East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 27, 1888, Image 3

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    4li W. DKCKMHEU 27. 1883
. ...nliii llrnuch OHteo.
f,nm Ivi'tern Off son ore cortllnll
"' l " . ... I,. It.irilutiil. ami miili
Tmmc Tlwi.inc;ulDtliAb
.f . in.i Hlnrk. Hie of tlio Kast
' i.i...ti,,ii mrrltiirv minor nru nl
i r.ir fl mi-iiiiiiiiiuiitiiiii in
1U inCrC 1' I lfll I'lli'nw in luuuiiau
,1 ewciciH" i" --
T.. llllallirMH Mrll,
I.I ....111 till I Oil. I mi
',k v,Vo iiviri. ii w, o
'i' ' ucu av iiitntln rlin mnwf mntiut
......- It lJ ATM AI ITIIlIIIfir
(lt.l It 1 bTill 4 vsawewaa,
Vii.T-i, l,nlr i,t IliM K. D. lllllnllliir
nt II K. Ill nnu muu.iii. nuiiuiij-
lip. nu ween i'i,Yur-iiiui-uiii,
a. I.itlliil IDiilniiliin I..
i 1 1 .. 1 1 1 nan Tifll. f till lllTfllfMl WlLllllLllfir
in mc ...... . ,, , ,,
jj cents at J. F. lloblnson's.
I....I ! tildlif MlliirVAv'n hull.
Cittuiu.,. .......... w
laths are tho boss; only 1!")
meal "t all hours at tho Trench
. 1 111 Ul.i..llnlil iiv.ntiri.if nt w
... I.! In sttllMiiKf mill fnlltni.
taKob iiHon s unu nuvo ii sum
WtMligicii l,,,n uiuniiiiK mr
1U IU I ! 1'lllll.llW 111. I1IH1
in r.ncamninrni iv. it. i. u. u
m IIM.1 uiliimiui 'i uin in iiiu
1 canvassers wanted for East
Will pay goon salary or
Address "K," thin ollloo.
KirceL will wmi. bo Improved
.1 lluillt TIII.I tl'rirtll nf tfi-ifl
ii. iimn i imiiiuu itviiii u iv n
- (!.. .1.1.
.. I.... 1. ... t Ill
P.iIm II1IV 111 II II I11IUI1I1IV L'illl
1 lu...ill n.inii 1. .. 1 II.Mii
.i n:. ..ill l......t..
i..i. i i. i..
kIiooI at Alba, left on tills
t 1 tf.lt 1 I P
i . .
auoui ii mouiii.
nt t . tt. ii .
vi mil ii-uvii iiiiiiiriiL iiir I fin
todttfy in tlio Hoguo-Dond,
trcpr. ii vmitifF mini imiiun rn
.film fain Inu'li mt ti I'lait trt lifa
.tint of rendition. J). M.
IMrn Jatio Ilowull.
Miwr iiiih iven nm oincini
.!. . til I l in .
nanvr oi inu nuw lanuo iiico il
Oreuon, uraoiintliiR to $10,000.
fool mon und trtiuuH nuro-
van. io nmKo u rcinni lor tno
Mi'MJiit von rmHlviil? Yon
omdlilt!jf Hiiitablo, nml ut tlio
. iml IiIh old irlaiiilx hIiiiiiIiI not
ti t .mt .1 t
N, Company lmH onloreil
box earn Jor tlio 'iiho on their
.1.1 i ml t I .
IVI t illilul.
' "l''Wt
lliu iSatunliiv nlubt ttoWuls in
d Bluirii & AVpIIh. and will
rtr.x. I.. ... .1 .-I Ill .1
. I
-mil jiijiniiiu iiiitllitfit 1 1
must bo rirciilntlnir moro nlon-
ITIUllctoil thllll UHlllll. At HOV,
mown ri'cortH giimbllnt: lor
b)- ltd volarlcB not wiwly but
Patunluy ovcninKi Uecembcr
fiOtnft nf t1in i!flvntia nf 1'nn.
tviiwi iii'H iiriii inn iihiiiii iimiivi
Maji.i.l ...111.
