho parlkn uiulor arreHt know nnv thing abmit tho ciiiiho of Cunningham'! death. U'h it picnic for tho Kwulug l'ol- OLiram, honuver, nnd our Mend Otto (iroonhood (IUIioh iii u roliiinn a day In regard to it, jimt as regularly an tho day rouicH. .M. M. lUrnett, tho lato editor of tho Slfdngrt, roiivhted recently of criiuiiuil IIIk'1, was thin morning Hoiitoncod to pay a lino of f:U0. in thn EASTERN NEWS. I'ONIlllKNS. Nrnalor lliilph (lvr III. View. Xnmiiau Ouollnn. WAHtiiNoroK. Jan. IM. Mitchell offered a re.olutlon, which wa agreed to calling lllmn tin. Siirriitiii-L i9 ft,.. 'I............ I V Mtatemcnt of tho ainoiiutH in the linking fund to the credit of tho Union and Cen tral raeiuc rallroailn on tho 1st of Febru ary, 1889, under thu Thurman act, with tho amount of each invested In bond, tho markot valuo of mich IkuhIm. and.lhn amount which would havo been in'tho wnUng fund if no Inverttuenta in bondH nan neon inailo. Tho Senate then rcHiimed tho consid eration of billo. tln lllli'ullnn Imii " nn tho amendment nuVclinu the 8u. ..nn iHlaiidri. Dolnll Bald thn nilmllon wan mn ..f Bpeeial and local liniortatue to tho ooplo of tho I'acillc coact; that, whatever uuKiii no uioiigui iih io the proprloly of a general diMUMnion of and IntereHtH in tho Hamoan irlandx and I of llm relation of tho government of: urn 1'iiiiou ciatea m tuo iiurniau govern THODIlt.K m FKAHKII. The New Turk Mtrlket. CommltlliiK Act. ir Vlolrnre. Nkw Yowk, Jan. 3J. Tho nt root cartio up contlnueM. Thin morning tho utrikem overiurncii a wagon nn tho grand utroet tiack. A ortion of tho police reserve wan called out in dispereo tho mob. I rouble In feared. A car on the Sixth uventio line Minted at f o'clock, guanled by three jHiliceuirn. At Hluchor and tnriuinn Btreetn (hey were overiHiwerftd ty tho mob and the car overturned. The police headquarter ban been ahked U tnd aHi.tanoo. , IILOODHIIKII TIIIIKATtNktl. A larco enmd of htrlkciN and BympA thtterH iK'Kun togatlior early at theMable of tho Itrlt line. Additional ikiIIco ar rived and rli-arnt thn utdKunllM tk. uxniomeiii wan at fever mid that if the heat, and it wan riirN Ul'h, MturfiMl II.m would w bl'MKlnhed. bociUN! the xtriknni were growing deepcrate. Twenty-Bvo hundred ollco are now on duty. Tho Hroadway lino will Mutt at noon. ,,,'c,";k IU ftrlkera gathered at Bedford nnd Carmine Mtri etn mul m-nr. tnrneil half a doron wiil-ohh with thtr nient, tbu iIiwiiHMon hud proceeded nol't""'""" thu trackK. Milk ratiH havlne larilMto render lllrlln-r illkCiiHalim ,l,.ur. IhIiiIII'M in ((.i-m unrn u'nlliinwl nlnn.i II,.' Tl. ..1 1.1-1 I , , '.....I 11.1 ,iv ratlin ' "r-wiucii no wouui exproHH 'i ihock. roncemen on miiv worn nuiiiii oil uin own iniiiviiiiiiii viuu-ii mui ehould neither cotntiniuiiiM) thu eovern- metit nor lecelvo unduu attention elm- roughly handled till a n-llef wpiad 'arrlveU Mllll lllolHTHCtl mo cniwii. At noon n lti-lt linn rir Iftfl Mm nf tltlmi W'hert'. After n IVIHTmI ih-Hi-rlnllnn .if I enCOrleil hv l:.(l luiltrolnmi At VlllJ. tho inlandM, tho inoiluotd. inliiihllunlH ami . ninth Htroi't thn trnrka Ulirn firillul In twt coiunierciul Importunoe. Dolnh reviewed I obstructed and the ear was relnrneirtu thohlhtory of afr.iini ultioo tho United . ") barn. No mom willUi eent out. StllteH UOVernnient llrxt took nn lntnri-.it I thw i.