D A.ILY. DAILY. SOBIP AT PAR! WAKTT ESXX fnnnT,i,A1, MuncitniKKN to KJyJyJVJ Ull. 1.A8T OIll.llONIAN. Lsitilla County Scrip taken at par I this office on Subscription, Adver- h:mi-wi:i.kly DAILY noo. Too. 1,'ig or lob Printing Account. Ail lire E. O. PUBLISHING CO., Pendleton ... Oreisnn. VOL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 3. 1880. KtEORITY LOl-UB NO IB, I, O. O. F 1JIW"' .. .,.,.lu. t,,l,i l II. 1. 1 tvi I I J e ltu "I brsnwrroN ciiaitkrno.zi, r, a. m. ...i uli Krlitnv of each inonlli. at 1M Ijrtk, J. 1'. HUSllKK,!!. I'.J F. II. l.'LOITON rtury. I LODUK NO. M, A. K. A A. M Mf.i.nn t io ncronu mm rounii Aion . iuii month, nt 7:30 o'clock. II. ,1 nt if W I'. iWtiriWI. Knprfltnrtf. BUY- t ..n-iv. r fiiiriL vr, m a t a. a r L idiI third MotiilayH of rnch month at lo'clacK. i. Ji ini.i.ior, rr. m,, iu A I, iims, secretary. linLA IiOIKlK NO. Ill.A. O. U. W. Meet I .-..f riiilnutnv llltfllt llL the Rnfllni. o, t 7:fo o'clock. J. 0. I.kasuhk, M. ICREKA LOIX1K NO. 32. 1. O. O. F. Meets i wry uniuruiiy eveiuiiit i ;)o ciock 1 ' M. U llaaurourk.N. a. hVATILLA r.NUAM PMENT NO. 17. 1. O J a V. Meet on tho second and hut kij of escn inniiin, hi 7!.'W o'clock ruyrilMOUK, i,. l .1 r.. r- niiAUON,Mcriue luUIXK IlKIIKCCA LOIN J K No. 13, I. O. o.r. Miet mo nrsi nun mini Tiiur lofucn mnmn. llRUONY I.ODOK NO. 21. If. OF I MM" iii mm renews1 nun virr men- fnfLlllIt lit 7:30 O'clock. ,t. O. liKASUKK. C.JIW. WUITAKKK,IV. Ul U.UI1U K, IkVOS LODGE NO. 4. K. OF I. Meet In OJd rellnw' llau every Wednesday If nt 7130 O'CIOCK. M, MOIIKIIKAI), C. .UAitr ir.iiu, i. ui ih. iiuii n. . n liuilrliiiul. n a it ...... ... II ni'iii' i wnii ... mruii. lib Wheeler1 Hull every Thunuluy night. . VAirtr, Coiiimaiiiler; J, H. Howkn. ATTORNEYS. rSTIN. TURNER A CHKWH. ATTOIL Ittjiit lour. Room is and lO.Auocla. ;uc, -cililll'lllll, urr(on IIUJAM 1'AIIMONH. ATTORNKY AT u. Oitlco Ilixim Na II. AmocIu li'k, remllelon, Oregon. liLKV A IIM.LKIIAyT "ATrOllNKYH ilAV. Iince ltMm 1.2. 3 mill 4 A. loolllock, I'eiullclon.Ort'Koii. iTKIt A KITZClKIlAI.il. ATTUHNKYH IitUw, Ko-iikh No. fi ntul 6, Anaoclu. Roe, Vnillntmi, Oregon. It RBAN, ATTOIINKY AT LAW ucifet-.Mnin Htivcl. in Tliomion UlullUliKfi over the rout-Oilier, IMINOIl. ATTOItNKYH AT LAW. if-iivcr Fini r.niioni iinnic. i-un. I uiriMi, Notes and Receipts FROM FIRST HANDS. ' Lnrye Stock ,Jut from JrenifM, at Low figures. the The Latest Forms In prnlri or bookii, Wo hUo hnvnn $2000 Stock of Legal Blanks Iuclmllng Circuit and County Court Probata and County Court, JiiBtlco'H Court, Itcal JvHtnto, Mlnxllune ouh and Ijind IIlankH. Send tor Samples and Prices, TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, TIIK WIIKAT MAICKKT. VnrlouM AI)OHF8 EAST OREGONIAN PUB GO,. IViidUtoii, Oregon. Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS f III rnitLii iimikiitfLu i m . ... ' "i iv iiriiii.Aijuiinrii t A itf tT tniprvine, urt'Kou. will pnicnce rim ui iirrKOii iii'H viihiiiiikioii, l.ol iirrnmptly Htleuileil 'u INEY A U'AIIKIt. ATTIIllNKVK AT lUf, Itnoma .tiunl 4 llio I'.hmi liri.. I" u.nlliiK, coriiurnr Muln mill Wobli .rtmllRton, Oreitnii, I'ltll A WII1TK. ATTOIINKYH AT l't inllt'loii. Oreviin. Kiioini n mill rrUtlou lllock. IliysiCIANS AND SUHQKONS. LI'OltTKlt. I'lIYICIAN