VA.3 I 41. f
I. I II., I - A -I II
lllO rltirnno la v nml
, nnu i"J JVUi V'
. A. u. Dart.
"Slit. Tho ball was crowded
-cin, unu ruiiori kivb umi.
( hn'i.1 rn - l . I .icl.nr.1
-"-I'-Hima IUIV nun uouiivii
rr.twl i .... .. i i..i. .i i.. ,l
ii7 D"rl'l:r niiii-ii uuw
evening's enjoyment.
Of A. T nmlta in lm 111
r.lMll.. in i t.
.--..ui. IIUUT VOIUJ'UUY 19
i . i miu is bini on inai m
'oie J ml go Fee. Two gentle
learned in law and noted in
l0I- J. H. Slater and Hon. Geo.
-i mi ii inn. in mraniHT mii'ti
-u imj t.uu UI1 llilorOMllUK
vlt l link nmlilAK
nson & Co.. and Wiall known
--. i'iui.- ironi roruunii inai
epntented with h! Int. lm u
"i t unenmnir a uietncai
1 . T 1 1 ' r. .. . 1 1 1 T 1
1 uiiii id II.1IIIIIII I1111T11I
- ' kuiliuh 1 v... i
io is a frirui nnv. h i iiih
.... iyr ouu ia giau io teo nun
M, a. n'n.. ,i .
i'iivu. nuu uiiticit i
u Im . fll.. ! 1
TV of .soldiers from Jetrerson
"uri, caiuo over to Vendle-
7 W-ajo au,l rofriKlppnl nt lhn
. . iiiiiiu niirn Mrt l m iu(in
-r'vu:iiioni4 ana iu-nioiriiae
K. UHUillim .11 I'lf.
In.. m t t...
j""6. io-iiay jug catse nas
j7Towbla turn, and lie is
" a critk-al oonditloi3.
Douglas Qurdnnc, a stockman of tho
Mountain Valley neighborhood, enmo to
lcndlcton ycHtenlav nml nu-nm .mt ..
warrant for tlio arrest of Charley Ilono
mnn, another rancher, who drew n knifu
on Giirtlano during a quarr.il. It swins
that Iloroeimin lias been having trouble
Siii l,ur,!n boys, Douglas and
IJII1, for soino timo which ciilinliiated as
ntwvp stated. Dick Waugh left yester
day for tho I'ottB to arrest Howenmn and
Biibna-niwl Povcral UltneHKen. Ho will
probably return with them this evening.
Atthodanco at Mlot Itock Christinas
night, onp young man in iittendanro
bought u ticket and scoured no lady part
ner. Wiien Hiipper timo eanu, ho en
tered tlio Pilot Itni'k linti'l with n nmln
coiimaiilon and endeavored to obtain
ineais lor Dotn ontlio ticket. It ended,
P0 HaV reiHirtH. In n nnl'iir 1ml
fccttinllv Oil (tin Vntllltf ftinti'a itcittlm
I ' " v I i 11 1 II III f
tho Iron entering his soul to such on ex
tern mat no was eiaii to lmi. nu-nv u itVun.i
eating his own supper.
Harry I,Mo mid n companion worn at
tacked I V thieves while in 1'ortlnm! nw
centiy, and wcro relieved of somo fow
yaiiiahieH. I.islo bravely showed liirht.
but they were too many for him. His
tirm was broken in tlio encounter, und
his head was badly cut. Ho returned in
a rather damaged condition, his right
arm ireitig encaMid in splints and his
ncau oand.igcd.
hoiit tbreo o'clock last nleht. a nartv
of nlulit ohIs must have naiuted tho town
a deep red, judging from tho sounds of
ineir revelry noaru ny several lodgers,
who wcro not remarkably well plcapctl
witli the serenade, l'ersons who liko to
have their fun at this uiuicasnnablu hour
should go out on tho reservation
Collie Hoiisor. the voiinir man who has
been sillier nu for n vear wltli the eon-
Mimptioii, and retvntfy grow worm), died
last iilulit. Ho leaves n mother and
iituer nml several brothers and sisters to
mourn his untimely end. llio funeral
took plaoelfrom tho family residence to-
lay, ut about tiirco o'eiocK
Workmen weie entnured to-duv in
trctelilng wire on tho .Main s;reet elec
tric light j-oles. A jiortionof tho wire Is
cry heavy ami extremely nam to nan
Ho. The task of strctchim: It was found
to lxin dlillcultono, tho operations of tlio
lorco of men being watencu witn iiiiorcst
ly main street denizens.
