East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1889, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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m:v laws to hi:.
Conl lulled from First Page.
pcrlntondcnt of public Im-triiction to in
vi-ntlatu, by co 1 1 1 ; h t ki 1 1 1 u 1 1 t,'c or pciHomd
vIhIIiiUoii, tlio public school systcuiH of
other States, mid look into tin1 township
ilun of schools instead of districts, tins
compulsory education Men, and tho text
book system in Its various features; re
feried to tlio judiciary committee.
lly Watts Rctiestlng tlio Secretary of
Statu to furnish 100 copies of tlio railroad
commission's report; adopted.
lly Fulloitoii--Directing tlio Statu
treasurer to fnrnlHli u statement of money
in IiIh hands arising from 5 per cent rales
of public, swamp, and overflow lands;
lly Irvino Instructing tliu committee
on public lauds to investigate tlio reort
that Eastern c-upltallnlH art; purchasing
largo ttaetH of timber land, located In
Southern Oregon, and 1hj1oiiIiik to tlio
Stale, worth 5 an aeio. for $1 1!5, and
aru holding It for soculatioii; adopted.
lly Wutklns For u committee to In
vefltlgalo why the recent ehango wan
made in text IsjokB, cost and extent of
tlio changes, namuH of publishers, etc.
From tin Secretary of State, submit
ting tlio reort of tlio .Stale railroad com
missioners. From Hrlgadlet-General .1. M. Slglln,
inviting tlio Senate to attend an Iiisn)c
tioii of tlio FirHt regiment and Battery A,
at I'ortlittnl, .laniiary Hi; referred to com
mittee on military ullalrH,
Ity Dlmlck S. J. No. 'J, memorullzlng
Congress to enact u law to pay Union
vctoraim tlio dlll'oreiieo in valiio of green
backs they received for their work and
tlio value lor their HurviccH.
lly Layman -An act to regulate tho Halo
of llimor.
Hy Jennings To amend tlio laws relat
it)) to Interest, making the legal rate 0
per cent.
Hy Waldo Hooallng tlio law punish
ing a man who accepts a bribe.
Ity Crook To construct u wagon road
from Chetco to 1'ortOrford, Curry county,
and to approprlato money thorofor.
Hy Hume To regulate the heating of
passenger earn.
Hy l'rieo To authorize thocoiiHtructlon
and maintenance of Ikxiiiiu on Roguo
Hy Smith For the construction of a
lortublu gateway between tlio l'pjerand
Lower Cascades, and between Tint Dullen
anil Celilo.
Hy liurharl To provide for tlio pur
chase and dlHlrlbiitioii of .Supreme Court
report, and Hill's Code.
Hy Hlundell To establish a State
weather mtvIco to co ojtcrato with the V,
8. service.
Hy I Ian Ington Adding circuit
judges to tlio llht of maglntrateHiiH dellued
In IlhTuCode.
Hy Harrington Amending tho laws re
garding JurorH.
lly Mun To ineoriMir.ito tlio town of
Hy I lowanl Amending tlio charter of
(il.lllt Puss.
Hy ItlekerH To anthorUo tlio eonstruti-
lion oi a boom lu the Unnxpia liver.
Hy Condon Fixing the ago of con
aviu yearn.
Hy siailurd For a valued iiiHiiranco
iwllcy law.
Hy .Maxwell haiiu'ing the tiiuo of
holding the tenon of the circuit and
county couilriof Tillamook county,
Hy Powell-rAmeiidiiig tho trespass law.
Hy li.ihwi -Prohibiting the line of wire
neiH, (xi'viie nets and llsh traps in the
Colunii Xmr In trliiutarioH.
H ;Vpcroiii'o pieveut adulteration
of xl and the sale of adulterated food.
I1, Huiiltr l'n iucorxralo the town of
Lnterpriso, tVallowa county.
Hy llaiilngUm To regulate building
tiiul loaucokipaiiicH,
Hy I'iunuiI Relating to the dutloH of
county school niipeilntendents.
Hy Jomilng-Aiufiidiiig tlio law io
ganliiig the liability of railroad for
Mtock killed. Railroads hIiiiII be liable for
nil Mock killed whcie their right of way
1m nufenccd.
Hy (iillham Cicating the county of
llainey from the northern -kii tiun of
Grant county.
lly l'rieo- A mending tlio law regarding
liability of railroads for Htock killed. Thin
bill irt nearly the name at tlio 0110 Intro
duced by Jcuulugn.