AN'DHllIt- m.lio, Oregon, l'lve yeum nucrem. i nun privum prucure. SWOLI). I'HYHICIAN AND HUlt liran uitice In irvlnu' ilriiK more, uirgnu. U. SI. I'lllTV.IT. PIIYHIOIAM A V II Griffon, unices Over MiMirlioune a imorr' more, corner of JuIiikoii nnci fflrwu, I'emlleton, Or-voii l 1' I'tvn r t L,L.mt. .ii.iii mrtioutu A Co.' ktore. lteniaeuc,on 'wen neiir (mrt ulret. UeNlUence 'coniieclnl by telephone wltU VII- r.Kiircmi uiieiuinn siven io me 1 womeu ami children. DENTISTS. yriR, IIENTIftT. OAS ADMIN- ru llmMl-Maln Ulrt InTlinmn. UullUlne. I'endleton, Oreeon. MK0HANIC8. HJ( JAY. HATM-FRtl A VII PA II I.-11 piajtr. Work nromntiy done. Ive 1 Wheeler A Ureene, on Court PAIiKKH. CONTRACTOR AND Mer. l'tnitlntnn nn.rnn. ITnuutrv glally, Katlmate furnlibedon l'luer. Leave onlerM at residence. 'UxltandThomnaou streeU. IVnille. "Iryordera tollclled and promptly taut. - V ROPEn, DLACKHMITH AND traUreuon. Blackumlth work nf all fcihi: . b"t wlble manner, and on rterm. Particular attention glv SjLBOWN, IIOU8K OAIiniAaiC S vR. r"lo,er. Pendleton, Oregon. U, J"rD.l,hNl on hort nollee. Order S.D.,J7.-W,,I ! liomptatuo. Lr MimK m. peeiaity. rJVi yiLKIN80N. PRACTICAL ltlB.if.V,ock Bl1 Chronometer Ma Ktl ni!',abov tranche. All work oVegonT 8 m ,anl,, M 0UHKAT. HTONE AND WKIOK ''mo 1 Oreuou. Tomb- rV'.p,.V,rln. kind ofton iinZLZ. ""cuteti reasonably, uoi-'Hre-proof partition. SALOQNS. t,4iMlV.KA,J PROPRIETOR OK P,,S.dV'''r. Main and '1r Urattlll- Wine, Llq iA.". PBOPRIETORS OF uHiJ,.Loon.- " we. liquor ami Irak 's? n druUKht at nve aiiau. Intbatt' louleU be-r ape--'Milre-! nn.it. i.,. ii...,. I "ffv.hV UIUI b uuwv, Tlio laryot mid tnoit complete lock of Drugs Medicines CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despaln Block Pendleton. WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary ani Erag Engineers. MuiHifiictunTii Steain and" Hot Water Heating Apparatus, FOKDWKt.UNOSOltl'lIIIMO UUILDINUt Bpeclrlcatlon and eatlmaie furnlaheil foi heatlnn luitldlugn In any lection of the coun try. Corr'ipondence nollclted. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STflCE 7, Portland. Oregon. ju First National Bank OF PENDLETON LEVY ANKKNY. I'reldnt. JACOII FRAKR, Vice PrevldenL BAM P.HTIIIiaia, Cashier. C. II. WADK, AstUMnt Caibler. Transact a 6iHiraBaiikiRe BhsIriss Exchange on All Paris of the World Bought and Sold. Collection made at all point on reasonable term. Headstones' Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. For design and price connltJee Fall ig. Main "tree!, Pendleton. Ktlmate aivrn on tnne work, Thi PindlBton Kollir Mills, (Caiacity too barrel prday ) W S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors. Pendleton, Oregon. Manufacturer of llraham, granulated and elf-rUdng Flour, 'ah frier fia rer aii Ktudn or Urnlu. HlshrHt rionr.wMl, chop, feed Me. alwyon haDd iirHiria rn.lll tltn Four (treat Mart of Hi World Ciiicauo, Jan. 2. Wlu-at weak; Jnn W flwl t l)u;si Kebruurytl.OO; "Ki Jan. L Wheat niurkut (0(lliV tn U'unL- t ..nun.,. 