- toum in- in the iflamls. and tho nvetit in-i-nr-1 The MrlkerH thin nftornoon nliriwt,vl jenoeH, which ho Htld had Involved tint : thu Hroadway track, toro up the ralla at I'lilknl Htaten in homo controi-i-my with l otty-llflh Mn-et and i-Krnni-il hi-forn thn the Ucrman government. j polh'o arrived. TliotrackHon I'orty-elghth In tho cource of IiIn review Hcimtor "t'eel and SUth avenuo wero nino ob- I'olpli camo to the iiolnt whero thn ! finicini, rim ritato lioard of arbitration -BTJY- Notes and Receipts FROM FIRST HANDS, Larue Stock Jmt from Prenttr., ut Low Iiuren. the The Latest Forms In pad or booka, We aUohavea $2000 Stock of Legal Blanks Including Circuit and County Court, Probate and County Court, Justice' Court, Ileal Estate, Mlscellano oua and I-and Blanks. Send for Samples and Prices. ADDKBHH EAST OREGONIM PUB CO.. J'endUlon, Oregon. First National Bank OK PKN1M.BTON t.EVY ANKP.NY, PrealdeuL JACOB KHAZklt. Vli-e PrealdenU HAM IMI I VblS.Cu.Uler. C. B. WADB, AnUtant Caahler. Transact a GeneralBanking Business Exchange on All Paris of the World Bought and Sold. Collection made at all potnbJ ou reaaonnble term.. Leezor & Kueliler, DRUGGISTS The lurvwt and imxt coniplcle utook of DruModicisos, CHEMICALS, Toilet Si Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block Pendleton. WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary mi Mg Engineers. Mwiufac1urr Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, KOUUWKLUNOa Oft PUBLIC BUJLDlNOf- Hpivlflcatlon. and e.llmate. fornlabed for heatloi; bulldlno In any .eetlon of tb eoun try. Corr4pndence noliclted. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Portland. Oregon. Ja FOREIGN NEWS. INCBNNBII lll'NIIAIIIANS. They rr Oreiilly Bxellrd Oli-r the pM..ni; iifim Army Hill. I'hhiii, Jan. .'.0. A portion nf tho pop ulnto in Htill gieully iurent-eil al tho pan Hago of tlie aimy hill. A grwit eiowil gullp'rcd oiitMldo llm parliament biiildlnaH trday and ondo.ivoied to provent tho dojiuiloH iifim i-niiiiing inn iinaiuiH-r. Thu liiirfara wore eitnelled to cluugu upon tho crowd. Several ii-oplo were hurt, including hoiiih wouioii and chil dren.' Till! I'Wll.lAMUNTAUY IIUII.DI-Sfl llbAIUIi:il. I'wtii, Jan. HO. A Hrong military guard lit ii-tod around Iho miliamcutary building, and no ono ia allow isl lo paH into iho ihamhcr oxropt upm 'nvliicliig nioof as to their Identity. Thol-oiilovardrt in tho city am patrolled by humum. .Members of tho opMitlon In tho lower ilmiuti protoiled agulnHt Iho preiM-nco of troop, as preventing a freo tlchato and demuiidod tliat Iho chamber adjourn, which waHacceded to. Upon tho rcitmti lion of tho Hitting tho Houw adopted a riholution offered by iho President, em iiowerini! him to act in concert with the nnthoritieH to hocuru acceHM to tllfl build- I ing and hocuro public tranquility. Thi Ilorneuianrl (.'. San Khanciuco, Jan. ifO. The trial of tho Uorncmnurl einbezzleiiient cao waa resumed in tho United StateH court to day Iwforo JiidgeH Kawyer and llofl'man. Tho IntorcM. In tho proceeding continues unakited, and is likely to lw very lively at tho end of tho week, at which time it Is hoped thu evidence iu tho cam will Ins all in, and tne argumem conipieicu. AnBditor luaprUoued, IIkiiu-v, Jan. 30. The editor of the Itathenower Zeltung (liboral) has been condemned to two month'H ImpriKoti mcnt for a crime agaiuot tho sovereign ower. in the use of certain language in mi article on thu presentation of a foun tain by tho Emperor. Clunlx Vklnrlou,. Ru KkANciktro. Jan. .'0. Tho I'helps- Clunie recount in the Fifth congressional dUtriut cloeed to-day, with iho result of giving the election to Clunie, Dim., by a majority o' nine voles. The Pupe'. Ileum