Tho snortH of winter, coasting and
katlng, nro now being indulged in in
'endleton. At all hours of tho dav can
bo seen u Wring of sleds, carrying tlio
"KQUAI, IttntlTS."
Think He , 11...1 i niin.
Si-Sl.3!.Lon!t Kn"u(tl' t Kntllle II I in to
..... , Mn fjinni,,,.
In Justico to myself as a taxpayer, It
seems to bo my duty to again tako up my
IHJii, mindful of the responsibility that
rests til toll mn nf nnumirli,,. 11,.. ...... .1.1.1...
.1... 1. !. 1 " -H nuiiiii-iw 1 uiivh.iiiiviu I.'I1UI1KI I
wtrpjingmigolefall who might opose 1 alsmt its town. Uut 11
division, or even glvo an opinion 011 that I country who give tlio 11111
great question of division, unless that ' at till, can see plainly 1
Till. O. ft W. T. ltOAU.
A Vain jctJ l'rirnirr Don Homo 1'laln Talk'
Inn In I'ruilli tnn 1'i-oiilr.
Vassvclk, Or., Deo J4, 1888.
Tho Hast Oiikoonian of Fiidav. Doc.
21st. arrived hero to-day In due courso of
mail. 1 wuh surprised to see the eillturial
btating indisputable facts. It is not often
that wo notice a county paier that has
itidoiMMideneo enough to tell tho truth
all people, in tho
mutter any thought
" ' i i t i t ""i""! uuiurn iiuiv nv tin, itm pvv lilllllliy (llill I I'llllll'l till irt
ui.iiiiun tniiiniics wnii His, tho editor of not advancing, and is sure to go Indilnd
tho Milton haiile. if nl,,, f,iilH in n,.. m u' i? it
ueniis small Is) v. scooting down tho side
walk on I 'u null so hill, which lias Ih-ooiiiu
inmost impassabio lor pedestrians,
Kneino No. 71). which through over
work recently Hiilfercd conslderablo dam
age, was taken to tno ii uraiido snops
recently for repairs, ioeoinoiivcs aro
rather 'scarco on this division, and most
of them nro too busy to bo kept In gol
Mrs. Win. Wilson left on u visit to rel
ative1 in Ohio on this morning's train.
After remaining tlinro somo little time
she will complete her journoy to Now
York C tv. intendlm: to rotum to rcndlo-
ton by the first of March.
Tlio matinoo of "David, tho .Shepherd
Hoy." has lxion iwsttxmcd until l'riday
afternoon. Tho first production will tako
place this evening at tho Opem Houso,
and will doubtless bo greeted by u largo
When a man of family is compelled to
rawl into his window ut tbreo o'clock in
tho morultiL' It is n bad clgu, n very bad
sign, and needs" no comments.
Tom Swcarlngnii luui got 'em tho
inuinim. lie appeared on hid ureois to
day for tho first time In u fortnight, hav
ing quite u lenginy siego.
Chances tiro lelng sold In tlio Villard
for a fancv cushion anil a photograph
Ibum, which will Ihi rallliil oil ru'w
ear's r.vo.s
A Ihrco-horso jiower electric dynamo
ill hereafter bo ui-ed in oiieratfng tho
presides of tho Sjiokano Fulls lloviow.Wfc,.
A w ealthy man Miventy years old has
iiht married u servant girl of eighteen, ut
Cucumonga, Lai.
Holwrt Garrott has loeomo violent.
. - - - -A
DrirrTtit Cuinpllinrnt t Katlirr Ilvlto.
Eomo ono of our exchanges has inlsuu
i1iIoim1 ns when, refcrrilli! to Itov. 1.
