SOKIPAT PAR! Kfir0 TlltAI. HPIIXCItlllKltN TO sKMi-tVHKiti.v ... no. DAILY 70. AitilreM E. O. PUBLISHING CO., Pendleton ... OreKoa. ... Oh.Im tabu naa. llllj county oiini hi L.U office on Subscription, Adver- cr job Printing Account. )L. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1888. NO 249. J HjfoMjT. (wmj IjOIHJK directory. Jiirry Mndy nlHt In Cidil rVl II. T. M. llovn, HM'nn MET0N CMAITKII JJU.!. lb A. M. Jl"'.! H,n Mn.ntlll' Teninlft 1)11 II. 0 i !ih Krlclny of each mouth, nt TX .'i.itTnK Nil. HI. A. V. fcuoti the ncoond nnd fourth Mon ittth month, nt 7M0 o'clock. If. J. i ff, II., n 1 UTWinr., mmicinij . tnlVTON 1.0 DOB NO. M. A. V. A A.M. pyijiv .i, t-.tmtiln in Urn S third Monday of each month nt Sii T. J. MlttUoK, W. M.i It. At.' bu, secretary. RotH ild A Bean, . t nrvin NO. 114. A. U. U. W. Meet t,J Thureday nljht at the Engine it TM o'clock. J. 0. Lkasork. M. f, TClnfUi net-urum. iimiK NO. 32. 1. O. O. F. Meet Ifc'i'VrY" ...... ..ff.Mhi.Uuii. kirf Btiurunr ojciiitiii m.. P ' M. U llBdbrourk, N. O. .t nf eneli month, ni 7 tuu o'clock Ltmmoric.C. li K. a 8HAnoflHcrlbo USB BKBKCOA f.UDOB No. 13, tr, MCl iuw urn tutu vititu bitch month. V ,1 Thun klfONY LOIHJB NO. 24, K. OK P. bwttln Odd Pel own' Hull every Tuva trttlnr nt 7:30 o'clock. J. C. Lkasckk, hj.WUITAKKK.K. Of R.UIKl H. knv K NO. 4. K. OK P. Meet I n lid KfllowV llnll every Weilnenltty .it Ml) o'clock. M. MoiiKlir.Al). (1 KQiRriKLD, k. or lb unu n. CAIISON l'OHT, J. A. It. meet nt irblerJinii every iiiiirxmy nigm. irirrLK, uomrunnucr; j, ri. ijowkn, LEW ATTORNEYS. M. TURNER A OREWH, ATTOR IIIUW. KOOm INnUtl III, ARKOCIS' 1,1'fimiPton, Oregon. JAM PARDONS, ATrOflNEV AT lie. OHIcc Hoom No. II, AMocla- Iri, rtmllrton, Oregon. KYA HW.LKRAY. ATTORNEY Lr nn i. itooiiM 1,3, 3 nu J I Ax i Block, Pendleton, Oregon. tRA FITZGERALD. ATTORNEYS' I Lit. iKhiiii No. A and 8. Amtocln. Ixl, PenJIi'tdii, Oregon, BEAN. ATTOKNKY AT LAW LSni-Maln mrtt, in Thompson 1 Biilldlng, ovr r tbo I'oit-oracc. ItJIISOIt, A1TOKNKYH AT LAW. ft-Orer Klrat Nntlonitl llaok, l'en Oitjon. If.BOTCIIKIt, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, mttmilo, Oregon. Will iiractlee In of Oregon unit tVnutilngton. Col ppronpuy nitonaeu 'o. I'lT i WAOKK, ATTOKNKYH AT it. llooini Snnil tut thn"Kt (int. I'Mldlng, oornorof Main mid Webb trraamon, uregon. IR WHITK, ATTOKNKYHAT Pendleton. Oreson. KoomiSnnd Mbo lllock, ITSICIANS AND SUItGKONH. L-rpRTKM. PHYSICIAN AND HUH- i.tcuo, uregon. rive yenrs tucce.i jiou invuie pructice. WOLD, PHYNIC'IAN AND HUK- uiuce in irvine' unig iiore, in. I V. PIlUI-nT. PIIYHIOIAN AND Mwd. Oltlcei Over Moorliouis A Hore. corner of Jouiuon and nu.rendleton, Orrgou '.KINO., M. D. OKKIOK OVKK iuoue x t;o.'. more, itemaence, on ttl ntnr Court itreet. Ilenldenee teuonecied by telephone with Vll N. Elrvt.lnl blt..tlnt trltfAt. to ftm ' of womeu and children. DKNTISTS. itmli "ENTIHT. OA8 ADMIN- rs .Vnwi Mutn htreet.inTliomp. Bulldlug. Pendleton, Oregon. MECHANICS. JAY. PAINTRIl AND PAPHU tr. Work nroniDtlv done. Iavti Wheeler A Ureene, on Court "RKK8, CONTRAOTOlt AND tr, rndletnu, Oregon. Couatry 5'lty. Kitlmate furrUihedon E??' r"ve onler at renldrnce, If. "Mil Thomp.ou itreeU, I'endle. . uiufpi loiicnea anu prompiiy iDQUlre ut WaUon A I.ubr'M ai'i, JJl'JP11. ULAOKHMITII AND' tMMaer. Alfa and Garden Mi., 'tUregoQ. niuckatnlth work of all It btjll IVMall.lA .nann.. anil nil wttrmv Particular attention lv- noelog. EiLBRV.VfN' "OUSK OAKRIAQE in Palnlerg. Pendleton. Orecnn. ,.V,le.n,:reet, near Courf ureeU wonlry win rerslva nramot atten 'PUngaipeclalty. .ill1 KILKINKON. PRACTICAL li.if.Yloc!t ttBa Chronometer Ma- MiHi? l u''b' old atand, Main ; DDPKAT. KTONK AND BlliOK 3'dio ,on 0re'"1- Tomb- .ti FUtterlnt. 