D A.ILY. SORIP AT PARI K tuiai, HtmeitiiiKits to ..,. County Scrip taken at pr M office on Subscription, Adver- hi:.mi.vi:kki.y DAILY no, 70. L0r Job rrlntlnD Account. AdilrcM E. O. PUBLISHING CO., Pendleton ... OrreciB, ol. 1. PENJ)LETON, UMATILLA CQ., OllEGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1S88. NO 251. IjODUB DIUECTOHY. imy Mon.lHy.nlitlit In Odd Pel ,VjiU. T. M liuri'irnuuivt fcVDLETUX CIIAPrs KNU. SI, II. A. M. FuVil ut tin- Mnwmlc Templit on Ilia I L-.lrlnv llf CHCII lllOIllll. Ill 7SIC Lfc J. l. HMIIKK.H. P.! F. . I'LOITO,, rtlrr. .mlZIE fAlIKJK NO. 81. A. K. A.M. ri.iinn 1110 neculio. mm i.jiiriu jium LA rath month, nt TWO o'clock. II. J. t,y, m.) W. K. l'QTWlwr., Hccretsry. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, 'ouch, unit U. C. Coulter forfeited r0, Jiinewnv. flirt iliifiinmntr nv.tirmtiiiiiutor ?DI.KTUN I.ODUK NO. AJ. A. V. A A.M. rUMUln tHO SIHUOniC 4l'III.in fill Hill l'....... f ...... ntM i9 nfif.lt ttlnnftl at 1,01X51' NO. 114.A.O. U. W. Meet Tliuroaay uiKut n ma auh.iid .7 7.-J1 o'clock. J. C. r.'P.IcTI, Kccorder. REKA I.ODOK NO. 32. I. O. O. V. Meet VAtlLIjA ENCAMPMENT NO. 17.1.0 a I'. Meet on the second and lout i... n; each monlli. ut 7i30 o'clock lUTMHOBK, 0. 1M B. K. 8ltAlios,Herlbe (CLINK HKBKOCA I.OIK.K No. IS, I. O. ar. Mtctslhourst und third Thum. I off ten moiun IlRMUJii lAJinjr. it, n.. ur i". Met) In Odd Kfllowd' Hull every Tueii. ire.lne nt 7;M o'clock. J. C. Lkasuhk, tJ.wuiTAKrn.lC of lt.aiid fi. IwoviXIIHlK NO. i. K. OK P. Meet In IDM KfliowM' Hull every Weilnrnliiy liol't TlSU o'clock. M. Moiikiikap, 0. LNdARKIKI.H, l, in u. nuu rs It caiihoN'Ipoht, o. a. it. meci nt wneier Jinuovcry uiiii-suuy niRin. . WArri.K, coinmmiuer; j. . ikjwkn, lust. ATTOKNEYS. tSIIK.TUItNKH CItKWH, ATTOH. trial Iaw. Koomslsand 10, AMocla- rrnuirion, uri-Kon, hLUAM I'AllfJONH, ATTORNEY AT it, Onlec Ilooin No. ll. amiocIr. lHvet, Pendleton, OrrRon. IIU.Y A IIM.t.KltAY. ATTOIINKYH illjiw, litlrii ItiKinu l,.',3nnd 4 A- I kin Itlix'k, IVmllntnii, OrrRon. ITU A FITZOKItA XiV, ATTOltNKYH tut, Mootim no. a nnd (I, AKoclft. lVnJIfton, OrrKOii. DIM U i Nv.llll.il... tm t A 031re:-Mnln Hlrcot. in Tliiimiiiion Ibirt llulldlnir, ovtr tlio I'ont-onicr. f&tilkmt. A IHW . t 1.' Ll . T. r A . in MUlUlli AlJUlllin in . A Uil 1. . f'J.-()vr KInit Nntlonnl Hunk, I'cn- r. BUTCI I K It. ATTOHNKY AT LAW, nnurvllle. Urru-oti. will nruct cfi km of Orruon Hint Vi'imhlnnlon. Liol- hipruinpllynllenileil , lKEY A U'AfJKH. ATTUIINKYH AT U. Uoomn .SiuiiHiif thc"Kftl dm. n bolMlnit, ciimcror Main and Webb snouieuin, urcxmi. H 4 WHITK, ATTOIINKYK AT I'tndleton.Omioti. ItoonuH mid Ulan lllock. IHVSICIANS AND SUHGHONH. .B-IOUTKH, l'HYI0rAN ANDHlllt. mo, Ijrliii, OrcKon, Klvn yeurx kiicit piui aud prlviile pruatlco. 'iWW0I.D. IMIY8ICIAN AND HUlt- Ittun llitlcu In irvlue'a tlriitf iloru. It Olt(on, 1 1. SI. IMUIKTT. PHYSIfllAK AND I'trtron. omce: Over Moorliou A ioiv Horc. corner of Joliiuon hiiii ii'rttU, reiullotou, Oregon . JT.Kivn.. M- II- OVKInK OVKll I VfujrliouiB & Co.' tore. Ueslilouce.on rti near uouri nlrul. iicmiinica ceMnnrcicd by telephone wllti Vll L Kapeclal iittenllim Klvcn lo the ' 'it women mid uhlldreu. DENTISTS. - I8.BEATIK. IIENTIHT. OAH ADMIN I tttvrMl iknl.i.1 f.lt. U....M tiiTlinmiu . If w,.