KS'rSa WM. GARDNER & CO., ; Lcezer & KueDler, ' . R ll (Nil M I ;;,T w Win d n f to m c WBm KATUltlMY, UHCKMllK m II 1MIUUUH3J.0 " TIIK TAIII.IN Tl'llNKII, A Ulan Hu t i Itrcurer H.llOo uinl Vr dirt ll Diilurml .Bnlimt lllm fur S.'lsi,. 00U, The Honing uccniint of n luw unit coimiiui:.vi iiv . j .'uuuvms.i, of J.u (Irunde. aiinut Curoy k llro., Htock liny craof Ciiiteiiiio, In taken from the lunt number of thu I.lvo htock lottrniil: "Acito which Iiuh exulted goticrnl In tercet unions Htockmen wuh Hint of Hnod KriiKS vm. Ciucy cV llro., which Iiuh oecu pied thu pant week in the dlntriot court mid wuh nettled by u verdict of the Jury on inoiKiiiy mm. "It Hcenm Unit in the veur lRfil Jl HnoilfjriiKH had uomo cuttle on thu nine tlio mimiier 01 wiueli no Hjiecmlly Htute iimzikh, which ne houi to J. enrov Ilrother. A eoiitnict wuh drawn uii ! which thu number und tieveriil brands of thu cuttle wero lninutcly dencrilicd. And In June, 1881 , the contract wuh nluned by J. M. Carey & llro., who UKreoil to take the rattle ul l he m mi ntod nrico. J.il.(MK) Ah mooii iih iHiiwlblu (iih wuh claimed by iiiu iieioiiiiiiniH) tne country wuHinor oiutjily worked und only ilUU head were found of the MM head Ininmiticd for. l. to tliiri time M7.40O of the nurchiiHo uric had been paid to Mr. HnouKniHH. leaving u imiancit ime iiuh 01 jauuu, wiucji tiiou warevec iiro. reiiiMiiK to pay, lie iiitcre null for with liiterent. "Ihe evidence hiiowh Unit only "00 head were found, and that the remalnde were not in oxhitenco; that, the Hurmuml iiiK country hail been thoroughly worked uh noon iih nriicllcub c: that the contract wurrunled all In cxlutonco at thu time of tliCFale, mid had thin number been in oxintcnco n iniijorlty would surely have been found liiHtead of alKiiit ono ii! tit It o the number. "ino court held (hat thu contract wuh u warrant for the eattlu and that If any oi urn came were iiiihhiiih tne warranty wab broken. Thu defendant brought evi dence to prove tlio numher found uui tne manlier in wiileli thu runuo wan worked. After much iiiKiiiucut thueau wont to the jury, who, after dcllberntliiK alioutau hour, iiiHtead of lliiillna for thu iilaiutm, returned a verdict for the de (uiiilaiitH in the mini of $:t;MH)ll. ll ih very Heiiioiii me cane wneiv one party brlnjrH nult aualiiHt another for UainiiKOH that a verdict in tetuied ii.uiihI nun lor neaiiy ten tliueri the iimouu which hit hiiciI fur. Thin extraordinary and unexpected rem ill of thu cae Iiuh Iiii parted to It a prominent und lntcrcithitf Hpect." .Mumifiicliirrif Steam and Hot Water1 Heating Apparatus, ' Kim tnvKt.t.iNus cm I'tuii.to nuiMUNut: ! l'o..le Wuriit Mlveilon, From tlic Hull in Ntiituiniiin. llio row at riilvcrtnu over u dm; In Krowlin? to KerloiiH proiiiolloiiH, and the Koyenor may bo compelled to call out thu mimiameu via in ourii llio iiixturlani'e. jMiiiizo iirmvii mi ill Iii-IhIm on Tim Haven pott paying for thu do which hN tiuvenport'H; mm Clyde killed a few