1 niil. . i-eoruury 1.W'; March I.03i May t.u;,. , hAN Fuancibco, Jan. 2. Wheat dull, but Arm. lluycr tlioycar $1.42; buyer tnu neuHon fi.lH,';. JiiVKiu-oob, Jan. 2. Wheat Meadv: it . iainornta 7b. (Kl. l'ttKTLANU i,)INT8. A New.y Hatch or Item from the Mrtrnp ilia. PoiiTLAND,Jan.2. ChurlcH Sclitnldt wuh tried in tho eriuiinnl court thlu morning uu an iiiuii'iinuiit ciiarKinu 111m witit tho iurcony of u milt of clothes from it room 011 November hint. Tho trial luxtiwl an hour, mid thn iurv returned n vnrillct of uuiity in 11 vu minutes, ilu will receive his Bcntcnco to-morrow morning. Tho defendant is u lino looking (ierinun, and lias only been out from thu old country x short time. J. r. Median, Htierlntendent of tlin I'ullmun Car Company, has issued un or itur to )onurs to allow no piniullnu on tho curs, and if, after the ilavcrs liuvo iKfll notified liv thotiortcrs In il'eslkt.tlinf coutinuu, tliuu tho mutter will bo ut onco illVostiL'uted bv thu sumirlnlniiilniit. A full uro on lliu pmt of thu tor tors to do their duty will Imj stillleient cain-o for re moval. This will, to a certain extent. put a ston to tliocu shurneM who make It u httnlnes to travel on thu cars, heckintf wnoiii tuny may devour. flio Mill of tho lutii Jacob Cllnn wn Hied for iirobalo to-day. in which ho bo- iueallics to Ids three ilmmhtcrs, one son, and six cmndehlldren, each, one dollar, uud tho resldtio to his sn, Jacob, and (laughter, Juno, in equal shares, and ii imiiuis iiiem jointly 111s executors witiu bonds. Thu estate is valued at $:'.'.000 1. V. Watkius. Iid was couvicted somo timu Hinco of the crlmu of steulliiK thu contents of a registered imekaue. was sentenced by J udu Deady this moinlui; to two year' imprisonment in 1110 hhi tontlaty. 'lliu cin'ii:tcd man Fcemed to Liko it coolly, uxivpt saying that hu did not know what would l;eeoiui of his wife, Iho small children, and his crauiimotlier, wlio wero depending upon liim for sti port, lie will be uken to Haleni to-mor row. Tho cam of tho United Slates lUMlust 1), K. IIol'iu) and .1. II. II0111I fur hoio- stealint;, bus I'ct'ii on trial all day, and 1 TIIK 8KNATK IN NK8HION. Thone I'rctent, and How They NtrURBled The Turin' lllll Taken tht. Wahhimitun, 1). C. Dee. 2. There was almost tho usual quota of Senators pros- mien vyiiapiuin iiuiiur mailii tiio ppeninn prayer in tho Senate to dav. benators I'addock, Ilcrkinuson. Davis ami t nunaier were early In the chamber, riiiuistjiity arrived soino minutes before noo.i ami sitiuiK nown ut the side of Sen ntor ueorra oxn iilned to him nt i-r,.,it K'tiKth tho political status in Delaware At noon, when Senator Infills called tho Senuto to order there were Present Sen. A 111 t II .... mors iiiorriii. rum. uoar. 1'adiInJV. Davis. Chandler, Gibson, Ueon-e, tl.itcs, Saulsliurv. I'nuin Ti.lti.r lllu, m , - , "I -v.. v., .r,.., 4'lMll- dersou. Hlwoek and Kdwanls: McPher- sod entered dtirini: the uraver. lleforo tllO rcadlllB of thu lolirnuf onrlmli.il Cockrill entered. Messrs. Dolnh. Halo. V'II t ....... .11 ..V . .. ' iiduii 111 iiiwa, .lievjuiiom, i'iibii, itan- soin, unce. Payne, Coke, Palmer. htowart, Aldrich aud Sherman entered ncioro tlio end of the morninif hour. A iiuorutn was present. Tlio ptllorlcs wore mien. 1110 .Misses iiastiuir, who are quests of 1'icsident Clovoland at tho IlltO House. (Ht'llli eil tlio imiH'iil vn gallery. A larru basket of (lowers adorned tlio desk of Senutor Stanford. At the clone of thu niornim; hour tlio mn. slileratlou of tho larlir was a'sutued, tho penmiiH