East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1888, Image 3

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    -nlY. DEGKMBEIl 150,
iin.tfon nro conllnllv
fn,.f 1 Ihe KAMT . UllMIONIA
",... lii Portland, una maun
iionillca id in tliu Ao
Ircft, between
,t horn.
Jl"lt. Hliirtc. Mlw of llio KAST
ihilllis, und other urf
uru ui-
fr.n ... i .i
i ..rriK.rv tinner'
',, iiccoinmodiilloii of
' Vbcrt lsHti-l'-phoiiBlii tuoofllco
limine" Men
. ,i In irolil coin will be paid on
U 1 'ihotlrMi oi Individual who,
nihioiiiiimi""' tlioDilly nnil
,0C? l',eacl,ers aro eldom appro-
.mni iirov in, awnv irnm lumin
TOu',ir;.,,i, .if llio K. O. lllll.dltiu
-.1 lillM'K - - ---- -
'.i -n.t Jii I11HOI1 Hirci-wi. nuniujr
,Vo w7 Mlit wli praycr-mei-Uinr,
f.VU ... nt. Conl liil weloiime to
ITi I . .,t tullliiiMiuP
". v. i.. kjAutK rro.
Uko. 11. Lrk. Iator
1. h rnv.
10 M,v
CmplC"i UOIIIIBI, r.nior jiuwn.
I H. wi" l"cacu m . "I0. m
I .i.i. m-Miltiif ut 7 tUO o'clock.
muls ut all hoiirn at tlio i-roncii
BC? .iV u llot.l. iirnfir ntnr.
.Wo stock ot holiday goous can
m. V n V.. At. W hunl.
at K.
..-I i.it.lng. nicker clmlrS. child-
1 " at... . nt K. C. & K. M.
wt designs In nntiqtm oalt aim
,,lu can lxj seen at h. u. & h.
implicll says "0 can do llrst-class
-I tv.i,,rt. nrli'PH. nnil when lin
e know ho will.
.ercnlli register of tlio Vlllartl ho-
i n.il.iv lint ittil ntm linlmr
IX'Kuii ' v i " o
ij among its predecessors.
I..rj r.ip i.milnn if tint Nnn
edition of tilt) KAhT OltKdONIAN.
til. ID cohIh imcIi.
'JVIiJf -V." I' i -
Cox. n biothor of Hon. L. II.
v 1 .. . t ... ....i.. ....
! on imi nun""'-."
ontbs visit to relatives at Wash-
,Slnclt:tril and 1). H Wnlllo, two
Iroid wys, uro up ironi uma-
xtadow hay In any (itiantlty can
ml l.vcalllne on JamcH A. now-
it tlio olflco of tlio hinplro Com
Gomimtty. V rlicckcil iiocknt Look wuh loHt
1I...I.I. .,ml.J,l.l
Or Hl'Ull PlUXl iVDlUllll...
reunl will lo p.ild for Uh ro-
)Ut tlllHOlllCO.
rn-.....-.lAJl 41... Irna.
Wulla Will In unumloiiHly
rthe Iwr there, rocommcndluc
LMiiirpstcin lor ciuct jimuco oi
'. Stanftold ntlll navigates on
tt tlw.in ti'Anilntl. Illlt IiIm
foot 1.4 Knuhially licnlltiK, and
cekii, ho hopcM, will ceo It as
Wimiiuv Ihih ixwii linitoinicd
IKDIOI IIIO wrVKUIl tiliniuui,-
ruilwuy, ticaiiquartcni in
It Ih coniildctcd an oxcol-
it. , r
itmt firm rf I. Dliunn
Co.. rcndloton. urrlvcij in town
nrtitn.. t. ..t.iiitii tuivnnil ilnvfl
tr IiIh IntcreHiH.
men who wish to liavo their
rtei ui ior i no irarn
el tlio KAur OniiuosiAS should
ku..l . ... .I.I-a ..lll.w. AMI.iniltllMl
... . -.1 t ll...