- 11 HI I. .... VV t f. . ..UH. f- -. uuiiuiiie, renuiewn, urnjuu MKCHANICS. I'TOUV JAY, I'AINTKH AND PAI'KH i".tr. worn pnniipiiy uone. lAave tn With Whpnlnr .fr flrAnA. on IVurl - . . . . .v .... I'AIlKl-a. PONTItAOTOIt AND omuer, rttiUIMon, Ortgon. Country j-iuuiuie lurnuueuon 1 meclultv "otlct. A. Iimitlfd r a 1 .J.Uil.XII AMI - U . . : . . i . . iv i r..i ..... , . . . I Bdlllltr. Imva .ir.lr ut ri.trtfirA. (Court and Tliomnnoii iilreeU, I'eudlo. ii. "roein olloliett ami promptly ii to. InnlllrA nt ll'uUnn .V Lulir'a r-" mill. I.lAlf nilnt lit imaulfiir inn u, .v.i C4f uiiAunnmi... . fOn MakAr. A In utiH (lariieu Ml.. on, Ortson. Oluckanilth work of all - ( iient ir ble manner, ana on "-"Miioeinij, E UH0WN, HOUHK OAUUIAOK "oB ralnten, Pendleton, oreson. L" furnlihrd mi ."hriri notice. Order '"fOllotrv ulll nmmnl ttlD. si. --."r. fanning a specialty. Rothchild S Bean, TUB W1IKAT MAltKKT. Various -DEALERS IN- IleporU from Ihr Krtnr (treat Mart of Uin World. Ciito.Mio, Dec. 21. Wlicnt woak: Do-i 1 cctnlx'r flosodatsJl.Ol ViJutiimry fl.0-) ; .Miiy1.18. iNkw oiik, Dec, Ul. wlimt market to-iUy Is wfak. DwciiiIkt $ l.O'J ; January fl.03.1; February $t.04J; May l.0fl?r. San FitANCiHCo, 'Dec. 21. Whpnt weak, lluyer tlio yuar tl.Ali', tmyi-r the Bwuwti f 1.489 i December ILoTi1. I.ivkiu'ool, Dec. 21. Wlu-.it very ilitll; California 7h. 7iI. nt Siilcer, was urnilutieil tlilHiiioniitik'imtl entered it ulen of iiotuuilty. The ease was net for (riiil for January U. EASTERN NEWS. General Merchandise. HAFTS 1IYHKA. Main and Alta Sts. fOUTI.ANl) fOI.NTH. Tli PoIIca (loins After tile Uarubleri The UCarletoii Opera AnJAttrnellve WlnUdn etc. 1'oKTi.ANt), 21., Deo. To-morrow nlijlit will cloao one of the moHt ik'litlitful on Pon of oH'ra Portlcml Iihh witnefnetl for many u ila'y. There U only one thing that can be wild ngulnut it the price wero too lilli. It Ih to bo preitimed that Maunder IIowo knowH more about ntich thliiKH than mi ordinary ncrlbo, hut Jtidn 1 1 X from what lion been hiiid by all Hortx of theater-going in'ople, tho two weekH rccclptB would liavo iiBKregated moro wiin iircH circle iicucih at t tiuiu nt l.ar Uuantltle of Waditimtoii Territory anil Oregon Lumber tu (lo Atiroml In IturtK. tiONTo.v, Jee. L'l. ArrniiKcmcntH are liclnn made hero for tho formation of Iok by tho raft method. A. 0. Robertson, of St. JoIiiih, N. It., tiateiiteu owner and builder of tlti! fiiuiotiH Joiim ntft , who Ih lieroiintl Iiiih tlio matter in liaml, wivh that n rait eoiiHlstiiiK ofnlKittt cljiht mil lion feet Ih alKitit to be built on the WiikIi- liiirtnn Territory eoaBt.whodO dcHtiuation Ir ValparnlHo. Another will bo went to San rraneiHeo. The former will coiihIhI principally of iillitiK, nnd tho latter w ill In iKimitou to loin; Htlckn luko alotiK Hiilll' cient tlmlK'r for a mill to Ikj built