East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 29, 1888, Image 3

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    feast VS5S
IIK.'W. DECKMHUU 20. 1888
L hi Km1wii Ort-uon ro corillalli'
l, i. 1 III l ll o riAiiL uiir uilisi A s
r . i.. itfirti I iimi .....i...
inn . .. ..7.. .. ii hi ii IiiiiVi in i i i i. .. I .
.iimr mi Third t.ti'fjt't. liWwi'pn
inn mul NUtiK. .file of lliu Kaht
. furl mill ilniius, niiuot tor urn
" . uV.iilnirlun Icrillory impel'- un; ul
ii t fr I1" aci'iimiiimlulldii of
.. .,.,lllll'llllll U'll'llllDIIO III ttl( UltU'U
.llHlfWClCOMUMII urn-.
i out, ied teXWf Z 'MS ",MV,,,, T"'!j"'' n,u,i ,v. a. sam,.,,:. ,
- lKt"''"ti,l1" l,0f!0 t0 !.3lrui,t,lm8 llCCI, 11,0 !""'. HMH. Suit,., I i:,ery tH, C,,m77.oii llelwer,, ih.
3 1ft , ... i LU 1 1.. i1' ..V.'.V .I'V 0f . JVsilillelon MM-.. Mute,; Much ... r.,r ,,r
ullllni'vl w, '"'j-'wJ i' thy luteiit.Kw.tho'-hoiiio talent" company, or- Giiiat lh-sn Kunsis Doc "" 1BW
i proves to bo as gmid tliltits " him,- ui-jlit'M ki finiimiiL-v tlM iio dr'iw I o r lcn 1 10 so? tim con.ii Ion oi
weil. .Icsrs. Murkmu.i ami Clarke in-1 au.lleiie it' dcPerved, , h , n w '''I; 'VnT, " ''TV-1 U,'"1 'ii'"'
end to n.ukeu fortune out ,.f tho patent, "'"Must evening eiite" tmwt of. Ow
Its merit Ih fully p.oven. The KAsr wiulervd to such small . t i """hat "ho VVl ,IU.V0 "?. rci,son. l0r iml,l,rt.,u'
Oimuo.sux wishes then, success. Ili.unciul failure uf 1 1, ., S !S V! ... " 1 ."'" ? . 'i'r . ho labor
uiey ucmow on tneir lurms. in uio n in to
To IIiuIiic-m Men,
. jji.n lii irulil coin will tin iiiiM ni
Lj ivo, w thetlrm iir Indlvldiiul wno.
iihef'l,'l I'a iiu-uw 111111, iiiiiuty
L-rdnniHl" ui'icH'mi"""! "lu i'miy uiiu
rfnl IIIIHK iMiun iff ... v. iiiiiiiiiiik
iMVhll llllll JullllftOII KtrCl'tH. HlllldllV
-ii II it. in. Hinl 7iU) p. in. Hiiuiliiy
I it 3 P. HI. ""in " I'riiyi'fmo'.iiiiK,
I ii ... Iitil lit I WalmlilA ...
I tail. ..V '. . wiivyiniT tr
.illy thoic iin' coiwiocleil Tltliiilhcr
In In Die city.
(lr:n. II, l,r.K, t'ailur
Llov lioullng is dawn from Adams.
kiths nre tliu Iioks; only LV
Peddler t t. I i,. mi.,,ii i.i 'certain.
.. ........ .. .... nit.iu ii,ii.in ... .
...... i ira k I V 11 o.tlrj .1.. if .l it
.i . ",0 erKCiiu niuies oi
uio i.iiM'opai eimn-li and tlie
i ,V1 ",lu;r "' 1)111 ""i' .vouldn.t
i.-m.' u uiiu way. no cold her sf.'W worth
ol Kllks on the iindeiHtandiiiK that the
nionoy would ho returned If hIio Wiiiiio
jlluHutlHlieil, and tho nrtlelos w ere left at
ho hutel. Tho lady did llnallv think
better of her bargain, vent to lliu hotel
llllll lOllllll till, tilillill.it. rr,.twi II..
JiiHt muparlnh'to skin when arrested and
compelled to pay luck tho i:iO.