1 1 wl...ia A . . n u jT5" "ecuted reasonably. Hol '"Tnxif partitions. SALOONS. r?rd of Trade." Mmii and rtLdlmni. n..,.An lr.ulr. l(a draugbb Kino Wlnea, Uq Ntu. V0": Hue wlmm.llquoniui.U IKaVlnhart' bowled b?raipt- Wo uro now prepared to oiiKrovo all work iw MonorutriB on cvor.vthlnj? Iioulit from tin, witnoui cimrgo. Buying our GooiIm In larft quantltlcn from different factor ten, we am aoie to . tnrm etituper man at i-oritanu ana outer jtlaceti, where Exjtense are higher. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, WASHINGTON NOTK9. Till: WltKAT MAItltKT, Vnrlou Report rriim IIim I'our Great Mart or the World. Ciiicaoo, Deo. Wheat quiet; Do centlwr eloscilnt$1.0li ; Jnmmry ; May tl.ll. Nkw onK, Dec. 10. Wheat to-ilay Is quiet. Dccembor -DEALERS IN- General Merchandise. Main and Alta Sts. EVERYTHING NEW -IN TIIK SHAPE 0F- Jnnuary l.a?4 5 May l.llj. San Fhancihco, Dec. 10. Wheat ejiHlor. Uuyer tho year $1.44; buyer the season 1.54(H J December $1.654'. l.iVKiti'ooi,, Dec. 10. Wheat llrmcri California 7s. Kd. A It.olutnn by Kiliuunili AiltnlmloD Illll l'linlpoiird-No New from lluyll. WAsiiiNaTo.s, Dec. 10. Edmunds of fered In the Senate, und had referred to tho committee, on foreign relations to-day, u rcHolutlon that tho government of tho United States willjlook with serious eon i ecru and disapproval upon any connoc' tni...t 1 tlon of any Kurocati government with ...... n.... ... ..r ..!.!.. t rtij I lJilBli Ul IIUII Ul VV1I11UI Ul llllj Dlll 1 i canal across tno lsinintis oi lmnen, FOREIGN NEWS. ANOTHKIt COI.U NTORM. February $I.07?s i ! across Central America, and must regard PORTLAND POINTS. of Holiday Ooodi-Tho Ileppner Right Way Criminal Note.-Ktr., Dec. 10. The weather In jHsrfectly delightful, and thu Ktrects uro Hooded with eo)lo. Sunshine Is such it rarity hero lit tho winter time that people mnko thu most of It. Tho display of holiday goods In this city Is mugnlllcent and very extensive. There Is scarcely n store hut exhibits something in that Hue. The leading re tail stores seem to be doing an Immense business. On several occasions during 41. . A 1 . ... " uiu mini iow days a numncr oi any such connection for control ns Iniuri ous to tho just rights and interests of the United Statos, und as a menace to their welfare; also that tho President of tho United Slntes be requested to com muntcate tho expression of tho views of a . 1 il .... congress to mo government oi tno eoun tries of Europe. Wasiiiniiton. Dec. 10. Nothlnu con- flrmntory of the reporttof tho release of tho Haytlan Kepubllu has reached tho Navy or htuto Departments. V asiiinotom, Dec. 10. In tho Houso Sjiringer announced that at tho meeting oi tno committee on territories this morning it was unanimously agreed to postpoun tho consideration of the Terri toriul bill until January Kith houses wore so Jammed with customers ut ditlcrent times during tho day that Ihey were euinolled to close their doors to prevent mote coming in. Tho attractive displays of new und licnutlful hnlfiluv goods, the pleasant ueathornnd the near Order of Railroad Conductor. Cr.iuu It Arms, la., Dec. 