on Suit- celltobay. The capiu ltv of thin mill bo almut 600,000 feet tK.r day. It will bo MoeKod entirely by raftM tnwtil there from WiiHliinirton Territory nnd Oreou. INCKNIIIAItlr.S. Carefully I'rrparrit Attempt to llurn lintel lit NIBr Kll. NiAHAnA Kama, Dee. 21. An attempt wat inutlo liiHt nlk'lit to burn tlio lWiiect I'ark IIoiiho. Tho proprietor noticed it H'rnti'j Hinnll nf lmm mill nn i vunittml lim Lot), which latter pileo ha ruled during 1 ftninit u butf filled withpajier, hIiuvIiikh the -I'atleton compauy'H HoitHoti. Tho I und other Inllamahlo material, tho whole tionpo havo done well, however, und eaturated with pinollne. In another part Jewelry, Clocks, Watches and Sil verware, OK THK VKUY LATKST STVI.liS AND DKSIGNS. Wo am now prepared to enravo nil work uh MoiioRramH on everything bought from uh, wiinoui ciiurgo. JUtulnu our Goods In largo tjituntltle from dlfcrtiiit fuctnrttin, we arr able to nell thrm rlnaper than at 1'orttnnd ami other place, where JSxjteimes are Holier. JAM WIT I'tuitnu nn.rvv.mA1 i-'.'j V'lock unit Chronometer Ma- 'UK h.uiAv. ,H.h.j i ivnri Dfflre nt Itrli-w'a nlil stand. Main '"ndleton. Orviron. fK DUPItAT. HTOSE AND BHI0K JlAan. . . . . V " ' - : . kM vt 'oiiieion, ureKon. imuu- E iS!f Pllerlnir, all kind of a'one luZC.Z"' eiecuteu reonouauiy, nu M1 Hre-proox partllloin. VI.00NS. I'lUVEAl', PnOl'UlETOU OK r;. ru or Tnole. sir. Main auu Uregou. Kretler. rilio winee, w." V KNOLV. PUOPRIETOI18 ( F ir.aloon. rina wlne.llnuoraand i - WlDfhart'a tottledbeeraip " n tueet, oppoelte Court llou-e. EVERYTHING NEW -IN Till. SHAl'K 0F- thoy can iiIwuvm rely on ti warm recep tion believer Ihoy come to I'ortltitnl. (In order that leadcm may cct tho full benellt of tliio remark. It may bo well to Hliite that tlio writer did not lecclve onn !' complimentary ticket diirlti? the neuKon.) .MIbh Clam Iino, u pretty pi'tlto lady, xliigH like a iillitiniilo and 1m bimplv be wllchlug. What u lino thing it would bo , Ifu felloA' wan only able to liavo a bltd i like that toning him to alt-op. Tho fact A Cancelled Hill luim Up Aialn. Ih thero arc but threo jieoplo in tluij Wahiiinotox, Dee. 21. The Ireanury trouo. Carltim, Drew and .M tin ay ono, departiiu-nt olllclalnnro greatly iiijhtllli'd ' .MIhh I .aim tho oihor tww. MIhh lucent lover tin-niim-ariitico there veHterday of it -Ih ns prellv una pieluie. but nbe cannot two hundred dollar national bank bill to of tho hotel wiih u barrel Hlmllarly pre Intivd. It wiih evidently intended to Hot lire to thin hiiibh of Htutfut u favorable op iHirltinlty. Tho hotel Ih ho nituatcd that liad tlio flro lieen Htarled, u moHt iIIhuh tiotiH eonllagnitlon and heavy Iohh of life would have ln-en tho remilt. The m)11co are InveHtlgatliig tho matter. No arrentH havo been made. Wo havo uecurod tho HervlcoH of Mr. Hamlin, direct from tho KaBt, whocomcH very highly recommeniloil, no wo uro uuio to guantnteo PERFECT SATISFACTION IN EVKKY l'AHTIOULAIt. CALL AND EXAMIN1-2 OUIt NEW DESIGNS IN SOLID AND COLD-PLATED COODS. Corner Main nnd Court