iiuesiion LeliiK tlio amendment, mnkiiiK tho rate on yarns .Ti per cunt, ad valorem, Instead of ten cunts tier pound. MOItK FIHIIKHIKS DISI'UTK. Nrnator lloarlnlriiilticrea Itetnlutlnn Coil- in nil nu Heal Pl.hrrle. Wanihnuton. Jun. 2. Senator Hoar to-dav introdiiml a rcsolulion which wax adopted, axkinr tho President to trans mit to Lonuress any e.orrosoiidenco ho has had with (Ireat Ilrllaiu coiicurnhiu real fisheries In or near llehrhn; SlnillH. csecially us tothu solxuro of any vessel of 1110 uniieii Males or other countries, anil wuat ret,'uiationi Kovurinuu the llsliuries navo lecu uiloptcil by this Koveriiiuent. Hoar s.ivs there) have lseii. ami urn kIIII. Sos ,ti,"ut 1 !!m''!,;i,,'H m) liw,ri!'" iii.i.mi niiiiiu iiiiiiin .iiiiern.iii ve.Hni'iH, that while thuy aio not N'rmItted to take seals out at sea, which is orfcclly proT and right, no interfeicnci) is made with thooiK'nitious of vessels of other countries, particularly those of (licit Ilrltiiin, unit liu wants Io know why. III.' WII.I. SIKXlr TIIKM. I.eKlllinlrr Will Hlimit Forrliriier Who In Irrfriiln I'ulll li- In Ihijil, Nkw Yohk. Jan. 2. Tlio .Mall uud Kx press In an extra edition prims u dispatch 1 rum rort an rnnco. iimier iiatooi Dei STATE AND COAST WEWS. VAN TAHMKI.I.'S ASl'HNSION. II Line Uli Hold on the rarnrhute, hnl the Ntrap Aroiiuil Ilia Waltt Haelll l.llr. Hkatti.k, W. T. Jan. 2. Van Tasicl niudohls much talked of balloon ascension parachute jump hero to-day in sight of liianv thousands of ihhiiiIu. When ulHitit 7,000 feet up tho ueronatit iimdo his jump. The llrst five hundred feet made ut a frightful velocity. When tho umbrella opened Van Tassel lost his hold on tho purachuto and was held onlv by tlio strap around ids waist. Ho finally succeeded in rcKulnini' his grusp, though tho vesicl OKClllateil wldi'lv 1(1 11ml .fro ilnrlno tint the struggle rendering his oirortM ox-i-cedingly hurd. Tho descent was made tn Hie water about waist deep and tho uailoonist wus plckcil up by 11 small 1m)uL not yet given to tho jury. 'Iho attorneys on both sides uro doing their level best, unit inure is plenty 01 testimony on Ijoiii hum. Fourteen ea"cs wcro dlsimsed ol in tho silicu court to-day. Thoro were one for oaming 1110 streeis, 0110 lor isjggtng, one or larceny, one for gambling, uud oro for being drunk. J. It Dickson und wife, and Hurry II. 'ond, of Pendleton, uro in the city. EASTERN NEWS. Ki:x.vri: and iiohnk. (Juorum In I 1ik hnnale I'ri krnl, Hut net Kuuiiuh In llm llnu.r. Wabiiinoton, Jan. 2. Thcru was more than a iiuorum of Senators present. Among tho petitions und memorials pm enteil und leferred was ono by hMinunds from tho brunch of tho N Oman's Itellef Hoard of Salt I-ako City, remonstrating gainst any uclfon ol Loi.grers looking Io tho admission of Utah as a ht.ito. M- iniinds Bald he wus hupny to think there was not niueli (lunger oi any such action nt this session. Another by Hoar to pro- hibit disenfranchisement on mvjuint 01 1 .t ii . ti M'if. one liv Mieruian iroin 1110 jiosion board of trade fur suppression of the pur chuso of silver bullion und tho coinago of Hitver dollars Not more than eoventy-nvo mcmners were in atiennanee aner 1110 reuuniK ui tho Journal, the speaker prwceueu to call en the committees for reports, but