J31D til inn riiiirt'pt'iiiiiiiivn ii. i.v
coroner h jury romloruu ii vonuct
lushtur tiKiiliiBt John Hover In
st over tlio reniaiiiH of William
lw wax killed by a blow from
U lens snow In tlio mountains
i hero and Lu Oraudo than has
lr inaiiv n vnur nt this hoiihoii.
Keuerally a very nnijtcr timo for
to-footed" llocky mountain lynx
feen lairoil back oi tlio iiowman
I. t ...1... o...nl.,, n(
t. IB U 1TTV IlItlLLV DIFinilllU. V.
IjA. K, Hassilnle. who captured It
1' l Wl.nnln. f..r..Hlirn lll'lll
irom W. 8, Hyers a Uo., wnicn
U a loam for tlin donvurv ui
di about town. This Ls olio of
lire now 135 nrinonerK confinoU
Kuucuiiarv ai auu uuu. w
thlt Til iia hml It .. niiiannrA ln
. ...hvmiiiu lllllllllllMll.H w.
Tho following is from the Portland Ore
goulan: "llev. I. Dcltoo, of Pendleton,
who lectures this evening at 0. A. H.
hal for tho benefit of the vor, nrrlved
yesterday. Ho is well known asu scholar
and eloquent Hpeakcr, and Is prepared to
clvo all who attend a literary treat. Ho
is master of seven languages.
Court Btrct Is now clghtv foot wido
from Jlalti street to tlio flouring mill, and
of course i looks moro Uko a sticet und less
liko an alley. Could tho founders of tho
town have exercised u lltllo foresight.
Court. Aim and Webb streets each would
havo liecn mado eighty feet wido in tho
nrst place, it would have been quite a
help to tho uppcaranco and growth of tho
TllO ntlllllmrnf Inuuli I'liiimrlnru In IV....
dloton Is increasing, and citizens should
cnrcfully lock tho doors of their residences
at night. Tho burglars aro already be
ginning to burglo on a small scalo, and
will doubtless soon become emboldened
enough to commence moro extensive oj
oratlons. Forewarned is forearmed.
Hon. K. II. flambfeSeniU In Ilia Opinion!
iiil lilna-lle Would KntTax Improre
tnenU on Lnml.
At-n.i, Or., Dec. 15, 1888.
To IheKdltorof UieKHut Oregonlnn.
Your circular asking my views upon
the question of Stato revenue Is at hand,
and as you request I will reply briefly.
1. How can u full and fair assessment of
property bo secured?
'llils lias always and is now a desldcra
Vn n government, and probably
will bo so long as the honesty of tho peo
ple is the hauls of asjcisment. I havo
sometimes thought that overy iniison's
assessinunt should bo made a contract be
tween himself and tho public, wherebv
ho agrees to sell any part or parcel of Ins
property at its assessed valuo, at any
timo until tho taxes aro paid: and in case
any property is not assessed it should be
come tho property of tlio Stato.
2. Whnj sorts of property should bo the
subjects of taxation? If any should Iks
exempt, what and why?
I do not belicvo tho present list should
bo extended, but would oxomnt monov,
notes and accounts, and probably im
provements upon lands.
Money, notes, and accounts I would ex
empt, becauso tlio assessment of theso Is
too inquisitorial, and oilers too great a
premium ujion (icrjury. Improvements
upon lands might bo exempt upon tho
grounds that they add qulto as much to
tho valuo of adjacent lands as they do to
those uon which thoy are erected. And
In case of fences, thoy are erected In self
dofeuso. Here in Oregon a triun must
feiico his neighbor's stock out Instead of
lielng obliged to fence his In. Fencing
I would coitainly exempt from taxation.
It Is bad enough to havo the common law
of trespass set aldo, and seems like ad
ding Insult to injury when this foiiclug
wherewith tho rauchcr defends his ctops
und lauds Is taxed.
3. Aro vou in favor of a Stato Hoard of
Initialization? if so, wherein will It work
n benefit?
Tho benefits of n Stato Hoard of Kqual
Izatlon havo nover seemed to mo to bo
sulllclent to justify tho exposure of such
a iMi.irtl.
