HOME OFFICE. MONDAY, DKCKMHKH 31, 1888. division .mi:i;tin(is. I Tlfn Kliillrmi Nillijut of Oiiiinly DlvUtoti A Kntu AKltutlni: Hie IVupluiif Mlllun mill l'nini ill ii M'lluii Kiwle. OllU of tllO HK'SJt NllCCCSsflll, lllllltlllllOIIS mid largely attended meetings over hold in KiiHtoiii Umatilla county was culled to order In Phelps' hall, All I ton, .Monday, tliu session holding fioin iiboutlO..IJu. in. until it o'clock p. in. Tho subject con Bldeied wiih u division of Dniutllla coun ty. Tho country precincts udjuccnt to Milton worn nil represented and iniiny Bjicoehes wore Hindu, expressing u unan imity of sentiment in favor of 11 divbion on lilies which uio given further on, or on Hiich lines u h iliu leuiHlutlvo uHbutiilily inuy ileum Just mill equitable after a lull and air discussion of tho subject. Tlio meeting wait called to order liy Nathan Piereo, and U. 0. Walker elected to tlio chair, J. N. Stono Secretary. It wiui moved and carried that a committee, bo apK)iutud to canvuss the question of Hiich of (IIvIhIoii and repot t at " o'clock, when thu meeting adjourned until 'J r. m. At S! o'clock tlio committee roitortod mid jiiHt nuil suitable linos of division were submitted to thu meeting for its ap proval. After a ninubcrof speeches from Nathan Pierce, A 11(imuii, A. M. Khun, II. 0. Walker, II. Stout and others, tlio ulsivo linos woro adopted. It was moved ami carried t tint Immediate steps bo taken to raise funds fur tho purpose of paying the excnxeH of four good riders to canvass I.axturn Dninllllu county and obtain the namuri of all tliono favorable to u (IIvIhIoii on u petition lothe Legislature. Thosecru tury proceeded to solicit from thoso pres ent, with u result of neatly a liumlred dollars cash. Tlio committee was then iiiHtrin.'li'd to invito t'entervllle, Weston and other precincts in thu proH-.od new county to cootioruto with uh In our cUbrts for mi eipiltablo (IIvIhIoii. mid to suggest u..y measure for tlio furtheraiico of tho object. ' Tho four canvassers woo thun In structed to thoroughly canvass every precinct and roport at Phelps' Hull, Milton, on Monday next, at 1! o'clock r. i., at which 1 1 1 no mid placo u mass meet ing will bo hold, to which all friends of division in Kastorn Umatilla county an1 earnestly solicited to ho present and give tholr viuwri. Adjourned to meet on .Monday, Decem ber .'II, 184S. Till! WKhTO.V I.INU. From llii Weston U- ulcr. Mr. A. M. Klam and Mr. Willis, of Milton mild WoMon ii visit l;iMt Wodtios day. They wcro liero to ascertain tho sentiments and desires of thu Weston pcoplo with regard to Ihodlvision of Ih county. They Informed us that tho peo i tilo of Milton mid vicinity mo imaiiilouslv in favor of an early settlement of this agitated question. They exhibited a map of tho proxnod new county, which they stated had been tigieed upuu at an iisHotulil.igo of tlio oilUons of their lo.-ullty. It Ii tiM follows: "Coinmene inn on' the Oregon St. ito Hue, on ran go lino between U and .1.1 I'., W. M.! tlieueo boiiUi Kl iiiIIuh to tho HotithwoHt corner of See. 18 In township l N of r.iuw 'M I. ; thence oast 10 miles to tho southwest cor ner of See. I I, in township -t N., of range 111 I.. j tlumco Houth 11 inlleH to tlioHmitli west corner of Sec. 11, In township .! N., of range III 1..; thence cut on section line to tho Union county lino; theme along tho Dillon county lino in a nnilheiistntly direction to tho Oregon State line; thence went on sta'o lino to place of beginning." After mi carnu"t and friendly coiiHiiltatlon with tho people lime, it was agreed that a meeting should bo culled at an early date, tho above linen submitted to the citUcim for their approval, or