nono were submitted. A bill was iusmju ..i-inilnif nniiiial leave of absence of thirty days to employes ut me uurtuiu 01 i-ukcut' l ' I ln.In.. In .J.ww. .if (ttt01 llflVU log BIIU iiiiihiib, in r'" ...vv j TMK WOOL MAIIKKT FIRM. Th Deraaad fr Wool Hleady In llP.tonl Uoldar lndlnrekt Akuut Helling. Boston,4 Slass., Jan. 2. Tlio demand for wool is ateodv. Hie jirojiortlonB ol tho Bales Is good, me prices remain very firm and unless tlio outside values can . nhtafnpd. holders of deBiraulo wools are Indifferent about selling. A small stock of domestic wool is reasou enough for dealers to hold on to their supplies. In Territory and other unwasueu ooi have been sales of scoured on a bus is ol 6003 cenU for tlno una meuium. Pulled wools will bell at -iuit. ceum win Western auriertino at sjbaj ceuw prin cipally. dot the tilrphant Oft" III Hand. New Yohk, Jan. 2. Adam Foa-paugh, ,. l,n Mi,m linn offered to L'ivo tho cle- hunt Tip us a New 1 ear's present to the city. Tlio ..tiering was uecopun, ' animal willreacnwenirai rar Heisel.hleen ) cars old .ten weighs Uvo tuns and is valued at fbOJO. kuuk in a cuiii.ion New Orleans, Jan. 2 -Tho steamer urinutli was stinK in a 1, stating that tho Haytlan ni'Msp.isrs eat .Mr Thomson, t'nft -d Slates Minis- 31, tre ter to I lay I i. In a very violent umiinur, und that M'vcrut Americans have Is'cu placed under uncst, Thu dispatcli nlso siaUM mat tno .mericuu coiihiii.iIc s Illicit with refugees. la'gl'Imu Is said to have announced Unit ho will, if neccsarv. shodt all foreigners who iiieddlu in thu politics of Haytl. small rox i.i'im:iit;. It UHprradliiK Kaituuril No OirM.lnii fur (Ire It Alarm M1 Yet. Ai.iianv, N. Y. Jan. 2 (Viinmnnlcu tioiiH received ut tho ollico of thu Statu board of health ludictto-i thu osIbliy if u BinullKjx cpldeuilo this winter. Thu disease seems to bu spreading Hast- ward. While there is as yet no occasion for great alarm it would buadvlslablo for ull, who navo not douo so, to Ihi vaccin ated. Trouble lu Nainoa. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 2. Mr. Morrow, of Culitornla, to-day presented to tlio iiotiso u mumoriul of Iho chamlH.r of commurcu, of Sun Francisco, calling atlentlou to tho uecresslvu action In tlio liennun govern ment in the Kamoan Islands, which It characterized us destructive to Ameri can interests, cruel and unjust to native inhabitants, aud hostile to the United States. It states that Iho (icrinan irov eminent intends to subjugate tho island, and such is its evident Intention, Thu chamber of commerce, in the naiuo of the Paciflo coaat, calls on Congress to tako such decided uction in Samoa that tho American interest may bo considered, American citizenship respected, and thu agreement by Germany with Hrltain ind the United Stales in regard to thu Indo pendunce of the islands held inviolable. Admiral Luc' KepnrL Wasiiinoton, Jan. 2. Tlie State De partment to-day made public the report of Admiral I.tico in regard to tho surren der to the United Stuaes ol tho steamer Ha) thin Republic by the government of HuvtL The admiral's report confirms the dispatches already reieived by the associated press from its corrcsondent on board thu United States steamer. Hprrrkel In Chicago, Ciiic'iiii Jan. 2. Clans Spreckels, of