East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1888, Image 4

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Wlintilu W Wwit t SimiiI it .Mliillr t
I :(! it i I for, An) ny?
Krom tli 1,'Milivllln CoiiniT-Jiiurniil
Air. Chaumvy M. Depon is ropoi toil
to l;iivi miii lli.it he could not iiiluiil In
accept a Nairn lir cabinet, Imt that, if
o I I'd rod tho MIhhIoii to Kngland, 1k
U'MIlM Ifitn It . If lltfu fi vtirtuMlf hi fif firnf.
erenco bo truly stated, It shows the
brains of the Vundurbllts to bo abroad in
moro ways tliiin one. To a Hell-rcspcct-lug
American no position could bO loss
attractive tliiin that of Mitilntc-r of Tho
United StutuM to Ihu Court of. St. James.
Kngland Im our natural livid. Sho In
our commercial and our political rival.
Her Hociul organism In tho exact opjio
HliuofourH. If her political Ideas und
fabric tiro light. ouIm uro wrong. Tim
hostility of tin; Atlstouracy of Kngland to
tho Democracy of America In radical and
Incurable. Thu contempt which thu
Hi ioii of a lonu llnu of titled ancestors
must fool for tho upstart son of tho corner
grocer can hardly Iks less ultra and sin
con than that ol a genuine nnd manly
ltupulilicuii for tho obsetpilous unit snobby
nobility, each gruduof which makes Ittlm
business of Uh life to lick tho boot of tho
grade almvc it. There can bo no com
promising u illllori'nco of thin cort. It In
nggrewiivu and Irrepressible. It shows it
self tho moinent an American sols IiIh
foot. iiKin tho Turkey-velvet of an Ku
thawing room. Mo must make him
folf a toady to bn tolerated. If lie docs,
noniiH u kimi 01 supiu-oillous recognition
t given him. If ho does nut, ho Im bullied
and inmillcd until hoglvoMtiptho uneipial
contest, and rctlrcrifrom the Held.
wur smuttier 10 i.ngiuutl is ii veritable
allow him to do anything worth doing.
i no conn msuaiiM nim uociiuho lie nut
tuny hum no tutu, tint no olllclal rank,
Columbia Fire t Marine Insurance Conipai
i .
V. K. SMITH ...
.1. A. OISH.D
. Vice President.
. Seeictury und Manager.
nobody, lie Ih the ooreht of poor lioys
at a very Fad and lonely frolic. Tho
Secretary of Statu at Washlni'.on will not
rating In tint Diplomatic Corp below thu
jiuviiiiii rcpicscuumvc. inu plenum
llltle man, who bobs about in l.onilon
.like a Jack in u bottle, -might an well je
In TimlitictiMi for all tho uho ho Im to us
or any onu else. Nor would .Mr. Dopoiv,
If ho should Hucceeil Mm, faro much hot
'.or. Of eoutso, all of our Ministers to
England have not been oaiN of thu
'holpM spooles. Hut none of them count
or much moro tliiin lackeys with the
vcrllnw of uuluforitictl nubility of one
ort und another that ili-purls itself
lirough tluj i;lddy 111.1.1 a of high life in
Tint friitli lt tin I ' .it l ... 1 ritt, -I.,-.. .1.1
lf 1 - .....n P.M. I, III
end no diplomiitle Kepriwiilullvotouny
itJiiun;iiii'.ii pmilllllll'lll. Mien lllplo
nitlit biiHliuvM an wo have to trancae!
Illllllll III! tlMIIWllMf,.,! Ill' Ulli.i.tnl ..........
- . . .. ..... .....t, v.,.in.
he rent kbiinlil lu Init i.i -.ilu t
.............. ,.w ..... .u ...i.-i.. ,,,
iminerclal auontM. What need havo n
M-rmmiHMiiu a eiiizen lo ko to Aiwirla,
t UiiuhIh, lo KiikIiijiiI, or to (fermanv.
iiireiv to be miulilu-.l l.v ttiU'illt L ll till
M at ILIIII'h Ii'Ml'Ml liV til iimla '.J ll...