Doltoo, wo said: ''Our local preachers
aro seldom appreciated until they go
nwnv from homo." lho Hev. gentleman
liiiHiiruwii crowded houses whenover he
lectiirwl in I'endletoii; but tho 1'oitland
pajiers have, on this ooeasion, but fol
lowed tho general rulo of praising
strangers, ruthor than local talent; thus
tho Sentinel Joins tlio Oregonlan, by fay
ing: "If to gain and hold the prompt ym
pathetic appreciation of a jiopular uu
dienco In a profoundly philosophic discus
sion of h dry und diAlcuIt subject, Is o
mark of eloquence, then Father Doltoo's
lecture was most eloquent. From thu be
ginning to tho last syllable of his discourse
tho Itov. lecturer held the closest atten
tion of a delighted uudiouco. Tho lecture
was a rich literary treat, which wo Iiojkj
to be able to present to our readers In un
other issue. Duringtho address tho Kov.
sneaker was frequently applauded; und
at its conclusion was warmly congratu
lated by the Most Uovcrend Archbishop
und tho clergy present."
HO CailS (ill llV ir It.-Wlti.. .... ,. ..!..!
from tlio )on of onu "Equal Hiuhts." mid
in all his wrath he is left in utter Igno
rannco of whence it came, or where
"hqual ltighls" resides, or whether there
is such an individual In existence or not;
and in order to find tho right one, ho has
gono to a great deal of expense and trou
bio. and has canvassed tho city of Milton,
und has raised a ptirso of five dollars
which ho agrees to pay to the odltor of
tho Last Oiihoonian to glvo tho imnio of
"Equal IUghts.'Mf he lives In Milton or
tho hast end of Umalilla county, that they
may place tho bond and seal of condem
nation Upon tho one that would prove
himself so recreant us to wrltosuch u mis
erable, misleading letter.
Why not oiler a liberal sum. say fifty
dollars7 It might lie worth that many
hundred to tho Eagle editor. Nothing
less than fifty dollars will bring the glad
I can't seo any Argument in the Eagle
to prove that u division would be advan
tageous to tlio taxpayers of this pmjKMoi
nnu ptinnf i. ( lint 'I a tfd tin I'M lint.
1 will mention one or two instances that
show how things aro moving in this
section, mid It Is only fair to presume that
inner piaces aiong tno road uro doing
likewise. When wo need fiesh beef wo
send an order to Wallula for It hi tlio ove
nlng and next morning's train brings it
along in good shape. If wo need a keg
of sugar we send for it tlio same w av. A
box of soap, caudles, or anything else
that Is wanted, Is scut for ami comes in
good order, and at a cost of '.'" cents er
hundred tiounilH freight. Coal can be
delivered In I'endleton at from f.S.60 to fl
per ton.
.Mr. S. ltothchlld seems to lio surprised
at the truth of tho article. A groat writer
oueo said, "Stranger than truth, for truth
is always strange; stranger than fiction,
if it could lie told." Hut Mr. ltothchlld
shows to tho pcoplo of this county where
ho stands in regard to tho Hunt ralltoad.
Tho 0. H. it N. twoplo can well allbrd to
glvo some merchants u rebate on their
freight if they would. Ii they would
ship 'Mr. livers' Hour 'J4 cents cheaper
now county. "Hut." s.ivs ho. "if them ! than the remilar freii'ht rates, lin run
is one such man in Kagtorn Umatilla who ! coiitinuo his shipment to tlio Sound. If
Dltaercauiant llelwecn Hro'.liert.
Slnco Novcmler 1st, J.M. Harris has
lieen in partnership with his brother, I.
Harris, in the tailoring businesd on Main
street, tho business being known as the
"New York Tailor Shop." The turlner
ship was yefctorday dissolve by J. M.
Harris retiring. I. Ilarws will cunt nuo
iu tho business, pay ull debts und collect
all bills. J. M. Harris claims that he
asked his brother for u settlement and
was offered a bullet Initoad, to he resolved
to go to San Franci co and return with
n Btock of goods and knock his brother
out by legitimate methods. Ho left on
last night's train for the Hay City. Ho
asks that his fiiends will retain tbeiror
dors for clothiug until his return, and he
promises to give them satisfaction and
tho ls'nefit of low prices.