4. Aio you In favor of precinct instead
of county asi-essots?
There seems to bo a general demand
for precinct assessors, and as tho county
assessor Is obliged to apiolnt deputies for
overv precinct in order to perform his
woik" -within tho required time, why not
elect them? It probably would result In
securing the sorvlco of mon who aro better
lilted to executo thu work. Hut whether
any moro satisfactory results would lw at
tained, I Seriously question, becauso tho
luvorago of low or moro nominal valua
tions would bo still moro potent than it is
under tho present system. In this con
niM'tlmi I uilifht remark that tho law i:ov-
uriilng tho assessor should bo vory stria
Why is It tho citizen, on his wav homn.
treads lightly and softly along suburban
streets in tho darkness of night? Is ho
afraid of stopping on a Pendleton cow?
No, but tho cow has a good deal to do
with it. Either sidewalks ought to bo
fenced In. or cows Instructed In tho etl-
quetto of tho promenade
Instead of having a Christmas tree for
the pleasure of tho llttla ones, tho ladles
of tho M. E. Church havo Introduced an
innovation. It will o a boat, Ingeniously
constructed und nicely decorated in which
will bo placed tho presents, tho festivities
taking place at tho Methodist church.
It is reported that Hon. L. 11. Ison will
Boon resign tho position as circuit Jtidgu
of tho sixth judicial district becauso of
falling health. Mr. Ison has tilled thu
position liunorablv. and fow men In this
district will bo capablo of stopping into
his shoes should ho resign.
Tho Kov. Dr. Strcnir. presiding elder of
tho M. E. Church, North, In this district,
preached a very entertaining und ablo
pennon at tho Methodist church last
overling. .Services will bo held ut tho
.Methodist church this nnu to-morrow
Tho Walla Walla Statesman thus com
pliments tho edhor of its esteemed con
temporary: It ls now stated that P. H.
Johnson Is going east to till the long felt
want In Ucncral Harrison's caiunei.
Liko tho modest, retlrlnir violet ho will
attract attention by his moral odor.
Chot Terry, tho cltlzon of Tacomu who
was converted bv Evanuelist Moody and
lurnod over nil his possesions to tho gov
ernment in part payment for his smug
gling oicratlons, is now working ut u
foundry at Victoria, earning his bread by
tho sweat of his brow.
Tho framework of tho nowrnmbytorlan
church Is now comiiloted. From present
appearances it will bo u very neat and
nttractlvo structure, ulthough rather small
In size. Tho now Houthorn Methodist
church is also making rapid strides to
ward completion.
J. V. Korval. Stato Senator, and Bher-
itr Hamilton, both of Union county, are
over on a tnisiness visa io rciuucion.
Tho gentlemen did not forget tho East
Ohkoo.viak, hut mado n coullal una
pleasant call during tholr stay.
Dr. W. F. Smith, formorly of Pendlo-
ton. but now n member of tlio drug linn
of Ktlicll A Smith, at .Mountain Homo.
Idaho, is In town mingling among ins out
timo friends and acquaintances, ull ol
whom nro glad to sco him.
Salem proitoscs to have largo woolen
mills. It scorns at present as though
Pendleton proposes to havo rest ami quiet
and grass-grown streets. AlleuterprlMiig
ollortrt for tlio auvancomeni oi uiu town
to have died a imturul death.
V iv Hiiiiaford Co. aro complelliiR
tho operation of moving to-day, and by
to-morrow will lw well located In thelrnow
stand. A. Walkor. tho cundv man.
wllloccupy tho stunU vacateu by iiansioru
l'htlin llltx Is reported ub suffering
from heart troublo ut tho Esmond hotel,
Port and. Mr. IMtt lias been in ror
several wcoks, says tho Oregolan, but
Ii s condition wus tmprovca on ounuiij .
Tho theatre next door to tho Kast
Oitr.oosiAN will soon Ihj oiienod to ino
inlilli- If til. (TO IS UllVt I Ul! Ill IM'IUK
surrounded by gootl nelgfilwrs, this paper
is to bo congratulated.