Streets, F. J. DONALDSON. FURNITURE, CARPETS. E. 0. & E. M. WHEELER, -DKALEIIK IN- FURNITURE; CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS, SHADES. MATTINGS, ETO. A Complete Stock of Furniture and CurjtfU. . m "Til S Our Stock Covers 6,000 Feet 01 moorm?. GOODS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. B. O. and ID. M. WHilCELEIl SUCCCESSORS TO FORBES 4V WHEELER, Him; much. Then tho clionid girw they are all decidedly plain looking in tho face, tint- in form : Now you hoar uh. Theyaro divine. Tho "Amaxoii Drill" In tho opeia of "Mynheer Jan" wiih ulono wot tli n dollar of any man'H money. It wiih done by tho chortiH girl. There wiih twelve of llietn und a captain. They Were nil iIivhsciI in lle-ih-Tolored tlghtH and a hilver-voloroii bodice that tit to iur fuctlon. Ami how thoy did drill. Tliere iwn't it military company in I'ortl itid who can hold u c.imllo to them. It wait ono of tho prettiest thiiign over done on n Portland htago and made it great lilt. Thero Ih u bIiow window in u leading xtore on Fimt Htreet, tlxed up in mich nn utlmctlvo manner that it draw h tho little foIkH uh moluHHeii doea IIIch. Find there Ih old CHh Cringle, and Wldo him u very pretty little deer with horiiH, hitched toitHielgh, which Ih loaded down with cnndicH, nutn, dolU, toyn, anil every- tiling dear to tlio jiivcmio neurt. 1110 ik-cr and Huntu uro kneo deep in what npiiearH to bo miow, w hich Ih matlo by Hpreauing tiown cotioii una niiiaiiui;. Halt over it. Nest coiiich u little girl ftoutid unlcep In bur 1 Ut lo lied, which in in her own llttlo room. Tho furniture conHlntH of a very cute bureau, a cunning llttlo table on which Ih a miniature lump, und a babv chair. Tinned to tho foot of tho bed ' thoro Ih a red nU-klng, very likely ItH mumma'H, us it Ih about four feet long und nix inches uerofB the top. Tinned lo the stock U a slip ol paper uion which is written in characters that show plalnlv that laby did it borecdf, "I'leaso franta' ClatiH, 111! up my stocking with whole lots of nice thingtr, und I'll be a good girl." Tho other part of tho show eoiiH.Misof it train of curs going uctoss u very high trestle. Tho engine Is made of a big boot, und the curs, which are ubotit u foot long, are all loaded with buby shoes. IjihI night Chief of Tollcu 1'arriHli. no- cnmpatiled by nllicers Hurt, CoIIIiih Ilolmburg and llranch, inutlo raid uin sev-nil of tho First street gambling houses those that conduct their Imm nesH on tho llrHt floor. Tho 11 rut game closed up wan Emll Wela-r's in tlio Club saloon, udioining tho First National tun; lllll It IH Uliegeil inn. iim-r im -trnnu liiul Imcii urrcKtcd and Imiled out tho gume wus reojieneil, und tho back .....l r...n. .1..... Iw.L-.mI 'I In. iwilir.t forceil tho doors ojHn und urrestod clr tho secoiul lime, inonext pmco vishci wan tho Uiini.uct saloon, where another haul of sjiorts w as inuilo; und later on the chief und his jiosho paid their re siiects to the Crystal Tulaco saloon, w hero more of tho fraternity wero "netted." Gambling hud Iteen going ou In the Urunswick