, - - - --r ii in nil'
ipl'iUM of those couutriei.? It Im the
. ... . t I ll f i
iin.' in iiioiii an ; n oiuy oemM worAo In
nuland U'Oiiumi if the common lanua''o
III rlulll l lilr'l. i.ii.il.l., iiu i.. ..I...
. -r" ........ . fiv v, lTrl I. II 1
. tothor moro heartily and to oxpikhm Hint
-ii-niiiuuii inure vomiiiy man we are
tint to do hi other and nocu'H.irilv more
uiiiiuist reiaiioiiM.
No, No, .Mr. Ii))w! If you n.ilil ulmt
h atti Ibnli'il In vim vim .ii.. ..n i.....,..,. i
The man for MlnlMer to KiikIhiuI The
nny man imrn to it anil made for It Ih
"on-ln-law Siiep.ird Wo are for htm,
Uit.the new I'reMldont hoiiiI him ,vor
theie, by all mo iim There would !hi no
mipprvmliiK him. With WuttM'. IIviiium
in im- h.md and the Hwnrd of I'nirnKi'il
don In the other, hi would muito the
blaMted llrlliUli hip and thiith, and nerve
them rlht, too! Then, hln koIii would
l.o fur IiIh country'ii nm; and thu tNHr
frightened people of Dixie coild mice
nioru biiMtlin freely, and eeawu to lock
their Mable dinirM, und oueo mom leavo
their chiekeu I'mnm muiA W.....I ui......
ard, .Mr, lliirriton, if you please!
Tim l'0iuUr Vote.
i'ltivoliuurri inajonity on tho impular
vole, uivordluK to leturna as published In
the Nmv Yoik Tribune, In tJ,:u or fit)
Hrcent Ka-ater than In when, he
waMcluwen I'nMldent bv havhii; a ma
Jorlly in thu Klociorl.il (;olleK't.
n o popular maioilty HoeniH to be iIIm-
It. M. WADK :
A. If. IIUKYMAN... ....
W. P.. HONKVMAN . ....
waltku r. i;li:ui:i.i, . .
JOHN A. (Jill M)
AS.MIKI, lll sll
. I.. Dl'KIIA.M
I'll . .M.ISKY
I. W. CASH ...
j. i:. smith :
Portland, Oie'im
Portland, Oiion
Portland, Oivkoii
Portland, Oickoii
. ..Mu.Minnvlllo, Oregon
Portland, Oiccon
. I.'ait Portland, Oregon
Poitland, Oii'non
Port land, Oree,nu
... Poitland, Oregon
Poitland, Oiioii
Portland, On gnii
. ...Pi'iiillitoii, OrrKoii
.. Oregon (Jily, Oium
Porlbnd, Oregon
Poitland, Onvmi
Portland, Olefin
h'alem, Oir'o,i
Poitland, Oregon
.....Poitland, Ore-Mii
I'lilnil, (M70ii
. . . ..Poit laud, 0.i,;'tiu
. .Portland, Oiina
tiiia, Oif.'on
. .Portland, Oii'son
tur iln our lep"lHm eontemiMirarieM
no little, and they mo biiMy tryinir to ex-
.li.ta. I, I...1...I. .. '
1'itiiu it nun nipe 11 1)111,
The New York Tribune Ih ciwlally
InilUHirlouM in tlilrt direction. In onlor to
nialutaiii Km aMMcrtlon that HurriMou Iiiih
t inajoiltyof tho jK)iular vote, it 'Vooh
luck of the rttnrnnf from the South, and
ro-arnitiKca the vote on thu Im-mh of I87.
latuNlittm ami South Carolina, it con
tonilH, cannot Imvo increased thoirinalor
Uloa Mince 1870, twelve year , hence,
w), .H,")Wrt " nuijority of
SS.OJtl for Cleveland, tho Tribune plaoon
them in the Harrlnoti column.
Tlltrt lu 11 ll.lrnil.iud .it.n.u.i I l. .