Prlnovillo ieoplo are vaccinating for
Hinum.illnox.sastho Hoviow. and sore
i... win im numerous. Thu remedy
llninn ni':rlv US touch OH the
ID "
n ll. Watson, of tho firm of Anderson
x- Wutnon. of Adams, successors to lloeso
i,i.,.,m wuh in town this mornlug
Mr. Watson rojrt busmcsH excellent at
A rosldciit of tho town says that ho Is
auxlous to obtain sausagu that will Irv
r" 4 u Ij l.U w fo is compelled
to uso lar.1 for this puroso; also a frying
Mr. J. IHrVs, an old resldentcr of I en
dloton, will leuvo next Wednesday on a
" sit to his old homo at Marshalltown,
rZ. where he will remain a month or
Mrs. Char es Bcsserer was u o . .
f.U.CTr m.o called tho turn an IM seeds,
TiJnnt .imler the nurakin contained
uiu - , ..
Jan.es Scott, author oi no.v ,
inw wliod ea iai wco.
retoVy of Washington Territory In 18,0,
by appointment ol rresioem r..w
j l Ilusheo and Win. Beagle, two
prominent Masons, left on t h s morrj
lug's train on an otllcial visit to Dolpu
r .7.1.. nt fViitervillo.
Tinners have nearly completed tho
rJf of tho court hou.o tmilding. del. Is
Kent steel and much sujenorto tho
ordinary roof.
Judce Olmstead, T. C. Hyde, and A. J.
. JUU..T .1.- Maker's representa-
IJLWrt-'llW. n.."- " . ' . ., . - w..".-- . . . ,,
i.i.i: . : i. 7. ,. ,.r.. in ronuieiou jo"-- i.a , i.inriton oi an
' M'J'lpr. Ilulm. Ilia HMin A llfullll tll'n l-llizuiin. ' v. w - I 111 lis ...v w. ,
.t-- .."."' ""v - r, ... ,...n i,f tar evasion
.' ri iii .nni una time ciiiuik.ii nav. . . .. i uiu v- . ....
Reale, tnanager In charge of
Ktelv nutiml bv fjvi MoorllOUSO
laid In a supply of new goods
IM . I I. ! 1 T . . ...a elA.ll
-..w.. .... -WH.M..V... MV f
wourt and Johnson streets, ureat
re otTered in dry goods and
MIiUinornlnc bound for Cracker
an.l Ita ..u i i ,.:,,.l
. .M. C1I11IU lUilll lJIID131Ct VI.
Ll It,.A...I. 1 .1 I 1... n .1
luicuiiuii lor mu r.ui-M
- jrrompany's big air compressor.
wiu-aie bit of machinery was
DM In llio lliniluanila Inv i nlollt
eruu-Ion Hnllnotnn. tho humor-
-m mado a reat improvement In tho
Jf? Commerce. J. Watermelon has
oJerful future in store for him. The
: r. H'u ( startwi nt tne nonom
itont. reciulring him to assess till property
ut Its full value, Instead of from one-third
to onc-llfth, us the present practice seems
to bo. . . . , ,
5. Are you in favor of a graduated In
come tax? And If so, how can It bo as
sessed and collected? ....
Theoretically shaking, this Is the most
cnuitumo meinou oi ruisui), lovcuuu, ui.v
how can It bo assessed ana couecteu i
"There's tho rub." No economist has as
yet pointed out the way. It may bo,
howover, that your question refers rather
to tho practice in somo niaicH oi ri-ipuruiH
merchants to tako out u county llcenso to
do. business; theso uro graded, urn
niliounts In somo measure to a graduated
Incomo tax. I am In lavor oi huh. us ii
nr.Mini.,.M ii L'nnillv rovonuo. und Is derived
from a source whereby it creates no hard-"'I'-
.., ..... i..i
tl. whin aro your view b un mu nuM
lax" theory, cr tlio placing or taxation
iitKin Irtiul vplues only t
This theory by Henry George seemed
very Just us upplied to tho vacant lots in
v.iup v.irtf r;iiv. liclonulnir to tho Aster
esta o, which hud been Iwught for u fow
dollars many years ugo, and how through
tho labor and oxcruon ui ounn
uro worth $300,OJO and upwards,
and yet but a nominal tax had
been levied ujion tliem. am wus is mu
caso with unimproved lands every where.