10. Tho chief olllcers oi the order oi railroad conductors lnntltntl luir.. lli.t I...... .1... tneso j lx)s Angeles association that ordera west Jewelry, Clocks, Watches and Sil verware, OF THE VEIf Y LATEST STYLES AND DESIGNS. Wo havemscurod tho son-lcos of Mr. Humlln, direct from tho East, who comes very tngnly rccomtnendou, so wo aro umo to guarantco PERFECT SATISFACTION IN EVERY PAltTIOULAlt. CALL AND EXAMINE OUK NEW DESIGNS IN SOLID AND COLD -PLATED COOD8. Comer Main end Court Streets, F. J. DONALDSON. FURNITURE, CARPETS. E. 0. & B. M. WHEELER, -DEALERS IN- FURNITURE, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, ETO. A Complete Stock of Furniture and Carpota. . . - , S al Our Stock Covers 5,000 Feet oi uiooring. GOODS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. 32. O. and E). M. WHKELER SUCCCESSOttS TO FORBES ft WHEELER, Association RulMing Pendloton, Or. ROBERT BOND -DEALER 1N- 1EEF, PORK, MUfTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MtAIi, lahu. Court Street, opposite J, U.'fihoemaker'a. Beer Garden and Gymnasium Hal llarvrau Mine, Prop. MalnBtrett Near I'o-tofflce PENDLKTON, OREUON, Rowling Al'ey and Oymnailuin Room In eonnecilon. Ju-t the pNca lo pend an hour In eiercUlngrnur inuarleand lrengtbenlng your frame. A cordial Invitation to all. Oambrluui Ikerfco. acla. Jyl utiprojcli of ChriHtmas account for II Tho thousand lovely things that confront one on every hand aro very tempting, but III! tho hearts of tho luriM-'teurted. ecu- crous und Impecunious with deep sorrow. Ah Foi). tho Chinaman urroHtnil voHtnr. day for annoying white young ladle, , was tried this morning. Hu was lined 5U for this ollense, und got twenty-five days in lull for being it vug. Tint utut..rj Mltiitfi. . itt.t Mt.rll.. Mill... - .... 7..11, .'.......U Mill. ly IIIU .'IIII1.1, wcro urrcstcd a fiw davs uuu on chiircii of having unlocked a trunk lielouging In J. A. .McCormack and taklni! thorofrom about $70 In coin. Whon tho matter was presented to the court to-day, McCnrmack said hn had xHnlbly nuilo a mistnlio, Suspicion iiolnted t-trongly to the girls, but lie had no proof. Thu young ladles wore dlsmlxsed und tho '"")' rejientant. of tho Missouri river are disbanded, and sav that Old v two local tinlnU urn iiir.wl..l an'd thoro Is no Indication of uny further iiisuuection. it is ciutmeu nun tno new order is organized to ulllliato with strik ing organizations, and as soon us the com doctors learn the nature of it they will nave nothing to io w nn it. Adilre. to Striker., G,LESM,ito, III, Dec.dO. Alox Cavner, oi uaiiiornia, it brotherhood olllclal. ml dressed strikers hero last night. Tho strikers refused to roveul what had oc- cured, but expressed conlliloncuthut tlioro would Iw in the ttoiirse of u few weeks a final termination of tho strike. Cavnor gees to lliitllnglon to-day. A Murilemr Haukknhack, N. J., Dec. 10. John Myers Doremus wus hanged In tail hero tuts morning for tho inutder of his 10 year-old son Juno last, while tho latter two i "llH ueicnuing ins mother irom me ntiuso two 1 01 tllu niurderer. Uoromus died tpilctly, costs taxed up to tho complainant. It fs understood that tho girls will sue for damages. Parties from I leppner state that thero is u good deal of uueuHiness among tho citizens of that placo because of tho ob stinacy of u few In regard to tho right of way through tho city. It seems tho O, It. it N. Co. wus