Califor . and his privato secretary, Chan. iickland, arrlvtil hero this inornln ui Nin trancisco. Ilieywin leave fo. b I ..st this afternoon, where they will ito n some time. To be t'ot lector oltuiloin. Wasiiinoton. Jan. 2. To day President Cleveland sent the following nomination to the Senate! U-slIe Cnllom, of Tennes see, to lo w llrctor ol cuttoms for the dis trict of Puget Ho- 1 d. TwuSkuier Iirnwnril. InvivoTON, N. Y.. Jan. 2. The ice In Washington Park broke yesL-rday und flficen iersons. who were skating ut the NTAIIK KOIIIIKI). Tlirl.ipre.il Ilnff miiiI tha Mall :ilii Hilled ofl heir Cnnteiitit, Ol.YMllA. W. T.. Jan. L Tin, -tin... fioiu Montesano was held tin this even ing at Hush prulriu, three miles from this city, and thn trcastiro-hox of tho North western hxpress Co. aud t in ma I bairn wcro taken by tho robber. No clew can Isi obtained as to thu identity of H 11, iter 1 .... . . . . . . : sun, us uu wus musKctiunii ins icut weru milflied. Hu curried u Winchester rilln and thu driver was unarmed. Thoru were two pussonges on the stage at the time, neither of whom was molested. The l.clli.n III I'nr litiul. PoiiTIANIi. Jun. 1. Thu eelliMii cjur.n oil' us adveitised, but wus 11 Ksjr show. 11 wus qiuio cloudy, uud the sun was vis ible only occasionally. Tho thermometer droniicd seven dcurees ilurlriu? iho iurlil of the greatest obscurity. A Ca.hler Killed. Kkiiiiino. Cal.. Jan. 2. Diulluv An. diew, cushlur of tho bank of Northern California, was thrown from u buuity Sun day night anil died from Ills injuries this morning. A Hralieinaii Klllt.il. Stockton, CuL, Jan. 2. lily Disillttle, a brakeman, 'XI years of age, fell oil a car and iiiulur thu wheels last night, uud was Instantly killed, "fjreign"nes. TI11 llnyllun Itrpnlillc llelea.rd, Santiaiio hi: Cuiia, Jun. 2. Thu American squadron, couimundi'il by Lucy, sailed yeslonlay for Ihlsiiort with the Hiatiaii Itoiiiililiolu two of thu Hag ships (iiihiiia. I'hu Auiurlcuu rusiduuts uro angry hccmixo itdiulrul Lucy was not nrilmoit to oxiicl uu liiduiiiully. The I l.i liait Itunublii) will iiwult hur crow iiuiu and trko 11 cargo of logwood for llo.tju. HiiiilmiKer Ciilillilenl. i-aiiih, .inn. iioiiianger iiuiu 11 re cepuon iui evening, which was very hugely uttended. In reply to uu iiddiess iruiii inu p.itiioiiu leaguu, iiouiangcr ox- prcsKcil himself ciinlldeut that Paris would elect him to u seat in thu Chiimhcr of Deputies, A special detective watched tho limi'ii and imnln a note of those who visited tho general. HiiilUiiKer' Itr-il1un. Paiiis, Jan. 2, lloulangor held a ro ccption Inst evening, which was largely uttended. In reply to un address from the iKitriotlc leader, HoiilaiiL'cr oxnrcrscd coufldenco that Purls would elect him to tho cIiuiiiImt of deputies. Sjieelul detec tives watched the hoiiKaiid 111111I0 notu of thosu who visited thu general. TheHrulat l'rl fll!lilr.. llrrrAW. N. Y.. Jan. 2,-Tho backers of Sullivan and Kilraiu urn oxictcd 10 hold u meeting Mouday, when they will room tn 1111 iliiilnrriluiiiUiiif rif:irilliiL. Him light lietwcuu tliu two, wlilcli Ills Is-en country i.ouiuy legislators, talked over months. An Irl.li Tenant Murdered, Duiii.in, Jan. 2. A farmer mimed Ilrovwi. who had taken a farm from which tenants had been ovlcteil, was set liixin by four men uud brutally murdered on thu highway near Ilullinasloo. Ono arrest. 