disapproval. uiui immoiiiaie ticiiou laKeii mine mat ter. Their pmiHwIlloim wore accented in good allh, mid Wednesday evening ipilto a number of protnlnant gentlemen of the city mid country met and dis cussed the iiuostion. Killing to wholly agree with tho linen proposed by Milton, a map of tho proved now county an representing our wishes In tho Dinner wan drawn, us represented iy tlio Milton delegation, and ban Ik-cii Hiibmittcd to them for tholr consideration, It is us follows, mid yo consider it fair and eipilt able, and tlio linen likely to iccoivn tho least opposition from tlio people of the county at lartrc ; Commencing on tho Oregon Statu lino on rmigo line botween 33 mid III I..; thence south It) milen; tlienco east tl miles to tho rango lino bo tweoii 31 mid thonco south to tho main channel of tho I'matlHa ltivor; tbonco up tho main channel of na!d river to tlio Union county lino; thonco north easterly along said county lino to the Oregon niaio line; wioneo west on mo State lino to tho place of beginning. This la tho Loo county lino oxcept all that Hr tlou on tho south of tlio Dumtllla river Is cut out; also C'anmn prairie. Tho bloaiu schooner Uhi vm wrecked t l'riuco Frederick sound, ulunit noviuity inUwrsjutlieastof Juneau, on NovuiiiIkt Tlio Io loft Seattle one month pre vious, laden with u goncml cargo for AUsUinHirtn, and wuh returning with a ciirgti oturs. WhenHtortny weather en nucd sbo U-U l'rlnco TrtMlerick sound and anchored. Xbcn tho tldo receded and tho slot in abated tliv. ,v.h) was loft high unit dry on a table iwV, Tho vessel nettled down a distance of Km feet, striking her btri on tho itvcky iKnVlerHiindconipleto ly doiiinlislilni' her kee1. Tho veiwol will bo a total wreck. Tho business sitlon of IVlorulne, Manitoba, burned Friday morning. Tho (liy htatted in u iwm above Senders A )jVIinnu 's stiiie, mid although all tho ito'oplo t lined out t) cheek Iho ll.innM. . ....I. I......I,. .... I, ,1.1 IH..., ,l,.,t grv.U l"sn hud resulted, Tho Iom Is cs- ' tlimited ut ulu.ut )W,IKX). At Strauu, Ind.. Klijali Haskell shot i and kibut tu a neliiiau l sou, uiui ill. n . bo' 1 1 nself. H. had Uvn s.lng l.cr attou'ion for some time, niul it Is supposed! xho bail refused uu oiler if man l.igo. 1 uoiaiuiii r ire ot marine immm tuiupai ' 1 ' . ' OFFICERS. KltANK DKICtIM W. IC. SMITH .. J. A. OHILD l'rcBident. Vice I'renident. ecictiiry and Managor. DIRECTORS, I). 1'. THOMPSON. I'ltANK DHICUM V K H MIT II .IOIIN DONNKltllKItt; JACOIl WO HTM AN It. M. WADK A. II. IMHYMAN JOHN II. DAVID W. II. HONKYMAN (IHOHUH H. WILLIAMS . H. S. KKAHNKY WALT Kit K. IIDKItKLL . . . SAM 1'. STDHOIS T. L. (MIAHMAN JOHN A. OIIILD .1 VMKS K. WATSON W. II. WALK Kit, i... ASAIIKL HUSH Il.TIIIKLSKN (iKOIWK II. MAHKLK, .lit W. T. WHKIIIT . It. L. Dl'HIIA.M ('II AS. A. ALISKY I. W. OASK f. K. SMITH ' . I'ortlamlfSOregon Portland, Oregon Portland, 'Oregon Portland, Oregon . ...MoMinnvillo, Oregon Portland, Oregon . ..Kast Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon Portland, Oregon t Portland, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon ....Oregon City, Oiegon Pottlaud, Oregon Poi Hand, Oregon Portland, Oregon Salem, OrcgiM Portland, Oregon Poitl.iud, Oregon Dnton, Oregon Piiillaud, Oiegon Poitlaud, Oiegon stoiia, On'gon Portland, Oiegon READ THIS! It is of interest to Every Taxpayer in Oregon. DKAD Silt : Would say in reply to yours of even date that tho sunt of 77.00 paid to mo by tho Columbia Firo and Marino Insu ruueo Company, of Pottlaud, Oregon, for School Tax In Dis trict No. I, ropresentiunoio money thun ai(l to this otllco by all tho Foreign Insurance Companies doing diisiucss iti this city. FHKD