.ifiiii-iuiy iitivo neen oikluwlth
nilKht and uiiiln, the fonner ptupaiiui;
eo.ituines and the latter praetlelnmind re
heaiHlnt; their dtilleult parts neailv ev
ery afternoon and evening. As a result
tneir perforinaneu was u Mici-ess as an
onlertainnient for u nuisleallv eritieal
piiulle, but for some unexplainahlu emino
iiiuuio us a iirawiim rani lor a l'en
.Messrs. u. A. .ii.m.!,. ..ml u t
Ui tho S,.ri.,K. Tho Hast Oukoon.an ru-1 b e ho , ld,t. " .. . T. .
tl.anks to the Mer-sis. Sample for ,.,.; i. . ,i . ; . Tm"X 1" '
now subscribers obtained In the Has. K. TCpbuV,, 'ho eonI.hded
111 HOVCniI IIX(.l!IIIL'r.S lil-iliiv Hit,... ,.f tlmt llnif." I.,. i-.. i,.t, I I. II.. .1.1..
tliein from atln Walla, wa-i read tho as- ' tho description In yesterday's K.uvr Oie
toundilil! illtelliuenco that "iimnv mi kiiumav uf I liinu,l.",i. ..v....l.,.. .u,.r.,...
otherwlso handsomii faco is disllimicd unco will annlv IMlll.lllV UH 1 Vll I.I II,
with pimples and blotches," etc., In tlio followinu'. sao that Ihev Wl'll) lldM-lll.U
very center of tho local columns. A rendered u i-hado betler. All the mem-
.ueiH ineiiicino nil. oi mis ciianieter In Ders ot t to cuvt huh n nm ilmlr
meals at all hours at tho French
titnt. J. V. MiintieKl, protiriclor.
I. . i i i
I Ja". una hunting lour up tho I 'J".. wmimiiH loses a newstiaper ten
lomcril.lv. iMggwl several chicko .m. j ow lor every ono It tnvlvw for It.
otMpxid sporl. A clll7.cn of boul hern Oregon asks on
V I), Ilaiisford Is reported citilto Pl"-r oi a l endieton man whether Kurt-
innciiiuoiila, wiueii hcoiiis to Iki ' ' " " K'.V,,u,,.lr '"r "uarru,
In' itself oil many at present
well, and t lit) choiuscs
of good crops every year, is a comfort
mat is not enjoyed liv their mother farm
ers licit in the .Mis'Wttuit Valluv. III!
nois has thn llnest general crop of corn
mis year mat mio lias I mil In live years.
Tho wheat crop is a failure in tho Noith
em part.
Monmouth, 111., a city of 7000 Inhabit
ants has no llouring mill, The samo can
lie mid of u great number of other
places In the Slate. Tho comcuucnco is
the honest grainier has to fall back on
his good ciop of corn dodgers, hominy
and fat pork.
Corn is selling in tho markets of Illi
nois at iI4 cents ier bushel. Tho crop
that the nvcrauc farmer will ralne con
sists of eighty ucres of corn and twenty
of oats. The corn to average forty bush"
els at 1M cents per bushel would bring tho
farmer Twenty ncies of oats at
forty-live luifhcls to tlio aero would In lug
tho sum of sflHO; total 4U. Mow would
the Kiiftorn Oreuou wheut raiser like to
l siiirioui with vll-in the full lo pav his
debts Willi?
Iowa Is nntanv belliT oil' tluin Illinois.
I The condition of the markets
U 1 1 lui.iitli
ttlTil f.f.f. Until. .. .1 .... .,1 . i in .
, in. ' ,( . , i . .t, , ... . , -. lining, rutin icu cows are selling ai inim
1 ho ut of ''Abigail' was taken last eve-, if .,,,. .,, ion ,u,muU. Bc.,rn l
foiling at -0 cents ier bimiiel, and oats 'M
t miir orders for copies of thn Now
(llitloil Of tho HAST OlIKdONtAS.
k?n, (Mistagu paid, 10 cents each.
A !'. Ilrisblu, .Mutiitiliyslclau.
mala in tho city until fch. 1st
I No. C If.isr Oiiciionian llullding.
Icajcyear ball announced to Im3
Olllarkey'ri hall Monday livening
in cliiiiitted ton iMiw lcar.'s inill.
Tort will ha mudo to rebuild tho
Uiriiu: mill, the burning of which
Kiero Mow to tho rocrity of tho
Flora Despalu arrived on tills
.. .... ... ii .. i ...i ..t
zuiru in iiiiiii iiiiiiiu in. mit rusr u
it.. f. .t.r
I .