hall, on tho northeast corner of First and Alder streets, for somo time; but, stiungoto note, when tho police weie engaged in their work last night, there wus no click of ivory checks to bo heard In that place, und Egyptian darkness prevailed there. Ill Hie police conn uie i "j Association Building ROBERT BOND DEALER IN BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SACE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Htreet, opporlte J. II. Shoemaker.. Pendleton, Or, Hal Beer Garden and Qifmnajium Dnrvcau Kin. Irp. MalnBtreH NearPoetofflce nicviH.vrroN. OltKQON, Rovrllni AIey and oymnitlum Itoom In be redemed. which had been redeemed once In-fore, und Isiro u cancellation luark. It was HtipjKim-d that tho bill had Is-eu deflniyeil long ago. The treasury oHii-luls refuset'l to redeem tho bill it second time, und outsiders will ls-ur tho loss. Tho iltiestion now urines us towhetheruuy more such bills huvoescaiK-d uftt-r being cancelled. T Protect Itallroa.l Stockholilera. Nkw Yoiik, Dee. 21. At u uieetlng to day of rallruad presliients and bankers wlio represent tho leading llmiuclal in stitiilioim of this country nnd.Euruio, a plan was formed for tin association In tended to protect railroad security holders hero anil ubioad. It contemplates noti fying railroad olllcials in all cases where tlio management is uusailsfactory, mid nllicialH resMiiislblo for such udmliilHtru Hon will Isi reipiested to reelgu. '1 lie ac tion grows out of tfio general rate war. Port An Prince tu bt Attacked. Nkw Yoiik, Dee. 21. Advices just rtv eclved frniii Tott uti Trituo state that tho iirmy of Wpn!yto, leader of tho Insur gents. Is iilmest within sight of thut city. The Inhabitants are hurriedly throwing up hancades, und otherwbo fortifying the city. Tho greatest excitement pre vails, und u declslvo battle Is exn-cted ut any moineiit. Three Meu Killed. IIoniiam, Tex., Dec, 21. Deputy Con stublo Churles Choate attempted to ur rest two brothers named Disltf last night, ul Moukstowu, in the northern part of this couu'y, for creating u disttirbauco, ; when ono of the brothers shot Choato through tho ride, und another deputy who was with Choato, killed both Todds with u Winchester. flutter In (Ml. Tittsiiuiki, Dec. 21. Thero was utmost a panic In tho oil market this morning. It opened ut l)2? und rose to IK), followed bv general sidlFng. Three million lar rels were ipitekly sold down to 88?, and then tliere wus u reaction ut noon, und 8!)a wits bid. N Hurl, it Thing-, Indianai-ous, Ind.. Dee, 21. The re tiert sent out lust night in reference to u plot to assassinate Uen. Harrison is re garded hero as absurd. Harrison's pri vate secretary denounces it. Maa and Ilia Wlf. Murdered. Ijttlk Hock, Ark., Dec. 21. Charles Kulz, a prosjicroiis farmer, and his wife, were murdered yesterday. Kutz sold u lot of cotton the day Isifore, and it Is be lieved ho was murdered for his money. No due. An Kmbatder Pardoned. Wahiiin(Jton. Dec. 21. Tho Tresldcet to-day pardoned Hcnjumin Hopkins, Im prisoned for embezzling funds of