dayH UKo, and P.twnport Meudllv dccllncH pavliij; the price HHked, whleh ho ayn in out of all leiiMon. Matt llruun, Alonza'H brother, taken thu Hide of Davenp'Ht in the iiianel. and on JNednenduy evening thu two brother hud hot word over it on the utreolH. Thlnnm ended by Alono Hliiktni; Mutt. When thu tiiuuniiiiiii,H mioriiiuui ii'ii Miverioii ven terday nioriilii .Matt wuh loakliiK for an iiuicerio atreci .moiuo, .wutuo wuh limk liiK utter Davetipoit to make him jy lur mo iok', I'aveniKiri wuh wuh iDoklnn after hU Iwv to tell him "Mi'k'oiii,"uiul the boy had onu to et IiIh lmiii. Then will bo war over that do iiihi mo oeiiKereiii leoiiujr iiroiiHeil Ih ypieailiiiK' over the entire community. A fellow by thu iiamu of .s'mlth called at the Sllverton poitollK-e yeHtenlav and In ttlHted on I'liHtuiUKter MomIkt uivini; him a letter. Theru wuh no inlmdve addreHHcd to thlri particular ineiiilxjr of the Kinllli family, In Undo yaiu's Sllver ton reiHwItory for Mtano HtumpH and mail matter und Mr. Moslier told him ho. Smith liiHlHted tlmt there wan, und Manlier ri-iterated theru wasn't. Then Smith nald "you're aiiotlior" and Moxher bald Homuthlii elo and thu nelehliorH lUHhedin and took Smith out ;md put him under the town pump, where ho wuh cooled oil' ucoordlnK to prohl principles. Further iiuwh from thu nout of war will bo looked for with In-un'Ht," Hpi'nllkBtlonii nml elltnntpN liitnlilicil tut hcullliK liilllilliiKi In ntiy hccllon (it the roiiu try. CorriiHiniletinp nollclteil, . Tilt' IuiuchI iili'l inot complota htook of Drugs, Medicines, OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, CHEMICALS, oro,o. ;Toilet Fancy Articles rirsi nauonai oanK OF I'KNllf.KTON I.KVY ANKKNY, rrrlclont .1 ACOII KHAKlt, Vlor I'rmlttciil. HAM I. Hl'lJltttt.S, CiiRlilcr. C. II. WW UK, A'ftlnl'itil CHililur. Transact a GeneraTBanklng Business Exchange on All Paris of the World Bought and Sold. Collpctlium inmlo nl nil polnl" on rt'iiHoimble lerniH. Watson & Luhrs, I'niprlotor of tlie Stoam-planmg Mill, Sash und Door Factory and Lumbnr. FIIIINITIIIIK Hunt In itork uml inailo to order. CKHAH h:IIN01.KH KOIt HAliK Klml-olim workmen tin ployed nml work none ka orticreii. In Eaatorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block Pendleton IIIVJLIf W'.VTHON . MMIUX, IVtiillolou,()r)Koii, IVIIrliMllim, 1 lu I hut wuulut a bit proud, you know, but JiiHt think of it ; u line und erfeet uyHlem of wuterworkH under way; ularKO educational tiiHtltutloii Uun under clr cuiiiHtuiiceH that liiHtiro Kh hiicivsh ; u largo tlourltiK mill JiiHt ready to beln oH'r.itlou utid iiiuehiuery ordered for the manufac ture of preHned brick on u M'ulu never at tempted by u private individual in tlio Statu, und to cap the climax, thu iilmoMt jwitive UHxiiratuv that wo will noon, If net the teruilnuH, In direct communi. cation with tide water. SUtid from mi ller, we Bay. 