.Tno voudl' ladies for partners at the
Leap Year Hall. Addresa, Two Bache
lors, I'ostothce, I'endteton.
seeks to mislead our western brethren by
writing n miserable misrepresentation
over u iioin do plume which Is proof
enough that ho Is cowardly as woll us
ignorant "
All men are endowed with what tho
all-wise Creutor has given them, and the
amount of knowledge that was given tho
r.agle editor is limited, or cIpo he could
find hundreds of taxpayers mid voters
who entertain the same f-entiments in
this division contest: if not so, why was
it that lie got his would-be representa
tives beaten In Juno last. I can find fully
ouo half of the taxpayers that I havo In
terviewed In this putt of Umatilla county,
and can find somo of them in Milton,
men who for Intellluence compare favor
ably witli any of the taxpayers of the
county, und men whom I bcliovo siix)rlur
us lur us intellect is concerned to tue
would-be dictator, tho editor of tho Mil
ton Eaglo.
"lie savs: "As to un:uuientou tho
subject of division, us vlowed by this
'Equal Rights,' wo might us well attempt
to hold communion with tho ghost of
I suppose tho hade man has attempted
to hold communion with Adam. Hut us
Adam was n holy man. the Eaulo man's
efforts to hold such communion wcro all
In vain. .
So ul so w his unholy views on tho di
vision question lsj us budly left.
no speaks lortn saying: -un, no, mt.
Equal lilghts, w ill not your property In
crease in valuation in tno same proKr-
lion as others' whom you term u low?"
I have been a rcsidODt of Oregon and
of UmatillacountyuboutlSyears. When
1 camo to this count?, taxes were .a nuns
on tho dollar. Having niruggieii nam to
live and lot live, and when the dawn of
lik'lit Is lust mukliig its upiiearance, and
taxes are decreasing, then there arises
lUiwmer und suys, give us a now
ounty, that we may bo profiled thereby;
that tho tiroiwrty may Increase in valua
tion; that wo who don't want to work
may havo fat olllccs; lor your property is
Your taxes aro tho same In troiortloii.
You can stand it to support u few who
want ami must have ollloes.
This Is what Is wanted, and to get this
wo must havo division.
Does tills meet tho upprovul of a major-
tv of the tax-pavers If so. tho conten
tion will lie settled, and a new county or
Hut if it does not meet tho approval of
a majority, I don't think u division will
lie hud until suon time us n noes mrci
the approval of a majority; maylx' ten
years hence. Is It not a fai t that a largo
muiorltv opposo division? If not so, how-
was It that iu June last they were so badly
defeated? , , ,
He further says; "If the truth were
known you donrt own any thing only
what youcurry around with you, and
probably had to work out your road tax
tho past season."
The Eagle man would liko to measure
other people's corn In his half-bushel;
i.nt !.. tl.-itlxnmlt may. that has noth
ing to do with this question ; und now let
not ho will bo comicllcd to let Walla
Walla millers supply that fast-growing
Some four or live weeks ago 1 was at
roiuucion, and joouoti ut some propotty
owned by Mr. John Gagen, near the Sis
ters' School. Ho oH'ered mo thoproiH-ity
at what I thought to be a reasonable
prico, and I exH)cted to take It, but us 1
wanted to build a houso to occupy at cer
tain seasons of tho year, so I could have
tho bene it of vour schools for inv c ill
dren. mid come out to my farm whenever
my iiiisiuess caned me, I went mid saw-
Air. Hunt, ami told him what I wanted,
and asked him us a t-crsotiat friend if the
road would go to l'enilleton. Ho said it
would nut unless Vend etou t-conln com
plied with his request, so I did not buy.
I omul name several others who want
to buy places for tho same piirivoho that I
do, but will not unless llicy know that
tho road will uo to town, Messrs. Cor'
tielius ami Klaniiigiin have both bought
at Walla Walla already. .1. E. 1'routy
oxiHM-ts tu buy Iu the two Wallas If tho
road does not co to rend eton. o would
all prefer to build up our county town If
wo couid nnvo raiiroudconiieoiions. i no
days of teams nro past, and I would say
to Mr, ltothchlld that ho need not count
much on wool, or the prices it will brine
in this county much longer, unless thu O.
ii t. t.- ..I.:-... it i.. ... ....ii
ii. it n. riujm ii in iu pun uvi'r nuiuu oo
pie's eyes. J. I,. Kii.man.