promised tho right of way through tho city before they entered Into u contract lo build tho road, but by somo means tho bond wus mado to build thu mud to Ileppner. Nothing was said about tho matter till thu road was built. Thou u few who hud agreed to glvo a certain projiurllon of hat tho right of way cost, declined to put up for any more, liecuuso It wus not ''so nominated in tho Ismd." Mr. llolcomb was in Ileppner recently und told tho people ho had acted in good faith in bulldlug tho road, und although tho bond, by some oversight, did not cull for tho right of w ay through tho city, nil In terested know that such right bud I -ecu promised. Therefore tho H'0plo were In honor bound only, and thoy could do as they saw fit. Ho did not promise to tako the matter Into the courts. Mr. llolcomb made u very favorable im pression in Heupner, and u tnojority of tho people uro In favor of living up to their promises, even though there Is u ehunce to sneak out of It, us they believe it will bo to their interests in the long run to do so. Tho road fs built to Hcp ncrnnd will lie oieratod, but Ileppner peonlo will find It to their advuutago to respect thu rights of tho company that built it. Tho U. It. A N. can. und prob ably will, do much for Hciinder if tho people manifest u disposition to do tho square thing. EASTERN NEWS. Th Sticking-Point. Washington, Deo. 10. A caucus of Democratic senators will bo held this evening to decide upon u proiiosltlon con-1 . t a . " 1 i I IliailV ( KIVI l VU IT4( earning tno noiiuay recess to io pwn n wL,,.j, fl(JWH lnt0 ,ha Modlteruneun, ne.f lliia lrtitiiltliit'itiu ta.nmrntu It lit unwl I lift T a .... iV" .. : , ir' ''7i ;t , ftariwnno. A nunc & O. Pr.ild.nt. Hai.timoiik, Deo. 10. Chrles F. Mayer uas ueen ciccicd iiicsuient oi mo Haiti more & Ohio railroad. It Is understood he will Inaugurate u vigorous M)lley, such ciiuruitoiizeii unrrctrs inuiiugement. In eluding thu cutianco to Now York bay via r-tuten jsianu. A Denial hy Vlllaril. Nr.w YoitK, Dec. 10. Henry Vlllard denies tho current story that u syndicate, contri llliig u capilul of (80.000, bus lieen lormeu ny mm to buy up ami oterato u largo list of elcctriu patents, Including tho stock ticker service and thu Edlsoti electric lighting nnd other Inventions, )er tha PalU, Hookskt, N. II., Dec. 10. A gang of eleven men were repairing a railroad bridge across tho Murrlmae river, which was swollen, when tho ico began to move, throwing the men Into the water over tho fulls. Thrvo wore drowned, und the others Injured. A Prominent MluUter Dead. Cincinnati, Deo. 10. Itec. Isaac Er rett of tho Christian church, one of tho U-st divines, died this morning, ut u voiy udvunccd uge. Ho wus u lifelong friend of thu late President Gurfleld. Ho was editor of the Christian Stand ard. A WhUnu.Ioii Tru.l, IIiukvillk, S. C, Dec. 10. A meet ing of wutermelon raisers, representing a production of '.',000,000 melons, met here to-day and decided to form n trust to limit tho acreage and fix prices und to entublish its own agencies In cities. Miner. Wtrlfceor Higher Wag... Four Donon, Iowu, Dec. 10. Em ployes of u mining company here huvo struck for an iucreasu of wages. If their demand is not met, 3000 employes of other mines uro preiurod to g out und aid them. Hacramento ftalaaoa In Karope. Ijni,u.v, Dec. 18. An attempt Is to be made to introduco salmon into tho Awde, ireu tiiouAantl etrus salmon will bo placed Ken umicun iironosiiiou tuaue to ine i;in- .... (......,..