liuuu, Ttnur. Jan. 19. Itecent minora that the I'ope has been having fainting tits uiu llOllleil. HIS IIOIIllCIW Billl WJllunurn w hold his customary receptions, and his health Is good. T t Kmt Africa Illll. Heiiu.v, Jan. 3J. In Iho reithftag fo- day the Kat Afilra bill -asseU tnnu leading without debate. United .States CoiihiiI. (ireeiibuuin. rnlH,-il tlie American flag over tho Hamoan line in the harbor of Aupia, an act which has been, ho cald, promptly repudiated by lluvard. and Iho icmiillutinu was made known to tho (lerman and English gov iiients with suggestion as to a protector ate. MoriMti stated that llavard hud never comnilUed thu United Hlates gnvurmnnnt to tliopi'rtlllou that there should Ik) either a separalo or joint protectorate over tho island, not believing a protectorate en tirely consistent to autonomy. Coining (low u to I ho conference at Wash Inutoii in July, 1 8S7, Dolpli ssiko of the ngicement, and that pftulliig that ton feieiire the statu ouo should 1st ohorvcd. ami .Morgan asked him for bis authority lor inu hiatemeni thai tho Herman gov eminent au'reed to observe the statu iiio. Dot pi i replied tliat tboro tuny have been no Hiirh spooI.il arguments, but thu ob servance of statu ipio was necessaiily implied. IN KXIXUHVK SKHHION. Wvshisoton, Jan. ,'K). The Senate has gone into oxcitntlvo sossinti. and is pro kiiniHlily oonsldoiing tho lliitisli extradi tion trtxity. 1101 sti. WAsiiiMiroN, Jan. IH). Tho Houso went into oommitloe of the wliolo on Iho Oklahoma bill, I ho iHimling amendmout being no lo prevent Iho impsirmont of liomostoail riuhls of viiliir.in aoldluiH and sailors. , mi t, but no uctlou was taken. Tho Htato inilroad coinmlssionnrH am hearlnif thn grievances of the strikers. iioioii:.siio im calli:ii out. Forty trips have Is-t n made on the (irand street line. Tho cars werofi.llnweJ bv Jeers, yells, and somellmes asliowcr of stones. Many sttikers were drunk and declare tho cars must bo slnpiiod, oven if ives are lost In doing It. Hitriotm trouble is feared. It is rumored that tho horse shnerson thu Kixth avenuo line have boon called out, SITUATION IN mtnilTlAN. IIiiooki.vn, Jan The street car tin up continues, M inor assaults f reipiunt hut nn serious trouble. A r'A I A I. UI'AIIKi:... Oli MVSTBIUOIN MIMUM'.lt. Iluil. John At fin) Inn, nf Arloili.it., A" lliiltril lillll l-'llhHiiwn M ill, I'i.i'mvikiivii.m:. Ark., Jan, .'10. The afs.iHsln.itloii of ll"ti. John M. I'lajt in iicctirioil at !) o'clock last night at his I oardinif houso. After walking the Moor nervously, Cluvton hleis'd to a window, when uu unknown srrou outsnie urtsi a load of buckshot through the window into his fneck, breaking It and killitu him in stantly. A UDWAIIII OY rt.UI.lt. I.irn.K Hock. Ark.. Jan. .TO. A bill was proseuted in thu Senate authorUIng Iho governor to offor loOOd reward for tho uricnt of tho murderer of John .M, Clay. ton- i in: mi KiiKiu:n iii-.S(MJN(:t:ii. Four Smith. Ark., Jan. .W. A large number of citizens met uud denounced the asmssinatiou of Hon. John M. ('lav Ion, and ollcred a roward for the punish ment of thu assassin. TUB 'IBKIIIIOKIBS, llrpubllraii Heiialor. Hold a !.iuru.Nu Action mi thn llou. BIIITaknn. Wasiiimiton, Jan. '.'0. A sllmly at tended caucus of Jtepublican senators was held this morning to discuss tho courso in lo followed In the treatment of thu application of Territories or admis sion in tho limited time for discussion. It was made clearly apparent that there has been little or no ciiunge in tuo m tion taken