II. Howard, a Walla Walla
!- 1 Ml I
. f - ' I f
' - ' J
m i u wnn wiHii in iinwnrn
L.I l A 1 ll f i
iimi in iiitmmm rim inif t nirimr tii
.-I. 1 I Ai t f At.
M ADf llllll III II llllklll UlMillllH (I 111 I
vi Lftif,ii 4i iiiuiu rn.lVltl till".
.v i . i in Ii..
L and Ii Ih old frloiulH h1ioiiI1 not
tint w Ih Mt ill In tho hUNinoPri.
ay tho hlhost nih nriro for
F Cam in on. fonncrlv wolhknowii
. .i if i .
i .. . i - i.. - n
H"H niiiiV in nun in vjitiiiiiUf
turnlhh huH iuin:huKO(I a Hum of
.1111 Kill I Ill . .I .1
i bin it iniifix wiii.n. wiiitii innr
tnken, will nmko ono of the
0. It, & N Co. has just eom-
the erection of u largo ico hoii'm
.i . i . . i ...... . . i .. i . ...in
aflicli'iit iitimiint tii riiiiiiIv lis
itli plenty of ico during the
itnuilns of Captain M. A. O'Hrien
fl llil:i morniug'H tniin, where
;in .St. Iiuis.
KeaniIev. formorlv n resident of
in r.u. .1.... I l . II ll...n..
nine in sevonu years, iiuinor
ili.U ho fell heir to a snuu' little
K"iewiero hi the Kastorii StutM.
I..L f '
" iteen tojouruing.
sfoVane Fulls ltoviow snyH!
It fin iwnalmi f iiinritt 111 fllH
.ttr 1V71 IIIUIIII t
""JKi. i no city's liealtli ts qxcoi-
;iiiere is no Hanger mat mo uw-
"rvu i ijiu lilUll'l iKCkauiiutio
the Walla Wnlla Union imtH
rci me tlav, and tlio small dov im
tvl.I.. . ... . t . 4tll. ......
iajiiim iimi niifi 111 uiirriii ii iniini,
hU Hweotlieart'B name on tho
if,ui ii innr nmnnu inn riiiiuiiur.
ilit miles wiuth of town, gecso are
mul IIIO iMIIiruu m nil"
, limb luvuill. uiiuf...ft
wwever, is no fool's lob. and hut
"jvi itiiiiiii iiiinr uitv in , I'litim
nn ii.. . ii i- . i
. - nu ciiuuinir, nun iukhiiuu
MHa 1 II . . ll . ' i I tf
, a uiiiiioiuii in jrmiaii iui
uire. He han boon doinir active
UH no nwv... ll.ij.1 1. nW llitl
1 tocet a rest.
Amolil linn ml nm ...I fmrtl Ills
Morrow- county, where ho liri
Wel in Mm-nvlnit I In HUAtlL
aiiioiiL' mo uacnoior rancnere
P41fl..n a.1,.11- 1 I I. I u
..v., mueu. ana savs n a in
rocky old holiday. He was.verj-
- e fufi' A i. .. r . . Ar .i..iii
,ij iiiu i.-tjiuiiti:il VI f-ilii-
niin which no is iiuucieil. ilu was le
plled to witli tho statement that catarrh
with other corcals Is cultivated and grown
by niKiut two-thirds of our eltiens with
great success, but tlio crop was harvectcd
Uy thu doctors. Ilu won't como to Kast
urn Oregon.
The Slandiird Theater, on Webb St.,
0eiic(l up last night, mid nciowdcd
liouso greeted the erfornianc(. o.t
week new artists will appear. Owing to
many disappointments, inconveniences
and misfoitunes, over which tho man
agement luid no control, tho oenlng was
not what was expected, hut wum lalrly ,
creditable, all tilings com-ldered. '
1,01! Is llliimeuberg, of tho famous
l!odon Qulntetto Club, wiites to W. I).
Fletcher that owing to tho tiemendoiis
succesH of his coinp.iny they pros)o to
renew all their engagements, and asks
for terms. Arrangements will probably
bo made for their appearance hero oil
March 27th.