the Fi delity Dank while its vice-president. Ho is now in tho Ohio Htuto prison. A llrewery Trutt, fiVKACtsK, N. Y., Dec. 21. All tho leading brewers of this city have consoll .l.iti il und llleil articles of Iliconiorutioii sons arrested ut the pimbling games were M ,,no organization, with n capital stock disied of us follows j John IJIrd. Curley i ()( tireo million dollars. Ilrown. ntevo Harlow ana r.mn eis-r had their trials continued until to-mor- j row. t liaries Bluer pieaoeii gumy wmu charges of conducting u gainhllng guuio und was fined .00; James Kennedy und Mr, Cady plead guilty, and were fined (fit) each; Cady pleaded not guilty to a hecond charge, uKnt which ho will Is tried to-morrowi F. H. Lynch, trijl to morrow; i nomas im. n i. r.iuB, Two Murdarer Hentenred. Nkw Yoiik, Dec. 21. Henry Carlton, (ho murderer of Tnlicemun llreniiuu. und Ferdlnanil Carollin, u wife murderer, were both sentenced to Isi hanged Febru ary 13th. fatal Ktplii-lon, Cou-Jtius. IniL, Dec. 21. Ono man was kllleil anil lour latuuy injured yester in .fliliu. . ' . , , I'n 1..11.T Suinsfourmui-li Ta.id Vtreiuthenln. , j,j;.u Currier. George Tiion.as. Giwge lay iy an explosion o. u pouer.u VouFframe. A ,-nni4iiDviiawoU.u. . ljeaneit ana Henry Marx forfeited 125 . Oarobrlnaa Iieeroe, agia. STATE AND COAST NEWS. JUNCTION AOllKKD UPON. In One Venr Trill tin Will Hon Illreeily from Sexttli" In Montreol. Skattlk, Di-e. 21. Yteo Tresldent Gil mer, of the Seattle, laiku Shore nntl East em Itullroud says that ho him received letter from Vice President Vim Horn of the Canadian Paellle, In which the latter company accepts the mission on Frazer river, H5 miles due north from Seattle, ua the iMilut of Junction of tlio two roads. The Canadian TiicIHe will build tlltocn miles, to tho lMiundary, und the Seattle company will build the balance, Mr. Glhniin says the work will Isj completed by Soptouibor 1st of next year, and thut by ono year from this date direct trains will 1h running friyu Seattle to Montreal. joi: MCAUI.IPPK. If lie IThlp. Jeektoii, He I to be Matched Afalntt the World. San Fiiancisco. Dec. 21. The Callfor- ii tu Allihitln f!liili linn iIitIiIiiiI tliut In Ilia event of Jou McAullire, champion heavy weigui oi mo i acme i.iiuhi, ueieiiiiiiK PAlnr .In..kHnn. tlin .VilMlriilluii rliuttitiloh. In tho match on December 28th, it will mutch him to meet any man in tho world, within four months, for a purse of flUXX). MeAulIlln'H luieknr Iium nereeil In iletioalt a thousand dollars with the club us a guarantee of tho champion's good faith. Contiil Nominated. Wabiiinuton. Dec. 21. Thu President to-day Bout thonomlmitlou of John Tyler Campbell, of California, to Is) consul at I-oo (.;how. FOREIGN NEWS. ANOTIIP.lt LONDON WOMAN ni:iti:i. muh- It 1 Tliniilit That .lark llm Hipper llae Hacoiiia .iHi'k the NlrunRler. biNixiN. Dec. 21. Tho deatl IkkIv of an unknown woman was fo-md yesterday inuiNipuious district, wild nn empty phial lying beside her. At llrst it was BUmsiKcd thu woman had suicided by (Kilson, but evidence was produced