Hy Rowdlteh- To iucoporato tlio city of
Hy Mwh-To llx tho salaries of county
W i: I IN KS 11 A Y H US ATK'i
After tho reading of tho journal the fol
lowing resolutions wcrvliitiodiictd:
Hy Walt -linu-ower'uig chairmen of
btaiidiug committees to biro ucccprury
clerlcal aid i adopted.
Hy Carson Instructing tho sergeant-at-aiiiiH
to procure a clock for the Senate
chamber i adopted.
Hy Meel, S. C. It. No. fi That a joint
cotntnlltco, consisting of tlio printing
coiuiiiittivn of lio llouso and Senuto Ihi
apiwinted, and a printing expert hired to
inc.tigato the manner in which tho
piiuting ban licon done for the Statu tho
pant two yearn; adopted.
Hy Irvine Directing tho judiciary com
mittee to extend mechauic'H liciiH to
ralhoad and bridgen and other worka
not coveicl bv the imwnt act; adojiteil.
Hy tira Vroviding for a btanding
coniinittco 'on tlshim; iudustiicH; adopted.
II (' II V, 1! l.'.ir .1 I, vll.t .miKiiilll.Xl
t W t ..... .1 JW.. . ... ..... v
"i oxanhe tho management of tho State
-itaulury; tho Senate conciirretl.
coniinittco of the lloiihO and
M joint t-cHpioiiH; adoptctl,
Vtt iii I'nrtli
III unt. can not. or tlo
Columbia Fire & Marine Ins
W. K. SMITH Vice l'rc.ildcnt.
J. A. CHILI) Secretary and Mannger .
1). I'.TIIOML'SUN Portland, Oregon
FRANK DF.KIJM Portland, Oregon
V K SMITH '. Portland, Oregon
JOHN DONNKRHKRO Portland, Oregon
.IACOR WORTMAN McMlnnvllle, Oregon
R. M. WADK Portland, Oregon
A. H. HRIiYMAN. ,1 Kant Portland, Oregon
JOHN II. DAVID Portland, Oregon
W. 11. HONKVMAN Portland, Oregon
(1K01USK H. WILLIAMS Portland, Oregon
K. S. KEARNKY..J Portland, Oregon
WALTKR F. HURRKLL Portland, Oregon
SAM P. STUIMUS Pendleton, Oregon
T. L. OHARMAN Oregon City, Oregon
JOHN A. CHILD Portland, Oregon
JAM KS F. WATSON Portland. Oregon
W. II. WALK lilt i Portland, Oregon
ASAIIliL HUSH Salem, Orego.i
H. T II I liLSF.N Portland, Oregon
(IliOlKlli It. MARKLli, J it Portland, Oregon
W. T. WRK1HT Union, Oregon
R. L. DURHAM Portland, Oregon
CHAS. A. ALISKV Portland, Oregon
I. W. CASH Antorla, Oiegon
J. H. SMITH Portland, Oregon
It is of interest to Every
Taxpayer in Oregon.
Would nay In reply to youm of oven dato that tho num of
$77.00 paid to mo by tho Columbia Firo and Marino Iiihu
ranco Company, of Portland, Oregon, for School Tax in Din
1 1 let No. 1, loprexentn more money than paid to thin otlice
hy all tlio Foreign I iinuraiico Companion doing diiHinenu in
thin city. FRlil) A. DALY,
School Clork DintrictNo. 1.
That to protect youmelf you should givo your Innuranco to
tho Columbia Firo and Marino Inuurauco Company, of Port
land, Oregon organized under tlio lawn of Oregon, Han a
guaranteed capital of fiOO.OOO for your protection, which in
teii tlinoH tho amount of iiKromT ropilrtHl of Foreign Com
Milton, who pay NO taxen, and ukso aulthk t'lionTn out of
tho State, thereby incroonlng your taxen. Think of this and
givo our Company a jurt of your INSURANOK.
Yours, roajHi't fully,
JOHN A. CHILD, Secretary.
Omoj:Soo)nd St., Next Door to Child's Drug Store
Subscribed Capital, $500,000.
Portland, Oregon.
Colombia Fire and Marine Insurance
Of Portland, Oregon. CnpKal Stock, f5O0,000.