Kust Portland Vindicator: The IvAbT
Oiikoonia.v, one of tho iikhI enterprising
and intelligent paivcrs pubilslied in the 1
Inland Kmplru will issue u mammoth
Now Year's addition. It will not fail to
give n great deal of interesting iuforma-.
lion resuming tiioupi or country. 4
That seductive and popular drink.
"Thomas mid Jeremiah.'' has made its
fl lit win nilliifi ii i unv'firiil will I A vinu'ti tiii:iitlii .1
and has ulmulv canned uianv n man
to forgot lliu gisKl teniK)ianco resolutions,
and look too long and lovingly on the
flowing bowl.
Tho I'urmingtoii branch passenger
train had n livelv time uf it coining down
lust evening. Tho engine ran into u hand
of horses,! scattering them in ull directions
on u
ning by Missdiuco Welch, who showed
it thorough iimlerslaiiillng of lis require
ments, carried huiself gracefully, and
sang without umliarrastiuent,
lliu oilier prlucl.iil inemliers of tho
cast sang and acted their putts even bet
ter than Itefnie.
1 There was a touch of humor in tlio per
formance during thu evening which can
, not be passed by unnoticed, in u tab
leau is represented the slaying of (iollath
by David. The "Shepherd lioy" stands
over tliu giant (lliu hugct giant who
could l piocureil for tho invasion) with a
, hw or.l lied I uloft and about todescend.whllo
. tho seenois prettily illuminated bv red llio.
i Thu iiudienco was icahed, and manifested
us pieasiuo ny an ;ncoro: nut mere
1 Heemed lo ho some misunderstanding on
thu pari of the ciutaln-llfier, who raised
tho cuilalu liefoio David and (iolhith were
ipiito ready. The giant had stretched
himself dead on the green sward manu
factured for the occasion, when ho looked
up, saw thu eiirtulu rinu and no David
tlioio to kill him. No giant uver became
rcuirrcctcd or sklpiicd from tlio "niorlul
coils" moie actively Ihuii he from bofoiu
tho g.ie of the audience, which roared
with amusement.
The performances certainly have not
been appreciated, but doubtless the prac
tice anil patience of the players has not
been in vain.
Newmarket Block, Portland, Oregon,
Oirer for the seaon of 18S!) the largest and most complete lino of lliu Very llest and
latest Improved
Of Every Doocrfpf-on.
(duality of (ioods guaranteed. Triers tho h weht. ipiahly e
Call and t-eo us, or send for our
Mailed FHIili oirappllcatlmi.
One of tliu animals was caught
trestlo and delayed iirogress for
little time.
Charles Horseman, who was arrested
on the complaint of Douglas (iiirdauu for
assault witli a dangerous weaivou. was re
leased on his examination yesterday after
noon licforo Justice llishop on tliu ground
of iiisiilllcient evidence.
Frank C. Mlddleton, who will take a
(vostion on tlio local force of tho Pendle
ton Trlhuno. arrived in town from Port
land yesterday, and will soon begin tliu
work of quill-driving, at which ho is said
to be an adept.
Hepptier Outfitter The Pendleton peo
. i ..in .i ii i.. ... i. ..i i ... i.M,
piu "III no i;u in uw jiiii(;iiiL'lH, lu
A llrlcht Oiilliiok rr 1HS1I-A I'lillil'.
,v nurruir Kruif-Jluililuy iiiinln,
i ( i i 1...11.1 i i...t i it
iir.iiiu iioiiuu iiiiuin nru m iiif; insii-
tilled in lAixington against piedatory
jack-nibbits, prl.es being awarded the
most siicirssful. Among the contributors
ot prizes is the Iludget, w hleh oilers u
pair of woolen socks and one year's sul
scrlptlun. I-ist night Homer McFuiland's little
child had a narrow c.-caH) from a horrible
death, lleing left ulonu for 11 moment it
upset a lump and its clothes caught tire.
Willi rare nerve and pieseneu of mind,
Mrs. McFurlaud ipiickly smothered the
(lames and toiscd thu blazing lamp out
of doors. Tho lltllo onu's clothes were
nearly burned oil, and one hand and ear
weie badly blistered.
The now yeur promises well for tho
buuehgrass. fanners. Pnnects never
were brighter than ut present. IjiicI that
has Ikkii unilnr cultivnllon han another
voar added to Its ago, with u correspond
ing increase in its productiveness. This
IHjculiaiity ol : our toll is in ilself a great
recommeudutlou fur mis region
IttMAl. .1.