U'liilom' Vlnlt-t Cri.mil
Is the most oxoulslto Preparation In
tho world for softenlmt and whitonlm;
the hands and face. Nothing outers the
comiiosllion of this delightful toilet arti
cle which could prove injurious to the
most delicato skin, and imfecd, it might
Imj taken internally with ierfect safety.
It Is not only u substitute for. but in
ovcry resicct, siqicrlorto glycerine, cam
phor ico, cold cream, vasctino, and liko
preparations. Helug neither sticky nor
greasy, kid gloves may lxi worn Immedi
ately uftcr upplyhig it. For gentlemen's
use, after shaving, it stands without mi
equal. It is delightfully eifutned mid
liuthly plouxltu: in thu sensation It pro
duces when applied to thu skin.
iierotoinro ull preparations used lor
their oinollloiit effect havo iioshosscd the
vnrv nliitH-tinnuhln fi-iilnroH of IIiiif nlther
sticky or greasy, ami often IwtTij but
these qualities havo been entirely over
come in the production of Wisdom's Vio
let Ureum, which owes lis H.-uiiar ami
distinctive virtues to now remedies hith
erto unknown In connection with prctu-
rations of tills kind.
It has tho power of preventing and re-
movlntr sunburn, tan. chafed and scaled
shin, and all ordinary irritiitiuus, It acts
by Improving tlio softness, clearness and
healthy tone of tho skin. and its daily ap
plication tends to preserve l( from tho ac
tions of drying winds, vivid sunshlno, ox
tremo temoratiiicA and the like. Ask'
j our druggist for It.
!(.. Il.lllly of II Slrlkr.
It is strongly rumored that trouble Is
brewing along tho line of the O. It. & N.
Co. iu this vicinity, and that n striko
aniMiigu portion of this coini-any's cm
..ti. ..ii tt.nl. tii lull ill- litL'tt litnf.it -Tim ill!
tue say us every tax jiayer imnin. iu nuj ,
It Is my dutv to ook lorwam to my nest ""v "'i , , , ,
nteresl an.llt Is mv right as a fa-e ficulty is o,-caslmeil by the introdtto Ion
Ainerica cl lzen, un.l it shall ever be Uunow pay-roll sy.tein, causing n rciluc
my aim! to do so und if I differ In my I" J" the salar on of conduc tors and
opinion from others I have a right to do hrukeineii. who stienuourly object, say
ul"".:' . i... i ...i. .!.. i Ini Hint tliuv t'l-t hllli' iiiiiiiiitIi nlrnadv.
un .mv nninion la my
voice tho sent menis oi majority or noi. ....... -..... .m.i. y"ui ""
If tin .Milton Eagle voic-s n iimjority of ' 'W'1' systom tlioy are to 10 paid so much
tho Voters of Umatilla county, tl.ey ! K'rnille .Instead of a flxejl salary as ut
rovcil U-reant to his bidding in Juno j present. Conduc ora and brakemon. it Is
andean stand no reduction. Under
jirovcd w
"aIiv anrlimont brouuht out on this
division question by tho Milton editor
that I can't meet in a good square argu
ment, won't cost him ono cent.
Ho says ho Is strong in tho
opinion that Cmalillu county is
run ny a i t-iniu-nm (,
that I. "F.qual Hlghts," llong to tho
"rlnir." "We ure oix;ii and honest in our
demands," ho i-ays, "and anything tnut
payors of trickery or treachery receives no
favors here." ,,.,. , .
t nm unit au .im of that f act 'mnt what
oudld in June last, ami ujth all your
trickery und treacneryuWd In your ''"'
secret undertaking, you got bailly left, an-l
said, are quietly kicking, but whether it
will amount to lunro than u kick no one
Tlia Hotel ol Hal em.