It is ncreasing In valuo by reason oi ino
lalwr of thoso who own nolghb. ring lots
and tracts, anil yet those lands go prac
tically untaxed. That It would ellectually
Stop thO llOlUll.gOl larKU wuiwu. w.m
for speculative purposes there i can bo no
doubt, but is not the provision of tho
...tlii,tUn .f llm 8tato of Culiforillu,
which provides that improved and unlin
nroved lands similarly situated shall lw
nauoa.l nt tho saum value per aero
i,. u i.m.oiiiul. whllo it Is fur more
lust to tho small farmer, and tho pno who
inukes USO 01 lll vnr.opo.u..o .
to mo that this theory. If logallzed, would
l......... t.mili.nnv to doiircciiltO tllO VUltlU
nf inmla. When, liowovor. wo consider
taxation in tho abstract. H would scum
that land and land alono should bo
taxed, for Its valuo doiends not so much
upon what tho owner may build UK)ii It,
: . ., ...l.ut f.tlmru mm iln.
iiUi rawier uii " v -
If peobio Wilwt in vast numlsjiu und
make their homes and transact business
In the Immediate vicinity. Its vuhio bo
comes almost phenomlnal, und it sstms
that for this reason it should pay for tho
government of the iwiplo to whom I
owes its value. And lids is true of land
and land alono. A houso built In han
Francisco fifty years ago at an oxonso of
a thousand dolfars U worth no mora to
day, ltccauba it can o duplicated for the
same valuo or les, but the ground urwn
which It stands cannot bo duplicated n
.. i.iiii- nnil has increased in
present system of low valuations and de
ductions tor Indebtedness tho great sour
ces of tax evasion, and 1 hoo there will
bo an honest effort on tho part of the
coming legislature to remedy this great
evil, und to this end I shall look with
favor iion any. bill that tends In this di
rection und shall read with Interest what
ever the East OitKdostAN may havo to
say upon this very iniiiortniit subject.
E. H. Oamiu:k.
M Mom't Vlotrt Crcnin
Is the most oxqulslto preparation in
the world for softening mid whitening
tho hands and face. Nothing enters the
composition of this delightful toilet arti
cle which could provo Injurious to the
most delleato skin, and indeed, it might
bo taken internally with jiorfcct safety.
It Is not only a substitute for. but in
overy rcsjicct, siqieilor to glycerine, cam
phor ieo, coldcrcum, vaseline, und llko
preparations. Being neither sticky nor
gi easy, kid gloves may bo worn immedi
ately ufter applying it. For gentlemen's
uso, utter shaving, it stands without an
equal. It Is delightfully perfumed ami
highly pleasing In tho scn-uition It pro
duces when upplied to tho skin.
Heretofore all preparations used for
their emollient effect havo possessed tho
very object lonablo features of being either
sticky or greasy, and often both; but
theso qualities havo been entirely ovor
como in tho production of Wisdom's Vio
let Cream, which owes its peculiar and
distinctive virtues to new remedies hith
erto unknown In connection with prepa
rations of this kind.
It has tho power of preventing and re
moving sunburn, tun, chafed and scaled
shin, and all ordinary Irritations. It acts
bv Improvhii! the softness, clearness and
healthy tone of tho skin, and Its dally a
plication tends to preserve It from the no
tions of drying winds, vivid sunshine, ox
tromo tmiiorutures mid tho llko. Ask
your druggist for It.
Newmarket Block, Portland, Oregon,
Oiler for the season of 188!) the largest and moit complete line of the Very Hest and
lattcst Improved
Of Evory Description.