. , -....... m Miininviiii-iii, luivn me
umiHviiin l ourler Journal, and iullit Ih
m-oiumendtHl to tho keoimrH of uhvIuiuh
mr tno iceDie-ininiliHt. Ii it U to bo taken
K-rioiuly, we fail to moo what in the imo in
havimran ehviiou at all. It would hint
bo aa well to refer tho whole matter to the
iiopuimean iMiitonal Coiumittiv, und let
flut Iwdy of ilWtlmr.ulhed tutrlotH niuke
Up tho roturui to mlt theuiielven.
All Much elalin-i an uilMunl. Under
V0 r,,r""0 law. UarrUon will Ik
hvtod Prooldont of the Culled StateM in
ruiuary. No one Im dled to dioputo
& election, but If it dependi il on tho vote
r Nmth laroliua, that vote would Ihj
wited an mtiirin d, and not as revNed
the Iribune. If we aro to pi luck to
87d furoiir tlK'un wo will take these
ur the whole country, and mIhw a iopu
ar maj irily for tho IMmoiratic canillduto
if AO.ik.O.
It is of interest to Every
axpayer in Oregon.
Would cay in reply to yourn of even date that the miiiii of
$77.00 tuild to me liV tho Columbl:! Iim mill Mutii... i ...
ram-o totiiMiiy, of Portland, OrckMii, for Schmil Tax in 1)1.
trictNo. l.reprewentMinototnouoythan jwld to HiIh olllce
by ull tho rotclun Inyiiraiico Uoinianies doluu' dii-lncM.s In
thin oil . FHKD A. DAI.Y,
School Clerk DUtrlct No. 1.
At hunt PioMi'ivt, Pa., while uChrist
enteitainnient was bi-in held in a
uill tho bulldinu iill.iiil and SM imhx
alo weio liurlcil fnuu tho feomd to the
lot tlikor. lo add to thu honor of the,
dluiitien, ihoiloo K't tiro to the ruiim
A larno iiMiii er woro badly Imilwil and '
'ol. it fnituuately thero woronoseiiousl
tiuualtled. j
That to protect yoiirndf you Hhould Kvo your InMiiranco to
the Columbia Firo and .Marino Iimuraiico Couiny, of. Port
land, Oregon ort;.iulod under the lawn of Oregon. Him a
Kiiaranteod capital of f'lUD.lMM for jour protection, which in
tentlineMlho.sMocsTOK m:i-oir ri'ipilredof Foreln Com-
JxinleM, who pay NO taiceM. and SKS1 Al l. Till lL'IUlU nf
tliu State, theroby lucroasin your taxen. Think of thin and
Klvoour Couiuny a iart of your INSURANT! K,
, Youri, respectfully,
JOHN Ai CHILD, Secretary.
OITlco: Second St . Nexl Door to Child's Drug Store
Subscribed Capital, $500,000.
Portland, Oregon.
Columbia Fire and Marine imm
Of Portland, Oa-g Capital Slock, f&OO.OOcJ
i' i
D. P. ThompMon, PrwHldcnt Commercial Natlonil I
roriiami, tiruBon.
Frank Dokuni, Pren. Portland Sbv'kh llank. Portal I
W. K. .Smith, Vico-ProM. Alnsw-orth Nat'l Dank, nJ
K. S. Kearnoy, Capltallut, Porthmd, Oreijoij.
Jucob Worttnnii, Prcn. First Nut'l llank, McMinntiBt
U ,M Wuile, Vico-Pnn K'napp, Iliirrt ll A Co, Pbrtlud,
John Halo, Ilallroad Contnictor, Palace Hotil,8.F.
It M Steele, CiipltaliHt, St Johns, Midi.
C A Dolph, Attoruey-at-Iuw, Portland, Or.
John Dounerberjf, Plumber, Portland. Or.
John IJ David NorthwcHt Coal and Transfer Co, IwJ
Iloneyiuan, CapitallMt, Portland, Or.
J H Smith, Contractor, Portland, Or.