'f'ill reumtlv mid last nleht was
thtt l.t- . " . I .1...!..
uw recovery upeari'u houih
uj dmided tlii tnornins to re-
aut the hnrfnllul at Wnlla Walla
mU?M Wlllch M!Ul ,'OI,e' 11 '3
"tlui tha change may insure his
rnfasafo ljurglary at Cen-
. lllll tivti.il.ii 'lraB llllll
' l fcuturdav'rt KibTOBEOOSMS.
j u nwcnniion oi ine iwihu
' week nlil. oft'iirnul in the
Home Presg. CommenUoa
newMKM of a diily iiapor
Tlie fall neat-oil Just past has
Koino attention to tliu advieo of the K, 0., Linn von' favorablo for witpvr
...I. i.. ... ..I... ul..... ..1.I..1. !. ...,i..i.. ..lit.. i i i
It WHIUn'Minv riivyi niuni in luiiuiinv , vlteUt. Hint Willi It WJ8 IHU III CUIIV IS
ioing all It eati lor its town and Burrounu- mK uK,ve cround nnd looking well.
ing country. whllo that more recently bus plenty
I.. K. King, a brother of Dr. . W.'of inoisturo ijikiii which 10 uiiiw iorn
King, has leased u tract of laud on tho ' vigorous growm in ine si ring, a greater
reservation from tho Indians, ami will acreage than ever beforo has boon seeded
iirobably nurcluu-o it when the side of the tuts laii. uio conn nun uauip, muu
and takes place. Many others are doing 1 weather has enabled many to break
likewise. UP considerable wsi ami 10 piow
lVn.llplon is soon to have e ectr c m groimu lor 1110 t.jimi in ,
lli'liU I'. 1 Vindicator. ' We nro now connected
!..,., Il.iinn Iimi Iimi 'i.m. ihnnk vnll '.rest of tliu
over u voar: this work is only for the pur- thus brought
y. i ........ . . I
iKwe ol having uetier iiguis unu more ox , peopiu uro
T i 1 !M 1......
ivieuionnui tniK3imiji
cents. I logs are very scarce on account
I of the ravages of the cholera ; the mai ket
i price is .o.f)0 lo i(l per 100 kiiiiiiIs. If
I tho farmers had the hogs to feed the corn
I lo, at these prices they could do very
) Nebraska has bad u good crop of corn
; mul oats. The average of wheat was
small, 4iud the farther one gets fiom Chi
cago tho muikotsurc lower. 11 ruin the
Mississippi Valley, haMem Kansas can
beust ol u goixl crop. Mere where lam,
lu Western Kansas, thu landscape looks
beautiful, but tho crops h.ivi- fulled for
the lui-t two uars, and Hiomi with limited
means are le.iviiui the country. Some
tiro really so bad oil' that tholr friends hi
tlie K.ist are sending them tuuiiey to go
back Ivust on.
As I passed through Hutchinson, Iteno
county, Kansas, I remarked to ono of my
fellow travelers that 1 was surprised tb
see so many buildings scattered over the
sunuriis. "Why," said lie. "iney are
salt works." Then I plied him with
questions. A large salt lied lies hi Iteno,
Hlce and llartou counties and follows the
north side of tho Arkansas river. It has
been exnloied for flftv miles mi tho side
oi me river, ine wiiim is not iiciiuiiciy
known. Tlie first laver of salt was struck
at ii duptli of :iG0 feet. Thu body uf salt
ranges from L'OJto 100 feet thick aud'eon
tains nluelvllvu imt cent, of pure salt.
Salt sells at ito cent" or barrel, contain
ing Kill jioiinds.
The farmers In llartou county use tlio
headers to cut their wheat with. I see
tho Kaudolnh and Hodges headers are
iii-ed. 1 npkcil the prion and found out
that they sell ut f l. What makes them
eo.t so much In Oregon? lu mv next
letter 1 w ill shhw the farmers of hustorn
Oregon what un immonso tarill' they pay
to the railroads and the agents for the
machinery thoy use. W. A. S.
A (Irlm JiibK.