CiuilllrtliiK Trlfgrmm,
Lust evcninir. after the telouram was re
cclveil announcing that the decision of
tlio lower court bad licen nliirmed in tlio
Hurtmau-iouni: caso. another tclcuram
was received bv ono of Youim's friends.
saving that the decision of tho low or court
i-i. i i .i.... 1....1
iiuti ueiui ruvem-u, unu una iuuhk iiuu
won. This cnupod somo llttlo excitement
umong thu friends of both parties, and
dispatches were sent to Salem, Inquiring
into tho truth of tho matter. The an
swer was (lashed back over tho wires that
tho first telegram was thu only authentic
ono. and that Hartman was tho lucky
man. much lo thosatlsiacttou oi somo ami
corresponding depression of othors. It
seems strange why such conflicting telo
grains were sent in solmportantu matter
- I. -
What n Nnlril I'liynlcliiu Hoys.
CiiiCAiio, Jan. .list, 1888.
W. M. Wisdom.
Dkak Sir: As you requested I have
examined tho formula of your toilot
tironarat on. cal ed "Hobcrtlno." I
can assure you that tho ingredients are
both bland and harmless, and that tho
compound would form an excellent appli
cation in irritated conditions of tho skin.
Yours truly,
AiiTiii'ii I)i:an Hkvan, M. I).
Prof, of Anatomy Hush Medical Col
lego and P. A. Surgeon, U. S. M. II. H.
Mol lie of Mrrtlmr.
A sciial meeting of Umatilla En
campment No. 17. I.O.I). I'., v.111 bo
Held to-morrow (rrniuyj ovomng, io
comber i!l, 1883. All Patriarchs are in
vited to Iki present. By order of
lA)T I.iviii.moiik, C. P.
Quality of Goods guaranteed. Prices the lowest, quality considered.
Call and see us, or send for our
Mailed FHEE on application.
-MauufiK'lurcr nnil Dealer In-
Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Halters,
Keeps always on hand the Best Stock of Har
ness and Saddles at prices lower than any
place this side of Portland. Call
and examine my stock.
James Wheelan
Court St.
a 'if ii it
value a thousand ioiu, oy icooou
7 Cyou think the bill prepared by tho
tax commission of 188U an Improvement
upon i the present law? In what re-Ijects
would you recommend a cliange. In it?
1 do not remember ever to luyo seen
this bill, aud havo no rccpmrnendatlons.
8. Are you In favor of deductions for
'"onWnThe n of mortgages which
should bo considered as an interest in tho
proirty. . , , ,
' .' i.i.. i. nnwnt law which per
All prop-
!wts Of iMizv Piulnnivn. And like
y and l.yilia E. Pinkham, tho
f J. WW
tecoina ii hmiBohold word
weliM but to hump himself to
flxel by
iimiiH nave
.n ...Uini-ll 111
area included eight blocks.
"David the Shepherd Boy" t tlio opera
house on December 27tU and 28th, and
tho creal cause ui ia cw.! j .
ertv Uwt the law makes tho sub ecte ;o
l" 1 . 1.'., i.i i. aul at It full
tluT and" the law should bo very plain
and stringent for tno gu.uanco u. -
As T have Utd above, I consider the
Tho caso of tho Slute vs. I. E. Haling,
charged by John O. Moorhonso with tres
pass iiiioii his premises, was decided in
favor of thu prosecution, und Haling wus
lined 111) and costs, which are considera
ble. Sallm: had commenced building a
fence on land occupied by Moorhouse, a
re-survey by J. 0. Arnold showing that
ho (Haling) was entitled to qulto a strip of
tho tamo. Baling was then arrested by
Moorhonso on tho chargo of trespass and
was lined as nls.vo, Judgo Bishop luldlng
that an undisputed occupaucy of ten
years entitled Moorhouso to tho land,
. ... - . n-l... .....in
regardicsH oi mo nuw survey, mu i
will probably bo upaled.
J. F. ltoblnpon, tho oxort and isipular
shavlst, has commenced operations In his
now barber shop in tho Golden Hulo
Hotel, which ho has tilted up in first
d iss stylo for the comfort of his many
customers. Besides titling It with all tho
apisilntmonts necessary to a woll rcgu
liitixl harlsir shon. he has added u num
ber of neat bath-rooms for tho accommo
dation of those wishing a good bath at a
reUsormbio price. Old und now friends
and customers aro invited to call, and
they will bo made welcome.