Tlio Chcmckete Hotel at C-aloui has
lately come under the Siunugeinunt of
0. If. Monroo und J. Ji. N. Ifell und has
furnished und thoroughly changed from
toji to bottom., (ho kitchen having been
entirely rebuilt and the lobby und rooms
overhauled and put in first claw order
for the coming session of tho legislature.
llic prices oi uccomooaiion w in average
from ffl to 15 lor week uccording Ut
room and location. The patronago of
tho pubiiu is solicited.
. . . 1 . . 11 . .ailnl
that lesson no uouoi tens y ju now , whj.t NoU(, ift,,ran
ways w in, t nai u noier w CniCAno, Jan. 3It, 1888.
As far us lx?longlng to u I'endleton r ng wiwloin
is concerned,! icnow ii'jiittiig . I, ,ni I Dkak Sir: As you wiueeted I havo
in IVndleton, but as voter of , Umatill. Dkak bir A. you jvi
)unty,Itatidui.r4-nl am rwiy w .'itobertino." I
times to help elert , gool men to ofltoM. I , ' m Umt ,ho ing.,..,, ttre
cure not whether they liro in 1 endleton i". , ' , i..nt,,. a,1(i ...nt I ha
care ??' ,7 Vl ".',eL" ,v r inZl both bland and Imless, and that
or iiu m ' -ciiuitii" -' " "
havo no know ilyro of It. Sho may have,
for aught I know; to may Milton, lor
w bat I kno.w. If you of Milton have, that
Is your brjfcinew, and it is my bimtneM H
I find It out to help knock it out of time.
Eoual KlOUTS.
i-omiiound would form an excellent appli
cation in irritated conditions of the skin.
l ours truly,
Abtiick Dkam Hkvax, M. I).
I'rof. of Anatomy Itusli Medical Col
lege and I. A. Surg-son, U. H. M. H. S.
Newmarket Block, Portland, Oregon,
Oiler for the season of 18811 the largest und most complete line of the Very Host and
Latest Improved
Of Evory Description.
iuallty of Goods guaranteed. Prices tho lowest, quality considered.
Call ami see us, or send for our
Mailed FltEE oirppHoatlon.
Miiiiiifnclurrr nml Dealer In-
Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Halters,
Keeps always on hand the Best Stock of Har
ness and Saddles at prices lower than any
place this side of Portland. Call
and examine my stock.
James Wheelan
Court St.
parclware, Iron, $ted
Solo Agontn for Orogon and Waahincton for
T" 'V- .VCI
T"iw. , i r"3.
Hlngle. Double, nrTiliiil Kurivw. They rosn ol inpto nml rmnotti urnralitolule perfro
llun, tlmt tlioo wliolmvo lined llii-ni or ki-ou IIii-iii work run not my niiough In
tliclr praltti. Wuhiriiluli tln-m wlili or witliinit tut uttiicliimnit..
Hiiil iillui-limi'iu aro i-xlru,
llurkuje lfoel'reD(lruln Drill, llurko Hf fdcri. llurkoyrHiriiiK Tooth Harrow, Buprlo
Urulii DrllU,HUierlurN(irdcii.
Thu latest luiiirovi-4 Imiileiiisiit fur kiiwhur Miniim-r fulluw. Tim moat cmnpluto anil
Mimniful tool lur Itita iiurKn In
We alio have a full Una of IlugKlea, Csrrlne. I'haotoni, Mountain Wagon,
I'latform and other Hprlnu Vuhtoloa,
laiwreuoe A Ctianlu'a Hr-rlug-Tooth Hurrowi, iv-rre Ifarrotm, Heleiitlflo Feed it) lis,
I'uclllol'iiiinlnif Mill,
HAiHii iiAiiii wnti:, i:to xvx'C
The Leading Photographer
Wo wiah to-iufonn tho public that wo have lately furnished our '
Gallery with tho
Finest Instruments, Backgrounds and Acces
sories that can be had.
Wu have had many carki oxierlenco In the Art und know thut we can suit our
many customers in any stylo photograph iney may desire, iteineiuls-r wo
aro here to stay and ure striving to build up u retaliation, therefore
Wi allow None but First-Class Work to Leave tho Gallery.
Call and Examine Our Sample Photographs, II Nothing More.
Gallery ut the. Main Street Hrldge, - IVndleton, Oregon