Yesterday Dr. Vincent had occasion to
visit the oor Uiuse, and to oxpluin his
ubsenco, he stuck up on his door a
not Imt bearing these words: "(lone to
tho jioir huiise." Koine Kirran having
lfiiliiiilliili lippil ffir thn fliutnr'u unrvlf,...
rushed lo his olllee, and thu first thing ll
which struck his attention wus tlio worn I
nlsive uuoteik i Ithout wasting any
time he hurridcdlv si'muled underneath;
"Hind luck! If the times don't uet
better I will have to go there toas When
tho doctor returned ho toro the curd
down unil told the joke to u friend confl
dentlullv, but the friend thought ft too
good to keep,
r i.
Tllll lfUla-1 III Kllflll. j
Tho Chemekeio Hotel at Halein bus'
lately como under the munagcinunt of!
C. If. Monrco und J. It. N. 1MI uud bus
furnished and thoroughly changed from
top to bottom, the kitchen having lseti
entirely ivbullt und lliu lobby and rooms
overhauled and ut lu Hist cIiihs order
for tho coming scst-ion of the legislature.
CHAS. H. D0DD & CO.,
iMPonrrn of
parclwarc, ron, teel
' f"T'.tf'ir5anmuwiMiwn
Solo AgonUi for Oregon and WnnbinRton for
. . wtcRE S NEW DEAL PLOwyS. .
HIiirIs. Doiilito.rjrTlll.iilf Puir w. Iliry ro o luiil(i mul coma no urnr nbtwitutn per)
lion, Una tliotii win, Imvo unfit tliein nr. ru ilii in work ran not ay rnniiuli lu
their prul. r. o fiirintli ilu i witli or wlllmuUctU nluicliiiitiiit.
M'ul iillacliiiifiilit nr.) i m l ru.
3D3222I?.33 J0W.'E3.TC l.!""!' atJIi3C"X PLOWS.
Iluckoys Hnorrrnttrirnlu llrlll, lliickiy.Hvipm. lliirliryoMiirllujToolli Hurra, Hnrailc
(I nil ii iirlll,MtiriirHicilcrii.
Tlio UtMl liiipriivoil liiiif?iiii'iit fur miwlnir mitninrr fnllow. Tlin moot comploto n
iu.r iiful IimiI inriliU iiirKMii in iim.
We alio hva full linn ol IIukrIus, OrrlK0. 1'liantoni. Mount.ln Waconl
I'latform nnd olhor tiprlnir; Vehlolet.
hawrence A Cliapln' HirlnK-Toitli llnrroirn, lrrn Ilarrnw",
l uriiio i niiiiiiiK .Mini,
JIA1HII 1I.VH1I Willi:, IJ'J'O., XJU.'O.
4-hi:ni foh urixiAi. ciiiciii.aiih ami I'ltiui: i.ihts
connected by rail with tho I riie oiIi-ch of utt-iJiiioballon will aoiago
u world, und our market Ih i fro,,i tjn to 15 jer week uccordliig to
glit nearer home, hasteriiir,,,,,, Mn,l lP,,in,,, The pulrouiigo of
looking this way. 'lliou-amU tjl0 ,,tHn h fulli'itcd.
vbo came over
from Wullu Walla Thursday ovening to
take cbargoof tlie remains of his brother
officer, Captain M. A. O'Brien, will re
turn to thu garrison to-morrow.
ti Hill) In thn Northwest UVCrV
A 1 .,..,. .i.n.ii. nf lllAfll U' Ulllt
homes In this vicinity. Land will In-! Mrs. .Sirub Hulchlns, u pioneer woman
cnase In vuluc. The farmer who now I of J.inn county, died recently at Alban,
tliiuks llltlo of bin ipiarter or bull sec-. "go
a r ..in i. v ..i.i.i n iimi ii iiirtiiiirnr in t
llOH U-1 UlllV IV HUM M 'lmvi
ligunu which will cause bim to lliluk he
The name "Wullu Wullu Walla Willhs ; i i i....r i10i.i 0 . Jt himself if others
llakor" waa recorded in tho book ( of , wunt It so badly. Times ure changing for
mortgages to-duy in the do'k'a olllee. tm xvx. It does not rexpiini u very
It is Indeed tho champion name or. re- ,,,,1 Pleseoiie to see that tho new
cord for length und peculiarity. j y,.ar ,v j Inaugurate uu era of prosperitv
Van Siiull is in towii again, looking , nover beforw known on the bunchgrass of
bale and hearty after u rough-and-tumble Morrow county.
chose for mo lesuvo nicer hi i'wi
countv, whore be bus been engaginl in
counttne up his stock.