at tho autopsy to-day showing thut (lie slomuclt contained no olsou. A small cord wus loiimi lieu uroiimi ner throat, which it in believed Produced slranglutlou, mid it is thoiiuht ileiith resultetl from this causa. Tho unfortunate woman was not Identi fied, but she was of tho sumo class as thoho murdered by Iho Handled White- ciniK!i nenti. iierhtsiy was still warm when discovered, it is thought to tsi imiKissiblo (but tho womiiu could have committed suicide in thu os-n thorough faro where tho body was found. It Is be lieved she icii u victim to tho iiiiktcuiii who murdered und iiiutllatcd so many other women near tho locality in which this crime occurcd, and who h-ciiis to have adopted u new way of disposing of tho victims. NKW8rilOM hTANIilCY. Hut It I Nearly Pour Mouth Old, Zaniiiiiaii. Deo, 21. Letters datod at Stanley Fulls, August 20, have been de livered bote by Tlpno Tip's man. They stato that u letter wus received at Sluiiloy lulls irom ll. M. Miiuiey August -.1. Stanley wus then at lloueyula, ou tlin Ariiwnimi river, where no nan uriivca Auutist 17. Ho hail left Emln Tush eighty-two days lieforo, In perfect health, and provided with plenty of food. Stan ley nun returned in itonoyuia mr tno loatls in chargu of his rear uitard and In tended to leave in ten days to relieve I'.uitu. He reisirted all whites in the ex pedition healthy and said the oxcditlon wanted nothing. htaulny All HUM. Iondoh. Dee. 21. The West African lelcL-riiiili comiiuiiv has received tho fol low iiig dls)atcli from St, Thomas, datetl Friday 2 e. m.i "I have just received in formation that Henry M. Stanley, with Emln Tasliu. has arrived In Aruwlnnl. This newH Is reliable. Further details will follow." Signed: Parsons, ugent. Dynamite In Parti. Paiiis, Dec. 21. An attempt was mado to blow up the oilleo of the Commissary of Police with a dynamite Ismib to-day. Nolsxly wus Injured, The Drill. h force, HiMKiu. Dec. 21, The Ilrltish force passed aipilct night. A few hostile horse men were seen ut a uisiunce. An Karl Dyluc Umius. Dec. 21. The Earl of War- wick is dying. Cciitervilllan : A castle of the KuighU of the Golden Eagle was orgunlzed at Centerville Monday evening with thirty four charter members, This Is the first lodge of this kind organUcd in Ore gon. The Knights of tho Golden Euglo Is a secret lsmevolent lienelltiul and social institution, which was organized in Hit more. Md.. 187.1. It is now In suc cessful operation in 20 states with a mem licrship of ovor 4 1,000, Union Heout: Hon. L. It. Hinehart re turned lust SuinUiy from his trip to thu East. Ho succeeded in dlsjioHing ol all but threo of Ids horses ut tolerably fulr prices. Among tho trophies ho brought buck from Tennessee were a numls-r of genuine hickory pljies. Yo editor re ceived ono unit has Is-on pulling ut It with considerable satisfaction ever since. Grant Co. News: Cattle uro in a poor condition to withstand u severe winter, but if feeding can ho dincnw.'d willi tittlli after this month of course there will bo more hay later ou when It is needed.