( . . -.11 it t.l I 'tUlll .W MIMUUtU ocrats is to agree to holding tccess with j r(ver. w.o jrot.u IU1 .i" in . Tom llurk. for Chief Jo.llre. name a day on which thoy IH ugreo Uii n,. n. 'm i, . vote on the pasweo of the Henato substl-l, J'oton. I)ec. 10.- riio President tute for the Mills bill. This Is the stick- nom nuted Judgo riiomas lturke, of ing ,Int ltween the two sides. f. ' V" i,, W The MImImIupI Riot. ' ,-'i-,i..'.', " cartlujuaka i urner conn- lasted four wcro violently Many l.Uee I.o.t nnd Much Property Dee. troyrtl In Cnnada. Monthkal, Dee. 10. Tho fury of the storm which Iiiib been raging Blnco Sun day was considerably seut at midnight. The foundry of King & ltogora has been wrecked by tho fall of Its ninety foot chlmnev which crushed through the five floors of tho building into tho cellar, de stroying all the muchircrv and causing damugu of (80,000. Tales of sulToring aro coming in from tho neighboring towns. Many people becamo lost In the drifts, and have been found Insonslblo or badly frozen. Tho thermometer was fifteen degrees below zero in many places, und thu wind blow between forty ami sixty miles an hour. Six fanners, two of whom were accompanied by their wives, and others by their sons, loft Couchcrvllle. a short distanco below this city, yesterday afternoon, with Christ mas produco to cross tho frozen river. The ico began to break up during the night, und no traco of tho unfortunate people lms been found. A II ooily Tyrant. London, Dec. 10. A dispatch from Zanzibar savs that in tiursuaucu to the sultan's orders, four natives awaiting trial for murder, were horribly executed In the streets of tho town; their heads lielng cut oil and their bodies left where thoy had fallen, exposed and unguarded until tho evening of tho day nt execution. Tho sultan also ordered twenty-four pris oners, Including one woman, who had been sentenced for life, to lie put to death n a similar manner during tnu next week, a fow to Ik) executed each day. Uiu llri Isli consul valnlv protested ugulnst theso atrocities, but tho sultan Proclaimed that In tho future lie will be guided by tho Mohammedan law only. Ho has bestowed tho power of capital punishment on local governors und or dained that their sentences shall not be subject to npi-cal. A Redoubt ul Htiaklm Captured. Suaim. Dee. 10. Tho Ilritlidi havo de stroyed an Arab redoubt, shells busting in und around It, hardly giving tho de fenders a ehaneo to cmtpo, and causing great slaughter. A deserter who has just onto in retKirtH great havoo iimonu the Dervishes In tho crowded trenches. r'lglil In Hamon, London. Dec. 10. A dispatch from Auckland savs that news is i (reived from Samoa that tho Suinoatis under Mutuufa succeeded In capturing most of Atuu ut ter a long battle wlilt thu Iiiiuumcho troops. Thu loss Included 100 killed und suvetul wounded. Absconder Amiirtliy. London, Dec. 10. Three nctlons brought ugaltist ox-Cltv Treasurer Ax worthy, of Cleveland, Ohio, were settled o-i lay In the court oi I ho queen m Is'iicn, Axworthy ugreed to pay X.r.'