1IOKH NOT IIKLIKVK IT. A Very l.lliernl Oner lit the "Cow Counlle.'. Tho follow Ingcommiiiilcatlon(iinslgiiiHl) was recelvoil : Pniirt.ANi,, ()u Jan. 1, 1881). Hon. J. P. Wager. To thu Honorable, the Senators and Assomblymon of tlia Stuto of Oregon, representing Country Coiinlles: Ueiitlenon: Wo, thu iHilltlcal repre sentatives of thu iwnpln of Multnomah county, convened in prellminuray caucus, have devised und proisiso for vour consid eration the enclosed xilltleal ciuergrncy contract. Please consider Its provision: carefully. Wo think the amount of pat ronage apportioned to the country coun ties is mure than they could with reason demand, but, in consideration of your faithfulness In thu last great national struggle, and the little help you then .Horded us, wo feel more than usually generous this year. If you have biiBlncss managers Instruct them tn sign for you, mid countersign with their own name, that wo may know whom to treat with when you ate momentarily Incapacitated. After examining, approving und signing the contract, please return It to our exec utive committee, Messrs. Simon and Dolph. We have, sent to your rosncctlvo addresses railroad paSscs which will ex pire with thu present year. Wo will liuvo the same rO'issiiud, so, that as individuals. you will not feci thu burdens Incident to travel during tliu year I ( lobenatoni just elected wo will extend passes fimn year to year covering the term of their ollico.) If, under thu present ilatiinublo Democratic Postal Irregularities, any of tliesu (lasses liitvu genu est ray, or those of IHS'.l don't reach you in due time, plcuso notify our, executive couiinlttee and tho letiirn mall will see you properly )os sessed. It is to Ihi IioimiI thu unclosed contract may Is) signed by you ns for warded, hut should thu tiHsliiino charac teristics lie dovoloK.d in some of your members, wu will penult you to vote tor 1 Speaker of tlio House from u country county, but lu 110 other particular will wo allow you any discretion. Wo sincerely hoisj tho old udage, "'I hero is lioimr among ' '"may not bo dNpnwed In our iiilercoursu with ouu another. f r wn uro treating this matter us strictly cunllduii tial uud with 11 slucuilty reudeied super lative by its vital Import. We give it to you, strictly lu charge, do not dlicuss this matter with uiiv 0110 save 11 brother la'gislator, ami should there Ihi any among your members s Ignorant of tho ciihtoms uud usages which have heroin fore governed llio distribution of legisla tive patronage us Io think that Multnomah is exuding too much under the provisions of thlscoutraet, wo can assure him wo uro asking no morn tli.iu haveitlw ivs been granted our picdecessors uud their man tigers, uud wu desire only to isirpelu.ilo it liuiu liou'iniil practice. At (Ids poi it It may be well to euggest with us much fuco as Killcy will istruilt ihatwo is cupy llio vantage ground ami muv ad vance tho Interests if our friends or se riously reimil tho iidviiucemuiit of those opNtsed to us, Should there Is) any among you with infantile iimliitli ii, you will Isi ossflally guarded not to iiwukeu our displeasure, or our midwife will sever its 