by Iho ltepubllcuu senators ou Iho subject of ihu last session. A ills jswitlon was shown to report the House omnilus bill to tho .Senate with amend ments, excluding Now Mexico, and let ting in North and South Dakota, Mon tana and Washington. No formal action was taken. l liltrd Minis. Senator.. CiiKbTKit, W. Va.,Jan.:a Tho House In R-ssion balloted twice for the United Stales Senator without result. Ijiti.k Hock, Ark.. Jan. 30 The leg islature in joint txslnn re elocted J. K. Iterry Unitisl States Senator. Ilr.rurd fruin lit wnlng, 8 in FiiANcj.co. Jan. 3J. This after- tioon some keamen on Iho revenue cutler lying In Oakland harbor saw an hi-jm-i i:Ilr.L-liij to a Ihuhii under tlio wiiari which, ujmii investigation, provwd lo a girl nearly drowned be .Man Kill. Aimtlixr In a Hclit. aud I'IhIih. 11 unbliiHrH llrfrii.i. IluiioN, Cnl., Jan. I'll. A ipiarrel took "lace yesterday near hero between Antono Mendosa and Manuel Conlosn. In which 1 1 hi fnimir was stabbed several times, living in twenty minutes. Cnrdim claims that the iloccasisl nishd at him with a sheen honk and struck him lu en ou the head and face, but Is font ho struck 1 1 1 tn Ihulhild time, heslablsst Mriulnsi. Cordusii Is now in the Fiesno county jail. llrnil llrllMn VI- hlTnv- l.oMioN, .Inn. IK) Tim Maurhestur liitarillsu mys Salisbury isviehling to lii out mesa-mo, and will witliilmw thu Kngllsh ve.sol fiom ihe I hs-kude on tho luiH Afiieau (.oust as sisui us (ieimaiiy eminences to o oiatu on the Mburo. H llll llinnils r ir Plmlp.. laNniN, Jan. .".). The ( enliirv Club gave a lumpiet to Minister I'lnliw tit night, at wliicli many ilisiiiiKuisheil muri were iiiesuiit, Isird ('oleridge. us chair in. in, In piopo-dug Ihe healih of the guest paid him a wariu trlhutu. Au.lrlii. Orown I'rlnrn llrail. Vihnna, Jan. it). Atchduke Iliidolfi Iho Austrian crown iiiiuceand heir npim' out to tlinthroue, died suddenly to-iluy. I ho prince died at Mierliug, near lladeu. Ills death was caused by uiploxy. A Hirum l.itum li Hun llimii, Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 30. laiit night a ferry-lshit ran d'wu tlie steam launch of the (it'rman steamer Hanson. A crowd of live men were in it and two were drowned. A ship AktiiiiikI. I .on iion, Jan. 30. The ltrllUli ship, Sir Waller Italeigh, from Sidney, ran nuronnd yesterday near Boulogne, and live her crew were drownnl, A lledli'Utlnii, Ciniinnvti. Jan. 30. The new chain- lsrof commerce was iledirated t-day, witli the usual ceremonies. Hi-naliir Wa.litiurn Nm III. Minkkaioi.is, Jan. 30. The rejsntthat Kenator-eiect Woshburne is dangerously 111 Is uutri'o. Itepresentative Hermann has secured the passuite lu thn House of the bill (ten sioning Colonel James Waters, of Doug, las count v, Oregon, theamountof iiension Is'ins tl& ist month. Colonel Waters Is over 01! years of ago. and one of ihe fevr survivors of thu war of IHI2 During the Indian wars in Oregon he rendered valu able assistance in thu then Territory as colonel of a volunteer regiment. Mrs. Mairgie Fischer, wifu of Milton Fischer, living at Dearham, a village six: milesfiruu Sedutia, Mo., mum strangled tn death Friday night, and her husband and sister. MisHwcuring, with whom Fischer Is said to have la-en on too intimate terms, have Ui n arrested, and charged with her mutdcr. - An Anarchist fes'lval and ball occurred In Chicago Sunday niyht, three thou sand i-ooplo Isjiiu present. TIip recelpti were fer thu lnutlt of I ha wives and children nf thu executed and Impiijoucd Anarchists.