A. DALY, School Clerk District No. 1. THIS PROVES OUR ASSERTION That to protect yourself you should give your liisuninco to tho Columbia Firo mid Marino Insurance Company, of Port land, Oregon org.inlcd under tho lawn of Oregon. ' Has a guaranteed capital of 00,1100 for your protection, which is ten times tho AMoi ,vr ot m:i'nir required of Foreign Com (tunics, w ho pay NO tacs, mid skm .m.i, tiu: i'koiitn out of tho State, thereby increasing your taxes. Think of this and glvoour Company a part of your INSl'HANOK. Youra, rvsivctfully, JOHN A. CHILD, Secretary. OfTice: Second St., Next Door to Child's Drug Store c rilied Capital, $500,000. Portland, Oregon mm LIST Oir 8TOCKIIOLDEHS c n I ii Til n i n uirn nnn haiun. I uoiuuiuiu iiiu uuu rammo ius rnr Of Portland, Oregon. Capital Stock, WlO.OW. M tl rri.n !...!. ,... . ...... i, i. i iiumji.'-iiu, iusHieiii joiniiivrciiii ftatioral I'ortlaud, Oregon. Frank Dekiitn, Pres. Pottlaud Sav'gs Hank, 1 f 1.1 It) tt 1 . ... u. i. nmiiii, ico-rroH. Ainswortli Knt'l Iiaak. urogon. K. S. ICoamoy, Capitalist, Portlmid, Oregon. r.i.,.,i. L......n.. ii..... i.-t.. v.. tu ii.ui . "I"'"' wui.iiiuii. i iirn, x'lin null iiuiik. iticmnnnu. ii in it line. ice- res ami. n nn a i:i. t'ns John Halo, Hallroad Contrnclor, Palace Hotel. K. F. H M Steele, O.ipitallst, St JoIiiih, Midi. C A Dolpli, Attoriiey-iit-Iuw, Portland, Or. .John Donnorlwrg, Plumber, Portland, Or. Uklm IE lili ,1 Vi.nll n..l ..! T if . It W 11 Houoyiiian, Capitalist, Portlmid, Or. J K Smith, Contractor, Portland, Or. A ii limviiiiin. i tcs J' irsl .Mil I laitt. VmI I'ornind. John Hoinmei WIlo, Merchant, Ka-t Poiil.uul, Or. (1 P Hummeliu. Furrier Meichant. PoilUmLOr. t II II. . . ik t .i (ieo II Williams, Kx U K Alt'y dVn'l, 1'eril.inJ, Or. C 0 I'eekmau, Hunker, .lacksouville. Oi. Wnller V Huiivll, Capitalist, Portland. Or. S P Sfirgis, Cnshlor Firt Nat'l Hank. I'cti(lktoa,0r. T L Chai nmn, Druggist, Oiegon City. Or. II II Noithup, Attorney -al-Law, Porilaml, Or. John A Child, Druggist, Porilaml, Or. .lames F Watson, AvloinoyittLiw, PoitUiul, Or. vligitra Watson, Poitlaud. Or, Frodeilck llickol, Capitalist, Pottlaud, Or. U, - t. II I 1. IT I I.. 1I...JI....I uni .uikeny, Ties FiistNatT iuink. wmu wmu,. W II Stlno, Cashier- Fitt Nafl Hank. Walk Wrt'Li, 1 A Huford, Abs't Cashier Fht Nat'l Hank, WalU W. T. L K C Smith, Morchaut, PoUland, Or. J S Whlto, MoMinnvillo, Or. Cliailes H Dnrhkoop, Maiiufautuicr, Portland, Or. J C Moielmid,.Atlornoyalhiw, Poitlaud, Or, UiiiIh Soltns, President First Nat'l Hank, niironi It li IMirilitln. I'liMliler t iiiiioien l:!! ?i:il I lank, S A Durham, Washington county. Mary H Splllor, Kugeno City, Or. C A AlluL-v rf AltuL-t. II.,,,,., X- P.. C.infwIInnOrt. Asahel Hush. Hunker. Salem. Or. i iiiioison, inrcctor uregon .Mitiotiai nam, II K Johiuon, Hanker. Walla Wull.i, W. T. It V AIIUII, Willi MIOII, llellSllll(V (KKI.ll, . - lieo H Jlatklo, Vico I'rvs. Oiegon Nat'l liank, v. t i.'..n m.. ii. i...i r'iti- DrMua .mill. tin, .ii imager iaunui wii-uh vi II C .Slovens, Hallroad Agent, Oregon City, uwuw W T Wright, Cashier First National UnV, VpSm, L. L. McArtliur, U. S. District Attorney, IIkiI!,0- Huinfonl Kobb, Grain Dealer, Pomtroy, C H. Kmtlli f..r,t..ll. l.,rll.,,l Or. rt . I I '111 llll'l I TO .it. I a Tu i i I TV 111 ! II1I1E. 1 UIW1I VJI ii i uunijy, Cashier First Nat'l Jianir, viimw-i I W Cumo, Uaukor, Astoria, Or. Plnl.tn nfn. PB(lltell l" John Wortman, Cuslilor First Nat'l IWmk, 11 C Worlmun, Asi't Cusli'r Com'l Nut'l IuV, 1V W II McCoy, Druggist, Siwkano Full, Hufus Mallory, Attornoy-nt-Uw, Portland, Of. Subscribed Capital, $5OO,O0i. 4 t Clopton k Boyd, Agents, East Oregonian Building, PendMoi