A II Hroyniiin, Proa FirrttNafl llank, Kast lVrtlinJ,
John Soinmcrville, Moichant, Kant Portland, Or.
( P Huminollii, Furilur iMerchant. Poitland. 0;.
John A Honoyman, Hniioymnn llnw Foundry, IVrtbfl
ueo 11 vtiiiiuniri, Kx V S Att'y Gon'l, PortlainI.Or.
C C Jleekinau, Hanker, Jacksonville, Or.
Waller F Hurroll. CanltallMt. Portland. Or.
S P Stur;lH, Ciifihier Firt Nat'l Hunk, IViidlitwi.Or.
l I. Cliarman, VrnmsM, Oregon City, Or.
H II Norlhup, Altorney-at-Iatw, Portland, Or.
John A Child, Drulst, Portland, Or.
JanioM F Watcon, Attornoyat-I.aw, Portland, Or.
Virginia Watson, Portland, Or.
Frederick lllckel. ('utiliii!lnt. I'.uil in.l. nr.
Slaver tfi Walker. Avrli-nlhinil Inii'.lpinniiln. l'.irllit.l.(
Lovl Allkcnv. ProM Fimt Nut'l ll.mk. Vall.i Walh.W.
W H Stlne, Canhlcr Find Nat'l Hank. Walla VH, j
A It llurord, Abm'i Cashier Firnt Nat'l lUnk, WJIi
W. T.
1. K O Smith, .Merchant, Portland, Or.
J S White, MoMinnvlllo, Or.
Charlea Jt Durhkoop, Manufacturur, Portland, Or.
J C Morelaiul. Attornoe.ut.ljiu'. Portland. Or.'
Louis Solum, Prenldont FirMt Nat'l Uank, Vaniwnt,
Jt l. Durhiim, CaHhlor Commorcial Nat'l Ifemk, lw
S A Durham, Washington county.
XL.-.. It C..lll a. .a
.iuij ii cpiuer, r.iiKono uuy, or.
C A Alisky, of Alinky, Uauui A Co, Coiifwlloaw, 1W
II....1. II . . , f. e. ' H
.in.iuv, Jinan, uaiiKcr, oaiom, ur.
H ThlolBon, Director Orojjon National Hank, lVrtIM1
11 1'Lioiiiisjon, tJankor, Walla Walla, w. 1.
It P 11U.. .. III. C....11 11-f..i... 1. tf I..-I P.,H!ijd.l
..iiv.i, linn ijiuii, nuiistiue. ii iwiinu, v.. - -eo
IJ Marklo, Vico Proa. Oregon Nat'l lUnk, IVtWj
r. ii i-aihtliam, Jlanaser llank of Oregon Uty, W1
11 c MovenM, Hailroad Agent, Orejsou City, 'tr
W T Wright, Cashier First National Bank, ViAx.H.
I.. I.. aioArtliur, U. S. District Attorney, iwumu.v
Itanifonl Hobb, Grain Dealor, Poraeroy, W.T.
i'. t.. smith, Capitalist, Porllaiid, Or. ,
ft. : r'ni.,.i,.ii 1. 1. vi. M..10 11. i.i- I'niHWor, W.
. v.HuuMii, WMnillUi I iidi. nil, 1 -
.' I f1,..,!,,. !.-.. V..III VinwIllW.nilfl
.4 Mlll.jr, VUSIIIUI 4'irnt ilill. t I11A, -MM" r
I W Case, Hanker, Astoria, Or.
fti...i ... . ... n..MIiiiAn Or.
loi'ion aauKson, insurance .geni, ivuiii , -
John Wortman, Cushlor First Nat'l Dank, McMiwjl
H C Wortman, Ass't Cush'r Com'l Nat'l H"k, 1W
11 .McCoy, Druggist, SiHjkano Falls, 1.
Hufus Mullory, Attonioyat-laiw, Poitland, Or.
Subscribed Capital, $500,000.
Clopton 4 Boyd, Agents, East Oregonian Building, Pendleton, 3