'entoit lA'ader. That in nothing to bo pioiid of. l.lKten to our tale , Natural pta ( Wenton U'ader) within threw uillen of Centeivillu; (hUw leiiiu running down the cIuhhIu bankH of Wild Hortiu creek; electrlu lights ami cubluHtreet cur companion organiiod; a large cable eonncetlng with London via the luthniUH of 111111111111, to ho laid up Wild llorso creek, Wire for the huiiio Ih con tructed of a certain Kantorn tlrm. Now while our uelgliborH blow aUmt their iirohuhllittcH, what U tlio matter with CentervllleV Stand (nun under, wo nay. Centervllle Homu Pre8. WATSON & ANDERSON DKM.KUS IN General Merchandise, Adani3, Oregon. Guilds & Gouey, I'fijirlolorx of Hie STA lltili. Balod Hay and Grain. Niiilli Hliitfln ur lloiilili. uml nudill lloi'nfM Hluuyn on liuml. llorNCHlioiirilfil liy llieduy. Week or Month. Ml Kltlila nf Kffil For Hide, 111 Hlimllur iJiruo UitK. CHARGES REASONABLE ! H. F. Johnson &Co., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, RoquiBitos of tno Toilet, Statlonory Hi School Supplies Fine Imported and Key West Clgnra. UpiHMlte Vlll.ir.1 Hi.u.e. I'KNDLCTON tKIION THE OPERA SALOON. M. BRENNER, Prop. COUUTHTIIKHT . . l'KNDI.KTON Noxt iloor to KtHier'4 0itru Uiinc ho Ileal llrumU ot Wluea. I.lauont xiul viK'ira, IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Gut Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Thu North Amuricun Continent. 12 Uue 1'iigox unit 84 Imik ColuiitnH A POPULAR NOVEL I'nlill.lieil In mill nlven with each lne of Hie W'ei KH etlllllil). Iletfliiulim An . I, nml coiilliiuliix lliere Hfler. 'I'll'- World will limit with eitoli Imue n rompl'te imvel hy u ouiur author. Ainiinir inn wri'em will nei Tlie;l)ilclieiiH, Mrn. Alrxiindrr, John K Wlii'er. .Henry Wiiod, I M. K. 1 1 f f v tiloii, iKInrenee Wunlell. .Miiry(.Vell liny llofl)iii M. Cluy, l Millie I'llM'iinU, illlioUu Kilwnuln. K. (!. 1'l.lllliK. Til en- novel will lie llio luteal wnrkmiflliA net wrneiHim I ney re iuiiiIIhiii-ii the Imiokm wli leli every una l I'llkliiu ulioiil. NoIIiImi; lint the rery Im-kI will ho iiilinliteil Into the World 'nut mi urtl l.llirnry of ili'iluu. ThU t.lhmry of Kiel I n Will lie Hupi'llitl to hu ikcrlbcm Duly. Nu KxliuConliH Will lie I'rliileil. No Iliti'k NllliiberH Can lie Knriilahcil uml No Inula l iiplei Will ho Hold. If Vou VI' llio HhWh Coiiipletr, HUie-ClttllK ATONCK. One Yem ilJ miuilieri), II; ll Miitith(M miinU'rx), SO'., :i MonlliH (1.1 munlwrk . -''. Aildrenb THE WORLD, Now York. Will I IT lll'Mllll. Wllkl"i'olllii, Itoht. MiietiiU'iili, It. U HIl'VellKllll, II ti KnrJ"in, 'I'liiuiliiN llitrily. Jiill'in lliiwlhiitlie, K W. Iloldllkon, KlillleOiilmrlilli. J ii leu Verne. win. iiiuex, Sandwiches of WKINIIAItDpx IIKKIL All Kinds, NEAGLE BROS.; BLACKSMITHS Wagonmakers, Corner Mulu mid Water SU., Pendloton. - - Oregon All kluiU nf HUokmulthln (done li the betuud prouinl luuuner. Wukous, IluKKtei Mint Uuck iiiuilo to order. JieiHtiriuy a Specialty, IMrtlrulm nltoiiihin to hor ulioeliis hi STOl'! LOOK HERE! The Morning Gall Saloon JIM, the Proprietor, (Yutervltle Oregon. lllc G bu glrrn ontrcr. ttX tailtfactton In I bo cure ul (louonhv and lilnl. I irrscrlb ltnd cl m le lu rrcoiumtnd. In It tu all tttircrtn. gA.J. STOMIt. H.O. Deotur. III. rillCK, 81.00. TnlaWr)iul 8oU by DruecUti. U'vzer.V Kuehlrr, AkvoU, IVndletmi, Or. FOR SALE Vl TO k DATS. BMr4MivUM iTUiCkMlhtlOl 4 H'ltM Vl.t..l llruit.t. Af t'l. 1.1.1. ! Wine mid e.