I). P. Thompaon, President Commer&il Natlonil Ki
Portland, Oregon.
Frank Dckuui, Pren. Portland Sav'gn Bank, Portland, Or.
li. S. Keiirnuy, Capltallnt, PortlKnd, Oregon.
f....l. u'...i ti... l.'!-.,. v...ti i, i. ir.ii! jii .
R M Wade. Vice-Pren Knann. Hurrell A Co. Portland. Or
John Halo, Railroad Contractor, Palace Hotel, H. 7.
R M Steele, Capitalist, St Johnn, Mich.
O A Dolpli, Attornoy-at-law, Portland, Or.
John Donnorborg, I'luinber, Portland, Or.
W H Honeyman, Cnpltalint, Portland, Or.
J K Smith, Contractor, Portland, Or.
A H llrnvmnn. 1'rr.H Klrat Knl'l Tlanlr Kaai l'nrtlamt fW
John Sommorvlllo, Merchant, East Portland, Or.
(5 P Rummelln, Furrier SIcrcliant, Portland, Or.
1 V. II ,i
Geo II Wllllunm, V.x II 8 Att'y Goa'l, Portland, Or.
O C Reckmiin, Hunkor, Jacksonville, Or.
Waller F Hurrell, Capitally, Portland, Or.
S P Sturgln, CiiHhior Flint Nat'l Hank, Pendleton, Or.
T L Charmun, Druggiot, Oregon City, Or.
II II Northup, Attornoy-nt-Iaiw, Portland, Or.
John A Child, Drugging Portland, Or.
Jumes F Wntnon, Attornoy-at-Law, Portland, Or.
Virginia Wutnon, Portlund, Or.
Frederick Hlckol, Capltallnt, Portland, Or.
' -wci . r
I-ovi Ankony, Tiok Firbt Nnt'I Hank, Wulln Walk, W.
w u Mine. uuHiiiur lint mvi Hank, wuiiu waiu,
A It lIMNiril Auj't f,liuliln irifut lV.it'l Ifitnlr IVuHl 11
miuihj m wiu'lliw (if Alltfr mmb
W. T.
L K (J Smith, Morclmnt, Portland, Or.
J S WiHo, MoMinnvillo, Or.
Charlen H Durlikoop, Manufacturer, Portland, Or.
J C Moreland. Attornov-at-Law. Portland. Or.
Tlllla Snlinu 1riul.tnn l.'lrul M..l ll.i.itr VanlYUlVfT.
I I rt ..t.l r t I T 1 II Tl . 1. Tly.lf.l
h A Durliam, Washington county.
Murv II Snlllnr l.'in.niu. Pllv Or
w - -" , w. ' . . I h j , ......I.. .V JVf wv. -
Ao ilu.l IIiiqI. 1t..nl-... A-
II ThlelHon, Director Oregon National Hank, PortUnd,
u h Johnson, Hanker, Walla Walla, W. T.
ir n lln.. ...Iti. t!..ii ir .ii .i... i. ir ItArllind.
" w ...... U.IVIt, AXUI.ntllt t. IIUWWMJ - '
lleo B Murklo, Vlco Pres. Oregon Nat'l Bank, I'ortUnd,
. L Jywtham, Manager Hank of Oregon City, uregonu
li u btovenn, Railroad Agent, Oregon City, uregon.
W T Wright, Cashlor First National Bank, Union, Or.
L. L. MoArthur, U. 8. District Attorney, rortUnd.Or.
Hamford Robb, Grain Dealer, l'omeroy, W. T.
n tj l.i. n ! . i . . . . i . rv.
j, i-4. ouiiiii, vjuiuiaiiBi, roruanu, wr.
li L Canby, Cashier First Nat'l Bank, Vancouver, W.T.
i uaso, liankor, Astoria, Or.
"'I . t. T....I t . . iKtmllatrin. Or.
uiuiiiuu re uacKsou, insurancu aueuin, ic""i -
Jphn Wortnmn, Cashier First Nat'l UanK, aicjiin'""j
n O Wortman, Asn't Cash'r Com'l Nat'l Bank, Portl-""1
w H McCoy, Druggist, Spokane talis, w, .
Rijfua M"allory, Attornoy-at-Iw, Portland, Or.
Subscribed Capital, $500,000.
r.lontnn Si Rnvd htimh Raat Ornilifln Rnildinrf PonHfltnn 0