J. T. Lleuaiien, now ono of Adaim.'
popular merchants, Is in town to-day. Ho
reports business good, and an encourag
ing outlook for Adams.
G. W. Piercy, tho !ook-kceier of the
firm of Frank Itrothers, Portland, who
mysteriously disapi-eared some time ago,
has turned up in England.
Mr. E. Lobenstein will leave to-night
on a buclness trip to tho Pacific coast
metropolis. San Francisco, to lemaln for
an indefinite time. , ' . . I
Pi,,,W Pnlo. who bat ken down with 1 an infant son
- . . . . . r . it... i M-tiinu ii.'iimii
un nttack tf typlioiu lever ior
Til Late llrrryiuau Jnnlulf .
llerrymaii Jennings, who died ut Ore
gon City lat Saturday, was the oldest
member of the Grand Ixlge in Oregon.
Ho was loni in Kentucky in 1807. In
n.i I . ... L.r.w.v .v.flnll lllltlfllri.
la-i no hviii m - : i
and a year later went to Iowa, where ho
taught tlie tlrst scliooi over neiu u u ai
stale, then a territory. Afterward he
went into tlie mercantile but-iiies at
ltuillngton, III., and subseipiently btudieil
medicino ami practiced two years. He
wtwinurrk-d in Hurllngton. and in 1W7
came lo Oregon. His wife died near
Boise City while enroute, loaving i nn
in IB.JI no linn. m
JinIV-ln Wfdnr.ilay. Drembr M.
lotliwlfof Jainm llratly, or fvndl
an eulil pounu isy. ,
HI'KOWI-On Wlnfdny, I)cmlor HI,
111 lo tlio wIN of limmiw Hpmwl, or Pen-
die on, a bouncing tsiy.
ZIMMKUMAN n Miulli Cold Hprlnr, He-
cmlxtrW, IM1, to the wile ul K. .Uinirr-
niun.u lKijf,wUlit ten Miund.
SanU Claus baa been very liberal with,
Uieso three hoUKholiIs; fie could not
have brought more welcome presents.
The Leading Photographer
Wo wish to Inform tho public that we have lately furnished our
Gallery with the
Finest Instruments, Backgrounds and Acces
sories that can loo had.
We have had many 'ars oxjiorianco lu tho Art and know that we can suit our
many customers lu any stylo photograph they may desire. Ituiiicmher we
ure here to stay und are striving to build up u reputation, !hcicforu
We allow None but First-Class Work to Leave the Gallery.
Call and Examine Our Sample Photographs, If Nothing More
Gallery ut the Main Street Bridge.
Pendleton, Oregon
the xZ widow
is now seven children. He had live, an exem-
, 19 "O" . ... ,, ....... MI,.t4.d bV all
iiUrv life and
who knew him
week, ut the Bowman Jiouso
'ri. n.i.1 unirinn fir iiir iriiiiiuiuit l
Firti Department were oxerci-ed thbj i'nton Pcout: The mammoth Illustra-
rlnB.'.,,a Pernod. jrfx.-v'3iSt''Z
Rtb2ocat8at8.A.Saylor'. Oregon.
VIIANTZ KOIX)MOn Thumlay. IMm. 1
I.er7. ItsS, by lter.(i. II. le, Harry Krm
and MU ilrrtlia Kolioiii.
IliO-liiUr Sl. liM.at lliv rfvt:dror .f llifl ,
brlde'a pucnU, J. J KldrldKa and M. ,
Tliornc. Tlie i-riiiouy wai ixrormed by .
ttie K-iv. W. II. k I ri . ,
WAI.imON'-HTA.NTON-At Ihe rmldciiro ol I
tlin tr!dt-' rtlitr. lHvtinrrH. llM.br l!ev. I
J. T. Hu.kln. lr. J. U U'nlJrnn and 11 It. I
lary J. hunloii, Ui'lj uf I matllla county. .
Kuccess to Ihe happy jwir. "Jim" '
leaves muny bachelor friends to mourn
his loss, but such is our climate. I
Munuaelurrr and Dcultr In-
us&'Ssr MO" m"kloiz&'& James W neelan
Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Halters,
Keeps always on hand tho Best Stock of Har
ness and Saddles at prices lower than any
place this side of Portland, Call
and examine my stock.
Court St.