11mbilic.il cord close to the tssly. Wu urn supported by monoM.sts, corpora tions, rulhoads uud other leagued com binations, uud are lu a ssitlon to uiuko it 1111 object to you to "stand lu." Wo giiurauico the faithful performance of till written agreements entered into by our executive loiuiuilten. Should you visit Portland we would Ik, pleased to have ton cull 011 them, and promise you it hearty welcome Sign and forward con tract. AND IICUN THIS I.ErrKII. Following h tho l-OI.ITICAI. KtlKllOKNI'V CONTIUOT. This Agreement, made und entered into by and Initweuu Multnomah County legislators, parties 01 1110 iirst purl, ill. a parties ol so much for tho i..it fnw ' the second nart. Willi. .UK.II. Tlml tin, lirirlt- of IIik and Knur... lug. Another Cock Idiot Mirird' auii nun The Mall Taper. Srl ntor. New York, Jun. 2. Haytlau Minister Prenton when shown the dispatch from Port an Prince, publlsned in the Mall und Kxpress this afternoon, respecting for eigner' arreet. and csiKtlallv Aiiiencaus, who Interfere In Huytlan olittcs, said lie had received no Information In conformity with sucli u report, nor hail he heard of any complaints about foreign interference, and that ho therefore did not believe the story, The Terrllurle Chancre. Ciiicaoo. Jan. 2, Colonel Itroadwuter. of Montana, Is In the city. He has re ceived from Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, assurance that Montana and the other territories, except Utah and New Mexico. are likely to be admitted during thu session. A New nag.Nhlp. Wabiiinoton, Jan. 2. Tho United States steamer Itlehmond will probably fall to day from Norfolk to .Montevideo, wbete she will icliuve the Hwurtu as flag ship of the South Atlantic Squadron. Iho Haarta will printed to China. High! uf Way Ur-ulrd. Washington, Jan. 2. Tho presM has rigncd the ui t granting the (" Water uomiuny lliu right ol way Irst part, for mid in consideration of tlm covenants uud agreements of and by thu iiaitics of the second part, hereinafter sot forth, do covenant aud agree with the parties of the second part to yield and grant unto the parties of the second part the right und privilege of naming Incum bents for iho following named otllcersat and during the next session of the legis lative Assembly uf the State of Oregon, viz: Assistant Secretary of the Senate j Assistant Chief Clerk of tho IIoiimi; Ouu iloor-keosir of thu House and assistant; Two Committee Clerks und two Pagea 1 the House. And the parties of the second Par' consideration of the alsjve named leges and concessions, solemnly cr uud agree to recognize, uphold ur the ubMulutu and unqualified do thu Managers of thu Miiltiiouu tlon over us and each of us, uik. slltuenU and thu constituents us In the aelenflon of incuuibe ofllces of Unitiil States Kanatr gon ; Pres-dent of tho rjtato 1 Seakor of the House, and ol otraer und attaches of lsjlh thn legislature . not herein be' ated. And al incuuiU'ii' which muy hemVtor be ' LegislutUo Asseiiilbly, I' Is, named In a hill Uo ' Cominii'sion Iiw; y Flsli Com mission J Iho Pils Act? (Hty ChrVUrof the oilWG of ' bills iuAI'' ritoroiKt, ,iiii:i:.mknt. . . . .liarillllUI ---... . ..., .. r 11 l, ,,, ,it.r ntul I ia n u ,.ra 1'alll ULTJlflfi. t,-wrv.,i Ii m M ..rlrr... one ol me iauy uw:i. w