It seems us If llio usual Christmas tui-
iri illnner will huvu to m omitted by
many a Pendleton family man, becauso
the central figure of tho feast, tho royal
turkey. Is very scarce now in tno mar-
lints. Ho lonu as your nelnlilwrs' chick'
oiif) roost low, howover, It don't matter
imicli. .
Tlio dvnamos und water wheel of tho
in..,iionn V.iiwirln I.k'lit .t Power Com
mnv urn now belms placed 111 position. A
iriirtlnn eiurino Is the motlvo iwwer tern
iwrurily usod In operathm tlio present
system, which fills the bill In pretty good
i r.r... iio.nHn inui been i8ueu oy
XV lllUIKNttl' ' -
ii. i. i-inrk in J. W. Muir and ftllss Alllo
Haling, who are probably ere this Joined
hv the luolv bonds of matrimony.
Mrs. M. J. ureenoieu on liirii-triuuK
train for the Willamette Valley for tho
(lt of her health, which has wen
fjllliiir of late.
A vnlintf man named George Elliott
committed suicide on Coos bay by shoot
ing himself a few days ago.
Tlio "Hhephard Hoy" a ino orwra
house next Thursday and Friday by local
Singer box cabinet sowing machine!
for sale. Nearly new. inquire ai hub
Thorns Hopper, of Yoakum, fs in
town to-day making final proof.
A fine Masonic building is to bo erected
In Baker City next year.
J, W. Froome, the Centervillo hotel
man, Is in town.
Dance to-morrow night, Milarkcy's hall.
Baths 25 cent at J, F. Itoblnson's.
pardwafe, Iron, $ted
Solo Agonta for Oregon nnd Woflbington for
. . i-ccRE S Nl 'v TEAL PLOWL. . .
Munlo. Duiililo.orTilppli) 1'iiircw. Tliry .10 hi simple nnil roninso nfnrnlioluto iierfo
tlou, Hint lliotn who liavo iikoil llii'in nr I lit m work ran mil ny enough In
llmlr prnUc. Wofiiruliili lliH'i wild or without seul attacliiucrit.
Kent iittmlimtiiU nr tixlru,
33 22 33 33.23 POWER Ijla' BirXjICY PLOWS.
lluekorci Hi)l'rB drain Drill, IlurkeyeHcKilim. llurUoyoBprlnif Tooth Harrow, Huptrlo
Jlruln )rlll,HtirliirKi'iIeri.
rtiM Intrst Improvcil liiiplriurnt fur nowlnir utiinmer fwllow. Tlio rnin.t ivunploto and
urr'rul IimiI lor IliU purKMu In tine.
We Uo hvo full lino ol IIukkIm. CurrUnoii, l')iotoni. Mountain Wagons,
l'latform und othor Uprlnic Vehicle,
liwreoc A CIipln'it Hprlng-Tixith Harrow, p-r Harrow, Bctentlflo VpA 1UIU,
lcllla t'aniiliiK MtlU,
IIA.IMH jiAint wun:, icro., jurro.
4-&kni) run Hi'Ki.iAi. ciucuiwiiiH a.nu I'iuck uiira.
Completely Knocked Out I
After much
solicitation and
demand for our
Kuebler's Oregon Cough Cure,
and medic!
Wo have d t ermlned to again put it on tlio market In attractive stylo nr
nally Improved. For Coughs, Colds und fcoro lliroat Troubles
W HHriintco It t !' 8tlrartloii o Holt b4 thu onjr.
Being mailo on scientific riminles for Voufh atui t.oian, so provaient in tin
Cllll.aiU, Wt 1IICIV U mui mm i wiiiuu... itvuicM.
Komember it costs you iiothln,, o try it : a giiurunteo goes with every Ujttlo. Sold
only by
Despain Block - - Pendleton.