.OOO and sur render Ids proKitty In America. Punamii Cunul Trouble. London. Dec, 10. Tho stockholders of tho Panama cunul company will hold a neetlng Junuury "ttlt to discuss tho course they shall pursue In vluw of the company's dilllcultles. Cannot Interfere. Paiiis. Dec. 10. Tho tribunal of the Seine, having lieeu urged to savu thu Pan- umu Canal Company from bankruptcy, Icclarcd Itself miwerless to interfere with tho duo course of law. The Chicago lUfealctl. Kvdnkv, N. K. W., Deo. 10. A game of basebuu wus piuycu nero inis noriioon between tho America a 0, Chicago 3. urlcun teams, All Amer- , . ... . ,. , . . yicu vimries rv. imyio, ucceuseu. WaiulacW. Miss., Dec. 10. A report. Aii.i Lk..iii. overtook four negroes, participants In i Ju''w"0', 10, Yn, Hnndav nlLtht'a tr!iL...ili-. One reeistcd t WttH ,olt "Kington und nnd wis riddled with bullets. Tho other ,les ttt. thin inornlng. It it three weto lunged to the surrounding i, down all the i "-- Itullditigs tiees. Tho t-os-o bus run neuroes who (led to tho hills on tho nlitht of thu ufrruy. Ttiero a o at least fifteen other negroes In hiding, HappyTacuina. Washington, Dec. 10. Tho president bus approved tho act grunting the tiro of certain lauds in IVjrco county, Washing ton Territory, to tho city of Iiicornu for the purposes of a public park ; ulso un act to establish a land olllco at Folsom, New Mexico. A llu.lnr. lllock llurn.d. Iron Moo-tain, Mich., Dec. 10. A business block wus burned this morning; loss, 1100,000. fityllth Chinaman, St. Paul, Dec. 10. One hundred Chi namen creuted u sensation last night by having a "swell" dinner at tho fashion ablu Ityan hotel ut u cost of t.rj JKir plato. No Olllclal r.w. vt. New Yoiik, Dec. 10, Tho HaylUn acting consul slates thut up to-day no official informatloii has Ijccu received from Iiujti. I'lon.rr Ie4il, Halkm, Dec. W). Undo lUi. Do IjihIi mult, ouo of Ihu best-known pioneers of Oregon, died ut Dallas, Polk county, this forenoon, ugod 74. Hotel Arrival. Vi ix a up HotisK O F Drake and wife. John Morlarty, T K Townsend, A Akeu, .Mrs Miermiiu, w ai jiiiis, roruanii; re ward Ulcott, Pilot rock; w t; j.ictios koy. Colfax ; Win Allen. Chicago; ML Olmsted, A J Ijiwreiice, Culvln Hyde, IlaWCIty; J M Kluvuus, Dayton; WM HuyruJr, D Chrlsmuu, Knokuno Fulls; Ur w 1' riiniiii. Aiountuin Home, niano; F Henderson. Walla Walla: W 1 Graham, Farmlngtouj I E Ruling, Wes ton ; Ed Strahon, City. Howman House r K Aiurpny; n Ilanihlll. Enterprise. Or: E 11 Hnvder. Portland; UWillalock, Adam Ulsjr: 0 it Nicholson, Kumola; W lloylen, Pilot Hock : F O Woods. Salt tako: A tuhnke. Winona, Minn; Tim OTool, Astorlu. Goi.dkn ltui.K K M Denton, It M Powers, Porter Graham, K 11 Nye, J W Youmr. 1) I) ICaru. II lrltehard, Weston: F H Daggett, Moscow; J T Llouallen, Adams; Jus I-anegun, John Morrison, Meacham: John Foster. Ilutter creek: (J O Smith, MiniijJ H Sanders. Elleusburg ; A w Dauimer, juuier; it uurk. Ina; G II lUiigliorty, Ileppner; 1) Good, Nolin; Owen MuMahony, Mcln tiro, City; W II Caldwell, Alba; Win Franklin and wife, Hartvillo, Mo; W A Miller, (1 II Cad un ted and wife, Portland; M E O'ilrlen, U H A: J A Llouulleu, A J Sullivan, Ixno; O kustmuu und wife, II V lleovow, W O Schwurtz, Now York; Mrs King und daughter, J H King, Nollu; ItOlcott, Pilot Itm-ki II O Grlso, Chi cago; H L Wilson, Pomeroy; F M Jtockwood, Miss I Fluker, Helix; J M Moore, Kansas; M Smith; J G Myers, .Missouri Cunyon; W II Chafo, Odeu, Utah. Frank Merrltt, wanted at Hpruguo or forgery, was taken (hero this morning by u countable who cumo after him. Hois ulso wuiitvd ut Wultshurg for rteullng oats, llels tlio raino fellow who made u pieteiiM) to hung himself lust spring be cause u girl refused him.