-in mix upiiio irouriOlH aiu, 'Jim" r'uiieleoi Drlnkn is an Old Hand at the Business.; W'io.1 imilo hi nil times. Fine shooting EHllery in ii'iir of .aliMin. "Jhn" l .iMaj . rdy lo wall en riuiomer uliiht or diiy, Tho Blue Front Bakery It ulo"JmV" eroeerty.KiHt there vcu can ninny huy tttfooit lout ot UeuU. Uecl$ j I'KNULirrON, unit a house on the flat, near the O. 11. A N. iloM.ceiitfillv locutcil. pnxl water, gootl fences, for flOOO, Easy terniH. Four lotH. one quarter of u block, near the SUtern School, for $260 cah. OLOPTON & JACKSON Insurance Agortts, OUEQON m O z o O m O O Ul o 0 OQ O o 4 0 . TiokelsIHJ Elegant Pullwanpa Kralirmiii m i M.,ulv;'"siill OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS A J Kreeofehww.B.j,,, Closo connectlom si porti,.. , Prhit:00p.w. '"" WIU Hall, .,4 r,, rlvep niM S', r- ..vw WKHftW muer, Mart Stale, Nov Oolunibla, Not 11 Orenn.Nov 16 Hlnte, Nora Columbia, Nor M Orornn. NnvM , . CeaT8pest8t.wbirt,8o K Ilia Celumb(i, ll,!oi ColimMtJ Cabin, Rates nf rtusK, including, medium HteeraEe, . . , uounrt Trip. Unl unltH. . For further particular) Ino glru A T, A., IH)rtland,Oroo. a, u mi , Q.I Qeoeral Mantftr. M. It HIILtTJ readlttM.1 GREAT OVERUNBI THE Northern Pacific I THE ONLY LINE RDJ I'ullman lilnce Sltrvina (W jvu'jninctni jny cwmi' 1 KlnanlKmhmiaM With Bath fai From Oreoon and Wi to the Eut Via PL I'aal and MlnnMllii nun runnini 1'mx.t ml.H (Mcali 75 ttsfc) KaMteat Tlsae Krrr Mas I Coast (tver the aarisi Parllle KallfMt I I To Kloux City, Connrll Rli, lciuon, iST(nfnnii, Ha Ilnrllniiton. Uulrtx, Ht tmhd nil polntKilirouatiooltht M east via hi, I'sni aim miosn EMIGRANT BLEEPING Are hauled on renlar tin t tne entire lengin oi iu . liaiiroua. l.uu. WaIIiiI. TtiniLuiUl I r ,.vn I'.irii.n.t a n m . jJirl .iiiiinpnnniiB nr ni. iwii ri I eniiiiuhnn tn.il. at BL PmI oils to all polnla KaH.Hosib ti PACIKIOIUVPMUJ. T.l. will I..VJI llil4Bt dlSfl I in,,connecun'wiinu.n..' l'u"""v" .Ti Mil1 nanaml M7tTJ PUlHM J I tr. t,ln.inH at fXirtlfttuL IB, .ta "'r. -1 1 fit Great Rock ALBERT LEA Th illreci and Bopnlar liM.a" . . - - . - IM.UI from 8u Paul sod HlB8foM I .-j ta last To Ht tmwl To DesMolawi,' AteklMaaaiKx . Tho Only Line SOT at Council WQW. I nitv for I tKiiiaiati Pallet Palace Dbt ( Accompany all aw I itila Una I irnrfuii lnfomaiWSi etc.. apply to any eotjp. I A N. or NortBera 1.1 pMles.orto AV Kuia. llsHeti' No. Wasbinpoo i I E. A. HOLBBOOK. j Qen. TU anu r- f m I Ap5 J Notary aM W t.SB I In PnuHU I 1 a FOR ONLY Fllft W The usual Fle w .. . toUH"1" parties, i a - ...i.ja m OsWf nee.l.aseali"" txi n aaJO e5i"'' THE sSrSSfe-